HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-16, Page 4The
ons Bank.
4Ineorpoarated by .Act of Parliament le e)
Head Mee, ieloiewe
Capital tall paid ire -- ee50O,O0
Reserve Fu ted .- - .-: $?,25Q, 0Q
e8 /needles in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta,
Srltish ( enthe% and edanttoba.
Open Every Lawful Day front 10 A, M.
to 3 p. In.; except
Saturdays, 10 a. til, to 1 p. 1n.
Faeroers. Sale Notes cashed or col-
lected. Forms supplied on application.
Drafts on all points iu the Dominion.
Great Britain and United States
bought axel sold at lowest rates . of
ev •hange,
Deposits of $L00 and upwards receiv-
ed. Interest compounded half yearly,
and added to principal June 80th and
December 31st. Deposits Receipts also
issued andhighest current rate of
interest allowed,
Advancee make to farniev'e, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates and on most favorable terms,
Agents ttt Fxgtei' ger Deminion
oteriutnent, 1
61O1£SON c ("ARLIN% N. U. Rtrr'i3DDQN,
Effie $', Fier
Calendar for July, 1903 -
SUNDAY ..... , 5 12 19
MONDAY 0 13 20
TUESDAY .... 7 14 21
WEDNESDAY... 1 8 15 22
THURSDAY. , 2 0 16 23
I{'1tIDAY,....>..>3 10 17 24
SATURDAY 4 11 1S 25
THURSDAY, JULY 10'x13 e903.
, 'After all the rainier, calumny trick.,
e'ry-. examinee, and corruption of a
partyelection. followed by the un-
wholesoiietsccnles of the struggle fie
the election courts, and then ;by Lite
G•a'm'oy,a.ffair. with the fury of fac-
tion which is awakened, and the ul
timate defeat of justice, to eh•at have
eye i erne' :We tette ,comae to a Gov-
elrn'mtentt tainted by the ,process evhich
it Inas undergone, with (more, than half
voters of the Province arrayed,
against it,, and with a parliamentary
majority of four, so that it is at the
mercy of any three; buccaneers. Such
a Goverlr,ment will inevitably be
tempted to maintain itself in Power
.by means akin to tt'h,esa.by which it;
has no narrowly escaped defeat; if
not by actual cconruption, by conces-
Beenes to sinister interreets. and ,by
'de(nila(gvoigic liegisl'ati,on.-"Benseandclr"
im tare. Wesk•1y eun,
• riaiRtg..3 AND BLOTCHES:
How unsightly, somerinaass disgust-
ing, mortifying to the sufferer and un
tpThat_rant to all. An evidence of poor
;blood and lowering vitality of the ele-
mi.neting organs. Thee need toning
•u1 -the whole system does. You can
quickly bating about thie,imtproned ono -
by using Rerrozone. Poisons
driven rut of the b1o.0d, o:gIA.3 grow
srong+er, 'the. blood richer, the nerves
&freezer, Pimples and blotches dusip.
tear, (color +becomes good. Mad! just
try and +see the^.ilenuchl'joy eanbe got-
ten out of a box of 'Farr ozone.
Tit's patreniet of a ti'iueefete fact 0.11y
,lllave a direct financial interest in
supplying oniy good pure milk, tree
jfiretra taints or bad flaybxs, T'ltot
ends of dollars are lost to the country
annually because patrons send to the
leantotriee taunted milk, which, if used
at all, not only •precludes the manufao
tune of first class cheese, 'but dimin..
eines the quantity , of oheese per. 100
0 G
'taxa ;a mi
1. s
3r omeo' thec'
k f chief
',dawssei; of tainted or gassy milk have
been ealumere.tea by tee dairy Duyision
of the Delniniion veppatment of Agri.
lduittire, in order that patrons 'may be
induced to; guard against them, In
,m'any+oases the source of trouble may
found in the unde,strable germs thatl
get into the milk during and after
erhetse germs are always associated
with iti'th In siome form •or other.
