HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-16, Page 6iJ B ITuEC icJuMS KIDNAPPER INSTANCES WHERE IT 3/1WAS DONE "FOR A LARK." But the Affair Has Not Always a Very Satisfactory Terra - The latest joke to be perpetrate on the "contracting parties" in wedding is nothing ltss than th kidnapping of the bridegroom, a bi Of humor which, to say the least, somewhat hard on the tilde. An instance of this nature wideoccurred a few days ago at Pompon Lakes had a happy termination, whieli is not aksvays the case with these practical jokes. The bridge - groom was a Mr. Allen Chambers, a, lawyer, while the bride was MissEleanor Morgan, a daughter of a proxninont member of the Newark, N. J., Town Council, rho ceremony had been timed to take place at five o'clock p. nt. in the Dutch Reformed Church at Pompon Lakes. A few minutes before the arrival of the minister the bridegroom who was waiting in the aisle, was informed in a stage whisper that his presence was required outside for a moment. Unsuspectingly he repaired to the gates of the church, where stood a big twenty -horse power Uarracq au- toreobile. As soon as be made his appearance he was seized by three pairs of strong hands and carried to t he vehicle, where he was securely tied in. Thenhis captors mounted the machine and the auto disap- peared carrying the captive bride- groom in it. Meanwhile the guests, numberingover a thousand, had arrived and, wore already . seated in the church; the bride appeared "leaning on the arm of her father"; the choir with the minister at their head marched slowly up the aisle, and still the bridegroom came not. The organ- ist, with a laudable endeavor to drown the anxiety which was begin- ning to steal over the congregation, played "HOWWELCO't1F WAS THECALL," at least six times on the "full or - gee," and just as the whole party were about to return to their homes, mare than ever convinced of the per- fidy of man, a whisper ran round that the bridegroom had been kid- napped. The knowledge that he was not a voluntary absentee saved the bride's reason, and search parties . were at once despatched to try and find the heartless captors. At six o'clock, just an hour alter the marriagen should have been performed, the big automobile lurched into sight, drew up at the church floor, and the bridegroom, wild with anxiety, and fraucacally trying to adjust his tie, descended. He hurried up the aisle, the organ thundered out for the sev- enth time "How Welcome \Pas the Cali," and the ceremony proceeded to its close. At the reception the bride begged her husband, who was still some- what ruffled, to forgive the kidnap- pers, remarking, with a sly glance at their rather sheepishexpressions, that she felt sero they hadhad her welfare at heart. They were forgiven on the spot, and the wedding which had begun so inaus- piciously, ended with a record am- ount of merriment. But the bride -1 groom is still waiting for some of i those particularly facetious friends of his to get married, when he promises to have full revenge for the annoyance they caused hint. ANOTeeieR CASE in which the bridegroom was kid- napped "for a lark" scarcely Nadi so happy a termination as the one recorded above. This instance oc- curred a. few months ago in a New, Jersey town, the contracting par- ties being well known throughout the State. The cercnnong had, un- fortunately, already been postponed once at the request of the bride- groom, and this fact, doubtless, had komething to do with the denoue- ment of the joke. The wedding had been fixed for four in the afternoon, end the bridegroom was preparing himself for the solemn occasion when half a dozen of.,his bachelor friends made -`their appearance and begged hint to spare a few moments in or- der that they might have the plea- sure of drinking his health. It was then barely three o'clock, and, the bridegroom foolishly con- senting, the whole party repaired to an adjoining hotel. • where they re- mained for a few minutes only. The friends then hailed a large closed landau, into which they all scram- bled, and the cabby was told to drive to some address which the bridegroom failed to hear. Ae soon as a start was grade the unfortunate man was securely roped and a gag put into his mouth. For half an hour the cab rolled on, ultimately drawing up at a deserted house, where the kidnappers descended, tak- ing the struggling bridegroom with them. They carried him to an un- furnishedroom, 'deerars from Nervous Troubles. Are Ina State of Continuous Torture ---Suggestions as to row the Trouble Can