HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-23, Page 5,cleat Foe.
'3'o health and happiness ie Scrofula --
as ugly as ever silica time immemorial..
It causes bnnchee iu the neck,
figures the skin, inflames the mucous
neenibrinie, mattes tho .morsoles, weak-
ens the bones, reduces the power of
resistance to tissues and the cnpaeity
for recovery, and develops into eon-
(temption. '
"Tato of my chitchat had scrofula sores
which kept growing deeper and kept them
from going to school for three months.
Ointments end medicines did no good until
been, giving theta 1loocl's Sarsaparilla.
This medictue ceased the sores to ileal, and
the children have 'hoswn no signs of scrof-
ula since," J, W. ,1lclliaN, Woodstock, Ont.
foo 's Sarsaparilla
will dtl you of it, radioally and per.
`eminently, as it has rid thousands.
All the news of Interest to'
Times Readers Hap ening .
P ,
.*6 in these Counties. 1t
0Food doesn't digest well ?
, Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver L Ayer's ]Bills
are liver pills; they cure dys-
peps a ,biliousness.
255. Ali druggists..
Huron •
That tired languid feeting and dein
9lea'da1ohe is e r'y dieeegrerefeebe.. Tekey
two io'f.,Carte,r's L6ftlrer Liv(etr Piles,L'be
fore retiring, and you •will find retied,.
They never full to ^do good. �'l ,,1
Dere. 'Ttiamtas ; Tilt, of Clintone 11lad
the mtiaeotritune to trip .on an upetdeirs
Otero. In t'be fall heir left wristvvas
broken and her Lace considerably bl%Ir,i-
ked, The fracture was sxoon.reduceci
tut the lades, svhc' has been ca fan al -tee
,give deepositiotn all her life., wil lee
,9atid up foir a xnoensidexiable timee.
A very quiet but pretty wed -
'Ong 'woe ciclnstemmated art' The re-
sidence xof Mr. end 'refs. Samosa Stok-
es, Goidetnieh, on June 14th, when Miss
Mary ,0l4ere,cLith ptp4kkels, their : only
deaugrhter became the Ovate sof -Wm. J.
NLMNeivin, a milleir at the harborr mill.
B. W. H. .Grteuh(a'm, vaster of Vic-
tolriarr4t 14%eModistt ,church pjepteoreneO.
tele Cetrte motley.
Tuve bol y of Thopie seD.,Leivy,lfvtey
mean, tot Seatenth, wee •'Fouarid in. 011ie
bugle orf Mins. McAdalm,t -Mill • Read,
fiukceatsmiitth, two weeks •ago,: where
he had gone on a shooting snip. The
body was treteleraing in t a half sitting.
and half lying. pos•tu;re 'and life axle
extinlet. The gun w•ae letanirteg(againslt
nu'xotheir logwith the butt on the
',round. Two of the four eartridges
Lead been des(charged and the other
�'t vo were found on the person often!, oft
tlelee!aiseel.., No ,iniques•L• was held, • and
no tre,ason given for the apparent
suicide. Deceiased leaves a widow and
family of one son and on d'augh'tea.
Mhe'remea]ns were taken to Mitchell
Voir interment.
Sciencexarm,ed (with, the microscope,
Jhiaa established it a facet, and this eOn-
leLusLtrte,att'renders tib lua,'Catarncctice
elf uvug �
lBlreenrlhetis, .by at omnch 'di qgl i:ng,
lessee! s sinureefs, &ic., ,Saabs teleatmtents
u n
are an teeter faieur•� .beta ae, they o ae
pot penetrate the delicaite ails cells of
!bb.e lungs ear .permeate the air pats -
sages of the nose and bronichinl tubes
phew title( fgxetrfine of, 'Cailezrrbi.. thatch
eft eir stronghold: Catarrhozone is the
outreeritaina remedy. It is inhaled by
!the inttiouth mad atLea; s)piretadifc
jtl Brough all the reelpirtatory organs is
exhaled thnougle the•'nostrils. Cater r.
