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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-08-27, Page 19Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1986
30. Employment wanted
wpm, graO1Wstervelt.Call Wilma
236-4826. 35x
I WOULD LIKE to babysit infant: and pre-
schoolers in my home weekdays (no part time).
Phone 482-3800.- 35
weekends looking for weekend work. Excellent
craftsmanship, reasonable rates. No job too big
or too small. Call Milt 482-5405. 35x
MOTHER OF ONE would Like to care for your
children in my home. Lots of room to play •
riiosonable'.rates. Phone 482.7.032. 33-35x
WILL DO BABYSITTING in my own home: Call
482-5358. 35
YOUNG. EXPERIENCED lady looking for full time
housecleaning'. Can be reached at 4825553 after
5. 35
•sem+tee �.,._•,,.,,,m,-.., w . __ d _,. _ �� �.,,,.,�,.�,....,.�.--m,
35. Notice t9 gredjtors
the Town of Clinton, in the
County of Huron,
ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of
the above named William Case Caldwell, who
died on or about the 14th cloy of November, 1985,
are required to file the some with fullltporth tiicculars
with the undersigned by
September, 1986, as after that date the assets of
the estate
undersigned shall have
notice. this 19th day of
DATED at Clinton. Ontario,
August, 1986. D. GERALD HILTZ,
Barrister Solicitor,
52 Huron Street,
Clinton, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Administratrix
38. Auction sale
47. Card of thanks
0�®ft ate Auction 4 , 11
�� Est �'sla
IaQ° of household, appliances an furniture on
Thursday, August 28 at 5:0p.m.
1 for the estate of Maas ®n
and Dorothy o
fn Water St., in Egmondwille
FURNITURE: 4 e (neverite
used), 5 piece
bedrootl seat, 2 leather
bedroom suite, chrome table and 4 chairs, love
G chairs and matching chesterfield, coffee and end tables, arm p
• Uchairs, mirrors, 2 side boards, shag rug, picture frames, lamps,
Johnny pole, pole lamps, Vendor chime clock, TV stand, 2 desks
with chairs, dishes, plates, glasses, linens, blankets, birdblanketen
o lawn chairs, old wood chairs, old childs rocking
trunks, old wood rocking chair, wicker baskets, antique Col-
eman lamp. freezer, Westinghouse o
El APPLIANCES: Westinghouse upright
h.d. washer and dryer, Westinghouse pelectrricw stove sand kmarst-
ching refrigerator, stereo and rec+r d heaters fans, many new
toaster oven, vacuum cleaner, elec 0
o TV tubes, electric clocks.
TOOLS: Co-op 16/44, 16 hp riding lawnmower (like new), wheel
barrows, sump pumps, paint sprayer with motor, gardenB & Ds a elr,
skill saw, hose, saws, hammers, wrench , In
9 hoes, greenhouse sheets, drills, 4 cylinder Daizon `motor, bat-
tery cables, chains, gas cans, cope, 26 fi. ulurrfinum ladder,
wood ladder, snow shovel and many other items. a
Terms cash.
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents III
John Finlay
OGE=g31 RC1
38. Auction sale
31. Service directory
PHIL S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro-
mpt dependable service to all makes and mo els
of domestic appliances. Phone 8879062. 2
MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry work:
Specializing in brick pointing and chimney
building. Free estimates. For inforination call
•Stan Kirkham 482-5305. 3tfar
Cofro cellar
Call Fair, Repair,
c482-9101. 2ltfar.
KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling. renovations.
cupboards, ceramic tile, counter toprc rodoms.
carports, flooring, windows. patio
aluminum siding. Phone 482.7676. Ken
McNoirn. 22tfar
BLACKSMITH - Jack McDowell Graduate Ferrier.
