HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-30, Page 8TEWAFZT'S A Musln Sensation: — And right in the mid -summer. We have about 40 pieces of new Dress Muslins left and we can't afford to carry them over, So out they go. We are going to divide them into two lots, 8c and. 150 the yard. It will pay you to buy these muslins and l',ep them till next season. However, come in and see c. the yard for lovely waist and dross Muslins in now cherub green floral effects, new delf blue floral effects, new said'"- rose and pink effects, new•dawn grey effects. Regular whet: prices of this lot 10c. 12c. ani. 15o. Your choice for kilo' the next 10 days for ... ........... • ..... 8 c. an 1 e. the yard for your choice of the swellest range of Fancy Muslins in Hee t- er. Remember all the finest and best Colored Muslins in the shop are ip this lot, swell, new, floral designs, in new greens, new blues, ne w Rmks, new greys, new helloes, new linens, awl swell black and whites. egular values, 20, 25 and 30c. Your choice for the next 10 day s only 1Sc. FOR T1 -IE LITTLE OIR.L8 A nice lot of new Rain Coats, Swagger Raglan style, loose hack, nice plaid Rued, The correct thing for rain and wind every girl should have one they start at $2,65 FOR. TI—IB WOMEDM A new lot of Oxford Grey Rain Coats, Raglan Style, loose back, plaid linings, full skirt, large roll collar. A very useful•garment $3.75 Pure Pickling Vinegars and Spices are now in demand no cheap or inferior vinegar or spi3e at Ste warts. The best only is what we offer. 10 CIISO STORE J . T E WfAFZT Sto. es closed all day Thursday, Aug. 6th, Civic Holiday. The Soverign Bank of Canada . Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal. III11l1GflES in 'turn Gount1 at Exam', Gr8Iliton, Zurisn t16nSall, G1intoa arid Dasniuood. A General Backing Business Transacted at all Branches. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT one Dollar will start an account. Interest allowed on deposits from the day money is deposited and added to the principal twice a year. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. Mea. F, W. Collins returned home I last week after an extended visit with (" j friends in St. Catherines and 'London. Mr.. Martin, of the Nolson's 13 mak staff, has beeu transferred to. a branch, of the satue bank at ',,ondon for a few week, Mrs. Frank Wood and sons Claire and LeVerne are spending a couple of weeks at Leavitt's park errand Bond. Mra. John Preszcatnr, sr, of S.ephen is spending a week or two with her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Sea - forth. Mr, and firs. Roger Crocker and child, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Crocker's pzreuts, Mr. and 11irs. Wm, Treble. Miss Grace Rogers, of Listowel, is spending a few weeks holidays in town the guest of her cousin, Miss E Ina Follick. Miss E lythe Moncur who has been Visiting friends in Guelph and Hamil- ton for the past few week has return- ed home, For young calves and pigs, English stock food is just the thing. It is good for young turkeys and chickens. Sold by G, LUT: Mrs. W. C. Gay, (nee Eliz t Bell, formerly of Exeter) and little daugh- ter, of Hamilton, are the guests of the Misses .Kinsman, Mtss Jameson, of Blyth, formerly milliner at Brussels has been secured as milliner with Messrs Snell & Rowe for the coming season. Mr, I. R. Carling returned home on Monday, after an extended trip to British Columbia, Manitoba, and other western poiuts. Miss Mary Westaway returned home Monday evening after a pleasant visir with friends in Brantford, Toron- to, and Owen Sound. For tender, perspiring. offensive or sore feet give Foot Ease a trial. It gives relief every time. Sold by C. LUTZ, Druggist, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, of Toronto, who have been spending the past three weeks with friends in this vicinity left for their home on Thursday last. As a blood builder and nerve tonic, there is no pill on market that equals Blands Laxative nerve and tissue Tonic pills. Sold by C. LUTZ. F. E. KARN Manager Exeter Branch. 'or Marriage Licenses, , Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks 1 Jewelry, Sn® odes~ Etc 1 w._.� ALL ON •re Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. Che copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, JULY 30TH, 1903 Locals Civic holiday August Gth. Read Popplestone & Gardiner's ad. an page 5. Miss M. Taylor is visiting friends in. Mount Forest. Wedding Bells will ring in our vill- age this week. Call in and see the new sulkey plow at BISSETT & JOHNS . Mies Selena Harvey is spending a few days at Grand Bend, has James Pickard. been ser- dously ill during the past week, • Masoni6 Excursion to KIR- offline, flux. 6t11, 1903. THE DIFFERENCE TENNYSON and Longfellow could take a worthless sheet of paper, write a poem on it and make it' worth $65,000—That's Genius. Rockfeller can write a few words on a sheet of paper and Usborne voter's lists for 1903 have een delivered to the. cleric,. . Miss Alm , Dempsey, of Toronto, is he. ,'les, .'S Mrs. Munroe. Mr. T► oore, clerk with Snell & Rowe s holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Chas. Eaerett, of Sarnia, is re- ewing acquaintances in town. Miss Vera Snell, of Sarnia, is spend - ug holidays at her home here. Mr. John Snell and family pieniced t Grand Bend on Wednesday. Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, was the uest of Mrs P. Gardiner last week. 111r. and Mrs. A,Ford haye returned from a pleasant trip to Owen Sound. Messrs Nelson and Garfield Shere are visiting udder the parental roof. Dr. E. H, Follick, of St. Marys. spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. H. Silk, of London, is spending a few days here under the parental roof. Mr. Czar Rollins, of Detroit, is spending a short vacation at his home here. Elmore Senior who has been quite ill the past week has now fully re- covered. Miss M. Johnston, of London, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, F. Keys, Ex- eter north, Miss Verda Levitt, of St. Catherines spent Friday last, the guest of Mrs. N. D. Hurdon. Mr. Wm. Trevithick ruturned home on Monday from a pleasure trip to Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Foster and daughter were visiting at Mr. A. E. Hodgerts last week. Miss B. Robinson, milliner at Blyth is spending her vacation under the parental roof. Mr. John Hambly, wife and child- ren, of Chicago, are guests of Mr, Geo. Samwell, ML 5b Riddell,of Seaforth,spent a few days of last week with her friend, Mise M. Ramsey. Miss Clara Ross, of . Toronto, has been spending the past week calling on friends in town. w Misses Nettie and Anna Martin left this week for a two- week's vacation with friends in Beaverton. make it worth $5,000,000 --That's Ar, Walter Keldy and sister spen t r intf andS., orth.th ups Mr S e t of Capital. The United States can and Mrs. W. G. Wilson take an ounce and a quarter of gold and stamp upon it an "eagle bird" and make it ..$2o—That's Money. A mechanic can take .material worth $5 and make it in- to watch springs worth $ r,000--- That's Skillr A woman can pur- chase a 75cent hat but prefers one that costs $27—That's Foolish- ness, A ditch digger works ten hours a day and handles several tons of earth for $1.z5 --That's Labor. There are people who will tell you they can sell as good ordered clothing as we at same price or Lower -- Thaes Gall. Everybody who is posted and wants good clothes and wants them at a reasonable pride, will: call at W, Johns—That,s Coln! mon Sense. Mr, R, 5, Gurney leaves this Thurs- day morning for a two week's vaca- tion with friends in Acton. Rev. J. W. TenEyck, y k, of Hamilton, spent a few days of Iast week and th is in town calling on old friends. Mrs. P. T. Halls and Master Reggie left yesterday on a visit to Exeter and St. Marys.—Signal Goderich, "18 Mr. R. Giclley and Miss Gidley with their guests the Misses Gidley, of 131y- th, spent Tuesday at Grand Bend.; Miss, Leitch of Cleveland, andM sr . Geirie, of Toronto, are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. F. W. Gladmen. Miss Pearl Levitt. of Grand Bend, and friend Miss Cochrane, of Berlin, spent Monday with friends in town. Mr. Scott, druggist of Tavistock, spent a eouple of days in Exeter the guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Hodgert. fEI�L �c ROWT3 This month we intend selling off all Summer Goods at Big Reductions Seo yard for very flue linen stripe Muslin, warranted fast colors, regular price of this line was. 150. 12 I -2c for very pretty grey Muslin, makes a swell dress. regular price 20c a yard. Ladies' fine Contin Corset, bias cut, perfect fitting wear, guaranteed, 05c a pair.. Ladies' Batiste Corset, In white, very full quality, only a few pairs left, Wonderful value at 48.3 a pair. 121-2 yd. for Fancy Dimity in black Ladies Net Corset. newest shape, blue and pink, regular 20c yard, best quality, regular 50c now 42 1-2c Just opened up a very nice range of black Muslin, grenadin e effect, at r2$c. r5c, and 18c yard. Ladies' White Lawn Shirt iVaist, Ladies' white Muslin Shirt Waist trimmed with insertion and tucking, ( trimmed front and back with inser- regular price $1, reduced to 78c, A 1 tion and tucking, regular price 51,25, Snap. 1 to 87e. Ladies' White Shirt Waist trimmed with wide open inserti on this is the best waist we have shown, this seasons, price $r, 5o reduced to $r. ro. Cards are out announcing the mar- riage on Saturday, August Ist, of Miss Lillian Hardy to Mr. James Wanless, a promising young barrister at Du- luth. Mrs. Caldwell, of Hensall accompan- ied by Mrs. J. P. Ross, of Toronto, and IMr. B. Swenerton, of Halifax, N. S., called on friends in town on Friday. Mr, J. Wilbur Wood,of London, for- merly of this place intends leaving in a few days for Fort William, where, he bas secured a position with a prom inent druggist, • • TO CUREX COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature s on each box. 25c. Next Thursday being