7rlozone kills the getrfms,, heals, tihe, i,n-,
tamed tilssues,-clears the head and
ithnoiat in two 'minutes, and tsureat ina
hours. Nothing is so ,elf'elcitive,,'pleatsJ-
nut and ei,mlple'as ,Catarrhozone. Two
laminates' treatment $.1.00: Smelltsi:zee-
125c.• 'Dlrru rgialtsx or N. C. !P•o1sonr &,tiol
Kingston, Ont.•
.Ml .eases of w•'eak ar lame, back
backache, rheumatism, wiill find relief
by w'eeJrf(a(g Ione •of r'Caentelr'sr Smart
Weed and Belladonna Plasters. Pries.
25 cents, Tree tUxl;;ni • •
Weird has been reice:ive,d tram Ch;ic•-
ago of the sudden death by railway
' iaccident of Alvin Rosser, son of Thos,
. •alliogseir, c1 .Itlmbro, f a te 'of t hie tow'n-
eingp of M1eGillivirra .
Mr. J: B. Shwrbt, who has carried on
a boot and shoe bustineste are Parkhill:
for the vast ten years, leaves in a few
days for- Woodsock; where he int •ends
gang into +buf:anises: •
Mr. Throe rias Egan, who has been sec
Lion foreman on the local division of
tabs G. T. R. fat Ailsa Craig, ear -some
years, has 'been transferred ;to St.
attairrs, Mr :3ob`nston; who•is at pre-
sent on the division -at Maple Lodge,
taakes anis place.
A verysad tleaa,tiha orcorked recently
at t•hae'home of,A[,-e , Mt Adam., 1:Otli;
cone West Williams, when his .bright.;
esixtaen year cid son, Aleslander,•: •sue-
efum'bs,d to scariest fewer; , Celine.;
to the naturae of tbiel clisi:rti5e the fun,-
er,'al was tsatrir]Ley j ri'vralte.
Alevayts avoid haxt+lh, parga{teivetpileia
,They fiast.mrak'e you seek and tbeen
leave yea. coxntstjpateid. Garter's Little
Limier Pilus regulate the bowels lord
make you well. Dose,, one pill.
Sick Headache ?
Want your mountane° or beard a beautiful
brown or rrcb black? Then use
fr iQ
O ata: (,r npUn6"T3 *A h. P. ,tAU. a Co., NA i4 ?LH.
T Ti 4 1 X aE. .; R.
TIMES, MTUIaY 23rd 1903.
While 1111r. 3, II. Howard, of Leman
wars busily engaged doing sometbraz-..
i.il'g, areeentl'y, one of the burners burst
and in an instant the flames shot in-
to Avis twee, bthreing the same quite
beadly ate well as scorching his hair
and eye brows, .The burn though not
very deep is sore, but will be well be a
few days.
Mr, and la.rs, Archibald Hodgen,
Jefeerou street, celebrated their goldele.
weddiug on Wednesday.
nits. S. Fittuu, and Mrs. Drew and
etriid 'eu alter a }ileasane tN u week's
outing .ae the beaitl al rived home Mon-
day er enlug,
IUNt0N SE11V1cES-Owwiug• re the ill-
ness of ]:tev, kkul. Martin, uutun ser-
vices will lee hent l,e7lt bi utkay, July
20th conducted ley the Rev. el in. levee
win. Services W111 be bent let (levees
L 'esbyteriau Church 'at 11 a. m: antt
iu the evening at 7 o'clock In LUe
Mau st. lelethodrsr,thurch,
U4ttt't V'tnghaut, No. 6U$, 1 \.U.