Careful in(vr,.isdtibmtions show that a
very large proportion of t•he'cases of
taints or bald ,flavors, 4n emilk and
its;producits are caused by the, germs
wheelie are always pretse,nt in,the drop
pings of enemata. Suoh germs are
too be 'found in latr'get slumbers NN -13
ever sulch 'drioppings are deposited. The
mud ,of stagnant ponds, where cattle
are allowed .to drink, and the surfaces
of bairn -yards or milking yards are
Lonq Fair
"About a year ago my hair was
coming out very fast, so I bougbt
a bottle of Ager's Hair Vigor. It
stepped the falling and made my
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
is 45 inches in length."-Ilers..14.
Boydstoin Atchison, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance.
0 Hungryhairneedsfood,
needs hair vigor --Ayers.
This is why_we say that
AyersHairor always
retores color, and makes
the hair grow long and
heavy'. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send us ono dollar and we will express
you a bottle. Bo sure anti ive the name
of your nearest express ell oe. Address,.
J. C. APER CO., Lowell, Made.
'1 I
4%1410 ,swa•rrm'ilag+ with then. 'leor
teals reason the udders and flanks of
cows. should alevays be brushed before
milking to •ren ovse the, dried nnud, par
ti'cies of manure, •hairs, oto., ^ \elude
might otherwise fall into the milk.
pall. St'ra'ining the ]iuilk while it is
ne!ceMsarye to remove the visible dint,$
teoeasAid vat xld of theles foul german
whish airs the actual cause of tltetattne
tettle, gael tmalk. Ineprrtope.riiy ciejooed
pailq, streamers and milk cans are eon-
slant sources of oontamin;a!tion.
The whey 'tank is a nommen source
of infe'ct'ion at these faotoriels where
the whey is rretturnetd to (the patrons
in the 'milk tears.. This :pretence is de-
t,rimteatal to successful cheese -making
but when it cannotbs'arrangad to
haute the wise+y tdaeposed of in anyotheut
other way, the tanks should be kept
theeousgbilsy,cleans in orsd(ar to; • Leve n
tens danger •of (contamination. They
Should be emptied at least once a
we1ek> i
It is a welt known foot tee nelk
will -absorb some odours to which it
is evose-d. Warm milk will absorb
odours quite as freely as that which
has been eooleicl, hence the necessity of
removing it from the stable or milk;-
I"!c; yti'rd os soon as possible after it is
ctalew n. •
An abund int s apply of pare wa'tell
for the scows is one of the, ,essentials
Lor the production of good milk,llrhen
cows awe compelled to drink the wa1-
Pe of swaamipe„ muddy ponds, or slug -
glee streams and ditches in which
there is decaying animal.matter, in-
cluding their own droppings, there is
a eons{ttant mentce to their health,
and un'.ei5s the saws are in x,,001 health
they cannot give first class milk,
1Torectrer the mud, ofeein full of foul
germs, wh'icll .collect on the, ]egs,
flanks and udders of the cows, and
falls into the milk at the timeofmilk-
in(g, us a dtiroct source of infer tion
which is oftetn o.verlooked.
There is in Canada an abundance of
good wholesome food awailabled fox
cattle feeding purposess. The natural
pastures are, on the whole, 'excellent,
an,d•it as only in limited districts or
at certain seasons of the year that
trouble is experienced with weed Lia --
veers: among'th'a cultivated, food0;,
I.>rurin'(pfs lalnd• rope are twe prominent
exceptions to the rule of suitability
which applies in general to Canadian
eager craps. While thelyy are ,•un-
1oubtedly valuable in a .ration for
growing or, dry cattle, if turnips and
rape are fed even in limited quanLiti-
ees, to analkitng cows, there, is a likeli-
hood of inepartiintg to the milk a taint
which oannot be elimated by any p,ro
cella known the che(eee%naketr's art.
Some first class foods when fed alone,
and to excess, will causeindigestion
and thus indirectly affect the intik.
