HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-23, Page 8TEWA RT
'Nese are a few good things going at Stewart's. during
these hot days. They are real hot bargains, Go carefully
over this list then come in and see us, . are after more
business, just keep your eye on us.
<Prints and Mullins
etZet5 piece Prints and Muslins, a clean
up of the whole stock, Some
short ends, and others full pieces,
regular values Se to 15c. our hot
bargain price, your pick for 5c.
Boils' Sere Suits
,reio only Boys' navy serge Blouse
Suits, 15 only Boys' Linen and
Cotton Summer Suits, regular
values $1 to $1,75. Your choice
for 75c.
Woman's Shoos
sr -40 pair Woman's Oxford Shoes and
Toe Slippers, mostly small sizes,
regular values as high as $L75,
clearing at 50e,
Girl's Rain Goats
ilei 7 only Girls' S Nagger Raglan
Coats, navy blue serge,
bright check linings, they
sure bargain, $2.65.
Men's Rain Goats
are a
sr'7 only Men's Grey Serge Rain Coats
velvet collar, check lined, sewn
seams, Cracker Jack for $1.75,
Printed Dinner Sets
s'4 only, 97 piece printed Dinner Sets
good hard semi porcelean body,
with nice brown floral decorations.
Your choice for $4.95..
We `want auy quantity of Butter and Eggs for which
we are prepared to pay the highest price in either cash or
produce. Come and try us. -
The Soverign Bank of Canada
Head Office Toronto. Executive Office, Montreal.
.3ftflRGfES in Huron Gountll at Exeter, Greditoa, Zurich
itensall, Gunton and Dashwood. °
A General Banking Business Transacted at all Branches.
one Dollar will start an account. Interest allowed ou deposits from the
day money is deposited and added to the principal twice a year.
Manager Exeter Branch.
For Marriage Licenses,
Weelding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
. Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Read Popplestone & Gardiner's ad.
on page 5.
Master Frank Shere is holidaying in
Miss Beatrice Luker is visiting
friends in Seafo rth.
Dr. Anderson spent Sunday with
his family at Grand Bend.
The 1Mlisses Jaffray, of Toronto, are
guests of Mrs. D. Johns.
Mr. H. E, Huston was home from
Grand Bend on Monday.
Miss Edna Follick, spent a few days
•of last week at Grand Bend.
Russell Southcott, of London spent
a few days at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Knight and family
spent Sunday at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Boyd, of Stratford is the guest
,of her sister, Mrs. John Muir.
Mrs. Fowell and Miss Cora returned
home on Monday from Grand Bend.
Mr. R. Gidley visited his son Mr.
Samuel Gidley of Blyth last week.
Mrs. James and Clarence. of Toronto,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
ENNYSON and Longfellow
could take a worthless sheet
of paper, write a poem on it and
make it worth $65,000—That's
Geuius. Rockfeller can write 1
few words on a sheet of paper a 1
make it worth $5,000,000--Th4tks
Capital. The United States can,
take an ounce and a quarter of
gold and stamp upon it an "eagle
bird" and make it $2o—That's
Money. A mechanic can take
material worth $5 and make it in-
to watch springs worth $I,a0o—
That's, Skill, A woman can pur-
chase a 75cent hat but prefers one
that costs $27 -That's Foolish-
ness, A ditch digger works ten
hours a day and handles several
tons of earth for $ x . 25 --That's
Labor. There are people who
will tell you they can sell as good
ordered clothing as we at same
price or lower --.. That's Gall.
Everybody who is posted and
wants good clothes arid wants
them at a reasonable price, will
call atW. Ji-
s That;s Conn -
Mon Sense,,
Are you going to mneardine on
Aug OUi Your friends are all going,
Miss Jessie Robertson, of Goderiehi+d
former teacher on our publie school
tail, is the guest of Miss Addle Jeck-
ell, London Road, North,
Miss Amy Johns favored the con.
ggregation of Main street Methodist
Church with a solo on. Sunday evening
entitled. "Lead Kindly Light"
Miss Edith Beer, of Lon:lon is spend-
ing a vacation at the home of her
patents here accompanied by her
friend Miss Stevens..
