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Clinton News-Record, 1986-07-16, Page 18
.46 „n.,. n.a/, Ir V4 A.41-IN1.,(7 4 , 4u, IUUU 43. Births MISKIE Brooke and Jana are pleased to announce the ar- rival of their brother, Blair Daniel, on July 2, 1986 at the Clinton Public Hospital weighing 7 lbs, 7 ozs. Proud pgrents are Brenda and Dennis Miskie. Grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Makins, Bayfield and Mr, and Mrs. Mel Miskie, Tiverton. -29nx -- _ COLQUHOUN Tom and Sheila (nee Arnston) of Toronto are pro- ud to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Morgan Lee on July 5, 1986 at 8:15 o.m. weighing 6 lbs. 8 ozs. at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Proud third time grandparents are Marie and Len Arnston and first time grand; parents Joan and Tom Colquhoun all of Clinton.--29nx HOWARD Steve and Kerri (nee Medd) are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son Mathew Steven Terence in Red Deer, Alta., weighing 9 lbs. 4 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Terence Howard, of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Clint Wilson of RR3, Blyth.-29nx WESTBROOK Amanda and Kimberly are thrilled to announce the safe .arrival of their new brother on July 8, 1986. Proud parents are Brian and Kathy. Grand- parents ore John and Helen Westbrook. and Mary Murphy, Clinton. Great grandparents are Earl and Donna Westbrook, Goderich, Special thanks to Dr. Steed, Dr. Hayes and second floor nursing staff at Clinton Public Hospital. -29 TANG Gary and Cathy Tang (nee Johnson) are pleased to announce th'e safe arrival of their son, Andrew Harry Steven on June 25, 1986 in Timmins, On- tario. Andrew is the twenty-third grandchild for Mrs. Frances Johrrson of Kincardine and the first for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tang of Toronto.. He is the first great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Nip of Clinton.-29nx ROOSEBOOM With thanks to God, Ed and Audrey announce the arrival of Sara Joanne born June 28, 1986 at Clin- ton Public Hospital. A baby sister for Edward, 'David and Christopher. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank De Putter, Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. William Rooseboom, Zurich.-29nx MACHAN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machan, Blyth, are pleased .. to announce the birth of a son, Korey Michael, at Clinton Public Hospital on July 10, 1986.-29nx 44. Engagements THOMPSON - GLOUSHER Jim and Jane Glousher, Auburn, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Sharon Louise to Patrick David Thomp- son son of Harry and Joan Thompson of Clinton. The wedding will take place. Aug. 2, 1986 at 5 p,m. St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton. Recep- tion White Carnation, Holmesville, at 9 p.m. -29x BELL - GOMEZ Olive and Art Bell of Goderich Twp. are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Cheryl Lynn to Oscar Gomez of Lon- don. The wedding to take place August 2 1986 at 2 pm in London, Ont. -29 46. In memoriam 46. In memoriam FREEMAN In loving memory of Wilford who passed away July 18, 1982 and Isabell who passed t5way July 19, 1983: Silent memories keep you near, As time unfolds another year, No longer in our hearts to share, But in our hearts you are always there. Always remembered and sadly missed by sisters. and families.- 29 DE JONG In loving memory -of a wonderful brother Eugene who passed away two years ago, July 18, 1984. We will always remember the way he looked, The way he spoke and smiled, The little things he said and did Are with us all the while. His life was earnest, his actions kind His willing hand his active mind Anxious to please, loath to offend, A precious man, a faithful friend. We can't have old days back, When we were all together, But secret tears and loving thoughts, Will be with us forever. No one knows the sorrow we share, When the family meets and he's not there. He never failed to do his best, his heart was worm and tender, He lived his life for those he loved, and those he loved remember. His Testing place we visit, and place flowers with care, The heartache is tremendous., when we walk away and leave him there. He meant so much to us, that nothing we can Co, tell the grief that's in our hearts, As we think of him each day. Though tears in our eyes do not glisten, And our faces are not always sad, There is never a day or night, That we do not think of the son and brother we hod. It, has •been two years Mote hehas gone And left us here on our own, But his absence seems lost in time, because he is, always on our minds, Although his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touc)s, We still have many, memories, Of the man we all loved so much. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed .by Dad and Noella, Torn and Karen, Jed and Cathy, Rita, Terry and Ann and families.-29nx 47. Card of thanks 47. Cards of thanks 1 DALTON We would like to thank Dr. Salsbury and Dr. Steed for Matthew's safe delivery into the world. The wonderful care given by the second floor 'nurses will always be remembered. Karen and Matthew Dalton. -29x TOWNSEND We would like to say a sincere "thank you" to our relatives, friends and neighbours for all the cards and gifts we received in celebration of our 25th Wedding Anniversary. A special thank you to all those who had "surprise parties" for us, we really appreciate your thoughtfulness and we will have many fond memories from these par- ties. Alex and Eileen Townsend. -29x MISKIE Special thanks to Dr. Salsbury, Dr. Steed, the hospital staff at Clinton Public Hospital for the excellent core we received during our stay. Bren- da and Blair Miskie.-29x I would like to thank family and friends and shy Auntie Vi for my (39 and holding very well) sur- prise party, cards, gifts, calls, pictures and cakes. It was no more than I deserved and 1 cer- tainly hope THE LEADER Sharee, the INSTIGATOR Wayne and BUDDY Mark are happy and broke. "REVENGE IS SWEET". Love Pudgie.-29 HOUSTON With sincere appreciation I would like to thank all my dear relatives, friends and old neighbours for the lovely flowers, gifts, cords, piano music and those who sang and to all my family who made my 90th Birthday such a success. It was a real joy for me and will never be forgotten. Many Thanks again. Ethel Houston. -29x BURGESS 1 would like to thank friends, neighbours; staff and the Bluewater Goofers for their flowers, cords and visits while I was in the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to nurses, Doctors Baker, Steed and Watts. Edith. -29 LEIPER 1 would like to thank relatives, neighbours and friends for visits, cards and flowers while in hospital. Special thanks to the nurses, Dr. Baker, Dr. Hay and Rev. Snihur. Ida Leiper. -29x' BLAKE 1 would like to thank friends and relatives for cards and visits while in hospital, also flowers from . Holmesville U.C.W., also thanks to Dr. Wong and nurses at Seaforth Community Hospital, Dr. Tamblyn and Dr. Marchuck and nurses on 4th floor at Stretford General Hospital for their core. It was much appreciated. Iona. -29x HAPPY BIRTHDAY "MAWBA" Sturgeon ...love Dad and the kidlets rail r# , e 44 e 47. Card of thanks WHITTAKER The family of the late Thomas Whittaker wish to thank all those who helped at the scene of the accident, the 'ambulance units from Goderich, Seaforth and Zurich and rescue units from the Bayfield and Goderich Volunteer Fire Deport- ments. Special than1 s to Dr. Flowers, emergency, staff at Goderich Hospital, Mr. Pat King and Ken • and Doris Cornochan for their core and kindness, to friends for floral tributes and memorial dona- tions, the 532 Maitland Squadron Air Cadet Honour Guard, Ball and Falconer Funeral Home, all pallbearers and flower bearers, the Varna United Church Women for the lunch following the service. No words can express the full measure of our appreciation --29 _. ' SHADDICK Sincere thanks to Dr. Hay and the nursing staff and the doctors and staff of Victoria Hospital for kindness and core during my stay at both hospitals, also thanks to my friends for their visits and kind deeds, to Rev.'s Dave Snihur and Stan McDonald for their visits and prayers. It was all greatly appreciated. Elsie Shaddick.-29 1 would like totexpress My sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives Who showed me their thoughtfulness while I was apatient in the Alex- andra Marine and General Hospital. I would also like to thank Dr- Chan and all the nurses who cared for me. Lori Simmst-29' FLEISCHAUER Bill and Ruby Fleischauer would like to thank their friends and relatives for helping to make their 'Golden Day so beautiful. Special thanks to Dennis and Jenny, without them it would have been impossible. -29 GROVES The step children of the late Beatrice Groves wish to thank their friends and relatives for the cards, flowers, food and messages of concern extended to us. Clayton and Jane, Mervin and Helen and Ruth. -U29 ARTICLES FOR SALE POOL SALE. One ol. Ontario'y largest factory outlets has large Inventory of above, Ingrounds for im- mediate delivery. Compare us before buying. Guaranteed lowest prices. (416)523-6467, (613) 547-6434.-0-26,29 $$ SACRIFICE $$ SACRIFICE $$$ Buildings Special offer. Priced low for immediate clearance. 