HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-16, Page 5f Patio in the Back. Are Symptoms of a weak, torpid or stagnant condition of the )(Wei ys or liver and are a warning it is extremely hazardous to neglect, se iiul>ortallt js healthy 1 ctlun of these organs I s They are -commonly ettended by lois Of energy, lack of vt.',',.h> , :end some - ones by gloomy foreboding anti epondency. t'I was taken ill with kidney to mtits., and. became se week ) eight sea re t•ly to around. Z'tbok medicine w1;11atlutatl.a. ootid tinnily decided to tey loge barn a,I!sia, After the first buttal. 1 tilt .0 much letter that I continued its .ase, met mix tee t t s aleacle me a women. 'alien my J ; k kir! lists tt baby, she ea.,ltlat not jrIp aa•aoytl:'e,e en her *stomach, and we kneea y:r tit,,,' - sersal>u rine. which cured her. luno. 'i'utau.aa I rhos, Walines:burt;, relit, Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures kidney and liver troubles, re- lieves the back mud builds' up the whole system. HORON, MIDDftSEX, PERTU A11 he news of Interest to Times Readers Happening hi these Counties, Huron Miss Scott, of Seiafarth, has secured position of 'choir Leader and soloist 'orf a large •eleureh in Branodn- ' The legal offices at Godeinioch, have steadied arising early for the summer months—at 3 o'clock in the afternoon except tan, Satnrdlays, whiten they close/ at 1 sp. m. Mr. R. A. Sw'itzeir, of'Staffra, ae- ce'ntlytold; to Mt. J'oben.'Matann, orf Seafoirth, a three-year-old gelding, for ;which he received the handsome ,price A269. Mr. Jiames MoCracke,n of G•oderich, ,white whaeellin,g down the hill to the Saltford bridge, lost a :pedal and fel- dist' off tsustarined an internapeular iratcture of the thigh. Mr Geoffrey G, Holt, reformer stud- ent io.f the, Goderich !Collegiate, sue. aeedect in obtaining first class honors in modern Languages at hjis'final eex- otmitniatioin at 'Tminatly Crnitv!ersity. Tf there ever was a slp;cicific for any one .complaint, then Canter's Little Li, ver pals are a specific for sick head- ache, and everyone should know this Only one pill a 'dose. Try them. Rev. Wilson Acheesein, of Seaforth, has accepted ,the call so lenamiously extended to ham by the. congregation in, Grey County, and will be inducted into the !charge early next month. 1Bitycbistis and a•tthletes .generally will Hagyiard's t Yellow Oil tthe most Attentive. remedy. ; fear limjaeringg ueg ]stiff joints and some muscles. They (beret tlhintg for scuts ora;woundis of any kind. rice 25c, en ;valuable Selateh. collie dung, cap, lnlnagiing to Mr. A. T °;Currie, of Se.-- forth, was poilsoned one night last ;week. The animal was a ,fa.milenfa v. write, and Mr. Currie feels the Ioss lees varve keenly. Palpitations of the Heart, nervous- ness,: tre mblings ,nervaaus 'head agate, cold hands and feet,, pain in the. bade and 'ether forms of weakness are re- l•ieved'by Carter's Iron Pills, made, specially for the blood, nerves .and eloaxypibexilan. Nixon Sturdy, clerk of Godericb towlnehip, in the morning of Tuesday hast, while unloading ; hay reteeived lite a severe gash in his side.. The :holding the hay far k broke and i.aailing fine of the, peron,am s made a very painful wound a couple of inches long. CHEST PELT RAW. "I .caught a severe cold which] made Dar. a Wood's Norway Pine Syi'wp, whei,ch any chest felt rawapali tight. 1 .used " tootseaned t4ie ;phlegm, heeled thellungs and made me perfectly well" -Neil McKay, Ripley, Ont. Middlesex Mr. MoWilli;am, wh,a has been teacbLrz eneparr•Glreenway, has been en' gaged as principal of the Ailsa Craig min Publilct School tar E'heep'eajr 1308-3904 at a salary of .$',450.00, A quiet weddiing took place on Thursday, evening, July 2nd, at the Siloam ,parsonage, when Mr. Francis Albert W'alte.rs, of London township, and Miss Anriie Quick. of London, were happily united in mearriaget the ceremony being 'performed by the Rev. 1I. J. Fair. A Liberal Offer.