HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-08-13, Page 16Page 16-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1986 1. Articles for Sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rottenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482.9300,-441far THREE PIECE SET OF CRANE cast iron bathroom set; 13' x 3' stainless steel counter for restaurant kitchen..482.7421,-31-33x PICKLING CUCUMBERS for sale at Mike Dykstra's on Hwy. 8 right beside the Elm Haven. Phone 482-9543,,-31,32,33 HONEY FOR SALE. Fred Deichert, 214 Queen St., Clinton. Phone 482.9283.-32,33,34 ONE YEAR old roasting hens, 6-8 lbs., $4.75 per bird. Available end of August. Orders taken now. Rick Forbes. 526-7543.-32-34 PEACHES 8 CREAM SWEET CORD Our own special variety now available, Evans Farm Market, 2 miles North of Boyfield. Phone 4827562.-33 PATIO SETS - 40 percent off or more. Wide selec- tion. Warehouse open Friday and Saturday. 71 King St. W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405.+254 FRESH CAULIFLOWER & BROCCOLI - Wholesale prices. Other produce in season. VISSCHER FARMS, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Open daily 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed Sundays 237-3442.-28tfar CUCUMBERS for pickling, all sizes availal sweet corn. John Segeren located on H miles east of Clinton. Phone 482.9217: - le, also vy. 8, 5 30-34 15 FT. ROCKET TRAILER, Gas stove, frig nate, 3 way lighting, portable toilet, e hitch, mirrors, awning. Phone 524-7891. six. -31 ht le, fur- ualizer Sleeps HONEY. New crop, No. 1 white available now. Your containers or ours. Alec Ostrom R.R. 3, Clinton. 482-7287.----32,33 RED HAVEN 8 Garnet Beauty peaches now ripe. Red 8 White potatoes, apple butter, honey. Eating and cooking apples 3.50 - 1/2 bushel. Art Bell Fruit Farm 524-8037.-33tfor 1984 HONDA ATC 200X, very little hours, ex- cellent condition with header and- new clutch, asking $1500. Phone 482-9904 after 4:30 p.m. --33x • SATELLITE DISH Lease To Own •Monthly Leasing Also Available *Easy Monthly Payments iL & I_ SOUTI'fWTEi!.UTE ,, " Sales & SE.STeiViCe . CaII Day or Night 524-9595 FOR SALE: RED HAVE LAS S I F_ E D THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE PEAL ES Screened Topsoil FOR LAWNS, GARDENS, FLOWERBEDS DELIVERED AS THE WEATHER PERMITS -ALSO- Gravel & Crushed Stone Lyle Montgomery PHONE: 482-7644 EVENINN�GS Lindsay Orchards R.R. 2 BAYFIELD -Now Available - RED HAVEN PEACHES HARVEST APPLES Phone 482-9143 or 565-2562 f C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 miles south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 W. even take trades CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noun Display Advertising . - . Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3'Gorage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes ,,,•.,;v 37 Mortgages 14 Recreational properties 38 Auction sale 15 Out of town properties 39 Educational 16 For rent 40 Lost A Found 17 Apartments for rent 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 22 Lots for rent 461n memoriam 23 Commercial property for rant 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent SA( DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. 1 PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a,m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR, $500.00; Moffat washer, $350.00; Inglis stove, $350.00. All items only t i ee years old. Phone 482-7892.-33x APPROXIMATELY 250 ft. of galvanized 1 inch pip- ing for sale. Reasonable. Phone 482-7621 days 482-7244 evenings.-33ar 3. Garage sale/Yard sale 1 DOUBLE SIZE waterbed includes wooden bookcase headboard and sides, blue comforter with matching decor pillows, heater and bladder cover, in excellent condition. Black leather coat (biker). ladies -size -,i 6. 3- year • okk-Black..biker helmet, size 7 1/8 - 7 1/4 medium, one year old. Like new. Coll 482-5012 after 5 p.m. or weekends. -33x 23 CU. FT. FREEZER, 5 years old, excellent condi- tion, 5250.00. Phone 565-2932.