One example of this kind is found in
green ,clover.
in conclusion it may be said that
when cow's have free access 'Lo salt a14
Vanes they will give, more ionise which
will hare a bet -ter flavour and keep
L-tlwctet'loir4'eir tbaln when their do not
get Any. ;at all, or receive it only at
S3ut if followed by, anotthertcold, or
some extra exposure, is liable to re-
sult Naspl Cat u.rrh. LCiryles(s a +ra-
dical cure is obtained, the throat bron
chial tubes and f'inalIy the lungs be.
affected. Nothing curets colds so qu1ck
ly ao:d pleasantly ae Catarrhozonn,The
inspector of minas for Nova Scotia,
Mr. Neville aa,ys "Catarrhezone is the
best remedy I have ever used. It cur-
ed erne o Catarr!lr of tine head and
throat, and I latm !pleaisled tol(reicom-
mend suttee ,a (slattisfactory remedy.".
Catarrh -ozone is tt safeguard against
colds. couglhs and catartrh t It cantles
used while at .work, in the. church,
theatre or on the street tears.. Simp-
lyvnth,ale Catarrhoione audit cures.
Price .8 L00. Small size 25b. t Deng_
glees or Polson & Co, Kingston, Ont.
Shade of a Greal. leriknown Inter-
views Mr. Carnegie. at Skibo
Grmeily Caere,5,pc;1>,deent.i-;1)o you 'bee
sieve "A Mate's a man fuer a' that?"
Mr. Curiniegie-I do, and "twice as
nh!irkl ms's ea; that 1"
G. C. -You believe in Wallace and,
Bruce and porridge for breakfast?
Mr. C -Most fervently, Wlhr:tp._I wits
a. poor tboy en Dumferline town.
G. E. -Quite so. Do you still...thi,nk
of yourself -as Andrew Carnegie?
tN r•, C=(fes, ante enneereent M1 r work
els, these' faithful companions of my
t,otil'inIpitts,burg, call me A:ndie. When
I was a poor boy in.-,
iG.,'C-Esac.tlty-,Yonir • tete are
simple and a•epublica,n.
lair. C -I, believe 1•n the people. 1
of the eo m
am e le. p p I elf ys was a
working man. When I was a poor -
so. If you were-notAn-
dre s,Cann,glo„ wlh(oim, Ntivould; ptou like
to be?
•bktr.; Cu- Slsakneeisare.
O. C. -Not Burns or John Knox,ltor
James Watt, or the Woo Maceereegor?
Mr. C. -No ; Shakespeare.'.Che _great
Bard of Avon, whose works are in
every free 1 ibrary, and are desined,
itf I live, to be in many more, wns a
rotor boy. When 1--
G. C. -Quite eo. But the was a poet.
llisr. C. -Ile was a great business
man. Look'how he manage+diriscom-
patnV of aettors!!, Ile evpas the lone poet
anti, (Irian:natio manager in history Y to
retire. upon a icompe.tencee
la. C. -Tenn .11Tost belt are''eoan-
pulsorrily retired upon incompeteuee. ,
Mr. C,s-lW ienl Shakespeare lett
•DunlfteYrmlixle; tie a noo]r
..r . , -
G. CrYa,u mean Statf old -o n aivo n.
Mr. C. -What did 1 say?
al..Da- Dunham line. .'1 e 'wee at teto-
patlrio canfuaion. 'Great minds gat
f eecsfully mixed up under this system
One play think one's self hitclied on
to Pinto, and it taros out to',be Taggs
•ioaceirmua Berkeley Tagus, of Chi-
cago. t Jy the eye, n re you •realyy An-
drehv' Carnegie.?
ler. C. -I 'am.
G. C.---Poor-l3uy-I);lsnferrnline-Car-
11711:. C.-tllb(alapno.,
G. L,-- Anil Jyou don't thinlelneuchSe
the 13reliele E.am',[1tret Canelder it ,a
Vcr'ap-lueadt of people?: Soxtl of a main
a"ge •ott Atm,enriei.t? •
‘Der. C.,, -,draw me' to explain,
0,-Norr, now; no freteliibraries,
Pen •running tilleesta inte,rvietve. You
dusil:ennit ey . rl=i' eat -i elm see it in Leone
tape, in Skibo Castle, in that palette
the ,moat t'ashionabiie pare o1 New
York and in your eeteelyfortune--tibat
you guess you aret•too many for us in
population, en natural wealth, and no,
quired dollar 4
11T1r. ,C. I'er�';S'ou will/have to amal-
gamate with the rest of.REurope.
