HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-6, Page 5T Locale Kcal( Hot Water for Baaxe Ribbon Tea Not merely simmering must be fresh and must boil gorously. Then it will absorb the deliciousness and fragrance from. lue Ribbon -take all the good out of it. Let it steep at least six minutes -eight if possible -in n an earthenware teapot, and' you'll have the best cup of tea in your life. t1)Elifil least B'1 Ceylon T� Black, Mixed Ceylon. Green, 40c. Should be Fifty 408 Ask for the Red Label v ,A11 tl1e news of Interest to Times Readers Happening * til those Counties. Huron Sometimes after get ting overlie: t -,- ed, there 'follows a chill, then a severe ;cold. 'This quickest and best remedy far the worst kinds of coughs and icoids is Dr.. Wood's Nbrtiria;y Pine ss,yxu•p. Try it. •Price: 25c. Jab,n Anderson, aged 15 ,son of Mrs, Wiillialm Antdersion, of McKillop, was , 1iilsta'ntIy killed last week, while.dr5w- JWQ a load of rails from the bar ito an adjoining field. Pant of 'the way -dyeing • diawnJgr.'iide, thief rails slippe,d Ilr ward n toC a the hot e u .. whileh'. e - .h CJ rne unma�na bJi an ,ga d thrrenv 'the umig lead under the wheels. Perth Lama -Liver PHIS cure biliouimi ss Sick I:letaidltshe; Dyspepsia, Sour St,c1mi- actli, Water Brash, Sallow Complexion, �ttc. ;T1be'y die not gripe, weaken or ssiteksn. Small and easy to take. Price 25c. T•hle Canadian Gazette announces the t : a Appointment of George Rennie,of $tra•t:fgrd, to be collector iof Inland Revenue, and Thomas S. Tobin, of. Stratford, Ont., to be deputy eolleetor of Inland Rev emue, "class A." in , tlio division of Stratford. Thn Mayor and council of. Stratford are in ,danger of being sent to jail in a bunch far _ disobeyingan in junction fer.itdding the dumping of refuse into ithh ire 'Ir MOO. ;They pain eetay out till Se,pte:,beer ,onn good behavior as to the tin 1 to0lStrom. ing point he ; tyros {sustained by mtor- fwashtine. And in time p m,. he a isaliax a e I eJd a.. cured. But. h., ,-scan found, he had a worse ha cit fastened upan; him than, that of cagar•.ett.te smoking.; i3o he. went to •a'ntothen` sanitarium where they cured victims of morphine. There ha underwent the same experience tlh;at he had in the first •j a•eet,land when he 'could sltla,nd tit 'no longer, without morphine they gave him co- caine. And by and by he Ismasl dis- charged as cured. But he was now a victim of cocaine, as much worsed Man mlotriphine as morphine is worse than cigatrottea. Fortunately he at lost found bus way into, a place wheire he was treated honestly and skillfully and ramie out with a mind find body so s'tretn(gtbn,ne•d that lib, may ptctsfbly entirely r'eicover from this tahvful ex'- partf entices. And yet Urine, is tno punishment ford those Lt rs who pushed him know ingly fronn ane 'horrible. condition into another: NO HOT AIG H' .CSN COLORADO. I AD . The nights .are elect without dfam,ll- roam from dews. 'the air is pure with- out undue moisture,. There is no ex- cessive beat in. sn,rnmea., the average temperature !beintg 80 deigrees.t There ara ro continuous, Sat.tureLing rainfalls but t i ether brief ; showers, which pa.+;s aura r quickly, leaving clear skies _ be - .R hind them. The soummetr nights are knranilatbby ,enol, inviting; out=tl;oor'ex enciea and inducing rest anti refneshin sheep. Splstndtid tr'adn service wi;t'h. a.cecmi- modati•ons for all classes of passengers, and very low rates, via the '-• Union Patei!fic. Ask or write for pamphlet, " The Rockies, Great Salt Lake arida the Yel lclwstonr.," cl.escribing in detail the, at- tractions of Mc ticrcret. H. F. Cartnmi. T. P. A. 14 t James Buil.diing, Ttotronto,, Canada, F. B. Chaste, 0. A:, 126 Woad" ward ave., Detroit, Midi. THE WEEK ]N PARLIAMENT. The pest week a PaT1'�nt i itDon't let: headae3e wear you outand one of the most exciting i i"ender you unlit for business or n�i,tshistory as east:re. Milbunn's Sterling Head- ache t ,powders will cure• • you quickly„ and leaves