HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-09-06, Page 10Fuge 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 1986 �qyfjq3q9Q Stanley Township has made a name for itself among the breakfast crowd. Their giant morning smorgasbords can't be beat and a good crowd was on hand to feast on pancakes, eggs, back bacon, home fries, tomatoes, toast and coffee at the Saturday morning meal. Janet Jewitt of Clinton and Jean Taylor of Bayfield were among the early bird diners. (Shelley McPhee-Haist photo) Results from he Bayfield Fair • Vegetables - TE -EM Farina. Crafts Carolyn endeavour to improve working conditions, BAYFIELD - The hustle and bustle which!..:.Mackay, Afra Vanwonderen, Doreen staff facilities and amenities, this Wider - invaded the arena and the fair grounds lalt McKenzie (Ceramics) Leda McAlister (Pot- mining. of output needs to be recognized. weekend is over, although for the organizers.. 'tery), Tara Hessel1 (Jun. Pottery), Teresa • Examples of abuse of time and fafilities of such a comprehensive event there is still , Wynsa, Ina Fisher, Helen Toornstra, included non -job usage of copying,i word - much to do, writing letters of thanks for crocheting. Betty Brand -knitting, Sarah processing and video equipment, taking much valued support, sorting out the book- Bauer - teen stitchers. Anna Dolmage - time out on false pretences or for unse'hedul- keeping and the allocation of prizes. golden ages, Jim Cleave - woodworking. ed breaks. The organizers of the baby show would Anniversary Service Disregard for agreed times of arrival and a sections of lar departure • BAYFIELD - St. Andrew's United Church de prepresentsg was well filled on August 31 to celebrate the `stolen time', as do extended breaks; per - 130th anniversary of the holding of regular sonal telephone calls and activities; un - church services in Bayfield, and the 84th an- justified sick leave and dilatory attention to niversary of the present St. Andrew's job assignments. Pre and post weekend and Church. holiday periods were also revealed to be Introducing his daughter Deborah, who areas of predominant time wasting. It was wasthe guest speaker, Rev. John Hoekstra also noted that indifferent work habits pro - assured the congregation that he had known longed performance. According to the all her life! survey of the private sector alone over the millir her M ss Hoekstra referred to the background course of one year the average 'lost time' of the occasion and how it exemplified the per employee was calculated at four 40 hour weeks. ` Because the situation exists at all levels, the examples of executives and top'manage- ment are perpetuated, and perhaps it is for this reason that the very serious negative ef- fects are not fully appreciated, There is no doubt that such an analysis of productivity indicates that for many businesses an up- dated appraisal of approach to the job, by both employees and employers may well be By Helen Owen particularly like to expre their thanks to the following, Elaine's Country F• Owers, Gammages Gifts and Flowers, B • yfield Country Store, George' Gift Shop, Focus, Bayfield, Bayfield Wagon & Carrie a Ltd., Bayfield Agricultural Society, Hei z and Gerbers, all of 'Whom contributed wo derful gifts. Thanks also to the judges of t e baby show, such a difficult task, and to the parents who came .with their infant. from, `all around to take part. Other Fair results are as follows: P• Horse and Rider - Jennifer McNutt, Postma and entries, from S. Huron Pony and Rider - Christie Wilson. De Bikes - Dougall McLean. Antique Tr Le ,Beau Farms. Floats, 3 categ Goderich Lions Club, Pinelake Starhome Farm. Novelty Vehicles Cheese Nook, Kurt Wachhaus. Ch- Costumes - Kevin Baxter, Jeff Ste Susan Madson, Crystal Garrett. (Specials) Mrs. Pat Madson, Emily Special Commercial - Emely 1 Kathleen Siertsema, Sheila Miller, Merrill, Doreen McKenzie, Heavy H Don Sowerby - Four Horse Hitch Penhale - Best Matched Team. Mrs. Young - Lady Driver. S. Huron Vet Award - Scott Vodden, Sheep - Don 1 and Ed Jackson. Plants and Flowers Turner, Fruit - Fred McCly rade: ngela, joining of churches locally, nationally and iders. globally so that today old traditions were orated etors - ries - amp, - The dren's enson, aking oultis, oultis, ildred I rses - Tom rnold .rinary aring Helen ont, Historical society to tour historic site By Helen•Owen BAYFIELD - A change in the regular pro- gram schedule for the Bayfield Historical Society is planned for September. Instead of a local meeting on September 22 members are invited to join in a day trip to London on September 29. The bus tour will include visits to places of historic interest starting off in the morning with the Indian Ar- cheological Site. Thanks to Prof. Walter Thompson, lunch will be at the University of Western Ontario and then in the afternoon the party