HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-30, Page 5llJ 4- Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted, Among the signs of a"weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous headache, and disagreeable belch. ing. "I have been troubled with dyspepsia for Years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but never got anything tixat gave me relief until I took flood's Sarsaparilla. 1. cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good it, has done rne. I always take it in the spring and fall and would not be without it." W. A. Mawr, r, Belleville, Ont. ood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. HURON, MIDDftSEX, PERIH WORK WIIILE. YOU SLEEP, -. f you bake a Dara,' -Liver Pill toe ntgih.t, before retiring, it will work. while you sleep without a gripe or pain, curing 13illiousness, Constipation Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, and make you Leal better in the morning. Bicyclistis and athletes generally will fi.nd.H'agyard's t Yellow Oil the most gleptive relmod,y ;far l,irtll eringg ut ) stiff joints wind sons maples. The, bet tilling for elute or;;wounc s.ot, may kind. nice 25c, GENERAL NEWS rr,rri-., If theire is a ra,vity i:n''y.our .achitn • tenth,. /plug it with a !piece of Dr, Low'is Toothache ' Gum. It will sto ache 'promptly and aet as a tempo airy fiil'ittfr4 Pricier 10o. The bankrupt stock of Clark, V,in.. deli:rider 8c Co. les been purchased by Messrs. Olves, Clark, senior member the former farm, arul Mr. George Wood, 'wiho will be known as Clark Wood. ,Tea price paid wus 40 eonts o the dollar. Dr. Low's- Pleais{ant Werra Syrup is eu're'de'at?11i to the worms every timed• r , but burreletss. to , the most delicate All the news of Interest CO Times Readers Happening in these Counties. Huron Robert J. McLean, son of Mr. Robert tMoLean, of G•oderich', is dead fram the ratfert of injuries received by be- ing vv out fibro rn of his buggy. bgY• 1W,111 be found •dn excellent re tnedy ,torr sick headache. Carter's: Little'Li- rvar Pills. :1',hlyu,sands of lettetr's from people vvtho have used them prove this tett, 'Tziyl theta. .Mx. H. S. Bullock, the noted Detroit artist, will (spend some'weeks insket- giblin;g • .about Hayfield., A t4keitchi:;ng Blass from Detroit has been formed J';.ere. Miss Sutherland, who had chargo of Smith Bros._ dressmaking establish- ment, Goelariett, was married at her 'biome in Dosanquet township on June • 9th to Dr, McfFad)zet neof Arthur. Will positively cure. sick Ihe'a'dacho, nnd nreveat its return. Garterls,Ltlt- els Liver Pills.. This is not talk but 'truth. One .pill a ,diose See adverti e- naerit. Small ,pill. Small dose. Small I r ce. c. n ,, A number ,of' Uod r L,h capitalists , have purclutsed the Brampton gas wo-rks and are anaproving and extend- ing the plant. W .L. Horton is presi- dent and A. Saunders secretary-treas- veer •ot the eamlpony. tT1re wail kniown strengthening pro, perbies cif iron, combined 'with other ibonics .and a most perfect nervine, are .S.orlintl in 'Oannber's Iron Pills, which Ut;rengt'he,n the nerves and body, and improves the blood .and complus:ion. Winnipeg, July 25. -Owing to the trsbiran1erntt of Jonasson, Liperal, Band- tivin, Go,nssrvative, has been cleated iby ,aoclamat'ion far Gimli. The return- ing-oifioer for St, Andrew's gives his 'pasting vete to 'decide the tie on Mon - .., nay. This leaves only Swan River. Mee Comsetrs'at'ivcs therefore, stand to hleve 33 seats out of the. 40. Irao,dieriuih Star : Street rumor this reek is to the effect that the Long vac- ant a-agist'rarship of Huron has at last !been filled, BIT. M. Y. McLean, of Seafocth, getting the plum, and this, it is undefrsto‘od, means Mr. Seeger's installment as Clerk of the retire. It pray be ,only another rumor, but this time 'it seems like it fact. FOR 0VEILS IXTY 1r3BS WELL -TRIED RE EDV. -Mr AND Iry AN I.t', o n S been used for g Syrup p ha s over sixty years by minions of metben for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all anti .the best v cures wind colic.s r emedy for Diarnccsa. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its -value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. .Mr. Gagrge 1Ainl1n;rson, contractor, recently made a record in barn mov- ing. He drew by metans off his trac ;tion engine a heavy rock elrn framed earn, 35 x 55 ft. from Duncan Mc Lean's in Usbarne to•D. Hacknely's in it'ullarton. The trip was made over,"' o iddnary, roads and at ant pant tthere was a grade of ctne'foot in itthirtiyn r William Johnston, the eight-k.•',gar oJ1d sen of William J. Johnston, tliiilcrr ,Low•er W.ingiham, was drowned v hilo okath.iung in the /raceway of the d m. ateir was lowered at the gates ` ind ,,.-idle body recovered in fifteen minces, hat efforts .at resuscitation Nero j availing. It is ,reported oiali:er bys delayed to dress before giving an alarm. ;Wm. W aini orck,, off Gioder'iehl has pear trees 'which hie says are badly affected,. 1.Vii'h11 "peau .blight," a dise,a,se,he stat- es, unknown in Canada. until recently. Ft is a dlain,ger,ous dive -tee, and if soiree cure .is not soon obtained, Huron's pear -crop will soon be a thing rof'the + past. The blight has destroyed;whole pear orc'hiards in many Stelae. over the )line, and Canadian firuit growers will hope that its tna•viagres will not (extend f111r augh t age Prgvitnee. +, Dr. Dewitt H. Mart yet, Grand Sec- osul Pninciipa•1 of the Grand Clttapte.r of Crumb:and member of the Board of General Purposes •of the ' Masonic Grand. Lodge, hied at this home in Tun- lli;araime last Saturday night, from Bright's disease,. Mr. Martyrn had Suffered for seiv'eral naertiihs; 1-1.e're'= i;ttrtnied from attending the Masonic Lodge on Thursday Last: Deceased ev,ats well known through this waders section, and yery' lhighly .etsteemed. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are IiverLp04 They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, ys- p t•` ick headache. as a Pe til � 4 25c. All drurgiets. Want y - your moustat o or be a beautiful brown or rich black'? 9'acn use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtr th° no ors or onuonMYe, oil N. p. IGCI A Co.,00041U., N.H. child. It contains its own cathartic, • so' tha)re is tnio need\ of ;giving c.a;s't;or I ell or other purgative afterwards. I - Two tthioukgaaad one,hundltl3d and eli0, ty new s'ettlerrs Ler the Canadian - Norrbh Wefst . •arr.avev] at Quebec, an 1 July 26th, by the last ocean steamer from Lireipoo I The mow retitle es corn prised a iopre,5 ci't'ation cf aviary _Sur• opean nation. Tbere' were English and Scort'elt;, Rur:t.I•(tns, Zealanders, :Rue= sia.n Poles of tti.. Jeerish lxo•rsuttsl:on, Finrbunde2ts, Norwegians, Germans, Beh glans, clic. Up to the • p,reraent 4,300-'' imm,i prtaiuds theme -been bandied d•urinlg the •presclnit season at the port of Que- bec. ft yeti. eine nervous n.r liespeetie try Ciar;Le.r'is Lii:Lite Nerve Pills;.- 11ersj.3-- sia makes you ,nervous, and nefrvoiutr neck makes you tio•speptic ;iekti,hie,r cine, renders you miserable, and Mose lit- 4La frills cure. botlhi.. • Mir. Gibson. di reeler of the Bureo.0 of Mines,,sta.te,l nccently t'hut in . re- spanee to tthe request of a localsyndi- ca.tge at Wallhoeburg, RT etwit county, a Government diamond drill, is being used' theme Le drill for coal. Should the projectprove a success it woabd impossible to estimate its importance. Mora eases of s'ieh headache, bilious- ness, rconstipation, can be cured in less time with lees medicine, and for less reianey, by using Carter's 'Little, Liver Pills than .hy any tithes: means. Trane Niad:dolmal Trusit Ocjmpan,y, U-- quida,tors c cE the Atjilais•Loam Com- paunty, moved boron -e the Me,siteirt•-in-or- dinairy for a stay in an Didion brought by the London & Western 'Trusts Com pa.niy ,on behalf of the, Elgin Loan Company, to (recover cert.a.in shares, of Dom'ini'on Coul owned jointly by the Atlas and Eligin ,comipanies,. and 'now in -possession of the national Trust Company. Judgment was reserved. They make one. feel as though life was worth Liviltttgt J akin eines orf •Can- ter's Little Livver Pills atter eating ;it will .relieve dyspepsia, aid 'digestion, give t•coe, and vigor to tate system. A ,plaice evlhere the•"Chi•neise hta,ve ust- su aedeaeinttrol of a Brititslb,Columblia in dustry ,is on Wild Horse Creek, in Est Kootenay. This is'anei of :the,, most fam- ous hist orical c.or mining camps, and from it fully $15,000,000 were. tak en in tibe early (days.: The :celestials ern hydreeelec ap'pli•anci l and AO lit - work the eid'P.