HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-30, Page 15 ;.. THIRTIETH YEAR—NO 28 H° O & t DL ESEX GAZETTE •tel•' Ndtiondl dila StrBrdud 6Gffldllts ' Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cementslast for ever. IsnInnvnganunnantonsmonnnanivenvnaanneuntannanenn EXE TER, . ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 30 TH 1908 +++++++++++++++++++++++++41. H e n sa l 1 CE ENT If you want the best results use • 'pl t , WE Al E SOLE AGENTS .p.: G. J. euthorh nd,'Noary Public, Convoyan .l. , cer, Commissioner, Fire Inst range Agent, and .l. Insurer of it1arriege Licenses. Legal doounionts 4. carefully drawn et reasonable .'at,ee. mangy Usborns Prv'in the copy of the voters' list, which will be iesued in tlie•'couroe, of a new days, we teem thee tihe nwmtt- to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, fiber .of •vtoters for e'i,'el>: Part in the four Oiifeo at the Post Oihoe Ilensall polling sub-diviaions are as fellows ; ,;. -Master Wi'lli„am Weismiller. was Division No. 1. --Part 1, 159;'part 2,41; No. + r • a >1 R1 a and I Inc 1 1 ., 1 k 2 .. D a i 1 a do last pert 5 tv s c,n 2, --part P Yori: _1137• t. Mass Madge, of Thames •Road is part 2, 37; part 3, 14, Divine/rinse, se, 3, .I. visiting her Miss Lute Moir. Part 1, 168 ; ,pant 2, 32; part 3, 10. 1 -Muss Ethel Collvill is spending a ilevisioiu No, 4. -Part 1,'136; part 2, +week oa• so with friends in Kincardine 28 ; pa;ti • 3, . oal s in w, .p. • and Southampton. shill, 800, Tlis13agTgratgatvoter, numberitonof + j -Mr, II. N. McTaggart has return- pennants qualified to setrve as Jurors in ,g, i ed from T.orontto, Where he was 'visit- .tili,is municipality in 1903 is 395,. leg his son, Wellington. -Samuel Brack bus purchased from -Dftr. Joseph Harvey has been spend 'Thomas Camerleny the Annan, fure, ing the past week with his ,'sons, in near Winethellsea, now occupied by Mr. the towinship oe Stanley . Thoimats White, for the sum of $6,700. -Mrs. Wm. McKay and children Thits is'a,go'od arice'aansidering tarot: are visiting Mrs. Mc'Kak's sister, Mrs. ehe property has been rented for • 25 G. Wainer, at .Palmerston. years nnsucoessian, and speaks well far d -Miss Hazel Tait, of London, has the presenttenant, Mr. White, who been spsn Ling Abe past week or so has the farm in splendid condition. + with her aunt, Mrs. Neelands. Mr. Brock takes possession on None 1 and we w'i'sh nim peneepertityein his n•ew, home. Mr. White, we understand, is 1 finking fon a larger farm to rent and is deserving of a good one as ne is, a first class farmer., 4 •4€• •ti• Binder vine We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for you. Come in and get what you need and be ready when harvesting time comes. Scythes and Snaths, Turnip Hoes. We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. Favetrcughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. liCA SOAT 4 4 4 meal'•k+•l••i•+3•+rF••1••%•f••1•+•i•++'$••p,.g,.;..1.3.m ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :••£••:••'x•'i••€••i'•E•3••i•++•i••i+ The Latest Thing. in loth IS always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor and .are looking for one, try us, One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for the same money than we will give you. W. W Taman. Merchant NEW PIANOS We have just put in stock several new Pianos in. the latest designs and 'af the Best Makes at Popular Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show -nee them to. you. Organs always in stock. ' g od orderood , for sale chacond hand p 1 Organ :in The ,cycle Season e with us and those Cushion Erames are just what you want, We have :them at moderate prices. Sewing achines an all the leading. Makes always in stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs for .same. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any information about our goods you may desire. Martin. Children Ury for -• ,CASTi We Can Convince You that stock Of Spring and Summer goods is - unequalled. See for yourself. FOWLS r BROS. THE CLOTHERS, BENSALL. Portland Cement WE HAVE just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port - and cement can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WOOL WANTED D l E 5000 lbs. of wool' wanted for which the highest Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- houses. JOS. 0OBBLEDiCK PALL F&A.IR3. enetneene Following is a inertial list of dates of fall fatirs. Taiicinito ,.. ,.: Autg. 27- Sept. 12 Dantean ...Sept. 11.419 Exeter ,,,.,,,Sent. 21-22 Guellptbt r Sept. le -77 Ham letan•.E Sept. 15-17 Strattbney,...•,,,•, Sept. 23-27 Paris .. Sept. 25-25 Milverton Sept. 24-25 Myth ... 'Oct 6-7 Palin rton - Sept 22 Wiingihaim Sept 23 Brantford O,ct, 2 Walker ton Sept. 23-24 13:airristotn Sebttn 25 Wiarto:n Sept. 29 Listowel Sept. 30 Lufeknow Oct.2 Gerrie Oct. 3 Lion's Head Oct. 2 Sbriatford Oct. 7 Tees:water Oet. 8 .Burford Oct. 7 Fares.t Oat. 1 Sarnia { Oct. 2 Kirk ton O.ct. 2 Children Cry for ST. fRI —THE -- Merchants ank HEAD OFFIOE, MONTREAL. tg T AL (all paid up) , THOS. Fe/SH81; General Manager $6,000.000 $2,700,000 B. 3'. HEiBDBN, Superintendent of Branabee :A{GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED "t Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on 'Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Letters of Credit rued available in China, Japan and („01.er foreign countries. CREDI TON ONTARIO -Men Nicholls, avid daugh'Lca, ; of Brussels, were in the village during me:past week renewing aoquaintances -Mrs,`J. P. Ross, of Toronto, and Mr, B. Swenerton, of Halifax, who have been spending a short time with their , cousin Mrs, W. Caldwell, left on Monday last for Toronto. --Mrs. Geo. Brown and daughter, Miss Pearl, returned this 'week from Micirig,an', where they had been spend- ing e month with Mrs, 'Brownenbra- ther, Dr. Geo. Blatchford. They also et&entded the Eetwarth League '. Cotn- ventio•n, in Detroit. ` -Messrs. Wm. and Roger Rothwell, of Hay, have retiu'rned 'from .a• plows, tent znonttlh's t 'rip to the Northwest. They were as far • as Edmonton' end took up land near •there•.• They; net a great mnn.y of their old friendsfrom Ontario, from. whom they received the greatest kindness.' Statfa -Mr, Geo,. .Trott, who has bean in Ube 'vtillage for the 'past four or five w'eles taking .•plc toigrjzphs left last Saturday, and will now spend wane time at the Bend. Salm. Webb, who was visiting friends in Moose Jaw and Mr. Wan. Fen, w41ra was'visititng frien.drsl in, -Cal- gary, have Teturnen hoane•. !Both, re- port leaving had a very pleasant trip. b—There, was a ladies institute meet. ing held in the town hall„ Staffar on Monday 'evening last at which they formed an institute in this,1)1mi% the tmeebh,g i being , field on {Wednesday ev'et'ning, junto 240(tfh., •a.t2 oecl,ock, nt Mr. David Hill's west 'of the village. A good attetnd,ance'was ,present. Lucan -,ra-rte, -Joilrn Fox,s new brick block atdjoin ing Che Queen's Hotel,'is well under way, andwill be completed by Sept, lse. ' -The stabiles and tout -buildings of Menne Ralbitnisinns wpm' detstroyed by fire on T'hursdt nh t at fen o'clock. c k. Lightning is supposed to ham, been the cause. -1VIr'• Rtalbe'rit Doolll(y, of libel 'Yes tern Hotel, met with,' a painful acci- d.ent this week while driving a. spirit- ed 'horse on the Roman Line. The an - shied to one side, .throwing Mr. Donne shied to,ane (sided,,;tlerew'i'ngtMr.,Donnel ly :heavily to •the'genund, fracturing five of this wii,htcii He ;is ipiriag;ressing fav'arabLy. ElimviIle - -,- ,- -Miss Violet Hind returned home on Sunday, after a couple of weeks holidays with hes sister, Mrs. G. Pol- in., St. Marys . -Mr. John Johns and Chas. Stewart spent Sunday with friends at Wood- hatm and Killeen. -Our blaektemittll, has sold his new buggy to Mr. J,othm Woods, of Exeter. :-Mists Maxth,a Horn/ is slelndini leer holidays at her parents and other raft:Beeveds at Zion. -T,hn harvest is rushing along rap- idly, The hall wheat and baarley being