no bad after etfents. They *lo ,not • depress the heart. Price 10c ' .fund 25e. On Saturday, of last. week, while -Mr AVIc'Ta,'nijah'ts• tests small chitd;rten, •-'a .grirtl: ;e(rel bee., aged; ni.nel and 'ten 'r•.el- sspecttive'ly, were playing with matches • a isihoi.t distance from the barn. The! fire ran along the, grass, catching ,on tithe isttnaw stocks and in a ,vretry sh.orlt time the barn .was lin ashes. lihetre 'wos w�J00 insurance, which 4inrtLyao,v- erts the Loss, which will be in the . tp,sigbbarhood of $1,500: ; Anlother old ,set ttl'e'r.has passed tto Ireward in the person of Isata;c Slm'%ttb,. 'Thames ,Concession,, Blan- :shaard, who died an, Monday ire his sev- enty-sixth yore. Deceased,came to Nissoutri overr thirty years go. Mr. Henry Westcott died at his home, St. Marys, an Thursday, July 23, aged 57 yeatrs. Mr. Westehtt had been ill for nearly a year of canceror- m a of the jaw. Last ,oar lie mode re - went an operation at London and had beset confined to his ,home ever sin',ot His illness was prolonged and exceed- ingly painful. CURE! WORSE ,THAN DISEASE. 4 ' Buffalo .Express. This is • a story told bya physician. „ ,,, 1 nr ; charac- ter a,raC- anGf Oi, 1, .L .i 11 young neap r �t I�" lie n� ter -band. of fair intedlelotualit'y lei; cigar trttet3 gett;,the upper hand. of him. When , his Vali zed that he. could net 1 break , Me- without aid, he went, to , a sanitarium. wherry a ` specialty was mad elf n. Gig air�eette, curie. There all . Cigarettes weirs denied him. When the Ora'vtin'g tor t)hleton reiadlve'd,'talc brre(a;lf;- C oristit a ion Does your head .ache? Pahl back of your eyes ? Bad taste in your mouth? It's our li Vert As Pills ills a e They cure consti- atn,p ion, headache, dyspepsia. 25c.' All druuggtdtt. went your moustache or beard beautiful brown or rich black?Thon use�o' BUCKINGHAM'S DYEC(,tiillrors le CT,L op e3ue,aYd'; oe a. P.. Sue. A Co., Nowt., *, N.M.. The announcement of the government policy in 'respect to ,the Gnan,d' Trunk Pettlif1.0 sclhc',m'e was proraiscf3, many times before it was eventually made by Sir Wilfrid :Laurier, on Thursday. The delays howe•v'er, . were rendered necessary by the failure of the tminis- tens toagree as to the teams of the connect. Sirs Willtfri.d was ,aam,pelled to maker kncwie 1ias policy, owing to the resiJ- na,tddon of his mitosis a of railwutyjss Ilan. A. G. Bleier, who could notswal- low. the proposed deal. .� According to :1.'b,s irPreltnialr's stat, intent tittle oongideiration hairs been giv- en t•o'the bill. -Ike• declared that: '.i.,t was a time tar if (vies= 'and nett'tson- isi=deroa,t1,orn. TJhiat; a meai-laro4 ling tars tars a cpielAci itttuir,e orf jf ram( $ 75400,- 000 to $80,000,000 is not Worthy of deal) and sna,tu,ne tlhloni,ght, will double less prove a remarkable proposition to the majority of Canadians. tUnidetr tine tteignits of the algteeameut the government Shill build a lino from IVJonlotdrr •to ;W,fnni,(netg, and Mand it over to the Grand Trunk Pacific. Tho adaninistra:tion. will also guarantee the bonds of the company for a bine from Winnipeg to the Pacific coast, assum- ing ;reslpotnsibili;.y to Mel extex( o,ft 6,13,00�pter mile from Winnipeg to the ,eauetstar. bouindary of l3riotti.ih C'obtYm- his am.cli30i000• per mile from that point to t•h:, ?acific. Mir Te. L. 13ordeen, the 'elder ;of i be appasition,; pointed out the iniquitous allaracttr of the measure, which in ail- ditian _to costing a vast; sutra, will des- troy time Inter eolonial'Railway, . in which „'.3:8,900,000 of Orteadian, money is invested. It was established by, o:ffinial figur- es that out of .40400,000 bushels of west oral grain, only six ,per cent. Was for'wa.rded to the At,lldtn.iioiby al,lprail eh; wing that the G,ralnd Trunk Pacifre ca,unol. furnish rslief to the west. It has only ,one objet ,that eentrioblin,g • of r+ � nate •• romo�ta.r. tl,,. f Ui til 11 c 01ihrs,r business was coen,pleetely o over- ohtserreved by the, big