HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-20, Page 1THIRTIETH YEAR—NO_ 28 EXETER, ONT., CANADA,, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20 Tu 1903 [04.4.44++++++++++++++++++++ 4.+4+g++++++++++++++++++4;$14+ I 4; 'F • • **t 4 CEMENT If you want the best results use Ni11olld1 and StdrBrau 6emdllts WE ABE SOLE AGENTS Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever. 4 Hessen G. J. Sutherland; Notary Public, Conveyan Oar, Commissionor, fire Insurance Agent, and Tssuror of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates., Money to loan on real estate at low rates of interest. :p Grand Band Eagle Nichol, Mitchell. Offiee at the Post Mee Iiensall It duping �n2 1�7 and 5 anills pill iflit3 tlolu 0 anrd 7, rin'ivaliioh lie;lrocieived bod rjudrge. After a close examination the ilYp e +cteixk rvais instructeal to. prepare ;docIdea to giro tike following first priz- e, by -Law autlhplizing the eame� lelvy. ctrl Mildrrd 1 IWtaker, Wingb'azn; as bast year on the whole 'ratable�,prb.-,Gladys Brown, (Rev.) Mitchell; Harold per'tyy of the total:aihdp for counc.'y pur- 1Pair`t'riallge; Marguerite Carr/nil iolels a trate of 2 mills oaths dollar, • pro x , :' I ltnci i race. I l, Lomm dollar preducatn:g $6,125. The :eoun-. 1 P ' p r"t : • :T Y 130.1 -Mr. G. :Joint visited his brother far all esrtinitaited that with this rater they ;woe; e;aExetert /. 2 ,,.Ste arttwrtXan Jones about three w'.eie];;s, , wtouLd br ablte t,o meet tL r,paopor.- , +1. -Arnold MacAathur is visitingSar- bleu of granoiitlhiie side -walks in th'a: I'A�I�ns�raue, 0Gordon Hanson. i hamlet of Grnmton, as well as ail othe!x ygrdis-lsrt., 1I. I'oly- slam ter a tear alatya, 1uarbilities. ell ; 2wd„ :1;eBalialarrorio.rgulwt.,;riSirrciaasrirtds. xd.• Mii+13 Jetaln ,M;aeArIther, of Landon, Anumberof aaccounts were ordered tI.xdieis'tsjt„11LissaI3ot3i,lrxu,1rs.. Ila;sti .+ is vilsiting herr uncle het r Le be paw, ` --Miss Mi, BliagfCns, of Landon, ills The council. adjourned to meat again .i'n 2e I'� � ill. May, • finder Twine We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for you. Come in and get what you need and be ready when harvesting time comes. Scythes and Snaths, Turnip Hoes. We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. Eavetroughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. tiMMINIVOMM ist IIKIATEIN'S da SON n' d tainice-=• ID. STANLE'`4, Clerk. ;all; 2nd., Rely. H. Saandeirs. This celebration closed with concert Meeting of School Board on base ball ground., around a lt�uigh 'vrisiting her aunt, Mrs..'W. C. Davis. an Tuesd,ay Septlot at 10 a m + tt. • i'"oav --,.The Masses Beek, IL Macre, .W. ;Damp and AL rown are spending this week at the Baine, .Miss Rase Ywngblut is `home from, the United Staters. Miss lBeras)on, of . • I3ibtabur.g, is hero with her. F -Mr. Carlisle, of Detroit, who was( a clerk in Dr. McDiaar(mid's 'drujg,sto're, a visited his mother for u'we{ek. +I° I •-Ourr tux sate ie 10 1-2 ,mills, Maids up .of school rate 4 0-10, yil&age. ratera 5 mollis, county irate 9-10 mill. , a. -Muss Basthaape end Mr. Smith, of St. Marys, :have been visiting relatives there •end are new at GranditBend.t. +I+ c _torts. Hod2th13, of Lucian, 'Miss Hod- atgins, .of Toronto, and Miss Lynda . ea 4 Loudon, are visiting Mrs. 0,. McDonetll -Calif+ +++++8 F++ +3+f+4.1.44+444.44++ 44444-1-4.4.4.