Exeter Times, 1903-7-23, Page 1AliNOINHOONSIMPROMMIMMAINSIEVEMLAISIMASOWNIM THIRTIETH '-EAR--NO 28 HURON & MIDDLESEX X G2 ZETTE EX.E.tER, ONT., CANADA, T13URSDAy MORNING, JULY 23RD 1903 CEMENT Hens all 4 G. J, Suthcrlant, Notary Public, Conveyee .:y. cera Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent,, an .l. Tssurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doouineute '.g. carefully drawn at reasonable rates. &Toney. �to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, . Of lee at the Post OiUce reensall i -A Ire mbee from hrerer piantoad at D y'sdale, on Friday last. ' ' -!lits. D. UYgulh.a,rt wan lin Clintp'n,i .l, on business, an Ilieneltuy, i .-aVfisa Sylvester, of De(tneei,t, /eels ,y icing Mrs, Shdrray and Mrs, Cook.' + Miss Madge, of the Thames Roadie + visiting heir aunt, Mrs 'James Moir. `' , WE Alm SOLE AGENTS ` ,p -Mr. J. Sutherland has had his•re- • salien;ce and post office nicely repaint •, + eid , Walls, Floors, Troughs, eco, built with these Cements 4, tiers, ' McIntyre ib,as returned from + last for ever. + visiting friends in the northern part of the county. Mr. H. N. McTaggart ieturned last weee,lr for Tio,ronto,evh'grer • he leas been vtisittiag his scan, ,y. --Mise Georgie Murray, of Clinton, We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for you. eats Ln ttbte village Buis; week' visiting Come in and get what you need and be ready when • harvesting time comes. 4. If you want the best results use 2; NatiOlidi dlICI star B11110 6cm6llt binder wine 44, Scythes and Snaths, Turnip goes. * We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. + Eavetroughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. i INS cl SON - 14 4. Ti•4. Ettli '!..£,.g,.g,.l,.g,!g,.g..yp°'pd.,i°.l i18'°l1..;'!$,.1.,€„'1q'.i..g,.g..1.'1+'l,.g;,.11,q',,,l,.g.+ $3 ;l.,T„'l,.l' The We Can Convince Latest Yon Thing • Cloth that nen a,} nnl� , 41 ",,,,,, and Summer goo'ds i i is always to be found at this .tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor and are looking for one, try .usz One trial.. convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for the same coney than we will give you. W Taman. 1Miorchcant Tali)saa-, unequalled. See for yourself. FOW.LER' ROS® THE MOTHERS, 'BENSALL. Portland Cement WE HAVE just received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port - and cement • can be had at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. S ' WOM., WANTED 5000 lbs. of wool wanted for which theh ig hest 'Market p paid will be in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- houses. We have just put in stock several new Pianos in the latest designs and ..of the Best Makes at Popular Prices. 'We will esteem it a pleasure to shaft JOS. B ril i ti e them to you. Organs always in stock: A good second hand Bell. Organ » 'in .good order, for sale cheap. Anderson -Mr. and Mr, Demey Adel,aide are visiting with Mrs. P.+A. Sperling.. Mr. and Mrs Jiothn'Anderson took in the excureian i,o lDetroit 1•ast•week. ,Mels,. Betook and! Mr4.:Fiestci1u of Stara,tbiroy, are guests of iMiss Edith Spading• -Oi?irts•.• Ha;miillt an, and Meese. °lavelr, of Grand Bend, visited relatives in tibia 'vi'cinity, Friday. -, 'Mire. Logan and Mrs. Deavnibtlrand ;rhibdren, of Naipinka, Manitoba, ars visiting with Mrs. Chas. •Medic, i -•.•Mise L. A. Handing and Nellie &podiaD are attending ghat wive rah League :oanvenition in Detroit. -'Mir. cunei Was Coiinis(h',• •of Siteat•. ford, •aired Miss McIntosh,; of Motheir-'- well were tgure'sts of Miss Bmma Ti.obl- irnisan, on Sunday. . eai ycle Season ids with us and those Cushion Frames are just what you want, We have them. at moderate prices. Sewing Machines :In all the leading Makes always • in stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs for -.same. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any information about our ,;gods you may •desire.• . S. Martin. Chilaren ury for CASTOR IA. PA>:NUL PERIODS.' terrible plains �o suffer 'Women vvh every anraaittly Fan find ready relief by uisiln(g M,itburn's ;Sberling Herad(ac!he Po vedeirls., They tee st'ai'n no morphine, otic .opium, end Leave no (had after elf-- fe{cJt. Prrice i 110e Wald 25e Don't ac- clejpt cemainiicen headache pow'llleirsefarea, wilt surely' :diseapto!isnt. —THE - ;Merchants Bank of HELD OFFICE, 'MONTRE, . i. -CAPITAL (all paid up) ..... REST.... ............. THOS.:Fe/SRA General Manager Mgrs. D, • Urquhart. -Muss Smithy of Exeter, was in the collage last week, visiting lher sister, Miss C. V. Smith. :-(The frieinld{s of • Mrs. Potsr Mete villa will be pie•ased to learn ; •thiat ehie cis comivullesceta't. i -Rev.. Mr. 3. S. Ue;ndelrstOm h;te •nee turned from visiting friends in Guelph and vicinity. --Miele Ruth. B'tooper, of• .Exeter,. iskee et Tuesday in Fi'a'nsttll, visihFng. herr father, Mr. H. 'Hooper. -Mrs. Seeds, of London, eeas Wen spending a !week 'visiting her. parents Mir. and Mrs. Rildherd Welsh. -Mrs. Nuahol, and daughters, of Biruiseels, are ;visiting relatives and frielndls ]n Eiensati and vioinity.,,•' -Mies Billings, of Whitby, is tiie guest of her brothers,' Mr. Billings, manager of the. M:olson's Bank. Mr. D. Higgins, barrister, of Toren.. to, was in the village last we(ekvisit- ing this sister, Mrs. 'W. 0, Davis. -Mr. 3uhin Biatohford is recovering nicely from the injuries whichhe xe t ceived by falling out of a fruit tree. Ge.o Brown returned from Clinton, Mich., whereas/he had been vis- iting her brother, Dr. Geo: Blatchford -Mese Worthington, of Clinton, is vitiating the Mimes MvEvve;n,'dau„ tine ter of Mr. Jchin McEwen, towsnhip of Hay. -Miss Bell. Sparks returned, to Lon- don, last ivreek. Miss ,Smith, who' was heire on a 'visit has also returned to the 'Forest. •City. -Mr. Donald Mehrevin who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. •D. Ross, foe a few days, left forr Blyth, where. he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Will Habkirk. -''TAut families of Mr. Wm. Se.oncH- man, 3. C. Stoneman and sister, Mrs. Ttr,oimebn, tolgeither with a lrew n i- mate friernds .pienieed at Grand Bend, last wreck. -Mr. Seeds, commercial traveller, Loind,on, was in the village last week visiting his fathetr-in-law, Mr. Richane Welslh, and his wife, who• is here visit - in, her ipalt(ents• •-Mr. George Trott, our genial: photographer i tends moving his dilo t ' the, Bend, u Fri- day, o labia s Lu a air` day, where het expe'ats remaining for bol a weeks. ut G > s0.� -Mr. Campbell, of New York, one 'time of tli,e firm of Sehmous & Camp- bell, publishers of the Observer, was in tire village for a couple of days last week, visiting ibis many friends,. who aieir•e •pleased to see .them, after an ab- sence of • a tnumber of years, Mr. Campbell was surprised at thei manly changes in our village, and still re- tains warm feelings for Heuasall. -fear. T. 3. ,13erry left her e lest week for the Olid' Country, and in: tends bringing home some sot the eat entire, entire, bosses that can be purchas- ed. Mr. Berry Las made 'more than a Saone of trips across the ocean, and Silas in the paint bought horses that' elbows he is an exc Heart judge. Of horse flash. a1Tr. WM. Buei alnvr.rr alio accompanied Mr. Berry