-33 FRIDGE, WASHER and dryer for sale. Phone A82-5769 after 5 p.m. -33x THREE FAMILY YARD, SALE offering good clean articles August 16 from 8-12 at 283 Albert St., Clinton. Antique furniture including-)huffet, • china cabinet, butcher . block, treadle sewing machine. Children's and adults' clothing, cur -e tains, eiderdown comforter, dishes, large office desk and chair, etc.-33ar 5. Cars for sale 1975 MONZA, V-8, good shape, $1400.00 or best 'offer. Phone 524-8198 after 6 p.m.-33nx 1976 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, slant 6, automatic, economical transportation, mechanically good, needs some body work, $600.00. Phone 482-9287 after 6 p.m. -33. HONEY FOR SALE, $1.00 per pound, customers own containers. North of Clinton. John Nykamp 482-3028.-33 GREAT FOR STUDENTS - gold coloured sofa bed: black and white T:V.; 24" electric stove. Phone 482-5246.-33 2. Motorcycles 1983 HONDA V45 SABRE, 750cc, 12,600 km, new in 1984, water cooled, engine guards, must sell $2,300:00. 524-6828 after 6 p.:m.-28tfnx 6. Trucks for sale 1972 GMC pickup, 3/4 ton, flat bed, Phone 565-5066.-32,33 1976 CHEV VAN 20, new body, paint flares, 350 . H.P. engine, 60's all around. Phone 482-5769 after 5 p.m. -33x 1985 HONDA XR100R, great condition, prolink, asking $900 or best offer. Call 482-3658 after 5 p.m. -33 Fully Reconditioned Full 30 Day Warranty USED APPLIANCES CHEST FREEZER $299. Coldspot - 15 cu. ft. $299 CHEST FREEZER Kelvinator , X49, 30" RANGE Enterprise $99, 24" RANGE r ,r/ 2 to choose from McClary 500 AUTOMATIC $299. DISHWASHERS Beatty - Six Program $999 DRYER and many other fruits. Home -Baked pies and Mennonite meats. OPEN 7 DAYS - 8 am to 9 pm Rock Glen Farm Market on Rock Glen Rd., Arkona 828-3100 7. R.V.'s for sale 12. Real estate for sale 1 17 FT. GOLDEN FALCON. Toilet, 3 -way fridge, stove, oven and furnace. Sleeps six. Good condi- tion. Asking $1,900. Call 524-7758.-30tfnx 1984 ATC BIG RED, high/low range, reverse, electric start, excellent condition, $1650. Phone 262-6502.-33,34 8. Marine 4.5 H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD motor with cruise tank. Like new. $600.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2373 before 11 a.m.-33,34 10. Pets for sale ILIE REAL ESTATE INC. 3 NORTH ST. GODERICH 524-2667 High Volume, Low Labour Modern finishing hog operation near Var- na accommodates 1200 plgs. Slatted floor, 10 ft. deep manure tank with pit ventila- tion, galvanized steel penning, all housed in a colored steel barn 40' x 210'. 65 acres of very productive clay loam systematically tiled! be, Great Fc__ r_aPe Escape from everyday stress to this cedar sided 4 bedroom bungalow! It's set among rolling hills, water ponds and mature trees. Covered porches or raised decks on every elevation, large eat -in kitchen with cathedral ceiling. Separate art studio, detached garage, workshop and barn sur- rounded by cedar rail fences. It's in a class all its own! FOR FULL DETAILS CALL GORDON HILL 482-3307 © Q Friendly Service, Protessionalism and Wearily! GOLDEN -RETRIEVER- PUPS.. Registered,. _shots $. _. . dewormed. Championship, blood lines. Excellent with children or for hunting. Coli 519-524-9361.-33-36nx , 12. Real estate for salt; 1‘,' } ;y`,:4 MI 'i',t,jO6iFa ii i t ,r 1.1'-1'11 44 WOODED LOT - east of Bayfield, 3/4 acre, 515,500. Phone 262'64381-32,33. COMFORTABLE 11/2 store frame home on well - treed 1/4 acre suburban lot. Features new fur- nace, new Proof, 24 fir' above ground pool, storage staled. country style kitchen, large master bedrooni. Ideal starter or retirement home. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone' 262-3031.-33,34 Attention Formers A. For Sale 1 0 fd COUPON 5" x 7" COLOUR ENLARGEMENT 3/639 •3 for 6.39 with this coupon •From slide or negative •Offer expires August 31. 1956 CLINTON 4824404 "Now open till 9 p.m. Fridays" GODEIRICH - EXETER COUPON TE-EMLERE A L ARM WHOLESA GARDEN CENTRE Perennials, garden mums and other plants. Large selec Incl CO PEA INA '. ET of fruits & egetabies NEW POTATOES," BROC- VLIFLOWER , CUCUMBERS, HE and 0 OWN TOMA- TOES & CA ING TOMATOES, SWEET, CORN, pick your own or ready -picked BEANS, and PICKLING CUCUMEEI' f#: 4 R.R. 1 Bayfield 4a2«3020 Open 7 Days A'Week PULLETS FOR SALE, 20 weeks old by Sept. 10. Phone Heyinks Poultry 262.5738.