+44•1444+4,++++++++ The Latest Thing in Cloth Is always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor are looking for one, try us, One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for the same Portland Cement money than we will give you... AVE just received a, ''e Can Convince You =.Our vrilllage owned made a grant of $25 bo the ,public lifarary., ;Thilnk of Liiacring the use of a public. lribnatrty,.forr 50 cents ,a ° yealr. Mrtt. J. C. Stoneman and two seas are visiting at Lambetth•. They, :will 'visit `several .plaeeta on Atha 51..Isaw- a'eace belliare i;lyelir xle(Wurn. -Mr.- Wm. Trott, who has been 10' for Mr W J iM11er secured bonfire followed by a magnifioient S•pelctial meeltitn;g of the Board; he11i display at lite works. Tim fire' works were in Charge of Mr. Art hu r• Selina in bhie Town Hall, Monday, July 27th; tendon. altl 8 ,pi, m., sv�,utlh a,ll; menaberrstpre(yaant. '.Me following is the order of ;bolsi--; A GRAFT THAT IS A GRAFT. nests dully submttttted and appxiolvied Per H. Huston and W. J. Carling, bOhnI@t time alto, Ar*{niei ciV Mise, ,.cif That the �eoImmunleation from Vitas Wan:tearr, Ont., ne,cured from The gorv- Vos air be :held over for can,siderattion`` 'arh'imsmt 'a twe!nyj-one year Latarse; laf at the next meeting at ;the.iBaaald.t 300 minas off coast on Had;son rBny Mx. Per W. J. Carling and G. Eapretet - That the question of •te,aebe'rs .pranro- tions and the •englage�lrient o,f a Junior Mr. 111reNee ,promptlysiold out his night teacher be deferred for one week.. to, a,n American, syndicate, who rvilil de Per H. Iius'bon and .1,V. J. Garbing.- velo;p the valuable fisheries 'in their Tana Geo,. E,atarieltt and the chaLnman! pat✓s,essicin. The gav'er'ninent norr^lvro- be a (crotminitbes to furnish a s5utablle poses bo do the .right thing 'by the. recommend for the refiling principal, United States lease holders, and will Mtrr. U. N. A:ndelrt9lon. fit out ,an expeditiontto Hudson( B'ay Par. W. J. Caxl'ing.-:9rd}'ournunsenllta at a aastt of $150,000, L :or� lOr tci de- Mcnday, August 3rd, at 8 p. m. tetrlmtine ;the 'beat method of keeping 1�er H. Huston. and•W. J..'Carling.--^ other .eSmewLoan fishe'rme'n from poach' That Miss Pringle be 'promoted to the ing on tmie preserves .oC these rvho were; chiarge of No. 4, at the eatery • paid in fortunate and far• sighted enough to e $150,000 welt Pair S. Marton axu, van . d beta m'elna l rslimin, McNee agreed to pay a rctn,tal+a£ $t0 DU annum, and secured the exclusive. right to fish over this large territory. mor ing that d`e'partment. buy .out Mr MioNe+s Th a goo d Job in , the foundery at Sea- L J T; t Iry u ' , outlay. D'ual4 for tb, and left itere.•this week.,,• Miss Carling be promoted to the ing the summer manthts a fishery -Mr.. •C�ggkge Brown attlelmdecl th+a charge of Miss Pringle's department. protection service will be (maintained I. O. 0. F. Grand I,odgattmeietting axil Per H. Huston and NV. X. :Carling,- by the ,government. This will cost •a, Hamilton. on Wed,nesaay,and Thane -That Miss 5. 3. 'Irwin be (ails io'1f�teldi to large sum each year, and the; oinly rt day, as ucepresentatave, of Hensaillodge the char*^ -' No. g turn to the .a,1., ,;stration w'ili h; i:h 17 salutes t .,. -_ .