mela,ewre., Call in and see the new sulkey plow at BISSETT & Togs. i". Oth 1903. but she would eventually rally again, of ag;rioulture of the provincialgova and hist before her demise, the strong ernment, le cancluelYe. As will be est hopes were entertained of leer pose." seen, it is the record of the years 1,901 ible recovery, but death at last tris and x902 ; 1902 Mrs.Geo, Saniwell xeturned home on nmphed and suddenly elle Stepped into Monday from Ingersoll, the "portal we call death." Mrs. Mr. Thomas Seldon was a guesb of Powell was born hi Ashtleld, Buron 1&r. George Samuell on Sunday, ]Co. anda resident of Exeter for over Mrs. P. Fisher and Miss Vine Fisher l 23 years, She was a most amiable are visiting friends in. Hajmilton. and lovable women, devoted to her husband and two remaining children. two sons, Willis and Howard, who are now grown to manhood but who will miss the kind and tender devotion of a loving mother. Besides the sorrow- ing members of the home she leaves two brothers and three sisters, who have alsa sustained a great loss at her removal. Mrs. Powell was a consist- ent member of the Main street Meth- odist church, and a valued member of the Ladies Aid Society. As a friend and neighbor she will be missed, The heartfelt sympathy of the comnbunity go out to the sorrowing husband and boys and other members of the family in their sad bereovement., Miss Cony, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, W. Rivers, one block east of. here, Miss Hattie Holloway, of Clinton, is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Rowe, Miss Beatrice Luker has returned home from a pleasant yisitwithfriends n Seaforth, Will White after a pleasant three week's outing at Gananoque returned home this week, Dr. Willis, of Detroit, was here in attendance at the funeral of bis sister, Mrs. S. Powell. Jno. Abell and nephew Regie, of. W. C. T. U, NOTES> -Cornelia, Seaforth, attended the funeral of Mrs: Powell on Tuesday., "Mother pf the Gracchi",distinguished Rev. Peter Strang, of Virden, Man., for her simplicity and wisdom in superintending the education of her two sons.` who afterwards did such noble service to the Roman govern- ment, was once visited by a lady who displayed to Cornelia her jewels, ex- pecting the sante favour in return. Cornelia, however, delayed the con- versation until her two sons returned from school, when she presented them to ber friend with the remark, "These are my jewels," Cornelia's wealth wos invested in the safest and best kind of jewels which would bring the. greatest returns both to their noble mother e andthe state. How many y Cornelias in Exeter are banking their wealth in the safe investment ot all well developed characters of their boys. If we are standing in the shoes of Cornelia's friend, I believe the very best use we could make of our jewels would be to place them upon the altar of sacrifice and help to establish a yo'nng men's Christian Association here in Exeter, where our young men may have rooms all their own. where not only the pbysicial but also the in- tellectual, moral and spiritual may be developed. Let us think about these things. A nation is only strong as its individuals are strong. Spain owes her decline to the cigarette hab- it. Our next W. C. T. U, meeting will be Aug. 12th at the Town Hall. is spending a few weeks with his fath- er, Mr. James Strang. Mrs, Windsor and daughter, of Brown City, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Rowe. Mrs. Ahenfeldt, of Chicago, is visit- ing relatives in town the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Hooper. Cardinal Sarto, of Venice, wile is very learned but modest and retiring has been elected Pope Pius X. Mi. and Mrs. George Powell, .Lon- don tp, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Powell here on Tuesday. Miss Emiline Howard, o of Killarney, eye Manitoba, arrived home on" Monday evening to spend a short holiday under the parental roof. J. E. Tom, I, P, S. and family, of