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Exeter Times, 1903-8-6, Page 4
.9 , ... . <r A,UGerUST Orb, Dw.• 9, TheM olson ark ` m ,.... SLOWLY 1)''�' 14'G;T 11OU CATARRIL � f . _ tihe gxavteat nrisises in her history, It •assls;t;zux . cid from eeugi:ivei giparks. '.Butte ognx tally some .I „.,,,.,,„,,,,, its Qa Iduty of eveiry iotor,to• hla!s,concluded wiIan6pi eats, for txunor a (b tsar Ge 1 y Ant of Parliament iR5s1 Tbouslaindrs are in this terrible condi- kk,feia;t;ing a igatvl3.xynlneitt -t�lv to xeoyr,lt ,, who tl.bowmtills. In brnlcexl pltclgcn•, and tvlza of its offipiala to xnokv3 it : ilrtvi»y of . t,lvo lauld -in -th1,c11 1118 �cl:o• naourred, 'Btead081r Aiaatrsak tion don't; x0alize tbor;dangar. lit Stooks 'to llnposia (10 C.iipa ,,lana a vlt.qr p,lin fru,m in'd1g,L%tion, tiyrs r Asia and 13apital (alt paid - t`.,600,00. Noll 01ave the ajigkltest taint of catarrh h�e.'t.vy burdiein, baa, lickarty eating, is relloved at' onto Reservel'und - - §: 240.00 would it not be wise to commerce Ca- -Then Libeiral mllaobiue, which Will by taking one of Oaxteva Little Live . 38 Bmuchea in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba. - taxrbozouo, treatment uoiy and be per- 001namit any orhu:, t'owill powl.r, must be beaten of file tu•ue welfare of Can— :; :Tills imille'diately Ater Tripper. Don't forget t+liis. EXETER BRANCH fe'ctly cured in a short tulle? This a'da itis •to be ,sa,fe guard'ed,' ILIA re- The Grand Trunk Railroad a I� xo. 1 bas in, Open Mery Lawful Jay from 10 a.. nx). pleasant remedy cures without the im,'uutks for the Conse,rt nivel party to stalled axl t.luti .Brookville gentian OE Its '� to 3 p. m,; except Saturdays, 10 a, in, top, rix, r ': f y use of drugs, atomisers o a,nu Its, You A,vtzrk the tltx"fa•tencd disaster. This cam, only Ir done, by por£eetint� its qr•- road a n'otw kaad of lon •-disitanoa tele - g .I I ka'armers Sale Notes 'cashed or col- ]nililale Llic medicated tiu,lare-vhiGh gAneization, and ua time tsihaulcl b•. lust bhofue service known assn as the telegraph. telepho'ne.! It is canected }viLh reeled'. Forms supplied plied on a i lication, P application, �1 ,sp'rea'ds to all purls of til(, breptithing inn utatnllme-ncii�'g haw.+(I wtork. The in x - and its operated on the. 't:elegraph wir- Drafts an all points in the Dominion, •otrgaans, kills the gorms and herds tbo ctnbne will endeavtor to rsurprise it's op' es, and business call be lane. with Non Great J3rita]ai and United States infl'amedsurfaces. Cata,rrbazoneclears po,nents, who must be tlPimly-f•,or,an) treat, Cate -au, Cornwall, etc, :felt.-. bought and said at lowest rates of QT kxan e, F; tlhte throat and nose instantly, and emeirgen'ell, The preseant tri the time for actiu�n. grapdt a-ild pholue, ure,mager, can be Can - dine , SAVINGS 13E1'ARTDiENT, neRer falls Lo' cuxe''t'he most .o'bs.tina't•e natarxYhal, lung and throat troubles, A ]€ the government lialicy carries, it (, Ioeans a tax of „75 an 8veryifam'ily in ve ed at a'ue -without coenflictr. '.nl. It tlta i i g• proves -alis. present. test De axils of �I,Gt)isnd ti wards receiYT- P 1' trial will demtoenstxate the velluo• of . CataxiTiloxone, -vb ch sells far 51.00; Canada, and ibis can be ,pre -rented by i'xti,crr'y tilv8 is y g system ma bei brow ht into general use on the G, T. 111. ' ed. l'd ereto 3i half early, and added to June 30th glad Small ,slice, 25C. At ilrU,l,QiS.orPoil- llllltnd: prompt and U.InOeMiStn„ t,ifVrt' �'onsiderlkltion. in Committee' of vhi3• principal • . principal 81st. Deposits Receipts also • issued so,n & Co., Kingston, Ont... - ,S , ;CLOW OIL, 11AGi ARD 'I 1 bill to inc irlporabs the Grand Trunk issued and highest current rate of an . . ti Paicifie Railavay occupted. t1he,•attelation interest allowed, ATtTrIEE;S k'IS117;R,Y 5:11 A1�. "-�"�'" i�+Arn bo .us8d eate'rnally air taken 'in- of the House of Gammons Mundiay.;'A c'laus'e seas rnsertetd eim!pawe ring It lte I Advances axlalZe to farmers, stock -�,.