• -- ,i :`i rat unter -then] or a ensuing -Mx. J L+'. McDonald eDoaald has for some -�" `a .'S . ' e II t 'ilio 't 1 d b 'M '"� alveel daeext in Gualg tr, uut1 ' that our stock of grin treatment, and is soon igo n•'c hope i t iii . We t � tri a Ile will go...1w,, � an �' � n :fie and Summer goods is do him an ini nesse amoun,E pt good. unequalled. See for Niiclhol Shi2^i`d, of 7iitunit(oba',• is visit Ola moltherr' and other meanhers( of yourself. w1- J. Evans an ' 1I. us o i.= a+ �� ,pYy3,r_si pa,i y r. 1,rEe's sub - e zlleilxnal I tbs. olla'nnng . sal, ha lie lit't1 s tcr�i6eJ.'tS_ Clanada' nma: , �,1E ing8 arost3 {bel a,rh~ t f t9ue w cvc, '•11 J p g' else is gall rear• Biot a .or. 3 Mli.'5� V es alau ix$g , '• e�x;;.-.. r �1r 400;;tNo. y ' $ Who. were the �ptarties associated with. 4,• aMeS Pringiii1 "300 ; No. 5, Miss Wal- rond, $1300 No. 6,;Miss Coaling, :$280 ' McNee, Who have. sufficient `pull to ing ms Na. 7, Miss McCallum, $280 ; No. •'8, hang about mach, a large ,publiaPexpen- htis family. Iiis broths,`, William: of Miss S. J. Irwin $280. ditlwrof ,Three igotvelrn;ment refuses 'act 'Detroit, was tome for a favv;dlays,lint Z'efr W. J. •CaslWng and S.lylmrtin, tell Parliament. . reaurned on Tuesday, weco'miptanfied' .by th tti 'bee xf the Miss Sylvester" who has been visiting the 1llusses Shur•ra for 'same' `weeks. FOWLER BROS THE OLOTHERS, H ENSALL. W. Taman. Meroli•aarat Tailor, NEW PIANOS We have just put in stock several new Pianos in the latest designs and .of the Best Makes at Popular Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show them to you. Organs always in stock. fA. good second hand Bell Organ :in good order, for sale cheap. The Bicycle Season lis with us and those Cushion Frames .are just what you want, We have them at moderate prices. Sewing lifladhines )In all the leading Makes always in ,stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs for .same. Call and -sae us. We are always Ibusy but will be glad to give you any •information,about our goods you may ,desire. �. iartin. O MLa;ren Cry for *4` 'CASTOR IA. H VY tity of the best gralie;,of Port - and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WOOL WANTED 5000 Ibs. of wool wanted for which the highest Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store. houses. tluan- • JOS. COBBLEDIOK Zurich -Dr. lwab;anal:, of Zurich, who re - cantly returned 'from( a trial Itof Lye coast, is visiting Chicago. Dr.:Wattle ,and this son, Norman have 'chargeilof Iris 'rpract,t'ice.• - Staffa -A little'girl glaadens tato home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dalton. ,-Mr. end Mrs. Archie Miller and daughter, Blanche, are the /guests of Mrs. Drake, an the (vile{atm. ' -Mils. Pagan, frim Cleveland, was visitanlg ,her pa,rentts, Mr. 'and. Mrs.' Dhltoin, a few,daystlast week. uenutne Lastorla always bears the Sigratur, or Chas. H. Fletcher. When Baby was sick, we gave her Casterie when she was a Child, she cried for castorir. When s',e became Miss, sac clung to Castoria, When she had Chiidren,slie gave them Castoria. —THE Merchants Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, (CAPITAL :all paid up,) ....... ....