HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-06-18, Page 12NOW OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 PM I Page 12--CL4JNTO T T1 w$,,f tE..cO , WFPN, SD4 't •.1>J 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tf0r TORO MOWERS available at Steve Argyle Lawn and Garden Equipment 1970 Bayfield. 565-2800.-22-25ar TOOL SHED - Barn style, cedar siding, asphalt shingled roof, wood flooring, 8x8, $350 or best offer. 565-2720 or 434-7022.---24,25x '/2'• PLYWOOD for sale, $1.0.00 per sheet; used vanity, 24", $50.00. Phone 482-5539.-25,26 TWO 39" Continental beds, clean. Phone 482-3193.-25 • 8' FIBERGLASS TOPPER, 6 months old, sliding windows, excellent condition 5500 or best offer. Set of 13- aluminum mag rims with white letter tires 5225.00 or best offer. Call 529-7917 anytime.-25nx PATIO SETS - 40 percent off or more. Wide selec- tion. Warehouse open Friday and Satyirday. 71 King St. W. Forest, Ont. (519) 786-4405.-25tf PICK YOU OWN STRAWBERRIES. Springbank Acres, 1 mile north of Varna, County road 31.. Pick now at peak of crop. 482-9284.-25,26x PICK YOU OWN STRAWBERRIES. Albert Schilbe 482-3256.-25-27 IRON RAILINGS, custom built from $11.00 per foot, also gates, fences, straight and spiral stair- cases. Phone Gord's Welding 482-5216.-25-28ar HIGH RETURN INVESTMENT. $8,000.00 will buy 50'x12' rental or personal mobile home with ad- dition. Now renting at $200.00 monthly. Must sell. Offers. 482-3186, 482-7066.-25 50'x12' GLENDALE mobile home with large addi- tion to be sold as investment home for yourself. Now renting $195.00. $8,900.00 to buy. 482-3186, 482-7066.--25 SINGLE BED, box springs and mattress, like new condition also four drawer dresser 482-3349.-25 BIKES FOR SALE. Will repair or trade bikes. Phone 482-5698.-25,26x C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 miles south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 Wo even take trades COUPON 8" x 10" COLOUR ENLARGEMENT 2/ 7 98 Z r1 a. ® C 0 • •2 for $ 7.98 with this coupon G r✓• From slide or negative Z • Offer expires July 30, 1986 CLINTON 482-9494 "Now open t1119 p.m. Fridays" GODERICH - EXETER COUPON SHRUBS (Upright or Spreaders) VERBE-EK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482-9333 MC3FFAT HOME LAUNDRY WAS $629. NOW TILL fir. SAT.; JUNE 21 alt• HEAVY-DUTY WASHER MW 1140 • 6 program • 5 wash/rinse temperature combinations i •Three 'speeds •Infinite wafer level *Bleach /Fabric softener dispenser htcfudi • 001088 0 flit nOIii 10818,* n itwrmtf:kadm• , 414041 LASSIFIED TETE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYF'IELD BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ...Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale - 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sal: 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent Y 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 24 Wanted to rent 23 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educatlonul 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for runt 47 Cards of thanks 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OIZ IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. c) a 1. Articles for sale GAS BARBECUE - used only one season, single burner, excellent condition, tank included, $75.00 firm. 10 speed bike, 545.00. Phone Clinton 482-9348.-25x 3. Garage sale/Yard sale GARAGE SALE, Saturday, June 21, 9 am -4 pm, 161 Huron Street, Clinton. Stereo and household articles. -25 YARD SALE, Saturday, June'21 167 Frederick St., Clinton at 9 a.m.-25ic YARD SALE, Saturday, June 21, 9a.m. - ? Rain date June 22. 6 Toronto Blvd., Vanastra,-25 16. For rent COMPLETELY EQUIPPED and furnished hall, homey atmosphere. Suitable for commercial meetings, family gatherings, showers etc. Ac- comodating up to 70 people. Reasonable rates, ample parking. Contact 482.7869.-25tfnx give yourself a lift in one of our fine cars vans trucks prices start at •weekly & weekend rates available a20' van truck available 011 • s2425 INCLUDING FREE 100 KM ON CARS ONLY 1.12' van truck available 524-8411 TRICKLAND 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent GARAGE. AND YARD SALE this,. Saturday, tlurle • 21, 7 a.m. - ? At 17 Gibbings Street, Clinton. ' Tools, antique men's jewel box, mirror, etc. -25 FOUR FAMILY Garage Sale, June 21, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 189 Church St. - off Erie St. S. Rain or shine.' Furniture, bicycles, baby items etc. -25x ' YARD SALE - Saturday June 21 from 9 a.m. - ? 