—The Times and Family Herald and Star„ Montreal, for the balance of 1903 for 65o. and to all who .subscribe before July 15 eve •will include the two pictures, "Purity and Alone". The two'piotures alone are worth the, Trice. This is a special offer to increase o subserip-. tion rapidly. • Dan Godfrey, • leader of the l3ritieh Giremadiek Guards band which 'tour- ed Canada enteral, years;agog died in London, England, on June 29th. •7 Liver Pills ?that's what you need; some] thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. Ayer's Pills' are Liver pills. Theysure 'con- stipatiorl and biliousness. Gentlylaxative. 2' All druggists. want e trio w„ n,tr tnotntacho or beard a bow Will •,.ifw•Sil° nits black ' Then use BUCKINGHAM'S 'S UJE Whitstrn 60_Crt, o/, b,u,•apmre, ox A,,1', tier] 6 00,, NMNuA, th.14.._ WORK WIIILI4 YOU SLIP. art you take a Liaxa;-Liver Pill to- night, before rehiring, it will work while you sleep without a gripe or pain, curing I3i11iousuess, Constipation ) xpe17il Siek Headache, anti tX Idako you •feel better in the morning. Perth The, Rev. J. A. Ferguson, Methodist minister at Fullerton, who has been ill. for some time, is dead. lie was 'buried at Landon, last TTb,•ursday moaning. II'erbert DI,cEwen, son of Mr. Me - Ewen, of ,A.montbank, while hunting for eggs under the barn 'had a thorn run under his kue'etpan inflicting a painful wound. AGr, Ro,bt, Furniss; of St. Marys, has the ands of three fingers of hisleft hand .cut o•ff while at work about a planer in the plan ing mill of Juhn- ett'cln, & Co., on Monday. The 'J.tfoiegin'a bsnk, of St: Meariys, blanc rented the back part of Mr, 'J. M. Adam's new building, for six months thus ,giving time to obtain a suitable, !peacmuneint location. ft there is a cavity groor aehin(k tooth. ttplug it with a !piens of Dr. Lawes .Toothache Gum. It will stop ache. 'promptly and act as a temper.: airy P•xiO'S 10e. Mr. "'William Weir, of St" Mord a, has decided to place the . dlwnkiong fountain, which is his idrif t to the town on ',V'el.li;n:geon street, near Queen, a shoart distance from the Bank of Mon tar al earner. Mr. Jos. T. Carlin of the Uerald stuff, has been •app-ointe,d correspond- ent for Sleet/ford and dietriert for thle L• a!bot (iiazet,te, ithe-Govetrnmeint official labor organ. Mr. Carlin suc- ceeds Mer. M. 1I. Weistbr'aok. A St. Kennard dog, suddenly gone mad, inflicted such injuries on his ow- ner, Mr. W:m,, Chillingworth ,of Strat ford that the services of a doctor was required to •atteind to bus 'wounds., The dog was at once killed. There. we're S4 boys .and 82 girls tried tic Ilig.h School Luer awe. ,ex4-- aminations at St. Marys, this year. Inc 'St. Marlys Cemenat ?Corapetny, are asking that 40 houses be erected foe their workmen. 'Arthur Reb!vels,' torkncrlea of cluell, ',, was arrested for stealing inolnieyt;6rom the Hood Millihl'g Com- pany Stratford, his employers. On 1lIeadlitcly1gilt'y and making •xenlitu- tiolne he wasdeC-aoo onsuspendeed sem- team. Dr. Low's Plealejant Worm Syrups is sums deatlto the « oimsev r e ti m ee but charmless to , the most delicate child. It contains its own cathartic, so' there is tno need of ,giving, captor oil ao'r other purgative afterwards. Price 25c. PAINFUL PERIODS.' Women who suffer terrtble pains every .month can find ready relief by using Milburn's Sterling Head(acbq Powders.. dens.. 'They- !contain no morphine, dr, opium, and Leave no;bud after .elf -- feet. Price „10c and 25e Don't ao- aSpt elemtnsoin (headbehe powdtetrsg:laelp will surely diass a ploln,t. US413ORNE COUNCIL. —h— TJs baric lfunicip+a1l Council a met at Totvinship hall, on July 41,111. A11 the 'members ware present. . The mie- utea of the Last meeting 'were -re, d afnth aappro•ved. The :council decided that it , was necessary to build the following small bridges, each to have cement concrete abutments. and steel and cement eon - crate floor No. 1—Oen. 6 and 7 near Elinlwille, 17 ft. man, 14 ft. roadway. No. 2.—Si.d,nroaci, con. 9. near ' Win- c'helsea, 14ft:, span, 1011. roadway. No. 3.—Con. 6 and 7, near Lumley. 10ft span, 1411. Oaoaaad!way. •No. 4.—Side road, Quinton's swamp, eon.5, 18 fl:. egpaln It ft. ,roadway. 1Ya.5.