HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-13, Page 8GUST 13th, 1903.
•-- And right t the
in 1
mid -summer, We have about 40 pieces of new Dress
Muslins left and we can't afford to carry them over, So out
they go. We are going to divid,i them into two lots, 8c and
15c the yard. It will pay you to buy these muslins and
keep thern till next season. However. conte in and see
Sc. the yard for' lovely waist and dress Muslins in new
green floral effects, new dell blue floral effects, new
rose and pink effects, new dawn grey effects. Regular
prices of this lot 103. 12o. and 15c. Your choice for
the next 10 days for ......... .. .... • • C8
Cc, the yard for your choice of the swellest range of Fancy Muslins in Exet-
er. Remember all the finest and Last Colored Muslins in the shop are
it this lot, swell, new, floral'designs, in new greens, new blues, new
pinks, new greys, new helloes, new linens, and swell black and whites.
Regular values, 20, 23 and 33e. Your choice for the next 10 days
only 1�c,
A nice lot of new Rain Coats, Swagger Raglan style, loose back. nice plaid
lined. The correct, thing for rain and wind every girl should have one they
start at, $2.05
A new lot of Oxford Grey Rain Coats, Raglan Style, loose back, plaid
linings, full skirt, large roll collar. A very useful garment $3.75
Pure Pickling Vinegars and Spices are now in demand
no cheap or inferior vinegar or spire at Stewarts. The best
only is what we offer.
Sto_'es closed all day Thursday, Aug. 6th, Civic Holiday,
The Soverign Bank of Canada
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
BRtlNGf1ES in Huron Goulltll at Exeter, Crediton, ZuriGli
Musall, Glinton and Dasllwood.
A General Banking Business Transacted at all Branches.
one Dollar will start an account. Interest allowed on deposits from the
day nono U deposited and added to the principal twice a year.
Solicitors. Manager Exeter Branch.
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Mrs. J. E, Dignan is now camping
,at Bayfield.
Mr. Howard Powell returned o
Toronto on Monday.
Miss Armstrong, dressmaker, is
Ifiolidaying at Granton.
The TIMES from now till Jan, 1901
for 25c, to new subscribers,
Mr. Ed Crocker, of Toronto, is holi-
daying in town.
Mr. Frank Oke, of Toronto, is visit-
ing Mrs, Clarke.
Miss Tillie Yager is visiting friends
fin Clandeboye.
Mrs. F. Wood and children have
returned hone from Grnnd Bend,
Rev. W. Godwin paid a short visit
with Goderich friends last week.
Mrs. Wm. Jeckell is visiting her
daughter, Mrs,E.P.Howe, at Toronto
Guaranfi French Goods.
Mr. Hugh Spackman and son Earl
spent a few days of last week in Lon-
Misses Georgina and Bell Knight,
of Merton, are visiting relatives in
Mrs, WmeBawden and Mrs. Vale
visited Mrs. Shipley, at Clinton last
Mrs, John Blatchford and Marion
are visiting friends in Lucan and De-
Miss Roxie Eacrett who has been
v:siting frieuds in town during the
past mouth returned to her hotue in
Brantford ou Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Brook and soa
who have been visiting the former's
mother, Exeter North, returned ho me
to St, Phomas, Monday evening.
Harry Huston, of the lllolson's Bank
staff, who has beep in Clinton for some
weeks past acting in the bea„eh of the
bank there; returned huuie ou Tues-
Mr, E.t, Dyer, of Brantford, after
a pleasant outing at Poit Frank, also
spending a short time spent with
friends here returned home on Mon-
Mrs. Shosenberg, and children, of
London, who have been guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Hawkshaw at the Com-
mercial returned home Saturday
Mrs. Sweet and daughters, who
have spent the past few weeks at
Grand Band, returned home on Fri-
day last much beneficed by their
pleasant outing.