+ INH[OS, bl ,Y -SHE, General Manager $6,000,000. $2,700,000 17. F. iiIIBDEN, Superintendent of Branches A:GEN RA,L BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on 'Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Letters of Credit issued available in China Japan and , lother foreign countries. 1 R -DITON ONTARIO. 1 s cHiSHOLM Manager Sodom -Xr. C. Beresford, of London, visit_ edi as few days in Sodom. -Misses Lily McFadden and Bep:t- rice Haigh, off London, are theagues�te of the Misses Girelen., -Mr. Parish addressed the -League ad ; -Y'. Bassett, ea account of cement for the laAt time, on ,Sunday. elvlening X1.00. Per Cr Eaaretr1-Ad'our ment. lrer£t oIr aiiitoba, on Tweet- I �' .a lastll ]3e ,•, f M1 . �t 3. GRIGG, Secy. aiay Grand Pend --� Thate vacancies available ; i SHOULD TEACII,SWIitilalIrlNG. TArigh School department be adisertised in both local pavers for the 'ensuing 1Dir. T. W. Collet, a'prominent, Maas - Twee Wep'lis. Per W J. Gari+i:ng...aA.d.jlo+un>viltent. w:husebts physician, sets loath in a Aug. 17tlhi,r 19t18.• `ascent recent, at the Massachusetts Repeats of leomm+ittees,• 'unafinishe,d -los advantages business, r altalning of wells etc., cut- Medical Journal ntlm i accruing to Uhose rvho a18 4110' .rr° ting of hey and removal of ;deayre d swim, and this Boston Transcript adds t roes. Pea J. l:vains and S. Martin. --What its opinion that "m,ast people will the following prepayments be, appravat - the .neglect to al learn swimminman in g in childhood and the absolnee of t iia:hy- gl'enie exercises are responsible for mtany freak lunges and flabby hearts.." Readers of newspapers published near watering places, where vacation- ists gather in'numbers,. read frequent- ly daring this season of the. year of bailhe its be an`gdrorned because they were foolish enough to go into the water without knowing how 'to swim and of venturing 00; far from shore: To this list of unfortunate bathers are added the, names of many' who are dumped late, deep water by the, over.turnin'g of boats and who go tri the bottom because they have never learned bow to use ;therir arms and legs to keep them afloat. Swimming is taught by the State of Mas'sach'usetts and the city of Bee' - ton. The Neer Yet* Tribune says:-' Quite a nurabeir from there attend sad the religious meeting. held, in the Paark. at Gu1a,iad Bend, ISunda(y, cont. ns of London. Elder ducted by err Corer , 'Miss Lsa ;Williams, Mrs.1lho tMt > and Mrs. .1. E. (W41,ligms, oft'D4i tc(hell, Thames Road tura spenrdting a s(btos•t holiday hare. 1,11he Miaow Alyce and Colace Ken- -laalilveS!ti'ng is' nearing oopnplrjtion. ring, of Windsor, and E. C. Powell, of ,-DTs. E. haver tivull leave. tlhiisteaveaek New York, axe here for a two week's outing. fol` lois .houuare in , Toledo. t • are maw' 0e/titling aTlhe hree fess • p b °ng C,ELi BItATION DAY Y Of Cainpers at Grand Pend, get'ifing whlrk •egoua,h, t0 kel the 1 Saturday last was tsiwgn Bp to sports biwey_. Itis follow :_.. -Mr, Robert Grarrlrirner raeenitiy Sold a .fine looking .mtante for t'hlelhiand Alen's boat •race.-Ist. 11I. Parkinson, soime sum of $"225. 