HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-8-6, Page 1` THIRTIETH YEAR—• -NO 28. HURONHURON& MIDDLESEXGAZETTE EXETER CEMENT Ryon want the best results use ONT., CANADA ., THUBSD.A.y MORNING, AUGUST G. z' c 1303 Nt1olldJ and Stdr Brdll 6efflGnts WE ARTi, SOLE AGENTS Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these -Cements last for ever. ones 'Twine We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for' you: Come. in and get what you need and be ready when harvesting time comes., Scythes and Snaths,. Turnip Hoes. We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. Eavetroughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. HAWITINS O • e• 0 4. d• SII• 164+4,4, 44++44++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++3.3•++++d•3•+ The Latest Thing in Cloth Is always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you Aave t a good tailor and are 1 00 • for one, g oz tr Y us, One trial, will convince you that y& cannot get better flatisfaction for the same money than we will give you. Can Convince You that our stock of Spring g and Summer goods is unequalled.' See for yourself. FOWLER BROSR THE MOTHERS, BENSALL. Portland Cement urTE HAVE just received a iluan- W, V VT �g� Ta man a lily of the best grade of Port- end cement tdlterc2l ztat Tailor. can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WOOL WAN'T'ED 5000 Ibs. of wool wanted for which the highest Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- houses. NEW PIANOS We Bove just put in stock several 'new Pianos ha the •latest designs and .of the Best Makes at Popular Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show them to you. Organs always in stock. A good second hand Bell Organ :in good order, for sale cheap. 'The Bic ycle Season • Is with us and those Cushion Frames are just what you want, ` We have tthem at moderate prices. Sewing Machines in all the leading Makes always in stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs ;for same. Call and see ps.We are always -busy but will be glad to give you any information about our goods you may .•desire. S. Martin. Children Cry for . CASTOR IA. JOS. COCDLEDICK Zurich —Mies- ss Doir.a Either is on a visit . to friends in London. - {Misp Amelia; Art, of, Lapdog, is vent i ue fxriellic s herd. Mooresville • -Mr, William Hardy, of M,eGilli- vray, has ,purchased the Walter Logan farm on the 15thconcession of Lone: - don township for the sum, of 7,.$5400. It is a fine farm . Mooresville, has returned from her trill to the North West, where shebas been visiting her friends., —Mir. L. D. Stanley, one of our mast eespe:cted residents has left us to.. take charge of his brother's business in St. Marys. His bro:t&ler, Mr. T. D. Stanley is ,gei:ng on a 'trip 'to Brit- ieh• Oetannibia. Myr..George .Clark, an' old. resi- duaof Stephen, has lately deei,dedtto visit, melee mare, the. Emeratnd Islet and wrote from there to say ha enjoys the alit. • Children Cry for CAST THE Merchants Bank of HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. •• (CAPITAL ... (all paid up) ......, `REST. ....... 