Mr, Ben Silber, of Uttar. Mich. was
a pleasant caller at the TIDIES office
on Tuesday. Mr. Either was in town
visiting his sisters the Mesdames
Snaith and Kunz.
Mr, and Mrs, W, H. Graham, of
St, Marys : Rey, Humphrey Graham
and Mrs. Graham, of Wellburn, spent
a few days of last reek with Mrs.
John White,
Mr. Cunning ham, of London, pass-
ed through here on Monday, on his
way from Goderich on his gasoline
motor cycle. The machine attracted
considerable attention.
Rey, Dr. Bannon returned home
this week from the northern part of
this province where he spent a pleas-
leasant holiday. He will occupy his own
pulpit on Sunday next.
The 28th PerthRegiment Baud have
received the offer of an engagement
from the directors of the Louisiana
Purchase World's Fair, of St. Louis,
Mo., to be held next year.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. • E. W. Grove's signature
s on each box. 25c.
The Misses Gidley, of Blyth, who
have been spending the past two
weeks at the home of their gradpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gidley,
returned home on Saturday last.
Mr. Frank Tom, of Toledo. Ohio,
who spent the past week under the
parental roof, accompanied by Miss N.
Rim, is spending this week with their
brother. J. E. Tom, at Goderich.
To stop vomiting, brown or • burn
light bread and chew dry ; when all
other remedies fait it will stop most
severe cases. Have bread dry ; if
burnt to a cinder, it will do no harm.
Miss Belva Holland, of Lowell,Mass.
who has spent the past month here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A.
Holland, left on Saturday last to re-
sume her duties as professional nurse
in that city. •
Mr. J. W. Broderick, of Goderich,
spent Saturday and Sunday wit
friends in town. He also assisted i
the service of song in Main et. Met
church choir rendering a solo at bot
morning and evening services. •
Word as been received from Mr.
Edgar Westcott, who has been so ser-
iously ill from typhoid fever in the
Winnipeg hospital, that he is holding
his own and his many friends here
uope soon to hear of his ultimate re-
Mr. Nelson Keddy, formerly with
W. C. Huston, left on Wednesday
morning for Detroit where he has ac-
cepted a position with the Messrs.
Keddy as operator on grill work. Mr.
Keddy will not remove his family to
Detroit at present.
The Independent Order of Foresters
of Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood
intend holding a grand union picnic
at Grand. Bend on Thursday, August,
27th. There will be a base ball match,
races and other sports, Brass band
in attendance. GEO. E. ANDERSON,
Sec.-Treas. of Committee.
Mr. J. G. Stanbury arrived home on
Saturday evening after an extended
trip up the lakes, returning home' via
Owen Sound and Toronto, also visiting
friends in Whitby. He was accom-
panied home byMrs. Stanbury, Who
has pent the ast month with her par-
ents in Whitby.
The postoffice authorities have been
notified that Dominion $10 bills runn-
numbers 46 001 and
between the,
67,000 are in circulation, These are
reported to be Napanee bills, which
were stolen. it is supposed, some years
ago, and which are now being put into
circulation as counterfeit money.
Leok out for them
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
September 2 : Wednesday, September
30 ; Wednesday, November 4 ; Wed-
nesday, December 2 1903. Spectacles
and eyeglasses properly fitted, Next
vistt will be Wednesday, September•2,
Mr. R, S. Lang left on Saturday last
for Brighton, Ont., where he expects
to make his headquarters for the next
few weeks in the purchasing and ex-
porting of apnles. Mr. Lang says
that district is
where the product is
best, this year, and as the farmers
make a specialty .of caring for their
orchards the yield more than repays
them for the trouble and care expend-
Mrs. Blasdell and daughter are
visiting friends in Wingham this•
Miss Carrie Davis, of London, is
holidaying with her parents, Exeter
Miss Kate McFaul returned home
from Seaforth, Monday after a short
Carrick Tweed
Suitings at 75c
Diamante Suitings at 75c yd.
Hoppe Dress Suitings at 50c yd.