has arranged with the et, T. L, tpe
1'uti an excuesiOtt Ll)''1-atzila, vitt ycie'
Pare, on Satarday. Aug. 1st, 19O3,ere ;
tarring iMlouday, Aug. Srd, • Mr. le.`J
eviacillabh, is chairman of the cornier,
ittee, and his success in the manage
nieny of former excursions of this kinil-
is a guarantee that a pleasant outing;
will be afforded all twee who avow
tlielneeiv.es of the opportunity o
biking this popular trip. Mr. L. E
lacl)unald, iigblaud Piper, and Miss
Mabel AleDonald, leighrand" Dancer,
will accompany the ' excursionists ort
.the trip and furnish music. In con -4
vection with this'excutsion an oppor-,
tunity will be given those who desire
it to epend Sunday in Detroit, going,
either by boat or electrical railway
from Sarnia. Train leaves Winghaa
at,U.45 a, tu., Saturday,:Aug. ,,,1 t
Fate from eVingbaui to Setr�'pl `and
return $2.05. Uhildren undea 12 years
atf fare. Returuiug, train leaves
et5a as at 10 o'ciccK p- to •, on Monday,,,
Aug, fid. Excursionists go by_. i er
nierningl'i'a:e fc feeteree See bills
lorParticuiar's.,_., ..
E;4eter School Board
Meeting of tfa.e Board held in the
Town Ball Monday July 20th 1903,
Absent II. Huston and J: Evans.
The following is .the order of busi-
ness duly submitted and approved.
Per, S. Martin and W. J. Carling
that the action of the Teachers' Sup-.
ply Committee and the engagement
ot Mr. Fleming, of Goderich ' at a
salary of seven hundred and fifty dol-
lars for the first year be confirmed.
Per. G, Eacrett and S. Martin that
the following accounts be approved.;
S. Baskerville, labor; $3.75 ; F. J.
Knight, brooms, $2 09 ; Mr. Jobnston,
Examiner, 27,90 ; T. Hawkins, Hard-
ware $2.00.
Per, W. J. Carling and S. Martin
that the -resignation of I1iss Gill. be
regretfully accepted by the Board and
that a suitable testimonial be tender-
ed, prepared and signed by the Chair-
man and Secretary on hs behalf. .
Per. W. J. Carling and 'S. Martin
that the vacancy caused by., the retire-
ment of Miss Gill be filled at a special
mteting of the Board tube held at the
call of the chair.
Per S. Martin and W. J. Carling
that the Chair and Secretary be a
committee to supply the blackboard
and cupboard required for Miss Dot-
rington's room.
Per. S. Martin and George Eacrett
that the sum of $2000 be asked frcm
the Council for school purposes for
the ensuing year. '
Per. W. J. Darling and S. Martin
that the well be examined and clean-
ed under the , supervision of the
Ground:;, and Sanitary Coanuittee.
Pee W. J, Carling adjournment,
J. GRIGG, Sec'y,
The era of railiwuy oomlpeltitioua is
dawning for Vancouver. The Hill lin-
es ea're almost ready Ito enter: the city
Tarr Great Northern Pacific are using
the tha,r(t(elr iof tb{'CtvtrinrceauVGr, Wiese
nl'inptorrtl & Yukon Rail,vey. .That
corrporai;'ioen • line :got .far . esioutigh
ahead with its work to make propose.
bides( eel the Vrancouverr 1Ci;ty Council
as to the eirobtsiiro,g;;af False Cre(;'k'and
the running of tracks through the
city. It is proposed to skirt the south-
ern Shore of 111altse.iCreek and tot build
bridge -across the creek xa 'short die, -
tame west of trhe ,present bridge ,(alt
N'etwt'W'estenti:n'tfe er !avenue.. ^Tlhie nelw
line, Which lyres iilege;ived ;neittthetr( llto:v,-
ernment nor municipal aid,; 'apparent
ly is to be solidly built, the miaximusn
grade :betwaaeln Teencputjer: and !Weep.
m',(enitx r 'being one per fr to nr.•.- le ore t
a mile and a quarter slang and fifty
feet 'deed) .at cine place will be needed
near False Croak.
The •dime oiwria'geimeernt, the despair of
11l-iheialth, out into the noon -tide glory
of ,health, vilgor amid! Istrtc'(ngtli. Atte
;.you seeking eels way? Are you wishe
ling to inepiape weak;neiseetby streng:eel
despondency by ,hope and expecta•tiion,
pale cheeks sine lusterless eyes by. the
rose itxloam . land sparkling ' eyes. If
eau but,: use tlrerrozone• you will' snake
reels, red blood, your inerves will grow
siL'ridrres Old teens. vigor will reliuru •
and witehaitisnduxyasilcer drat will enable
yiou to Tuve an esteem e'ne!rlgeitic land{
ueseful rite. Pe member the names.