28 x 40 x 14 53,900, 46' x 90 x 16 $9,600; 70 x 80 x 24 516,300. Com- plete with large doors. Other sizes available to 120' wide. Serious buyers only. No price shoppers. Guaranteed lowest prices. Cali free 1.800.387-8148 or (416) 928.6262,-0.29 STEEL•A•DEAL - Quonset buildings - 28% OFF - Savo Thousands - we are introducing new straight -wall buildings • special Introductory prices - limited lime offer, Phone Pioneer Buildings collect (416) 678.1585. Limited time offer. -0-29 GARDENING: 10' x 10' GREENHOUSE 5149. I000W Metal Halide 5175. Plus 10,000 gardening products. Great prices. Send 52 for info -pack. Western Water Farms 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. (604) 682-6636,-0.29 HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology. The simple solution to a hard problem - "Salt•Free" - How to solve HARD -WATER PROBLEMS NATURALLY without costly salt, chemicals, or elec• tricity • use less soap, softer whiter laundry prevents scale formation, costs less than a softener, no repair bills, retains healthful minerals, great for plants. FIRST TIME OFFER IN CANADA. Call now TOLL FREE. 1-800-387-7537 • you'll be glad you did. Area 807 call 1-416-624-4344. A healthy, economical alternative to water softeners, -0.29 TROUBLE Wrapping Coins? Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes AND quarters quickly, easily!! Send.$8.95 plus 63 cents tax to Penny -Roller, Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 0-29 VACATIONS BOOK NOW, we still have limited openings for July and August... over 40 housekeeping cottages on South Lake. Inground and wadin§ pools for relaxed swimming, super playground, babysitting, mini gold, tennis, organized social activities in July and August. For free brochure call 1.705-286,2361 or write Hospitality Inn, RR 1 Minden, Ontario KOM 21(0,-0.29 COTTAGES FOR RENT, last two weeks of August, sand beach, good fishing, 10% discount. Campground by day, week, hydro and water, seasonal, (5325). Star Lake lodge 705.732.4087.- 0-29 LIVESTOCK SUMMER FESTIVAL 86. Simmental Sale, Sunday July $24001986. 1 pm at Kildevin Simmentols, 3 miles south of Goderich, Ontario on Hwy 21. 55 lots. Bull (breeding age). Cow/calf pairs. bred heifers, embryo transplants. Kildevin Simmentals, Sutcliffe Select Sim- mentols, Maple Ayr Simmentals, Cherry Long Sim - mentals. For information and catalogues call Barry Kedwell (519) 927-3382.-0-29 LIVESTOCK: ,Ontario Polled Hereford Club Summer Sale 1 p.m. 'Saturday, August 2, 1986. Peterborough Exhibition (rounds. Contact Craig Lymburner, RR 1 Calstor Centre, Ontario LOR 1E0 (416) 957.3695.-..0-29 WANTED TO BUY ADDISON TWO COLOUR plastic radios wanted. Paying S50 • 5150. Phone collect (416) 641-1420.-0.29 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TRAP DEALERS WANTED • Becorne a dealer. Sell from your business or home. Lowest prices. Free wholesale price list: Conibear, longspring, Coilspring, Stoploss, complete supplies. Freight prepaid. Bell Traps, Unit 5.6, 2422 Dunwin. Dr., Mississauga, Ont. 151 1J9, 1.416,828-6888.-0-29 MAKE $$$ ANYWHERE. Ever think of selling French tries? George's House of Spuds French fry trailers now available for sale. Full training provided. For lull In- formation write: George's House of Spuds, Leo M. Teahen, Port Elgin, Ontario. (519) 832.6370.-- 0.29 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousands, of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain- tances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon till 8 p.m, -0.2.9 LOSERS WANTED. lose up to 29 lbs•, Inches, Cellule this month. Doctor recommended on T.V. Fast results. Free shipping. Coll (416) 745-4779,-0-29 AUCTION SALES STEAM ENGINE AUCTION July 26, 1986, 1:30'p.m. at the late Joe Steen residence, Erin, Ontario, Approx. 1911 George White 25 h.p. For Information "The Auc• tioneer" Joe Simmons 1.519.332.1989 Sornio.-0.29 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study -at -horse correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Booking, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical secretory, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800-268-1121.-0.29 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction. Next class August 9 to 16th. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115. P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. N0J 1M0.-0.29 COMING EVENTS BELLE RIVER FIDDLE Singing contest July 31, August 1, 2, 3, Compsites available. 57,000 prizes. Featuring Gordie Tapp, Graham Townsend, Audie Henry,. Box 10, Belle River, NOR 1A0 or call (519) 728-1767.-0-29 TOTTENHAM BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL, Ontario's top family festival, August 15-17 weekend tickets in- cluding camping $18 per person advonce by July 31st. Box 195 Tottenham, Ontario LOG IWO , (416) 675-6030.