HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-08-13, Page 201 Page 20--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1986 These are before and after make-up pictures of Dream Illusion, a female impersonation troup who are performing at the Elm Raven mi. .. ..m frn,n 1Pff to right, Twilight (Phil), .Kim Duval (Chris), J.J. Murray (J.J.) Emslie photo) and Pat Chanel (Pat). (David BUCK and DOE for PATTI O'ROURKE and HENRY HENDRIKS SAT., AUGUST 16 FOR INFORMATION CALL 527-1940 ELM HAVEN • Clinton ONE WEEK ONLY! NOW TILL SATURDAY AUG. 16 Toronto's Hottest Nightclub act... "The Dream Illusions You won't believe it unless you see iti $3.00 cover charge Everyone's a winner! In the WI LLV'S SWEEPSTAKES1 STARTING THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 1. FOR THE ENTIRE MONTH OF AUGUST With every SIO. purchase, you'll get a chane to reach into our FREE GIFT JAR! You could WIN - •WILLYBURGERS •ICE CREAM CONES • HAMBURGERS • DINNERS •FREE ROUND OF MINI GOLF 1 Enter the ILLYBUR ORES to be held the last week of August. Final Tournament Day Sunda-, Au:. 31 •FRIES "SUPPORTTHE CLINTON KIDS" ALL YOU CAN EAT CORN ROAST hot Dog and Drink WEDNESDAY, AUGU T 1' '86 5:00-8:90 p.m. Clinton Public School .$25• ° pci' person or maximum §10. per family , Proceeds to: ('rc.ithe Playground Equipment. Tickets available at Grove's TV and Everything Good. Clinton. CONGRATULATIONS CLINTON SWIM TEAM! All swim team members are invited to a party at the pool on THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 AT 5 P.M. for a swim and to receive your medals Coming Events BAYFIELD LION'S CLUB Jumbo Bingo, Bayfield Arena, every Friday night. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Early Bird Games skirting 745.-15-41ar STEP DANCE COMPETITION, Mitchell Fair, Satur- day August 30. Contact Jean Reaney, 348-8445.-31,32,33 MONSTER BINGO: Sponsored by Clinton Service Clubs, Clinton Community Centre, Mondays, June 9 to Sept. 1. 15 regular games. 3 share -the - wealth, grand prize $1000. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Admission 16 years and over. Proceeds to com- munity work.-24-35ar BINGO: Venastra .Rec Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First reg. cord $1., fifteen reg. $20. games, three share -the- wealth. Jackpot $200. must go. Lucky Ball $120.i 0 (if not won). Lucky Ball increases $20. per week. Admission restricted to 16 yeprs and ave tfar "THE MELVILLE BOYS" hit comedy runs to August 16 / Playhouse .2 at 8:30 p.m. Matinees 'Wednesdays, Thursdays 2:30 p.m. Call 238-8451 Huron Couhtry Playhouse.-33ar "ANNIE" broadway musical runs August 12 to September 6 / Main Stage at Huron Country Playhouse. Call 238-8451.-33.35ar ATTENTION: All Vanastra Curlers: annual two ball golf tournament Sunday, August 24 at 1 o'clock at Bluewater Golf Course, Bayfield. Pot luck and corn roast following at Curling Club. For information call 262.2421.-33,34 TEDDY, BEAR PARTY at Clinton Branch Library, Tuesday, August 19 at 2 p.m. Children ages 3 - 10 years. Bring Along Your Teddy Bears! -33x HAPPY 35TH ANNIVERSARY Albert and Gerda Postmas Love from : Margaret & Murinus, Karen, Ruth Anne, Michael Helen 8. Fred Carrie, Krystina, Maryanne Janet 8 Ray William THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the,Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, Huronview Building, Clinton on Fri- day, August 15/86 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Sueveillance. 2. Anaemia Screening. 3. Immunization. Adult Immunization Will Also Be Offered A, This Clinic.-33ar Thelifamily of Ross and Beatrice Richardson Wish to invite friends, relatives and neighbours to an OPEN HOUSE honouring their parent's 50th WEDDING • ANNIVERSARY Sunday,_ August -17 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at their. home 168 William St. Exeter Best Wishes Only ALL -YOU -CAN -EAT HOT BUFFET with fuifsalad bar- served SATURDAY & SUNDAY 4PM-8PM (or order from our regular menu) LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thursday - Sunday BREAKFAST _. $1.99 CHINESE PIZZA FOOD tiv• Eat in or take out HARBOUR LIGHTS RESTAURANT & TAVERNt, HIGHWAY 21 - BAYFIELD 565-2554 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEED 8 A.M. - 1 A.M. elt1111T11111111T111111111111i111r1 , E 11111 110111 OFFICIAL DEDICATION and unveiligg of the Gerry Ginn Memorial to take place of 7:45 p.m. Saturday, August 23rd, at the boll park at Holmesville.-r-33,34 HURON COUNTY FAMILY PLANNING Clinic will be closed the month of August and will re -open September 2.