HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-16, Page 1: ''. THIRTIETH YEAR ---No 26 URON & M1DD 11j E SEX C -AZ ET P E. EXETER, ONT., CA. TAD.A•, THURSDAY MOR 1 N t i t1 LILY 16' Tu 1903 Hensall 4+.14+44+++++++++. ++444+•++•++++++++++44.14414 + "4; Q. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan 4. 4. ' CEMENT eer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance A eat, and Iseurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents :. carefully drawn ab reasonable rates, Money :I. to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, 4. Of leo at the Post Moe Hensonlx Norman Cook isvds%ting tela• -'llhe ]isles Qua, of Woodstock, 'i t are visiting g a 11 rI. J. Taylors. Kirkton -Mir. 11. Vi;clters,'moved his familly to London, on Wednesday. Mr. Fred Talyl,oir its away spending. holm- on L' -. r' zxaght brat, after �y is lioludrays at the coast. If you want the best results use rivers in Sou+i h River -Mr. and A?rs. G. L. Money, of Mit- .I, 31(ii •Wale Crawford, 'druggist, of obeli, are visiting friends in .the vii• + Ripley, is visiting itis mother. gage fox a few drays. N'1' ••-�Zis. ita9ris, of,�Vrox+eter, is visit- -lzr. nail Di[rs. N. lt. Carr and faro, d te nal alio tar Brat's 6em6ll •� •i iii Mrs, Cook and other• friends.ily a;revtisiin(gsiroldhalesat+1+\Lrs, D+otaell, of Ex'etter, was in lt4'estfield dugiing this week. + the village this week visiting her ,-.Mis's' I atlhtleas MmcL3urdy, of :St +1+i Thomas, is spending the holidays with ---I`Lllea alispaes Ifolio/nd of Exeter, her uncle Mr. J. McOu.rdy, WE AUX SOLE AGENTS 'Walls, Floors, Troughs, etc, built with these Cements last for ever. Wrt Binder e We have Binder Twine now in stock ready for you. Come in and get what you need and be ready when harvesting time comes. Scythes and Snaths, Turnip Hoes. We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed. Eavetroughing and Builders Supplies always on hand. in tate eweek111ego this eek visiting(Mrs. -Mer, S. Brow'n's horse took a.run Conk. NErs. Gee::J3rovpn is in. Clinton, lllioli. it, was sthar.t as 11e stopped himself on ,his own account, on Tuesday} but ,w• visiting her bro,thez, Dr. Geo, Blatch. ,pfogd.. • -Kiss 'Ella O'Brien, of Lxe t e r, is visiting, friends and relative& in our +1+ village. TIhe. Misters Mlo,'E wean are visiting d+ t'hoir parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- + Eaten. -i' Tlhia adiejsels Dellaney and bro.•the,r„ ,4g, triune Wiingtham, were here during the +II+ past week. -;Mrs. E. Pierce, of Forest, :was in the village this week, visiting :Mrs. T. Se.t'herla(nd. '1' -Dir. Thompson, of London, was in fig. the village this week, visiting relativ. es end Lriends. Wei• 3+++++++4++++++•3+4+4.44- .++ *+++++++++++d++++++++++4.+++ The We Can Convince i I Latest ThingtVon in Cloth Is always to be found at this tailoring establishment. If you havent a good tailor and are looking for one, try us, One trial will convince you that you cannot get better satisfaction for the same money than we will give you. that our stock of Spring and Summer goods is unequalled. See for yourself. FOWLER BROS. THE OLOTHERS, H ENSALL. W. W Taman., lealcrcTcm ntettt: TeiIor. Grand Bend Misses 'Vera IIiawkshaw and 011ie ,McLatuighdiin, .of Loindon, awe here • for ,itw,o wreaks' tnapaat,ion. A great {number from there attended