'Toronto; 2nd, II. E. Huston, Exeter: -Balk about ;crorpa,, anld itlhe farmer's i Bays' swi•m`ming race. -1st. Gordan It is a pity hat it is not practicable graiLe, 'as `wiliest isr tuxn'ing out, r,Et-on (Hanson, Montreal ; 2nd, Ralph Trow, �to' furnish lessens in . slvi;sinring in 30 to 40 bushels ;per •acre Str'a',bftotrd. et"ery public school. Of couute,, tke city could not pas;sibly afford to pro- vide tllitl tiaainillg pools ; but snvim- m,ing is to coutltlass multitudes of the masses a more useful accomplishment of genuine varus t'haii singing or rilawing can ever be in atIy emer- gently: ,Wan. Ward lies purcitasedla, man- ( Ladder flaatan-cicld{dst is;f, ,.Miss use spreadter. ,This labor-saving mach Gray, Leaden : st►cli Miss Elsie Inc seelnis to be 'coming into. favorable MoCnimmon, London. tiirepaangnlce. Boys' haat .rase, -1st., Steriv;a,rt Jbti> :a -Thomas Camenan as grading and es, Lanidon•; 2nd., Gordon Lamonti levelling the grounds around hishand- Stratthroy. tome +residence, which addes to the I (]lien's idtoublc scull race. -1st„ 1I: E. krea.uty of the farm.. ,Ilustan and E. Farrow; 2nd Dr. Hicks Bayfield and Gsor,ge Hastings. y t Ladies dicvixyg, 1st, Miss Elsie 11Ic- Crilan:tan; 2nd, Pearl Steiuhoff,.Strat- aaThe ' government dredge arrived ford. here from Goderitoh, on Monday and l 'Boy's' diving. -1st.. Gordon Lamont; 2nd.. Gordon iia.nson. will work for several weeks .,t tee , Ladies' single boat race, -is t :11.1as ]4ULLPH PEAT. I'r•oleests of Manufacture Seems Prao- .t(ieal. The conaparativ'ely small develop- ment of the ,peiat• industry in this harbor. Evie Ruston ; and., Miss Jean ;:Ticks, county is to be regretted especially as Anniversary sermons were preaonal Mitchell,ma,clhiinery for its manufaeturo is eat. las l: Sunday in or rang, afternoon and 1 Man's) Swri.ni nima (-jet ., DLi'. Harry dently being brought to a stater o,f evening, in St. Andrews, by Rev. Dr. I+'orvell, Yukon; and., Gordon Hanson. McLeod, of Atwood. I Laidies' swim,immix.-isIt.,Miss :Retina -Mr. and Mrs. John II. Elliott; of hoff ; and., Miss Gray. Seattle, rvibia Have. been visiting in r 11'Lean's diving. 1st., '.8labt. Ford, Bayfield for the peat month, Left for Grand Bend.; anti.,. Dr. Hicks. their home on Tuesday. 1 Water tilting. -1st... Dr. lficks; 2nd., -Breezy Bayrield has gat a large Harry Powell. eihase of summer 'visitors this season. t Spelcial prizes wore ,given Mr. Ar - All the cottages aare.taken, the 'hotels thur Smith, of , Landon, for rva.t:e•r are full' and; a lame number at pxi- , tilting. vete houses are filled with tourists 1 + .AFTERNOiDN. The cool weahcr on the lake makes Wale rake, G years.-lstallinnie ltid- matters less pleasant for visitors than ley; 2nd. Marjory Hpst'an,'Exelf(eaa if the weather was hof.. Mays' ,ra;ae, 6 years. -1s ,, Irwrin. Erb ; Hayfield is 'highly favored byfha1ire .il., Erect Walker, , V n gham. senna of several Presbyterian minis- ' Boy1s' Teen 10 years. -1St., Carl Erb, t&rs t Mastics. McLennan, of Klippen; Berlins; and., Geoigr,' Brawn,' Mitehield. B'arnet:t, o)f i intyre; Stuart, of Lona • Girls' race 10 years. -1st., Anna Dow, don ; MacMillan, of Toronto; McNab, Exeter ; 21i'd.. JoaiI Ilothaart, St. at Walton; and Larkin, of Seafortih, Marys. are spending their holidays. in our Bolyes' roe's,. 1f'► ycclars.-est 'Glb>icliafn beautiful village. The ehurelx. of Eno Ha•nsoia; 2nd., Stewart Jonea. land is 'represented. by Mr. Hodgens•, : Girls' ranee 16 years. --1st., Jcia.n Mc -- of Sea'fo'rth, and Gardner, of Nilear Crtmmo,s4; tad Winnie i uation.. circa i Mirchirg'a.n. 'Ladles' ratge.