Fer'rozo'na. Sold by all druggists:
SOME 'HAND' li(T8.
Editor Exeter Times.
Deer Sir.-.Zlhia Editor of 'the ]1esal
wall Observer has gone, out of his way
tot make a ,m:altiferirous prlriscnal etitac]tl
on'mysicle as weal as to cast aspersions
on the Integrity and aibility of then
O,I1aln;g.elm0n of 1Ietnsa.it and nerixgfl 1 oft
hao'od,'aind; 11bcreforee ould ask you
bo 'do in'e the -honor and juseice • to its-
s'erirt the fiolllevelinrg, behoving thait it
will !reach the great majority of those
iintctr+elit(d in Your section:' --1 ,:', :
T 13S REPLY 10 lI C 11 9 IaR,Yx;It>s,
Edlitioir b:b(selxv!er ,+ r f 1 1 s
Sir . Tei ,ore issue of July 16thiethiei
mime, by N•'celande, editor and pro
following a;ppeared,'writtefn, 1 pre,
; irietor; t
"The local :comnvittes eepre e,n.ting
the eitizexi;s and the, business men, of
Ilex -wall, metro subs'c'ribed money to the
Orange eetlsebt'ntion held hereon the
131.111 are ivory much annoyed. that a
large :portion of that money should
,hare been spent 'out of town for print
ing that sbould have been clone hare.
Whet !ni'ght would wee:h,av'ee teatime.
lag trim Goderioh in'oase a demon -
et -ration was held there's levet years
ago Avlben J.letnsa1l held an Orange
monet'na,tion, the very mean to whom
lase printing was given 'was off with
his lodge to Port'•lluran yet th!a;t 'de-
mnnstr'ation was as great if not great-
er than -that held on Monday, Thin
yeair the worked for 1lensall and Todd.
So tax as save s'wcceiss of the undertak-
inb was comer ned it could have been
managed by the citizens had they been
given aifiai.r c{hia,noe,, out the(; ware
hamdLeapped in their efforts by those,.
who having nothixig a,t stake -them-
selves undertook a 'work which . they
lacked taus ability to merry out."
From euro aa,bove many conclusions
might be drawin, among chem that
"acne T. Nelalainle, peoprie;tor op the
`Hentsall Observer, feels aggrieved. and
'therefore like the ' famous • Tooley
freest tuatara, must ba in ihimselif "the
citizens ,and. business men of Densall"
'It isnot ;vithin',the'slIj helrt, of enlypit ;i-
kein to :ddiet:ate what shall or siren
not be drone in i ,connection with, such
:gatherings. The Orange' botd;y,lth'rough
',their officers and committees, have
'iiibeolute control, but at thee' sewmee time
see eo-iopelnation and advice! of overly;
itizeu is aeceissed and considered.
here must be rules and modes of pro-
eadure tin eevrery well xgo'verned body,
nd were tllvis not the tease. the 13th of
ply -at Hassall would Imre proved a,
i.Isel+ab1d failure, and yon Sir, .would
reeve ooindlribute,d a lion's.S'hare, to that
fa,ilurre. •
Peaaoinally I brave nothing to plank
the -people of Henson far, because I
leave gone out of ' xuy Nvny, lost time,
nd money, and IsaIeicificed my petrteonal
interests to assist in my own humble
`way bo make the 'day a ,succees,•but if
there were a :few mere Neelands in
that otherwise .progressive village,
there wioule be neeethor Orajnge or'any
other kind of gathering in Herten.
You, Sier ;are one of thee men who'
wetre privileged to be present at the
semi-tat:tuucel ,croiun1y Otr;an ie"mt('ting
in June, as wrel.l;asl selvelnal,ott,ar meet -
Inas, -and I was persuaded that
manly ubteleatnIie;s (?) andieutbunsts p{:•
lnryallty (?) (weirs froim a man who ren
gpeicte'd (J n great O.rtange 'Brothelet-
hood, rand Prom a man who had the
beast interests of ,his ow'n town et
bears .