the •e40brntion of the battle of the Btotyne, i,nl Mensal;, on Monday last. (Reay. Iiiolenes .of Gsainton, deliver- ed a (sermon to•the Orangemen of this,district, on Sunday last, 12th Xtilter. r�t'Among some of the artrivtals here Len,tthe season are': -Mr, H. E. Hus-e #loin and family, Mr. T. II. Mo. Callum, Oald Mrs, C. Heywood, of Exeter. Bidduiph Council Council 'mate July Cith, 403. A'plumbear of ae.00u1 is were pe,.idand the Reeve signed otrdersrfor sasme. }B(qj-Ia(wt No.) 8 anti 9,,' authorizing reeve and treasurer to borrow'money when irequested and to'construet gran ,olit'hie sidewalks, in Granton, was duly ;p1 '?#i . ' , i ;nee.' l immune The ;clerk waaereSittrunteditol re(que t !the Clelrk of the Pearce, Jamen'i'Madge, K. C. r, to take gteeps'ito wave; Andrew Piattsou,'of Ciandeboye, appointed a -h'ona31141.etur s{tia(bhie. The teonunnil adjourned to ,meet again .on Monday, the third dayeof August :next bat 10 a. m., Waal; S,TANLEfra Clark. Lucari :li'IeiC•aeten i !mo'ved teres from 'reMo(oreseelll(a,: rluielssiJa -Mx . Giebert, of Bay City, Mich, is visitiintg t Mte'hran. her aunt, Mrs. John;' .Meq-•. -Mr, Cecil Donease: , who has been teaching school near I1e4erton is Spend, hag this hal/days at his 'lame. here. -The ,premises now occupied by Mr+ Alex. Sceli,• htavL.ng be n 1purobiased by Dr. Beating, will be remodeled and occuip(ted iby, them. + . --Mr. iiWm. GildiilJ. an, Who. for the past two and a 'half years . has been wiLtle the Merchalnts' Bank, heire, has beeim transtfe'rred to London, where he has satjarg1i of 'the J(eldglelesta Theivla-- oaney here is being filled by Mr. Dan. amain, of Mt. Forest. rxelaena Vence., Zurich -11ir. 'R„ F. Stel;ch, principal of Zurich,pubbie aeho'ol,,left this week for a :trip, to the olid, :country. -D7jr,'Chiris.. Kitbler and dliutghaer, of yOaxiawsr, N. • •Dakota, are visiting friends here, htis week. -Mir. John Terrance, a former tees. their in our ;public school, spent a fe;ti days bast w ele1; with Mr. Wesley Sch. oeilig, Goshen Line. The Messrs. Heideman, Rudolph and Albert were in Wiotod*oek on Tues•-- da;y, on a sad mission ,vla:at;tj:ending the funeral of thei,•r mother. -'isees Gladys and Rose McNeil/in and Master Gordon, of Hensall, are visiting their grarnd piarents, Mr, and Mr. M. Zeller, during the holi- days. 1Buehamtan left on Saturday morning fox! a trip 'to the; Coast Ile expects to be absent 'from four to six weeks. We trust the doctor will enjoy his well earned. and fmuoh-need- ed +rest. --Mir. John Deieh'art, jr., left on Wednesday:morning for C pi o+ to wnd'grgo, another operation for ap- pelndictitis. J•obinie has had a good shame ot trouble the past year audit is pincetreily hoped that this operation will 'restore ham to health. . THE-- ifimilards Canada HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. APITAL (all paid up)• General Manager @feral• Grace Mornainoe, of Clinton, was in the village this weak, the guest of Mrs. Henry Cook, -Retv enfr. Diehl, of Altera. Craig, was in the village this, week visiteng Mr, J. Sui(hesrla'nd. -DIrs. Short, of Parkhill, 45 visiting ing her parents, Mr. and„Mrs. john - sten, of the London Road. -Mrs. Cluff and daughter, of Tuck. n e,rsmith,' spent Sunday :with DI'r• WthLte,Sides, Mrs. CLuft's brother. Miss Lillian Blatohford, who is tea. eking at Nile, was in ;the villagedur-. i.ng the {past week 'v'isiting relatives. -.Hire tG. Welsh,our enter prisingg prlepriieleter of this elacemic light pla(oit has placed a new arc light on the plotdt offiioet owner. t th c Ladles' Aid, of learn tlha -W e the Methodist church realized thehand some sum of $100.00 on the occasion of the O,ratage+men celebration on Mon- day last.. -,Aur guractavyt men and pc'aviyion dealers report the holiday of the 12th to ;nave bean very beneficial to them The same fact applies to our hotels and restaurants, who -did a rushing business.. Mr. G. G. Moir, engraver for the Batman. Li,tlbieb'rrtpblimo Co., Winni- peg.is at • present the guest of his uncle, Mr C. Moir, of the township of ]day. Dir. Moir saw sex vice in the late war in South Africa, under Gen- eral Baden Powell. _falise Heaid'er,son, of :Windsor, is visiting her brother, Rev. Mr. '•Herr- darson, also the Misses Grant are vis- iting {;heir aunt, Mrs. Henderson. Bayfield -:i1,Lr. Geneve. Capnpbecil, spent alien• day at I31yt(h, ` -Mrs. Wm. Brandon and Miss Liz- zie Balcoinar were at Blyth, on July 13lth,. Ditrs. Blaccloburn,. of Loudon, lin visiting at Mr. George Erwins, at piresent. L. L .0. No. , 2;1. ,aL;te(tided that cele. bra {:Lan at Hens'al.l, on the' 13,Lb, and evert a ptomaine: time. -The Sarnia Lumber Co. are prepar ing a raft of pine Logs in bh'e river to tow to Sarnia this week, -'J. G. St:ati btery, Barris(tter, of Ex eter, spent Sunday in the village visit Ling under the .parental rotof. -The Presbyterian congregation in- tend holding a igap>;deaa pper'Uy neixt week in Mr. ihhom;psson's orchard!. -Mr. Jahn, Elliott and wife from the Rocky Mountain District are vis- iting friends in town at: present. -freed atligh scowl stud outs, of Clinton, held a social hop in thepavil- lion on, Saturday ,evening last. -Dir. Chris. Howard and herb Troy er, returned to Toronlo, on Saturday last after spending a week in the vil- lage, --.The i\lisses 1 erre of Cli,nto.n, were the guests ot their sister, Mrs. 11. Dtarrah, of the Commercial hotel. last Elimvi1ie -Rev, Rau. Hicks spent a couple of days under the parental roof. +er . ELe• ' its Mt,55i�;112abei Minors, of , spent Sunday under the parental roof Tiev. Waddell, of Arva called on friends in the village Ane clay last wont;,. -Mr. ,end: Mrs. J. H;odgel".rn, ) of Freewill, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bri, unaa;Gombe. -Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johns, of Ex- eter, spent: Sunday with friends in and aground 111i'e village. Wi'e ea , Ia i,t • •d , am Ilex , - Di'r. Elwin wi,n Hansall, spent Sunday' the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Andraw. -The dry hot weather of last: week was a good thing for the hay crop and $6000,00® many tons of first-class hay was gatb aired tn. and the majority are finish -- $2, 700,000 ed. • E. P.1i11 31)EN, --I''1 :fail wheathas tetra Superintendent of Branches enc a 'Pawl ends, 'Tike lee•n/noint to the, Oren4e Or, detr, pini a{clhledt'by Rev. A;ndeirenn, on Sun- day evening last was very largely at., tended, the church being packed. +-Mrs. Btabt. Robinson, who ' was called to Londeeboro, on Monday las t to attend Meir daughter-i,n-lra,w, who was sick. returned hto,m�e� on Tuesday evening. .