-hill ginoundi with, cnod- tiie success. The. gala they obtain is worth $15.25 an .ou,noe, rand the ware amount they vein iseneivelrl t'olidi;though it is expected to reach $50,000 for the current ,year., ; Meet it iys;t cfotnsildetrle able eselection by their staying bytho creek. •The' Bun Queue oompany has twc six-inch "giants" in operation on the lower art of the iuvicta ground. The Nip and Tack •.ground has beeln least by- celestials, and' several o Cher Chinese outfits are working along the bed of the ereek,'taking out on an average front three to :five dollars 'a day per mart. e AJR FOLLEO WITH OZONE, In Colorado all the conditions health are met. There is a sufficien alt ituclo to cduso lung and chest de- vote/4mnimt; thrlre is the exbilprrrating mountain air, with an almost absence of 'm,alatria ; those is the tonic effect of a bracing, climate without its rigors; an at:mo,.{pheite .fillefi withtozome); 000l mishits in summer; a bright sun- ny day aLmotsL every day in Ube year, demidtucivr of, cihfaetrfull(aess and please urs.'. Splendid train service to Colorado via UNION PACIFIC. Aceammodatians provided for all classes of ,passetngetrs. Vary low rates during 'the summer. Full information cheerfully fur- avislued on application to II. F. Carter, T. P. A. 141 Jaiznes Bundling, Toronto, F. B. Cheats, A., 126 Wo od ward.; re., Detroit, Mich.. . BORN: Senior -In Exeter, on July 29' ', • to Mr. and M•ns. Jo; cpfhiSsnior, .a 'cbau- gbter. • Ga.mipbell.-In Zurich., on Tuesday; ,Tuly 21st, to Dr. and Mrs. Campbell a dl, ulgihtcr.••r .• Sch a far. -At , Zurich, ton Sunday,- 19th. ',nat., tulle wife oaf Mr. John Schafer, of a d'aug'hter. iVIARRIED. Corwin -Bonney. -At the 'residence of the bride's pareints, on July 15tb, by the Rett. Cooker, Mr. Gteo. Ootevill, ole Kinnandine, to Miss :Lottie ator- nay, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs IC.1I. 1iorney of Ua:bo'rne. • Duntstord.-Walker,-At the, residoeco ot the bride's parents, M arlettte, Michigan. on, Jnri„y ist., 1\ir. Ernest T)unsford, son of Mr, Thomas Dune - ford, formerly ofIlay Township, to Miss Emma Walker. Mr. John 11feTa viah, of London, has l t of Bobt. ak an uro aged the b etr Y P � P k s �e pos. Campbell, of Granton, and to session on the, let at Oct ober, Aso. ;T. Hill, a painter, while engag- ed in painting on a house hi 'Parkhill 2011, from the ladder. The shock caw - 'heart failttr+e, and.: 11e died in a fevr minutes. • • THE 16,X.E! tiR ° ; JULY i0th 190 Locals The 1. 0. F, excursion on .Aug, lst on the L. H, & B to Sarnia and De- troit has been postponed undefinitely. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, .-- Good' 3etfor general housework apply to or address. MxSsALxoE SUTHERLAND, 83 rincess Avenue, London Ont. r='° VO17LDERS WANTED.-Aceustomeck to gereral work, and who want to learn stove plate. Apply giving ex- perience, references, etc. -The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto, WANTED. - Moulders Improvers;'' Young men who have had experience, and want, to attain greater experience over a larger range of work, prise e gaily stove plate. -The Gurney Fo'uri- dry Co., Limited, Toronto. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE - 0qi Huron street, frame house, containing' 3 rooms, stable, also 2 lots with fruit bearing trees and smaller fruits. eera.e. sireabte residence and good letaltty. Apply to Mn. J 011 DOWN, Exeter. , The Independent Order of Foresters 1 f Exeter, Crediton, and Dashwood inCeud holding a grand- union picnic at Grand Bend on Thursday, August, 27th. There will be a base ball watch, races and other sports, Brass band in attendance. • Geo, E. ANDERSON, Sec.