Mr. J. G. Stanbury left on Friday
last for a trip to Duluth taking the
boat at Sarnia. He expects to return
via Owen Sound and Toronto.
Mrs. T. 13, Carling and fancily left
Thursday for Grand Bend where they
will spend some weeks. They are
accompanied by Mrs, Geo. Renton of
fudge Britton will hold assizes in
Goderich on Tuesday, October 20th,
for Jury cases; and Judge Macelahon
on Monday, November 30th for non -
jury cases.
Mr. Chas. Mustard, of Brucefield,
occupied:the pulpit of the Presbyteri=
an church at both services on Sunday
last owing to the illness of the pastor
Rev. W. M. Martin..
Mr. Spencer, who was so seriously
hurt by falling off a scaffold some
time ago while engaged at work on a
silo at Mr, Thomas Ratcliife's is now
able to be around again,
The Presbyterian S. S. was favored
with good weather for its picnic on
Friday last to Grand Bend, conse-
quently there was a large attendance
and a happy day spent.
Mrs. S. Iowe11 who has been i11 for
the past two months shows very little
signs of improvement. Her many
friends would be pleased to see her
very soon around again as usual.
Miss M. Horney, of Usborne, is a
delegate to the Epworth League con-
vention in Detroit. She will also visit
friends in Sarnia, Pb. Edward and
Forest before returning home.
The special attractions at the Dom-
inion Exhibition, Toronto, Ang. 27 to
Sep. 12, will be the greatest and best
ever collected at any fair on earth.
Several will be direct from Europe.
Mr. Nelson.Cobbledick, of Brantford
spent Sunday under the parental roof,
returning home Monday, accompanied
by Mrs. Cobbledick who has spent the
past few weeks with friends in town.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
s on each box. 25c.
Mrs. D. Tait, of St. Paul, Minn. who
has been spending a few days with
Mrs, Tait and Mrs. E. Christie Ieft for
Tilsonburg on Monday, where she will
spend a short time with friends.
The regular meeting of the Wom-
ans' Institute will be held on Friday
afternoon, June 24th at 3 o'clock. All
are cordially requested to be present
as important business is to be trans-
Miss Edith Sanders, left on Tuesday
morning for Toronto where she will
take the boat for a pleasant sail down
the St. Lawrence to Quebec, returning
she will spend a short time with Peter-
boro friends.
George Rowley ex -manager of the
Elgin Loan Company, St, Thomas
plead guilty to the charges of theft,
perjury and forgery on Monday, last,
Sentence has been deferred until Mon-
day, Aug. I0, at 1I a. in.
Every province in the Dominion
will be extensively represented in the
Dominion Exhibition, Toronto, Aug.
27 to Sep. 12, Send for information
and price lists to .1. 0. Orr, manager
and secretary, 70 King st. East, Tor-
It is announced in Montreal that the
floating debt on the St. James' Metho-
dist Church has been reduced from
$172,000 to $3,000, and the blanket
mortgage on the Temple Building
from $450,000 to $50,000, all of which
will be wiped of shortly.
Among those of our residents who
are enjoying the cooling breezes of
Lake Huron, and who left for Grand
Bend during the past week are Mrs.
W. Howey and family, Mrs. W. Hea-
men and child. Miss Alward, Mrs.
R. Sweet, Misses Ethel and Charlotte
Mr. Harry Fowell, son of Mrs. H.
Fowell, town, who has been engaged
on the N. W. Mounted Police at Re-
gina, Calgary and also at the Yukon
returned home on Saturday, after an
absence of four years. He will remain
for about a couple of months and visit
Mr. H. N. Anderson, late principal
of our public. School, returned from
the Soo this week and is making pre-
parations for the removal of his fami-
Iv to that place. We are sorry to lose
Mr. Anderson and family as citizens
but wish them much success in their
new adventure.