- Tihc Orangemen o,f this neighbor- hood did''not,participate as largely as usual in their annual de'm.o'nstration who ch was held at Mensal;, very few indeed Lelf-t in tlhe ipa;otcelcs(sisrn. --Tthe basket social under the aur-. picas of the Ladles' Institute held on. Mr. R. F.ite(tic(hletrs' lawn en 'Tuiesday asfterfnoon and evening was largely at tended, and several good addresses were given by the delegates, and the literary programme in the evening good. - Dashwood --+00,0...._1 -Miss C. Weber, of Almira, is in JOHN WH%TB & SONS ,w(ot:10e1g lin; Souitlu Itivefr; foci 'trate ()net 4444.44+44,4404444404444444 444944444444444+44444444i I* tto'w: ianOnt'lus, ;returned home Thurs ;ay • last. -Mr• •aavd Mrs. della Wind returned I weekse 'visit with sans •and, daughters 14 a(tt °Deij , Miichnigtain.• -DLr.ilaitatntdi , iG uiilFiokul; `tye;(ellsiid- . demos toadied to Landon on1 Satrzrday' q of last week, owing to 'the death of 8 1Vfir.,;Chu leoleneemeethe(r. 14 e• -'.A, munaibe,r a our young. (people pip . 4 Meted at Grand 13'end, on •Wetdnessidtay, o and Eriday; of last week. The weath- er being favorable,' a very pleasant 8 tilma wast srptein(t. • -gr. Ed. Iiia bLe,, who' relcfln1LJt1�tates ttose+d of V biax iesea buelnetsa, h;as Jt''i cureld. a. (position in a wlaoilejsale hard= ware, Loudon, and on Friday last lacy 4 ed :Etas fenny to they city. 4 A Liberal Offer. -The Times and d' remily Herald •arid Star. .Montreal, for the balance of 1903 for C. and 4 to all who subscribe before July 15 4 wet will will include the two pioturep, 4 "Purity and Alone". Tinetnsneeictureia ,4 alone are worth theprice. This is R 4 special offer to increase o subscrip- tion rapidly. idly r. -Mulch regret was felt ,on it beoom ing known •on Saturday last that Miss es Ella .Moriook. (daughter of the+elate 4 Jdbtn Morlook) load Massed to the great beyond. The ;sad event took peatce 'at the .resiidtenoe ,of 'Mr. Ho.rry Enekingh'aam, Exeter. She hiadalways been a remarkably robust, healthy younlg woman,. and her sudden de,par- t:.ura• was a sad shock to her many f•rLerodtai •amid' redatdvels in this neigle--1 borahood. THE RE -'DISTRIBUTION BILL, Some of the Ridings us They Now Stand. the village calling on friends. • 1 ,Middlesex North, will ineludei the -Mr. C. Fritz, of Zurich, and J.1 townships of B•iddulph, DficGillirtray, West ,Wi1Lia,m•s, East Williams, adzes t• to towns of Liman and aide Lobo, h 1, P.asiohill, and the village of 'Ailsa Clraig- Mid'dle4 x Bain;•-T;he tofw•tnshiips of Reid, of Leeury, culled on friends here on Sunday. y -O. V. Snell, of Boston, New York, and Miss Flasi.le, of London, are spend tahe'Lr holidays at home. --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann and 'i '�•tof • . T,Lnd enPi el Exeter, Chas ,ten, visited at Mr. Chas. Steinhagen's, on Sundtays -Mrs'. A. B'eani end Miss .V1 are, ter Go•dericb, are Waiting their friends and relatives inland about, t, the vil- lage. -M_ e Fa Icing, of Clintron, once of our forever publi,e school teachers was in the .village a few days last 'armlet •.i North Dor- chester A 'c•. Ns iW 1 nd r , Lla , In n t` chestesr and Westminster. laiiddlesleX Wiest-eltlte..towwshipe 'ofj Metcalne, Dfosa, Elle rid„ villages of Glencoe, Qa,ratd,oc, and Delaware. the towns of Stiratihtroy, Wardsville, and tthie village of Newbury. Bast Lambte,n, as etcrrauged by the Liibeirais is Floe inieiudte illosanquet, renewing