-1st., JelMe 21"icks,'Mit- along by irtrs •heat,the moristturein triiq tili'etl ; 2Nd., Mrs. Geo. Hastings, P(arkt- eairi:h,, by at tire seine time ! artea•- BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. 1:1:'111. granter utility than fonnexily. A Guelath peat -campa.ny is ready tq turn out wrbrat saeenls a good sampiu •ra peat:. The Meirleury Days that lib fir put up, in squall briquettes, about 2'1-2' inches long 2 incites wide and 1'1-2 incl. es in thickness, and weighing about half: a pound eaeh. These; were burnt in an ordinary range and gave out intiiinse ibealt,,(#aurrniflg with a bright flame. The briquettes are made in a t Ma- chine controlled by the company, which owns a' +marsh on •the farm oc- cup•ied ,by hLrs. A. Elliott, about i a mile tr.om tthe city. With this ma- chine. the peat is not dried,,as in'oah- I er •prc.ccss+es, but is fed directly:imto We have just the in,achlne. The machine is ciseulair Cement The Samson has stood in ishaipe and has sixty emnpa.rtmenta each com'ltarining armee tar +eigbtt'Yyi +oft are right. t.h,e. briic,kis.: "Che• mealtime; is' so' builit. c•had.: jots yob swparhritte,d•'ssteaaimt are BARD HARDWARE f d into tare mass of :pet, lav,aporr arneShoesss, h s oots HAVING PURCHASED the entire ,atop of Harness, Boots and Shoes, s, Trunks, etc.,.. of 11I1.. R. 13. Sweet, we solicit a share of your patronage and invite you in so' that we may get• acquainted, and you may examine our goods. N o trouble to show. goods. We will carry a full line of Harness, Roots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc Coma in and sal 1l0, H(11 R. H. Sweet's old stand. • I heard your neighbor say `'They were going." I You come too -cog Stonflr Monday and Tuesday, September list 22nd Prize List and Full Information. from J. ALLISON, Jr., President. A. G. DYER, Secretary. DOIVIINIO 1 EXHIBITION 1903 TORONTO - 1903 AUC. 27th to SEPT. 1 2th The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will .be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADES OF LIVE STOCK In addition, by order of HIS ElA3 `1 T'Y' THE It WO I THE JUBILEE r-rEEtENTS E as well ¢r ataaIlgUt�$tmothor the Into Queen 'Pletaria,wlltlie exhibited FR E, as, by p'e`n 1astcn of the Dowager Duchess of Dufierin and ATS, TFIE DUFFERIN PRESENTS And by permission of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures OF IRISH MANUFACTURE The gg ^cla1 features, Including an entirely new spectacniarprodnotdoa entltIell ap CARNIVAL IN VENICE 1 Bader the "rection ofBolossiElralfy,will boonascale never before Personal ' tem in any Fart of the world. attempted at an annual- -d water from everywhere. Consult your station Reduced rates by land a� agent. W. a, McINAiJeHT, ,s. O. ORR, i,tanaper and Sara oral. that at the, through the grate of �1•her stove. Tin it is 'calculated, too, zo uiaif, o, the briquettes examii'led last week. least a 'torn of .peat iditeiqual ;,_ "EY; about 30 er 35 per cent. of the. mois- torn cf anthIralc'ite, though , in: mat - hare is re.tailaetd., This is found .to,•be this estimtate is a low one. Very littler an a r• a to m d n e as in •r ll••- i - 1e �ur,� and of ' plaices rvliaxe the peat: is usuaUystfoa•- ed for use, with so large. 