all cut and moistly in thte'iberns. -Mr. James Heywood, threshed his aileake clover an Monday, and reports aisikte clover on Monday, and repor'tjs • Mir. Thomas Bell, of , Winc,he,ise,a, started thtresluim,g on Tuesday for Mr. Wesley Heywood, and the reports ray bhe wheat yielded well and of inood sample. • --Misr 'Torte and Mabel, Minerrs axe spending the holidays under the parental roof. • Sexsmith -Th'e mason axe now busy ati Mr. James Gow1.d's .new house. -The Misses Gould purchased a new organ from Mr. S. Martin, of Exeter, Last week. r 12r. Chas. Lacret;I:,ofSarnia, is at present visiting relatives and .friends in. these parts. -Mr. Ed. Drones, of Exe,tetr, testae his new threshing machine at David Mack's last week. -,A siolmewthat exaltitn;g s'unn'ivtry took place on the faun: of Mr. ;Wm. Kotr'theaLt, ane day last ,week.' A: tihree-house team, attached to a bund- e,r started. from ,ease ,of that book field:§ and lean towards the • 'barn. After etnossing two or three. rail fences it Ss needless to say that the bindereeva.s a total wreck. Fortunately no one Was hurt, and tine horses also escaped ran - hurt, uen :tine Cestoda always bears the Sigratare of Chas. H. Pletcher. When Baby, was sick, we gave her Cnsta,ne r / ^! ,,,p When she .vee a Child, she cried for nstotic. S`Y a R CHI HOLM, Manager 1ahen ee been alt the a es a ge theg Cnrto•ir.. Mann er rvrietta„e rind C:laiidretl,shcgavetltt:nr castaria. Mooresville -;enc Jcseiph li,ongi,ns has just re- tarned from Killarney, Manitoba where he has been visiting a numbelr of old time friends., He, says they have pgos+p'emred out there, but as for him he would prefer Ontario. Joseph Tone also las ret urnetd from Manitoba lvlbesre he, has been residing for 'a. nuan ter of yew's, ,add now like Joseph he says Ontario is geed enough, for him yet. -Ur. Gibson. of :McGillivray, ship- ped a car Load of horses to Manitoba, last meek, this is the third ear fo.r Mr Gibson,, this summer. -Quite a sem:se,tio'n was caused in Ciaindeboye last week, wiben a couple oe youngsters were dropped off at the st ttioar witrth a card around 'their neck labeled. "Potr Mr. . E-linioln Ilodb gin's." No. one knowing where they r came un and noun +o having none; of f" hie ere&, sturdy Look of , the Ilodgins' abbot them,. and as Mr. Hodgins is a consistent n:uemben of the Methodist church here, we knew there wee name mistake. A.s we afterwards learned that they were some fresh air child -- nen, that the good people of Toronto in then charity, sent nut from ,that City to the country to get fresh air fax a couple of weeks. Since tthen a. second pair was sent to Mr.: Bern Re,. vli,ngton and others, and a common oc- cuirrainee, and no one to blame'. Zurich -The -post offiice• closes half :tabour after the man. is{in4 on thene, nights every week. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. -Mrs. Datvtid Ruby, -of Cavalier, N. D•akotta, with her two children, if -vis- iting Quer p ui'ent lIr. and Mrs. Er- nest Giles. =•T+lvememt• walks y ga lk 9 are now well u';'; • :way, and tenecon- tmaietotr Ipromesen a speedy completion of the ,number unsex: contract -Mists McNe,'vin, wtlhe is now yisiting icer grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zel-1 ler, eats tjlso eeteota;d highest in the Hen- sel). •class, who wrote at the entrance exams. -Several swarms of bees /were ea:p- tured recetnitly at the Sauble lino Messrs. ''Dace Smii'tk and Josiah Sararas were the. lucky can:ears.• Tho.latter's swetem. flxad uipwards of .30 tbs. of •hcln- ey stored. -On ,W,eednetsday morning of this week, Mrs. Mata, ion •died.rathe,r sud- denly after 'a 1,ingnrtng Mums toe some years. Her condition was not consi- dered unusual tate day pre.o'ious, and her taking -,off 'gramme as t.a .great shook to her 'numerous re'lai i'ves and friends era al tbecoming frig,hlened suddenly She was in her 35th year, and leaves a family of small'children, besides a sor- rowing ;husband,. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Peter 'Douglas, of Stanley ,township, and was 'very high- ly respelct•ell by all who. had the pleas- ure of !her •alenua•Lnibatnce. Grand Bend -liLiss Cadh'rane,of Berlin, is spend- ing a few weeks with Miss Pca,rl Lee vitt. -Miss V'etrcka L:ivitt, of St. Cath- arines'hospital, is spending a few holt- days walk her father here- --Tihe =rival at the ,cottages this week include Mrs Kolb, Itrs. Iler;b end eibild'ren, Miss Alija Kolb, Miss Dev'it,t, Miss Zcgier, Mrs. Foster and Mets. Bet gner, nif Berlin. - -='I\he Bend is filling un with a rush All Leavitt's cottages are. cccupietd but one. Tthie bathing at Leavitt's t'ark was never better, never so good. A beautiful stsnd floor right in front of. i I chillerten can bo,a{•-}louse, small d snado out 100 feet from the edged the waiter. -The Y. M. C. `.A. bos'e 1ia;ve I,aniir4, spent their two' weeks, and have gone a•gain. Abstainers, non-sreolcors, and gentlemen, eve'rly ono. 'The little sere etnade at the breakiae of their camp eves appreciated by tate ether cam;pels. The ladies and campers geanerally were sert'y to say goad, -bye to the'Strallfond boys. Come agniin next yee.r.. The . aauagee Mr. H. '11I. Gllethirist and Seey, of the Y. M. C A. is to be com,plimalrted on the,gen-'- telaniany ,conduct of the band of which be was the, restpeeted leader. Henry Inendetrboln, ):Cook, 'nertit Ileudelrsoni asst. eo'ok. ,The mimes of •the others aro :-Wtm'.- cited Geo. Chandler, It. Deakin, F. Manson, ITy. and Feed:Hay Homed and Percy Barker, Ezra and Will Nor•follli, G. Preston, L. Hamilton W. Tilbinson, C. Roberts, W. CaIl;iras, A. invents, 1,• Yeandle, `C. Trow, 5.. a Yates, rt. Clark, 'GVM D, v 'idso'n' l3: Teraina -taw, F. Baker, A. Neal, Weenge new, 144. IZl etrigusioxa and R. 11fiilt'on► • Kirklorr Mr. J. Taylor a.nd daughter, Lily,. drove to London, on Thursday last on business, Mestere. Jdlltiotitt, iironin and Debbie wheeled to the I3end, an Stti:urday,.lre- ttulr"n'ial;g Sunday evening, els. • 1YIi J W illi a nes loft oft 'on Tuesdtay evening to :spend a month visiting friends in Brantford and Tort Hope. -Ma and Ifrs. Thomas Waghorn, and family of Walton called on friends in tb•e village, on Sunday and Monday of this week. ►-Mr. Robert Flattener was the first for the season in this neighborhood, in the throning, having run his • fall, wheat out on Tuesdll.y last. -A goodly number from the village took in t'he'l,atcm(otese„match, on iWetd,- nosday last at St. 'Marys, •betweien'tthe `E.,ambridioenOxford • t:"ara .en,l ghat alerts, of St. Malys. • -Mr. W. 1I. LIazlewaod, who went Lo New Ontario soiree short itim t,a'go pias returned and taken a situation with Mr. H. Cochrane, of Sta Marys, Mr. Hazietwood did not realises tihte glowing reports of big wages that whore going in that country. • -Mr. Harvey Hall, son of tthe• , fate Rev. R. Halls, at one time a minister en this circuit, spetnt )Sunday visiting ficiends in the village.. Mr. Hall, alt; present is acting in the capacity as baggage clerk. at St. Marys station He was aeco,nllpan;ied by Miss Annie Rota.dthouse, of St, Mains. Crediton -Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm spent Sun- day bast at Grains•• Bend. -Mists Wiggins,of Goderiah, is vis- iting friends in the, village, -Mr. Valentine Retz, of (Parkfhill, pail our village a flying visit, on Mon -Mr. Wm. Brown, sr., left chis .week for Detroit, wthere ho purposes working. -The masons have almost icomplett- ed the brick work of Mr, in. liuhn's fine, aetsi.dernbe. --Master Wesley Finkbeiner, mho is working in London, spent Sunday'un- der the parental roof. -Mr. i •Ja(ciab Ratz, of Nesv( Ilam - burg visited at the home of !Bier. Ohns. 2:Wicker, Thtu,rsfdafr last. -Rev, S. Krupp, of Caro, Michigan, wnluo purposes moving here next spring was in the villtage Wednesday lash, an business, -!Mr, :Michel :gb.'tva,rtz, who•w is stud'deiniey' r takjen ill ,on •Frid(ay night last, is improving nicely under the care of Dr. Heist. -Miss Mary Finkbeiner and either - tine