Masonic excursion to Kincardinep
Aug. 6, 1903,
,Miss Ella Harton, of London spent
the past week with her aunt Mrs. Ell -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford have been
spending the past week with friends
at Owen Sound.
Mr. E. Christie of the Sovereign
Bank, Zurich, spent Sunday at his
home here.
Mrs. George Manson entertained a
number of young people on Tuesday
Mrs. J. Johns, of Guelph, spent the
past week the guest of her neice, Miss
M. E. GiII.
Miss Ida Brownlee, of Lucan is the
guest of her cousins Miss Ella and
Olive Wood,
Master Harold Campbell, of Bruce-
field, is visiting his friend Master
Harold Cairns.
Mrs, Morey and slaughter Lena of
Port Huron, are visiting Mrs. Morey's
sister, Mrs, E. Treble.
Mrs. Aclare and daughter Kathleen
of Winnipeg are the guests of Mrs.
John Farmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, of Rochester
N. Y, are the guests of Mr. Hooper's
sister, Mrs. Wm. Grigg.
Mrs. R. Macgregor, of Toronto
is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs,
G. Manson this week.
Dr. Silk and Mrs, Silk of London,
spent Sunday at the Iatter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R, Hicks.
Mrs, E. J. Spackman and. Miss
Hyttenrauch are spending a couple of
weeks at Grand Bend.
Mr. Melville Martin left on Friday
last for an extended visit to Regina
and the North West.
Miss Louisa Sweet who has spent
the past monte in London returned
home on Friday last.
Mr. T. Boyle, of Carling Bros. with
his family is spending a vacation with
friends in Port Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Oke and son, of
Seaforth. spent Sunday the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Oke,
Rev. Wm. Stout and Mrs. Stout of
Kirkton, were the guests of Mrs. J. T.
Cairns, on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Knight and son
Drew after a three weeks outing at
Grand Bend returned Tuesday.
Mrs, Andrews, and daughter, and
uncle Mr. Wm. Gould, of Pontiac,
Mich. are visiting friends in town,
The biggest, the best, the jolliest of
the season, 'excursion to Kincardine!
on Aug. 6th.
Mrs. Spackman and family, of Blen-
heim, passed through the village this
week on their way to the Bend.
Miss Annie Smith, of Detroit is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Smith, London Road, south.
A list of the successful pupils who
wrote here on the Entrance Examin-
ations will be found on another page,
Mrs. James Hodgson and Miss
Hodgson have returned home from a
pleasant vssit with friends in Palmer-
ston, -
Mr: A, Q. Bobier left Wednesday
evening on a business trip to Ottawa,
Montreal, New York and other eas-
tern cities.
Mr. Clarence Pickard. left Thursday
for the Bend where he will spend the
month with his aunt Mrs. T. B, Car-
ling, "Toronto Side,"
Mill yard of the Sovereign
Mr. Wylie Y gn
Bank Staff here has been transferred
to the bank of the same branch at
Miss Ed
3theWhite of Port Helm
and the hisses Buchanan o! Aylmer
are the guests of their Aunt Mrs. G.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
rover sixty years by millions of mothers for their
'children while teething, with perfect success
It soothos the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain cures wind colic. and is the best remedy,
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
At the recent entrance examina-
tions, Master Dyer Hurdon, son of N,
Dyer Hurdon, Esq., of the Molsons
bank, obtained honors in drawing
receiving 50 marks. His work was
highly commented upon by the ex-
aminers and much credit is dike our
young citizen for the success he is
achieving in this line of work.
Dr, Oyens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
August 5 ,• Wednesday, September 2
Wednesday, September 30 ; Wednes-
day, November 4 ; Wednesday, De-
cember 2 1003. Spectacles and eye-
glasses properly fitted, Next visit
will be Wednesday, August, 5th.
Mr. John Carrick a former resident
of Exeter and at one time associate
editor on the Reflector, published here
has been an employe on the Hamilton
for a number of ears and
has been 'recently promoted to the
position of editor in place of Mr. H. P.