-a"-_ te+rneti'ly. It :curets outs, burns, bruises Goverrn,m�e�nt of Canaria to name one, of dealers and business Hien at lowest The Utta.tva corrresipondont of the cYontiracbed cards, stiff joints, lliallaW4 'It tib13 darealto,rs in the new earn, any, , rates and on most favorable terms, , r St. Joihn Sun gir'-Z the ,Stagy u� fall swellings, quinsy, sane tibroa.t, cite.. is family meldtaine opt• ' sucih director not to be a shareholder. ,Agents at Exeter for Dominion loww� a. meigular Prltn 25c, Mr'. FitT atri 1. ave notice of a re(- . ll tc' &' Government. t,` AICSSON & CARLING, N. A HURDCIN, Same time ago Mr. ltuinicinster mow- (solo -ion fixing the saltiry of, tbj><clxair lbl, Trftnepor,tgt-Iioii - ' i main oil Cdr mi)t- i SOLICITORS MANAGER etd.-for a return'stblo-wing the' trae in. , PEAT FOR 10 131"I'J. ; Main oil, tba Tranapgrtatlon Commisl•t_ t • . �_1....,_.,......_......... ...-.._......................•............__.._.. 11 wairdlinwp of a �:ictial tilherelly Aychi- --- I Sian at SI 0,000 Ilex' artium. and lova br tr'.�•�ler �I !!!, bald A7e1\'oe, -of Windsor, Ont.,, secured exclusive. fishing rights on a largo A tram blot on the use of •;,cat ,for a p ` fuel has been prepared by T. W. .Gib- 154,00p: ot'heir two commrisslone,rs „;$, 000;the salairy of the wieseiary inot to exceea unsatisfactoryresults. The draw -out oven rack of the seclaon of JameA Bay. The return son, Dhie;ctor of Mines for Ontario, avil There Is no ons article in the line` a Calendar for August 1903 g Colne dont n yaste,rday, ,,tact It dhows W. RL H. On A.r, I3.A.Sc- It gip=cls of ire ieinz that givers so large Li . re - 1, f STmDAv...... „. 2 9 16 23 30 L:hast Mr. McNee has struck a . g'o:od witiix m wet'erepce do the antbraoite coal, turn fo,r the money as a good porous, MOSIDA�,,..,,.., 3 IO d? 24 31 Ir TaESDAS.,,...,., 4 11 1S 25 thin All that ,Cation of Jam sea' g' 1 y at oif Last winter, -ihich setiepery strengthr'ning lilasetex; such as Car -- ' ` WEDNESDAY , ... 5 12 19 26 fram_Nort,h Bluff 300 exiles east to b,ody tkinklug of our dleependenca on the te'r'n Smart We'eid aurid BeliadonaBaek- amble " THURSDAY, ...... 6 13 20 27 I±R DAl-...,.::... 7 I4 21 28 Maore's Bay, opposite i�olomon's'Tem+- coiat bairons of. Pennsylvania. Such a hiayike. �tlaiuldfaitile;a'latadela+tWe inter- plasters, Tile Toronto news has learned from k SATURDAY....... 1 S 15 22 29 Pies Islands, were his. He held the ena3 soma yeaT's Ag_o,, whop,"gOOa beech tbia most autlnoriita,tive circles that a t ". �� privileges of dev8lop]ng ihYe fisherles n,n,d mmpiie" wesre our tstaple fuels. gienerlal elec•'ticn for the liotis8 of. THURSDAY,, AUGUST 621? r903, in that immense territory' for 21 years. N'Ionv woad has beicome dear and scarce Commons will take placle, 'during iPxtl r? in return for -wililch he paid a .ri`ntal and J1113glxeSt'ionciftsubstitutetals im'-. coming -autumn, 'p,robably in late Oc- EXCELL> NT ADVICE B THE Of 510 ,peir nmaum. Mr. AleNeei first Iva taint, �Olalc icixiiq[ hope! see;ma to lie toibeir or curly November. There have ti1rEEliLY SUN aipeplieid faur this,lr2ase,durine thei,early- in peat, twil>iclx is �reiall{y incipien;t?i!ola1. beetn ,rumors for some montihis baicl,-;io a1 a large p'ionic of ITealsall,,Kip_ pelt atild, Crsdi.t'an f►ri,endti.. M'r.W(m. part of last year. lie was t'hiein cion- It is found in vaxicus 9. arts, of., Old sulcilx la caurse, but unless somreithiing "`'- *'° tent to ask at Eels nine. �' years a,nd 1�7aw Ontario,, and plants lia,m witimely anexpzioted intet;rex' an ap- Sign no paper twhi+ h you do oral Sommamder Walietlsam, fishery inspe,c_ •beein,eire`ted at Welland, Beaverton, ea.l to 1.'his counts p: , y may be vaeybad i fully undenlstiau,d, tor, Gulf Division, wino has often vis- Partlh, Brunner, Bno'ckvillei, Roxvdeiatix, as a cemtminit,y. It will be relmember- -.t Scones of farxue rs have lost heavily ited James Bay, said the application nlniI ITC'-rington. North of the li ."kgbrt lam,d, say 50 miles north,, of James ed that in . the oummmeir of 1,,399 a slImAmr tcourS3 was dleioided ani but; in i 4 n f, b'y sdonlna tS'!h4R+t appeared to be , covered an immense area. The whole sctb,om,e was an expel imen't, but he aif , ,i, BIa ,peat; m'us>,t.,, ca.t•eAs 'trlr«• •facer -of t1ho the •moinith of i Seipt;elMbetr 'tire b�atnth . 