—Sidetroad, con. 14, 1011. span. 141.1: wades/ay. Abutments of No. 5 Lo &a've Oft. base; the others to have 311:. base. The contaract to build the above brid ges was let to the Patterson, Ellis & Wihetihmn Co.. St. Marys. Abutments. '$5,150 pee cub. yard ; floors, $550.00 nothings a t 10 per cant. above cost. Complaint Avers made to the :ouncil tint some 'bounidpergifelnces were built on filen inond all/mance, causing the road to . drift badly with snow. The clerk moors instructed to notify tsbn par ties t:to,remove said fences ,beforelact. 191,, 1903,. Stafne ' o'ther people might take •a Iha,rnt. .Aaepunetst tatmiousnrting, to 41322;,8c8 were passed and orders Issued in pacye ment. Council, tileen adjourned to meet Sept. 51M: at nen o'clocic. P. MORLEY, Clolnk IN MEMORY. In Loving Memory fo Jame Reginald Acheson. lite the misty mists of night, We, turn diose mortal eyof Ln search. of a sweet loving light, Now passed within the skies. Wes it not a little sunbeam, Tinted with IHea've tnly love'; 'Within oar hearts awhile to gleam, But snow, to shine above6 Was it .not a bud, a sweet flower, "Whose fmagtrnnae filled the. air; Tog sweet fore any ear. thly bower. ! To bloom in Heaven fair? ''ea, aund m,oane, our own precious boy I Tile sunshine Of our homer Na.rnmre to be our earthly joy; nut) twit],; anfg+ela to. roan], Farewell ! Farewell ! J'im, our dear one tThy' rest is ever sweet. Farewell! Farewell! Jim, our laved oma Until we all shall meet again. E. 1 a J ia, 1903. GENERAL NEWS rr~M.7+w++nr,l,r The sto) k of the /elite firm of Clark VVand.olaiaadetr 13r; Co'., London, which is 1iu,atnelial 'dilfficiuities, wens offered !at a c!t lo1aS)t week.t at the: auc u n o m o �l x J. Y. a r a. a s M loom, The ithags est bid for the stock of 85.1,000 was Iia 1 -ti coats on the dollar, rendes: this did enoit creme up :c diem rewrap trim did not done up to rime reserve the etotek was withdrawn. Negotiations are under way for a ;privates sale of this Large stock. •OrossLey and Bunter t'bsa evangelists On! 4Sundiay' rcOxzpie!ted the nineteenth year of their work together. In that period they halve held 210 series ; of perv'iades', in Canada and the - States, 'and hus States,'and it is said that about one hundred thousand arelepbe hive ipro4- 'fetsft:rd seonsveirelon under tahefm. Dur- ing the .para year they held meetings a•t Dungannon, Philadelphia, Jackson, Godeerich, St. Themes, Kings- ton, Bradford, Pa., London, Campbell - Lord and Waterford. The incident of the purchase of Amoricasn cattle to restock Boer farims ishsi'gnitiga,ntlas affording, an- other illustration of the settled trolley •efa the Imperial Govelrnment says the weekly Sun, Ii: regards Alms ricaan jgoeodl-twill ;as tel l im!poritala t. and it is willing to go almost any length to secure it. its policyis. � shown not only' in the purob•ase ' of cattle butain political matters, suoh as the Alaiskan b•oundaryeque5tion. So long as we .contiune to be. a part of the Emlpirs we must expect this, and we must be willieng to place not only our ohhtn interests, but; the, interests of the Empire as a whole in the fore- ground. If our loyalty will not stand the test whioh the purchase of a few thousand. cattle in a foireuign (foundry •";affords it will stand vary little . A Liberal Offer.—The Times and I'umily Herald and Star, Montreal, for the balance of 1903 for 65c. and to all who subscribe before July 15 we will inertias the two Dictums, "Purity and Alone" The two,picturea alone are worth the price. This is u special offer to increase our subscrip- tion rapidly. The organization of the tit rattord Radical Railway Company has beengo ing on quietly four ssotmr time, end at the recent session of the Legislature, ianco'rp•oraetion was grantps3: Thi or- ganizesi, are 'Harry M. Sloan, railway manager, Chiac'j'g•o; Jiohln Jamieson, r zbI!!,y liar, Chic,atyo Baobe!rlrt /Sexton, banker, Port Dover; James E. Fergu- son, cattle dealer, Ingersoll; Ge ergo Sutherland, journalist, Chicago. These geint•Leemein are the provisional direl;l-e tors of the corm nv and, their charter names Stretford as headquarters and plaice of dimeoct•ars' metilnies. The camgpany is capitalized at 5500,000, the par value of each share being one hundred dollars,. The eh;artcr appro- priates .