IL is with sexti teme.,rcgrett 1 row c,:ta-
in :a may uupa,rdlc'nt•ubie neistakee You
give the lie to all my fond hapcs in
penning and printing the. abo'v'e,. The
saclrificete 1 hoes mode' can be judged
best by those who know. A paltry
printing bill at honest pricers E aim not
ashamed oif, but you, Sir,1sbould hang
your false in shame ewli in you look up
your ledger account and realize t he
robbery prticee you Melee' ' fron the
harvest ;aitizens and. Oa tinge men lot
Hensel], who were honest enough to
trust you. • I did not look for printing
tram Hansa -11: It came this 'way bet--
oause you could not do it decently;
you did toot thieve (enough type o:r ink;
oil paper to do the work thiat ;you at-
ticem;ptetd to pr}rllc(rm, and yea 1shax gad
qubbrrtsesous ep•rretes, which no •buSitnr(,g
man, ,wlh,o'lenows what the test of
pnih.ti(ng calmed be, wouldisuiblmit,.to,
robabl tihis is the r coxa for o
ip y
q y
.t sei
-whisaing. While in Hensaild' assisted
you ;pe u}*cinial}(y,,to fay gain detsey;iment
For this I do(not;:ciaeraany Green let but
the next time,, if spared ,and theleeeh
edhtouJtd %eyelet g •atcp.IIceagall, it will esti
the Orange body only that will have
my labor -and then it -will be, as' in,
tee p!atst, free of -cost. -
:A. M. TODD.
iGtodetricthe July 17, 1.90,3,
•"I caught a severe coed which; made
Dr. ;Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wshicb.
my cheat felit ,raaw and: tight. 1 used
Lrociee,ned the phlegm, berated thelluings
and made me 1perfectly well" --Neil
McKee', Ripley, Ont.
he "seeing i rRelmemrbranee of Ellta
Ella is mat dead, but sleeping,
In -Ohirilst, that bleissed sleep ;
Until the yams afs-:the creap'ing,:
When He'll come for 'His sheep.
Ella is not dead hut sleeping,
Ohl Bleeped tit ought is this 1-e
To wise :from no -more sod 'weeping.
To eternal, Holy bliss.
Ella is :not dead, but sleeping, •
Her sp'uriL !havers near;
We *min ,abmsot hear hex speaking.
"My loved an eaf 1 ',am' there.
Ella is not dead„'.but sleeping.
The 'angels sing it loud 1
But 'our eyes sere dim with weeping
To .see their misty cloud.
Ella is moot dead, batsleeping,
She slogs in t'.mriadesel 1 ,
M.sih'o sang, in many a meeting.
In the church of her choice.
Ella is xm t dead, but sleeping,
,Again the gales will swing!
This time Leri Lbe glorious meeting I
When, we together Atoll sing.
illirpo4h liilggilns.
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength use
Scott's Emulsion
su mer as in winter.
nl Send !vireo sample.
Toronto, Ontario.
see. and $r.00; all druggist..
.'3.a BEST BY TEST. -We We areosit%vel file bet people in the trade for the. BEST GOODS atthe BESTYPRICE for YOU
let ere
i ,'/>
�b its
Iry Ir
1L 1'
very Wednesday Bargain
Every V% ednesday will be our BARGAIN DAY until further notice is given. On every Wednesday ta•e wiil
give you goods at prices that will not be touched by our competitors. If you come on a Wednesday, you will get
values on a lot of A ONE materials that will not be given on any other day of the week. Remember' goods cut for)..„
Bargain Day are not for every day,
56 Pieces New Fadi Dress Goods. 87 Pieces English & Cauck Flannelettes
Grocery Snaps
8 lbs Pearl Tapioca for 25c.
50c. Kangra• Valley black Ceylon Tea, best
50e. tea grown for 40o.
3G filbs, hest re C tlee o
r 25c.
Sardines for 25c
IQs, Redpath's Icing Sugar for 8e. a 1b
10e bottle Tomato Catsup, Montreal Pick-
ling Co's gentle, for 5c.
3 lbs Washing Soda for 5c.
3 cakes Toilet Soap for 5c.