4 -aliment. documents but which svb✓ would not recommend a lease for a tkv3 ela,uth for hundreds, perhaps thou- Afrfintaln -tar brob'e ouit and° actin{; to ' psquenQy proved to be a IwItmIse to longer period tb,an selren yeiars. Mr. stauds, otf square miles. The of preparation are ez- title ulproar that arose overr the tiend- Ing of b4e Canadian contingents, the Iiay. sailer-lz<1?a• tlla Siolf,r trod not 1VIaNee, dvoett vzx ,.pulled the -vires and a alt_ lease far twenty-one years Ariaecesses varatim , ,drying and c,o.m,tiression. Tilts general -eileictiow were postponeid, until ieauakted •on being called upon to pay few A few drays after it was granted he ab great pro'ble'm is in -getting ridof!tlhe Nciv'emibelr, 1t;900. 1VTodIhtimg aip�ixms on r' : .Our correspoand:eint, mig:h,t, hots^ester, t a,ineid t!he authoVAb5} i f. UM Minislteir w It r all rerasomable cosh. Cut peat is the holnizonr,1oNveireir, that is likhiyt to T. ;go fttrt]xer tb;am cautioning against to t;ran�cfer it to some party unknown tilir•ae tincts as, heavy* ani'14;36: times intervene in the present Case. r 0iea.sien%ng of ac,ncaaled notes of hand so tlhat it is quite evident that the piatlriatic efforts of Mr. MclN•ere; to die- as bulky as ,a,ntihracite of the' sante, heating poiter. Peat briquettes are : NERVILINE CURES EVERY LAIN. l't is equally important that farmers velop the fishingindus4 ry'in James about twice as heavy and twice. as 4"'� should be ca,r+eful in the buying;of „laUmeetluiixli� i:o�day tvllich is to be paid Bay lad resulted ],n its passing into lige hands of an Am8lrican Company. but as a•nt.biracit•e. The can be, bulky y naad'8 in Onta,rioy far about Sl �t�r ,ton ' 'Tih'is is the testimony of sufferers in orx to -morrow. The present period of .giaewperity Will not last foret-er. At AZr. ATcNee leas made a handsome ro. P of S2"U00 pounds, andsold at the plica of production for W. This is,'esteem_ l eYietry part of t3aja:ominiQn4 jYlr, Ben Jamin Dillon, of Leeds; Ont., states. "I P11113 time tixreme was every prospect' of VC leas] in Ontario this. fit by the deal, and his ,American friends arse in possession of privile� a ed to -be equivalent to 54.50 fox bit um- 'coal -which atm ba, t. in t'be habil of puffing p it medicines, but I 'feel it year season. tE is it is, £a2mers' reiturris this which thousands of Canadians -would like to ranbrol: Such, is the ad minis- mous and SG far anthlracite, _�op=ietrory makes peat fueiL>Znt_IclorLomin possibil my d-ltyto add to the teaUraony as sea(sonx t-uiT not equal t1xe, asturns of ,.I,Ast year. .The Citi aF the flush par- tnatlorn of the fisheries of Canaria un- xty. All kinds pLprgner►ses far extracting to the miarvellouA value ,of Yerviline as ;a rrfeme'dy .for, ,p'ain. lyut lin •7 w: rad may ;come be•foxe 1904 closes der tth�'. Laturier Gotten, me t. t n a raatea• g ;perceplUage of water • havie thenk -equals it as a,;universal remedy, Y 1Tihiis is soimethvng drat peopiv in cities 1. • Seem illicapable a€ reralizing. It is pro- r WEARY BRAIN tiVORIiERSt ibnokan , down, rand itis this: difficulty tihat lessens the value of oui 1peat de- a'•nd 'householders ought to f881 it as much a ,necessity as brepdatself:cuold •. y ',,Mable 80 :peer cent. ,of the ;people of Fagged But, ideas come as slo-vl as p ,,sits. Tltea Omit,awl'd Gav-clrnmeillttojul by'diealers in meedict ne. every-vhere. It Notranto ,are living up , to or : over c e s$1lizutr in�gme,: f :tb man 'on the farm molasses. You think of tbi ,s 'ust; a ng J minute pir two too late. Snap's gNt 'to ,dUeir a°:hiriintdseq'me• reward for. an intention tthta t will overcome, this = rj�� ♦� ' WESTERN FAZM J.,Q' JJQiy. ' '=ulema�tes th a example .0Z his; brother gond The ,buoyancy Lhat •made' work a p12as} difficulty, and soe'turn the mind,,( of ---•�z,}:... 