be Overcome. When your nerves .are shaky your self-control to ghattored—your will power is broken. Sudden sounds d startle you; your temper is irritable; a your hands tremble; there is week- s nese in your knees; your skin is pale t and parched; you aro restless at as night and tired when you wake, It all comes from nervous exhaustion, h perhaps due to Overwork and worry, late hours, hot days, and want of blood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only euro. They make new, rieh blood. They brace up jangled nerves and strengthen tired backs. They give health and energy to dull, weary, despondent men and women. Strong proof is offered in the case of Mrs. W n. Weatcott, of Seaforth, Out., who says:—"For a long time my health was in a bad state. '1 was subject to headaches, dizziness and nervous exhaustion. My appe- tite was poor, and I was so badly run down I could not stand the least exertion. I tried several medicines and consulted different doctors, but they did not help me any. One of say neighbors strongly urged me to tty Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and be- fore the second box was finished the turning point for the better had been reached, and by the gime I had used a half dozen bogies, to the surprise of my friends and neighbors I was again enjoying good health, and have sineo been strong and well. I do not know anything to equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when the sys- tem is run down." 'What the pills have done for oth- ers they will do for you, if you will give thorn a fair trial. Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent post paid at sfi) cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Willi• turas Medicine Go., Brockville. Ont. THE LION AND Ti-' el BIKER. Adventure in Which the King of Beasts Gets a Scare. On a mellow moonlight evening a cyclist was riding along a lonely road in the northern part of Mash- onaland, As he rode, enjoying the somber beauty of the African even- ing, ho suddenly became conscious of a soft, stealthy, heavy tread on the road behind him. It seemed like the jog trot of some heavy, aushio footed animal following him. Turn- ing round, be was scared very badly to find himself looking into the glaring eyes of a large lion. The puzzled animal acted very streungely, now raising his head, mow lowering it, and all the time sniffiing the air in a most perplexed manner. Here was a surprise for the lions. Ile could not make cut what kind of animal it was that could roll, walk and sit still all at the same time; an aminal with a red eye cm each side, and a brighter one in front. Ir'e hesitated to pounce upon such an outlandish being, a being whose Iblood smelled so oily. No cyclist since the Romans in- vented wheels. ever "scorched" with more honest and single mindedness o purpose. But although he pedal - VERY ECCENTRIC WILLS 4.141) SWIM. or THEIR. ' Mt Q?ITEER, CONDxTIONS, Haw 4 London Merchant • Dealt With an. Objectionable Paxnily. There is a whimsical Spirit, it would seem, whose function is: to - rule the minds of old folks at the crucial .moment when they decide that it is time to make over to their heirs the goods and chattels which they will soon have to leave behind them, says the Edinburg Scotsmen. If there is in a man's nature a spark of grins humor, a touch of cynicisms, ora little vain glory above the average, we are likely to see it making itself known for the last time in kis last will 'turd testament. Gory often old people sailor much mental disquietude over the selection of recipients for their wealth, whe- ther they count it in thousands or tens, or even in a few sticks of fur- niture; and lawyers tell us of old women who spend quite a large sum in adding codicils and making fresh wills for the leaving of a few pounds. In many instances, the real inten- tion of a will does not appear on the surface. It might bo prejudicial to mention two or three cases that con.o to mind of largo bequests which havo been left to doubtless very deserving charities, solely with the unlovely desire to annoy the ex- pectant x pectant relations of the testator. It is almost ghastly to picture a man performing, in ,the awful presence of death, a last net of spite and mal- ice, the carrying out of which he will not be there to see. An old-fashioned expression, much in vogue among writers of romantic faction, namely, "to cut oft with a shilling," is better known in a figur- ative than in a literal sense. It meant originally something more than a sarcastic way of disposing nothing on one's