HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-20, Page 4111 X El T M , 444,17CrUST2� The Maisons Bank (Incorporated by Act of i'erlialneut 1'+aii} Head. Odice. Mo urea I. Capital tall paid up) .-- ;4,000,00 #3eserveroud - .- $2,800;00 38 Bx;tnchee in Ontario, (uebee, Alberta, Th itisb; Columbia and Manitoba. EXETER BRA11TO31 Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. m. to 3 p, nl., except Saturdays, 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. Farriers Sale Notes cashed or eol- 'acted. Forms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of eltlr deange. SA.V1NGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 80th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest , current rate of interest allowed. Advances make to farmers, stock .dealersand business Wren at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. GIOESON & CARLIN•G, N. D. HL'RDON, SOLIOrrORB. MANAGER iu ( x1. i ei Caps Calendar for August 1903 SUNDAY.... , 2 9 18 23 30 MONDAY 3 10 17 24 31 T17ESDAY 4 11 18 25 WEDNESDAY... 5 12 10 26 THURSDAY6 13 20 27 FRIDAY7 14 21 28 SATURDAY 1 8 15 22 20 THURSDAY, .ALTGU.ST 20ne 1.903. 1.11E WEEK .tct'!TI P.:1RLii , IENT pollee,* (1.m Sa,teerslay, defend- etr 'his amuse, and • criticising thn elepert of the Judiein,i-Comenteeion. 1l3safcrire c)t,rsitng:hie refineries' Mr.. e7 emcee ,lae;frelrreel to the •b'urzru, t poLiey^ of the rovexament in dealing with the mints duel timber limits in New Ontario, ;arid .refeered to Mr. Dh•els,. the:' Min- ';ster of the Crown Land% IDelptirt'ment, -;oi S a weakbndod man, perfectly in- eapable of looking after 'tile comet 'liaterests in that line. Tile mining law lee said was wrong. it was ',made. • for Rho.ri'ah ,men such ,as Cbargue, endl; )t,he oclr mate has no ,chanoe']tvhoett lever to WIN/Xs •one cent outiosf tthir fihcv'tilnee's natural wealth of mineral tend timber. 'Wet 'leeg to join issue .vtitt'.l'• Mir.iGa•mey on the latter assertion. Can fills stave so soon•fo•rgoLte'n the "stake" uhiich .that poor old xn;ten "Oap' ',Suha made u1e out of a timber ; spei:ulte- ioat right on the island where the member for Manitoulin lives. - The "Oap," 'net a former' umber insltcteter4 perephe y�eel, 'by tiled ferervvin 'Lauds ' 0 e.1 tpf rtment, knew of a choice location hat the Sliirtist•er had ue:rer heard f. Ile made a:Debit;txtliten for it, but. ewes Informed that lie would have 1 o vita ui' $25o to tit De•peri,nlen>r In lescieange for this plot. The poor man -hadn't the ready money. but wind a ,ci;ssrk en alae t:'rawn.'Lands Rico willing to a:dlsan e. the.. .e.et) in vier that he .might not be diss1 - epoi:ntled,l The deal wts accordingly ;made, Llbe >350 prod in. Tl old Oho timber for $,9;000, being $8,750 n packet. Whet diel he do with? all telhis money? Old he keep it, as a•ny Imam would whta came by itidxo'netatl'g? fley no means. The poor feelt,w wets o filled • with "greetitude" that he gave the clerk one-half of his profits. I As this deal was sworn to at the amey inquiry be ora the Commis- Olen, ommis_jjl�gin, it should have been fresh in Iltr. G amey'ts ms?xn ry. He may !well ��_• brink .the edminishrlation in Crown • The week in Parliament oras devot- 'wands, vvenk'axxd %ncapatble, but fit • ed to, the. gov2;rinment's Grand Trunk* Pa'•oe of fire Sullivan -Taylor deal, hove lee Pacific bill, So far no explanation of 'starn ecure a ectat�' out:ahat f th• 1e t mbeear x�tre- ;th.releeme has been given tot fie esouices of the Province? nount:ry. Three ministers ltavespoken abut they !ail dealt with emeety,i,eener- • alilies based on re•oords of doubtful • origin and quite unal+propriate when Applied 'toe a modett'n railway. 