acqua,intahoes• Waraviusk, fount tilUissn, ;Brook and -A medicine C�ompany gave an open Elp'uhe'mmat ;tlotwlnphips.; Pe is olio ,and ailr c'onoort on 8d:ttnrdtay euenha,gl, and iE' ore'st ' towing Tthretd(ford, . A'rloonra•,. wure fortunate enough to disipose of Watford, Oil springs and Abvinston quite .a qu.anttity if their gtooidts. villages --!20;919. -Mr. J. Kellerman and Ed, Wall West: Larm,pecen will consist of are all smilers these days their wives having presented them each with a d,au;ghter. The piopula,tio,n of our vile 'luige seams not to decretase- -Quite a =umber from here took en the Orange celebration at Hensall, on Monday. A large number of camp - peas are going through the village deity on their way to Grand Bend. -Rev. Meckel preached an interest- ing missionary sermon in the E•van- ginlllieeal ciit`urele ora Sunday ovening,rat the close of the service 'the sum of , 170. )5 was ,raised to aid this noble work, the Idiefaicaary cause . Exeter Municipal Council Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment of Town Hall, July 7tT.• All pre'sent.. t17,i;nu L•ers oil previous lee t ing; ,read and confirmed. •Croec]i,-Cobide dick -Th at. {lie fol,. towing eertafied cemetery accounts be paused and orders drawn on. rea.sur- Plytm;ptoin, Sarnia, Moore, Sombre. and Dawln t arngibints, Sarnia town, Point Ddwaard 9d=Wyo'ming viILages-29,725• 'JMaron.= eats{-Cixr'ay, Hawick, Turn•: berry'. Br:arras,. Waevianiosh, E., Wing - ham, Myth, Brussels, Wroxeter. Pop- ulation, 1'0,712. TItmnoin :W,ese-Asjli{fi,eJ,d„ W. W Swei- noidk., Hallett, Godt'srial', Clanton, 4pop- ulaatitolnl,t 19,71e. Heacfn South -St Hay, Ste hien, Us:bomne, Tucketratmith, MoEillop Seafortlr•, Exeter, H.eunsali„ Bayfield, Population, 22,881. CRANGE CELEBRATION The 12th of July in Hensall. The O,rc,n,ge society is nae pf the most venerable and ,powerful esctne't sociatiess in the British Empire. Found- ed in November, 1688, at Exeter, Eng- land, by Wil•llialm IIL, tlhe Earl of Shrewsbury, Sir. Edward Seymour and T Bishop Burnet, it liar since increased Deb- ar for same :-D. A. Alward, parL.sa1, very greatly, nidi; it hos become acti- ary, $,93.75 Jin-. Ford, labor, 824.75; very organized til it the Dam- Wlini. Harcdiag, interest on note., X35; mien of Canada, New Zealand, .lustr- -.Carried. ansa South Africa, JUa wki,ns.-.G'Jllenpie.-.That. the, fol- lowing accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same:E. Jon- es„ labor, $3.50 1'+. Gillespie, do.. ,$'1.50 Thos. Wtbsterr, do., 82.75'.; S. Hand+ ford, de., .$,'6.50 ; J. Parsons, do., $15.13 Jambes Willis, deo., $12.38; Geo. Atkin- son, do., $4.50; W. II. Levett, gasoline, 423.10; H. Parsons, Street watering. to. Jona 29 r(1. S 3,.00 ; C. 13. Snell. eilteicll(ria light, $88.80; F. Heist, tile, 4130400; W. J. Bissatt, charity to Mrs. autt'an $ 9 00 :t--Ottearbed. Cn'eelcpi-G•i.il'ea pee. -That the Reese and Treasurer be empowered ter bora now, the sum of $ 1.000. fie meet aura - rent exprais�e,s.-tear.riell . Council adjourned to Tuly 2lst. at 7.30 p. m. • Council met at anti of ,Reeve July L premien mil �4t.h. Al e ao l 1 11 : 'te hat 'Lh Cobblediclr Gi est. Ti i e encasing on main street at the corner t. Greet be lower n L n hails Main and a t of g ed two hashes and tlte, stake in• front /world, the liberties evhich are heirs so r i a es well as the British Isles. It has at, leas{. 