HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-13, Page 34 IA:BATEU TUEIoUGl FEM.I1.0 VARIOUS It,EASON'S FOB PEO- PLE GOING TO TEL ALTAR, Threatened Breach of Promise Suits and Other Causes help Matters, A little wholesome fear is often useful in helping tho tardy lover to a decision, though it is generally LOOK AT YOUR, NOSE. Nothing is amore rare than a really perfect close; that is, ono which unites harmony of form, correctness of proportion and proper affinity' with the other features, The folloW- ing aro, according to the rules of art, the conditions requisite to, the beauty of this organ: The nose should havo the same length as the forehead and have a slight depres- sion at its root. From its root to its extremity it should follow a per - supposed to havo the reverse o1Tect. foctly straight line, and come exaet The same remark applies to the 1y over the centro of the upper lip. ladies cello sometimes, froze a dread The bridge of the, nose, parallel on of lifelong spinsterhood, or the dread 'both sides, should be alittle wider of doing worse later on, accept a in the centre. The tip should be partner far below their ideal. Men have before now accepted the shackles of matrimony with inward reluctance, rather than risk the con- demnation of the girl and her rela- tives, the ridicule of their friends, or the financial danger of the, breach of promise court, Apprehension of the serious mental or bodily illness of a sweetheart discarded has, in some cases, been the means of prololiging courtship till the matrimonial win- ning -post is passed. A quarrel between a young Kentish couple a few months back was the result of careful finesse on the part neitleer too thin nor too fleshy, and its lower outline neither narrow nor too wide. The lobes zo,nst be grace- fully defined by a slight depression. Seen sideways the lower part of the nose will have a third of its total length, FEOT WEATIIER FAG,. go Vim, No Snap, No Energy, Exertion Dreaded and Work Shunned. "Fagged right out," is an appro of the repentant wooer. Finding priate way to express the feelings of himself in a worse position to accept , i?Lang people during the hot summer the responsibilities of marriage than months. No strength, no vigor, no when the engagement was entered in- I pap, no axnibit.ion, too weary to to, he sought ,to bring about an es- j work and too languid to 'take any trangement by means of a deliberate j ['eon c plearsure inslife. You fag, andeed a the quarrel. With the intuition of .lior�sor best summer tonic in the world sex, howevorm his fiancee saw Is Dr ! illiazne' fink fills for Palo through his little gable, and brooded . I,OOpie. limadose makes now rich over his disingenuous conduct so ;Every much that it brought on a serious ; �llood, tones the nerves, sharpens the illness. When the young follow saw !appetite, stimulates the liver, and the effect of his unwise action he be- banishes weakness and weariness, came alarmed for her chances of re- headaches, backaches, languor; and covery, and hastened to repair the i•ospondency. The only tonic that mischief. He frankly laid the whole inn do this for you is Dr. Williams' facts of his altered circumstances be- 1.1n]c Pills it's a waste of money to ford her. The result was that she experiment with anything else. Mr, quickly forgavo his duplicity. ' She Louis Doueet, Grand Stang, N. S.,' agreed to share his poverty, as she rays: I was very much run down in health and was weak and easily' !lied. My appetit9 was variable,' my nerves unstrung and I often felt, a complete indisposition to work. »iter trying several medicines with- out benefit, I decided to try Dr. Wil - had hoped to shale his wealth. Fear was of. great assistance in the adjustment of the love affair of a' Berkshire yeoman. IIe has volun- teered for thefront soon after the outbreak of the late war. To do limns' Pink Pills, and after taking a this he gave up a comfortable situ- fete boxes I felt better than I had ation with good prospects. The step done for months, and equal to any was taken PARTL1 IN DESPAIR at the indifference shown him by the one feels fagged out." girl he Wanted to marry. When he You can get the pills from any announced to her the acceptance of dealer in medicine, or they will he his offer of service she quickly chang- ed her tune. She discovered that she was deeply in love with him. Fear that he might never return possessed her, and she tried to phr- suede him to back out of the en- gagement. She confessed that she had