1I.otn. A. G. 1ivinir •made a mc:st•vt- garous attack on the government's ipr'oprosal, which he deeeared wee.soiee Iy fax the benefit. of Senator George Cox. Ha showed that the line will ,gest -over one hundred nxlllion•'dollars tor which .no returns will he rrceived; by the country, al•Ir. F. D. Monk, leader of tdlxe Que- ;be;c Conservatives, declared that his • !1'rravtince would receive no benefit from the .new road. Many railroads were needed in the settled portions of that great division of the. Dominion; • but the Gr'a'nd Trunk Paicific would . not give any relief. •Mr. Barker, the Conservative mem- lier for Hamilton, ea5pose'i the dupli- city which has characterized the ne- gotiations between the Grand Trunk • Illresidrmt, Mr. Hays, and Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Hays made promises to the Railway Committee which he went down stairs and violated as soon as he saw the • premier. He also• showed .that while the govern.m•ent will be -,.. ,etngage+d in const%, Letting end 'maint u- fning the eastern division, the Grand ?Trunk Pacific will be operating the the Western divisive and sending 'its fireigtht ,through United States termin- . ,els lion. Jcthn G. Thaggart, by indisif:u- tabie evtidenee. showed that the road fx'!crm 'Moncton to Winni,Peg would all 'pass through a country which was ab- solutely barren, and difficult to build o .road through. In the .pulalle aeocunts committee, coimm,ieeloner McDougall, who had ethiasrge of the census in Middlesex. ad- . witted that many e•f the ;accounts clar- -tufted by hien were fraudulent. Hon - Sydney Fisher, however leas 'paid the ltihtoit w1tbout a murmur. NBIURALGIA',S AEONrES• Have you Neuralgia? Have, you fail ed io get relief? Do you despair ; Ner- viline will. cure you. Five times great er me,3icinal power tlrfx,n any other remedy- in the world --more penetrat- ing, more soothing. Pain cannot exist if Nerviline is used. cures toothache ' in one minute, breiaks up a rolrl.in a night. Its action in pain internal and pain external borders on the marvel Ions, Thousands bays testftied to this neglect no longer; use Ne•rviline. de ru,;,,;ni{xts everywhere sell it.. elA LMOY) FORGETFUL. Mr. R. R. Gxm,ey spoke, at. /, ctrovv;3 ed meeting of the South Ontario Liberal'-teenser•,v'ative• A.sociatlon; at •post air , ._ . ,.. R. .a. a'.1. X•' +'♦h-X,Y..I. Yl••raAU"T CI "My hair tame out by the hand- ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. l tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com- ing out and restored the color." -- Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara- tion as flyer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara- tion. $l.Oo a bottle. Ali diragest*. r. t R iY your' dinggist cannot supply yon; /lend us one dollar and wo will express yen a bottle. 7Be sero andgive the name Of your nearest morass once. Address, 3.0. AE13, CO., Lowell, Mass. • '• 4': Yt IT WILL GIVE YOU AN APPETITE And a stomach to take care of it, a digestion t:liat will fill your veinswitn rich blood; if weak it will strengthen the heart ; will make the liver slis- clv:t.rtee its proper functions. Ferro - zone will do all this and more too. Ferrozone will increase your nerve force, and capacity for mentaa labor, and will make work a roil pleasure. Every man woman and child can de -- rive benefit from Forrozone. At all druggists. THE GREAT PARKS OF COLORADO.. constitute one of her chief glories. They contain fields, forests, and plains they are watered by creeks and rivers and contain villages and farm homes ;. they have springs and lakes where Ito- tels and. other places of amusement arra found for those seeking health and recreatlan. To enable people to rea.c,Ir these favoriable. lotcolities without Un- necessary expenditure of time or mon- ey, the UNION. PACIFIC has put t;:into effect very low rates and splendid train iservice from Mlrrouri River to/ penvar. Acna'twmodatlOns are /aro%ided for all classes of passengers on these trains, the equipm1e,nt including free itei'itning ethair ea''a dining ears%buf,pt smoking cars, drawing -room slespelrs, Itiay ce:ac'hes, e+tr.. For information addres II. 