civic holiday all business places will be closed and the day generally observed as a gen- eral holiday. The special attraction being the Excursion to Kincardine, A Midway woman wishing to visit it neighbor pulled the baby's crib up in front of the telephone, opened the receiver and told central if the baby began to cry to call her up at the neighbor's. At the regular meeting of the Ep- worth League of Main street church on Tuesday evering last Miss M, God- win gave a very interesting paper on "Longfellow" which was much enjoy- ed by those present. Khaki is to be disused as the fight- ing color of the British army. Its use arose in India, but will be chiefly associated with the Boer war. In fu- ture the troops are to wear a bluish gray dress, a color known in Scotland as Athol grey. At the Union services of the Main staeet Methodist and Presbyterian eongregatioes on Sunday last, solos were aendered at the morning service in the Presbyterian church by Miss Amy Johns and in the evening in the Methodist church by Miss Anna Mart- in. MasonlG ExGurslon to Kin- Gardine, Rua. 6ih,1903. Bargain in Tabin Linn About one dozen Bleached Damask Table Cloths, 64.x90 inch, very fine quality, nice border, very special $1.25, Come early to get on e, just received a shipment of Black Cord de sole Dress Goods direct from Glasgow. Nr Call and see them. Black Lustre, very nice quality, We have just received another lot of correc for making Bathing Suits, very ladies fine silk Belts in black and white special 22c yard. very fancy, 25c to 50c, see them. Ladies' Parasols all clearing at Cost Prices, Highest Price for Trade. n61l & ROWO Lowest Price fo r Good s 29th, Official Opening Day ; Monday, Aug, 31st, School Children's Day Tuesday, Sept. 1st, Press Day ; Wed- r.esday,Sept. 2nd,Manufacturer's Day; Thursday, Sept. 3rd, Canadian Day ; Friday, Sept. 4th, Empire and Pion- eer's Day ; Saturday, Sept. 5th, Com- mercial Travellers' Day ; Monday, Sept. 7th, Labor Day ; Tuesday, Sept. 9th, Stockbreeders' and Fruit Growers Day ; Thursday, Sept. 10th, American Visitors' Day ; Friday, Sept. llth, Society Day ; Saturday, Sept, 12th, Citizens' and Review Day, It will be noticed that the Exhibition will be in full swing from 0 a.•m. Saturday, Aug. 27th, to 10 p. m. Saturday, Sept, 12th, Monday,Scpt. 14th,being moving day. NEW HIGHSCHOOL (iOtRSE—An in- terim schedule of regulatinns for High School examinations has been adopted by the Education Department. This, it was announced at the _Education Department, is an addition to the new regulations for the Normal Schools. The High school schedule is prepar- atory to final action in the new curr- iculum which was presented to the Ontario Educational Association. It provides with respect to Latin that all marks over 50 per cent. may be added to the aggregate in other subjects. The commercial course diploma exam- inations are all abolished. Local Boards of Education are empowered to arrange their own commercial course with reference to local require- ments Rev. Irl. R. Hicks, of St, Louis,- has issued his forecasts for August includ- ing till the 8th. The whole month of August will feel more or less the in- fluence of the equinox of the planet Mars. The Mars disturbance will be central on the 20th, extending from the last of July, well into September. If at the entrance of a Mars period it is dry and warm, it is safe to say that The Harvey Bros. have this week shut down the grist mill in order to al- 1owof the placingof new machinery which is this week being installed, The machinery in general is receive- ing a good over hauling and clean- ing up, They expect to be running again in the course of a few weeks better equip3 than ever to attend to the wants of the public. The prizelist for the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Fall Show have been published and will be ready for distribution about Aug. lst. There has been a groat revision of the list, especially in the ladies' department. The Molsons Bank, Exeter, have do- nated a special prize for the largest and best display of grain grown by a farmer in South Huron, one bushel of each. 1st prize $3.00, 2nd $2. The Hamilton Spectotor advertised for boy to hold copy as assistant to tts proof reader, and received many boyof 17 applications, selecting a who declared that he had aquired in the Collegiate Institute "a fundamental system of bookkeeping and business forms." . To test his spelling he was given 25 ordinary everyday newspa- per words, and of these he spelled just five correctly, The Spectator says, probably very truly, "This boy is no freak. He is a fair sample of the boys who have the advantage of the great- est system of eclucatiea in the world, as administered by the Hamilton Board of Education," But in one of the fundamental principals of a useful - education his training has been ne- glected, The school system is respon- sible for this, and it is not the only defect. The experience in this office , has been that correct and ;intelligible reading is another requisite that is too much neglected, and the defects in this lino acquired in early school life are too often intensified after the pub- lic schools are parsed, DOMINION ExHnIBTION DAYS—The ?Dominion Exhibition days have been apportioned as follows: Thursday, Aug. 27th, and Priday, Aug. 28th, dreparation days Saturday. Aug. CAELIN G BROS. HOLIDAY SPECIALS During the Holiday season we will be showing some very special goods at very special bargains. A glance at the following announcement or a look at some of our bargains will convince you. Fancy Ginghams & Ohamlbrey For waists or dresses in stripes, fancy patterns, and dots regular 15 and 20c. for 8 to 12% Fancy Muslins The balance of our stock of plain and fancy lnuslins in all colors and white to clear out at half regular price. Table Linens and Napkins Made of the very best Irish damask. A large range to sel ect from, We want to clear those. out for our fall goods and wil give you a snap in this line Straw and Crash Hats and Mrs. Foster and daughter, of Tara and Mr. James Hamilton of Staffa were also present, Some time having been spent in pleasant conversation all gathered in the parlor and the following address was read by the eldest son and the presentation being made by two of the grandchildren. , DEAR FATHER AND MOTHER—This is the fiftieth anniversary of your marriage day. Your children feel they cannot allow the day to pass without expressing their gratitude to God that you both have been spared fo them in the land of the living. They desire also to convey their pro- found thankfulness to yourselves for the wise and godly manner in which you directed their steps in childhood, and for the parental love always uppermost in your hearts as well as the wholesome influence your example and precept has ever exercised upon us. Not many families have been favoured with life and health as ours has been. That the parents should enjoy aulunbroken union for half a century, and that all their children but two should not only survive in- fancy but should live to see this au- spicious day, constitutes an except- ional family record. The course of nature forbids us to hope that this record shall be continued for many more years, but we fervently trust another happy reunion awaits us be- yond the River. Four sons, five daughters, and twenty-two grand- children unanimously unite in mani- festing towards you their sincere aff- ections on this the advent of your Golden wedding. We therefore beg to mark this happy event with a simple token of our filial love. Will you dear father accept this gold chain and locket, and you dear mother will you please accept this gold lined cake basket. These simple gifts, we hope shall he to you, at once, emblems the same kind of weather will largely of the undying affections of your predominate until this period is past. grateful children and thereby hecome If we come well into a Mars period a delighful memory of this happy day. To .Archibald and Eliza Hod- gert on behalf of your sons and daugh- ters, namely Ann J., Alexander, And- rew, Archibald, Mary A., Agnes, El- zabeth, Emily, and William. with tendency to -wet and stormy weather, look for a predominance of such weather for several weeks, And so, through all the seasons of the year, it is a proven fact that the kind of phenomena prevailing at the begin- ning of a Mars period, is almost sure to be prolonged during the life of that period. The regular storm periods will not be obliterated, but the dis- turbance athese hese regular times will a be modified or aggravated in the dir- ection of existing conditions when the Mars period was entered. Hence, if the present case is not an exception to the rule. we may expect, in the main, the kind of weather existing the last week in July, throughout August and into Septemder. Whatever degree of intensity may be given to them, reg- ular storm disturbances will be due from the ht to the 4th of Angust. The probabilities are that the natural Anything and everything in this line to be sold at half price. Come and get a cheap hat before they all go, Men's Shirts and Ties A swell lot of those just to hand in the newest colorings. If you want, something natty just p;ek out a nice one and have the newest. Big White Wear Sale All our Ladies White OVear now at big bargain prices. Drawers 20c. up, Night Gowns 50c. up, Skirts 65c. up, Chemise 45c. up, Corset Covers 300 up. Highest price paid for all kinds ot Farm Produce. Mr.aud Mrs.Hodgert were much sur- prised and made a suitable and feeling reply and Mr. Hodgert gave a further surprise by presenting his sons and daughters with a valuable gold pres- ent and sons-in-law and daughters -in. law a substantial reminder of the event, Some more presentations took place and all repaired to the tables where an elaborate supper was spread. Afterwards he roc was photo- graphed t by Mr, Senior. The est of the svening was spent in a happy manner an enjoyable programme and games having