HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-09-06, Page 6Page 6—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986 Blyth Standard _,� I Scott and Chris Bromley were on the ball in tournament play in Blyth on Saturday. The littlest of basball players took part in a house league tournament here to mark the end of the season. Teams from Auburn, Winthrop, Londesboro, Belgrave and Blyth took part. (Shelley McPhee-Haist photo) Everyone was a winner By Kathy Bromley BLYTH - Baseball ended Saturday for the Youth Leagues in Blyth with a Grand Finale Tournament. Each of the 12 teams played three games. The difference with this tour- nament to any others was that everyone came out winners as each player received a trophy in recognition of their year of par- ticipation. The looks on their faces said it all - it was well worth enjoyment and effort. Now hockey is the next goal. Where did the summer go? Threshermen s this weekend By Kathy Bromley BLYTH - Mark this week nd on your calendar and make your plan to come to Blyth, as this is the Annual Blyt Thresher's Reunion Friday, Saturday and }today. This year marks a special year as t is the 25th anniversary since its beginning. Machines, exhibits, you name it will be a part of the celebration. Friday is Senior Citizen and handicapped day, where they will get in for $1. Saturday, the big parade gets and Tway at 12 noon, beginning at Hubbards Turnip Plant, advan- cing uptown and ending at the arena. There are numerous floats, and participants entered. Don't forget that the Blyth Firemen will .also be holding Pancake Breakfast both Saturday and Sunday mornings at the fire hall. Meals can also be purchased upstairs at the arena, as Lillian Rhiel is supervising and organizing the Ladies' Auxilary cater- ing tt meals beginning on Friday at lunch and continuing on throughout Saturday. On Sunday, the Lion's Club will be hosting supper. Of course, we can't forget all the steam engines that will be there along with other farm equipment used during the era bet- ween horse drawn plows and the tractors and machines used today. Each day at ap- proximately 4 p.m., a parade of engines will be held advancing throughout the grounds. Hope to see everyone there. • • Legion ladies resume meetings The Ladies Auxilary, branchi 420, met on September 1 for their first fall Meeting after their summer break. President Janice Henry. called the meeting to order. She then �ot down to business as there were num rous news items to go over after the s er holidays. Application for ,new membe ships were read and Agnes Marks and abel Riley were sworn in and later welc med to the Auxilary. Roll call was then taken with 0 members present. Secretary Mildred Am nt read the minutes of the last meeting t e executive meetings held through the s er. Coming United C By Dora Shobbroo LONDESBORO - Welcoming members to the United Church on August 1 were Rev. Snihur and Harry Snell. The ushers for the day wer Tracy and Kim Salverda, and Pam nd Cheryl Hoggart. Rev. Snihur gave the fo lowing an- nouncements. The choir pra ce will be held on September 3 at 7:15 p. .; the Sun- day School will be held on Sept fiber 7 at 10 a.m.; The next baptism servi e will be on September 21; the young peo e will meet after church on September 7 to plan the youth group. A vote of appreciation was iven to Lisa Duizer from the congregation n her retir- ing after four years as orga ist for the church. She will be attending 'versity in Guelph. _. Children's time was Held an on display was a stained glass ornament. The White Rose Restaurant ened under new management oh August 28 up on the agenda for this month are: September 6 and 7, Thresher's Reunion Catering; September 11 - Theatre Cater- ing; September 13 - Convention; September 20 Darts to be held in Goderich; September 27 - Euchre to be in Blyth. The meeting was then adjourned and lunch was served. The next meeting will he October 6. Swinging Seniors The Blyth Swinging Seniors held their August meeting at 6 p.m. on August 27 at the Triple K Restaurant with an attendance of 34. After the meal, President John Hesselwood conducted a business meeting. A nominating committee consisting o0 Alvin Proctor, Grace Easom and Evelyn Smith was elected to bring in a report at the September meeting. A request from Huron - view to take charge of the birthday party in January was accepted: A letter from Huron Pioneer and Hobby Shaw annpunced the ad- mission for Seniors on September 5 will be one dollar. The remainder of the meeting was spent playing euchre, lost heir and scrabble. The September meeting will begin with a pot -luck dinner in the Memorial Hall at 12 p.m.. on September 24. Quote Of The Week: Nothing is waste that makes a memory. urch youth to hold meeting 141ha&'Iin 'ese ed L'arSa gs ti . HOMECOOKED MEALS Daily Specials HOURS: Monday to Saturday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday - Gas Bar only 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Located on Hwy. 4 at Londesboro 523-9352 1986 MERCURY MARQUIS. door, V6, air conditioning 1985 PONTIAeMBISIENNE. • door, air conditioning 1985 PONTIAC 1000 1984 FORD CROWN VICTO01A, 4 door, air conditioning 1984 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE,14 door, air conditioning 1984 BUICK PARK AVENUE 4 door, loaded 1982 CUT4,ASS SUI1REME BROUGHAM, 4door, air • 1982. FORD .F.180 .SUPER CA 1981 AMERICAN MOTOR CONCORD DL, 2 door 1981 DATSUN WAGON 1979 CUTLASS STATIONWAGtON 1979 FORD GRANADA, 4 do r 1979 FORD LTD II, 4 door 1979 OLDS REGENCY 98, 41 door, loaded 1979 GMC VAN AM We welcome Paul and Margaret Brunkard with their sons Geoff and Greg, from Fergus. They purchased the Hillcrest Restaurant and Gasbar from Jerry and Jean Reid who moved to Varna on August 20. Thirty members of the Auburn and Londesboro WI enjoyed a bus trip by Ellison Travel to see the play "Annie" on August 28 , at the Huron County Playhouse in Grand Bend. Lucille White of Toronto spent a few days last week with Beth Knox. Muriel Millson and Sarah of Woodstock visited on August 29 and August 30 with her mother, Dora Shobbrook. The WI Consumer Affairs meeting will be held on September 10 at 8 p.m. in the hall. The guest speaker will be. Barbara Guse, a dietician at the Clinton Hospital. Roll call will be to name a food containing fiber. CAR SALES LT BLYTH- SALES DEPT ... 