-33,34x 4020 JOHN DEERE Diesel' trotter, 18.4 x 38 tires, standard shift, engine haslittle hours, excellent condition. Phone 527-16708 a.m. - 5 p.m. and 527-0079 after 5 p.m. -33-35 FEEDER PIGS, goad quality. Phone 482-3361.-33,34 SMALL FORD tractor with 3 point hitch, good tires, motor runs good. Phone 482-9175.-33 1 Hensall Livestock Sales 5AL::5_1i:EaY THI:n.BAY AT 12:20 P.M. All (lasses of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Clinton - 442.7511 Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller Gregory Hargreaves 1 Exeter - 295.2717 Kirkton - 229.6205 262.2619 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SILO FILLING and swathing. Call Hank Reinink 523.9202 or 523.4569.---22ffor CUSTOM BIG ROUND BALING - solid core. 4-6 foot diameter, 5 feet wide up to 1800 pounds. Co Zondag, Bayfield 565-5308.--27.35 J.C. ENTERPRISE cuslfoih' combining. Phone 526.7523.-29-33 CUSTOM ROUND BALING, 4 ft, wide by 3-6 ft. high (John Deere). Scott Consist 4829297 or 565.2728.---30-35 • E. Farm Services ERG Scales•Servrta-Instollotio1' *Beit Cleaner's j erik Powders *Stabling eMonureConveyors GREE fS''iM'ATES Oanold414 tuts viii,. u i an g REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2 ..J MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 •LUCKNOW GODERiCH 'WINGHAM • ffAILYTH LINTON f/J,�'SEAFORTH .MITCHELL •'ZURICH • • DIETER STRATFORD BAYFIEL HIGH ST. CLINTON - One floor, 3 bedroom home situated on extra large lot. '30's. LOUISA ST. - Aluminum sided, 1'/2 storey home, needs renovations. '20's JARVIS ST. - 8 year old split entry style home, 3 bedrooms, gas heat, att'd garage. '58,000 RAILWAY ST. - Owner open for offer! Vinyl sided, 2 bedroom home, gas heat Must Sell! '20's NORTH MAIN - New 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage, main floor laundry, gas heat. JAMES ST. - 11/2 storey, renovated, 3 bedroom home located on a spacious lot. HERITAGE ESTATES - 8' x 12', 2 bedroom Mobile home with utility shed and laundry facilities. List $9,500. JOHN ST. - Duplex ood return, and well located to up n REDUCED! - 4 bedroom, stucco home with 32' x 160' born on 5 acres. '60's ONE ACRE - 2 STOREY BRICK HOME. original wainscotting in kitchen, main floor laundry, 3 bedroom, 1'/baths. Under '50,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - in'excellent con- dition and good location. Cali for details. 50 ACRES - 12 year old, 4 bedroom ranch style home with steel shed, 45 acres workable. 48 ACRES - 28 hardwood bush, 20 acres workable. List '56,500 HULLETT TWP. - 47.5 acres, no buildings HARPER WAY - New Lisling! 25 year old brick, one floor,�1f11�rith att'd carport situated on 1 acr ist price '89,900. CLINTON - Vacant commercial building lot on main highway EGMONDVILLE Very spacious 4 or 5 bedroom home on an extra Targe lot. '30's 000591CH 5T. -3 bedroom, 1' storey home, A alt new plumbing, insulated s301i, MARKET ST. - 3 bedroom, one floor home, on- ly 3% blocks from uptown, ated garage. GODERICH ST. - 2 storey, 3 bedroom home, loads of closet space plus an'd' garage HARPURHEY - 3 or A bedroom, 1'/2 storey frame home on large 1/2 acre lot, features 1'/2 baths, main floor laundry, great potential for '23,500. GEORGE ST. -.One floor, 2 bedroom home with detached garage. '30's EGMONDVILLE - Modern addition with main floor master bedroom, 11/2 baths, situated on 82.5' x 264' lot with double garage plus storage shed. 150's J MILL ST. -44 bedroom bungalow with detach- . ed garage. 'S0's ST. COLUMBAN - Cosy 2 bedroom home with loft style bedroom, rec room, drilled well, . spacious lot. 40's MCKILLOP TWP. - 6 year ofd, 2 bedroom rn6 Ile, List '10,000. ' HERITAGE ESTATES - 3 bedroom mobile home. LISI'18 000 MCICILLOP t"YY'1.