Hot, cold and surgical shoeing available in this
area. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Coll
416.227-9623 for appointment. 26tf
SANDBLASTING all types equipment, vehicles.
etc. Also spray painting and.b.rick cleaning. Free
estimates. Portable unit. Phone White's Sand-
blasting, Wroxeter 335.3452'any time. 29eowtf
CONCRETE WORK - Expert chimney and roofing
repairs. Specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone
Brussels 887.9042. 43eow
PIANO LESSONS starting September. Phone lot
rie Baker 482.9522. 35.36x
Antiques & Collectables
Saturday, Au3� 0 - 10 a.m.
Wayne Ward
Farm Equipment
Hwy. 6 Wiarton, Ontario
519-534-1638 or 519-534-2980
The family of the late John Kernighan wish to ex•
press sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors and
friends for their kindness, the' floral tributes,
memorial donations, cards and food sent to our
homes at the time of our bereavement. A special
thank you to Rev. Pickell for his comforting
message, the ladies of the Benmiller U.C.W. for
the lovely lunch served and the McCallum & Palle
Funeral Home for their assistance. Our gratitude
to Doris Pagan for her years of care and support, •
the staff of Huronview and the Doctors and
nurses at Alexandra Hoospital `fort the care a and
concern shown
grandfather. -35
Wordis are inadequate to express our heartfelt
gratitude to the many people who donated gifts
of money and time to erect the Memorial at the
Gerry Ginn Memorial Park. Your thoughtful
tribute to Gerry's memory has touched our fami•
ly very deeply and we ore most appreciative
Our thanks to Rev. Stan Mcgonald for the dedica
tion of the Memorial, Goderich Township Coun-
cil, Recreation Committee, Road Department.
Walter Bell who designed and built the
memorial, Dave Hemingway who made the sign
and John Gibson who transplanted the tree from
our farm. Special thanks to organizer, Anne Ab
bott, and the committee who so 9bly assisted
her, Alison Lobb, Donna Wettlaufer, Dave Hem•
inywuy, Gary Pre^?^ator and Grant Stirling.
Thanks also to those who attended the unveiling
and dedication of the Memorial. The Ginn
Family.- • 35x
Four modern rotary rigs
Phone Seaforth
NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON - 482-7898
SAT., AUG. 30 AT 10 A.M. - Antiques, ap-
pliances, furniture, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn,
Clinton, for the estate of Beatrice Groves plus
WED.. SEPT. 3 at 6 P.M. - Modern fur•
niture, appliances, flat -to -wall cupboard,
bowed glass china $abinet, motortycle, at
Brussels Arena for Mortho Logan,
SUN., SEPT. 7 AT 1 P.M. - Quality antique fur-
niture and glassware for the estate of Emily
Cory at Soltlord Hall, Goderich.
SAT., SEPT. 13 AT 10 A.M. - 1985Ch v.
Celebrity, run 16.200 km., antiques, for
estate of Groce lobb Auction
Born, Clinton.
SAT., SEPT. 20 AT 10 A.M. - 50 acre form
With TO year. old house; car, • 2 tractors,
machinery, household effects, 5"1 miles
east of Kippen for the estate of William
John Chappel.
40. Lost & Found
FOUND at the tea room at the Antique Fair, one
-folding umbrella, see in the Narthex of Trinity
Church. Bayfield. 35nx
LOST: Black purse at McLauchlan's Buck 8 Doe.
Reward if returned. 527-1585. 35
41. To give away
FREE female Doberman -Lab acr ss, 6 m nthso{1d,
raised with children, goodY dog.
5 p.m. 519.631.1211. - 35x
42. Death notice
42. Death notice
Peacefully at Clinton Public Hospital, on Wed..
Aug, 20, 1986, Anna Maude McNaughton (nee
Coddington) of Clinton, formerly of St. Marys in
her 86th year. Beloved wife of the late Allan
McNaughton. Loving mother of Scott of Stratford
and Jack of Kitchener. Dear sister of Mrs. May
Klenshe and Mrs. Blanche Harris. Sadly missed
by many grandchildren and eat -grandchildren.