really loved him all along, but wishing to remain free and unfetter- ed for some' time longer, had put him off and disguised her real feel- ings. Now that sho had revealed them, would he stay? It was too late. Ice explained that after offering his services he could not honorably refuse to listen to the call of duty, and so he de- parted with his company. Fortune favored the bravo, however, and about eighteen months later he re- turned to wed the girl whose affec- tion had been revealed to him soup- seek , situations—go "well-groomed, ly through her fears for his safety. with elastic steps, showing that Parental fear for the well-being of they still possess fire, force, and en - their daughter led a Leicestershire couple to consent to her marriage pater having bitterly apposed it for scvrral years. She had been fascin- ated during her schooldays by a young lean in a lower walk of life. When, latch on, he proposed marri- age, as 'nothing could be urged against his personal character, she refused to give him up at the bidding of her parents. As she had no fancy for an elopement as a wdy out of the difficulty, there were several vio- lent scenes between the obstinate daughter and her father and mother. At length she evolved A LITTLE SCHEME for•_the purpose of compelling their consent to her -muatrimonial desires. Knowing their ultra -Protestant views and the horror with which they re- garded everything Rowan Catholic, exertion. I don't know anything 'to pquan Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when sent paid at 50 cents -a box, or six boxes for $2.5.0, by writing direct to the Dr. 'Williams' rfffndicine Co., Brcckville; Ont. Be sure you get the genuine with the full nalne "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple" on the wrapper around the box. BE YOUNG AT SEVENTY. Avoid the Appearance of Age in Every Possible Way. People who appear old must ex- pect to be considered so; and, if they apply for positions with every appearance that senility has struck them, they cannot expect favorable consideration. If grey-haired appli- cants for positions would only ap- preciate the value of appearances, and would "brace up" when they Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, ' shrunken flannels. li:7iiPz/4$10 .tisk for tate Octagon Bar t—f SNAKES IN BRITAIN. The ring snake is found most often in Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and some of the Welsh counties. It is Perfectly harmless, although it is in the habit of omitting a powerful and unpleasant Odor when 'disturbed. It grows to a greater length than eith- er the adder or the smooth snake, the average being from thirty to thirty-six inches. The smooth snake is the rarest of British species, though common enough ori the Con- tinent. Its favorite counties in England aro • said to be Dorset, Hants, Surrey and at ono time Burks. Tho ager is more common in Scotland than the ring snake, and it is frequently to be met with in both England and Wales. The markings of the adder are very well defined, and serve to distinguish it from the two innocuous serpents, but the V-shaped mark to be found at the Lack of the head is a very varying ono, as are also the side markings. The place to look for an adder is the hottest spot in any particular district where it is known to be. Many sheep perish annually from adder bite. thusiasm-they would eliminate an obstacle greater than their grey hairs. We think ourselves into incapa- city by looking for signs of ago and dwelling on them, and the body fol- lows the thought. We should, there- fore,, avoid the appearance of age in every possible way, .by dress, carriage, conversation, and especial- ly by our attitude toward people and things. It is not difficult to pre- serve the buoyance and freshness of youth, but it must be done by con- stant effort and practice. A musici- an who expects to make only one or two important appearances a year must keep up his practice. Youth- fulness cannot be. put on for a day if old age has a grip on you for months. It is important to preserve the fire of youth as long as possible, she got in communication with the to carry freshness and vigor into old mothersuperior of a convent. The age by keeping up a hearty interest Idea was to secretely allow the im- in everything that interests youth. pression to arise in the fancily circle Many of us seem to think that that sho contemplated entering a youthful sports and pastimes aro nunnery -and taking the veil. The artifice worked 'admirably