eldest son or other interested person. IN ROMAN LAW, if a will was found to contain no reference to 'a man's natural heir, It was held to be the result of acci- •dent•, and the neglected ono was re- stored to his own. So Roman fa- thers, when they wished to disinher- it a son so as to leave no opening for doubt, expressly stated that the person in question should receive one shilling,neither re nor s more le do st— hence our expression. TO an ordinary mind, this would n- seen. a nasty enough way of dealing with an objectionable family. But Mr. Peter Thelussout, merchant, of London, was not so easily satisfied. Elle possessed a considerable fortune, which he was firmly determine should he put out of reach of any o his fancily living at the time of hi death. Accordingly he left direction to bus trustees that his money should be invested so as to go on accumiu lating until the last of his children and graudehildren had joined th majority. The remote posterity for whom this heaped-up wealth was destine did not, however, profit to the e. tent proposed. During the lifetin of the barred generation, the mon was so worn by the costs of litiga- tion that the magnificent fortune o £1,900,000 had shrunk to £G00, 000, something under the original suer. The rest had gone to fill the pockets of a deserving profession, and many a Iawycr had had reason to bless the name of Peter Thelus- son. The interest aroused by this will gave rise to what is known as the Thelusson Act, by which it was made unlawful to tie up m,oney so as to accun-ulate in Such a way. The body of Jeremy Bentham, beautifully preserved, with every ap- pearance of life, sitting erect • and clothed in his Sunday best, may bo seen at this day, in the Mkiseum of University' College, in accordance with a condition of his remarkable will, by -which the college greatly benefited. LInS. S I:C CENTRIC 11iINDS have managed to hit on prettier and just as o5icacious ways of "keeping their memory green." The award - . REMOVED THE GAG, and, telling him they would return in the course of twenty minutes, locked the door and vanished. At the end of the appointed time they returned and, cutting the ropes, set tho enraged bridegroom. at liberty. Ire reached his home two hours late for the ceremony, but nevertheless proceeded to the church, which, needless to say, ho found barred and locked. Dashing off to the house of his bride-to-be he sought admission, which was curtly refused, "by mas- ter's orders," Then be wrote a full explanation of how he had been kid- napped, which was attested by all who had taken, part in Itis capture, but to this comimiunieation no an- swer was received. Ho is still a. bachelor. NOT SO EFFEMINATE. Cluolly "Yeas, I'm going in for cwickot an,d golf and all that sawt of thing,.y' know; they're such • man- ly sports, y' know," Miss I'opprey -- "The ideal You're beeoming positively warmish, aren't yov2.' f ed and pedaled, although he per - spired and panted. bus effort to get away did not seem to place any I. more territory between him and the lion; for that animal, like M'atrk 1 '1 warn coyote, kept up his awt.oy- ingly calm jog trot, and never seen)-) ed t o tire. II The poor rider, was finally so ex- haiusted from terror amid exertion that he decided to have the matter over with right away. Suilldeatiy slowing down, he jumped frog. his. wheel. and facing abruptly about. thrust the brillituut headlight full into the face of the lion. This was too much for the beast. It was this fright that broke the lion's nerve. for at this fresh evidence of mystery on the part of the strange rider animal, who broke himself in- to halves and, then cast his big eye in any direetio;n he pleased, the mon- arch of the forest turned tail, and with e. wild rush retreated in a very hyena -like manner into the jungle, evidently thamkin-g his Mars for hie miraculous escape from that awful being. 