Goderich, spent a few days of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Tom, Mrs. J. J. White and Miss'Dorothy, of Detroit, Mrs. L. Copeland and Master Burton, of Windsor, are visit- ing Mrs. J. White. Mrs. T. J. Roadhouse, of Kirkton, returned home Sunday last after a pleasant visit with relatives in Cen- tralia and Exeter. Messrs' J. A. Stewart, P. Knight and A. Dyer with Mr. E, Dyer, of Brantford, are spending• a week in camp at Port Frank, WANTED IM11IEDIATELY. - Good girl for.general'honsework apply to or address Mess ArseE C SUTHERLAND 33 Princess Avenue, London Ont. v , Afr. Wm.A.Guest, of West Bay City icb., and Thomas E Guest, of St Thomas visited at their ;brother-in- law's, Mr. James Taylor's on Tuesday last. • Mrs. R. J. Brownlee, of Bath, N, Y„ returned home after an extended visit with relatives here, she was accom- panied by her neice Miss Annie Luker, of Centralia, 9 MOULDERS WANTED. -Accustomed to gereral work, and who want 'to learn stove plate. Apply giving ex- perience, references, etc. -The Gurney au�ndry Co. Limited, Toronto, Dr. C. H. McCallum, of Buffalo, ar- rived in town on Tuesday morning and called on old friends in town, and left again on Wednesday morning to spend some time with his parents in their summer cottage at Grand Bend. -" WANTED. - Moulders Improvers. Young men who have had experience, and want to attain greater experience over a larger range of work, princi- ally stove plate. -The Gurney Foun- rer Co., Limited, Toronto. USE AND LAND FOR SALE ^ On Huron street, frame house, containing S rooms, stable, also 2 lots with fruit bearing trees and smaller fruits. De- sireable residence, and good locality. ley to MR. JOHN Dowse, Exeter. ecanto (`astern always bears the Signigture et Chas, 11. Ptetcher. When llaby woe skit, we gave her Casteeie When She bras 5 Child, elle cried. for Castoria. albeit o,+c bestir. 1iti s a'.cclung 'toCnrtor''. ire,a a.,e ii4 G:it,i4aseai.etee o: r take::et Castbriu. OICE TRAINING AND R:1 Y AL ULTURE.-Miss Mildred od•ivini ost raduate in elocution of;"""Alma 'Co' ego St. Thomas, Ontario,wijl begiii cIast's- in elocution and physit:ale,culture in At which Mr. R. L. Borden. Mr, J. P. Exeter, Sept. lst, 1003." For terms, Whitney, and the Party Leaders in apply Victoria street, Exeter. Quebec, and Manitoba have consented t`to be present. kThe large and representative com- ttee in charge have made complete aangements which will ensure the I comfort of the t iousauds whose pre - s nee is confidently expected, The rogram provides for afternoon and The Independent Order of Forester( evening entertainments. The first of Exeter, Crediton, 'arid- -i3asl wood will take the form of an old fashioned intend holding a grand union picnic at Grand Bend on Thursday, August, 27th. There will be a base ball match, races and other sports, Brass band in attendance. GEO. E. ANDERSON, Sec.-Treas. of Committee. Mr. Geo. Blake of Cleveland, Ohio, was here this week renewing old acquaintances, Mr. Blake is now over 70 years of age and years ago when our'dllage was mostly all bash, he built a log house on what is now known as Huron street. He also planted apple and maple trees nn his lot, and some of them are stiil stand- ing. Mr. Blake came to London to attend the Old Boys' reunion, and could not resist coming to Exeter for a few days. DEATFTx Of MRs, POWELL.-Much regret was felt here on Sunday last on learning of the death of Mrs, Powell, which occurred that morning Mrs. Powell was stricken some eight, weeks previous with typhoid fever and from time to time her life was despaired of, EXETER MUNICIPAL COUNCIL .••e•e•-ors--- Council met at call of Reeve at Town Hall Aug. 4th Absent, Councillor Creech. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Cobb]edick-Gillespie-That the fol- lowingcertified cemeteryaccounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same, James Belback, 1$0.75. -Car- ried. Hawkins -gobbled ick -That the fol- lowing accounts be .passed and ord- ers drawn on treasurer for same, -W. C. Huston, sharping saws, 60e: ; Bell Telephone Co.. 75c. ; Silas Handford, Labor, $1.00: W. J. Bissett, part sal- ary 390.00 ; Geo. H. Bissett, postage, $2.00 ; H. Parsons, street watering to July 25th ,$24.00 ; Victoria, Hospital, London, acc. re. Geo. Mc.Brien, $5.80; James Parsons, labor•, 3I.37 ; Ed. Jones, do. 33.00 ;S. Sanders, interest on klarding's note 35.50 ; -H. Spack- man, Hardware etc, $6.51.=0arried. Cobbledick - Gillespie -' that this Council pay the Trtvitt Memorial church wardens 60 % of the cost of a 6 foot cement walk along the south side of Baldwin street to church door, - Carried. Council adjourned to meet at eat of Reeve. ° GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk Grand Liberal -Conservative Demonstration. A grand open air Conservative De- monstration will be held at Hanlan's Point Athletic Grohnds, Toronto Is- land, Toronto. on Wednesday, August 12th .NOTICE -It is urgently requested that all citizens having cows running at large would during the next few days have them closed up at six o'clock, so that they will not tramp on the new gea•tyolithic'pavement now being laid on Victoria street. -W. G. BIssETT, SCOTT'$ EMULSION won't - eke a humpbatgtrqht, nthwilt it make a shortWig, It feeds soft bone and healse di9e sed bone and is anions the few genuine Means of recovery in rickets Ad bone consumption. ete for freesample. SCOTT11OVNE, Chemists, Toronto, Often.. Sac. and $t.00; ell druggists. political picnic, of the free and ' easy kind, where the rank and file of the Party, with their mothers, wives and daughters can meet and make the ac- quaintance of the Leaders and pro- minent politicans of the party. Music by massed Military Bands will enliven the afternoon proceedings. In the exening there will be speaking by the'. party leaders and prominent public men and songs and choruses by a double male octette will be under the direction of E. W. Schuch. The committee have arranged for single first class fares on all railroads good from August lith to 13th inclus- ive. Those attending attending the Demonstration will, when p urchasin g their railway tickets, procure from their local ticket agent, standard cer- tificates, which .vhen signed by the secretary of the committee, Mr. J. A. Mcdonald, will entitle them free to their homes. THE G•iREAT WEST i The Manitoba Free Press has an ex- cellent article upon the marvellous growthof the West, "the land of op- portunity," as it calls it, "for farm- ers and investors." The farmers al- ready engaged in agriculture in the West-an in i nificent P pulati on to the 30,000,000 that Lord Selkirk pro- phesied a century ago that it would support -produced last year 125,00°- 000 bushels of grain; The average e yield per acre of wheat in Manitoba was 26 bushels ; and of oats, 47,5 bushels. In comparison with such returns for agricultural effort, the 10 to 15 bushels crops of the wheat growing states of the American •Union sink into significatice. In order to give a correct view of the wonderful wealths of Manitoba's crops, the fol• rowing statement by the department *i 13 ,m,S sl o , p, n m es a vH .pv lel a; i, Wheat....•.53,077,2137 2,039,940 26,00 Oats......,,34,478,160 725,060 47.5 Barley , .....11,848,422 329,790 35,9 Flax 504,440 41,200 14.7 Rve ..,... , , 49,900 2,559 18,5 Peas. 34,154• 1,596 21.4 Total..100,052,343 3,140,145 Potatoes, ...... -3,459,325 22.002 157 Roots 3,230,995 12,175 265 Butter. Pounds Value Creamery 1,400,450 3374.560.99 Dairy 2,5509,425 261,590.70 3,915,875 3636,160.69 Cheese (factory)1,003,053 111,443,24 Total products $747,603 93 1901 .A m ..moi U 0 7 r- m 0 0, A ai ad 0 Pe Es <I <1 Al Wheat......50,502,085 2,011,835 25.1 Oats 27,796,588 689,957 40.3 Barley .... 