for the cunning daughter's plans. . Her par- ents, almost distracted at the thought of their girl taking such a foolish, and, before we know it, we get entirely out of sympathy with all young life, and consequently real- ly old, whatever our years. We must think youthful thoughts, as - step, gave a hasty assent to her un- sociato with young people, and inter - ion, and tine marriage took place est them. When a person ceases to shortly afterwards. interest the young he is showing In the autumn of last year a dry signs of old age. goods Work obtained a good berth in the West Indies. Be married CHOLERA INPAInTtV1n, three years earlier than he intended, through an-:iety lest his prize might escape him at the last. He -had talked over matters with his fiancee and her people respecting his ap- pointment, and arranged that at the end of his three years' contract he should return to England to be married. A hint from the brother of his fz- a..ncce, however, to the effect that there was another Richmond in the field, caused him to alter his plans. Fear of the possible success of a ri- val suitor possessed him. And in, consequence of the cleop. cogitatiox ' which the ' warning - caused in the mind of the discreet lover a hasty marriage followed, and the young couple sailed together as man and • wife.—Pearson's Weekly. WALKED ON VEGETABLES. In the 124 -mile walking match be= tween Berlin and :Dresden the first six arrivals were all vegetarians. Karl Mann, ' the winner, was 28 Weans old, and has been a vegetarian 'e ;'1' ten years. IIo •was declared champion pedestrian of the world. Mr. `-..Ct;.rnegie's gifts to countries other then the United States are recorded to the amount .of B5,861,- 850, making p!ir. Carfiegio's total );Mt to libraries $. 1.,266,950, Cholera infantum is one of the most dreaded diseases of infancy. It is prevalent during the heat of sum- er in spite of all the care mothers iaay take to guard' against it, ..and it sometimes progresses so quickly that death occurs in a few hours no matter what care is given the child. The first thing to do is to stop feed- ing the child and give him plenty of fresh air and pure water to drink. Give Baby's , Own Tablets to carry ff the poison in the system. 1)o not under ,any circitzn. tances give a medi- iino to chock the diarrhoea, except under. the advice of a doctor; B i:sing Baby's Own Tablets the cause of the diarrhoea will be removed, and the disearsa will thus be checked in a natural manner, Proof that, the Tablets+euro this too often fatal trouble is given by Mrs. Ilerbert Burnham, Smith's Falls, Ont., who pays: "When my eldest child was fix weeks old he had an attack of cholera infhntum and was at dea'th's door. My doctor advised me to try, Baby's Own Tablets and in twenty- four hours baby was better; the von iting anal purging ceased and he see gained strength. rapidly." . Keep the Tablets in the house -- their prompt use may save your lit- tle one's life. Sold by `medicine dealers or sent postpaid at 25 cents h box by writing the, Dr. .`William,s' ;,M'etlielaa 0o_,, 13reekaille,, Ont, it ITARD LINES FOR LADIES. A wonderful similarity exists in the sayings about women current in the various nations. Tho Spanish rhyme has it: "Were a woman as little as sho is good, a pea -pod would make her a gown and a hood." An 4N1d English saying: "If a man lose a woman and a farthing ho will be sorry he lost the farthing." Thr, French adage: "A elan of straw is worth a woman of gold." The Scotch say: "Honest men mar- ry soon, wise men never." The Arabian declares: "Words are women; deeds aro meas." The Ilindo says that a woman's wisdom is under her heel. The German states that whenever there is mischief brewing a woman is at the bottom of it. The Persian asserts that women and dragons are best out of the world. The Corsicgn says: "Just as a good and a bad horse both need the spur, a good and a bad woman both need the whip." 1• IT READS LIRE A I IZIICLE ONLY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE.. DOING SIMILAR THINGS DAILY. Reuben Draper's Gravel Cured Three Years Ago—It Ras Never Come Back. Bristol P. 0., Quebec, August 3. - (Special).; Reuben Draper, well- known here, tells a story of his cure of a bad case of gravel _that would be considered miraculous if similar Aures by Dodd's Kidney Pills were not being reported almost daily. •"tAbout throe years ago," says Mr. Draper, "I was 'taken ill with what r thought was gravel. I was suffer- ing great pain, and the doctor I rent for gave me but little relief. flnothcr doctor I tried failed to euro rne, and I was getting weaker all the Rene. "Then a man advised me 'to try Dodd's Kidney PilTs as they had lured his mother, and I did so. In !yet one week after I started using thorn, I passes} a stone as large as p small bean, and in four days after r passed another about 'the size of a rain of barley. That is two years ego, and I have not had any 'trouble vince." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all ail. pents of the bladder and urinary or - AMATEUR COAL TRIMMER. Tells His Experience on an At- lantic Liner. Life among the stokers an board an Atlantic liner is described in the Royal Magazine, by a contributor who put in a voyage as an amateur coal trimmer. As coal trimmer, lie says, I had to wheel any barrow through a narrow tunnel, 1111 it with coal from the bunker, wheel it bank again, empty it at the stokers' feet, and- keep on until the watch was over: but this apparently simple occupation was not without its perils. The glass et;ylinders which show the depth of water in the boilers may burst 'twice a day, but save an occasional scald- ing a man is not often injured by this. Far more serious are the con- sequences of his opening the doors of his furnaces without first shutting off his forced draught. A careless man—perhaps one who has boarded the ship the worse for liquor—may, on starting his watch, forget 'to shut oft. 'the three checks at the side . of the furnace which regulate this de- tail. On opening the door, a blind- ing draught will fly into his face, and probably scorch him frightfully. There is no limit to the number of minor casualties. As I trimmed at my barrow the ship Would give a sudden lurch, and my spaide would fly out of my hand. If I wheeled it through the tunnel Without knocking my lieacl against the side, I consid- ered myself fortunate. With the roll of the ship tools would fly about'in all directions. A rake, Which had been Lying idle at one side of the stokehold, would come violently sliding towards one. If you .stood in the neiglrberhood of s, hatch anything might Come sold - r denly down •oal to your head, Pee - haps a shovel has been mislaid 00P9e where above. so down ft would come witp a f:rarrh.. During a gale it was no unusual thing for a miniature Niagara' to rusb down the ventilator and drench any ono who happened to be standing. near. A sea, too, will sometimes alight on a masa of clinkers, and save the trimmer his task of extinguishing them, scalding him and his neighbors the while by an upward rush of steam. The stock dinner dish in the stoke hold is "hoo•dle," a mixture of meats, potatoes, and soup. For breakfast, hash; for tea, meat—of a kind—and bread. At eight every eight the chief stewax*1 sends the men - on the watelhjust over a huge tin containing the leavings from the saloon passengers' 'dishes. It is re- ceived from the steward by a trim- mere-who trim- mer who no doubt gets his first "whack" at some dainty morsel. Meat, fish, mayonnaise of lobster, green vegetables, pastry, tarts, fat from joints, are all jumbled together in a mixture of gravy and soup. As to who gets which is a matter of physical contest. The "blackies" simply rush for the pan, and some- times topple over the trimmer in charge before he has bad a chance himself. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way tar cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed con• elltlon of the mucous iyiing of they Eus- tachian Tubo. 'When this tube is lnifam- ed you havo a. rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and un- less the inflammation can he taken out and this tubo restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed fon. ever.by Oe..tiarrh , whicht isnothing b t f caused an Inflamed condition of the mucous ser- vices. Wo wild give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by hall's Catarrh Duro. Send for circulars, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold b ]Druggistilis, ?5c. U es�'m amilxr Ys are the best, WATCHDOGS WITH FEATHERS. A Pair of Grey Geese Make Ef- ficient Sentinels. Having discharged the family watchdog in disgrace, a fanner has installed two enormous grey geese as guardians of Igo home. They are more efficient as sentinels than the best watchdog that ever lived, he thinks. In addition to which they have the following points in their favor. They do not howl at the moon; they do not make friends with visiting burglars and bite the par- son; they do not