'TSOS.:FYSEit, General Manager anada $6,000,000. $2,700,000 E. F. ri19BDEN, Superintendent of Branches ,A'GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on 'Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. totters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and .,other foreign countries. REDITON ONTARIO. by druggists in overly part of the i"orld. -5 HI HO k.anagei' bents bottle. Its value fearealoul:able Re 9 ere and trite. vTf:' Taslow'u Soothin sale +nd as for no other kind. fiebsall , Thames Road , Bar. and Mrs. G. Maser 'heave •rerun,* fa, J.'Sutheiland, Notary Pubila, Convey cera Commissioner, Fire insurance Agent, a lstfuror of Marriage Licenses. Legal cioourn carefully drawn at reasonable *tutored:, Mon, to loan on real estate at low rates of intorestey, 'Mee at the Post Oftlee Rousal' Bruicefield ' ,ed alter a few weeks" 'visit at Berlin. an —Mise Allen, of • Sdxiatford, is the ( —Mies Carrie Feist, from Cre laeon, x d , guest. or her - tamale, ' Mi'. T. !A.I. 0arm- ente I atm. —Miss Alice Petty vis~itingtrien in. Bealfieild. —Mr. Xebin, Weigh.has heal) visitix rclatices at Stra,tthiroy. Our band nd char been engaged, tiro•play at the lva Zutxlah fall fair. -- Mise Let•tle Ka islet is •visitin Ezieird in ' is SeafoirUh�. —Oar annual civie hcliday will b held to -day (Thursday) —Mr. D. johns, of Guelph, is spend ing a i£ev ;drays wi tax_ friends in filen israd1. —Mr. MacArthea, of London, was in the village last week; vssrtinra ' .his iaro•t,her. —Miss jean Dick, pr:otesionai, nurse, is theme visiting her 'parents, M e and M'zis. 'Thomas Diek. Miss Weaver, of Detroit, was hese recently visiting Iver brother, M. Ja'mesf WUltpie.r . . —Miry. Gilcthrist and daughter, Miss Martha, are this week visiting rela tLvets iarl W;i;nglbrtm, —Mr. Fred G. Bontbron, of Chicago, lilacs been in the 'village the ,past week visittlinig his parents. —Mr. Wm. McKay bias returned from viisiting friends in the north pert •af• the eounty. . —Trade is ' somewhat quiet in the village awing to the farmers all being busily engaged harvesting.. =Th:n farmers are making good headway with the hairvest, and report the yield and quality both vent' good —Mir. Robert Dalrymple. has perch- ainettetr bot from Mrs. Gilchrist vvTieh will give him' nice premises, .... Tib; in'as Daymasix who has been in the West toir a numbers of °months, rteturaeid !hiome, the first ,part of ''this week, r• White lhi e h s beepquite —Mins. James e. W t a n tris m ill dieting the past week or so,, but at, ds-i.'}ne splendid farm belonging to theestate is feted forr shale aatoW�ilson''ss hot l hers o ; d ue day last, J l n,e was quite a large turnent of people. present and riadi•ng was quite brisk. Tile Elarxn, he>abliest Alla of writinvg was, c ire- %e leery beater.-- uieanu 'e• f iit mn z o cam 0 ",e f xt„R s1rthe villagle have taken cottages at rand Bed the , a ular uG m, p p s ramex xe--Mr. Aiikin, os ]3eeiton, who was Messrs. Cook Bros. first miller, was in iron ' ilia fr;�e last week xi:Jaewing algquaintanoes. Mrs. Wm. Ilaggarth and children, here been spending the past week, at Mats. Fio�ggarth's home before marri- age, rneaar Maslen. •—Mrs. Wes'e�loh e,nd' children, of Berbift, foinm;erly of Henaall, have bee.; visiting friends here during the. pajsta ;wank. -Tlhe iatnlnuaal .1iiienie. ,t: f abbe; Me,thoe dist Sabbatlh soh'oiol was heir at, Grand Bend an Thursday last, when a very ipleasiint time, was spent.—Mrs. Robert Bell, of Se,aforth,'hesbeen visiting tear father -in -lave, Mr. Jo!hin Bell and relativecs 'in the (town- ship .cit Hay a'n'd vicinity. —Mr. 