269 Ontario St., Clinton. -25x 5. Cars for sale 1976 CORDOBA for sale by original owner. Needs body work. Phone 482-7432 after ' 8 p.m. -25x 1976 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, 86,000 miles, p.s., p.b., air cond., AM/FM. Good condition, make an offer. 482-7009.-25x 1980 CITATION V-6, p.s., p.b., tilt, AM/FM. Ex- cellent body and running condition. As is, $2,750.00. Phone 482-3883 after 5 p:m.-25,26 1976 DATSUN Short Box, rte '' 50 AMP alternator and regulator, fiberglass topper, as is, best offer 482-3800.-25 1977 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door. Selling as is. Best of- fer. Needs some body work. Calf 482-3813 after 6 p.m. -25x 7. R.V.'s for sale TRAILERS' - Travel, 5th Wheels, Hardtops, New and Used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel, Fibco. Hitches, Truck Caps, Running Boards, Sales, Ren- tals, Repairs. Comp -Out Hwy: 8, 1 mi. west of Stratford, 393-5938.-14-31 LIGHTWEIGHT 17'. trailer, sleeps six, all convex niences included. .Call • after 6 p.m. 482-9559.-25x 1974 CORSAIR trailer with large add -on -room, fully self-contained; Phone 565-2734.-25 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED Beagle Pups. Start them now for this fall. Parents excellent hunters. Mother has won several trials. Call now 482-3374, only two pups left. ---24,25 13. Mobile homes HIGH RETURN investment. $8,000,00 will buy 50'x12' rental or personal mobile home with ad- dition. Now 'renting at $200.00 'monthly. Must sell, Offers. 4824186, 482-7066,--25 50'x12' GLENDALE mobile home with large addi- tion to be sold as inve'titrhent or home for !yourself. Now renting $195.00. $8,990.00 to buy.' 1824186, 482.7066.-25 12'x68' BENDIX mbbile home for sale with 8'x24' addition. Phone 482.3150.---200 16, Articles for rent PLYWOOD POkMS, 0144060,. portable 'cement muei", power:trovvef3, wheelbarrows, etc, POW, Pies. riorriveou Relytels, Zurich, 236.4954, 3Ark weekdays and after 5 p.m., anytime Sttt" relay.•--•2tf'ar %1 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, available Aug. 1, good parking, first and last month's rent. 271 Bayfield Rd., Clinton 1-473.9021.-25tf . Attention b7ir� Farmers FIVE ACRES of hay for sale; WANTED: Clean wheat straw. 482-7196.-24,25 EASTERN BEEF and Holstein Calves for sale, ap- proximately 120 to 300 lbs. Phone Tudor Wain. 524-9898.-24,25 BEAN PULLER, 4 row; Lockwood windrower, 4 row; also McCormick 46 Baler. Phone 262-5708.-24-26 READY to lay Pullets, available now. No order too large or -too small. Call Rooseboom's Poultry Farm 236-4102.-24,25x it 4 ROnonslde s ff er,, P.•h a A82.9252.-725 31 FARROWING PENS; Berg. Stable Cleaner with over 400 feet of chain, 45 feet outside chute, like new; New 'Holland' 353 •18 inc. Mix Mill. 524-6475.-25 27 ACRES standing Alfalfa and Timothy hay. App- ly Stewart Dale 482-3320.-25x 12' KONGSKILDE type cultivator with levelling harrows, asking $350.00. Phone 482-7239.-25 40 ACRES standing hay for sole. Phone 523 -4722. -25,26 - STANDING HAY, timothy, alfalfa mixed. Phone 482-3217.-25 20 ACRES of standing Red Clover hay for sale. Phone 262-5423 or 565-5334.-25 Halsall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. All cl.sses of Livestock WI It4VITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton' • 4112.7511 Barry Miller E..t.r.135-tu17 K itk Gregory ton - 221-0255 Gregory Hargreaves 902.2511 For Rent PASTURE FOR RENT - 10 acres with water halfway between Holmesville and Benmiller. Phone 482-9864 evenings. -24,25 12. Real estate for sale ustom Work CUSTOM SILO FILLING and swathing. Call Hank Reinink 523-9202 or 523-4569.-22tfar CUSTOM ROUND baling 4'x5'. Scott Consitt. 482-9297 or 565-2728.-24-29 H. LOBB & SONS LTD. BATFIELD ROAD -482-3409 WS Do CUSTOM ROUND BALING up to 1200 lb. bale 43/4 feet wide by 5 feet in diameter CALL TODAY 482-3409 D. Livestock HOME WANTED for serious client, in, or near Town of Clin- ton, $50,000. to $60,000. range. Contact Mason Bailey Real Estate Ltd. 482-9371. i SMALL PIGS for sale, steady buyer weeded. 262.5432.-25 E. Farm Services pasvpswomessimewswerassliva BERT► Sole:-Service•irlstollafifon r`tlOrn CIe j e,s •Bunk' Feeders +3tebfinn +Manure Cfsnveyarr FREE $STiiitATES Donald G. it,ftei R R, 2 tilYtki, 147.44124 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. WANT TO RENOVATE A HOUSE, check this 11/2 storey home out. Close to downtown. BRICK 2 STOREY, 4 BEDROOM HOME, sundeck, 3 car garage with pit, close to schools. 