1,000,000 aicILive member in the Empire. The sociecty is mow a (ponvelgful factor lit Ura United States, t,hlon,gh not " h B'rit,ish institution. The society stands Gest 'and foremost for the spread. of ;the !p�rotesstant religion, and in the British !Empire) for the, maintenance) of the closest e,o:naect.ion between the Mother Land and the Dominions be- yond e- y o nct {'fie seas." The 2110th atnitvetretery of flip -battle of the 33oyne, was celebrated In Ilen sail, on Monday by 11te Orangemen of itilve surrtoumding di�ii.ricts, with. the whole -sealed ern.tiiusineen with. which the follow*errs of Laing 'William always 1tiali the day. There was templet cvid- ':nce that the glorious. pious and 1m - mortal memory of: the t?ri'n'ee of Ore mage was held in Lite same reivietrelnee r• as it Blas always F7^'^tn, stance elle gale tiain.t; champion peceerv�eci t,o England., and through her to the A•nglo,sgaxon of John Taylor's be 1owelted four in I deer to( eiv'en•y true Briton - cams on new walk.- Carri.eti. Hai'klru1.-Tirit si:Bewails on Victor. La slttreet be, six feet, tit'ido.-No sego* der. Jail e,pwnrd,s of 5,000 peupic'had gather ICobbteidiek.-Gi]lesp�ie.,-.TJh'alt•.waltk! 1e1;1 in our 'village. Amtple, aeoarnodr- Ieverye c th wide.- nr ,nl o five feet tic n . �^i Victoria street be f rl..t bet i lion eves afoi + C,arri,ed day glassed' •oft very succetssfall.y. A From oairly morning t o the st rains o'f ,music front the fife and drum, car;oitvrn+ of ,people kept pouritnee in un - Council adjourned; to 'regular meet- bigg.prooession wiu:h hands and banners coursed the; streets :and afterwards as tnrg• _0000_ Clerk. ° scmbled h the girove helical. Neral the ad -1 dresses given. Some of the prizes Crediton awarded were captured by Summer - 1 ire t m' tv c(a' crop ,a s ---+- h+Ll•l Lodge, for the, beat tite and drum m.enasGci1,'a.ncl the. atop ,al.tltlough not Mr, P. W. Clark, of 'Granton, spent band; Credi'ton',fot thel;tandsomess•.t quite so heavy as Last year., is a good Sunday in the vtnlege• banner, while the pi.Lzr, to the young- avon4aig'e 'carp, and the grain of fixate'. DLrs. Sol. L'Ioll znrann, of Elkton, is set member 'o'f the order writs c•atp't.uyed elmcivalityi a visiting relatives in the village. t iby Mr. Tor.ld, ot Graderteh, and the •TTh:, berry pickers h ave been busy--aMa;stter Otto 13rowmn, of 'Elmira, i prix: tor oldest ,monnber present going this week, and report the 'berries very is home nos it months' venation. to MIlclhell Lodge. AOGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable ourrent rates allowed on ''774gavings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Litters of Credit iamnad available in China, Japan and ,other foreign countries. daue plentiful and extra large in quality. -Oltr blacksmith has engaged Use sssrvic'eds of Mr, ahas, Stewart of Estates, t; assist ham. i1T:r. Stewart, etoarees well reeo!m'meiwdcd, and is !poi. halos one of the berstelehtiektemiths in western t t ,rio, ctiica� ii lty on horse Shoeing and will no doubt d'rlaw a large trade to the shop, CREDITON ONTARIO. • 'Children Cry for • W, SI• CHISHOLM, Malinger: A TO R, IA. -'Miss Clara Siegnier, 'of Durham, Is rsndwing acquaintances in the. village. -Mr. Kelso, of Detroit, ,are visiting relaatiavets end friends in i,h.'rs