Stripe Satin Cloths at 50c yd.
Wool Satin Cloths at 50c, 75c, $1.00,
Longford rweed Suitings at $L00
Bourette Costumes at $1.25 yd,
Vicuna Dress Cloths at 50c, 75c
$1,00 yd.
See our Newest of New Dress
Goods before you buy elsewhere,
One Door North of Post Office.
Miss Hazel Dignan has returned
home from visiting friends in Sea -
Miss Lavina Cook, of Hensall, spent
the forepart of this week with Miss G.
Mr. F. J. Redmond, of N. Dakota,
is the guest of Mrs, J. E. Dignan,
Andrew street.
Mr, Joseph Lambrooke and two sons
of Detroit are visiting Mr. Lambro-
oke's parents.
Miss Johnston, of Seaforth, was the
guest of Miss Jean Hawkshaw during
the forepart of this week,
Mr. James Taylor has accepted a
position witn W. 0. Huston. under-
taker and furniture dealer,
Mr. D. A. RoPs is holidaying at
Grand Bend and Mrs. Ross is visiting
her son in Clinton.
Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson and Miss Frost
of Clinton were the guests of Mrs. J,
D. Atkinson Thursday last.
Mrs. E. Christie spent the civic
holiday with her daughter, Mrs. R,
R. Rogers, at Watford.
Mrs. J. E. Dignan and °daughter
Miss Hazel spent a few days of Iasi
week visiting friends in London.
Miss White, of Port Hope, after a
pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs. G,
Manson, returned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs, R.Gurney, who haye
been holidaying in Acton, returned
home the forepart of this week.
Mrs. W. 0. Huston, Master Millar,
and infant son are visiting
ton's mother, Mrs. Rusk, rt Mrs. rt Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Hicks have return-
ed home from a pleasant trip to Roch-
ester, Grimsby Park and other places.
Will Wilson and Hilton
Evans are visiting friends in St,
Thomas, Niagara Falls and other
Mrs. T, W. Hawkshaw and d'tngh-
ter Myrta spent a few days of last
week with Mr. and Mee. John Hawk-
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crocker, who
have spent the past few weeks here
with friends, returned to Toronto on
Miss Addle Jeckell, who has been
spending her holidays here for the
last six weeks, lett Tuesday morning
for Ponoka, Alberta.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada has
declared a a per ceut dividend for the
current quarterq
which is equal
to five
per cent per annum.
Mrs, Elliot, of Mitchell, and Mrs.
Williams are the guests of Mrs. (Dr.)
Anderson at their cottage, "testbolm"
(rand Bend,
THIS WEEK we are offering Big I3a1'gains in Muslins,
Prints, Factory Cottons, Pillow Cottons, Shirtings,
Ladies' White Waists, Men's Summer Suits,•in fact all sum-
mer goods clearing at big reductions. Come and seQ for
All our 15e {Muslins reduced to Sae Don't forget we sell you the best
yd. Some very pretty" ones left. print in our store for 10c yd.
See our range of eSea Muslins, very Very special yalue in factory cot -
pretty desigus and colorings, 4c, 5ctons, pillow cottons and shirtings. We
and 7c a yavd. ) sell the beat 5c factory cotton in town,
Geo. Rowley, the defaulting mana-
ger of the Etgin Loan oompany, of St,
Thomas. who pleaded guilty to defal-
catigns totalling nearly $80,000, has
been sentenced to a term of twelve
years' imprisonment in Kingston pen-
itentiary, Sentence was imposed on
the charge of theft and three charges
of forgery. Rowley is a man of fiifty
eight years of age and will haye reach -
the allotted span of years should he
remain in prison for the whole length
of the imprisonment to which he has
been sentenced. The visible ravages -
to run an
n excursio
n to
out of that village ; and who can esti
owOrr •ared care beliesthe hope 'Sarnia via
Hyde Park, from K{near
cefor good thus ex
his ever fulfilling the span of years dine and points south including Kip- upon the lives of those sturdy
the law of the land says he must 1ivA pen, on Saturday Aug, 15th, return- peasants What nobler memorial
through ere he con once wore call him �.• ng on Monday Aug. 17, Exeter and
self a free man. could he desired by any Ohrisiaa min-
„.Hensall passengers will get their tick- Teter ?