7.'heretpon the bicyclist, with new strength returning. amici de- voutly blessing his acetylene lamp, pedaled his way to civilization. SICKLY BABIES„ Weak, sickly babies aro a great trial to mothers. They need con - {tent care both night and day and loon wear the mother out. Baby's tittle stomach is the cause of most of the trouble; it is very weak, and in consequence very easily upset. Baby's Own Tablets will cure all baby troubles. They are mildly laxative and give prompt relief. Con - (earning them Mrs. R. J. Balfour, Ontemee, Ont., .says: "1 have used I3aby's Own Tablets for stomach troubles and constipation from which my little girt, suffered and they „en- tirely en-tirely cured her. They produced sound, refreshing sleep, and I regal them as indispensible in any home where there aro little ones." Mothers from all parts of Canada write in favor of Baby's Own Tab - Tots, proving the claim that they aro the very bestmedicine for all the minor ills of infants and young chil- dren. Guaranteed to contain no opiate. Price 25 cents a box at all druggists or direct from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mesmerist's Wife — "Carlosl" Mesmerist -- "Well, 'dear?" Mesmer- ist's Wilfe--•"I wish ybu would come here and tell baby he is asleep." A Wellington, Now Zealanrd, butch- er once advertised: "i•Iaving it,o•w secured :the services of a University gran for our email goods depart- Menke epartmenti, we can supply real Cambridge and Oxford sausages at Ave pounds for ono shilling,'M d f s "Tow DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS e QUICKLY CURED HIS LAIVIE d What shrunk your 'woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon? You used common soap,. rumucES ISXPENSIZ Ask for M ©clagoat li3Hr, t—£ >�a py couple, unlimited pig being trite luighest possible bliss in rural Eng - Thethe day The i*,lsbanci now cast off his pea- sant s ea-sant's cloak, and declared himself to be no other than Sir Reginald Fitz., welter. In return for the kindly gift he presents to the convent "Broad lands both far and near, Which shall to thee and thine pro- duce One thousand marks a year. But this condition I anuox, Or else the trust's forsaken, That whensoc'er a pair shall come re - And, talcs the vow we've taken, They shall from tltco an,d thine re- ceive A goodly Flytcho of Bacon" By the will - of Dr. Pectous, Bishop of London at the end of the 18th century, a certain sum is divided annually eutong six p6or cottagers of his parish of Iliunton, who at- tend divine service most regularly. The good folks of Menton find that virtue is more than its own reward, the remuneration coming out at something over is. 9d. per Sunday. NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S PALACE. Letters from the .German exploring party in Mesopotamia. state that the work of excavating the site of an- cient Babylon is proceeding most satisfactorily. The great gate of Nebuelzaclnezzar's palace has been cleared of rubbish and its stately di- mensions revealed. Numerous in- scrilied bricks have also been found. In one place there were 225 with closely written • cuneiform inscrip- tions, believed to be fragments of some public library. They are from the very earliest period of Baby- lonian history. to Six hundred y.cases of glazed tiles have been made ready for shipment to Germany. They bear most elaborate designs, and aro from the gate of Nebuchadnez- zar's palace and from a sacred pro- cessional avenue. LUMBERMAN N TELLS HIS EXPERIENCE v_ William .N. Baskin, of Norwocd, e gives Good Advice and Others mono are Following it With Splendid Results. - Norwood, Ont., July 6 (Special). — Nilliarn N. Baskin, the well-known lumberman and railroad contractor of this place, tells of an experience with Dodd's Kidney Pills that is bound to be of interest to thepub- lic generally, l "Por two years," says Mr, Bas- kin, "I was laid up with Lame Back and Kidney Disease. I would at times become weak and have to leave of] work. People who know me as lumberman and contractor on the C. P. R. and Parry Sound Railways knew how sick I was. "Reading of wonderful cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills led mo to try them. I used three boxes and am completely cured. I can say now I have not had any pains since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills." Others who have followed Mr. Bas - kin's advice and tried Dodd's Kidney Pills report similar results. No form bf Kidney Disease can stand before them. • tag of Aisais s xlroney still takes place amnually at Guildford, being a prize of £12 derived from money in- vested by Mx. Johai Now in 1674; the money is awarded to a maidser- vant who shall have lived for two years utd.er the same mistress in the old borough of Guildford, and the quaint scenery serves as a remind- er that the `servant question' we hear so much of to -day is no new thing, as Mr. Iltow's stipulated term of service is by no means excessive, One 'William Glanville, of Wotton, left in his will £.2 each as an an- nual reward for live boys of the parish who should with their fingers on his tombstone, repeat the Creed, the Loral's Prayer, and the Com mandments, and afterwards read L Cor., xv., and write two verses of