0,636,155 191,009 24,2 Flax 266,420 20,978 12.7 Rye 62,261 2.707 23. Peas 16,394 879 18.6 • Totals . . .85,179,858 2,927,359 Potatoes 4,797,433 24,429 Roots 2,925,362 10,214 Butter. Pounds, Value. Dairy 2,748,090 $ 395 540.82 Creamery ...246050 42,424,87 As indicative of the rapid and steady growth in areas cultivated in the pro- yince, the following statement, being a summary of the Government return for the year 1891, may serve as a use- ful table of comparison. mg .0 74 45 eel ai res -g.u ce ce0 se re re ei v fit - ti° �" �a Wheat 23,191,399 916,664 25.3 Oats 14,762,605 305,644 48.29 Barley 3.197,876 89,820 35.6 Flax 16.5 Re 7 921 .28 Pe s 11,655 555 .21 Total.... 41,189,523 Potatoes ......2,291,952 12,705 180,4 Roots 634 2 S¢ 134 47.9 In addition to this enormous growth of grain, the crops of the Northwest Territories must also be considered. The cropstatistics the Territorial Governent mor last year show as fol- lows : 1902 Wheat.... Oats Barley " Bushels. Acres. 14,649,500 585,576 10,725,500 276,942 844,000 80,022 26,219,000 892.540 The Manitoba crop last year needed the services of nearly 2,000 threshing outfits to prepare the grain for mark- et. More than 15,000 extra hands had to be brought from all parts of the Dominion to garner the crop. "The cash value of the grain raised in Mani- toba and:the territories." said Mr. J. Russell, last year's president of the Winnipeg board of trade. "totals ap- roximately $60,000,000, while the cat- tle and dairy products available for export, will add another $2,000,000. This vast amount of wealth has been produced by 41,000 farmers. This is a record that cannot be equalled by any number of farmers in similar cir- cumstances in any other part of the world. The following summary of the pre- sent position of the great city of the. West, Winnipeg, will be of interest to all students of Canada's growth : Total assessable property, 328,615,- 810. Total exemption, $6,558,060. Taxes, 1902, 231 miles. Area, 20 square miles. Macadam pavements, 33 miles. t. Wood block pavements, 17 miles. Asphalt p'evements 11 miles. Plank walks, 190 miles. Sewers 69 miles. Graded streets, 131 miles, Granolithic walks, 11 miles. Boulevards, 49 Miles. Water supply mains, 81 miles. Number of arc lights 255. Number of hydrants, 425. Parks, area in acres, 231. Parks, assessed value, $105,500. CANADIAN PACIFIC Farm Laborers' Extorsions FARM LABORERS WANTED Second Class Will be run to stations en Can. Pac, in Manitoba and Assiniboia, West, South-west, and North-west of Win- nipeg as far as MOOSE JAW, ESTEVAN 0 and YORKTON On AUGUST 18th from stations in Ontario, Main Line of Grand Trunk, Toronto to Sarnia, and all stations north (except North of Cardwell Jct. and North of Toronto on North Bay Section), One way tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold, with a certificate extend- ing the trip, before August 31st, with- out additional cost, to other points in Manitoba and Assiniboia as above. If purchasers engage as farm laborers at Winnipeg, provided such farm labor- ers will work not less than 30 days at harvesting, and produce certificate to that effect, they will be returned to original starting point at $18,00, on or Nov. b 3, before gOt , 190 Tickets not good on "Imper"ial L.inuited." For further particulars and tickets apply to nearest railway agent. A, H. NOTMAN,. Asst. Gen. Pass, Agent, TORONTO. TA :3NTi'w.7N (22'X00 The Pbenomenal Welt -Bred Standard. Trotting Stalton. leg Lewis xniother d,t and k1gh. Canada" for a stip for road and carriage purposes, TARENTUM hes now produced three colts showing bettor then 2.10 speed, one going bailee In 2.05, who is now entered in over $26,- 009 in stakes dawn the Grand Circuit. Harr D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit in the $5000 Chamber and Ciminero° stakes and also in the 2,14 $2000 stakes. and then goes down the Grand. Circuit through other largo stares. Tarentum is the onlystallionin Can- ada that has produced a cot pnenomenally fast enough to face the Grand Circuit that won aeoond money in hie second start in a race at Memphis in a /laid of eleven starters, all speedy ones. Dorthy_ Wilton having got a mark at Lexingtoe, Kontuoky, the