HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-06-25, Page 9Nikki Gerrits gave the rocking horse a try, while her little sister Esther looked around
for other bargains at the garage and bake sale held at St. Joseph's Church in Clinton on
June 21. ( David Emslie photo )
Reach for the Top team
selected for 4-H contest
By Fred Peel
• BAYFIELD - The third meeting of the
Dairy Calf Club was held at Lana and Dave
Jones' place on June 19.
Susan Van Egmond started the meeting
with the 4-H pledge. Angela Van den Elzen
read the minutes of the last meeting, The at-
tendance roll call was taken and the
meeting was handed over to the junior
leaders and leaders.
The Reach for the Top team was organiz-
ed. The lucky people are Susan Van Eg-
mund, Angela Van den Elzen, Scott Mc-
Cullough, Fred Peel and spare Lana Jones.
These intelligent individuals will go to the
Hensall Arena on July 29 at 7:30 p.m. for the
Arts committee pians
theatre group for summer
CLINTON - The Arts committee here has will take you on a musical history ride
been busy planning an exciting summer and through the many styles of 20th century
fall program for Clinton residents. music - from jazz, through swing and folk to
This summer they hope to begin an rock.
amateur theatre group, who will (if enough These performances will be held at the
interest is shown) work toward producing a Clinton Town Hall, and all three will be in -
performance in late September. eluded in one price of $15.
If anyone is interested in acting, or pro- Also in the fall, and a first for Chnton, will
duction (sets, costuming, etc.) watch for the be a Harvest of Talent featuring the town's
announcement and show your support. The own local entertainers in competition for
committeeere. suspects there is lots of talent out rizes. The entrants will choose one
tcategory from vocal, nstruumental, dance or
In September, you will be hearing more novelty. The dates for this contest are set for
about the first entertainment series the Oct. 10 (play -downs) and Oct. 24 ( finals) .
committee has, been working to put Keep these dates -in mind for the talented
together. There will be three light perfor- ones in your family!
mantes in the series beginning in November . The committee, and the town, are lucky -to
with a presentation by the Rabid Transit have the use of the auditorium with an ade-
Comedy Cabaret - a very humorous group of quate stage, and recently added drapes and
Toronto actors. curtains, but some form of theatre lighting
The second performance will banish your is still required. In an effort to raise some
February blues with a nostalgic evening of money for this cause, the committee is plan -
barbershop harmonies. ning a special evening of ballet, harp, violin,
The series will conclude in April with a piano, art works, food and refreshments in
variety performance by Ken Whitely who early November. Watch for further details.
South -Huron competition.
The mission for these people is to go out to
compete, have fun and to . become South
Huron's representive team at the county
, final.
Last year's champion Huron County
Poultry Club will try again to defeat the club
for the second time.
" The annual inspection of this club's pro-
jects will begin next month, members were
reminded. Lana Jones motioneto end the
meeting. Lana and Dave served cupcakes
and soft drinks to all present after the
The next meeting will be at' Angela and
John Van den Elzen's on July 17 at 8:30 p.m.
Margaret Mtddleton 's
grandson wins award
Clinton women win jackpot
CLINTON - In the early bird games of.
Monster Bingo, Bev Bentley of Brussels won
$91 in the first game, and Vera Colquhoun of
Clinton, along with Ann Field of Goderich
won $96.50 in the second game.
Kerry Pitblads and Marilyn Gibbs, both of
Goderich, were the winners in the first
game of regular play.
In the second game °June Milley and
Marilyn Gibbs, again both of Goderich,
were the winners.
The winners forthe third game were all
from Clinton, _ and they were Wilmer
Steward, Brenda Gass and Debbie Wright.
Darlene Hooper of Exeter and Mrs.
Harold Foster of Goderich were the winners
in the fourth game.
Prior to the playing of the fifth game,
Share the Wealth worth $116 was played and
the winners were Dorothy Fleet of Clinton
and Pat Shaw of Blyth.