vicinity. -Mr. ,ani]t Mrs'. Ches. Eiiber, Cif Mayville, are visiting under the 'par-- en'atl root. Miss Lizzie , Bieber, who. has been working+in el •`troit, is home; sipeniding her aaumaz1eitvadati,on. 14T•nsl. Dani Sweitzex returned home atter a five week' wvit'ht her bro. MOM Cbrarlie, at ivuroille:. Or. punt S+weitter, +av'hc' hetet been FRUIT TRADE WITH THE WEST IN A CRITICAL CONDITION The Fruit Dttvisioat, Ottawa, gives out 'the/ ,follehv'ing et atetme'nt,--Ninner ons .reg.ueets lac e, been received .from Manitoba and the Northwest Terri- tories for Ontario fruit of the hest quality, put up rosiest and attractive pcl ka'gess oft the, rent that Wra tern dealers ,prefer to ivlundle. There ate immense •p;ossibiliites in this Western 44 ■ ons, Kgarnsy ts and Shoes Ladies' Pearl Grey Canvass, reg, $1,0 for X 1.1:0 Ladies' Patent Leather Bal. reg. $2.50 for $1,75 Ladies' Oxfords regular $1,50 for $1,10 • Men's Patent Leather ....regular $3.00 for $2 00 Thereis no place that you can get such value for your money in Sho& as at our store. Call ani see them. • 4 4 4; s. tio sweET4. 0440®0404404444►0444044®alt 4444•444444.4444444444. 4.444 traria for the Ontario fruit growers, but up -,to, -date methods of packing and shipping will have to be adopted at once or the whole of this great and growing business will ba Capture; biyl that A'merFieatns. Fruit Inspector, Philp, of Winni-- psg writes that matters have come to a 'e'ribictal s' stage, and thait unll rn On- eatrio nowtm akes a determined bid for the Gradin, the market will 'be occupi- ed almost e'xciusiveay by fruit {from California, Oregon, and British. Col-- enabia. In the ease of apples, elven Ko.na(as and Missouri are likely to be Anent co Gnpetitors s According to Mr. Philip, the p'and,cges wan'tled In the Winnipeg ,market are as follows: Early apples, the bushel box; pears, the hat f-;baz, holding twenty pounds of tvtrapped frntt ; peaches and plums, the orate holding four bozes, similar td, those used by California shippers, and which are well known in all Canadian markets.. It is very i'm'portant that 'Ontario shippers should realize the critictsl stage at whiiph this trade has arrived, and that they should make a united effort to caapture the, Western market not only by perfeeting the details of their own •end of the business, but by taking up .the .matter of t ransporta-- Lian with, the express • ani (railway companies in order to selnure if pos-- sible a better and quicker service to Winnipeg. Al present fruit is frequ- ently forwarded; by empress from 'To- ronto to .Winnipeg 'Via Smith's Valls, a.nd even Montreal, to connect with' the thrfeelght •trains -The result :is that the fruit is on -the, road Jfr((im 18 tot 24: ',hours longer than it would rho 11 sent by North Bay, and consequent- ly it +ides not arrive,"in Winnilpeu fin that beetnion.ddtlion. If the ealrsztyintq oemipa(nies cart he convinced. that' On= teak, ;gra:ve rs are ;prepared 'tea i•ma,in-). ttain a steady shipment et fruit in mo- dern ipackiages, and not merely to send West the fruit that the:East dces not want, put up in all sorts, on anti - cleated sh;a;p'es, theere is Little doubt that adequate service will be .provided; t at a rate which tvi1Z co'mp'are favorabr ler with that now enjoyed 'by Oregon and California sshilppers. egenuine!:n teriaalwac•s hears tateSigratc::.. en Chas. K. Fietc er. When 11a17 was :ick we gevc her cncsc.n, G-Lcnsilt t:.. a Caiid, iii: riel for C:...tca cthem Cantona I. 0. 