-Treas. of Committee. NoxienIb is urgently requested that all citilens having cows running at l-atrge would during the next few Ulla have them closed up at six o'clock, so that they will not tramp on the new granolithic pavement now being laid on Victoria street. -W..- V. G. BISSETT, LOST OR STRAYED-FrORi Lot 4 Con. 'x4, Tuckersmitb, on July 9th a sort el colt two years old, with shite face, Last noticed at Lumley. Any person giving such information which el'tT'f lead to its recovery will Le suitably rewarded by addressing Joan TRA- QUA1R on the premiees,or Hensail P.U. Dr, Oy'ens', of London, Surgeon,Ocu- list and specialist of diseases eye, tar, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday, August 5 ; Wednesday, September 2 t Wednesday, September 30 ; Wednes- day, November 4 ; Wednesday, De- cember 2 1908. Spectacles and eye- glasses properly fitted, Next visit twill be Wednesday, August 5th. GR.ANLPICNIC-TheMain street Sun: day School intend haling picnic to Grand Bend onTsdy next ue a x t; Au ust 4th. The committee are desirous of making the picnic a grand success anti all parents and friends will be given a hearty welcome. An ample number ofrigs will be provided and will leave the church at seven o'clock sharp. Those wishing to go will kindly leave their names with either E. A, Fullick or A. 3, Ford not later than Satur- day, Aug. lst. SPECIAL PRIZES. - The Sovereign Bank, of Oanada, have denoted three special prizes in the •heavy draught class to the Stephen &TTsborne Agri - eolith al Society to be given on Sept. 21st and 22nd. at the fair here of three prizes of $5.00 each for the three best colts foaled in 1903, owned by one or more competitors sired by the one horse. Also a silver cup, valued at $25.00 will be given to the owner of the horse which bas sired the group of the three best colts as described. W. C. T. U. NOTES -The reguler meeting held at Mrs, E. Elliott's home was well attended. Mrs. Mon - roe's bible readingt lie ' on fifty-fifth chapter of Isaiah was calculated to give an impetus to every department of christian work. Subjects of inter- est were discussed relative to our local work. The Sec. read a comm communication from the Zurich W. 0. T. U. asking for selections of music, also reply to the address of welcome to be given at the coming convention which will be held in Zurich on the 25th and 26th of August. Upon motion it was carried that Mrs. H. Hooper should present reply to the address. Exeter Municipal Council, Couucil met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town kIall July 21st. All present, Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Hawkins-Gillispie - That Council urnish all material for tool house at enietary and accept the offer of Mee- s s es-s's Lutz and Senior to erreet building a • d Mr. Creech is hereby appointed to procure all material for same. - 0 ried. illespie- Ha wk ins -That the Reeve an, Clerk be authorized to sign order for 60% of work done on sidewalk as Oe'tified by Street -Commissioner. - Ca ried. ohbledick-Creech-That the fol - lo ving accounts be passsed and ord e s drawn on treasurer for sante,-H. arsons. streetwatering to July llth 24.00 ; Miss Kemp,part salary, $25,00; Geo, H. Bissett, part salary, 25.00 ; I.. Sttrith,. repairing generator, $4.00. Carried Oreech-Gillespie-That Wm Hard- ing be paid the suer of 15 cents being conNpound interest on cemetery note for one month -Carried Creech -Gillespie- That the Reeve' and treasurer be authorized to borrow • money and pay Wn1, Harding full i - mount of note and interest to date of pay, llteiit.