�200,i/00 of the capital: stook to the StrattfordieMiltehel1 section of thle goad,; $ (50.000 to the Stratford- Erabra s'ec'tion. The latter: begtion ij:, is proposed to build to . Embro station and thus looinrtect with the C. P. R. When Ice Covered Europe. During the long tertiary epoch, when opossums disported themselves on the site of Paris and mastodons tramped along the valley of the Thames, the earth was in the throes of mountain making. The Alps, the Himalayas, the Alleghenies, the Andes, attest the power of her activity in those days. At their termination our continents stood neatly higher than they do now, and this aided their glaciation, although it does not fully account for it. But as they became loaded with ice Europe and Americas gradually. and we may venture to say contemporaneously, sank. This Was inevitable. Owing to the extreme heat dad pressure prevail- ing in its l.s mtenor the earth is an em- inently elastic hotly. Its surface ac• tunll;v lieges in or out with a very slight increase or decrease of the load upon it. Not In His Seat. A oertain cougressman was very Utley at his desk in the house one morning when a page announced,. "A gentlemalr in the lobby to see yon, sir." "Tell hire I'm not in my seat," said the congress- man after looking at the card. The boy, a sturdy looking ebap, did not Wove. "But you are in your seat, sir," he answered in matter of fact tones, "and I can't say you are not." The congressman looked at the lad angrily, but, seeing that he was in earnest, moved into the ♦avant chair of his neighbor. "Now tell him I'm not in my seat." "Yes, sir," said the boy briskly and went to deliver the message. The nay. A. boy Is an odd piece of furniture, but he is the ground and chief ingre- dient of the wan. Uelude not yourself with the belief that the boy Is not all he pretends to be. for he Is a great deiat more. He is an incomprehensible fel- low to any one but another boy, and because be will presently grow into the awkward between hay and grass period that separates boyhood from manhood, and to a lumbering idiot then, dOn't minify that he is an idiot now. He never is. But his chrysalis state fetters him and makes him seen, like one sometimes. The boy is all right. mraer911111=111141OXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMINIM111011.11INIMINI3 CONTINUE Those who are gaining flesh and strength by regular treat-. ment with Scott's -Emulsion should continue the treatment in hot weather; smaller close and a little cool milk with It will do away with any oblection which is attached to fatty pro-• dot c s during the heated season. Send for free sample. SCOTT St ihOWNn, Chemists, Toronto, and $r.00; all druggists.Onta (o. ,.II 1111411 1111111 Il deal 1 I Mlrl L I at I l llellllllnllll„Illi, ,unTn ,nnnIwnwaut®n�em�0 .•�mtimr. mmn,n ,n tlQup,a pu,iml)nu�noieu, , „a um,rnin�n simi,atilig the Food arid ula- titii theSttaloor s andBowels of THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATUR ..®.OF.... PromotesDigestio Cheerful- 'nessand Res Won neither Optum,Morphine nor Mineral. OT 3gARC OVaC. ?unpin Stoc:l - -,41x..,i'enrra 47##Asfls'Sat - -dire Seed s =rat - %%vrrr nTced - ,gperfectRemedy for cons tipa•. tion, Sour Stomach;Diarrhoea, Wornls,Convulsions,Feverish- mess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of 1TEW YORK. IS ON THE JRA, PER OF EVERY BOTTLEOF MAO? COPY -CT 'WRAPij u, u/1/ '3_atoria is pet t nr in 3 -slzo bottles only. It is net sold is bulk., Dealt allow anyone to sell en anything else on the plea or promise that it "jut as good” and "will answer every pur- ling." nes See that you got 0 -A -S -T -O -E -I -A. Tho tae• Sentare e'.crs: ec/% G 4� ever, Lea wrapper. '•-lneseneteeenaesenereggierideed I'rrR,•g,t<':de. Locals Mrs. David Tait of St. Paul Minn. with her;oo is visiting at the honkie of Mr Tait s st_, ter 1l rs, E. Christie. Miss e h I,s Addt Jerkeil of Ponok • a Alta and Mies; Ian I . 