Winners in the fifth game were Terry
Ward of Walton and Brenda Brown of
Sylvia Mittelholtz of Zurich was the win-
, ner in the sixth game, while Mrs. Lapaine of
Goderich was the winner in game seven.
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Chris Earley, grandson of Margaret Mid-
dleton, has been named the 1986 recipient of
the Strathroy District Collegiate Institute
(SDCI) Staff Centennial Award. The honor
is bestowed on a SDCI student every year
who makes a significant contribution to the
school and community.
Chris is the son of Bev and Janet Earley of
Riverview Drive in Strathroy.
Chris enjoys many forms of entertain-
ment, and •excels at all of them. He con-
siders music and art his first loves and plays
tenor saxaphone in the junior intermediate
and senior bands at school as well as the
baritone sax in the senior stage band. He is
also learning to play the clarinet and flute in
hopes of finding a spot in a band when he
goes to university.
A lover of wildlife, Chris enjoys working
with chalk and acrylics to do portraits of
animals. Recently he finished a display with
another student for the Royal Bank.
On the sports scene, Chris played basket-
ball on the midget team and the conference
winning junior team last year. In February,
he completed a scuba diving course and is
now certified.
He has participated in several school ac-
tivities including the, computer club,
photography club, promotions committee,
and has spent three year on the student
council. Throughout the past four years at
In the eighth game of regular play W. Pat-
terson of Clinton was the winner.
Share the Wealth worth $117.25 was
played before game nine, and the winner
was Lia Cadman of Goderich.
Vicki Colquhoun of Clinton and Lynn
Alderdice of Grand Bend won the ninth
In game 10, Phyllis Bentley of Atwood was
the winner, and Beth McLean of Goderich
won the eleventh.
Elaine Josling of Clinton won in game 12.
Before game 13 was played, Share the
Wealth worth $120.50 was won by Marlene
Hart of Clinton.
Frances Freeman of Clinton was the win-
ner in the thirteenth game, and Marg Bezzo,
also of Clinton won in game 14.
In the fifteenth ganhe Vera Colquhoun of
Clinton, Kathy Rody of Goderich and Lorene
Robinson of Gode>ricl were the winners.
The Bonanza Bingo winner of $50 was
' Marilyn Morley of Goderich.
The $1,000 jackpot winners were Judy
Dykstra and Kay '.Scotchmer, both of
Clinton. -
high school, Chris has kept his average in
the high 80s. He hopes to graduate next June
with 10 Grade 13 credits.
Outside school, Chris works part-time at
the local pharmacy. He spent a summer
working on his uncles Belgian draft horse
farm in Saskatchewan, and last summer,
worked as a junior ranger clearing trees for
the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Chris is a member of the Mcllwraith Field
Naturalists of London and is interested in
the preservation of wildlife and its habitats.
He has completed a continuing education
course at Western on bird behavior and
plans to study zoology, wildlife biology or
marine biology when he goes to university.
As winner of the Staff Centennial Award,
Chris is given $250 to spend on books,
theatre tickets and music.
Rhonda Scrimgeour
Rhonda Scrimgeour, daughter of Doug and
Elaine Scrimgeour of Blyth, graduated
from the Culinary Course at Conestoga Col-
lege. Rhonda was recognized on the Dean's
List in both basic and advanced courses. She
apprenticed at Benmiller Inn, and is cur-
rently at the Muskoka Sands Inn,
man wins award
Bill Bell, formerly of Londesboro, was
presented with the Chief Scouts Award at
Central United Church in Barrie on June 11.
Bill is a member of the first Alcona Ven-
turers and is one of a contingency from
lempenfelt District planning to attend the
World Boy Scout Jamboree in Australia in
Bill is the son of Raye and Donald Barratt
of Stroud and Doug and Shirley Bell of
Londesboro. Grandparents are Clarence
and Lucie Freeman of Goderich and Gus
and Audrey Barratt and Ida Webb of King
to the
25th Wedding Anniversary
John & Diane Buchanan
Saturday, July 5, 1986
9 P.M.
Saltford Valley Hall
Friends & Neighbours