--31eow THEATRE BEYOND WORDS, The Potato People, children's entertainment at its best; August 19, Main Stage 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 *p.m. Call 519-238.8451. Huron Country Playhouse._33ar . • THIRD ANNUAL Lions Club of Clinton Seafood Festival, Friday, September 5, Goderich Township Community Centre. Dinner 7.9 p.m, Dance to follow. $15.00 each. Tickets call Shirals 482-7621, Groves' TV 482-9414, Clere-Vu 482-3211.--33ar - BLYTH FESTIVAL: GLORY: August 13, 14; (matinee), 16, 18, 19. DRIFT: August 14, 22. LILLY: August 15, 20, 21, PROMISE: August 16 (matinee), 21 (matinee). All evening perfor- mances are at 8:30 p.m.; matinees at 2:00 p.m. For information and tickets, call Box Office at 523-9300/9225. - 33or GOURMET DINNER: Saturday August 1.6. Delicious home -baked delicacies served by the Board of Directors of the Blyth Festival. Still some tickets available! $18. per person, available from Festival Box Office (523-9300/9225).-33ar CAR RALLY: Saturday August 30. A fund-raising event of the Blyth Festival, Call 523.4345 for information.-33ar RECEPTION for Sherry Duff and John Demitrios SATkJRDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 AT8P.M. at the Goderich Township Community Centre, Holmesville - FOUNDING MEETING -- Riding of Huron Provin- cial P.C. and Y.P.C. Associations, August 26th, 8 p.m., Clinton Town Hall. Approval of Constitu- tions, Election of Officers and selection of Delegates / Alternates for party's general meeting. -33,34 BLYTH INN HOTEL, Sunday Brunch served 11 am - 2 pm; roast beef buffet served 4 pm - 7 pm. All you'care to eat. Reservations. 523.9381.-33ar MUSIC IN GOLD REDISCOVER THE GREAT MUSIC OF YOUR LIFE FROM THE GOLDEN BIG BAND ERA FOR GOOD DANCING AND LISTENING PLEASURE, IN SUPER MODULATING STEREO SOUND. ENJOY THE WORLD'S BEST POLKAS, HONKY TONKS AND PUB SINGALONG OLDIES FOR A FABULOUS PARTY, WITH BRUNO VERMANDER (D.J. & M.C.) TEL: 524-2832 PUBLIC TOUR OF REFORESTED FARMLAND AND MANAGED WOODLOTS iN ttobtitiiCH TOWNSHIP Take this opportunity to see the Tong -term results of reforesting marginal farmland and the,benefits of proper woodlot management. All rural lan- downers, in particular, are invited. DATE: Thursday, August 28, 1986 TIME: 1:30 p.m.. to 3:30 p;m. (two-hour'bus tour) LOCATION: Tour begins in the Holmesville area - (please call for details) COST: None, but PRE -REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED by contacting, by August 22nd, Marvin Smith or Steven.Bowers at the Wingham District Office, Ministry of Natural Resources, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0. Phone 1-800-265-3003 toll free. Ontario Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister BAYFIELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 130th FALL FAIR- FRID.AY..AUGUST 22nd SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd Friday_Evening - Chain Saw Competition 7 P.O. Fairgrounds Arena Opens - Exhibit* & Lions°Bing® Admission - Adults ST.00; Children %FREE Saturday Afternoon -Parade 12:30 p.m. Clinton Pipe Band - Ronald McDonald FM 96 Van from London will attend .� Huron County Warden Mrs. Leona ••- WILLYS BURGER STOP MD MINI GOLF ins How of Ilio• Willy Bowe HWY. 8 WEST, CLINTON -Phone ahead for faster service - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11 AM - 11 PM EXCEPT FRI. & SAT: TILL 12 MIDNIGHT SUNDAYS 11:30 AM TILL 10 PM (SAME HOURS FOR MINI -GOLF) Armstrong (will declare Fair � o en P SPECIAL EVENTS •Horseshoe pitching • Bag Tying • Nail Driving, etc •Childrens' Fish Pond • Heavy Horse Show `� • Saddle Club • 4-H Clubs • Poultry • Sheep: 0 IN' ARENA. Exhibits of Crafts: quilts; Needlework: Rowers and Vegetables: Bak- Ing etc.1.1 2 RM. BABY SHOW - Arena Upstairs: Bayflold Liens' Club Garnet & Rides:"'" Refreshment Booths; Adinlsslon: adults 52.00-.cblldren free.. ti . iiia HS : H Hil},• ,i,; I a - You could Win 1987 OLDSMOB1LE CU1LASS CERA BROUGHAM Only 305 Tickets still be sold - every/ 25th ticket is a winner Clinton Public Hospital DRAW TICKETS NOW. AVAILABLE CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL DRAW TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FROM: •John Duddy •Cheryl Huhner 'Al Jewson •Or. Art Steed •Rosemary Armstrong •Shelley McPhee -Hoist •Dave Hanley *Dan Steyn *Joyce Chilton *June Boussey *Mike Falconer *Steve Fraser •Marg Makins *Keith Tyndall •Wayne Lester •Dr. Peter Salsbury •Barb Howson •Earl Hilderley •Clarence Downtime *Doug Norman *Rev. G. Simmons •Doug Coventry .Bee Cooke •Pat Sperling •Line Symons •Clinton Public Hospital •L.orne Brown Motors TICKETS ARE 51.00 EACH PROCEEDS FOR SUPPORT OF THE BUILDING PROJECT DRAW TO BE MADE SAT., OCT. 4 "CeP.H. ATLANTIC CITY CASINO AND AMATEUR TALENT NIGHT" For further lnferetatlon call Cbrole Yip et the FUND RAISING OFFICE 69 VICORIA ST. 482-5528 1>Iakar'i former office)