0 bars Sweet Horne or Electric Soap 25c.
G large bars Castile or Oatmeal Soap for 25c.
Mortor's English Herrings regular 12e for
10c, canr ,
lMI+tsnret.s fuEssences, all flavorings, regular
10 Sc. a bottle.
Ice Castle, Jams and Jellies, plum peach,
goostiherry, rt'tl aup black currant, reg-
ular' 12ec. for 10e. at gem.
1000 Parlor Matches regular 7c for 5e. a box,
10 lbs best pan dried oatinevl 25c.
Canned Meats
Corned Beef, Finnan Hada le, Spring Chick-
en, Herrings in Tomato Sauce, Turkey,
Duck. Sliced Smoked Beef,Cottage Hain
and Veal Loaf, Pork and Beans,Salmon,
You. Can't be Without
a Parasol '
$1.25 Black Silk Sheen Parasols, steel rod
and frame, newest handles for $1.00
2.00 Black Silk Parasols, wearable top,
attractive handles, steel rod and frame,
for 1.45
2.25 Black Silk Parasols, fancy handles, silk
and wool top for $1.75
1,25 Umbrellas, Specially strong frame with
runner for 95c.
Men's Rain Coats
At cost price and below
3.00 Ram Coats, thoroughly vulcanised,
heavy goods 3.00
7.00 Premier Rain Cott, guarenteed water-
proof, cuff on sleeve, rubber interlined
sewn seams for $5.00
10 00 Premier Rain Coats. very neat pattern
positively waterproof,sewn seams guar-
entee right on the coat for $8.00
Ladies' White Wear
Clearing Up
tsdie•+ White Corset Covers, 25c. were 35e.
40c. wereOc,; 50c. were 60e.; 65c. were
75e ; 75c were 850.
White Drawers; 25c. were 35i.; 35c were 45e;
40e. were 50c.; 65c. were 75c.
L-tdies' MI hits Right Corvus, 50e. were 65e.;
Me were 85c ; 75c, were 90c.; $1.00 were
1.13 : 1.25 were 1.50.
Ladies White Under Skirts, 75e. were 90e.
Seea'w ore $100 ; 1.00 were 1.25; 1.25 were
1.50; 1.50 were 2,00 ; 2,00 were 2.50.
Prints, Prints, Prints:
12ec. English Prints, heavy make, 33 inches
wide, fast colors, 42 pieces left at 10e.
yard. .
10c. Cannuck Prints, dark and light colors,
29, 80, 3i inches wide, fast colors 12
yards for $1.00
Shoes and Boots
See our Ladies' Patent Leather Low Shoes
at $1.65
Laeies' Low Shoes at 50c., 85c,, $1.00, 1,35,
1.50, 1.75
Dry Goods Bargain
$1.50 White Umbrella Shawls for $1.00. •
15c. Ladies black Cotton Hose for 10c.
20c Ladies' black Cotton Hose Hermsdorf
dye 2 pairs for 25c.
28c. 10 ounce Cottonades for 23c.
25c. 8 " It
" 20c.
23c. " `' " 18c.
, 5c. " " 12?jc.
15c, Standard Shirting best made, herring
bone twill for 12}
35c. and 50c. Men's braces for 15c. pair.
25c. (Ten's black worsted sox 20c.
50c. Men's black cashmere sox 35c.
25c. Men's grey all woollen sox 20c.
20c. Men's dark grey sox I5c.
65c. Boys' Blouse shirts for 50c.
75c. Boys' Blouse shirts for 650.
Ladies'Black or White Blouse 15% to
off regular price.
Cash or Produce our Termr.
75c. Men's. White .undressed shirt,;, lini,en
front s and bands, ra•inforei d hates end
• fro=st for 50 cents.
75c.Bi,k ustle alone
finish, �6 inchesF
Tilde -afar 50c. yard.
Out Must go Our
Colored Muslins
8e. Colored ?liuslius, 25 inrb,•s wide, one
piper only, 5c. yiird.
10c. Pink and White Muslin, Dresden pat-
tern, one piece only, 8 c, a yard.
20c. end 15e. Onlored Muslin:;, beautiful in
designs, 26 to 32 inches wille,10e. a yard.