Wurtth, who have been working in Detroit for the past year arrived home Saturdjay evening. -Our village had somewhat of a merry town appearance last week ow - to some 50 Indians taking the town by storm corning to engage in pulling flax, -A happy wedding took pla•co at the home of Mr. Chas. Finkbeiner, when his daughter' was united in marriage to. Mr. Blake of .Landon flees, cere- mony was performed by Rev. G. D. Damm; in the presence of the immed- iate relatives of the bride, after which_ all sat down to a sumptuous dinner. Amidst the well wishes •ef numerous friends, the lett,ppy couple, left in. the aftermo•on for their home in London. -Mr. George, H. Zwacke,r, jeweler of East Lcmdon, wan married' on. Tues- day evening, of last week, to Miss Liz zie Sam•pl'e•, of thee city. The ewe - cony was performed at taw. residence. of the bride's aunts, the Misses Rod- dick, 460 Duffcrin avenue,tRev. S. J. Allen piaster of the Hamilton Road Metnedi:st Church, officiating. Miss Fanny Sample, sister of tete bride, \vas bridcaim.aid, and Mii'ls Katie Z'vick'z'r, niece oe tihie groom was maid of honor. The wedding m'a'reh was played by Mir's. Ohas. Zwicker, of Cred,itcn. The bride was attired in l ream duc'tl'ess sa- tin, with ttrimnrings of 'liberty clhifEon and applique, and carried a bouquet orf bridal roses, while •tlte bridesmaid was attired in white organdie over row pink silk and carried pink barna tions. After the ceremony which was wienreseed by ,only tiie immediate re- latives and friends, them `.onalpnny ad- journed to elle dining room and par- took of a sumptuous breakfast•. Mr. and Mrs. Zwieker will reside, at 650 Dtimdas street, London, and will be :at home to their friends after Aug. 15th. ('ANADIAN ANI) AMERICAN With inc'relae'ang frequency, as the. spirit of. Canadian nationality berem- a,s moan robust and assertive, there •br;eakis out • the old protein from. oris riche against ,flus habit of calling tee • people ,of the United States "Ameri-- can;.?' Etymologically and greograpbi- wily tiro,pa•oitest is quite justified, but in s ucile matitelrit usage is all •1?<.:ttte . ful. ft raven ire quite . cen•tain that eventually the teem "Americans" twill ba reet.ric,ted to our a :neighbors, • end t,bat WC shall be known as "Cauad- inns;' just., est hose to the south of lilac tTnilel Stales are nal. called any thing, but "141exicans;" On a calm consideration of tins sit - nation, w'a belieive that it will be bet Ler so, and that for •this reason all in. teliigent Canadians should begin at ,ante to elk Lherc tetrmns as they are used in the United States.,No for-- ,eignetr who takes enough, ii(terest in Cap:adru to talk ujaout, usi i's- likely to foaaget that we, Live in North Americo least of all, our somewhat jealous and otveebearing neighbors. We know our history and national evoilution, 'not so well as we should know 'therm but bet - bar than ,most foreigners know theirs, and we feed that there is intact in the name "Ctanadian" of whichwe. may well be pm,oud. Tb erg Ls "for us ' tno eignificarnce in tb'e• • name "American," no, tlr'adti,tion to cherisb, -no achieve -4e to idealize ohero n +L•ta connote, no me.n or idimlize. Let it -go -to those who axe so unfortunate as to be afflicted ,wish ♦40e4404964e044a4494404•04Q+1. w 4. 4 • 4 d a 0 4 4> 4 A 0 0 d 4 4 4. 4 • O O 0 4 4 4 0 4. 0 4. JOHN WiliTEI & SONS 4 P4444044+Ai' a+4a,P•444 d'40 eains • ar oots and Shoes Ladies' Pearl Grey Canvass, reg, $1.50 for $1.10' Ladies Patent Leather Bal; reg. $2.50 for $1.75 Ladies' Oxfords regular $1.a0for .