to :the old etorunttry, where he intends Visiline relatives and friends in ,'Sno,tlana.. -One bantd had ,a number of en- gagements, the last of wtic1h.vvus at a lawn social on ' the lawn of Mr.. Cihes,ney, notrth-east of gippen. The fotlawii,nrg is the piro!gramte for Sate wrdaty eventing nest :ea Quicks top, Harmon" ; waltz "Daisy ;• Schpi;!tische, "Stella" ; ev'entuee, "World's Fair' walltz, "Implasriolna•te D;r'eakn" ; polka, "Robin" cornet ,solo ; Baritone solar "Obligate Marengo„; grand marcib, God ^br GdSaivetll of Lw o e , i. t , hi s "Kin , g Zing.” We have this week to ,chronicle the death of Miss Maggie Stc.vvart, third daughter of the late Donald -Stewart,' of the tojwinship of Tucker/smith. which event occuirr.eel at the home ,of beds eister, Mrs, aloha ShT:lp'herd, ,of this village, on Thursday evening oe last week. The• deceased wag i been in the iownehip of Fullerton, after- wards earning wit'''h her parents to the . - Toavnneihrip of TTurkerrsnaith living with aria a.heir parents during their ,;life time, C hienaind coming't;o llenaall about two of her years ago, after bibs, death mother. The denciased was a lady who ptdiseised many absrling qualities, and was highly respected, but never knew �1 whale was to enjoy good health, and 2.70 +000 illness set in friorm S2,700,000 lin' Ma;ral hart,an' illness i which she never re.ttovnred, lout g 'raa- wally grew worse, and during the last month or two of her illness suffered great pain which she bore, with much patience and nh:ristian fortitude. The funeral ear eco was held in the Meth- odist: telt/mole o'n Sabbath afternoon bast, of wlhieh church 'elle was a mem- ber, The eerviice wee co•ndaated• by ohne Rev. Mr. Shaw, saeoeissox to Bev, M. Malrott, and the church was crowd ed to t ite utmost eapaeity. The, re- mains vaere iriterrod in McTa.ggarts cemetery arnd'were followed by a large eoneourse of people testifying to the respect: in .Whtehthe deceased was E. F. HgI3DEN, Superintendent ofeerenches AJGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable able • current rates ' allowed on .Savings, s Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts, otters of Credit i�:riued available in China, Japan nd�' .mther.Afore-ign countries.' ORED1TON ONTARIO. Children Ory for W. V. CHISHOLm,, Manager] CASTOR ., JOHN WHITE 84 SQ 11ISSI D Away ➢! IT1 fi BEN DICTJOt 1 t441111.440.4•41.++++. 4,-.40+41-1.4,04044.14.11‘ • ON flI$• LID'S. THE LATE PO PE, LEO SIII.. Theme, July 20.Popo Leo XIII .died shortly after 4 o'clock ;this after - neon. His last moments were comparatively peaceful and painless and were preceded by a period of insensibility. Around the bedside at the final moment were the cardinals, the relatives and the members of the papal court. ' Before lapsing Into unconsciousness the dying Pontiff feeply moved his lips, This last articulate words being those used in bestowing a benediction. Gradually the shadow of death spread over the Pontiff, his extremities became'oold, his features• assumed thefixe.d rigidity of deat(li and Dr. Lepipo- ni noited'his last fluttering heart beats, which gradually became slower un- til they finally stopped. The news of the •Pope's death spree d rapidly throughout Rome. and _ caus- ed a mot profound sensation. . Th, whore city is in mourning. Babes Leo was iszkein w.it,h his final: illness on Saturday, July, 4, contract- ing a cold from drives in the Vatican 'gardlens.'