0. F�NO.TES. .Bro. R. N. Rowe was elected Repre- sentative to Grand Longe. in lI.amill•- to)n;, int Auigupiti Patria.rct.l'1r, H. Trott, will repres- ent G1ne Camp at its annual meeting int •II•awiilit'o'n, in August: Messrs. E. J. Speckmen, Grand Pat - and S. A..C'oples'tpne, Dist. Depty. Grand Patriarch, installed on Thune - day evening, the following officers to Exeter Encampmeint of Oddfeliows in to their respective offices for the pre - pent term :-Pat. R .N. Taylor, 0. p; .Ilia Pet. anal : d, S . W. ; 'Pat. J. G. Stalaburry, J. W.;; pat. R. N. Rdw i, H. P.: Pat. A. E. 'Fake, Soriibe, ; Pat. E. J. Spackman, T,reas. Tb:e, Eneanatpmeint Branch, of Ute Or- der has in many ipianes, nearly daub] cid its .membetrelhuip, and mucln'of this pxolgreas has b.eetn, due to :the enthus- iasm, sprroigreesivietniess, and ability of Lts present ;head, Grancl Patriarch. E. I Spatcikiman, et the Grand. En:eamesa meat .of Ontario. In a few weekd Grand Patriarch Soack(man wall give aver ads office to his successor. and will then take his chair as Grand Res presentative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the world. Jiro. S4 A. Panel ea tome, P. D; D. G. DL. installed the officers of 'Exete'r Lodge No. 67, Independent Order ;vt Odtdif'ellloiw(s ant Tuesday, July 15th': - (Bre. It. Davis, J. P. G. • •E. h1I. Onig. non N. ' 9'. ; aato. Huhid V. 9.; R, N. Taylor, R. S.; A. E. Puke,; 1'. 8 hire H. ,Trott, Treas. ; W. Hetaanan, War -- den; Geo. Eaoret,t, Con-; W.m. Melt villa, I. G. D. Rlustzerll„ 0. rG.; Delbrid;ge, 'R. S. N. G.; P. Gardiner, L. S. N. 0.; T. Boyle, R. S. V. G. S. Rowe, L. S. V. G.; 1V'm. Statham, R. S. S.; 3. Elston, L. S. S.; W. Wm. - Taman, Chap. Od:dfelIow•sship has increased numer- icaily more rapidly this•ycar than any year since its existence in Amerrica, It is now the largest •nwmetriclal, benea vmolent society in the world: Its three links eneitrcle the Globe, and its come mends of visiting the sick relieving the distressed, burying the dead, erne - eating the orphan, and caning for the widow, are observed by all people. i Mr. S. A. Poplels hone; Distriiet Dee?. puty Grand, Patriarci ; 1ias,placed.t.lie Offic'er's of Minervanetatniipment,,'No. 47, of VVi.ngRvam, in working order for the !present term and reports sa'.iefae- tory ;progress. Children Cry for CASTiy~f n flalltork Roca, Snail anti Trio tialliorit Fulleus, Iron ,& 'Wood Aistockand our Wheel from 25 to 40,ati e in and ,. I+ir:or All sizes .. 0 , r � inown, Hooks Pelee. 'ire the lowest t s a., i3.anl, Bottom tic . prices BIC TIT Here is where we s:now we llavo the very best. celebrated PIymegith Twine gives perfect satisfaction, fut'therest and gives no trouble. CIt7►I.� f Ei3AL SILVER SUIEP PI..YI"4oOft11). io. The goes 0150 feet. OOO ft. GB`!` OUR PRICES Hammocks, a nice range from Hayforks 0000 ...... 00 00.... Screen 'Windows 0 0 0 0 • • + . . Screen Doors.. . a . , +++ . , Frazer Mica Axle Grease - Preserving Preserving ;:Kettles ' • • from .,..• ... , • a . - Scyths o Scythe )roues • + + . .. • + $1,45 to $4M0, ..45c, u p • -.15c 1.111. 850 11' 1 , 10 and 25cl, a . .. 1.. ,w �,1c 11p ....noel() E)Oc, .Y,it . i, 15c. AT HEAMAN' The . Low Prk e Hardware