HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-09-06, Page 4Page 4—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986 H Is registered as second clan mall by the The Clinton P.O. eco , Clinton. Ontario. published each post office under the permit number 0011. Wednesday Mt Woo 39, JThe News -Record Incorporated In 1934 SubscriSunada,N®M11.L0. 0.Te1,s403•J44J. thoHuran News -Record, founded In 1001, Canada • $21Rat®: and The Clinton Neovs Ora, founded In 1006, Canada • n - 0 5 Total press runs 2.700. Sr. Citizen • { 1 B.Oo per year U.S.A. foreign $40.00 per year Incorporating (THE BLYTH STANDARD J. HOWARD AITKEN - Publisher ANNE NAREJKO - Editor GARY WAIST - Advertising Manager MARY ANN HOLLENBECK - Office Manager Display advertising rotes available on request. Mb for Rate Card No. 15 affective Oc- tober 1.1964. CCNA II ♦ A MEMBER Beware of children Wasting time - I've heard it said that employes waste three days before they go on holid ys and three days when they come back. I' not so sure the three days prior to vacatio period is true in my case, but getting back into the daily routine is pretty difficult for e. And to make matter worse, it's a short eek. Yes, I did come back from my but I must say I was tempted not t . Don't get me wrong, I like my job I enjoy meeting new people, learning about things I would never have the chance to if I Wasn't in this field and sitting in on meetings. But, like most other people I know, I do eejoy my holidays. The best part of holidays for me i� having no routine. I don't have to be up at a certain time, I don't have be at a specified peace at a certain time andi don't have'te ruin from assignment to assignment. Twenty-four hours for seven days belongs to me. I'm not sure I used my holidays wisely The world is back on schedule, at least as far as students and their parents are concerned. Yes, students have packed and headed for university while the younger ones have stocked up on new clothes and shined their bicycles for the dai- ly ride to school. Now that all the children are back in town, automobile operators should pay special attention when they come to an intersection or when they are simply driving down the road. In town,- crossing guards are on the job to help the children cross the streets but they need the co-operation of the drivers. When you're behind the wheel, be sure to stay alert and stop when the crossing guards raise their signs and step towards the middle of the street. Buses are equipped with safety devices too. Their flashing lights and the stop sign at the side means traffic must stop in both directions. Any drivers who fail to do so could face a considerable fine. Youth have been pegged as carefree and excitement such as going back to school and rekindling friendships makes that trait even more evident. They have undoubtedly been taught the safety rules, but one moment of thoughtlessness could be dangerous. It is up to everyone - drivers, cyclists and pedestrians - to make the roads safe. Remember, safety is a two-way. street. - by Anne Narejko. Case to be followed The Clinton News -Record is covering the news of a major drug in- vestigation and subsequent charges in Huron County. The story currently involves 33 persons, 32 of them 18 years of age or older and one young offender. In most incidents involving the police and the courts, this newspaper does not publish the names of those who are charged. In this case The News -Record is following company's editorial policy which includes pro- vision for covering in detail those events vbich involye, setiious illegal of- fences such as drug trafficking in our area. This newspaper will be following through to its conclusion the disposi- tion of these charges, and any other charges that are made as a result of this particular investigation.-SJK Industrial park plans in air 5 years ago September 2, 1981 Industrial Park Plans Still hi Air - Whether or not Clinton develops an in- dustrial park is still an unanswered question. _ _. --- Plans to purchase 54 acres of land m Clip- the Ontario ministry of health will put back ton and develop it in phases as an industrial into the hospital's budget. park have now been halted until a new Meanwhile, some staff has already been agreement is made between the owners and given their termination notices and Mr. the town of Clinton. Coventry hopes they may be rehired pen- Therchase on the land expired din the outcome of the further budget Early Files this year, but I do know one thing - I feel rested and ready to tackle whatever comes my way. There's something about not touching a typewriter or going into the darkroom for a week that makes a journalist wonder if they have lost their skills. After typing stories and printing pictures day in and day out for 50 weeks a year, it's pretty hard to imagine you could lose your skills in only seven days, but we still wonder about it. One thing I was having a little problem with was printing, if you can believe that. Last Sunday I was taping sonie records I purchased on my holidays. Part of the tap- ing job is to label the tapes and list the songs on them. Sounds simple enough, but my fingers had not held a pen and my printing looked similar to that of a Grade 3 student. Although I did do some travelling, I must say the most enjoyable part of my vacation was spent the final weekend around my house. For what many people think are strange reasons, I enjoy cutting grass. I like walking behind the lawn mower and trying to make , each lap straight. I like seeing how close I can get to the trees so I don't have to do much trimming. But most of all, I like how the lawn looks when it is freshly cut. I did my laundry and hung it out to blow in the wind, giving my clothes the fresh smell of the outdoors. I did some painting and trimmed a few trees, nothing too strenuous® but the little things that must be done. And now it's back to the daily routine. I'm editing mews copy, I'm psyching myself up to go into the darkroom and I'm trying to put my thoughts down in a logical form. It may take a day or two, but I'll probably stop wasting time and get back into the routine. The part I find hard to believe at • this particular moment is that I'll start lik- ing it again. A(' • ,; .';fit .i'ir .. •• �.... 