--2 storey brick home with 3 bedrooms atl'd barn, '40's HULLO"' MR • 11/a'Storey atdhe home on 7.5 acres with Chicken barn and quota. Call for details, VACANT BUILDING LOTS - Various sizes and prices. WAVER ST. EGMOf'I " IA -- One floor 3 bedroom homo, feWPIDStri, att'd carport F09 RENY • 2 bed'ro'om home, immediate possession '260.00 per month, Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton 3 ACRES: 8th Line Goderich Twp. 1'/2 floor brick home, 3 or 4 bdrm. 11/2 baths, combine - 'tion furnace, very well kept, priced to sell. LONDESBORO: 5'/2 acre with 9 room frame home, new drilled well, on highway. Under $30,000.00. 250 ACRES: Good brick home, cash crop, Hullett Township. 97 ACRES: 95 workable, all drained, no buildings, Tuckersmith Township. 68 ACRES: 56 workable, no buildings, on highway near Londesboro. 94 ACRES: 55 workable on south Maitland River, no buildings. 125 ACRES: 60 workable, 22 hardwood bush, large brick home, near Blyth. REDUCED: 150 acres, 100 workable, 3rd Line E. Wawanosh, 2 floor brick home. CLINTON: 79 Huron St., 3 bedroom home, has heat, new garage, under $25,000.00. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick rancher, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot. DAIRY FARM: 198 acres, free stalls for 100 cows, excellent buildings, 2 Harvestore silos, 9th Coh., Hullett Township. 60 ACRES: 60 sow farrow to finish, good buildings include Harvestore silo, close to Market Yard. BUNGALOW: south of Clinton, very nicely kept, backs on Bayfield River. BAYFIELD: 1 floor ranch home, nearly new, electric heat, nicely treed. 20 ACRES: Wooded property, good brick home, near Auburn. Reasonable price. CLINTON: 1% floor home, 7 rooms, hot water heat, close to schools, could be duplexed. BLYTH: 1'/z floor brick Ome, hot water heat, Dinsley Street. S LUCK NOW: 8 unit modern apartment building, showing good return. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Blyth, 3000 sq. ft. plus apt. above. Owner will consider leasing. 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 11/2 floor frame home, farrowing barn for 35 sows, pro- perty well fenced. 100 ACRES 'E Wawanosh, 60 acres tivorkable. - modern 1 floor brick home. 69 ACRES: No. 8 Highway, secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, 25 acres workable, 6 ponds, hardwood bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property. 2' ALUM JOHN L. DUDDY NEW LISTING, MARY ST.: 3 bedroom vinyl -sided bungalow in a con- venient location. Modern 'kitchen with built-in dishwasher and solid oak cup- boards. 125 amp electrical. Home is well insulated and heats very reasonably. List price S59,900. 4,000 SQ. FT.: Centrally located 4 bedroom with potential for commercial uses or combined commercial/residen- tial. Used as doctor's office and residence. Very pleasing colonial appearance. EXECUTIVE 4 BEDROOM: Raglan St., now reduced to $125,000, this 4 bedroom home features 14' x 16' master bedroom with 4 pc. ensuite,Jgs 4rell as additional 4 pc. bathrooms, 12' x 23' living room with marble fireplace, formal al dining room and family room with beamed fireplace. 18' x 36' inground pool. patio and superb landscaping. 10 ACRES: Bush lot near Bayfield. '28,000 10 ACRE MINI -FARM: Near Hullett Wildlife Area. 2 storey brick house with some refinished woodwork, 3 bedrooms, steel one storey building 24' x 64'. List price 867,500. 2 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW: Ontario St. Clinton, walking distance to downtown. New roof, i:tarior-renov©tiens.in,.progress. 838,500. BUILDING LOTS: Several available, priced from 89,000 per lot. OVER 2 ACRES: Edge of town, highway frontage. contains 6 stall horse barn, several paddocks, zoned development. HIGHWAY 8: East of Clinton, 3 bedroom angelstone ranch with attach- ed double garage, 2 fireplaces and finish- ed basement. '69,500. TOWNSEND ST.: 2 bedroom bungalow with a third in finished base- ment, immaculate landscaping, 20' x 24' attached garage. '59,500. We have o good selection of Dairy, Poultry, Hog and Cash Crop farms available. Call for Details. JOHN L. DUDE)* REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-9426 Peter Damsme 482.9869 Office 482.3766 • •