'F. Carter, T. P. A. 14, Janes Building, Toronto, Canada, F. B. Choate, O. 'A.., 126 Wood ward ave., Detroit, 11Iich. FOR 0YR;RSIS'rY EARS AN Oro stir, W>rr.r.4 Rum REM$nr.—Mr. winglew's Soothing Syrup haq been used for over sixty years by minims of mothers for their children whi'e teeth'm'. with perfect All( 00.E it .nnthes the child. -ort ens tate gar", allays all pain, cures• wind colic. and in the best remedy for Iirarrhoae. It Is pie•a.,a.nt to the tawte. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. its value is incalculable. Be c ne and take Mrs t%insiow's Soothing Syrup an I r sk'or no other kin. GENEMA, L NEWS The Stratford, knitting Company Limited has been incorporated, with R. M. Ballantyne, K. C. Turnbull, and W. W. Gray, wilila. a capital 'c,Q,$40,000 ,During the past year 36 new Metho- dist abaurehes and 12 new parsonages leave beein ereabeul in the, Nerthi-erest Ter nitories, at a total cost of e60,000. All cases of weak or lamer back, backache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Beiladoua Backache Paas -- tees. Price 25c. Try them. Rev. Dr. James Henderson,, associate m:iesio,n serce1nj;,v of tihe Methodist church, who was kicked by a 'bores two months ago while in Manitoba, has almost recovered from the acci- de,nt. Thomas Thompson was taken to the Stiraltford Hoq'pital, an Monday. He had been brought from Blyth with a broken batik tb;rough being thrown out of a, buggy. ' More eases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with Less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pilin than by any other means Pref. Riddell, of Wesley College, Winnipeg, Who recently left there to teet.eleet a meeting of t;ho exetatative tiff Wee projected college at Edjneriton, b.as been taken suddenly till at i; bat place. Reports are coming in Pram the surrounding country that tire frost of Wednesday night bast, damaged the Lomato crap to some extent. The po- tatoes were also touched 'but nol rsa badly. They make one feel as though life wars worth living. Take one of Ga.r- ter's Little Liver Pills after eating; it will relieve dYepepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. 1lthic Levee elf Lunk'now, Ont'., :will likely purchase the eitee,tiric light pleat Orem tfh,s owners and install la, modern system. Mr. D. F. Sti'ekband, electri- oat engineer, of Toronto, has the mat- l:er, in hand for the town. IJflON, VIDDLISEX, PERTH All the hews of Interest to Times Readers Happening in these Counties. Huron: 01ittntnnls rate leastbseeal struck at 23 mills.. These unhappy peasons who suffer firm ,nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve •Pills, which are nead,e exopresly far sletuplei s, ner- vous dyslreptee suffer era. Price 25 cents. ll]r. William Quin, vv;bia at cue title was brakesmau on the C. P. R., outeof Winnipeg, but who has been at his (helloes home. in mast eeleeterantoshifer ,Ubo past. year and 'a half fuffctrierg from What dread disease, consumption, rind has been living in a te.nt.in the 1ursaleard rail sunxmer, died Sat urday noirming at 7 o'clock. ;1,rhe ciav,atar of t Seafortb.Milling, g'amparey is ;fast nearing 'compl,eltion. The Icatree tt tctr work and framing wilt be'completed tthtis week and ready ;for the Installation of the machinery. 11iie wcerk has progressed more rapidly then even the firm had anticipated, so ghat tlrey vault be in excellent shape foe business early in the fall.. Some idea of the building may be obtained( taronx ,the fact that oavcr forty men were em- ployed on the tonstulucttion for over two weeks, wihile four tons of spikes end 150,000 feet of lumber was requir- ed far the job. A SCIENTIFIC VOICE IMPROVER I3esause of its sbee a t.henintg in-. fluence upon tihe vocal chortils, Cate arxhozone cannot be too highly recom- mended as a wonderful voice improv- er. It almost instantly removes hush_ iness ox hoarseness, thus insuring aloneness and brilliancy of tone.. Crt- t.aer'hto:zone keeps the mucous surfac- es in perfect condition, and its regular use a.bsodutely preevents colds and throat irritalien, thereby removing the singer's greatest source of anxiety unfitness of voiee. The most eminent speakers and Prima Danes would not be without Catarrhozone and credit in no Ismail degree their uniform strength,and brillanoy of tone to its influece. The hard rubber inhal- er fits conveniently into a purse or rest pocket, and may be used in the church, theatre any place or am•e. Complete outfit $'1. Small size 25c. Druggists ar Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Perth The Grand Master has appointed Mr. R. T. Ilardieg, barrister, of Strut ford, Assistant Grand Secretaryof the Grand Lodge of Free Mar•,ons. • R. R. Gamey, M. L. A., hos acecptet3 an incitation to speak at a picnic, under the auspices of the Ifilicerton Public Library, oini Augetst 27. If you once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for stele headache. billiousnass, or aolnsttpattion,you will never be with- out their. They are purely vegetable small and easy to •take. The Ipopulattrion of recent arrived Englishmen in 'Stratford is. 'steadily growing and is now over one. hundred end fifty. Several arrived from Peter- berowgh dlureng the Mast, ifetvv :dilys,alnd, still more aro expec•tcd. ' if you airs tired taking the old-fash- ioned griping pills, try CartereeL•ittla Liver Pills and ' take 'some comfort. A. man can't stand everything. Ono pill ei these. Nay thrtm. An alccidelnt occurred neer Wart,- burg, art-burg, last week, by which e little 3udiaa:n girl broke one of her; arms near the wrist. The victim is • a eetiu.ghter off oma of the flax ,pullers and ,WOO sets ting on a Leigh board, Lence•,• .when, without wen:zing she fell to the greened. Church, Stratford, is ill in a haspit'tl in Glasgow, Sc'otla'nd., of a slight, at- tack of . typhoid fever. He attended Lhe synod in Vancoueeirr, and immeeli- ately afterr'vvards left for a trip ito Scotland. He was expected tho'me next vv'eek, but his return will be';delayed some weeks. A fine of $20 and aostsltw is imposed on the pantiles who dynamited the!?iv- er Thames in the neighborhood of Ful- tartoin, a few days 'ago, for Mho pur- purpoisc of killing and 'catcthing bass therein. This should be ae warning to those who persist in breaking the game laws. Orlr & Russell, o;f:St ra)t/ord, arel';'r- gaged at present indrawing designs for a'new ,potato planting machine, in- vented by Mx. T. B. Johnston, of that city Mr. Johnston has patentetla one fox Cainadtian markets, but tlhe prei- sant design is tor the American! mark- et. The machine is a largo osis', anti' will bo found to be a most useful one Itching Skin Distress by day and night - That's the complaint of those who are so unfortunate as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt Rheum -acid out- ward applications do Dot cure. They can't. The source of the trouble is in the blood -crake that pure and this scal- ing, burning, itching skin disease will di.aippea r. "I Waa taken With an itching on my arms which proved very disagreeable. 1 concluded it was salt rheum and bought a bottle oI flower; Sarsaparilla. In two days after 1 begun taking it I felt better and it was not long before I was cured. Have never bad any skin disease since." MBs. tit E. NYAuti, Cove Point, lid. Hood's Sarsaparilla raid the blood of all impurities and cures all eruptions. t 1903, If you are "afraid of laxatives" here is one th , t really will not draw you into the laxative habit. Little medicine tablets that cure Indigestion and Constipation—gently, naturailyy, permanently. ly• Tiny Tonic Tablets Pr ve t e the Sickness—a tonic th.: t will build you up—keep your blood pure and your nerves quiet. Stare, gentle little " helps'to .health " that will give you energy and vigor to withstand the enervating heat of summer., iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets are gentle but unfailingly effective. They will benefit you, your children, everyone, who needs better digestion, purer blood, more energy, moret1. nes gth. Your druggist will sell you fifty Irorn-ox Tiny Tonic Tablets, packed in the neatest aluminum box you ever saw, for twenty=five cents. If you cannot get them at your druggist's, Tia Iron -ox Remedy Co., Limited, Wafcerville, Ont., will send them, prepaid. far 20 cents. Lt.r4lyi`.S�"+iSD:tA v.t. ..