. The ease, Was at,oncp,'d,i agn iotsed as senile, euimonary peptatization by Dr. Lajpponi, the pope'd'phy- sician, who called in. Dr. Mazzoni, the surgeon who operated on his Leo for the removal of a eyst, an I88'9. , Pleuratic symptoms developed in rhe progress of the disease and two operations were performed, which each time temporarily relieved the aged patient, but at id? time did the doctors give hope of his recovery, although his holiness made several remarkable rallies during his two week's illness Shipka • -air. Gower has :vexeremuch improv- ed• the ,a;ppeariance at his edevelling Oho summer. • eDmma I,tT,i is engaged j ,, , with Mrs. Brc.'.1ne1, c t.'Gt•,1n�i Bc_t.i,. for the summer. mer. s -Mr. Peter IicPlear hos impreve,I ohne a ppelair!ance of his place with , t t, wire fence along the road, -kris. Smith,• who has, been so•iieir- tously ill, we are glad to report its able to be arounxt "again. -Quite a plumber o:f our Merry young people bad a driving party. to St. Jo,sepih, on Sunday last ; also visit- ing Geared Bend, in the evening. • Sexsmith iDlas'b tri Axur Dick, oC He metal, called on friends Kee last wee dr; -Frlatnl;. Aldwonib and sister„Ruby spent the 12th and • 13,th with Iriends here end at Bewail. -The aliases .Gbass, •orf London, and Miss E. Mairks, of Bayfield, 'called on frrrehdis there east weeQ,:., --Mr. William Northcott returned from the North' West, on 3tond,ay Last He reports things prosperous in that -Mrs. jamas 11feD•oinald and her 'sis ter, Mrs. Peek, :rf Parkhill, are at present viisiting tlhe folrmer's sister, Mins, Jolhn Gould. -Tike raspberry social held on the lawn 'oif Mr. Prank and Case, on that rattan ing of the 15th rest. was a grand suc- cess tie weather was very' favorable, The music e furnished, by the Mensal' baud. , was, s,plsndid. The ewoereieds amounted tip about ed5.00,' Zurich -hVtr. Sana Holtzman, of C(hresley, isi visiting bus ,parents and renewing !re- gulate/Lances Mere tel: pr•Nrsent. , -(fthh net pmeteicklls eef 'tare anteing give4a by St. 33o(mifiecc; •catunich vieonl- gireg+atitotn amounted to oec(r '0-80. Misys • M. E. Marshall, T3. A., of tTo- rento, is ivii»seting lutea 'friend, Miss Marla Buchanan, for a ,flaw 'weeks, --The aieigular= meeting al the W. C. T. 'p•, wilt bo tbeld at the home Miss Lydia Koehler, on Mo,ndray. evening, July 204h. = -The 'annual, convention of” the Buren iClonrvtly. Wcim'an's ,.Cih r itetli;an 7:'etmrpelra,nloc Union ' will bei hold in. Zuriicll„ on August 251,14 aid:, 26th Catholic residents of section •No, of Stxdbulry, sen of 'Dr. Bucill;anan, ar-. rived hero Monday evening, tic spathe a short. ' Limo \viitll his parents auil frirern,de. _.-Mees. Conrad Passel and fancily, of 0hesley, 'stn roved in town +an Wedn[;,at- day eveining, and expects 'to i spend statute tilme Tri t(lutf" i;vicinity visiftinlg liriiemtds. -Otttlsolin z+osaid(entts of Seivtio,n No, • 11, Hay trait{t lriili, havie 'organized, and applied far a separates school in theta ftetion. A meeting thus been held and trustees settrcted. Crediton -Flax pulling has hem commenced in, this gentian. -The Svveitzcir picnic was held at the lake on Monday. -.Mr Fred Young was in i3te rite* last, an business. -4I • n Mrs. r and L a Keine, o{ Detroit, � t. it r IS:aura:1y, are here visiting reftta,t,ivels.. --err. Ripley, of Finlay, Ohio, is yisil ing at lir. William 'Lewis'. -.11ir. Tliom'pson, of Toronto), is vis- ilim,g e.t, the home of Dr. Heist. -ealrbcrrt Ilweck;Ir •cit Landon, sc;7r7.{irt Sunday with his brother, Charles.. -'.illr. \'V illiaiin Brown, le'ILolid(aying in the city of Hamilton, far a. week. -Dl,r. C,bish'olmi's two nephews, of London, are visiting at his home fora fntw weeks. ' -.