Gardiner who has resigned to become
T 1 l 8, J U L 23rd., 1903.
This month we intend selling off all Summer Goods at
Big Reductions
84,c yard for very fine linen stripe I Ladies' fine Cantill Corset, bias cut,
Muslin, warranted fast colors, regular i perfect fitting wear, guaranteed, 950
price of this line was 15c. a pair.
Ladies' Batiste Corset, in white,very
full quality, only a few pairs left,
Wonderful value at 48c a pair.
121-2 yd.. for Fancy Dimity in black Ladies Net Corset. newest shape,
blue and pink, regular 20c yard, best quality, regular 50c now 42 1-2c
Just opened up a very nice range of black Muslin, grenadine effect,
at t2rac. r5c, and tic yard.
Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waist, Ladies' white Muslin Shirt Waist
trimmed with insertion and tucking, I trimmed front and back with inser-
regular price $1, reduced to 78c, A tion acid tucking, regular price $l,25,
Snap. 1 to 87e.
Ladies' White Shirt Waist trimmed with wide open insertion
this is the best waist we have shown, this seasons, price $I,5o
reduced to $t.Io.
12 1.2e for very pretty grey Muslin,
makes a swell dress, regular price 20c
a yard.
Ba�gaia inl Table LiIGn
About one dozen Bleached Damask Table Cloths, 64.x90 inch, very
fine quality, nice border, very special $1.25, Come early to get one,
[ Just received a shipment of Black Cord de sole Dress
Goods direct from Glasgow. EarCall and see them.
Black Lustre, very nice quality, 1 We have just received another lot of
correc for making Bathing Suits, very 1 ladies Sine silk Belts in black and white
special 22c yard. very fancy, 25c to 50c, see them.
Ladies' Parasols all clearing at Cost Prices,
Price for
no1I Sc Rowo
Price for
superintendent of the Institute of the
Blind at Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Searls and little daugh-
missionaries to China arrived here en
Wednesday evening and are the
guests of Mrs Searles sister, Mrs.
Fred Keys, Exeter North, During
the excitement caused by the Boxer
trouble and the trying experience pas-
sed through at that time, they have
been forced to leave their on account
of the continued ' ill health of Mrs.
Searls oceasioned thereby.
The Saline County (Kan.) Index
thinks it has discovered a new endless
chain. "Every farmer boy,' it obser-
ves, `wants to be a school teacher,
every school teacher hopes to
be an editor, every editor would like
to be a banker, every banker would
like to be a trust magnate, every
trust magnate hopes some day to own
a farm and have chickens • and cows
and pigs and horses to look after.
We end where we begin."
The new ClockeyBinder,manufactur-
ed by the Farmers 0o -operative Har-
vesting. Machine Co. Ltd. was tried
on the farms of Messrs. W. D. Sand-
ers and Ed. Shapton, of Exeter, with
magnificent results. The cutting and
tieing being well done and seemed
only a play for two horses. rhe prin-
cipal features being its lightness of
draught, simplicity of construction,
and perfect balance. The trial was
witnessed by a large number of pro rn •
inent farmers,all being delighted with
the final proof of its excellence.
A farmer near Kingsville wanted
his son to get npearly and go to work.
The boy had a habit of answering
"yes sir" and then go to sleep again.
On this occasion last week the father,
to make no mistake, called the boy and
got the "yes sir" and then slid up the
stairs, turned down the covers and
e aye the person a good spanking. It
happened that on that night the hired
girl had been given the boy's room.
When the tumult was over the old
man sat down behind the barn and
drafted a written apology to the hired
to ger eral work, and who want to
Iearn stove plate. Apply giving ex-
perience, references-, etc.—The,Gurney
Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto. ;
.=LosT—Small rat terrier dog, red
scar on back, anyone knowing of
`whereabouts will do a favor by leav-
ing dog or giving information to Mr.