1 proportion the manufacture of peat in about two( of mois�flurre this peat will not absorb inantlbt5 `Butt far matey untoreetepla' any from outside. In of;hnir forms] •ciircumtstanoes, such as the meadters'' where the amount of moisture was strike, they would have been atworle reduced to ' about 15 per cent., the by this tihne. fuel `would absorb the 'moist lire from the air and would thus have a tea- damply to break wp., ,The oast; of pro- duction is .piaeed by the company , ,tt d s l� l i d re n Cry for ablaut' 85 t;.etnts,:petr• I,on. Who.. thea xnarrket . piiee `viii. be is, of, • .courpe',, something for the future to delermine.i ash,4 s and , the` i ,. s n b `+ Iinl;' p errs The company expec•t.tio he;newdy' foul T -A'. Hel6o! VYhataPBYOuLoDkingi0r? Is it a nice piece of Furniture, if so don't fail to calf on us because we are headquarters for anything in the line of furniture. Our stock is the largest and best assorted in the country. workmanship the very best, design and finish the very latest, and prices the lowest. We will be pleased to show intending purchasers through oar large stock and quote our prices before placing their orders elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction with every article purchased from our store. All kinds of Ordered Work, Repairing, Upholstering and Picture Fram- ing done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undertakers and Funeral Director R, N. ROWES' OLD STAND. AMSON NT A received another car of Samson Brand the test, and our prices 1 Eat man's rata. -let„ Mr. J. nap - Special enee,ting theld In the Oddfct.- }nerd, ITielnsall ; 2nd., Il. 3 aeki an,,Patrie low's `ball, Granton, J•uly•281h, 1003. Hill. • The c,aiwneil aooelpteld the tender of Ladies' nail driving 'contest, ,•Eigi'hi- the lt'orest City Paving Go., ofLoudon, teen entries. est„ Violet Elliott, £oir tih.o oonstructian of Gr'anolithi e Mit:clUlell;; 2and., Mrs. Hotill(a►.nf„t 1 St. lido -walks i;n, Gals hamlet id Granton,, St. I111nirys. at 11 7-8 cents per squaxte superficial Mens racle, running part :orf the loot connree to tub tilled with wa;tcix,lca,tek- 'ble outwit tatdjeuxaaed and met again small live fish with bate hand; ;ran- ee August 3rd. The reeve and all the ming to winning post4-11st,, ` Harry mem pets proem t. lMvrttll ; 2n1i1., 1)1r. Hitii sure is applied from thle sidee4 It takes the 'machine. about 15 minutes fon leach reaaolution and during that time 4,800 briquettes aitaot beemlinaide; molding about a ton and a tquair!belr 'o1f fuel. The ca+p.tei.ty of the inaehi+ne as *nut five 'tbrns per "hour. lin the trial the fire was) easily kind- led and ooelk a vows,' whorl" timer to reareili, baking heat. In the fermrmade been found that tiro briquettes merely tfhai.r arvaay during the pnoieess of cosi:.+ bustricrn Wittlai other procv+,sses it' has A communication was mt:ceaveil from Ladies' ditto. -lata Iritlian Grsy,'l:,en ban foundt.lxat the liuiclutYtto�rcruittib Bioibt. Doinnclly, `advising the +eounei7 clot 2nd., Violet Blhott,, le awwaand a -load?proporLion of the that he lira met with en accident me t iby sbpwi Itobt. Saunders, b dt•er, fuel is lost through • the Oroip»iln Bain Door Rollers Glass Barn Door Hinges Hooks and Staples Barn Dol,Latohes Butts Barn. Door Track Sash and ,Dodi' Paint We carry everything in these lines: Screen Doors and Windows to clear out at cost, :eaman' hardware