the same. This curious Custom has now been repeated for the 185th time. Sir Ralph Assiteton, in his will dated 1679, left a sum to produce four guineas yearly to pay two clergymen to preach two serrations, one at Downham, near Clithoroo, on the day of his death, the other at, Whalley on tho anniversary of his birth: The preacher was not to be the incumbent of either pari't1h —the knight evidently thought it possible to have enough of a good thing — an>;d the custom was to continue as long as his places, at Whalley and Do'wnham continued in the name and family of Asstheton. Talking of such customs brings us to the story of the Dunmow Flitch, which., though not exactly a bequest, is interesting enough to be recorded here, Iliarrison Ainsworth gives us T19E STORY IN A BALLAD, A wedded couple canto in humble raiment to the Con'voxit of Dunn -Sow, to register a solemn vow that dur- ing a year of married life not one angry word had passed between then.,. The good monk of the con- vent, highly pleased at the lowly pair, hailed the convent eook, who happened to pass by with a huge flitch of bacon on his back, and or- dered it to be presented to the hap - WEATHER SIGNS. An "old salt" gives the following signs for weather. Ire .claims they will comp true five times out of six. If the wind comes before the rain, soon you can mako sail again. If the rain conies before the wind, furl your topsails snugly in. Rainbow at night, sailors' de-' light. Rainbow in the morning, sailors take warning. If the ram comes with setting sun, soon the showers will be done. Rising sun followed by rain, you'll. not see the sun again. If the .sun's red in. the west, next day hotter than the last. A streak of red, then streak of gray, and you will get a gloomy • day. . I was Cured of Bronchitis and A,sthnua by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGST'ONE, Lot 5, P. E. X. I was Cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINT- MENT. Mahone Bro. JOHN MADER. X was Cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA WYNAOWP, Bridgewater. /es "There's a young wo'ntian who makes little things cornett." "I -row does alto do it?" '"reaches arithme- tic in a primary school." Kinard s liniment Cores Dandruff, Clara - "Are you engaged Douglas .prgood?" attiuri—"It looks so. I don't think he'll ever be able to marry me." EQUIXi1 AUTO;ill' O13ILIST,. Breaking away from a wagonal Rheims, Franco, a horse dashed Into a passing motor -ear, andleapt into the back seats. The ohauilour was struck by its forelegs and thrown into the road. Passers-by were treated to the novel spectacle of a horse driving alone in an autonto- bile, A bachelor ono day set the table in his lonely abode with plates for himself and an imaginary wife and live children, Ile then sat down to dine, and as he helped himself to food he put the same quantity on each of the other plates and sur- veyed the prospect, at the same time computing the cost. Ile is still a bachelor. flow's This! We offer One .hundred Dollc.rs Reward for any ease of Uatarrh that cannot bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. 1". J. UHENEY .C, Co., Toledo, U. We, the undersigned, have known 1e. J. Cheney for the last 115 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. N., DINT S. 1'11tJAX, 1Vholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDIN0, KIN NAN & MAIIV1N, 'Wholesale Druggists, 'Toledo, U. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous 'surfaces el the system. Testimonials sept free, Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Dills aro the best. Small Boy (to gardener) — "You haven't any scarecrows in your gar- den." Gardener — "No, my boy." Small Boy (iumocently) — '"Of course, you don't want thorn when you oro there yourself." CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, DENVER For the International Convention at Denver, July 9th to 13th, the official route selected by the Trans- portation Managers for Ontario and Quebec is via the Chicago and North-Western and Union Pacific Railways. Special train of tourist sleeping cars through to Denver, Tickets on sale July 6th, 7th and Bth. Return limit August 81st, 1903. Very low rates from all sta- tions in Canada. Write for official Christian Endeavor folder, ,rates and fall information to B. 11. Bennett, 2 Eiast Bing street, Toronto. While man has approached the North Pole within 238 miles, no one has yet stood within less than 772 miles of the South Pole. DENVER AND COLORADO. On June 30th to July 70th inclu- sive, the Wabash