Predeceased by 1 brother cant;3 sisters. Friends
were received by the
t SeLm SoSouth S Sts
Funerol Horne, Wa9t n •
Marys. where the funeral service was held on
Friday of 2 p.m. Interment St. Marys
Cemetery. -35
I would like to thank friends and family for all the
lovely cards, flowers, gifts and parties given me
for my birthday. It is greatly. appreciated
Margaret Thorndike. 35x
wish to thank all those who contributed in ony
way to the success of our dedication ceremony
last Saturday. This project was another retewoP
thy, "Goderich Township effort", with the sign
designed and built by township individuels. Muy
it long honour the memory of the man, G G
(Gerry) Ginn, whose inspiration and leadersl,'i;
led to the development of our ball park
Holmesville. 35
I wish to thank my relatives and friends for c et i
and visits while in St. •Joseph's Hospital. Spc,
thanks to Drs:Baker and Sweeney and nurses,,'-
fourth floor. Douglas Stirling. 35x
At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday,
August 19. 1986. Mrs, Florence Loretta Denommea
of 31 Centre Street,.. Zurich, in _ her_ P. _..,.ye_ °.
Beloved wife of thg late Garfield John Denomme
(1978). Dear mother o1 Gregory of Kitchener,
Lester of Trochu, Alberta, Dolores (Mrs. Joseph
Stanton) of Troy, Michigan, and Gail (Mrs. Leo
Debus) of Stratford. Dear sister of John and oy
Denomme, both of RR2, Zurich,AnthonyY
Zurich, Tellis of Paincourt, Leo of Detroit, Mrs.
Adeline Denomme of RR2, 'Zurich, and Leona
(Mrs. Lloyd Bedour) of,Seaforth. Mrs, Denomme
is predeceased 13y'' 4 ' brothers: Napoleon,
Lawrence, Athones and Victor. Also surviving
are 11 grandchildren. Visitation was in the Zurich
Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor funeral Homes,
49 Goshen Street North, Zurich, until Friday,
August 22. then to St. Boniface R.C. Church,
Zurich, for celebration of the funeral. Mass at 10
a.m. with Father Paul Mooney celebrant. Inter-
ment followed, St. Peter's R,C. Cemetery,' St.
Joseph. 35
Specializing In:
•Farm and Residential Buildings
• Additions and Renovations
•Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia
xssoae ION
35. Notice to creditors
ALL persons having claims against the Estate of
KAZIMIERZ KUCHMISTRZ, Retired Baker, late of
the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, who
cited on or about the 17th day of July. 1986, are
required to file the some with full particulars
with the undersigned by the 13th day of
September. 1986, as after that date the assets of
the estate will be distributed.•
DATED at Goderich, Ontario. this 14th doy of
August PREST and EGENER.
Barristers. etc .
33 Montreal Street,
Goderich, Ontario
N7A 3Z2. 34.36ar
Town of Clinton; in the
County of Huron,
ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of
the above-named Geesjen Buffinga, who died on
or about the 9th day of January, 1986, are re-
quired to file the same with full particulars with
the undersigned by the 14th day of September,
1986, as after that date the assets of the estate
will be'distrtbuted, with regard only to the claims
of which the undersigned shall hove notice.
DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 19th day of
August, 1-986..
Barrister 8 Solicitor,
52 Huron Street,
Clinton, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executor.
34 • 36
Antiques; modern furniture and ap-
pliances; household effects: at Richard
Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for
the Estate of Lillian Beatrice Jervis plus
additions plus tractor w/ loader; old
machinery; lumber; rails; etc.