1.; n.a. A summer splash By Shelley McPhee-Haist SIQIIQy MCPhQ.Q-llcliSt Superwoman's super tired 1 1 The compromise has been well worth the spects of preparing dinner, bedding down 1 effort and I was reassured of making the the children, catching up on the housework right choice during Superwoman Week. and office paperwork. She may, or may not, sine all too early last week as I have some help from her husband. She has offer to purchase g Mornings c on July 3 extension and col cit October. d for a review. "Life was much simpler before we were stumbled out of bed, into the shower and little tune or energy for any in a e = possibleatuntil 25 years ago liberated," I moaned to a friend. dressed for work. Baby came next, with a moments with her husband and in all 1 Weather Hurtsb anus -Wes weather has.," August 31, 1961 "Maybe," she considered. "But it wasn't quick bath, a few spoonfuls of pablum, likelihood, she falls into bed exhausted. Ontario white bean growers biting their Sewage plant Needs Repairs r The Clinton as gratifying." ressed and heading for the babysitter's. Career mothers are facing a dilemma. A nails with their harvest just underway, but public Utilities Commission on Tuesday soybean growers aren't too concerned yet night heard the report of engineers with t e gratification this past week to last m the By lunchtime I'd be thinking about Baby, Ontario found that three-quaridrs of 71; dofbecause their harvest doesn't begin until the On Water Resources Commission,gs oral nr wondering how she was getting aloe women studied found that their career plans end of September. sewage disposal next six months. Now please let me re to gCharles Broadwell, manager of the On(ernintheStateOfthe plant. Superintendent J. Rands had re - simpler times. without me. Had she had her nap? Had she were being disrupted b y f a m i 1 y; tario Bean producers' Marketing Board in • Last week f donned my red cape and tee- eaten her green beans? Was her new tooth commitments. London, said the Ontario crop has sustained some rain damage to date but the world's largest growing area and Ontario's main competition - Michigan - has had more problems. BIA Gets Gov't Money - Clinton will receive an advance of $44,829 fo a downtown upgrading project under Ontario's -Main- Street Revitalization- Program, Municipal Affairs and housing Minister Claude Ben- nett has announced. The advance represents two-thirds of the loan that the province is contributing to assist Clinton in a beautification project with- parking improvements together with street lighting, furniture and planters with trees, shrubs and flowers. 10 years ago September 2, 1976 Gas, 011 Prices Rise In Area - Clinton has only enjoyed gas prices in the high 70 cent range for the past two weeks, since Malone's Gas Bar opened. When that self serve gas station opened, the other Clinton gas stations lowered their prices to compete with the 76.5 cents a gallon. Before that, most prices were in the Iow 80s. Now, the Federal government has impos- ed another gas and oil hike, which went into effect last Sunday at midnight causing gas prices in Clinton (as well as the rest of Canada, except for Nova Scotia) to rise h Gratifying -I've .tallied up enough self- By 9 a.m. I was ready for a nap. 1984 study from the University of Western" quested the OWRC men to come in an shirt emblazoned with the symbolic "S" to through yet? I'm seeing many young mothers fat investigate. h become Superwoman the same kinds of problems. d B b I raced to Installed more than 15 years ago, the This week the cap and the tee-shirt are By 5 p.m. I longe for Baby 1 ingO as plant is beginning to show the effects of con- buried at the bottom of the laundry basket the sitter's to pick her up. But going home My sister-in-law Nancy, is giving up heri tinned increase in load, and the passing of She'fulltme job to be a stay-at-home mother.. and I'm supertired. only worsened by frustrations. Knowing I She's feeling torn between her decision to; time. In recent weeks both aerators have It sounded like fun, and challenging too a had to be at a 7 p.m. meeting, I only hada give upher work in favor of her commit ceased to function effectively due to the c g g overload, and a problem with industrial week at the helm of the News -Record td fill few hurried moments to be with Baby, eet s a fulltirrie mother to her young son in for the vacationing editor. It wasn't like prepare dinner and start the laundry. waste:. -- 'never done it before - after ail, i had .Superwoman for a week was enough for She loved her work and knows she will mi I'd- d the friendship and challenge that it offered„ - Huron County Sheep ,Winners At CNS - eightyears under my belt as a working jour- me. I'm hanging up my cape foratebile p Best sheep at the Canadian National Exhibi- gwant-it-all and have- decision for the sake of her sanity and het those from Huron Coun- nalist - but never before with a baby in ow. Some want -it -all women would be aghast but she knows that she is making the right tion continue to beI am constantly amazed to realize how with hie. After all, the good marriage. ty, and winners at Clinton Spring Show. much time and energy one little person can it -all trends are the goals that women have continuedifriend who's readying to have her Ephriam Snell showed the,Leicester demand. Raising a child is a fulltime job in been crusading for in their long fight