previous,. week in 2.09i. In this race Orin B. by Grey. stone , the sire of Tarentum. won 1st money. Harry D, by Tarentum won 2nd money, Major Hal, Srd money. Doherty 'Wilton 4tth money, time 2.091 and 2,10e. ROUTE 9londay,- Sinton McKenzie's Tuckcrsmith, for noon; Blake, night. Tuesday. --Zurich noon ; Crediton, night, Wednesday. -Exeter, noon ; Farquhar. night, Thursday. -Dy way of Stafra to Dublin. noon • home, nicht. Fri- day. -At Ms own stable, Egmondville. Satur. day, -At his own stable, b.gmondvilie, TERMS Farmer's oonunon mares, $15.x0 to insure. Well bred and standard bred mares $20,00 by he season and $25.00 to i*sure. Stud fees due January let, 1904. For tabulated pedigree see large posters, or address, .5. una ttunn w 0/1,1 :M, ter onaviue, unt, VOTERS' LIST 1003 Municipality of the 'Village of Exeter, County of Huron, ...-101- Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sectian8 of the Ontario voters' List Act, the copies required by said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing g by the last R viseu Assess- ment Rollof the said Municipality, entitled to vete at Elections for Members to the Legisla- tine Assembly and at Municipal elections and that the said List was first posted ab my office, at the Town Hall, Exeter, on the Istday of August, A. D., 1903, and remains there for in- spection. Electors are called upon In examine said list and if any ommissions or other errors are found therein, tp take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Exeter, this let day of Augtst, 1903. GEO. H. BrssErr. Village Clerk, VOTERS' LIST 1903 Municipalityof the Township of Usborne,County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to thepersons mentioned 10 Sections 8 and 9 of "The Voters' List Act," the` copies required by the said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pur- suant to said Act of all persons on 1 s e a sarin by p of g , last P the as revised Assessment sm , t Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to votein the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec• tions, and that said list was first posted up at m office Y o at Whalen on the 30th day ay of July 1903, and romaine there for inspection. action, Elect- ors re called upon to examine the said list, and if any omission or other errors aro found thereinto take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrrected according to law. Dated this 31st day of July 1903. FRAxois MoRLEY Clerk of the said Municipality. FOR SALE .At Elimville, a comfortable house with 2i acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds of fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best of water. For particulars apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to Wm. MIN- ERS, Elimville P. 0. FARM TO RENT To rent on reasonable terms, Lot 6 south Thames Road being composed of 1491 acres. Good barn and stables, comfortable dwelling with bard and soft water. The land is nearly all under cultivation, w well drained with Sauble river running through the bush, This is desirable property. For further particulars apply on the premises or 'to ALEX MCDONALD, Hay P.O. FARM TO RENT To rent on reasonable terms, Lot 12, lst con. Stephen. 2 miles south of Exeter being composed of 100 acres. Good barn and brick stables, comfor- table brick house with hard and soft water, a good young orchard. 0 The land is nearly all under cultivation, well drained with a creek running through centre of farm. This is de- sirable property. For further par- 1 ' ticulars apply on the premises to FRANK SNBLL, or JAMES SNELL, Main street, Exeter FARM FOR SALE' A farm containing 100 acres of ,good land on con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town- Land is drained ship. well and about 80 acres fenced. On the premises is a bank barn good with stables and a large house, warm and comfortable, • good supply of hard and soft water, 1 . acre of good orchard. The farm is sittiated 2 miles from Dashwood, 1 about half a mile from Sarepta P.O. and 11 miles from school. This is de- sirable property for any one who wantsa good farm. Reasons for sell- ing, proprietor is giying up farming. E For further apply to Jos particulars EPR BASTARD, Sarepta, P.O. 1 London. Huron and Brucc. Ioxaa NORTH-- Passenger. c London, depart 8.15 A, M, 4.40 P. M. 7 'Centralia -' "" 9,1 5.50 a Exeter 9.80 6.0 r Bensall 9.44 6,15 1 Kippen . ......... 