-Carred. Council adjourned to meet at call of Reeve. GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk, Mother's Ear; A WORD IN MOTHER'S EAR t WHEN NURSING AN INFANT, AND IN THE MONTHS THAT OOME BEFORE THAT rime, SCOTT'S SMULSION SUPPLIES THE EXTRA STRENGTH AND NOURISHMENT SO NECESSARY FOR THE HEALTH o DOTH MOTHERER AND CHILD. Send for free sample. SCOTT St ilOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. goo, n551..60; all druggists: JT.. 7G !ti r►� WU* *1* SO ♦ii ,wr BEST BY TEST. -We are positively the best people in the trade for the BEST GOODS at the BES` '1:?4' PRICE for YOU Every Wednesday Bargai :day Every Wednesday will be our BARGAIN DAY until further notice is given. On every Wednesday we will give you goods at prices that will not be touched by our competitors. If you come on a Wednesday, you will get values on a lot of A ONE materials that will not be given on any other day of the week. Remember goods cut for Bargain Day are not for every day. 6 Pieces lbw Fall Dress Ekquis4 rocery Snaps 8 lbs Peed Tapioca far 25o, 50c. K.ingra Vrrllr'y tllack Ceylon T_'a, best 50,. t t gtnt n fol' 4Ue. 3 itw, beet greets Colle'e for 25e. 6 cans Sxr•dines for 25c T)c l a Sugar { Itrt.tth,I, 1 ctgftar8c.stilh 10e hot tie Tonla,to Oat n p, Montreal Pick- ling Co's goodie fcj 5c. albs Washing S.rde for 5c. 3 cakes Toilet Seep for 5c. 6 bars Sweet Howe er Electric Soap 25c, 0 large bars Castile or Oatmeal Soap for 25e. Mortor's English Herrings regular 12k for lOn, van. Ma* 'trot s Essences, all flavorings, regular IOc, for 8e: a bottle. Icea. I C t r, Jams and Jellies, plum peach, gooseberry, red any black currant, reg- ular 121c. for 10e. a gem, 1000 Parlor Matches regular 7c for 5c. a box. l0,khs best pan dried oatmeal 25c. Canned Meats Corned Beef, Finnan Haddie, Spring Ohick- en, Herrings in Tomato Sauce, Turkey, Duck. Sliced Smoked Beef,Oottage Ham and Veal Loaf, Pork and Beans,Salmon, Herrings. You Can't be Without a Parasol $1.25 Bietck Silk Sheen Parasols, steel .rod and frame, new#;�t;�.tndles for $1.00 2.00 Black S''t , • n too )2t bearable top, stip?" and frame, ulttoln`p. handles, silk gi.'L• h {tile n frame � •! �with pr attrstctroxnis ' for 1.44cs Sat Ivo rn 2 25 Black who is i and wa;daunted 1.25 Uulliee1 his su rttnrle" •:�,,;e (cit 67 Pieces English & OarlockFlannelettes Ladies' White it� V ' �;ar MEN'S' WHITE.SHIRTS1 75t:. Men's While tindrr><sed t`hir•r.. leo fol ffro:r'rsi.t, finS I;.it(l•51) h•icanti;d rs,• ' t'o•iaforcPtt lnic'k stab Clearing Up Ladies White Curs,. Covert, 25c. were 35". 40c. were 50c.; 50c. were 60c,; 65c. were 7- !JL'•75!J'i�eiH Sur:, 75e ,were Drawers; 25c. were 35,: ; 35o were 45c; 4.0'. were 50c.; 65e, were 75c. Ladrvr, 1S hite &Tight Gowns, 50e, were OS',; 05c were 85c.; 75c, were 00c.; $1.00 were 1.25 1,25 were1.50. Ladies' White Under Skirts, 75c. were 90e. 85e. were $1,00 ; 1.00 were 1.25; 1.25 were 1.50; 1.50 were 2,00 ; 2.00 were 2.50. Prints, Prints, Prints_ 12/c. English Prints, heavy make, 33 inches wide, fast colors, 42 pieces left at 10c. yard. 1Qc. Cannuck Prints, dark and light colors, 29, 30, 31 inches wide, fast colors 12 yards for $1.00 Shoes and Boots See our Ladies' Patent Leather Low Shoes at$1.65 Laeies' Low Shoes at 50c., 85c., $1.00, 1.355, 1.50, 1.75 Dry Goods Bargain $1.50 White Umbrella Shawls for $1.00. 15c. Ladies black Cotton Hose for 10c. 20c Ladies' black Cotton Hose Hermsdorf dye 2 pairs for 25c. 28c. 10 ounce Cottonades for 23c. 25c, 8 ., 23c. " 15c. el If5c. Standard Shirting b bone twill for 121 '• 20c. " 18c. " 12?c. est made, herring �/{ r 35c. and 50e. Men's braces for lac. pair. Dien 25c. Men's black worsted sox 20c. • �.is,v.l teaspuo _ black cashmere sox 35c. At cost price and below "n of _ sn. �t'rl�^1';ie g woollen sox 20c, 3.00 Rain Coats. thoroughly vulcanised, 20c. Men's dark grey sox-I5c^•- .