We have just received a swell lot of Fancy Waistings
in silk stripes and dots, the very latest. Corrie” and have a
look through and see how you like them.
We have about a dozen Ladies' Men's 2 -piece Summer Suits, blue
White Waists left, all new up-to-date with white stripe, vex'y fine quality,
styles, some worth $1,50, you take regular $7,50 reduced to $4 90.
your choice for 89c. A snap, 2 only men's 2 -piece Summer Suits,
makes a good knock -about for hot
Men's and .$goys' fine Straw Hats all weather $1,25 reduced to $1.50, size 36
clearing at big reductions. and 39.
White Marseilles Bed Spreads, extra large size; special
quality, lovely patterns, 98c, 1,35, 1.85, 3,25, $3.75 each.
97 piece Dinner Sets, in brown and White'Oups and Saucers. only a
green, good quality, nicely decorated few doz, left,regular price 75c. reduc-
regular price $7.75, reduced to $5,90. 1 ed to 50c. Extra, Special.
We have just received another large shipment of Linoleums, all qualities
and all prices.
We have 3 only very fine wool rugs, we don't hesitate in saying these
are the finest goods shown in Exeter, regular price $3,25 reduced to $2,85,
and 4,25 reduced. to $3.85.
A. large stock of nice fresh groceries always on hand.
Highest. price paid for all farm produce.
WANTED.—Young girl to help with
housework. MRs. J. G. STANBURY.
WANTED IMMEDIATELY. — Goo ;train will leave Sarnia Monday at IO
gar for general honsework apply to oi�"1 p, In. Passengers will take regular
morning train from Exeter. This is
£he last grand excursion of the season.
=Good for three days.
sets from Kippen. Fare from Kippen
sand return $1,35. By boat from Sar-
nia to Detroit and return, 50c. Special
Princess Avenue, London Ont.
\, MOULDERS WANTED,—Accustomed
to,gereral work, and who want to
learn stove plate. Apply giving ex-
perience, references, etc.—The Gurney..
Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto.,
AUCTION SALE,—The Molson's .$xin
offer for sale by public auctian 00 Sat-
urday, Alia. 15 at2 p. m. the brick
building and premises formerlyoccup-
ied by the bank. See large bills.
WANTED. — Moulders Improvers.
Young men who have had experience,
and want to attain greater :experience
over a larger range of work, princi-
pally stove plate.—The Gurney ;Fours-,,
dry Co., Limited, Toronto.
Huron street, frame house, containing
8 rooms, stable, also 2 lots with fruit
bearing trees and smaller fruits. De-
sireable residence and good localitye
Apply to 'MR. JOHN DowN, Esoter3
NOTICE—It is urgently requested that,
all citizens having cows running at
large would during the next few days
have them closed up at six o'clock, so
that they will not tramp on the new
granolithic pavement now being laid
n Victoria street.—W. G. BISSETT,
CULTURE.—Miss Mildred Godwin,Pdst
Graduate in elocution of Alma College
St. Thomas, Ontario,will begin classes
in elocution and physical culture in
Exeter, Sept.• 1st, 1903. For terms
apply Victoria street, Exeter.
Prof. Hick's FOiiEOASTS—The heat-
ed wave outlined from the llth to the
16th has not been manifest in this lo-
cality and is still predicted for the
next few days.—While the heat wave
and storms are still passing central
and eastern parts of the country,
change to cooler will be advancing
from the West and North, so that by
the 15th and 16th most parts of the
country will have felt the change to
cooler weather. There will be percep-
tible reaction to rising temperature,
falling barometer and return to cloud-
iness and storms on and touching the
I7th and 18th, followed by,another re -
,turn to cooler, more pleasant weather
{about the 19th to 21st.