G. W. Taylor, Main Street.
WANTED. — Moulders Improvers'
Young men who have had experience,,;,"
and want to attain greater experieane
over a larger range of work, princi-
pally stove plate.—The Gurney Fouix
dry Co., Limited, Toronto.
I4, Tuckersmith, on July 9th a sorrel
colt two years old, with white face,
Last noticed at Lumley. Any person
giving Such information which will
lead to its recovery will be suitably
rewarded by addressing Jose TRA-
QUAIR on the premises,or Hensall P.O.
CLIMBING trr — Mr. Wesley Vale,
son of Mrs. Vale, town. and a graduater
in the art of printing from THE TmrEs
office who has held positions in Mon-
treal and Toronto, has now secured
the position of foreman of the job de-
partment of the St. Catharines Journ-
al at a very good salary. We .con-
gratulate our young friend on his suc-
cess and bespeak for him a place in
the front ranks of his profession.
died on July 19th at the residence of
her son David Hutchison lot 13 con. 15
Stephen, Maria Hutchison in the 86th
year of her age, Mrs. Hutchison was
a tong time a resident of Exeter and
was a member of the Main street
Methodist church and a faithful at-
tendent as long as her physical sere
gth allowed. She removed some f
years ago to live with h son in Mi '
igan, and about a year ago recur ed
to reside with her son in Step en.
Deceased. was in her usual health up
until her death which came sudd nly.
afternoon as
On Sunday n though she
had a premonition of her approac ling
end she attired herself in her. best and
afterwards while at tea she sankback
in her chair and without a stru , le
peacefully'and uietl ssed
a awn
Her remains were interred
interred in ill
Exeter eemetry on Tuesday afternoon\
the warmest waves in July may be
reasonably counted on from about
Friday the 24th to Monday the 27th.
On and touching the 27th, many act-
ive electrical storms are more than
probable. Any careful observer may
soon satisfy himself that increase in
temperature, as a rule, attends the
conjunction of Sun, Earth and Moon,
also that the passage of the Moon over
the celestial equator brings increased
warmth and electrical disturbances.
Hence the new Moon, or Moon in con-
junction with Sun and Earth—being
nearest the Earth also—falling on the
24th and being on the equator on the
27th, all in a reactionary storm period,
a crisis of summer heat will be natur-
al for several days culminating about
the 27th in many thunder storms, and
followed by change to cooler, The
equinoctial period of the planet Mars
begins about the 20th, The last ten
days of July and the general tone or
character of the storms and weather
prevailing the first half of July, will
indicate to a large degree the charact-
er of storm and weather through
August and much of September. The
opposition of the planet Saturn with
Earth and Sun falls on July 80th.
This will also be a factor in all the
meteorological disturbances late in
July and ten days into August. One
result of Saturns opposition will be to
increase the temperature to phenom-
enal summer heat, and bring on seis-
mic convulsions later. The month
comes to its close in the first stage of
a regular storm period, the culmin-
ation of which will fall in the opening
days of August.
first special meeting of the Exeter
branch of the Woman's Institute was
held on Wednesday, July 15th in the
Town Hall. There was a very good
attendance notwithstanding thecount-
er attractions that day and a great
member of our citizens being away for
aholiday."The afternoon meeting was
conducted by Miss Ida M. Hunter an
honor graduate of the Domestic Sci-
ence School of Hamilton, who gave
an address and demonstration on
"Selection and preparation of food,"
throwing oat some practical hints
which were helpful and appreciated by
the ladies present, Owing to the ab-
sence of the president the evening was
ably presided over by Mr. D. McInnes
Who ho is well versed in Institute work
fbr the sterner sex and in a few re -
arks strongly advocated the necess-
r y of organization among the ladies
'and the benefit to be derived there-
from. Miss Hunter followed with a
practical address on "The Education
sof our Girls," with a few hints as to
the ei:siest and best way of doing gen-
eral house work. Miss Hunter is an
excellent platfoem speaker and well
versed on her subject. Miss Reynolds,
of Scarboro, one of the lady delegates
sent out by the Government was the
next speaker who took up the subjects
of "Woman's Institute their Aim and
Objects," "Home and Home Makers."