SAT. AUG..30 AT 10 AM
Antique handmade child's wagon;
Magnabox portable colour TV
w/ remote 3 years old; Phillips 24" floor
model colour TV; Magnabox 24" floor
model colour TV; Admiral frost free
fridge looks like new; Harvest gold
fridge and upright freezer; Admiral
modern 30" electric stove; Admiral
clothes dryer; 2 spin dry washers;
dehumidifier; love seat; chesterfield,
nearly new; chesterfield w/ pull out
bed; component hi fl; china cabinet
w/ glass doors and ends; hall trues; 3
bedroom suites; washstand: 4 shelf
bookcase; cedar chest:- buffo.); war-
drobe w/mirror doors; pressback arm
chair; antique table lamp w/ hand pain-
ted shade; Bullseye oil lamp; Ice cream
maker; 2 chests of silver; wicker fern
stands; wooden extension table w/ 5
leaves and 6 chairs; chrome table & 2
chairs, chrome table & 4 chairs
likenew; carpet; 2 portable sewing
machines; upholstered chairs; small
tables; pictures; mirrors; glassware in-
cluding antique pieces; pots and pans;
collection of antique car pictures; 2
Lawn Boylawn mowers; Homolite 330
chainsaw; electric fencer; Kerosun
heater; Jackall lack; sump pump; 32 ft.
and 24 ft. aluminum extension ladders;
Power Pal portable air compressor like
new; step ladder; Porta Pot chemical
toilet SELLING AT 12 NOON; Nuffield
342 diesel tractor w/ front and loader;
belt pulley; buzz saw; old high wheal
horse sulky; wooden wheeled wagon: 5
section diamond harrows; walking
plo�ra. roll of new page wire; fanning
mill; 120 cedar mills: 15' ft. -Culvert; 90
ft. drive belt; quantity of rough cut elm
lumber and 2" planks 12 to 14 ff. long; 8
ft. trail disc: 11 ft. 13 '/2 ft. steel gates;
steel posts; 3 sections of drags; large
orange tarp: walking plow; wooden
land roller; horse sleigh; plus old tools
Richard Lobb and Burt Lobb
At St. Marys Memorial Hospital, St. Marys, Ont..,
on Thursday, August 21, 1986, Mrs. Alberto Ben-
nett of Owen Sound and formerly of London and
Winghorn, in her 84th year. The former Edith
Alberta Stapleton. Beloved wife of the late Carl
M. Bennett. Dear mother of Roy and Margaret
Bennett of Wingham, Clifford (Pete) and Agnes
Bennett of Ingersoll, Mabel and Fred Templeman
of Simcoe, Iona and Allen Walker of Owen
Sound, Glen and Kathy Bennett of Qualicurn
Beach, British Columbia, Raymond and Joyce
Bennett of- -St, Marys, Linetta ..(Dolly) and Ron
Somers of Dorchester. Carman and Cynthia Ben-
nett of Montreal. Sister of Dorothy (Mrs. Wilbert
Procter) of Belgrave. Also 33 grandchildren.
Predeceased by 4 sisters. Friends called at the
McBurney Funeral Home. Wingham, until Satur•
.day at 3 p.m., when the funeral service was con•
ducted by Reverend J. Rea Grant. Interment
Wingham Cemetery, -35
James and Brenda are happy to announcethe
safe arrival of Laura's baby sister, Rebecca
El.iza.beth Anne, on Friday, August 15, 1986 in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandmothers
are Helen Turner, Varna and Esther Wright,
Bayfield. 35nx
Brenda, Terry and Kristen are happy to announce
the birth of their daughter and sister.. Danielle
Nicole, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. on Ju-
ly 23, 1986. Granddaughter for Connie Taylor,
Gravenhurst, Marie Murray. Hamilton and great
granddaughter for Ruth Taylor, Zurich and Mary
Murray, Hamilton.--35nx
44. Engagements
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall and Mr and Mrs.
led Johnston are pleased to announce the for-
thcoming marriage of their childreri, Cheryl Ann
and James Steven. The wedding will take place
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1986 at 7:00 p.m. at Victpria
Street United Church. Reception to follow at
Goderich Township Community Centre.