transform the front garden into a depository for ancient bones. Like most big ganders they are belligerent. The minute the front gate clicks they come rushing around from the backyard with wings out- stretched and flapping, looking for a fight. It is no use to say, "Good doggy, nice doggy, to them. They cannot be flattered or cajoled. Moral suasion falls futile. The average burglar who hears about these geese will doubtless be of the idea that one has only to say "shoot chicly," ,to send them scuttling. Any burglar who knows a goose will know better. A big grey gander is not afraid of any- thing. These two will attack anything that comes in the front gate with the savageness of a bulldog. And they are able to 8o about as much damage. They take flying leaps at the intruder, beating him about the head with their wings and punching in the face with their bills. All the time they keep up such a hissing and noise that it is enough to scare away the stoutest -hearted burglar. t BEATEN ON OWN GROUND. The workmen of Germany are not the greatest European beer drinkers: Their average consumption per day is two quarts a head, while in Eng- land the average among the same class is slightly larger. • Customer (to printer) : You pro- mised to have my work done yester- day, and you haven't touched it yet." Printer : "My dear sir, we've Leon so busy in this office that you ought to be, very thankful that we -taok the time to make you a prow - Jenkins : "Then you mean to 'tell me I have told a lie ?" Chambers: "Well, no; I don't wish to be quite so rude as that, but I will say this—you'd make a very good weath- er prophet." Lifebuoy Soap-'disi'nfeetant — 1s strongly recomneended by the medi- cal profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. "Whose little boy is this, I won- der?" asked the old gent. "There is two ways you can find out," said the small boy. "How so, my son?" "You might guess, or you might in- quire," replied the small boy. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend Frank -•"I've got even with Jim at last." Ned—"How did you do it?" Frank --"I gave his girl a pair of pretty vases and he will go broke keeping them filled with flowers." Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians There aro 22/7 lead pencil factories in Germany, which employ 2,818 persons and export each year 1,614 tons of pencils, worth $2,000,000. Wife : "George, this burning of the candle at both enkis meats all un- timely ntimely grave. It is nearly twelve o'clock. Coyne to bed. George': "But k'an doing this night work In order to find money enough to bey you a birthday present," Wife : "Well, if you will per$st ixi work- of couree, I can't Stoic it. Ctaod-night, flea." atoY''�1lill rrd-- t' iTaRizahl w 'igr `.i +ul Each chest of Blue Ribbon Tea is lined with lead --- the tea poured in and a sheet of lead placed on top and soldered down. No air or moisture can possibly reach The taste and aroma are retained a b s o lately unimpaired. The richness, delicacy and creamy taste are all there to cheer and_ solace every moment if you want. a ales Mixed Forty Cents 11 Ceylon Green Should be Fine Amt for the Kea Label A FUNEREAL GAIT. "Mere 1" called the innpatient guest. 'Pike obsequious waiter came to his side. "Seems to me that soup I ordered is a long time getting to rue." "Yes, sir; but you must remem- ber„ sir, that you ordered turtle soup, BROUGHT AFRICA. TO LONDON. In the course of a lecture in Lon- don, Sir Harry Johnston reproduc- ed, by moans of the phonograph, re- cords of many of the native songs of Uganda utilized in their war dances, festivals and orgies, as well as many of the dialects of the various tribes. I was Cured of painful Goitre by MIINARD' S L1NII•DBNI", BYARD MdTTIJ IN. Ohatham, Ont. I was iJured of Inflantmation by MINA I.D'S LINIMENT. MRS, W. W, JOIENSON. 'Walsh, Ont. I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia ng M1N1ARD' S LINIMIEINT. J. H. BAILiY. Parksdalc, Ont. 759 "You should sleep on your right side, madam." "I really can't do it, doctor. My husband talks in his sleep, and I can't, hear a thing with my left ear." ENGLISH SPAYIN LINIMENT lumrs and blemishes fromovels all m ohorses,soft or aabi old calloused nurbs, splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles, soresesf coughs, arold $yey uoono n bott•o. Wrane the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. "Sweet are the uses of adversity," quoted the philosophical friend. "Perhaps," admitted the prosaic man; "but I'm not hankering for that kind of sweetness." For Over Sixty Years Was. wixsnow's SOOTHE O SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. lmsoothos the child, softens the gums. al lase pain cures rind collo, regulates the stomach end bowels, and is the beet remedy for Dlerniuea. Twenty-ftre Dents a bottle Bold by druggists throughout the world. euro and Laic for" stns. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." 23-74 Mistress (greatly scandalized): "Is it possible, Mary, you are making bread without having washed your hands ?" New Kitchen Girl : "Lor' what's the difference, muan ! It's brown bread." Keep Minard's Liniment in the Nouse, Missionary—"Our situation was so remote that for a whole year my wife never sate a white face but my own," Sympathetic Young Woman -- "Oh, poor thing" $64.80. • Toronto - To North Pacific Coast and Return Via Great North- ern Railway. Effective daily from July 81st to August 18th, inclusive, round trip first-class tickets will bg, issued from Toronto to Seattle, Tacoma, ;Wash., Portland, Ore., also to Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., via Great North- ern Ry. at rate of $64.80. Proportionate rates from all points in Ontario. Tickets will be valid for re't'urn until October 15th, 1908. 11'ull inforftration as to stop over privileges, t#me of trains, sleeping ,car rates,' ete., on application 'to ,Chatles W. Gravels, District Passen- ger, Agent, Great 'Northern'R•y., 6 ' . big 'Street -west, Itooxtl 12, Toro* cyst.. crbkkg Brushes Take the Backache the out of Cleaning. They are absolutely the best brushes money can buy—the best made—backs do not warp off bristles do not fall out of Boeckh's Scrubbing Brushes. Your grocer sells them. Hone Genuine Without Ramo "IIo akin".on bads of Brush. tJ74'=` 'S2,.xr catlllr:+ 's.Yr' x: :cai9•...3' ION BEADS. ard I0Beu ft Headlight" 601 9"" 9 loos Vanes 6e Victoria" "Little Comet" c �pN CANADA ucr..:l eneex..enonwr r • 4i Ah\��x� ! � � gip' ,r • �� Good 'Things to Eat on the Lawn Potted Ham, Beef and Tongue, Ox Tongue (whole), Veal Loaf, Deviled Ham, Brisket Beef, Sliced Soaked Bol. All Natural Flavor Foods. Palatable and wholesome. Your grocer should have them. Send ave 2c stomps for Libhy'a big Atlas of the World. Handsome booklet—•'Bow to Make Good things to Eat"—free. Libby, McNeill S. Libby, Chicago. Dominion Lim Steamships Nlontr€tai to Liverpool Boston to Liverpool Large and Fast Steamships, Superior accommodation br all classes of pau,ongors. Saloons and Staterooms .re amidships. Special attenti6n has been given to the earllend Saloon and Third -Class accommodation. For 'Metal passage and all particulars, apply to any agent of the Company, or to passenger agent. 9.60 DOMINION LINE OFrICES: 7 Steto St., Boston. 17 Bt. Saornmont St, Montreal ammo esenterreetereremaermerremve.veleretontrevemeeememetteneern Suitor—"Your sister and I were just talking business out hero on the veranda." Her Little Brother— "Oh, no, you weren't. When a fel- low begins to talk business sister al- ways takes him into the conserva- tory." Ask for Minard's and take no other. A paper refuses to publish eulogies gratis, but adds: "We gill publish the simple announeement of the death of any of our friends :with pleasure." Experiment with other and Inferior brands, USE EDDY'S '1 Dyeing I Meaning b For the very boat send your work to the "BRITISHI AMERICAN OYEIHC'610." Look for agent in your;own, or eood direst. lrfontreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. 2--44 PA I®_..T MAYBEE 103 Bay St„TOI503ITO Ore !NALL SPECIAL ATTEPITIQIu TO PATENT LITIGATION. Send for Handbook on r'atontl, 50.. If scientific principals count for anything the patent inflated air pad truss should. be a sncoess. It holds the parts in such position that with fair play they must heal, Itis light and comfortable to wear, and your confidence le restored the moment it is adjusted, You can proeare it only from the 13e11 and Truss Mfq. Co.., Hernia Speoialists, 433 spadiha Ave., Toronto. Write now. 22-47 ORANGES We have Mexicans, California Navels, Valencias, and Smiles. LENS WEIIAVE THE BEST Carload every week. A11 the above at market prices. We can also handle your i LAter, Eggs, Poalitry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. 4 # BAWSON COMMISSION CO, Lhtiited., Ger. sweet rvlarsot St„ TOsOatTO.� I FARMS, UG Best for - Best for Big Folks T Little Folks -yVs.Cneec. JOHN TAYLOR & CO. Perfumers and Soap Makers I tORONTO. tan.eines tireiMifintalni ISSUE 140.