will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, Colo., at the lowest over made from Canada, all tickets good to return until August 31st, 1908. On July lst to loth inclusive, spe- cial low rate excursions to San Francisco, Los Ange,es or San Diego, Cal., good to return until August 31st. Tickets good to stop over for thirty days -vest of first Colorado point. This will be the grandest opportunity ever given passengers to visit Colorado and California. Diverse routes going and returning. All tickets should read via Detroit and over the great Wabash route. For full particulars address any Wabash Agent, or J. A. Richard- son, District Passenger Agent, Northeast corner filing and Yonge streets, Toronto. Germany dug 101 million tons of coal last year, raising her to third rank as a coal -producing country, For Nrcr Sixty Tears. As . OLP AND WELL'TttTBD REMEDY. — Airs 1Vinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty tears by millions of mothers for their children while eething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, alloys all pain, cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for Diarncmoa. Is plea ant to the taste, Sold Ly druggists in every parr. of the wor d. Twenty-cveecets a bottle. Its value is incslotnabhe, Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup. and take no other kind. 23-74 "So she rejected you, did she? Your proposal didn't please her?" "Well, I can hardly say it didn't plea -so her. I thought she'd never s1 p laughing," ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes all hard, soft or calloused lungs and blemishes from buses, b'ood spavin, curbs, splints,' ring l:ono, sweeney, stifles, rpralns. sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc, IhaotyorljeWarren; moswonderful one Cure ever • Familiar Boro — "Farley, but you are always busy when I come in." The Victim — "But still you come in.'= Mioard's liniment Believes Neuralgia Lecturer — "The acoustics of your hall are very bad, sir." Proprietor —"No, sir; • they're all right. It was the soap factory you smelt." BINDER TA LTC, • Some of the important features of the Massey -Barris Binder are: FOLDING DIVIIDERS, No bolts or nuts to unscrew. You merely re- lease a spring on the outside Di- videe acrd unhock tho inside ono to fold them. A youngster can do it easily and properly. The Dividers are very right in their working pos- itions, • and remain at whatever tingle they aro folded over the con- veyor on:rivets, i* LOi .TIN (:I ELEVATORS. —They literally float. The grain cannot (tick or choke in the 1uXuusscy-llarrie elevator, so) matter how much it is bunched. SIMPLE I(.,NOTTER. — Capable of ad juetanent to take up wear, I2fkh L. — Suited for handling crops under all conditions of wea- ther or land. It will pick up tang- led or laid grain and lay it neatly on 'the table. It also handles long or short grain with splendid see - :nes, ROLLER EFA RING S throughout to lighten the draft and nuhice the work .easy for the herr es, The beasts know whae they are hitched to a Massey,-ltarrisn--.it run so easi- There io unix one ate to peopIo or discriminating' taste and that io IIt has 11 ® unpieas . t flitilly.. r to pmiil on one. tJingi.p1y a rich esrJa cede' mien, a01 char *-ir1irad cicaacmcv. Blacn, Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for lied Leola FOwTY CE ITS—.Sf5oijLD ICE. >0'IFrr7 t-1 :,..i.tlT.VkI`,If.1.fFi' 4'kee:...S,l3k'.'Ffi;.,n^'r ,..svn`se,1$r;Y'1oPrmr'-!✓.A.-'.'iFY.i,.xxer.,; P inters' Thoughts 1 Think of every good point a perfect Paint Brush shouldhave and you'll have a mind picture of 9 FLEXIBLE iF Ria pJ FA BRIDLED 6r� The bridle can be easily removed and replaced --is not affected by water, oil or paint—works on a pivot and thus koeps the bristles elastic. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS sae.. et, Xrta"+v,v t' u0.,P.;".. ;±SS`i?%tuin• uui F"!'ftra.:ts',Ys's'"ra, Dattatisnamemisrm • Greet Cnpftai, $150 TORONTO OFFICE rare kwostent CoIlfgi LI1'll1ED.d ,000. Divided Into 30,000 shares of $5.00 each. : 71 Victoria Street J. J. BOREBANK, Secretary OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS President,—R. L. Joynt, Esq., M.P.P., Toronto. Vice-Presidents,—D. W. AtcKer- cher, Barrister, Winnipeg; R. A. Pyne, Esq., M.D., M.P.P., To- ronto. Direrttors.