3 rhe 1et ].ell Negahnnee, Dlich. are visititag t heir mother 1111•s, Jeckell, La•dnri ]tont.] North. The result of the July Delete Wren tal examinations will not be published in the Toronto pi ern hut will he sent to the prier ipal of the high Schools in- terested. n- tetested. Mrs. R. S. G•rrrey left on Wednes- day for a months visit with friends at Acton. aeconepanied by sister Miss Fyfe who has heen a visitor here dur- ing the paist few peeks, Bec•nu:e he could riot at•yuiesce in the administration's projected govern - meet railroad from 141oncton, N. B.,to Quebec and Wiur.ipeg,'l a distance of 1,500 miles at an cord of $70,000,000 to he handed over free. when finished to the new company of English ca,pital- ists known as the Grand Trunk Pa- cific, Andrew G. Blair has placed in Lbe hands of the prune neinister his resignation final .:he cabinet in which he hes served as minister of railway:, and canals for seven years. He is alto disgruntled because, in the bill estahli-hing a railway com- mission for Osttada on the lines of the int ersiatte cons 'elision of the United States, *elope ters of the gov- ernment, 111 which he is a minister, insetted. ,, mend silent s that nullify sotne if the /tit» Worm moat import- ant from the-tatadpoint of t he rail- way mar,rgers in' 'consultation with whoa, Mr hllair framed the ineasure. Mt'. Blair's action may precipitate a cabinet crisis. GENERAL NEWS. A depu;tatton of Berlin Business men Bovie asked four theaabolittion of the teaching ort vertical writing in that town. , The Grand Trunk Railway a obtlJsd amo'tthie,r W e,ns(ttead .claitm by •, :paying 85,000 to Mrs. Lula May Broca; and her son, Walter Llaw!re•n'ce Brock, of Ohipalgo. .Mrs. B'rocjte hus'b'and was killed in t'hr Wanstead accident. The settlement as approved by the court lgivleee'$'3J700 to the widow 'and $1;800 to the son A Liberal Offer.—.The .Times and Family Herald and Star, Montreal, for the balance of 1903 for 65c. and to all 1 who subscribe before July 15 we - will include the ,two piotureas, "Purity and Alone". Tiro irtlfo "pictures alone are worth the price. This is a special offer to increase o ur subscrip- tion rapidly. t It seems that Rev. Barr was all along a Govesrnmient agent, and nicety - 15,000 for his paint in organizing the British North-west. Colony. Now that he is found to have muddled the b 'eines, and is repudiated by the colony, the Goveirnment thought Mr. Sifton seelms to make it appear that Barr acted imdeipendently., Mr. Ross 'has vouchsafed bis ap- proval to the new trans -continental rallwuay policy before he knows what It is. It is mighty little the Govern - Mead at Ottawa does tha5t deers not meet with the aipproval of Mr. Ross, says the Mail and Empire- But we hear there, are many things done by the Government at Torontoo that Sir. WiILnid, Sif ton, et. al, think -bad for 1 the "party." 1 FOR SALE IAt Elimville, a comfortable house with 2,i, acres of land, having a good garden with a choice variety of all kinds ret fruit trees and small fruits, a never failing well of the best c.f water, For particulars apply to the owner on the premises or by letter to W' -et. MIN- ERS, Elimville P. 0. FARM TO RENT To rent on seasonable terms, Lot 6 south Thames Road being composed of 1491 acres. Good barn and stables, comfortable dwelling with bard and 1 soft water. The land is nearly all under I cultivation, well drained with ' Sauhle river running through the harsh, 'Ibis is desirable property. For further particulars apply on the premises or to ALES MCDONALD, Hay P. 0. FARM FOR SALE A far nh containing 100 acres of good land on con. 11 lot 22, Stephen Town- ship. Land ie well drained and about 80 acres fenced. On the premises is a good bank barn with stables and a large house, warm and comfortable, good supply cf hard and soft water, 1 acre of good orchara. The farm is situated 2 miles from Dashwood, about half a mile from Sarepta P.O. and 1 miles from school. This is de- sirable property for any one who •wants a good farm. Reasons for sell- ing, proprietor is giving up fanning. For further particulars apply to Jos - RPM BASTARD, Sarepta, P.O. OTICE OF APPLICATION. Lithe Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the matter of the Guardianship of Eliza - both Curgenven and William Cargenven, the infant chiktrent of Jahn Curgenven of the Township of Bruce in the County of Bruce farmer deceased. r Nofion tee is hereby given that after the_oxpira- RAILW AY it -f twenty days from the - of this notice, application will b© -made to -the 1RIINDJAON{ F Surrogate Courtofthe SYSTEMfgrantofhottersofGuardianshipoftho