'acrd Mrs. ]3. 'Arnold left here a,st. o weeks for Tprcnto, whrlre wet learn Mr. Arnold rhos secured a •pos•i- tion in tthe Sovereign Bank. —Mr. Wm. •Thompson, of Cleiaago, eaoormipianied by thus wife is here.visit- ing his ni,ather, Mrs. 'G. S. ,'Thomtpso'n, alnd unclees, Wm. and Joan Stoneman. —Flax pulling is now the o;rtie,r:t of the day, and many of the 'boys antigiirls tare all able to earn ;considerable pocket money during t•Ihei holiday seas -:an. —Rev. Dr. •and Mrs. Medd, in , writ- ing to rim enids, sjpeiak ivery ihigll'byt Sanidfield in tihe Muskoka district as a fine summetr resiort, and relpor.t 're- ceivinig much benefit from their trip. -Mi'. D. Urquhaart, the .olid edtablish e•d ,end einteir',gntrising proprietor of tthe' Henson aaltmeal mllIs, is enlarging this !mia]e land adding new macihinery, in Girder to meet fake 'demainds of this in- cretasiinig business. r. Me;edelaxmid ref:mixei' oa Monday from a ;pi rrYasant trip up 'teleMuskoka lakes, and rc•esidedMea e with D'r. Medd and Mrs. ,Medd, w.bo•m he found much impravedhn,alitli and , enjoiy'ing. the ruggerdgrandeur of tthe highlands of Ontario. —Tbe Inienvds eof Mr. Jamies IVIeFar- llane, o£ tihe township of Tueketrislmitll will ,regret to learn that lie wase ,very seriously ill the latter part of •?fastweek from the effets of a paralytic . stroike, bat will be pleiaseid t'a lea.rm tlhia.t he is considerably improved. -An ad, ourrned speoiial meeting of rPesbytery was held in, Carmel Pres- by'terrian ebrurcli, on Tuesday forenoon last, the main business being to•. re- eeive t:he decision of-the•.Rev. J, S. He,nidlee:eon, a.£ tlhbis viltta•go, regarding tape call he had received from ,St. An- d'rew's .cllilurch, Weistministekr.Rev. C. Fleittcher, oif 'the Thames Road o!eeupiied tihie ehair and. after devotion, al exelrc ises and the reading of the milantier cif the ;1rast spepital meeitixig hield rec^Intly in Clinton, the business of tihe meeiting was taken utp in the O pof iioh R -v. J. . I3ei d.,xsan coax• a vvlb S,s rkstated t'htat rerpgnti.cing the, alCr•ong of th,e west, amid the, sipeeial• neae,d for a•otive, agressive church work tihiere, that vwhiile regrettizvg with the eceigret+aatlion. Imre,• where. he •has lab- orred fo.r so ixlany years, andl received so much kindness and e'ncour(agiement h'e has derided to accept the call from St. 'And'rew's church, West.ministerr. T!1ee Rev. Mr. Sawyers, of Brueefieltdwas tihen elected moderator of Car - in 1 choreh sess�lcixi during thtei vacancy aind oitihie,r ma tt'ers of intsrr'est were dealt wi,illa Mr.:ije:nd�erelon will (are- ier 1 ser . o,n on SabbathAlClh h'ls fanevw L rrl, , the 16th iiinst. On, t'hei foll`owin'gShbe batth the pulpit will be. declared., vi- caint. FOR O V�F,,>IRSsXPY \ 1 A.RS AN 0LA AND yr aLL-TxtrenWinslow'e Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years bq millions n' mothers Por their childrenwbile teething. with perfectsueeessit soothes the child. softters the gums, allays all pain, cures Wind colic. aind is the best• remedy for Diarrhrna. It is pleas+ant. to the "tante. Sold owever, was not sold. T i i,id obtained Was $10,000,• and.tan lined pries being some four 'hundred dollars. in Iadvane+b of this, a sale was not made, altihouglc the expectation was that it \would. ,probably be sold; by pri- vate sate ,beagle lona, as