HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-07-09, Page 5The students and staff of Clinton and District Christian School
celebrated their graduation on June 20. They are (back, left) : Nith
To, Everett Ridder, John De Vries, Mike Verburg, Karl Vriend, An-
drew Dykstra, Raymond Boersma, Benny Greidanus and Jeremy
Jongejan. Middle row, left to right: Ralph Schuurman (principal),
Robby Raidt, Charlene Dykstra, Tanya Thompson, Trina Poor-
tinga, Jennifer Slotegraaf, Norma Boersma,Julie Ann Baker, Jen-
nifer. Gents, Trevor Scbilthuis and Dave Boersma. (Front, left) :
Angela Postma, Henrietta Visscher, Lynn Poortinga, Lori Zondag,
Monica Van Reenen, Ingeborg Van Eeden, Jeanette Visscher and
Linda Oskarn. (David Emslie photo)
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June 24 was graduation day for students of East Wawanosh School.
Graduates are (back, left): Brad Shiell, Dianne Black, `Kerilyn
Ferguson, Kathi Newell, Steve Michie, Thorsten Muscheid and
Sharon Keller. (Middle, left): Renay Taylor, Ben Barnes, Carol
Hopper, Julie Smuck, Heather Campbell, Jeff McKee, Paul Rich,
Shawn Campbell and Sharon Ramsey. (Front, left): Karen Pro-
cter, Jennifer Procter, Jordan Guy, Patricia Daer, Charles
Gulutzen, Melinda Hussey and teacher Bill Chaulk. ( David Emslie
Strawberry. social hi hlights:.wr+
HENSALL - Queensway Nursing Home
celebrated the final week of seniors' month
with a Strawberry Social. Residents, family
and local seniors enjoyedfresh strawber-
ries, cake and ice cream while being enter-
tained by local talented individuals. Enter-
tainers were George Mathonia, Ivan Norris
and Nelson Howe who played old time music
on the banjo, fiddle and guitar. Matt, David
and Adam Gascho sang. Janice Bisback and
family sang and Wes Heywood recited some
verse and poems: I was a relaxing and fun
Special thanks to volunteers who lid a
superb job helping out.
Other activities at Queensway this week
included a welcoming Tea Party for Esther
Gill on June 23.
On June 24, Rev. Richard Hawley per-
formed the church service. Bob Cameron of
Hensall was the pianist and Hazel Snell of
Exeter came as a volunteer.
Oviholapt-4.00,. .. t.,
On June 25 several residents enjoyed a car
ride to Bayfield with the Exeter Christian
Reformed Church ladies. It was a lovely
afternoon drive. Also that - day, several
residents enjoyed the movie presentation
entitled, Street of the Flower Boxes.
On June 27 the nursing home held their
monthly birthday party. Several residents
gathered in the activity room to celebrate
the birthday of Louise Scrymgrour.
4-H members tour Kongskilde Machinery. Plant
Members from the 4-H Sodbuster Club
toured the Kongskilde Machinery Plant in
Exeter, on June 25.
Guido Coolman, from Kongskilde,
welcomed the club and gave a tour of the
plant and equipment dealing with soil
Kongskilde make parts for, and assemble,
cultivators and plows.
Mr. Coolman demonstrated the special
new features of Kongskilde equipment such
as the new heavy-duty high clearance tine
on their cultivators and the reversible plow
The shop boasts a million' dollar painting
system for parts.
Members were also fascinated by the
grain conveying equipment sold by,
Vice-president William Fotheringham, on
behalf of the club, thanked Mr. Coolman for
the tour. President Murray Townsend, con-
ducted the Sodbuster business with lunch by
Kongskilde: _ .....____.. _.. _.. _
Brian McGavin, club leader, organized
the interesting and educational tour.
;Rumors lead to councilor's resignation at meeting
{ • from page 4
!Ground - Loss of $25,000 by fire last Thurs-
iday morning, June 29 was suffered by Mr.
land. Mrs. J. Willis VanEgmond, RR1,
:ton. Their barn on Highway 8, containing.a
:combine and drill, and 500 laying hens was
completely destroyed.
50 years ago
July 9, 1936
diMoving Of Band Stand Again Under
Discussion - The town council met on Mon-
day night with Mayor Holmes in the chair
and Councillors Cook, Walker, Lawson,
Murdock and Livermore present.
Rev. K. McGoun iepresenting a large
number of citizens requested that the coun-
- ' cif consider moving the bandstand from the
Recreation Nark to some point up town. The July 6, 1911
reasons given for the request were that the A Narrow Escape - Master Norman
grass was not short enough to allow comfor- Marsh of Detroit, the interesting and win -
table walking and the mosquitoes were a some little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
pest this year. Davis of town, whom he is at present
New Ambulance - A new combined am- visiting, had a narrow escape from drown-
bulance and .funeral -coach has been pur- ing the other day when he fell into the
chased by Messrs. Ball and Zapfe of the cistern. Miss Bertha Davis immediately
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Company. - jumped in after the little fellow and succeed -
The coach is richly upholstered with ed in rescuing him none the worse for the
mulberry, plush. It is easily converted into plunge. "'`"r -
an arflbulance and the red cross sign can be A Quiet Day - Canada's forty-fourth birth-
displdyed in the window. A new feature of day passed off very quietly in Clinton. The
the coach is the door on the side, which could business places were closed and many peo-
be used when it is not convenient to use the ple spent the day out of town, a number go -
coach in the usual way. ing to Bayfield early in the morning and re-
-- 75 years ago . _ .... 'Mining all day.
Re Passing Tree Cutting By-law
The new County of Huron tree cutting by-law, being 13y -law No. 23,
1986, became effective April 4, 1986.
The main changes from the previous by-law are --
1) clarification of the meafurrement provisions in determining
whether a tree, has een cut undersized: and.
2) a requirement that, every person. logger or fuelwood cutter
who is planning to cut trees for purchase or sale shall notify the
County Clerk's office in the prescribed form cit least five (5) work-
ing days prior to any cutting.
Copies of the by-law may be obtained, free of charge, from the Clerk's
office or the Tree Commissioner.
Leona Armstrong,
BA. booty.
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'Court Clouse, Goclorkh, Ontario
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