will go on to Eldon House and from there to the Mid- dlesex County Court House (previously the London Court House and Jail). Guides and speakers will be on hand to provide the historical commentary. Please note that the tour has been arranged so that walking will be minimal. Details of times and costs are being cir- culated to members of the society but guests are invited to join the trip and for further in- formation please call Rae Fraser, 565-2175, Peg Willock 565-2469 or Twen Pemberton 565-2648. Recreation Committee The committee would like to thank all those who have responded tO the appeal launched to complete the ball diamond pro- ject. Winners of the recreation draw for July and August are Jack Pounder an Koene respectively. Trinity ACW Thanks to those who contribu generously to the Mission Stall at th Fair. Once•again this proved a succ venture andtthe proceeds will help to ment contributions towards work in th sion Fields. The September meeting will be home of the Rev. and Mrs. Youmat September 4 at 2 p.m. The auction sa nounced previously has been cancelle members are asked to make a special to attend. Gtft‘ R A V E cA4 R A V E TRAVEL TRAVEL LEISURE TOURS MANITOUL N ISLAND: Sept. 25. Sept. 27 Join Leisure Tours on this 3 day tour - Beautiful scenery and hopefully the colours of Fall will add a crowning touch to everything-_ TOUR INCLUDES: Transportation 2 Nights Accommodation From 2 Breakfast, 2 Dinners. 1 Lunch Chi-Cheemaun Ferry Sightseeing Some Extra Suprises $20600 per person BANCROFT AND BEYOND: Oct. 6-8 Taking in Holiburton Highlands, Kawartho Lakes, North Hastings and all Areas - Well known for their superb Fall Colours. TOUR INCLUDES: Transportation 2 Night Accommodation From 2 Dinners, 2 Breakfasts, 3 Lunches Stoney Lake.Cruise � �� OO Princess Sodailtdalite Mine $ Pioneer Museum Whetung Indian Craft Centro per person PLUS OTHERS JACK MINERS - 2 Days - October 23-24 - From 4115.00 p.p. NIAGARA FALLS - Festival of Lights - 2 Days - November 29-30 From $141.00 p.p. (Entertainment Mei Tiflis & Minnie Pearl - Tom Netherton) ANDY WILLIAMS - Christmas Show - 2 Days - Nov. 30 to Dec. 1 - From 5164.00 p.p. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PLEASE CONTACT YOUR ONE STOP TRAVEL CENTRE. PLEASE CALL ANN 011 CAROLE AT R E- dAs 482-9300 Members and Non -Members Welcome TRAVE R A V E Joe d so Fall ssful. mple- Mis- t the ►ff on le an - ,but ffort 9, . BEST INTEREST li .e ud lAFlo " ,.. ,11 Guaranteed ','invlistiiteot `I •,CertlfieeEt4 ` *Subject toichie "Geiser-Kneale s Exeter 233-2420 Clinton 412.9747 Insurance Brokersllnc. Grand Bend 231.1414 God. 324-2 Ich 1S perpetuated and, in fellowship, new ones for the future were being formulated. She listed some of the controversial issues which had to be faced by the church today and the con- tinual changes which could not be ignored but which offered new challenges in growth and survival. In conclusion she reminded the congrega- overdue. tion of the undaunted faith of their forebears Bayfield Garden Club n and their responsibility to continue to share The next meeting of the Bayfield Garden the "good news". Club will be on •September 8, in the Anne Hoekstra was received into the Municipal Buildingat 8 p.m. Everyone membership of St. Andrews by transfer. p welcome. choir and soloist, Ted Turin contributed As members had expressed an interest in Throughout the service the singing of the warmth and a spirit of unity. Nicole Getty, the cultivation of roses, especially with a view to exhibition, this is the chosen theme, violin, accompanied by her mother provided a delightful interlude. At the conclusion of and Mr. and Mrs. Doig of Seaforth will be the service the congregation met in the hall the speakers. for coffee and a social hour. Children's Ball Program Special Note: September 7 morning ser- Bayfield children's ball program has vice will be held at 11 a.m. finished for the summer. They would like to Health Clinic thank Joe and Marie Vanstone for providing Just a reminder that the Huron County the place for the party, the Bayfield Village Health Clinic will be at the municipal Inn for providing all the wieners and the Op building on September 9. Since its inception timists for the mustard, relish and ketchup. it has attracted a large number of local A thank you to those faithful coaches - Pa residents who benefit from the facilities and Reder Tee Ball, Marie Vanstone - Tyke. advice offered by the nurses. . Cathy Scott and Harry Hessel - Mites, Ed Fogarty and Dave Sieger - Squirts. The Thieves of Time The Mites Tournament scheduled for Early in the 18th century, Edward Young, August 23 was cancelled due to rain. wrote "procrastination is the thief of time." However, they did play Tuckersmith in That was a long time ago but it is certainly Vanastra on August 25. It was a very high borne out by a piece published