- • heavy goods 2.00 -~ 7.00 Premier Rain Cott, guarenteed water pi ctof, cuff on sleeve, rubber interlined Shirts sewn seamy for $5 no 10.00 Prenraer Hain Cants, very neat pattern positivt'ly weterpr'oof,sewn seams guar- entee sight on the coat for $8,00 Terms. -Gash or Produce. •• Ifyi, 141 BEING A GOOD FELLOW. It Is ,a Losing Game In the Long Run For Most Men. Any sensible young man ought to know that he can't be up late nights abusing his stomach -and be in full pos. session of his faculties for business the andnext day, ought also he ogtto knew that a man must be clear headed and in full possession of his faculties to hold his own in the keen competition of life. Your "good fellow" is popular for the time being, but ;when his money Is gone and he has lost his job and is on his uppers the "good fellow" busi- ness doesn't get him anything. It's "poor fellow" then -another good man gone wrong, and "the boys" are ready to hail another "good fellow" who has the price. We don't mean by this to say that "the boys" are mercenary. They don't altogether pass up a "good fellow" when he goes broke, but it isn't the same. They say he hit the booze too hard and couldn't stand the pace. They, feel sorry for him, but he is out of it. His good fellowship doesn't excuse him even in the eyes of his friends for hav- ing thrown away his opportunity. The young man who gets the sleep his system needs, is temperate in his habits, lives within his means and shows up for work in the morning with. a clear eye and active brain -that's the man business men are looking for. They want employees whom they can trust. Having worked hard and laid by a competence, they want to throw some of the burdens off, and they won't throw them off on the employee who is too much of a "good fellow." Cut it out, boys. There's nothing in it. There's a 'whole lot of nonsense in that "good fellow" business. You can't fool the public very Iong by living be- yond your means and keeping up ap- pearances. Theremust be a showdown some time or other, end that means a loss of self respect and many bitter ex- periences. Many a bright and promis- ing business man has failed because he tried to travel In too swift a class, whereas had he lived within his means he might have become a highly success• ful merchant. The world doesn't give up its treas- ures easily. It isn't in the Cards for all of us to be millionaires, and mighty few of the "good. fellows" get into that class. It's better tp earn your way first and go hunting for good tiints when youhave molted the point where you can spare both the time and the money. When possibly you'll have more shine and have a different notion about what a good time is. 65c. Boys' Blouse shirts for 50c. 75c. Boys' Blouse shirts for 05c. Ladies' Black or White Blouse 15% to 25% off regular price. BLACK LUSTRE 73c. Block Luce re g'rInasilk tin'4•b, W.Itci,s wide for 500. vacr•rl. Out Must go Our Colored 8t•. Cowl' ed llo-lir:a 25 inches wide one piece only, 50 ,t ye rd. 10c. Pink and White Muslin, Dresden pat- tern, one piece only, 8 c. a yard. 20c. and 15e. Colored Muslins, beautiful in - designs, 26 to 39 inches wide,10c. a yard. 25c. and 30c. Colored and Black Butanes navy- blue, also white ground:(, 20 inches wide only 20c. a yard. ens' Luzlitre Summer Coats *.4e e,rr �• ► Aj1«1 r • Men's black, with white strips, Summer Coats 90c. Men's Black Lustre Coats for $1.50 men's Silk and Wool Lustre Coats, plain blacks, also black with silk stripe $1.95 and 2,00. Boys' Sun er Pants and Blouses Boys' Black Duck Pants with white stripe 350. Boys' Linnen striped pants, all sizes 35c, Boys' Gallatea Blouses with vest front. sai- lor collars Trimmed with White braid 70c. Boys' Plain Linnen Blouses, trimmed with Star braid and plain blue duck 50c, Boys' Blue Gallatea pants and blouses, sai- lor collars trimmed with Bedford cord, braid and white cable cord, with whistle for $1.20 Boys' Blue Serge Pants and Soilor Blouses trimmed with feather braid and tape Mena etch Tweed $S.00 Summer Pants and Coa`es, rayii i vvt stripe navy blue with stripe were s•49Q.,now T NE lk CA DINER . Store one door North of Postoflice ►w i • Ala fee FOR SALE .MEDICAL At Elimville, a comfortable house . BY.O\VN1N(i Dtf. D. M. O. with 24 acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds- of Erni tr t eesn a d ..mall fruits, a never failing well of the best of water. For particulars apply to the owner on thepremises or by letter to Wel. MIN - ERs, Elimville P. 0. FARM TO RENT To rent on reasonable terms, Lot 6 south Thames Road being composed of 1491 acres. Good barn and stables, comfortable dwelling with hard and sofb