there aresev- eral alio are anxious to get it if an aggireelnent tan be made in respect of algae. Anderson -Edd Wait t Swndaiyed at iGraad Bend. ee. J:l; Arnn,stre'ng, of Toronto, is the guest lef Miss L. ale Health/nig. -Mils. Bat;teln, o,•f 'Engin, Ill., is'vis'--- itinig Ozer son, 1VIr, S, Batten;. —Mrts, pimpled and 'Mrs. Adair are the 'guests of "Mrs C. W. Rgbunson. —Mr.. R. Bilyea, of T.horndale, visit- ed witch friends in this vicinity last week. -Mills Jetninie Analelrson is, spending beirevtaicfa.tacen alt herr h.emme. here. J3ayfield mai ona ars. Rhos. Blake, of Mirktoin, were the guests of Mr.lA1- best Bickel', ow• Sunday. Saintsbury. —i11rs. Small, of Landon, is visit- ing friends here. —Master Gordon Wain burn burn un dsia- ter, Miss Jessie ,are , visitffig friends b ere —The 'seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mire J. McFalls, while playing around in ..r e m eventhad hinder. .�. � yx � 1.bre y; '<nilsfoirtune i,i: fall off a hoard break- ing her arm. —The .little tefo•lyeaiaold, i3iauah'tei.' Mr. and Mrs. F. Dobbs had, the mis- fortune to get her foot badly scalded on Sunday, the «12th of July, while the parents were. absent from home an odder sister pieced a basin , of hot water on the floor. The child as. dently stepping into it. . Granton • —Mrs -G. Eea:tsnn is visiting relati- ves in Croinarty; -this week.; —Mrs. a'Clare and family, of Pres- tome are visiting'"ti•Zrs. •Cameron. —Miss M. Isi1ty, who has bean at- tending school in Simcoe, is home' for the hiolidays. -Pr. Chas. Lang took Dr. Robert,. san'sr preetice in Stratford for a few days feet week. — Harvey Mosvbra returned home tram Hamilton last tatturday night. He is greatly improved in health( — Mr. Norman Brooks ani bride, of Harrisonburg, Ve., are here en a vis- it. A reception was tendered /the hap y couple on Wednesday evening at the home of his parents by a largo- number of friends; A pleasant even- ing wog silent. Grand Bend .—Dr. L. L. Follicle, of St. Marys, is the guest of his aunt. Mrs. Gill. aliases Gill and Brown, of Exeter, are encoding 'a two weeks' vacation here. —Mrs. (Rev.) D. Ramsay and and, - nen, of Ottawa, are visiting friends on Th•ranrto Side. —Dr: McCallum', of Buffalo, Is spend lag a 'va,catian with his parents at Pine•Crnft Villa. —The ;oottitgers on the different parks are ;vow all f tiled for the Pres- ent Inonith•. —Mrts. T. W. I.rawkshaw and daugh- ter Myrrta, of London, are spendin'g:a abort time here. —Miss Bella Dow, of Mitchell, Miss Coraniick, of Woodstock, Miss E. Me- Ca11um, of Midland , who have been guests at Mr. T. H. iW CAllum's cot- tage during the past few weeks, .have returned Thome, Greenway. ( —Mias Emma M'cl. hnisoav is 'camp— ing at G,ra nd Bend. —It1iss Alice Wilson was the guest of lake Evangeline Harvey, at the Bead. —Mrs. J. R. Wilson, gave a picnic to Grand Bend, on Saturday, in honor of Mrs Grover and Mr. and Mrs. Brork- ett —Misses Alice and Carrie Wilson, and. cousin, -Toni Still'well,• are visit- img friends in Bayfield and Clinton, ijbts week. •—Mr. I1 .J. Willert anti two cbil- d,ren of Aliment, Idieh., passed through Mere in their automobile an Monday, after visiting friends in the viieirsity of Das(hw.ogd. -Mir: Theins Srtfinhcin arudi quash ter, Mrs. Gillevell ,and San, Tani, of Mayfield, visited the former's niece Mrs. W. J. Wiils,on, • who accompanied them' ]tome Manata . —Mus. Grover of Aahi:ft'bula, Ohio, ameom�painie4 by' her siste t,in-laiev,And daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mi.tB clek- ett and two children have ap.ent itihe cver.