-Rev. It. W. Enowlee returned hcuro on Saturday last, after it t.lxree weeks' vacatiorn. -Mr• Chas. L,iiber, of Mayville, who bas been 'visiting parents and friends in this vicinity on 'Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Der -Wand, of De- troit, .acre visitiinla Mrs:. (Sarah Bent -- rand, Mr. Bertrrand's mo•thier. -Me. Walter M.arlack, of Columbus Ohio, and Alex. ,of e Detroit, visited fr'ieindrs in the village /Thursday last. -A number from 'hiere• attended the siphe•caial Childlr'iein's Day services in the Ev,amgelleal church, at Zurich, on Sun- day, Mrs. Sol. Holtzman, who for the past week has been visiting relatives i n the village., left for •Tavistotek, Mon Item v chat Mir.) Adieu:Snlithit(a;s bought a true - bleu engine 1bxm Meeters.:Tno: Whitt & Sens, of London, and a blowier to be attached to his threshing machine. ' -Our village trustees have decided to ,have concrete sudenralks,:consstruct•• ed on both sides of Main street, and will /commence Work in e inion;tibi;or se,. -Mr. John Ilaueh, who went to ;Blenheim, a few' Weeks ago, to emend , the suminer was suddenly called home d•n ltfenday last owing to the illness of inc:a wife. ' --Otte Lootbtll'team event to Zuriolt on ''Tuesday 'evening last, to ,play a friendly game ,oif foo;t'ball, bud: on muck- ciouni or t,hc thunder storn) were un- a.bia to ay. 1VSr. anpld•Mrs. Ohas. Zwieker, were in leoinclon, Tuesday hest, attending Tine wedding celeetinnny of Mr, George 'A wicker to Mise Sample-, of London. Mr. Zwioisc{r cauducted a very; since-, oessful jevvele,ry business, here, for a number of year's and has many friends in this locality 'who wish him and his bride many years of happiness together. • Bayfield ,i\Tiss Lizzie 1!"etrgusain, of Toronto issihome an heir vacation. Mrs. Walwnun, at Detroit, is visit- ing friends in trown at present. -Rev. Mr. Ilyia'n, of Florence, was in town last weak, on business. tflr, J ihn'Ellt•att text act°, px �a attic, ata visiting friends in town. 4 4 O A 4 • a' s m 0 8 8 0 8 8 m 4. 0 ins, �% bb ' a r �,, ,'anss and Stu) s Ladies' Pearl Grey Canvass, reg, $1.50 for $1,10 Ladies' Patent Leather Bal: reg. $2.50 for $1.75 Ladies' Oxfords.. . , , . , .Ie?ular $1.50 for $1.10 Z. Men's Patent Leather, ...regular Vt.00 for $2 00 There is no place that you can get such value for your money in _Shoes as at our store. Call and see them. 4. 4 Re ir :41 @44,000-404: 4044, i•44.0®4"w®6,A@aele ***i@@ee@8®ee***0+9.****0*444 -Mr. Stewart and wife, of London, 1 tune guests of Dr. Stansbury, this week, r 'hIi�s Ellta, ,M c,Gee returned, Q iclme. from Lteeknlow, after a . two weeks' vitsit. , -Thee acne/Ogee oau Towettt's Petint are fulled for the summer, •anal mast: of Mr. Marines. X71 ir, Wiesen, of London1 is a guest} of Mr. Glass at, their cottage an e the Riv'e'r Side. Mies Nellie Maarten r•e(learned, 'to, To- -The summer guests registered at the Oommercual Hotel this iv eek are Dr. IViledealf, wife and, family cif D6 - trait ; Detiroit; Mrs. Lela -ranee amt. two of D•eit'roit ; Miss 'Nieddte Nablefief 'The summer guests registered -at tlh(e Wryer Houitet :i(re .-Mr, and Mrs. tsray and family, of Bruasels; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. Nefwtnro,n1 ;ctaiDlet-,,. trout; Mr. Herbert Ncw`miarc,,'of• Da. trait ; MiesMarie Newman,. of �Dre•-• trait ; al's. Rase l.Teyerf ield, of De- re/tato, an .11westaay ,afi,etr spending a 1 trait. month with friends here. Mr. Jotn McLeod and wire return n Ohio; Miss Hastings, of Toronto., -The fall vung registered at i ho ed ,home from at a w2e�s cr it i Gbmmarcial, an Sunday last :- Sam. with Lrlends at Tcitedo, Ohio. Kitt and lady, of .Clinton; Satre.Cala- Miss