(G. C. Did it ever •occur to, you that
there 'are more Chinese in exits tence to-
dy1{y` tlhinnt thetie will the 4inloricwnsi'for
eevea+al +centuries! and they' don't
G. C. -Does it strike .t'ou that Amer-
tea is turriing out rich•men in great
entrefeelon wt tlaout the sign of a
Mr. 0, -But -
O. GC.-nitn.lt is it na,t evident that
rioh men aro not preferred? and that
you cannot even with X80,000,000 buy
a Milton or a Walter Scott%
'G• C, -And that iinOhne dollarstand
natural resources do not necessarily
make great peoples? (Experiences se-
vere mental shook,) Goodtness 1 I am
not doing telepathy at all; thiisiispoli-
tiies. ;Iler. Cat'n'e.gtie 1 (:No' enema.)
Amity! (Dead ai•lettace,) Whistlee
"Seale wft a Ire" loudly, hat without
e'ffe'ct,) ,Do tell us that yarn • about•
Dumferline-dome on!
kflr. C,-(L.ainnlly)Whrn-I--was-a
preen -boy -in --
G. C..--.T1ia'ts. right ; go on.)
bltr„ C .-Tlnl-its-
G> C. Dumferline town,
Mr. C'-!Dumferline town, 1- made
-a -ronin-thaC-1- would -do-kl ene
fitst-to- -
G. 'C:. -Yes, yes ; your fell ow -men
kFr.-C."-111y-fellow-.men. And now
they -they -won't hare them.
Cr. C, -Never mind, persevere ; keep
throwing them •about,
Mr. G. -They -say -I'm -just -a rich'
man! (Connection breaks.)
Cr C.-'oPor fellow. Telepathy and
dollntrs don't hang together,-Lonclon
A vary distressing and common ma
lady, deeptless it has its origin in
some unbalanced condition of 0:te:ler-
entus system. O.nle, of the simplest,
sa,Ee and most 'efficient reinedies is
Nerriline. Twenty dlropst in a Iittle
sweetened water gives almost immed-
iate relielf, and this treatment sshie'u9Jd
be istuppee(mained; bey beetli g the :new -
ions of Dina wit11 Nerviline: To any;
it ants quickly fails to express this re.
suit. '.D.rtuggis'ts sell tit every!wihere.•
To get relief from indigestion, bili-
ousness, teonstipaltion or torpid liver
disturbing the stomach or
purging the: bowels, take few deeps
of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they
will .please 'you.
Three new teachers have been chos-
en fair St. Marys Collegiate, Institute,
out of nearly half a fitmdtued, apptlit•f-
ra'nts, viz: -Commercial mastership,
S. B. Heatb, Tilsoaburg ata ealary of
8700.; science+ mne'tex. Alex. Pearson,
Mount Forest, $.900, and T. C. Clark,
of Listowel, for classical master at a
salta:ry of 5850,00
A ;bill has been itesseel by the : On-
taxie Ionise at►arenrani dean 'for 'en op
banal ;return to whet is, 'prae,tically,
the old system of county council. By
its provisions any council shall, upon
resolutions being passed by a mayority,r
of the local colwncilsitp that elfectie,rie7
turn to the old order of things that pre
vtailed some six yeaas ago, with this
exception. that there will be no deputy
k•►:evee,;on that the ciounty council
will be composed of the reeves of teem,
ships and villages and the mayors.: of
towns. The saim,e bill also provides' for
voting on, bylaws to raise money (1}rheo
the sum i,nil'olve'd(is over :71000)acC•osrd-
ing to the equalized assessment.
The ,practice of writing on news-
papers end packages to be, sent'
thir!ough the mails has become so
ceenen jn that the ,pewit••-tciefticta dtepart-
m'en,t is sending out ins!peletors ' in
a,n,,elifart to put a stop- to it. rat
'neatens have been instructed to
open all packages not sealed and if
there is any writing to report `i+ the
same to the department. The law
prnolaidets +a (Ease as high as fif tea d ol-
lane for this ofectiece. •
..,A+ i o t�
Real Health.
for Summer Days I
The health that comes from well digested food,
daily regularity, pure blood and peaceful sleep -that
is the health that yvou can win with the help of
Tiny Tonic Tablets
-the gentle but effective lax tine °tome.