•k •eisitin;g theftor'mer's brother,' Nor. D. M. Edwards, and other. friends le able vicinity, •rettnrning to their Need eeda r. II spent Sunday at Rev. J. 0.rTVlorloGk',s--Ciss Exuma Colicas Chas beennela�ti te4s e t Lieury, the paste week. —Mrs. Louis Sinvons, from Cavalier, N, D., is visiting friends and relatives in town. ..-M.I. >e' 1�zaM Brunnez f•oi ff•m Bu ato is home visitiing his motizer, who Is very low at tame cif writing:a—M'. lend lylzs. T,au,s ;L'efftirt. train Mailvterate/a are s+,pendi.n; a weetc width( firiends and i reilativets in and around village. —Miss Graham has retux.ned t•o her ILocne'in , Gotderich, after spending. a pew days with her sister, i\frstM'eaver. —Mr. and Mrs. Ilalcer cn•`,^_,rtained.a. nuinbee of young people at ,heir home Monday evening. A pleasant tune is reported. Mr. Hetnry Will er:t, frpm 'Almont, Mk h. was visiting his brothers last week. The trip was made with an a utacnobiee Kirkton —Par.. George . Armour as, ivisiti'nta at Mr.. J. Taylor's. Mr. N. Me , Leigh was in; traan,don„ this week,, qn busi'netss. —Miss Rate/hal Hark an Miss Lily Ta,iyloir are 1 visitilnig at Londetsboi o, this week. —Mr. N. B. Drupe was tihs:`happy reai,pient of a fine baby girl,on Sate- urday last. —Mrs. R. A. I3ryans and family(,lof Petrone, are . visiting friends in the village. Mr. Bryan will come up on Sa,t(uxdp.g —Mir. N. J. Tufts, who has been, e,on- fsined to the house during the. pa;sit month with typhoid fever is now;con- e era onva 1 ant. Carrand —Mrs. N. R. Ca • a f miLy; ; whohave been visiting friends t .at Blyth end Westfield. for the • ,past three. week arrived home on Friday last. —Mt s. Rohl:. Robinson, who ^ barn been visiting : at Lander�baro tduxing bus last two weeks arrived home Mon- day being aegom;painied by atrial Hata vey Itabn�.`^n• Who has been very. ills —Miss 'Annie , ileachatise, of St. Marys, and arr. Hobert Roadhouse, of Toronto, and Master' Willie Clark, of Orrillia are visitbntg at" -Mr... Wim. Bieovvn's a rid. Mr. Taos.RcladltaaA'bs' for isle week, -Mr. Geo. Mills, met with; a,+ba;d, masthn c4 Monday, which will lay him off work far a short Time. In holding a.plank on a pump Iog while a yoork.tman was in the eat of `driv--- ing the Logs together, the man missed bia•calculatians and struck Mr. Millet thumb smashing it somewhat which will be very painful. • Crediton —Rea. G. D. Damm and family with lu friends spent Monday; at the lakes .—Mr. Ed, Iiesttle, of London, was anthe village on Monday, on business. —alias Estella Moir'taek, ofDash- „wood, is visiting friends in thistvicin- itty. —Miss Olivia lloltzm.a,nn is Spend ing a week in - London 'i�siifang 13ri- elud's. —Miss Falk, of Howell, Mich. ,spent a week at 'her • aunt's, Mrs. Herrman O est;r. eiehe r. -=•Mr. and Mrs. Ohris . Eilber, •o,f•, Z:urrirlly, Vera. Sunday under the par- ental roof. —Art Znviek�er spent a; few days last week in London 'visiting his parents. , Mr.. Jcdhln . Pr trr:Yir aivd.family.lof Zurich, i al'aet at Mr. Sam. Brown's on Sunday. ;alrtsaaa& b Eil..be:r andMisa Care cafe Foist anent Sunday at th aarson- a13ta at Dliehw'ota:L. tears. leacesneir, orf