1. in town in this . respept then;crash, 10 it wall ure-tha a gone too. The. : dogtor inventors in that direction. The pam- Canada'is Ptre.mier xhibiitionx ,,Will ;wbon ,,does come, be a cala- tiaSut;ous aria: TIappiIy, farmers so f tr would tell you that e a' you are run down, phlet is well trrittem and Illustrated and very inteir>esting, but contends the Sbo1w the Coun•try,,'s Unexampled T ha e. in the main been following, it -salt eating enough,, nor dige3ting ehough. Your , , stomalob n'eeidis acid, Taronto World some vigorcYus action Gronvtlw. • -' 1 ivam+sierrative course. Most of the sur- 'plus of xecen.t sears has been applied yoga digestion needs a broker ;too your blood is inquired if proigrass is to be made. r'--' Tihe combined victories of peace I l ;to paying off ,montages or the mak-- requires phosphorus and Iran iihn.t it may be formed readily. GENERAL NEWS ,and c,omm•erae in this third year of the new G wing or imiprovements which will add No -8r rerrozone Is a wonderful nervo v,,,_,_,,,_ Century are deeitined to illumine ,the to xt,-�.tnue in tike future 8y con- tamuing in this aou:r�ee `farmers will bracer and 'blood maker. It's food for , t'ht3 blood it On a nagar, S. Beattie-valkeidfrom brightest paves of Canadian„history, Prosperity -,is abroad in all fixe band, 1,1 pontsult their own personal interests, an nerves, will m3a}ie you sirreng quickly and perimnnenrl3*• 'Wiarto,n to Lion's Head, a distance of fVoim a'cres,vast and plentiful, and and -t.ill help to steady the country Sold by all druggists. 22 miles aaLa return. 1De -t:eigihs 300 from mining fields both east and hest srituoin the inevitable depression ones pounds and -son casihy. Comes the harmony of buoyant prog- •xxaarte,comes our way. .WATCH FOR THE COMET. To be free from sick headache,• bili- n constu anon tc: ous ells, e Car re,s5. •To fetw will be.granit@d,tibe in- s' ,,roti nn , p , ,use _ p ,r Of -vitnessina t.h,e activity in MANITO:BA ELECTIONS TOO MGC'ID The comet,noty visible in Lha north- ter's Little Liver Pilgls• StrieLly'vege tibia east the -vest, the north and the, I'OR LIBERAL LEADER. wasitarn sky is likely 'to become ilh,e etabliz�, They giem}tly yltimula,te Lhe liv- south. but to all is opens the opporrtun- '-""-^"-briglxtest Globe Despatch-, of recant years. It is nower anid free the stamatch from bile, ity.af seeing thestrm total'ofi;,Cama_ da's Winnipeg, July 23. -Thr xeport that uppraliobin,g the sun and will reach kexghetion about A%ugust 17, coming Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimeb, Ohio, writes; "I 'have used ever;,,, remedy ourremk devL,lopment summarized I a'nd roprese'nLed in the great Western esPxemietr Greenviay twill retire.from t}ve Libonal lertldexsbip, a,nd also within 31,000,000 miles of the orb fon• sick headacho I could herar,of for ra.i.x t,M;treti>eld,a.t London, S Lite leer' i tiara,, to resign i6lile ,feat i!nl iYilonunLain, is of d'ay It .is matt seven;tezn times Che past fifteea years, but Carter's 19th. Do not be that one, to miss L. preimztture, .as ,but quite among' We probabil]ties, as brilliarxt as when it was Kirat .dis- Goveinali at Marseilles a few weeks ago Little Liver Pills did me more good tlh•a,n all the rest. The faots'teps of the exhibition, •. t M,r, Greelntvay has frequently express- • ed .a desire• to leave the political arena p and it will increase in tri tnei3s ,un- gh+ til it comes within the iitfluznce -elle A despactib from Ottawa says that rmiaunaigetmlernt ne'viOr did laig. No soonelr w�eirettih,c,gates�clolsed,wpon the .',petrmian,enitty. It was only at the, ur- o strong light of the sun, when;for a Elan. Da,-varcd Blake is seriously ill and it is doubtful if lxe will be: last fair,0hlam the dilreletara comm n H ced 'gent x,lgimst of Manitoba Liberals that n(ga}u iaiceript,:ll time i:t will seem' to bo dimmer,,. It tUllat able to argue Canada's case be,bore the , bToa,d Liberal Planning for tihis season's Splendid FW t`.the,l.j,ffor!gbip lifii3it ear, In,cre•asing yetars and 11141calth -tiill be noticed as the. 00=et •aip- pironfebes the sun its tail folio,*%vs,{t Alaska Boundary ; Odmmt.t,:.le, Agr slliow. featwreta ,of unique intereeL have been thought out 3einddr it ]mposible far flim to+ .lc on- ;as it recedes from the sun the tail fol- BLake's son In Tononio has hoard Hath fing of -his father,$ illness. and beinetfici,al ,,dela- devised foY rlefiidering t'inue in ;active le+aderallip much ]long- 4 er, Mr. Greenway cannot resign itis Lows in front, lihat is the trail th'a tf is always directed arca from t'luz, u MZ! frldnd, l,o!ok hewe 1 you kzxow the e'xhLbi.ts,of ale,tmal,n,buiiZ,n;g an,t other (depaxibmants even more 1 lur- ".seat until the first sitting of the new ..house' which -rill probably not be A veaty few y,etwrs ago a mor' ream 1 9 nexvous have aired tweak and nervous your wife, is atibd you know that Carters Iron Ptills a ing tlhian e,veir,bef�ore, The Art G>ailery will be ,part•]cularly attraetire, held until Feb¢•uary. Should inn, retire people would been eacit- ad oveir t;hie 'coming of isu'ch •a eelesitiai wild relieve tsar, Holy ,why not be fair and Me Gamipet'itian in tihe different bltasses nn "i.t will be witih the deepest regrc;t Qf visit,artg, but stle,nice has prety welltre ab.o:ut it and buy'h8r a box. utryitall(y Iaeieln, c all true w:zstcmin Liberals. A tribute to his a89pxod even the most nervous. High, soba at statistics foritho prov- Details are being perfected'froim. dis- parsonul popularity is the fact ince of Ontario show anincreiasei of pla!yts ,of rmaathltwery an ..'89)dOullural chat at the Cir'ystal city poll, Mr, Gast:,, nway's 2000 pupils on the •call of 3901 tbemo ' Implements t�heat vainnot fail .to ill .11o.m^, Iii,, AI•on'day's, clew,- %,,tolls,, A ST. JOS7W11 DEAL. was 22,523; Last year 24,472. :Cihere trate the latest creiat,iolrs of inven;tiv�e tIle utas given 'a majority of 166 i tvais a fulling off last year in -tlte gienius as a,pplield to fain cultivation. •but of a ttot'al Boll of 256'. The Lib- w ` eral:s :bane f a,c•t:ically decided to al- .latw tibe postpulned elections to by Wz nate informied chat• negotiations ars well adivianced fair 't.ha purchase by: number a€ pupils taking'Lialin, -An 1`901, 93 per cent., but an increlaso in those taking Frencli German. Ma,n,utacturers on t,hils and -the, other roadie oil tthe line will be presont to deirmanstirate go deftlult. Canoeding Kildonan, Me syhnlditoate of ompitalists who a:ru and the meinits of their 'ra- , w'hetr e wt4ve,rwtit is a tie, to the Poriserm- 1n1i^lre0b,-1 l in the devnl'opim`en;t toil St. Joiselph of the -rights given by`the ehax if adck hea,deche]s miserable, what a•ra Carter's Little Liver fills if'thley e,pectivs m•ac(hinees, anal ii,hen it is said tfhat the lireatockdoparbineinttseems Llv:es, they will have 33 sz:its in the nett House. ten of the Ontario West Shore! it;liet:A( will positively care it3People who have bound to emoel Last y'ielar's lqucees, no tris R.ail-vny between Heas,all and St. used tihem speak` frankly of their fur'Lflller words ar& needed. Farmers ------ -® Jamelpilu As soon as thea d,gal. ispe.om-t- twart;h. They are small and• easy to and breede7rs intereetat3 in t+ivoroggh_ ple't;eld, bats' iinfarm,altiBA is, tihz, -tan- ttalke. � • bred animals cannot afford to neglect st,rutatioin of the line, -from Hensialli -toA numbers .af Iiostosl,gapita]ists havi3 this allim'potrtant,part of the Wenfexn ,+ tb,o emb.pro city. wilt• be commenced ant plusb,ed to complabion. This is notified` the Gxalid Trunk Railat'ay Company tbiii,t ,it will be mAde• defem-,- Fair. The list of special]. attractions has 17 inten:diad to St. Joseph -at, been completed Ora connection diaint an a ek oe ficir $250,000 damagoslals as yet but those, tt:itth the L .H. & B.l{sgotion, rck the a tnvs:uit .of iihr bush firers tbrat of -torr- already Selected augur well for the Grand Trunk Pm ilway and w•hrn ,ed tali --,ng ilhie liners of the •'eomipany continued triumepdi of i}ie ring And '11 60I was given up to die with 1 coimlpleatd will be gun impa'nttant factor In dih13 Lrlrans of'til .: St. Jll'ellrlx pr'c(m:o- tilnoug]x t};ee State of Maine Bast Juni, It 'tis iallegod that 'the fires were s•tarlt platform evenhs. Wai;ch for the readers and advertise. quick consumption.. I then began1 Cto use Ayer's ,,Cherry Pectoral. I u tens. Witib the first pieicc ,of. electric railway in Huran 'county and manta to aiplpear in this paper later on relmie�mber that the Werlt:ern Improved• at once, and am note in .a Gioavommeat harbor, the, village by the �p �+ .4arrnl a" J Wffe p of 1903 will omit EI'aiu-e all its glorious jilrt-,l- perfect health:" -Chas. E. Hart• • man, Gihbstown,.