Let the dainty little tablets cleanse your system, build up
your body, purify your blood and tone your brain and nerves-
then you will be prepared to face the wearing heat of blazing Sum-
mer days. Remember that impure blood, clogged bowels, a system
racked by bad digestion or sleeplessness, simply invite Prickly
Heat, Sumiiner Rashes and Sunstroke.
I'on®Oax Tiny Tonic Tablets are gently laxative.
They cure constipation. They build up your intestinal organs,
help thorn to cleanse your system and to keep it clean by natural
means. They will not " force" you and they will not teach you
the "laxative -habit."
Iron -Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets cure Indigestion.
They are not a mere temporary relief but a real, lasting cure.
Xron-Ox Tiny Tonic Tablets are a wonderful
tonic -
They make blood ; they help the liver, the kidneys, the
stomach, the bowels. They strengthen and feed the nerves,
Iron -Ox -Tiny Tonic Tablet -„ are
pleasant to thane.
Very small, very dainty, wrapped in their delicate
chocol..te coat;,, they are as tempting as candy.
50 Tablets
25 Cents
At Tour Drnggi;st$
To ,Yellows'tone National Park. i
Via the UNION PACIFIC to Motnida
thence by ,ttple'ndid Concord Coaches to
all ,points in the park, f
'eery low rates during July and Aug
Special sides trip friamagdetn, Utia,h,
or Pocatello, Idaho, $'4-9.50. - This in-
cludes nail and ;stage fare 'coveringl
Seven 1ay$s t,,rip ; also all meals an,> f.
lodging beyond 11Tonida, to holders of
all tickets sold at and Osast of Denver
and, !Chey'elnne, to California, Nevada,
Oregon, Washitngton, • and Wiesltetrn
Brindle Columbia 'points.
Full information cheerfully furnish-
ed on application to H. F. Carter,
T. P. A. 14 lanes Building, Toronto.
Canada. F. B. Choate, G. A., 126j
Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. f
Fifty Iron -ox Tablets, in an attractive aluminum
pocket case, 25 cents at druggists, or sent, postpaid,
on receipt of price. The Iron -ox Remedy Co., lim-
ited,. Walkerville, Ont.
Tbe da(t'e$ tbr, ;the London winter
assizes 'has been set down tor Jan.
11,, 190d. afire J•u,stic:e Britton Will
preside. Chlanceelorr Boyd will take
the fall assizes which otpebi at Don -
don on Monday, Sept. 28, next. The
noinntjuury, sittings will be held Mon.
day, Nosy. ,3o, Mr. Justice Ferguson
The suipple,m'einitary esteem tes'at4t-
team call for a little cvcr 55,000,0011.,
This amount added tle then amain ,err
timutes bring :the total appropria-
tions (eminent year tulp'totie-02,000,000.1
otr(•kl2 for every man. 'womon and
child its, Canada. A presl,ty'penny'ear
the Government of a country of less
than five and a half millions of p,eo--
ple liv'i'ng in the enjoyment 01 peace
t the a Yn
'with, elvrtt•ty'bodty ca..z5p. q.
1 sury and
ants who besiege thetreasury
crooked politicians • who allow legal-
ized thievery. -Winnipeg Tribune (In
dependeint Libea'lll:1,) ,
Rata and sweat yr.g
have no e5ect en yyea,,
harness treated „frys �
with 5nreita liar. i�+.
nes. 011. It re•
sista the damp.
keeps the loath-
cr soft and pli-
able. Setchea t ^"
do not break.
No rotia h anr-
taco to chafe
and cut. The 1`\�
harness not . \�\
only keeps (
looking like
new, but
wears twice
ase of Eureka
Harness Oil.
An Gens-,
sell sizes,
Wad. b7
Imperial 011
Corpltny. f
A,set of four attractive Jayattniese
fans issued by the Chicago 8y Norithl-
Weetarn, Ry. sent to any address • se-
curely peeked an receipt of, -10 centra to
-pay, i olyt a g'e,-.B. H. Be rfe t,t.. 2 Emit
II'iln!g St., Toronto, Oat:
aN E='`17YA'y-'R AT ES
rwinin ...r.