9.509.�6.25 c Brnoeflold' ; 9.58 .0.33 i Clinton 10.15 6.55 TT 4OINGin ham arrive. 11.10 8.00 t Solna- Passenger 1 Wingham, depart...,. CRA, i,r. 3.15 P. M r Clinton ., 7. ' 4.25 . Bruoefield 4.49 Kippen 4,57 Hammel .. 5.02. Exeter 4 •.. 8.3S 6.10 Centralia . .. 8,,46 5.25 c .arrive......... arrive . 9.81' 6.12 t l 1 l Child v,- n Cry for i , 1 :_. - .._.. IA p�d Do you Want We have the finest stock in tt w ail the latest styles, in the bi colors. Our prices are low as can be faun? for first-class material and work/nano ship, BEFORE YOU BUY CALL ftND SEE U8. F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound. ot Cure." - Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse. bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure. you. We carry a large as- sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some of our remedies. Dictig Store MEDICAL W . DEO WNINu M. D. M. O. P. B, Graduate Victoria .'niversit3 office and residence, Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. • DENTAL tr KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN. L. D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate - of Toronto University. Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or - bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main treet,`Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L.D.S. DFINTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetio Dentistry (with, honorable mention. Everythingknown to the Dental Profession= done in this office. f8 e. Bridge work, crowns, al- lumin um gold and vulcanitelatae all done hexthe neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaestheticused for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling:.Bro's store. Exeter, Ont. INSURANCE. RNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN AssmaaxCE COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pisces= Frac. NsuRANoa COMPANY, of London, England;. AL LLANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of End' and MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest sent upon farm or village property at lower ates of interest. DICKSON Jt CARLING Exeter. °IONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fends to can on farm and Tillage properties atlowrates- f interest. GLADMAN Jc STAN3IURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St, Exeter: LEGAL, ICKSON & CARLING, arristers, Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsone Bank, Etc. oney to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, -EXETER* . R. CARLING E. A. L. R. t!eIoiCSoi9° OR SALE -BRICK. RE SIDENCE WITH AN ACRE OF LAND IN EXETER -We ofi'er for sale on reasonable erme, that very desirable residential property mown as "The Hooper Homestead"' situated n Lot No. 86, south of Huron Street, Exeter« here is erected -upon the land, a comfortable :nd commodious brick dwelling, also the• ecessary outhouses. The house is rn good re - ,air and has 9 rooms. The lot contains an acre f land audio excellently adapted for garden ng or fruit growing. There is a plentiful sup- ly of hard and scat water, The property is up o date and the terms easy. for particulars ap- fly to .uroittlox fit CARLING barristers Exeter r to A. 19. BooPER, Raw P. O„ Penna, U. i. oro p rietor. , U EXETER sheat per bushel ate new •, ..... arloy.,... gas utter.. ukeys4.6. eeae.,...,,� MARKETS ...+.. ...2'J7Etrt02g, ..... to 15lb •' 8 to 5 to htokens per lb .,,... „7 to ,.... oul.... .. ...ti.. .. 14 to ti ed Apples....A - 3 fie c;t' ork live weight , .. .. $5.25 to