`N. Y. lake will take on fa nett imtpar:tanbe.,- i'' 1Tnai, .Grad, rich. .� , That s the condition of many sufferers dei,,Ol;lrs. Prize, x,itsts •aind alt i0'_ foa mat'ion may be baud for On asking. from catarrh, especially in the morning. SEVERE TOOTI'IACHE, Great difficulty is experienced in clear. MARRIED. Ies too risk playing risky, Frith cough, „ - `_`` I 'lia,v+ ucw3d 'two bottles. of Dr;. Loa's TootihA'scho In the head and throat. g No wonder catarrh causes headache, S,heae'I'e;,- Mitelve21.•-At rCl:,�,t°in, on Ai. tris't:, ls,t„ b Rev: your . Guim aired find it splendid. ,Garfnalll" S.-bie,eir•8, of Brtarrit,ford, 10' Tho first, 'Thing you li; ,cu;rad me of 'the worst ;toothaeixe l7 impairs the taste, smell and hearing, Miss Adia Mitc(heill, daughltor of Mr. know it will be down evor Nail." Elrouin , IDill, I lvtl, M:iln• , pollutes the breath, deranges the 81,07n-an ach and affects the appetite. d Mrs, . Wtt^Et W,m ib!all, of ,zeteir. wam'les:s:,-Xlwird v -tin 9;xc•r,? r, *6t deep in our lungs and y .CONSERVATIVES 1 OR'GANIVS, i To cure catarrh, treatment must lye ' the, residenea of the ,brida''s parents, Ort hu'l;ust 1st, 1903, by Iinlv..:ii.J. Or t, 1903, he la will be over. Be. �- _,,,,,,,_ constitutional-•-•alter•ativo snot tonic. "I I> u'kius, by Wailes.°•. 7 t } gin Carly �Vitll Ayer's EvoryLbing now points to a general elteic:9rtoin in the nt'a,r futu]Eii Sir Wit,- was ill for bur months with catarri, in the head aia(l thmm-t. Had a Had oougl, Dulutb. Minn, to M'-%'Ii:ll, y Ila.rd.y, dauighl:er 'Lancelot cher Pectoral and stop p f,r'id 7�aurbar hill *9 d�•riile(l to 'Ill) 1. 1. . tthr and rale<ed blood. I had become d.is• ernirage w1:rn icy 1 +�xlY:int] bought a botth only of Ur. Fiardy, a:t Exeteir.. the cough. poo•pl�e befar,c they have lima to Bully rzalirp the uniquit:y of t'.Ile . of R6.o:l ii `-avr,I*, •,, 4a and f0,,rsnaded r.. to 'Ery it t ad /•rrs .i;1 to take It. It ha:• DIED. . I Willite.-•Th kayak, Alaska, .Ham�phrey ( r Grand Trunk Pa,cifie salleamp... �`he cared an(T:built Im tri,," i4 sa. I•tealf lit•• Albert second can o£ Mr. DJ.Gr�Vitite i 1.eblcTr50os, Inst i gfi4 foigbhronchitie�xhoarse e"id, L'ub rel Porty'hopes the, deal,Swillbrin�.1""!;t, tibem is 9,ai g•e ccampaigni Ian ,', -cith 1".::{t Y.lscvrnn, K. q. p �, r• a n, y a . , fir" �� ' of Granton.,, a months. gad 34 years, ttn(1'3 ' � 00: fiord eaids, oto.: $ll, moat eaowomical tprekiXanic caeca And to leeep on hand. C. AXE oo., Loivoll, Mase, wbach it will e•IidravoW to lurchasl-. t. ' i,lti,^, ,,slight to disipa ei of rj75,QUQ,000 , o! �' " '' C,,: r•.:7 c';fit.,,snit --iv srrtr I,t•.t 2nfl 4t.Yersgt;i l�o'tw011.--�jn x�iS(r{:el , orLilnalay.'mLi'rn- ing', August 2nd, ., ; . l,ble rpenploo nleauey. el., the: Inucoll'i worobl.,l a :blit bnilfi, : 1.903, Rliaa.bcul Willis, beloved wife of st-opli'en Canndll is face to face With 'one of t11i the wbole,$)-Acni, i Powell, 'ln;her 51st yteiair ' Dayfleld Iclhturch, `Ar: dlro•-v'ntin;g -tshu last _ . ,. o_ I- %, 1, — 4 -Mr.J'oibn Torrance, jr•, of Ctint6;4 t � . ,..r ». ISVIAU 9 friends in 04M._ In -1-idnics are an evexyd,ay occur -).m xi tm, a a;� iblis the a,tkek. • :Mi ,% Rubio Flsduer of I�.tinioalraf�lne'g I is visiting friends in larva stilt prtlsent \. \ -Mlos Edna Giee'n,• of Do,troit, is 110m'0 an 'a vilSit ,with f-riends in town, - . --Xisla Winnie aeAd, daft Godericih, Ia ' . V161, 1s'(Ing friends in to wn, this weeks , -,ITbe iallolvi,Ag naw .a'rriv^als regi-- ter1 t• , `I Commercial i u at; I y ed tie o , n , 4 me 1 tl f ax thesum. . --Mir. Frank .li:•egan luas''improveid ' . . . ma , Us , pinopeirty by a'. ,new., .Paget Slviro felotetei. --XmJkOlin E tko(nbury and famaily leift fo)r their ivame,:in. •Toranto,tLhis Castoria is for Iltlfal><ts and Children. Castor,, u is a micle'k, I -Mir. Salm. AlBete boa • already (lis- harmless substitute for Castor Oi1, Paregoric,_ Drops posed if oveir two.'t•boust4nd pounds iolf V and•• Soothing 'Syrups. It Contains neither Opium, honey his Season. n ?.)fr. W -rami-lr• 131tker, of Dturjtiiatm,'m Morphine nor other Narcotic Substance. xt Is Pleasant. • is re,n,ersving old a,equaintancels• •in tiro Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ,Millioins of village at iitrcwept_ Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-• --Mr. Bivollan and wife, +o'f Durbtalm. are v]sitrin, their (�hughbelr, Airs. Dr. ne •i . ss Castoria Cures Diarrhoeaand'P�''indColic. Ca"storm Woods 'alt present•. : -lAj niud lsiw ietr*of Grit relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and. till, i Sundaype,k Se4aitla'rtilt, 5pieityt Sunday visiting• at Flatalene . ,Castoria assimilates the Food, regWateri• y '-Goorge rein's, - . t. the Stomach and Dowels of IT-fants and Children, giving' -Mrs, U'lass, of London., gavia a card party ito iher frieands at her oottaioe an health and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children'ir. y p• Friday evening last. Panacea -The Mother's Friend. -1VItr. Barry Delok{'ng, wife amillfam•1 - il,y, a SiaultrSte Xarie, area :visitting Castoria, Castoria.fa'iandis iii town at pr'epent, -The .new arri-aala at 'the Clueau's are :-1VIr, • and Airs. ChQ,s. Edwards, "tlastorin is an excellent medicine fo- children, .Mothers have repeatedly told me ,Y Castoria Is so well adapted to childrem that I recommend it as superior to any pre.- Mr. Fred Edwards, ToxolAto. -Mr. Wes, Reid, M. 'D, wifeoa'nd of its goad effect upon their children.' DR. G. C. oscooD, Lowell, Mass, scriptian known to me."' . H. A, ARcnr,R, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y•- chi{1d, of Dabroii, visited friendsi in town an ATaxlaay last. =Mrs: R,abert ; s'I�a; iUcin -and •f:um- '�"TriE 1~����II1lIILE SIGNATURE �� ily, of fort Huron, are this ,guests of Mx. and Mrs. Peter McGee.- -,M, r':• Esty,,ggd tvUB 'of Wroxeter,.:� 9® antd fotrtmerly of,the Riv'e'r Ilateil,.'of . {this place, spent Sunday in town.. I . Miss Annie and Miss Cbwistie Mur &h? may, of Detroit, are reinawing old, ate- gnaint'amiCes in town tlbis week'. ,d, -silts-, Rolbort • Mairins, of ]�Sninsas, (nen Miss Maggie Morrison) of this bla'ce is visitkAg tiriends in ,town. ������� � N EVERY WRAPPER. -Rev. Mr.ryRilahktrdstn, of Wyoming - circuit preadhed in the, Presbyterian THE GENTAuR Co,APANY, TT MUR. AY STRS_T, NZ -:N Yoa,t CITY. Sunday morning and evening �sg�l _ _ m _ _ _ _ i.i.:�,,,ia-� ,-i`,2T ' last. _. -Air. Jais. Thomson, is.'busily engag ed miolviinlg his mill and intends,, having a rsbea:miroeiler mill running �betore iotnig. „,_ , - -Rumoir hats it that one of "Our fair young ladies leaves far Deakota short- I -- To get that appetizing, �., s iy `. ly to taka u0r a paA-nex in that coun- brown appearance and out- .�--..�'' troy fair life• - T:hn dredgieliis expected here shorn ss on roasts Of RC1,; • side crispyne a �`' Q1 et iy foir a nt,on•tih,s-dred6-iug:avtter i-,,hlch lamb, beef, etc. --to keep Jll. , blin, ipiasseniaeir steamers may be,callaing their goodness in them they1,.1 y rrt.' le .. n4 and 4rioina Detroit. must be basted. In the old 4 Mrs. L,anig, Detroit ; Miss Gotr-ar, Mrs. C, R. Jo(hinst•om, Mies Johnatbn, Mrs. • style stove this necessitated IL I Ed. AftuagLon, s,on and 'daughter„ Lon- dein; Mrs Wm. Coats, and immi datugfh, reaching .into the hot oven and moving the hot, heavy pan and holding it in the front of tern, Climt;oai ;.% A number.af tdl'3 y;ocIa people the oven while it was basted. A tedious performance with 1 r �.ut $.> uiaefteld hi3l cl a'•scial hap 1W unsatisfactoryresults. The draw -out oven rack of the J t, Ilarilliotn on . J`gv%7 attmts Point, on V:Icy evening Las Some, of; tbrct folks of to -via ivam iiiratitie,n- , a erml ford. i p�fv .inrg Oa, -Me and,splaiat a most 'enjoyable �,1.. tf rte. ' ' ' . • makes basting a timpl'e and ! -folOwin -Te'6>P(re ,-1 t .. .1th(s a successful operation, Draw the Ri—The eShdiaV lia0ti.t:-T. 7. handle in front of tl a oven for- Colema,n and ,%vife, G. E. Parkeis,wifa wardandtherackbringsthepan and dhildrrin, Jahn Currie" and s'istee(r, , and its contents out ofthe oven I Levi :Tisdale, S::' AI,cAllistelr, Mrs..11t. J'olll(npt,o'n, 6. Dickson, Semiforth ; , H. -• where it ma be tliozou hl " Y g Y ' Clinician, 1Vliss Gantel'on, Miss Barr, - ` basted with the greatest ease. ! �---=� / F. Longford, T. Moore, W . G. % The Imperial Oxford Range • �, Fivelb, C}iintlon ; 'Mrs. Dalaelis, Clet^e,- , lessens the labor of cookie and ; Laia;di i Mils. G. Bxtr4gw, Winnipeg; Ori `� , insures the most successful -What might haye proved a sad alooldent was narrowlyavart rN t ". �� results. ; e•d by the heroism of '•a youh1g, mita, �(r' Call at one of our agencies or write t-rexit to his unfortunatte,£rieend's - , for the Imperial Oxford leaflet. rescue, theireiby saving bin'from a t r\ via r c r I t to rave. Il o, carred am Thlurs'• ' ��� �rtirll�@y a1 a large p'ionic of ITealsall,,Kip_ pelt atild, Crsdi.t'an f►ri,endti.. M'r.W(m. i ., az , \ Foundry Co. • ,l Taylor, of Crediton, had gone in bath- i•ntg, and being unablb 'Col amili'm, %i . N� ]Limited Toronto gan to floundw, ,having unconsciously R2oistreai. SWiiia3mived aimit gat into deap water. -,Being in bait it �iaaacouver 1 few sciconds,,the onlookens thought an, was only acting up, but: -when be - -- _ - ' -_' --�- -� ~HOW �r®r1-035 ��b�et� -- ars ,going douw for tlra ,third time a ; young ma'n from Pori: Huron, by,, We �,COLLF�rS LL ConVieteiy Cured Jas. niame oif Harry Squires, -t^h,o h'as(a re four �' 'o Huston of ,2o Nears' tcarid :ot Saving lives, weni:.t:o bis ass"tamice, and it was with a struggle o 'THE Seri®U�► Trouble. thiat he landed him ,safely o'nsshore. o ' . January 27, 1903, A'fi:er iseiv131r:al ,hiorurs orf hard wort" inIgj """'tlilim, the youing man wars„rector- •� �",a ''r USEFUL I cannot express in words ed to conlspidusnesa, and ttas able( ita' return to. &iis home in•,0 he; evening. Branches are taught in the F. 0. B. the praise that is due to Iron- COLLEGE, Our students aro, not ox Tablets; which I got aS A Af4T1IER'S Ol'iNZON. guaranteed nice jobs, but after & coarse' in phis College it will be trial package from our drug- p f g g --�—t.-. A.,re, J: Snallin:g, Under. -wood, Ont. No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. �q�y gist, Mr. McDonald, who tole; says tlitat sbe has used Dr-, Low's Plea§ We aid them, if possible to obtaiam' me they 'Fere just what I dant 7 W�o)rm Syrup in kiar tan ilyi for the employment, but we first equip therm, a ntain the high reputation 'thin, wanted. I took them more 'past: terght y!eatrs, and sole kn,otvs of school has acquired. , for furi, but before I had firs- 'no.thin•g so good far Children -who :sul- from ished one bcix I of great re- feer worms. , J- W- WESTERVELT, lief. I was''subject ©great Principal... misery after meals, with bloat- ” . ing, and would rift up bile of■ the bitterest taste, and always I , • 50 YEARS' woke up in the morning in the EXPERIENCE same way for -the last twenty, years. Had tried all medi- cines, but no'w'Iam 16risting �^ and r e completely Ll�oON - Cured, and it was by taking f . Iron -ox Tablets. Words can- ��� g� �• , 9 ��iii�U�� TAAbV- MARKS (c1Estoms not eXpress my gratitude to t I COPYRIGwrs &c. wV,t'llragivin %•3.ccii�:ii1G ,5d,- � Anyonesendingatiketebanddescrintion may,, cry our tree OLl. y JAS, HUSTON tV 9 opinion wlaother a,i- � � invention n in p o) (invention fs oral ably pnt,ontable, Communioa- tionsstriatryconadentiai, 'Victoria Hotel, Verden, . tlsfaction in 011Y' si ce re- Handbook oniratents^. sant free. Old w,tagency forseouringpatents. Patients taten through Munn k Co. receive- IVlanitoba. . special notles, without charge, in the modelling Ovir hill �,�p nn ��.pp � Scientific IIferica09m Rift iron-ay'Cablets in an attractive 'ST ' aittlnif liul Oeket nose, 2 Cents at dru - S g.� glSt$, Or Sent, postpaid, oix receipt Of ® �� AhnndsometTilivatratediveekly, 1',nrRestc[r•- B th i culation of any selentine 3oumal. "terms, $a a s� �u year, mo��n'aaths, $1. $Old byall newediers, 11r]ce, The Iron -ox Dzeuxedy Co,, I,itil I ppfour �� ! MUNN & li®,3s113rcadwAy, NRW !Crk 3ted, Wallcerville Oirt. ' - , I n _ sraueh oo,eo c T Al U IU Gt,e, td U M d 0 i ,. 2b L St.. wRAl?.'�gteli..a, C. .i - • a .,:. . . . � 1.. , _ . � ' _L ., ; .. ley;.: ' .. � : s ..