«_-:. �Y•'d �r�.7�.4 ,....:..1- �''ri What, i Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor . Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years; use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, Stares Constipation and. Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates, the Stomach alad 33owels of Wants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine fo_ children. Mothers have repeatedly told the of its good effect upon their children." DR. G. C. Oscooa, Lowell, Mass. THE FAC -SIMILE Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre. scription known to me." H. A. ARCHT U, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y' SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WR/PFR r CI .,T01111 CC OMMPOMYrt�•s,T MV9A,v L'%, • - • 1117,47711:4.M*.7" 1.4.. aye il.r._Ns...lGi:`ah-:�It,f�,q:., , ' r ♦YI. 4* Effect of Chloroform on Chinamea. It takes a very largo dose of chlo. roform to anaesthetize the Chinaman. fie passes under its influence more slowly and rarely shows the excitement often characteristic of the initial stns - of anaesthesia. Still more rarely does be sutler from sickness on his return to consciousness. This greater apathy of nature helps to recovery from severe accidents and operations. -London Hos SEVERE TOOTHACHE., "I have used two battbee of Dr,. Low's Toothaiehe Gums and find it splendid, It 'cured erne 01 ?tihe, worst ;toothache iI evteir had," Eivtiiaa• Rill, 31vla, Man,. Guessing at the heat of an ovate spoils more food than inexperierssed Books. Dainty pastry and delicate bikes are ruined if the oven is too hot or not hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range does away with all guesswork. The least experienced can tell to a certainty when the oven is ready for baking or roasting. Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the Imperial Oxford Range Most conking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you know that the heat of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact temperature. Write for the Imperial Oxford booklet. Or better still, will you call at one of our agencies and see the stove itself? The Gurney Foundry CO. Limited Toronto, Canada Montreal, Winnipeg Vancouver SOLD BY T. HAWKINS & SON ALL THE >y, ' ' USEFUL Branches tree taught in the F. 0. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not gtu rantei'd nice jobs, but after a course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain employment. lint we first equip them to maintain the high reputation this school has acquired. J. it WESTERVELT, Principal. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may' quickly aseertair our opinion free whether am invention is prod ably patentable. Communion. tions strictly err ddentlal. Iinndbook on Patents. sunt froo. 010 Nst agency for securing patents. Patents tal on through Munn 5 Co. receive.* special notice, without enargo, In the SCl�hifii� .erica. A handsomely illustrated woody. Largest air- nutation of any solenttdcVernal. Terme, 34;3 a: sear t four months, $l. Sod by all newide ere. MUNN & Co 361Eroadway,New York Branch Once. 62.5F st, Wsuth'ngtee. D. C. To intitre � �O� OneliCn �Y� >p� . Take Laxative lBromo Quinine °r ets. Q on every seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature., :, • ^ ''-'/ bo . 25ca