Holmesville. -35nx
The family of the late Tracy Jane Hill wish to ,••
press our thanks to friends and neighbours in ill.
Clinton, Blyth, Porter's Hill and Bayfield area
beoutiful floral arrangements, cords. telephon,
calls, gifts of food and visits to our home during
the recent loss of our loved one. Special thanks
to Mrs. Terry Ducharme for staying with Lori and
Allan and for her family's ever present support
Thank you also to Torn and Carol...Fox for ..the�n
special care of Allan, to the parents and player'-
of the Clinton Pee Wee baseball team.oYour suwp
port, encouragement and g
always be remembered. Also, the memor ,cal
donations by friends and neighbours to the lo,.ol
sports associations are greatly appreciated. and
Reverend Aubrey Bell for his prayers
assistance, we thank you. Tom,'Nancy. Lori and
Allan. --35x
We express our thanks to God for 25 years
together and our thanks to relatives and friends
for helping to make the August 23rd celebrations
a time to cherish and remember. Marilyn and
Mervyn Penfoued•-35x
The Londesboro Summer Playground would like
to thank all the people ineLoonndesbmoney
n o Ya d sur
rounding area who pledged
to the
Garbage•a-thon. Because of your generosity we
are able to give $520 to Ron Nesbitt. 35x
Suddenly on Saturday, August 23. 1986, Wallace
I. Doxtator of Oneida Settlement; age 24 years.
Survived by his parents Dayton and Carrie Dox-
tator of Oneida; uncles Joseph Doxtator of
Oneida, Walter Summers of London; aunts Jean
Bunn llips of Oneida, Cassie Bunn of
Rommu and
Mich.Inez ; brothers Charles of Hensel',
Dennis, Tyman, Allen, Carl and David, all of
Oneida; sisters 'Ida, Albert and Joanne Doxtator
of London, Carlette Blackbird of London, Elaine
and Melinda Doxtator of Oneida and 9 nieces
and 9 nephews. Rested at his late residence
Oneida; where funeral service was coeducted on
Monday, August 25 at 3:30 p.m. by R
Townshend. Interment Zion Anglican Cemetery,
-Oneida: (RHC, Madill Funeral Flame in charge of
Suddenly at Wingham & District Hospital on Sun-
day, August 24, 1986, Mr, Lloyd Taylor of 348
Josephine Street, Wingham; in his 72nd year.
J3olovod husband of the former Delight Reid.
father f N (Mrs Stanley Marks) of
Gus Hunt) of Kitchener.
Fertilize, alfalfa fields before September
By Harvey Wright Don't worry about n-utrtent loss - if
Soil & Crop Specialist phosphorus and potash sit on the surface for
The traditional time for applying fertilizer a while waiting for rain. We have no con -
to alfalfa fields has been September. The cerns about loss of phosphorus or potash.
theory, behind this timing was that since fer- The first good rain will move the nutrients
tilizer is important for winterhardiness, it into the soil enough for root absorption.
Finally, I would like to encourage y
to try
sense i apply ita shortly before winter get out right away and get soil samples from
to try to achieve greatest winterhardiness. our alfalfa fields (unless you had one last
In the past, trials have shown September to your) Sale now and sent in last
be a good time to apply. It still works OK, et information back to you in two weeks.
but there is some new information I would Soil test labs are not as busy now. Also, wit
like you to consider. all the recent rain, soil is soft and cores aril,
First, we have found over the last five easily taken.
years that alfalfa needs more potash than Soil sampling is important because it
we were recommending, and the rates sug- allows you to put your fertilizer dollars into
these higher coater, w considerably higher now. With the nutrients that will give you the greatest
these rates, we can put the fertilizer laid response. We know that alfalfa
on after either first or second cut and still removes four times as much potash as
have enough nutrients left for the.roots dur- phosphorus from the soil. You will bef awareh
ing that September period to haveiae good that potash costs less than one-half as much
winterhardiness. So, we don't to wait per unit of plant food as does phosphorus.