been prepared. Mr. Hodgert was born in the village of Kilberchan near Edinborough, Scot- land. in 1828, and came to Canada 1832 warmth to be expected at this season with the rest of his brothers and sis- will grow into a crisis of summer heat ters. They settled in Lanark county, about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, to be foll- and was married to ElizaFoster there. owed progressively from the west by In 1853 became to Usborne and settled low barometer, threatening clouds and on a farm on the 9th concession and severe blustering, Local rains—some cheertully endured the hardships of pioneer life. Abont 15 years ago they left the farm and came to Exeter where they have been respected resi- dents ever since. children hildren all reside in this vicinity being Alex, of Russeldale, Andrew, on the home- stead, Archibald E. of Exeter. W. IL, of Usborne. The daughters are Mrs. Richards, ot London Road South,Mrs. Bray,Mrs. Bell,Mrs,Duucan,of Us- bor, and May A. at home. of them quite heavy—may attend these storms, but the general supply and diffusion of rains over the country promiset r o be short rt an d poorly Y dis- tibuted. Rising barometer and change to more pleasant conditions for a few days will be natural behind the perturbations at this time, extend- ing eastward over the country by the 4th and 5th. A reactionary arY storm period exists on the Gth, 7th and 8th, during which days look for increase of warmth, falling barometer and mark- ed tendency to black clouds," thunder and storminess. These disturbances Proclamation et Civic Ha— mill will culminate on and touching the 8th, some central to northern parts of the country being visited by severe summer squalls. Change to rising barometer, westerly winds and cooler will -press in from the west and north, as low barometer and storms move eastwardly out of the way bringing partial respite from summer beat for two or there days. CARLING BROS. Furniture and Undertaking We Carry. Qood Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRICES EASY FOR ALL W. C. HUSTON, Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming.. Opera House Block. Hello! Wflat aro Yoll LooKillU tor?- Is it a nice piece of Furniture, if so don't fail to call ort us because we are headquarters for anything in the line of furniture. Our stock is the largest and best assorted in the country, workmanship the very best, design and finish the very latest, and prices the lowest. We will be pleased to show intending purchasers through our large stock and quote our prices before placing their orders elsewhere. We guarantee .3 satisfaction with every article purchased from our store. All kinds of Ordered Work, Repairing, Upholstering and Picture Frani- fug done on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Undertakers and FunAral Directors • GOLDEN WEDDING— One of those events which happen but seldom occ- urred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgert, of Exeter on July 2.1nd 1908 when his children and grandchil- dren assembled to celebrate his golden wedding. Mr, and Mrs, Peart. Mr, and Miss Balkwill, of Exeter, and Mr. day 1903 Upon the petition of Dr. D. A. And- erson, E, J. Spackman, J, A. Stewart, W. J. Heaman, Farmer Bros„ Hugh Spackman, W. J. Carling, R. N. Rowe Popplestone & Gardiner and forty other rate -payers of the Village of Exeter. I do hereby proclaim THURS- DAY the 6th day of August, 1903, a day to be observed by the citizens of Exeter as a Civic holiday'. Let all true citizens govern themselves accor- dingly, T. B. CARLING4, Reeve. ItCPVITE ATIKINSOBT R, N. BOWES' OLD STAND. NOTICE we haus G1oso DOwil for aIcw Wooks tor RONirS. fifIR Y EY BRO8 - MILLERS HOUSE y�+ ftEXL� HOLD 9J ;T These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath --they are the latest and most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a patekage. All colors at C. LUTZ, Exeter. At Lowest Prices Having bought out the entire stock of the late James Willis, we are in a better position than ever to sell Lunt- ber, Shingles, Lath and alt Building Material at lowest prices. The com- bined stock of Shingles as contained in both yards is heavier than we wish to carry, so we purpose to make a. material reduction in the price et Shingles until we get our stock i . duce. Take advantage of the reduc- tion. We thank the people of Exeter and. the surrounding run din country patronage the for their P ein g past, and solicit as continuance of their custom. Our motto is smaller profits and quicker returns.' ROSS &TAYLOR.1 EXETER, ONT. •fir®ito0se.:vooIDa otiogoanc000semP, •Fall Term Opens Sept. 1st" CENTRAL 1 STRATFORD, ONT. SCORES OF BUSINESS CIOLLEGOS • have applied to us for our graduates to act as teachers in, their schools. This is • athe evidence you are looking ter as to the best S01100L to attend. Thousands of our former stridents our formerstu- • debts. are now in business life. Write • for our handsome catalogue, A 'W. J. ELLIOTT, e 1. ,Pri 4icipal •