e9tate SINGLE FARE To Detroit and Return IN CONNECTION WITH.... iNTERNix1,TIONf1L EPWORTiI LERGUE OONVENTiO.N JULY 16th to 19th, 1903. Tickets gond going July 15th and lath; 'valid for return until July*h. Tick- ets may be extended for t•eturn until Auszust 15th,on depositing ticket with jo'nt agent not later than July 19th and on payment of 50cents. ' The Grand Trunk service is unexcel- led for those attending this conven- tion, Fast and convenient. TOURIST RESORTS •— Muskoka Lakes, tleor ian Bay, Lake of Bays, , Kawtrtha Lakes, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Portland, Old Orchard,White Mountains, All reached via the Grant] Trunk. For tickets and a 1 imforma- tion apply to J. J'. Knight, Agent. of the above named infante to the London & Western Trusts Company, Limited, of the City of London in the County of Middresox. t3LADMAN Sc STANBURY. Solicitors for tho Applicants. I Dated at Exeter the 4th day of Ally, 19e3. 00414016411''i •wild,® -._.._..._ 00.. aaaat9®®4►a.00 • I ® Fall Term Opens Se t. 1st CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. • ••�p• SCORES OF BUSINESS COLLEGES ' N1 have applied to as for our graduates to a a act as teachers in their schools. This is a ! the evidence you are looting for as to a the best SCHOOL to attend. Thousands 2 of Our former students our formeratu- ciente are now in business life. Write 0 for our h:andsbMe catalogue, 0 W, J. p ELLIOTT, a Principal i 6160.119.30.81111460.641.0•8080(089 FOR S AL .f3I tdC K SIDINC W1TIr AN ACRE OF IA fD bleIN.Ak—�H oderfor sale er reasonable terms, that e/tesei1sitSra "Thoapr Ilernetedsituated on Lot No. 89, south of Boron street, Exeter. There is eroded upon the land, a eornforteble and commodious brick dwelling, also the neeossary outhouses, The house is n good re- pair and has 9 rooms. The lot contains auaare of land and is excellently adapted for garden ing or 1 rult growing, There is a plentiful sup. ply of hard and sof6 water, The property is up to date and the terms easy, for partiouhtre ate , !p ply tobreesoN& (Alt ra)barristersExe,or 0 OL1 Wath or to A. E, noor'm, Rew F. U„ Femur., La Buggy? A., proprietor, !!r GGIES! BUGGIES! ERNEST ELLto'1', We have the flnesi• stock in towns 1 the latest styles, in the ateeree 1 colors, Our prices are )ow as can be four' Agen for the Waesxater% Arestneaeve Con -5 for first -Class tnrtterlal raid workman PANT, of Toronto; ages for ase F eons zs Pins ship, NsvaANCrs COMPANY, 01 1•da"don, England; p andkftMANCH INSURANCIe COMrANY, of Ere, BEFORE YOU 13IJY Id lin ICA 1, I�,i,E0',tNlNs is.E D, h,,1, LI 01. h, boor.",,., V ratty CRlce un„ l,,, . e8'rs, 1;011,1D:01. `Lebow,. tory, Exeter, DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. (!o iveFsneers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the �vlol-ons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates et interest. OFFICE:—MAIN ST1.7,1'+T, EXETER. S. R. CARLING, n.' A. L. K. DICKSON F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, ]Votary Public, Conveyancer, Etc; Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER FRET) ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Money to Loan. OFFICE - (Formerly Elliott and Oladman,) MAIN STREET, EXETER. DENTAL TTKINCMAN, L. D.& AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Dentist. • Teeth extracted without pain or = bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's K. on block. Westside f Main s treet,' Exeter. fONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest treat upon farm or village property at lower rates of interest. DICKSON& CARLING Exeter. HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties atlowrates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main 9t. Exeter. D.A. A DirRSti4r (D. D. 8. D-3. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanitelatee all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic,used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door eolith of Carling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. ENTUM (21795) The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard Trotting Stallion. Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir- ing extreme speed, and high stepping action 1 for road and carriage pnrposes, TARl9NTUM has now produced three colts showing better than 2.10 speed, one going miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $26,- 000 in stakes down the Grand Circuit. Harry D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit in the $5000 Chamber and Commerce stakes and also in the 2.11 $2000 stakes,and then goes down the Grand Circuit through other large stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Can- ada that has produced a colt pnenomenally fast enough to face the Grand Circuit that won second money in his second start in a race at Memphis in a field of eleven starters, all speedy ones. Dorthy Wilton having got a mark at Lexington. Kentucky, the previous week in 2.094. In this race Orin B. by Grey- stone , the sire of Tarentum. won 1st money. Harry D, by Tarentum won 2nd money, Major Hal, Srdmoney. Doherty Wilton 4th money, time 2.091 and 2.104. ROUTE hfonday.— Simon McKenzie's Tuckorsmiih, for noon ; Blake, night. Tuesday.— Zurich noon ; Crediton, night, Wednesday.—Exeter, noon ; Farquhar. night. Thursday.—By way of Staff" to Dublin. noon ; home, night. Fri- day.—At his own stable, Egmondviile. Satur- day.—Athis own stable, Egmondvilie, TERMS Farmer's common mares $I5r0 to i Wen bred and standard bred mares $20,00 by the season and $25.00 to insure. Stud fees due January Ise, 1904. For tabulated pedigree see large posters, or address. A. CIIARLESWORTII, E-gmondville, Ont. At Lowest Prices Having bought out the entire stock of the late James Willis, we are in a better position than ever to sell Lum- ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building Material at lowest prices. The com- bined stock of Shingles as contained in both yards is heavier than we wish to carry,so we purpose to make a material reduction in the price of Shingles until we get our stock re- duced, Take advantage of the reduc- born. GALL AND 8E:E U8 F Russell Two Dryers South :l`rwr Hall. 1NE1ANOS r We have jest put irh -ttnck several new Plan,':- ul the latest designs ant of the Beit .%Jake„ ate 1'o/sttiae Prices. We will e1.it•a•ua it a, pleasure to show them' to you. Orgat s always in stock. A good second hand Bell Organ ion good ret dei. for sale c:herip. • 'The Bicycle fl?f': ason Is with us and those Cushuhn Frames are just what you want, We have there at moderate prices. Sewing wahines In all the leading Makes always in. stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs for same. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any. information about our goods you may desire. 8. Martin. WHAT OTHJRS SAY of Worthington's Canadian Stock Ton ic. James Leask, breeder and feeder of the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says : • Dear Sir: - 1 have fed your Stock Tonic to cattle and like it very much. It mak- es them thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly. I think it is the best Tonic I have fed to horses. We, are also feeding it to our hens this winter and they are laying better than they have done for a long time, It pays to feed it. Yours truly, JAMES LEAslc, Greenbank P, 0., Feby. 23, 1903. Dear Sir:— I had a mare stocked in both legs, WORTHINGTON'S STOCK FOOD, took it down completely and put her in good condition, It has done my cows good, Think it is a good thing and can recommend it. B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman," Clinton, Jany, 17th, 1003. Purify your animals' blood before turning them on the grass. They will: surprise you in the fall. 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c. ; 50 lb. sack $2.00. Tie Worthington Drug Go., GUELPH, ®NT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son, Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now Do riot let it go on and get worse. A bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as— sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some of We thank the people of Exeter and our remedies, the surrounding country for their patronage in the past, and solicit a continuance of their custom. Our motto is smaller profits and quicker BiOW111-10 returns. o 41 ROSS & TAYLOR ore EXETER 1U 1 �i ONT.