523 - SERV ICE DEPT...... 523 - Laving Knox of Goderich visited on August 31 with Edythe Beacom and Laura Lyon. A family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Newby attracted 30 family members. Jim Newby, Wanda, Jeff, Scott, Lane and Millard from Calgary attended. Also attendeing were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Menary, Glenn, David, Diane, Kimberly and Steve from New Market. From K' chener were Dennis Newby, Ken, Kare Janet and David, while from Innerkip were Don and Phyllis Newby. Jim, Susie, Jessica and Darren Pearson of Baden were also in attendance, as were Steven, Marie and Brian from Cambridge. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood on their 57th wedding anniversary on August 28. The Londesboro WI are invited to the Blyth WI on Septemeber 4 to see pictures. Bowling tourney successful By Mrs. L. Stonehouse BELGRAVE - The Brussels Bowling Club played for the Gibson Trophy, August 28. The weather seemed fair when we started but by the third end of play the rain and hail came down and everyone ran for the clubhotiier j.:: ``: ` ' i' ' • ' After an hour' playing cards they decided to try again to play three, eight end games and inspite of cold windy conditions they finished about 6:30 p.m. The skips drew their partner's names and Jack Bowman drew his sister Mary Yuill and they won the trophy for this year. Leslie Douglas came second, Eldon Fairles third, Clarence Hanna fourth, Pat Rowland fifth, George Michie sixth, and Gerald Gibson won the consolation. Alf Sutton and Muriel Whitfield bad the lowest score and they were rewarded with a pound of butter each to smooth things over. Everyone enjoyed the pot -luck dinner after a cold afternoon on the greens. Fall Fair Contestants Loreldo Farms Ltd. Brown Swiss cattle did -well -at Kincardine Fair, August 30. They placed first with their entry in the Junior Yearling class, second with the Senior Yearling entry and had Reserve .Junior Champion of the show receiving a trophy from NorbeUe Acres. They placed first and second in the two- year-old class, second and fifth in the three- year-old class. . Loreldo Brandy won first in the Mature Class and went on to be the Grand Champion receiving a Silver Plate. Brandy then won the best udder class winning a clock presented by Gay Lea. This is the second time Brandy has been so honored winning Grand Champion and Best Udder at Teeswater Fair in 1984. The Loreldo cows then went on to win again this year the Breeders Hell plaque from Howson and Howson. There were six Brown Swiss Herds with over 50 head shown. Personals Agnes Youngblut is now a patient in THE BLYTH STANDARD DIMNESS DIREC Robert Worsell Plumbing Heating Soles & Service Box 68, Auburn 526-7597 CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 Optician 07 :Hain Si. South, SEAFORTH ". Optometrist's and Ophthalmologist's l'r.Neriptionx Filled Promptly SUMMER HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Old Friday 9 a.m. -'5:30 p.m. Saturday, 9's .m. -12 noon Closed Wednesday & Saturdays COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE ° 527-1303 University Hospital, London. Margaret Dunbar visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunbar who were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary, which takes place September 4. Mr, and Mrs. Dunbar live at 51 McDonald St., Stratford and Belgrave friends wish to extend best wishe's on their anniversary. Members of the family and relatives gathered at Fanshawe Park, London to honor Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw who celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Monday, September 1. Belgrave friends and neighbors wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw on their 30th wedding anniversary. Sara Anderson has recently returned from a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hartlin to Kingston, Nova Scotia. Sara Anderson attended the wedding of her grandson Craig Schrieber to Joanne Mercer of Milton in the Anglican Church, Milton August 23. Norman Wallace of Minden and grand- children Chris and Sonya of Ottawa visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent. Mr. and 1Vl:rs: Harold VI ACOMt Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mct;utcheon in Owen Sound last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse visited with their sister-in-law Mrs. Viola Stonehouse in London on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Friends and neighbors of this community wish to express their deepest sympathy to Rev. and Mrs. John G. Roberts and their family in the loss of Kay's mother, Mabel Evans of Wales, who died August 10. Mr. and Mrs. John Manna and Kimberley of North Battleford, Saskatchewan, spent a few days last week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna. Carrie -Ann Vincent spent two wee holidays with her grandparents Mr. an Mrs. Leslie Vincent. This community extends sympathy to Mrs. William Black and her family in the loss of her husband and father William Black who died on August 30. Custom laundry Services NOW AVAILABLE!!! "Fast, Friendly Service" We will: ❑WASH O DRY and OFOLD your clothes for only$1 ?5perlb. FREE Pressing included for September only!! *Hand mending *Stain removal Extra GENERAL .1. Richard Elli„tt 15191 523-11721 H. John Elliott 519-523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. !NM HANCE IN AI,I. BHAr4CHKS K%tahhMhed 1910 Bl. Y TH , ONTARIO MIM 1110 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Cantractors Appliance Sales 8 RServi etrigeratice toallon mServakesice • .. Open 6 days to week 40 Years Built by Quality 8Servtce'-41/ Wiinghom, Ontario 357-2456 ona dlstenc6 TOLL FREE (400-265-3025__. LYLE YOUNGBLUT PLUMBING and HEATING BLYTH, ONTARIO PRONE 52.3.9585 aim LOWY SERVICES ousan St.,No, O,rL Phorias 5234 ii HOURS: Mon. Sat. 10 am -B pm 1 CLOSED SUNDAY