-0-29 FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Waterway. Beautiful scenery carefree relaxation, private stateroom. delicious meals. Brochure Box 1540 Peterborough K9J 7H7 (705) 748.3666,-0-29 HELP RECOGNIZE ONTARIO'S outstanding young peo- ple: nominate someone today who qualifies for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Contact this newspaper for details. --0-29 CLARKE ROAD Fleamorket 476 Clarke Rood, London (just north of Dundas), Saturday and Sunday 1 a.m. • 5 p.m. (519) 451.0998. Antiques, collectibles, furnffuGe, plants, tools. books, records. tee-shirt printing, fac- tory shoe outlet, bulk cookies, conned goods, pro- duce, yarn. hardware, paintings, lottery tickets, pop shoppe, snack bor. Front area open doily 9 - 5 except Monday. -0.29 WANTED CAST IRON SEATS. Private collector wishes r to purchase old cast Iron implement seats. Please The Only way :to get write Ed Thompson RR 1 Ariss, Ont. NOB 180. Phone 1 (519) 822-0599.-0.29 YOUR S50 UP paid by collector for old quilts .on4,woven� r „ad1n;2�6miiliols•tlomes• coverlets. Write with description ,tp Mrs. �e411... y Hilldale Cresc. Guelph, Ontario NIG 356. Phone (519) 1 In Canada for 824.9763. -0.29 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future...with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E.. (519) 743.5011, Brant- ford 300 Colborne E., 4519) 756.0223.--0-29 OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying posi- tions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES, Dept. CA. Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec H3P 3C7.-0-29 REPORT/ PHOTOGRAPHER required. Experience in layout and design procedures. Car essential. Solari/ and benefit package. Chance for advancement. App- ly: Reporter, Box 1629, Espanola, Ontario POP 1C0.-0-29 1 1 s659.00 1 or In 1,241,807 homes - 1 In Ontario for 1 $195.°* Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by calling one of our helpful classified ed - 1 visors at your nearest weekly newspaper office for details. Lucknow 528-2822 Goderich 524-2814 Kincardine 398-2883 Clinton • 482.3443 Walkerton 881.1880 ILSeaforth 527-0240 Mitchell 348.8431 CILWx ome Improvements • Remodelling CALL Refinishing and Refurbishing Door Frames, Windows, Baseboards, Staircases • Furniture Refinishing 482-7948 • See us for your building projects *Glass and mirrors *Energy-efficient replacement windows *Window & screen repair •Ple>.iglass •Door service and repairs •Complexe range of aluminum siding and building products clinton mirror and aluminum products 24 Princess St. West, CLINTON 462-3322 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LOW CONTRACTOR PRICES.......~ s Full Selection Of WINDOWS -Storms -Replacement -New Construction DOORS -Entrance Systems -Mirror & Patio Aluminum Storms RESCREENING- PLEXIGLASS ALL GLASS WORK patz SALES and SERVICE 1 and Part �' KEITH SIEMON FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 4 Walton Phone 345-2734 or 482-7971 FOR FREE PLANNING AND ESTIMATES HEATING/AIR CONDITtOt4INC. GBAILEYcS . MILL STREET, HENSALL 262-2020 sp ollsf! hi combustion Fltllating • Leefrtoit pake ruritei'45 *Hydro Pule. likallsuit • Lonna* Contrail Mr Conditioning 'WE'RE PROUD TO SE YOUR... brAfilig SEALER, SALES - SERVICE INSTALLATION D & D GLASS Located in Vanastra 462.7669 CONSTRUCTION KKt CONSTRUCTION ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK, Llquld NiaMdrreadtks (SlatfedorSad Tops) OPTOMETRY R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, 0ODERICH 524-7661 1 JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527.1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00.12:00 noon Closed Wednesdays SY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises II comerrifiekt House Fouttdreflo ' I tttrlslYitdtJ+r+ii� eituf Rl4dviialkit' D ubhh 2O42 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Si Main St. South, Seaforth Office 527-0400 FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES ,•- -- AGMS E.F. "Sir" Durst 521-1455 Bob McNaughton 89 527.577' Grselne Cr&iig • Bartter & MacEtt/an insurance 1ltvkettl'Ltd. 5244316 JOHN WISE INSURANCE •B'RaItE1t8 ttrU, 4824401 Clinton Electric © White -Westinghouse :i-iartpdrint ,Appliances Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALUM' ST. 482-3646 APPLIANCE end REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482 7032 INSURANCE JOHN WISE INSURANCE ROOMS LTD. Genital Iftsuralnce Guaranteed Inussfm.te'ft elinoon Olflcet 462.3401 aim:482-7265 'AUTO, FARM, INDUSTRIAL PARTS TOUR ONE STOP REPAIR SHOP - Raeford Blyth, For all your Auto, Farm & Industrial Parts call: 523-9681, *ECONOMY *QUALITY •SERVICE P.O. BOK 1136 CLINTON. ONT. NOM 11.0 015.402.937* THREE PHASE ELECTRIC UsU Our sonvanlant paging system - call 1400.265-9255 Ask for mar son BARRY BUCHANAN INSULATION GODERICH ENERGY SEAL AND INSULATION Complete Insula4loet of attics. basements. walls ■seallttg $. rest:otral of UFF1 ®replotemens windows iitt iar+saa1 draft-praofIng •ventilation of attic of home ®humidity problems solved GOVERNMENT GRANTS AVAILABLE 37 KINGSTONAT., GODERICII 524.2311 nut -of -town call collect FREE ESTIMATES >