To mapoints n the states of
Cal -
'forme, Oregon and Washington. •
The Union Pacific twill lel1
Colonial Tickets at the following
rates from Missouri River terminaals
.25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and many other California points.
$20.00 tit Ogden and Salt Lake ,City.
e2e,06 to Butte, Anaconda andtHel-
ena. -
e25.00 be &poka,ne and Wenatchee,
W ash.
$25.00 to Everette, Fairhaven and
New Wbatcom via Huntington and
,e25.00 to Portland, Tacoma' tend Se-
25.00 to Ashland,ll,oseburgg, Eug-
ene, Albany and Salem, via Tiortland.
Tiokets on sale daily to June 15th,
i. 903:
From Chicago to St. Louis propor-
tionately lowfrates arts in effect . by
lines connecting with .the Union'Paci-
fic to all above points,
For full infortmation call 'on or ad -,,i
dress 11. F. Carter, T. p. A., 14, Jane'
Building, Toronto, Canada; F, B. C1
oate, G.et: ,120 Woodward Ave., : ]7p-
troit, Mich.
x Weekly Mail and Emnire mailed
to any address in Canada, Great
Britain or United States until
January lst, 1904, for
Ohifdren cry for
*'A OI t Ae
The offer includes choice of premium
pictures entitled
"The Miner's Farewell," and
" On the Edge of the Herd."
during the summer months will un -
2 uestionably be the greatest weekly
publication NIhich enters Canadian.■
Portland anent
E1 HAVE fust received a y;uan-
vv tity of the best grade of Port -
ant cement
can be had at either Centralia or
Exeter Storehouses,
5000 lbs. of wool wanted for which
the highest Market, prices will be paid
in cash at Centralia and Exeter store-
! holmes. It at present contains a great-
er rit amber of columns of reading mat-
ter I
an any other Canadian weekly.
All tele news puhlrshed in it is care-
fuliy.eelected to meet the varied tastes
of the leaders.
The General News Section will contain the
fullest and most complete information of the
events transpiring in all parts of the world.
Particular attention will be given to cableandprovincial news.
The Agricultural Section will be replete with
information for the general advancement of
agri 3tlttirnl seicnce> Contributors to this
section wrv,ill be men eminent in this important
The Magazine Section will also be a mine of
infolration upon subjouts wnich are at pre-
sent attracting public attention Many of the
articles ,'will be brightened by illustrations.
Altogether the 24 p7�ages, which comprise The
Weedy igen and i.ntpire, are a library in
themselves, and all for the sum of Ono Dollar
a year.t
Nycokly Mail and Empire to Jan. 1,190,E -50c
to E$eter Times to January 1, 1901 50c
oth papers sent to any address for 75c until
January 1, 1004.
,5en1 order to illeeo of this paper.
I London, Huron and Brucc.
GOING NORTH- Passenger.
London, depart 8.15 A, M. 4.40p, tom...
Centralia ......... 9.1 5.50
Exeter 9.30 6.0
'Topsail 9.44 6,15
Kipper 9.50 6.25
I3rucefield 9.58 6.33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.86
POING SOUTH- Passenger
Wingham, depart6.88 A. M. 3.15 P. MA
Clinton 7.47 4.25
846 4.49
Kipper .ii 4.tvg
Hansalixa 5,02
Exeter 8.3.5 5.10
Centralia 8.46 5,25
Louden .arrive 9.37 6.12
Branches are taught in the F. C. • He
COLLEGE. Our students are noir
guaranteed nice jobs, but after w
course in. this College it will be.
No Trouble for Them to H ok'
Any Position.
e a t em, if possible to obtain
employment, but we first equip there
school has acquiredh .
C ll " D I TO N to maintain the hi
reputation t his -
ll r
Wain and Ghoppia
Doer ProLapuill
i�earegiving e xcelle•Ilt sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our m ill
Dry Soft Wood Wanted
H. 4,1; ®i TZ R®
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