NOTICE.—The Exeter Public School
Board beg to announce that a Limited
number of seats in the High School
Department are now available for the
fall term applications for which may
be made to the Secretary,Mr. J.Grigg.
The past record of the Board since the
'restitution of this department equall-
ing and successfully rivalling many of
the old established High Schools will
be sufficient eyidence that no mistake
will be made by parents or guardians
in controlling their children to their
care and thtt of their staff. The
Boards efforts are being steadly direc-
ted to secure the highest efficiency in
their High School work as well as
in every division of their Public
School. This is being done. Not on -
BUSINESS COLLEGE,—To all desir- ly in the interest of their present
charge but with the object of having
our town never less than foremost as
a centre of educational work and in-
fluence for this district. The Princi-
pal is Mr. J. C. Flemming late of the
High School, Goderich.
A. OAT SHOW,—One of the most in
teresthag and unique features of the
ous of obtaining a business education
and wishing to further advance i n
their studies, the Leamington Busi-
ness College offers very fair induce-
ments. Address:A, L. Brown, Prin-
cipal; Leamington, See ad. in another
NEW PAVEMENTS.—The granolithic Dominion Exhibition at Toronto will
pavement on Main at. extending from be a cat show, that will be held on 'an
Huron st. to Victoria st, thence to the exceptionally large scale on Septem-
public school is now completed and her 2ad, 3rd and 4th. In many of the
adds greatly to the appearance of our large cities in the United States, not-
ably Boston, Philadelphia and New
York, cat shows have taken rank with
the leading social functions, and so en-
courage the breeding, care and exhib-
ition of a better class of cats than the
ordinary garden wall squaller. The
directors, in deciding upon holding
the present show, are confident that
it will proye a centre of attraction, es-
:pecially for the ladies. An enticing
and liberal prize list has brought prom-
ises of entries from the leading tatter -
les in the United States. There will
be on view cats of all kinds, color and
description—long-haired from Persia
and other eastern couhtries, tailless
from the Isle of Man, the beautiful
marked. tortoise shell,the sleek Mal-
tese, and the gracefupurringride of
the ordinary domestic hearth. Entries
close with A. W, Bell, 70 King street
east, Toronto, Aug. 22.
W. C. T, U. NOTES,—The story is
streets as well as comfort to our ped-
estrians generally, New walks are
also being laid leading into the Trivitt
Memorial church, and school room,
Sweet having disposed of his boot,'•
shoe and harness business to Mr. f
House, of Goderich, offers every thing
in that line at eost for the next few,'
days. Mr. House takes possession ony
Monday next, Aug. 17th. See ad
in another column. We learn that i
is Mr. Sweet's intention to move a
once to the great Northwest.
HARVEST ExcuRSION—The first har-
vest excursion to Manitoba •: and the
Northwest is announced for Tuesday,
18th Single tickets out are
August, 6 e t t
$10. The harvest is earlier this year
than last, and wheat cutting will be
general in Manitoba by that date. A
C. P. R, official is authority for the
statement that a larger {,umber of
hands will be rsquired this year than
last to handle the harvest,
PROMOTED.—The many friends of
Mr. Ambrose Smith the genial acc-
ountant of the Sovereign Bank at this
be to hear of his
promotion to the position as manager
of a branch of the same bank at Mar -
mora, Ont. We regret to hear of Mr.
Smiths aemoval from our midst and
are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Smith
as citize s The n T e best wishes of a host
of friends follow them. Mr. Hunt, of
Milverton, succeeds Mr. Smith in the
bank here,
related of a young nobleman who
found himself in a village in Cornwall
where he never had been before, It
was a hot day, and he was thirsty,
and his thirst increased as he rode up
and down the streets seeking in vain
for a place to obtain liquor. At Iast
be stopped, ani made impatient in-
quiry of an old. peasant who was on
his way home after a day of toil.