Buffalo, is epend- lug a few weeks with heaparents, Mr and Mrs. John Finlrbeiner. —Elio:mrointh.l?y merit:ling of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Caimpany was held in the town hall, Saturday. -Mu. Kara, manager orf the S•eve,r- eigin Bank, Exeter, paid our villages a flying vi.:it on Wednesday last. —The. eholi,r of the Methodist church pioniced Grand Bend, an Monday last. A , very enjoyable dime wcis ape,ntt. Mies Ida, Treitz, of De.tr�oi1, and Mies Flock, of. llowieli, Mich. are visit- ing drieladls.'and rata tive.s in the ;vii - Lase. I—DM,r. and Mrs. Louis •Roedding, of {Lc,nrlon, and Mrs. S,h,eldon, of Detroit, tare this . awls of Mrs. end Mrs. Thos. T.revethack. —Mr.•Jo1hn Wa,gester, of Burn,Mich. brother atf Mrs. Damm, and Miss Wagner, of Wa.terloo, wer• guests at alto Gamine:parsio�n,age'. --On iNfor attar night gilt • • '.scrubs” % prayed lour : picked teti,in a, game of football, andmade tilvings int errl;iin.g Gar the prof�eeslcnials•—score, 0-0. .Mr. Lloyd Janes, of St. 'Dhom�i,s, tearlier ofvccat and ins tvriumenta1 music. was in the village last • 4 arielay anti was succesisful .in.ge,trting e class tc stair. with. —Mr.' Jahn Smith slave our villagore quits eint' cenobitic -,n Last 'Tutealliiye while Lhreshi•nte tor Mv.•, Samuel; - • Drawn Mr. Smith has a new trac- tion engine blower, and Chas certainly a complete outfit. Neve Zurich boys came over to our team Lash T',ridey, and played a !gaitn'e of foothill wiit,h our bay The ';oleo 'woe a fast tome tend vteir,'yi liattdr'e'stiilig• heather ciidee succeeded in making a csacaire. —Con Monday evenings. Mrs. B. 33. Walker.. receivafl the sad inersage of the death of b•er father, Rev, .Mr. Cromptron, of Carlisle, after an illness 'of eever•al months' durotion. oar. C:roxnpten ,had many warm friends. in this villaige a,nd vicinity oho will-tate- grret to heat of his death. ' - Dashwood —Our •cenient walks are almosdcom pleted. "lids Quante, of. Exeter, is the guest .of Miss Lily Ilctrtlteib. ,JolrN WHITE t,0 000000o0O0O0000Pa00t••• ` 411a*40+0.0000400Nt00+0 0 • Qarttinoi Boots. • • e 0 0 A • O b • A O 0 6 •O • Bargains, in and Shoes Ladies' Pearl Grey1 Canvass, reg, �i.t,fi0 for $1.1.0 Ladies' Patent .Leather Bal. reg. $2.50 for $1.75 Ladies' Oxfords , .. , .—regular $1,50 for $1.10 Men's Patent Leather.. —regular $3.00 for $2 00 There is no place that you can get such value for your money in Shoes as at 'our store. Call and see them. 4 O.' • • r W .... • •'►rM004t•O•000000100••000+it ♦OF4)O**OOOA00®04000*00®0 —Our Township Council hope; pass- an extended visit with Mrs. Leavitt's - m,ather,'Mrs. Culbert. —Dr. Harvey, D. D. S. , 6whe, hap• been successful in business hese fox the past three years, has disposed cif his practice to Dr. George Thornpsaa,; have been a danger tothe lives of our of Stratford, Dr, Harvey vi1T locate elderly people and tte council have in CChicago, been obliged to take action. —Mr. Bernard Sftanley is leaking; some extensions to tuv ;building now occupied by St;adi = i ;acral mexahanrits.• The+store isti.beingi t;Zx 'rt � thirty e theine'd z y f e• ,the- neve. additiax>f }'•i.' peing two tari s highhand but l /te Park, recently of London. finely of cememt. ')1;•r, Tslies G a ri,err, I3. —,:Cine Standard Bank has placed in ign,sd his :pusitic n in ihe:Luean their institution h'e're ona of J. So J. Sclhtool .to accept the laaordern L(angue Taylor's lar <t„• labeet t y,improvedt'.r N•time, lock age b7lasteltslvtp art l�Iitchetll ata •sat- salfese airy of 5'500. 