Susy-ani Kate Parke returned tie and lady, Clanton; Robert Powell, hamse•frrom: Detroit and Marlette, Mich See.foirbh; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Colbert, vvihere they were visiting friends. Seefoirt:h; Miss Elva Horton, Iowa; 1Mr. Geo. Trott, pilotage a phar, of Mir. Albert Tsard, Capper /Chaff ; Mr.FZeiusall, was in town last week, and Jc'hin Ryan, • Goide,rirrh ; S. B. Pottier, took several nice views, besides tt1m Goderiah ; II. F. Morris, Gaderich ; A. hateia. . Mr. McMorris, Go:le -iclhi .11' in McMcDonald,.,•-ReitI' McNeil was on the G,a,der%c1, . ,T. E. 4o•n+eg'rbund, blot Eg+- least Sabbath. Dir. Jamas .e, gaty melndv,illte; Lewis) HoI1a(nd, • Tgm,ondnl of the Bironson line taking Inc appoint „cane; George : Chat c, y, Sea:forte; me, art. Masers. D, .and n , =Mir. H•arivieyy: Sp,arling, of the A11 Dards Jo111 ston,;1"xoderi.cli. biose ,Nobel, is on the sick list this week, but we hope to see him around again soon. There is a great number o•t visitors;' In the village at present, but there i(t Ruts of aecomodatian anis season for it. large crowd, -iNiir, 11. F. Edwards and Mrs. A. Edwards, who have teen visitigg Orlando at Kincardine, returned la/ape Tuesaary Last. •j NEW. AND POPULAR ROlaTE. To Yellow -statue National Pari Via the UNI.N PACIFIC to Monirdai thence by splendid Concord Coaches to all :paints in the park." 3 Very low rates during July and Aug ust. Speieial sides trip fr oiniCagdeie, Uttadaa or Pocatello, Idaho, $49.50. This in- cludes sail and etas fare 'covering !3Lr, Jolhln WhidaLon is putting zn /ll meals anai lcdging ven beyond MonideAro holdee-s o addnin to fluecpo{:lu, suliu- -11 i': kris sold at and east of De,nvr finer, tiomaloin•g pleedhtyaof roomrartor. to ii undao i ani3, rOhcyenne• to California, Neradi, a great deal more apples. i , Or elea itemWashie n, ani 1V t .ctrrii •, 3Lr. �i illiam Jowett aul Twit o l"- , Lxitisb Culumi .. ae bra,tc+d the anni.v� any �ef their vee€�- i Full information elicw•rtully+ furnish_ dung on Monda y ice ening b rt wooden. s b y � -, y. c' d., a on application to d n1.. 1. •� e stn tknulnb r o Write e t�' , ,I Carter, wedding. g d gu s , , T. 1'. A. 14 Janes i3uildzng, Tar.outo„ weft present, and a pleasant i im Canada. F. B. Choate, G. A., 1;?G was spent, aWoodward Ave„ Detr..it, Mich. 11903 o Traiir-30P;r70 ALIO. 27th to SEPT. 1 Eth The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Natural resources of Canada will be exhibited on a scale never before attempted. DAILY PARADES OF LEVE STOOK P4, 1903 In addition, by order of HTS MAJESTY THE RING THE JUBILEE PRESENTS of his august mother. the late Queen Victoria, will be exhibited FRED, asweu as, by permission of the. Dowager Duchess of Duff etin and Ara, THE DUFFERIN PRESENTS And by permission of the Countess of Aberdeen treasures OF IRISH MANUFACTURE The special features, including an entirely new spectacular production entitled A CARNIVAL IN VENICEEE. under the personal direction of Rolossi Kiralty, will be on a scale never before attempted at an annual fair in any part of the world. Reduced rates by land and water from everywhere. Consult your station agent. • W. K. McNAUGHT, J. 0. CRR Yrae{dant. manager and sera ctry. f�a We handle, the celebrated Plymouth Gold Medal Sliver Sheaf Pi =3 Special 050 feet, 600 feet. , 500 feet. 'the Plymouth Twine goes the farthest gives 110 trouble and costs no more than the poorer and cheaper twines. Don't buy, but get our prices, t7 dr.ASS .Big import shipmentof Home and 'Barn ass just t low All sizes in, si,;tL`alS. hand, at e:�tlelnely prices. lioamarn4 .ard-. axe