-until September.SSo, it can be tempting (without a soil test) to
Sometimes, September applications get apply only.minute of potash and no
held up by wet weather and alfalfa regrowth l phosphate. This program fish (mite o
may be up 12-14 inches by the time the fer- Jmr of fields in this area.(mita
tilizer gets on. Truck or tractor wheels can there are, other fields out there However,at need
tramp down this growth and alfalfa may hos horus as well. On these ields, if you
ek regrowth from the met m, we can use only muriate of potash, response to the
weaken the roots and sometimes we see potash will be reduced because of lack of
winterkill or reduced vigor where the tires Because of this, most people
Dear of er o once tramped down the hay the fall before. Or, if phosphorus.
witil'out a• soil test don't -gamble on only
Brussels, Patricia (Mrs. the fertilizer doesn't get on until mid-. otash, but go to a more expensive
Brother of Arnold of Detroit, Reg, Ethel Bassett October, the alfalfa may not have time to phosphorus and potash mixture.
and Gertrude Hambley all of Kitchener, Irene build that fertilizer into the root system Why not test your soil and find out
Ford of Alliston and Gladys Gibbs of Carrying before winter.
Placa, also four grandchildren. Predeceased by a few alfalfa growers now apply fer whether you need that phosphorus. I you
three Oro Ors and one sister. Friends called at Quitedon't need it, you can reduce your fertilizer
the McBu�Funeral Home Wingham on Mon- tilizer after the second cut. The ground is costs considerably and often get great
day from 2. 4 a 7 -9 p'.m. complete funeral ser- usually firm then. Fertilizer companies are response by using straight muriate o
vice was held In the funeral home on Tuesday of usually not that busy and you can get the yield r
2 p.m. Rev. J. Rae Grant officiating. Interment fertilizer on when you want it - shortlyafter p Particularly on dairy farms, alfalfa is a
Wingham cemetery. -35 ��_____ there wilis l be adequate nas utrients left enoughut r ab- high profit crop. It deserves a sound fertility
sorption in September for winterhardlri'ess. program.
31. Service directory
31. Service directory
Feige D.T.�
Monday -Friday
8 ®Era.- 5 pm
Open Weekends
h, A , ointment
911 West S•irOet
Goderich (519) 524.6688
Neustadt (519) 665.7818
No Charge 1.800465.7555
At St, Joseph's Hospital, on Mon., Aug. 25, 1986,
B. Adeleine (Addle) (Kerr) Noyes in her 87th year
formerly of Lucan. Beloved wife oathe ae
Alfred Noyes. Dear mother of (Amy) Harry
Brown of Clinton, Harold Noyes of London, (Don-
na) Mrs. Ken Peterson of Lobo and James Noyes
of Rexdale. Dear sister of (Viola) Mrs. Ja
giof Mount B Also by '12
grandchildren & 14 great-grandchildren.
Predeceased by one son Thomas and 1 (laughter
Evelyn. Resting at the C. Haskett ir, Son Funeral
Horne, Lucan, where the funeral service will be
held on Wed, Aug. 27 at 1:30 p.m. with Canon S.
Lupton officiating. Interment in St. George'*
Cemetery, London Township. --35
Keep your honey sweet
Liquid and creamed honey are graded ac-
cording to quality. The grade most general-
ly available in -retail stores is Canada No. 1.
There are two other grades, Canada No. 2
and Canada No. 3 but these are usually used
for commercial purposes.
Canada No. 1 honey cost be free from
foreign material and meet standards for
moisture, uniformity of'olor, clearness and
flavor. Creamed honey must have a fine tex-
ture with a complete and uniform granula-
tion. Honey sold under the "Canada" grade
name or shipped from one province
another is packed in registered packing
plants or by registered producer graders
under the regular supervision of gric here
Canada .inspectors. They
samples of honey from the plant and Worn
retail stores.