—John Small, Esq., Collector of Customs, Toronto; Young, Chas. 1 oun g, M.P.P., Winnipeg; E. Morgan, Esq., Junior County Judge, Toronto; R. W. Hill, Esq., Winnipeg; T. W. Andrews, Esq., Winnipeg; A. E. Howey, Esq., Winnipeg; .1. J. Borebank, Esq., Toronto; H. M. East, Esq., Barrister, Toronto; E. Campbell, Winnipeg. THE GREAT PRAIRIE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. havo purchased a huge block of land within the corporation lim- its of Winnipeg and embracing 4,500 building lots situate in the best residential section, where._ the impulse in values will be most keenly realized. This land is beautifully wooded and is con- ceded by all Winnipeg investors to be the best residential part of the city. A street car line is now being completed, which pass- es within a few rods of the north end of this property; and another line is projected torun on the east side of it. OUR BRANDS. King Edward 10003 as Headlight" R 5003 "Eagle lona .r2an,a f6 Victoria" "Little Cornet A VALUABLE INVESTMEMT It is not unreasonable to expect a realization upon this property within twelve months of from 200 to 500 per cent. 'It has doubled in value since an option was ob- tained about eight months ago, before being finally purchased by the Whatever the ro- fits are, officers of the Company and shareholders are on the same footing, and the Company's books aro always open to the in- spection of shareholders. All cheques payable on account of stock should be made payable to the order of The Trust and Guarantee Co., No. 14 ICing St., West, Toronto. Write for prospectus. STATEMENT OF ASSETS The Company has purchased 4,500 building lots, 25 x fent. Total Total frontage 112,50.0 feet. The Company's estimate on pre- sent values of the land lsfrom 52.00 to 510.00 per foot (accord- ing to location). This would yield at even an average of $3.00 perfoot 5337,500 00 Cost of land, advertising. ex- penves of management for the ensuing year, approximated ab 110,000 00 Profit balance to Company $227,500.00 i iltl®�4iT'L Experiment with ether anti inferior i3r Hill's, USE 4:4w trt.5.,:c, - W. • a,ra„•oe..,.aAr,,,>•,!.,-:...,r.,e.K le h+i, _.93M+•n.:kro, PLAN NOW FOR SUMMER TOURS No matter where you aro going, if in the United States, write to Fred. P. Fox, care Lackawanna Railroad, Bullalo, N. Y., for rates and routes. Very cheap excursions during the summer to Atlantic City, Boston and New York. Excursion rates now in effect to all'resorts. Plan now. Elderly Lardy — "Was that your sister I saw you with yesterday, Johnny?" Johnny, (aged six) -"Do I look like a fellow who'd waste bis time on sisters?" Minard's liniment for sale everywhere :Mks. Malaprop sometimes hits t:he nail on the heard. • It rained in tor- rents as ,she left 'the ••cleuvch on Sun- day morning without an umbrella. "II.ow irrigating this isl ;' she ejacu- lated. "Use Lver's Dry Soap (a powder) to was 1t woolens arld flanslels,-- yotu'll like it. Marie — "X didn't know you ever won a prize at tennis." Dick -"Of course I did. I'm going to marry it in August." Min4rd's liniment Cures Burns, etc, 1VPan tma, -- "I'm sttztnkiised at you, Jobixt,nyl" Johnny (tahoughMlully)— "1 wonder if you'll ever get used to me, n;au ental You're alwarya shatr- p1iised at ins." vssanawssessaamat 5s CLEANING LADIES' a r s WALICIND OR OUTING $UIT8 Can be done parfeotly by our Fraaoh Propose, Try A GRITISI �4AH 0e1^1t O 000, *1101.110 [I:toNTn$A7p hg08ozoo, oTTA'WA A QpEIIZO r ay's Favorite Summer Hotels THE BELVIDERE PARRY SOUND 44, THE SANS SOUCI'- MOON RIVER P.U. Write for rates, JAMES K. PAISLEY sr Grand Union Hetet, OT 1'A\'7A, CAA' Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Livor - pool. Portland to Livospool. Via Queens• town. Largo and Past Steamships. Superior accommodation for all classes of pa?sengers. Saloons and Staterooms er are amidships. Special attention has been given to the Scooibd Saloon and Third -Claus accommodation. For Jatenetpassage and all particulars, apply to uny pgent . Bethe Company, or - - !ilaherds,.Mills Jcdo, • • Ts. Torrance trCo.. • I?' ewe St0''Boston. Montrest acid Portland 8-$W • If scientific principals count for any'ything. .. the patent inflated air pad truss should be a success, It holds, the -parte to suob position that with fair play they must heat, It 3e light and comfortable to wear, and your confidence Is rettored the ntomeitt it is adjusted. VOW can procure it only from the 'Hein and Truss. Mfg ,,,HenaSpecialists, ealists, 433 Spadln■, , . ci 22-47 ORANGES LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and THE Sevilles. BEST Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your- Butter, ourButter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advane tago for you. "—^"" '' 6111a OAWBOfd COMMiSSION CO„ f lmitad,,, Oar. West Market f3't„ TOO 0nT0' h IM JI' VW,. 20-4)3