for second child has made plans to give up her grand champion ewe and ram, with Emke itself, without facing the prospects of work- equality. However, in their search for fuifillhusband - Bros. of .Elmwood showing the reserve int: outside the home each day. ment and work equality, the women's mis- work. PreviouslBrenda and Dave felt they needed two fndther incomes animals. I learned that for myself. sion has faltered. The Superwoman Syn- ime SYear Begin Tuesday At 9:30 Managing a fulltime job and raising a drams has resulted in intense emotional 'to maintain their financial security. Torii; O'cllockock - Sch000lf starts at 9:30 a.m. on Managing • could be done if you had a microwave, conflicts as women must face the heart they are looking at adjusting their lifestyle September 5 at Clinton District Collegiate y Bein the stay-at-home mother does have Institute and all students will assemble in dishwasher, regular housekeeper and. bus- wrenching choice between career and and "making do" with one pay cheque. the auditorium. Here they will meet the band who did his share of the chores around fulltime motherhood, financial in- g and be assigned to a "home room" he house. It may sound like a list of dependence and stay-at-home contentmefit- its ma or obstacle to the financial overcome. as Nancy teachers, emends. It is, only made necessary to meet In trying to have -it -all, women are finding l for the coming term the exhaustive schedule of holding down two themselves emotionally drained and and Brenda Thehamoney they made while Handbooks will be; available for new fulltime jobs - mother and working woman. frustrated in their careers and their home everything.on't been worth the stres§'and ext students, to acquaint them with Customs As wella working mother needs to set up life: They feel that they're shortchanging and regulations of the school. either their work or Being a stay-at-home mother is not 50 years age- a tight schedule �o organize her time. In my their kids and their husbands, unable to haustion that it took to earn it. 1936 line of work, time is at a premium. This job give their best efforts to eith clally rewarding. It does not offer tfinal)� September 3, rat Will They Mature° - A rather odd thing' does not offer the luxury of regular hours - their home. you know the nine to five sort. In the We went into the "80';8 it1, the edream and more sociabiillty that coins with in eting people career or the was noted last seek. 0n a tree bearing newspaper business, events happen day and we could do it all, but today on the ob. However for the few short earl large, red apples, in Mrs. T.J. Watt'sy also three bunches evening. Along with a full work day at of night of- 'neo an aremarre finding aid out platurnedas that our babies are growing, the advantages garden, there appeared fife there are usually .a number of into a mg - of beingat home far outweigh the schedule. In their � back into the 80 and 90 cent range. of blossoms. It was rather strange to see e Light Frost Does Little Harm - What•looks blossoms, then raise one's eyes and see the assignments, from five minute photographs like a geed corn cropin Huron County thisen fall, to too -long council meetings. g ripe fruit. We shall see, if it is an op Last week I worked Monday to Friday year could turn into a disaster if a killer how far the new fruit goes toward perfect days, as well as four out of five nights, along frost strikes that area in the next month. development. week we mention- With. a handful of Weekend assignments to light round frost on Monday morning A Still Older Coin - Last cover. Mywork days ranged from eight to 14 Aitl g in the did little damage to any crops in the area ex- ed a penny which had been dug, tip "f y beans and s'en'sitive n of Mr. T. Carter, dated I i4. e n hours. cepa 8or"ne white garde, . I survived; It was fun to be rack at the . le crops s in love lying areas, but local Saturday Mrs. David Steep showed us a pen- west( It concerned that coolwhich her hilaband had' found ashen the paper with full force speed, but I wouldn't a ricultural experts are ny want to do It for a livhig, nights and maybe even a hard freeze could pavement through town was being put down p until . year ago career had always considerably.several years ago. It is dated lad, twelve but grain corn yields y. ,rlas tonne first for Me. ,t%wever, with the birth ,Sure Of Budget Cut - Con- years earlier than the one mentioned t Hospital al. Notg ,. ,W ::r k of my daughter this year, work I've had to err to a report (filed week's paper, Doug wseek. It is a Province of C'a lads hah reassess myr lifestyle, my strategy and cdventry administrator of the Clinton Tori to page my personal goals Hospital does not know how much money not gone according to sc h drawbacks. ex- haustive efforts to be-all, women are fining I haven't packed away my college degree that they can't meet the demands of their faceted roles in their busy lifestyle. and briefcase for gooI'm s still and in e manywork on a At work, women worry about their kids. a good chance that I'll return in a fulltirn lt They fear that day care services aren't ade- agpacit somewhere down the road. e (juste, that their children's needs are ebe to But t m no Superwoman. l want to be a find e`heY battle;with that allow good journalist, a good partner for my hu* find reasonable compromises that will and a good household careers and occa- band, a good mother them to manage their the job to meet the manager - but net all at once. sigmal take time theirFor now I'm taking on my new job as special needs ofat children. tomother mother with full force conviction. When she'su her Homehe working mo I don't suppose there are any promotions worries about her job. at 5 p.m., after a long day at" the °office, she faces the pro- or paid vacations in this line of business,? 4 • 1