water. The land is nearly all under cultivation, well drained with Sauble river running through the (tush. This is desirable property. For further particulars apply on the premises or to ALEX MCDONALD, Hay P.O. FARM FOR SALE A farm containing 100 acres of good land on con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town- ship. Land is well drained and about 80 acres fenced. On the premises is a good bank barn with stables and a large house, warm and comfortable. good supply of bard' and soft water, 1 acre of good orchard. The farm is situated 2. miles from Dashwood, about half a mile from Sarepta P.O. and 11 miles from school. This is de- sirable property for any one who wants a good farm. Reasons for sell- ing, proprietor is giying np farming. For further particulars apply to Jos BASTARD, Sarepta, P.O. EXETER MARKETS Wheat t•er bushel ...... 72 to 7''2 ....29 to 25 Oats now Barley....... Peas Butter, Turkeys Geese Chickens per tb Ducks wool... .... Dried.Apples.. Pork live weight ...70 Lo 75 to 1 8 6 to ' 6 to .. 7 to 14 to 5 to 35.26 to $51 London, Huron and Brucc. GaINa Norma- Passenger. London. depart........ 8,15 A, M. 4.40P. M. Centralia 9,1 5.50 IEfi He6ternsall Kipper Brucefiold Clinton 6.0 9 504 6.26 10.15 6.65 1 Wingbam arrive,..,.. 11.10 8.00 ( oINO SOMITE-- Passenger Win ham, depart...,. 8,i8 A. M. 3.151). It tllintcu 7,47 ' 4.25 4.49 4.57 6.02 g. 5.10 0.337 812 BruCefr eld .,...•.•.,,.. Kippon Bantall Exeter .... Centralia . .. Leader( ,arrive..... , -, tJ • k. 5, Graduate Victoria rniversity office and residence, Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. DENTAL KINFMAN. L. D. S. AND H. Dlt. A. H. KINSMAN, L. D S. D. D S., Ronor Graduate et `"• •r of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extrac ,ed without pain or is bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main trent,'Exeter• D.A. ANDERSON, (D• D. S. L.D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everythingknown to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminwn,gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling . Bro a store Exeter, Ont. INSURANCE. E RNE ST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE Conn ?ANY, of Toronto ; also for the PECCNIX Fats' NSURaNOE COMPANY, of London, England ; ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Er% and fONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest scout upon farm or village property at lowos rates of interest. DICKSON & DARLING Exeter. ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties atlowrates of interest. GLADMAN & STANSURY Barristers golicitors, Main St. Exeter, LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, solicitors for the Molsons Bank, Ete. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, ]31Y10TER. s. a. CARLING, n. a. • L. E, DIOESON FOR SALE -BRICK RE SIDENCIS WITII AN ACRE ()ELAND IN EXIETJII7:-Wo offer for Salo on reasonable terms, that very desirable residential propert known as "Tho Hooper Hemoatead" situated on Lot No. 86, south of (Buren Street, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable dwelling, also he brink wolf n s t and commodious Om g necessaryouthouses. The house is in good re- pair andhat9 rooms. The lot contains an one of land andis excellent) adapted for garden ing or fruit growing There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft; water, The property is up to date and the terms easy, for particulars ap. ply A to. date, & CARi zNO barristers Exeter or to A. V, Hoox'sn, l3.ew P. 0,, Penna, U. A., proprietor.. BUGGIES! BUGC+IES! Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town, ail the latest styles, in the newes colors. Our prices are low as can be foun for first-class material and workman ship, BEFORE YOU BUY GALL FIND SEE US - J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound ot Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse. A bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as- sortment of C ugh Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get sorne our remedies. cf s(tore