in the Globe pressured game for both teams. and Mail during the past week which The first inning Tuckersmith led by 3-2, highlights the ways in which employees, at the second inning Bayfield came back with all levers, steal and waste time: , the third inning was a tie at 7 -'4 -and the fourth inningremained a tie. The figures quoted for Canada are for 1982, and in financial terms represent, at a With the game limit up, the teams went m- conServative assessment, some $15 -billion! to overtime, and this is where the Bayfield And that is more than triple the amount lost Pizza Palace Crust Rollers got their bats go - through acknowledged crimes against ing bringing in seven runs! The business, embezzlement, arson, fraud, etc. Tuckersmith team had last bat bringing in It is a staggering revelation, and whilst one run so Bayfield were the winners with trade unions and personnel departments the score at 14-8. .0 l l.4 repave ,, .for .festival. J c'1 IMP, 1 vI tlUitll %„ ,',• ,J1 ,i• �`: HEY! BAYFIELli We Deliver to ifOU WITH SAME DAY SERVICE! ) FLOWERS FOR TOL Y 166 THE SQUARE, CODERICH PHON GIFTS FOREVER 524-8761 Evenings and Sundays phone 52942531 Take us back to college with you this fall . .. Clinton News -Record Any student away at college wants to know the news from home. And there's no better way to get it, than with a regular subscription to the paper. That's why we offer special rates to college students for t months (the school year). Special Student $ 5 0 ,. REGULAR Subscription • e MONTH Rate - SU$ISCRIPTION t0.6105 MOD.. 60.0121esmanee memo, IS $14.00-- CLINTON NEWS.RECORD 14.00_CLINTONNEWS.RECORD PHONE P.o.1OX 35 450-3443 CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM ILO Student Narne Address l Sterling Date pmaim+..,.; ,d.q tis mem w.ear:araraswacawotoororeara.rarrrtIm By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - Communion was celebrated in St. James' Middleton Anglican Church Sunday with Rev. Aubrey Bell of- ficiating. Ron Grienduis as organist. Don Middleton and little Derek Taylor received the offering. St. James' A.C.W. meets at Jervis Bay on September 11 at 8 p.m. Please bring your pennies rolled. • Craft Festival A planning meeting was held in the church hall last week with Audrey Middleton as organizer. Those present were Bev Vanhinuys, Lois Wise, Estelle Wise, Blan- che Deeves who all came up with some ideas of what might be sold in the deli booth at the craft festival in October. The specialty is to be meat pies, Christmas cake, puddings homemade jams and jelly, pickles and many more. Bus trip to Hamilton sponsored by the ACW of St. James' Middleton. This will be a Sewers delight trip and for those who just like to shop. Call Audrey 482-9838 or 482-9536. 4-H Club holds meeting By Fred Peel BAYFIELD - The fifth meeting of the Bayfield 4-H Dairy Calf Club was held at Paul Gibbing's on August 14. The first subject on the agenda was dairy calf showmanship. The leaders gave points and helpful hints on showmanship e.g. leading the calf properly. The next subject was clipping. The leaders and selected members demonstrated on a heifer the art of clipping dairy cattle. The leaders showed the impor- tant areas of clipping animals so members could do it on their calf. Then everyone went into the house where Susan Van Egmond called the meeting to order. She led in the recital of the 4-H pledge and turned the meeting over to the secretary. Angela Vanden Elzen completed the roll call and reading of the last meeting's Bayfield Minor Hockey REGISTRATION SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 10 a.m.. 12 Noon DAYFIELD MUNICIPAL BUILDING • Boys 8, Girls ages 5.15 needed. For more. information phone Cathy Fisher 565.2535 Averrkivaitertrovvr minutes. Lana Jones and Fred Peel gave reports on Regional Conference which was on July 23-25. The "Reach For The Top" team defeated South Huron Horse but lost Hurondale Eti- quette in the final on July 29 in Hensell. The members read over Lesson 4 and 5 in the dairy lesson book. The leaders handed out the dreaded exam everyone was waiting for. They.took up the exam and found out it was not that bad after all. Members also discussed attendance and picnic planning matters before Susan Van Egmond closed the meeting. Hot dogs, pop and snacks were serve after the meeting. The club was reminded by Fred Peel to get year book photos to hien as soon as possible. BACHERT MEATS Cali us for your custom slaughtering needs SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY 'For your freezer sides of Beef, Pork. Lamb or Veal we specialize in home cured meats and old fashioned country styre pork sausage. -no fitters added. All meat Govt inspected 1 mils east 887-9328 of Walton H. MARINE CONTRACTORS LAKEFRONT EROSION CONTROL •Steel Groyne Walls and Pilings SERVING GRAND BEND, DAV—FIELD, GODEPICH & AREA 9)7 565k2157