25c. and 30c. Uoloted and Bieck Sutnnes
navy blue, also white grounds••, 20
inches wide only 20c.:r. t r,i tl-
Mens' Lubtre Summer
Men's black, with white strips, Summer
Goats 90e,
Men's Black Lustre Coats for $1 50
iLen's Silk and Wool Lustre Coats, plain
backs, also black with silk stripe $1.95
and 2.00.
Boys' Sumn er
Pants and Blouses
Boys' Black Duck Pants with white stripe
Boys' Linnen striped pants, all sizes 35c,
Boys' Gallatea Blouses with 'vest front. sai-
lor collars Trimmed with White braid
Boys' Plain Linnen Blouses, trimmed with
Star braid and plain blue duck 50c,
Boys' Blue Gallatea pants and blouses, sai-
lor collars trimmed with Bedford cord,
braid and white cable cord, with whistle
for $1.20
Boys' Blue Serge Pants and Soilor Blouses
trimmed with feather braid and tape
Mens' Scotch Tweed
Summer Pants and Coates, grey with stripe
navy blue with stripe were $10.00 now
Store one door North of' Postofice
It ale
try; e•ee;L.'tase.VJ`%ete ♦ eeeee.atee.•.r'.•112-
hat is
1 R'.BEOWNINU M. D. el. C.
Le • 1. S, Graduate Victoria Jriversity
office anti residence. Dominion Labora-
tory, Exeter.
Castoria Is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
• Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Dowels of Wants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
Castoria, •
"castorta is an excellent medicine fn..
children. Mothers have repeatedly told tris
of its goad effect upon their children."
DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowe11, Mass.
"Castoria Is so well adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to me."
H. A. ARCRER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. I'
At E1Imeille, a Comfortable house
with 2k acres ofland,
having a good
garden with a choice variety of all
kinds of fruit trees end small fruits, a
never failing well of the best of water,
the weer on
1'articttlars apply to
the premises or by letter to Wet. Metes
ERs, Elimville le, O.
Wheat Kut bushel
Oats new
Tu keys ...
Geese...... ...,.
Chickens per lb
Melte 114.04
Dried Apples.. r '
Pork live weieCht
AN, L. D. 5.ND
D. S. D, D . S„ Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects, Office in Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
treet,' Exeter'
D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L D. m•
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate, of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry. (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
Inminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling . Bro's store
Exeter, Ont.
PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pacer/Ix FaRE
NsURANCE COMPANY, of London, England ;
We have unlimited private funds for invest
event upon farm or village property at lowes
rstes of interest.
Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter,
We have a large amount of private ands to
loan on farm and village properties at]owratos
of interest,
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries. Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for tits Molsone
Bank, Etc,
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
S. R. asatoxese. is. A. r. D. DIOKSON
EXETER -Wo offer for Salo on reasonable
... 72 to 72 known as "Tho Hooper lHon residential 1 situaated
...,29 to 29 on Lot No' 86, south of Huron Strout, Exeter.
to 37 There is erected upon the land, a comfortable
a 1
o76 'o brick ellen rase the
.. 0 t commodious us bxi w o
7and oom o
,., to 15 necessary outhouses. The house is in good re.
to i pair and has grooms. Tho lot contains an aore
9 to 2 of land and is excellently adapted for garden.
6 to • ing or fruit growing. There is s plentiful sup -
5 to ply of hard and soffit water. The property is up
.. 7 tO to date and the tortes easy, forpartieulars ap-
14 to ids ply -t0 JyltlfiSON & CAttxrxo barristers Exeter
• 8 to or to A. Hooton, Rew P. '0„ Penna, V.
f 5,2ai to $i a A., inept dor.
-- 0.
Do you Want a Buggy?
We have the finest stock in town•
ail the latest styles, in the arewes
Our prices are low as can be foun
for first-class material and workman
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
IMIMMIN.M4=1••• 41.1.=100,4•11i10
i "An Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
ot Cure,,"
Why not cure that cough of
yours now ? Do not let it
go on and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as-
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get sonde .tr1f
our remedies.
fag .tore