'tllhis is a big raise for Reginald Hudson, of London, was Mr. Carter., but notaii:ug `amore. t:hala the soloist at Holy Trinity i y Churg his em aver , � � i. y h s ane his diligence ' nc' ' , p , a 7 ills g morning and evening service,'Sunday lsuc•cess as a teachelr •deserves. Last. —On '.fuesday evening', about 10..at 1Vt , of :Cue H' gh ” rah oa I A- ru, tllo c -its elvs Of tb t viPatac. acccp i, o, . called out to a tine but has accepted tile position of En , y' e13, a iby 1•aw prohibiting the ridintg•(Cf bicycles on the ` plank rand; cement ,gide-walks. Bioy'cles will be allowed on the gravel walks, but will,have, tci go ata slow trate. Some of our bo0'is au Zan 1 James Gilfillan ihas disposed of his stack of general merchandise to Jas P • gash master •af the High sehooL tit Mitehello At a a paniettiinlg ,'opt the 'High Sahoo1 Board Last• vexing, Miss Ida M. Mara deer stonm was ,passing aver at ,tahct was engaged a assistant tHigle School time it is •generiaily believed tlbht •thte t'eaielhtsr at a isulaiij oif ,$450 .pea pa- barn was struck by lightning 1. as r s only a small barn owned byMr. T. Robinson, wihieh in .a, few minutes , was ,reduce,d tiol a.tes. The origin ea the fire is not known, but as a, thun- Mule. • —Dr,. W. T. Bian:ting Jiaa purokased the building an William street recent ly vacated by Sceli & Ahrnitage, cloth- iers, and will remodel it into a diall- ing and office. =Mr. ,and , Mrs. Alex. Leavitt, cif Walkexvdile•, with their ehiidretn, aba- ter Harvey- and Miss Madeleine are on 4D er.. ^ ': ;, ` i :are is on every box of the genuine 't:ve Bronco=Quinine Tablets r '•i that cures a coda in one C".+:e. , DOMINION EXHIBITION 1903 - TORONTO - i903 AUC. 27th to SEPT. 12th The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADES OF LIVE STOCK E In addition, by order of HIS MAJESTY THE RING THE JUBILEE PRESENTS 1 of his august mother• the late Queen Victoria, Will be exhibited FREE, ae t96II as, by permission of the Dowager Duchess of Bufferin and A.va, 1 THE DUFFERIN PRESENTS And by permission of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures ,! OF IRISH MANUFACTURE Tho special features, including an entirely new spectacular production entitled A CARNIVAL IN VENICE 1 ander the personal direction of Bolossi Riraify, will be on a scale never before attempted at an annual fair in any part of the World. . Reduced rates by land and water from everywhere. Consult your station agent. W. a . McRAUGiiT, Prcsidug J. co. ORR, Manager ae4 Seerelary, a:. -�,•°, f. .,.."r.:.sb+,s rx ..:."+ M. .i 34`,_i*k, •'ts' ^'i<6'r¢ rtiata. mem' i�illl) li -,gra nmacannow=nasszacztam-goaramt.stotr--- Q :'iaaaiallaTalar ' • Fan `:.WING TO THE GREAT DEMAND fol' Samson .Brand Cement we have been unable to gels enough of this celebrated Cement to supply our custortlers , but t, from now on we will be in a position to meet all ore 1's. If building walls, cisterns troughs, silos sidewalksor g i floors get our rices on Samson Brand Cement- Plymouth l ant- Plmou h Binder Twine Wo still have a small'quantity of this high .grade Twine on hand: Try it and he convinced that it is t ";"'ieamegr, # r � ` U:re