She gave some valuable suggestions,
dealing with the importance of having
domestic science in the home. The
meeting was closed with the national
anthem. The ladies,are to be congrat-
ulated on the success of their meeting
which is only the first of other similar
meetings to be held during the fall
and winter. The Institute here is
only as yet in its infancy but can boast
of some 40 members with several new
names but recently added.
Children Cry for.
T Ja
Proclamation ot Civic Noll -
day 1903
Upon the petition of Dr. D. A. And
erson, E, J. Spackman, ,I, A. Stewart
W. J. Beaman, Farmer Bros„ Hugh
Spackman, W. J. Carling, R. N. Rowe
Popplestone & Gardiner and forty
other rate -payers of the Villa ge of
Exeter, I do hereby proclaim T.HURS-
DAY' the Oth day of August, 1903, a
day to be observed by the citizens of
Exeter as a Civic holiday. Lot all •
true citizens govern themselves agcor-
ingly. .
T, B. CURLING) Reeve.
During the Holiday season we will be showing some very'
special goods at very special bargains. A glance at the following
announcement or a look at some of our bargains will convince you.
Fancy Ginghams & Chambreys
Fer waists or dresses in stripes, fancy patterns, and dot
regular 15 and 20c. for 3 to 12X
Fancy]'` Muslins
The balance of our stock of plain and fancy muslins in all
colors and white to clear out at half regular price.
Table Linens and Napkins
Made of the very best Irish damask. A large range to se._
ect from, We want to clear those out for our fall goods and will
give you a snap in this line
Straw and Crash Hats
Anything and everything in this line to be sold at half price.
Come and get a cheap hat before they all go,
Men's Shirts and Ties
A swell lot of those just to hand in the newest colorings. If, you want
something natty just pick out a nice one and have the newest. •
Big White Wear Sale ,.
All our Ladies White Wear now at big bargain prices. Drawers 20e.
up, Night Gowns 50c. up, Skirts 65c. up, Chemise 45c. up, Corset Covers 30c up.
Highest price paid for all kinds ot Farm Produce.
Furniture and
We Carry Good Lines in Furniture
Graduate'of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block.
Furniture!_Furniture I
AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un-
it AL
dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce
to the public that we have on hand, .,without doubt, the
largest and °best stock of Furniture in the county.
A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest maegha
possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and
get our prices before placing orders elsewhere,
• We do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing on
the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfactiou guaranteed with
every purchase. • ` •
Undertakers and Funeral Director3
Et 0 41E Tib: :
J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto,.
We wish to inform
the public that we
expect to close down
about July 12 for 2
weeks f o r repairs
and would like our.
customers who need
chopping to bring
in their gristing as
early as possible.
We will have in
stock a large supply
of Bran, Shorts, etc.
as well a stock of
o u r noted Family
Flour (Star),' so that
anyone can get .a.
supply of Flour or
Feed any time dur-
ing the two weeks
we are closed down.
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton,
ilk, i Jute or Mixed Goods n one bath
—they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world. Try a package.
All calors at 0, Ltrrz, pteter.,
At Lowest
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a.
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath' and all Building
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as containetfee
in both yards is heavier than we wisi
to carry, so we purpose to make a
material reductions in the price of
Shingles until we get our' stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the past,and solicit a
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
043411141104*_ ,6•00000000000611111
2 Fall Term 0 ens, S
p .,, epi 1st
have applied to us fez -our graduates to
O act as teachers in their schools, This is 0
the evidence you aro looking _for as to 0
the best SCHOOL to attend. Thous nds w
0 of our ;fortner students our formerstu- 0
e dents are now in business life. Wye 2
o for our handsome catalogue, .
W. J. ELLIOT, . 0i
*w®600f®000•®*SIA **611Al10009
w Principal