"How is it that I can't get a glass of
liquor anywhere in this wietched vill-
age of yours?" he demanded harshly.
The old man, recognizing his quest -
A GREAT SCHOOL — The . Central loner as a •man of rank, pulled off his
Business College of Stratford is the I cap and bowed humbly ; but, neyerthe-
School that enjoys a great reputation less, there was a proud flash on his
for placing its graduates as teachers faded eyes as he answered quietly:
in other business colleges. It enjoys
a large patronage and is placing many
young men and women in good busi-
ness positions. Write to the College
for a catalogue, Mr, W. J. Elliott,the
Principal, will be pleased to send you
one if you' are interested in a business
>I. 0,. F. EXCURSION,—Court• Wing -
ham, No, 505, I. 0. F. have completed
"My lord, something over a hundred
years ago a. man nained John Wesley
came to these parts," and with that
the old peasant walked on. Frances
Williard'commenting on this incident
said : "What a splendid testimony
was this to the preaching of John Wes-
ley 1 For more than a century the
word that he had spoken for his Mast-
er had kept the curse of drunkenness
Fall and Win'ter Goods
We are busy those days receiving, marking off and pass-
ing into stock our large consignments of Fall and Winter
Dress Goods in all the newest fabrics and Colors. Ready-to-
wear Skirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Furs, 8co., Come and see
our handsome display of goods. No trouble to ,Show you
the goods
Ready.$oawear Skirts
We haye just received a lot of the newest styles for fall wear in
black and military grey. Those skirts are all tailor made and are per-
fect fitters.
$3.5o for a beautiful grey homespun skirt, with fancy tucking and six
rows of stitching around bottom.
$4.25 for a nice black or grey cheviot. Beautifully trimmed with straps
up seams of different cloth and silk braid and buttons. Stitched
around bottom.
$5.0o,for a good black or grey homespun with six one inch tucks running
down the front, also stitched straps of the same and buttons to match.
$5•25 for a dandy black or grey cheviot. Extra quality, trimmed with
stitching and buttons and six clusters of box pleating on the flare.
These skirts are all first class quality and will be good bargains. Come
and get fitted before they are all gone.
Colored Silks -
We are placing on our bargain counter a lot of Colored Silks, which
we bought cheap, suitable for Waists, Trimmings or Fancy Work. Wo
will clear out the whole lot at half price.
All our Shirt Waists, Wrappers and Ladies' White Wear we are sell'
ing at big reduced priees.
Furniture and
We Carry Qood Lines in Furniture
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming.
Opera House Block.
36th Annual
Sept. llth co 19th, 1903:
Entries Close September ioth
An exhibition of merit. Bigger and better than ever. A. splendid array of
attractions—Tony Ryder's celebrated troupe of preforming Monkeys—Bal-
loon ascensions, a parachute drop from a parachute, and the best Gymnasts,
Aerial Artists and Acrobats to be had. Firework seach evening concluding
with "The Bombardment of Alexandria," a great triumph of modern
Extra trains and Special rates over all lines. Prize lists and programme
on application.
Lot Got W- ..6artsllore,
el- ft Mlles, . `
Wo have
Down tor
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton,
Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
A 11 colors at CI. 'L i'rz, Exeter.
At Lowest
Having bought out the entire stoek
of the late James Willis, we are in a;
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath th and all Building
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained,
in both yards is heavier than we wish
to carry,
so weur ose to make a.
p P
material reduction in the price of
Shingles until we get our stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the past, and solicit a.
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
0006000V. Z0000000000000006
Fail Term Opens Sept 1S1
sa have applied to us for our graduates, to i:i
6 act as teachers in their schools, This is 0
6 theevidence von are looking for as to 2
the best SCHOOL to attend. Thousands •
• of our former students our formerstu- v.
pdents are now in business life. Write O
6 for our tulndsome catalogue, 0 _
w Principal s s