$1.10 Men's Patent Leather....regular $3.00 for $200 There is no place that you can get such value for your money in Shoes as at our store. fall and see them, 4, •e0000+4Cm44444+44444o444.4( 4t'8.440.. a46.o.00•csoo.G40dA9$i a ,name Which cannot be converted in- to- an adjective. If a selrio'us side to this controversy were sought for it would not be hard to Lind, bat it would not lie in nee die. eetion of a misappropriated title;• Them melees no xeeenn "Lo •dpuptetlea-t Canadian are teaming face to £a.c-e with a grave 'crisis in their political history, and that on both sides of : the Atlantic, among .aliens hardly Less Obtain among our own r kin, 'this is be- coming clearly recognizetd. The Fremoli have known about Canada for a long time; the 'Germans got recent- ly a .reminder of our existence, they will not soon forrget ; the, British are beginning to realize that the United doss 'not include thea whole of this con, anent ; and the Americans are awak- ing to the. fact that it isnot likely to do so. Some at their , , publicisltli are goodrin'atured and even eo::rdial apout ,our ecadiraned separatism, but •others are que'rulteus atndl m'alelnele'nt. fi'ar{per's Weekly', ante a high -elms journal, tells Great Britain /Met 'ii tihe reasonable hoipe of the indissoluble friendship of the United States," not' "in the fantastic &te;am• bf a 'consoli- dated Rx'itishMnapire•," lies "the Keys' .of Char safety and prosperity," and adds` "tha:t hope will scarcely be fulfilledso so long as Canada remains an anent and a nivel country, but ' nothing would stop its fulfillment w' re Cana- da a .part of the United States." Witthleat(t .venturing ante rjash predic(- taon one may say 'that Canada is like- ly to rennain indeifine'tely foremen lt:o the United Statesand'an indunitmial competitor in the common markets of the rest of the world. Owned/tans be e- ernlly belietv'e tlh'at for a variety of reasons such a future w^ilI be, better floor civilization, and a little ccnsidera- tioln will probably canvinrs'mos't of them that the seep:•atra nte. `is likely to, be proanobed by the use of two -names which wild indicate clearly ,'two' dna Wed: nationalities. CHEAT. FELT RAW. "I caught a eeveee cels whichtm'ade Dir. Wood's Norvw': Piyna Syrup eetivich my chest feet ,raw. and ,;sb.t. 1 used loosened the phlegm, headed ?'beilumgs and made me ;perfectly well.' -Nail Meleay, Ripley,. Ont. IN MEMORY. In Laving Remembrance onAli:co Maud Fanson, who died June 24th, 1903, Aged 18 Years. How bitter is the glow of youth,, When glaidseme hopes the Mand possess, To change the thrill of health and: serenigth Fair throbbing pain and weariness. But through the suffering hard and bang leer heart courageous neer (lid quail, Far he who sent the. ,paint,ilo her Sent patience too, that did not'tfail. • And those who watched, with w•ondelr sate How brave she was amid it tall) And evil.% what patienrs• dace by. day, She waited far her .Savibr's ralI. 'Tawas t:11•us the loving Father nrade Her spirit fit fort a, n } , brigb., short W'•here he shall wipe all tears away. And paha and ,t_r'rief eh,:.il be. ne more. A Friend a DO MR N N E X H z 11111914 ISO'S - -roman-1r° - 1903 AUC. 27th to SEPT. 12th The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADES OF LIVE STOCK In addition, by order of r1IS MAJESTY TIIE KING THE JUBILEE PRESENTS I of his august mother. the hate Quoetl Victoria Will be exhibited FREE, as well ur as, by permission of the Dowagerishoss of 'Victoria, and A.va, THE is UFF ERIN PRESENTS I And by permission of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures OF IRISH MANUFACTURE The special features, including an entirety new spectacular production entitled A CARNIVAL IN VENICE j tinder the personal direction of Bolossi Itiralfy, will be on a scale never before attempted at An annual fair in any part of the world. Reduced rates be land and water from everywhere. Commit your station agent, DA iC. MCLAUGHT, J. O. ORR, Prcsidnd. - ,tanager and Semidry. All Stores will be closed Aug $th, Ext tor's Civic Holiday • • We handle the celebrated Plymouth - Gold Medal Silver Sheaf Ply' peciai 650 feet. G00 feet. 500 feet:. The Plyinouth Twine goes the farthest, gives no treuble and costs no more than the poorer and cheaper twines, Don't buy, but get our prices. GLASS Big import shipinene, of Houde and Darr+ Glass just to hand, at extlelnely low prices. All sizes in stuck, sKeaman'•r ++Vte+Rd' '.