2 STOREY, 4 BEDROOM HOME with self con- tained apartment. '32,000.00. 12 x 68 MOBILE HOME in a nice setting at Five Seasons. INTERESTED IN INCOME PROPERTY? - Give us a call. SMALL ACREAGE, mostly workable in Goderich Twp. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, close to downtown with income from a 3 bedroom apartment and garage to pay the mortgage. Asking '58,900.00. NICELY LAID OUT brick home with french doors, cherry bannister, stained glass window, large lot, close to schools, under '50,000.00. 3 BEDROOM 1' storey home, cozy kitchen, dining room, large lot, small shed, '30,000.00; SCHOOL AREA 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, garage, fenced yard, low 20s. 4 BEDROOM HOME close to downtown with self contained apartment. '32,000.00. 2 STOREY, 4 BEDROOM home, dining room, 2 baths, garage, paved drive. '38,000.00. 11/2 STOREY, 3,bedroom home, dining room, treed lot, under '30,000.00. 96 ACRES. 70 workable, river frontage, Col- borne Twp. Asking '63,000.00. 25 ACRES, 22 WORKABLE, barn for calves & roosters, 11/2 miles from Clinton. GLASGOW INN - Restaurant, seats 600. Ask- ing '49,000.00: B USH - 121/2 ACRES in McKillop. B AYFIELD - 1 floor brick home with open con- cept, 3 bedrooms, attached garage. 21/2 ACRES on the river 'in Clinton. VERY SCENIC/Ajlicrinpew listing, orchard, mobile home,AllatfrWell, near Bayfield. WALTON - 2 storey brick home, large lot, barn. '25,000.00. MOBILE HOME in good condition with ap- pliances, added room 8L tool shed. COUNTRY HOME and shop on 1.8 acres, quiet scenic spot near Varna. COTTAGE ON THE MAITLAND - 2 bedrooms, 3/a acre lot in the bush, '17,900.00. 1 FLOOR 2 bedroom home, resided and other repairs made, large lot. Harold Workman 482-3455 Bill Steenstra 482-3780 Real Estate Ltd. Broker r Clinton Phone 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 20 ACRES: Wooded property, good brick home, near Auburn. Reasonable price. AUBURN: WHY RENT? 2 bedroom starter home under '25;000.00, -- BAYFIELD: 1 floor ranch home, nearly new, electric heat, nicely' treed. 4 ACRES: 2,floor brick home in good condi- tion, .3 miles from Blyth. 60 ACRES: 60 sow farrow to finish, good buildings include Harvestore silo, close to Marketing Yard. • 198 ACRES* Dairy farm, free stalls for 100 cows, excellint buildings include 2 Harvestore silos, 9th C9n., Hullett Twp. . LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick bungalow, finished bodement, inground pool, large lot. CLINTON: Semi-detached 3 bedroom home like new, Gordon Street. ,LONDESBORO: 5!/2 acres with 9 room frame ,home, new drilled well, under '30,000.00. CLINTON: 4 bedroom frame home, gas heat, 213 Victoria' St., under '25,000.00, . 100 ACRES: E. Wawanosh, modern 1 floor brick home with combination wood/electric furnace, 60 'acres workable. BLYTH: REDUCED, 1'/2,floor brick 3 bedroom home on Dinsley St., hot water heat. CLINTON:74 Huron St., 3 bedroom home, gas heat, new garage, under '30,000:00. 150 ACRES: REDUCED, to sell quickly, 3rd Line E. Wawanpsh, 100 workable, 11 acres fall wheat. Good 2 floor brick home, combination furnace. 125 ACRES: 60 workable, 22 hardwood bush, large brick' home, near Blyth. OR ACRES 55 workable on south Maitland RRivert no „I�ulidings. 110 ACRESt, REDUCED, good brick home and utillty•bort Hullett Twp. '6 ACRES: (Nigh t$2 floor fieldstone home, quasot I ng, 15 ACRES Hullett Twp.,' farrowing barn, frame hod , adialcent to'Hullett Wildlife. 60 ACRE$?; workable, no buildings, on Hwy. No., rid Londesboro. 97 ACRES r 45 Workable, all' drained, no buildings, Tuckersriith Twp. 250 ACRES: cash crop farm, good home, Hullett Twp. CtLINTON:'-i floor, modern, 3 bedroom home, overlooking Bayfield River. •LUCKNOW GODERICH •WINGHAM BAYFIEL 4 4.LYTH NTON 'i-4»SEAFORTH • MITCHELL *ZURICH • EXETER STRATFORD GODERICH 524-2667 Investment Property Showing good return, good location, close to schools and downtown. Each apartment has 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living and dining rooms. Call Gordfor full particulars at 482-3307. Country Living Near Auburn 3 bedroom frame home located on a lovely 1 acre treed lot 4 miles north of Auburn. Recently renovated, with low taxes. Call Bruce 524-7762. Country Elegance In St. Augustine, secluded on 3/4 acre lot, yet very accessible. Panoramic window wall, cedar decks, cathedral ceiling, 3 bedrooms and much, much more. Call Les 524-8451. Reduced $10,000.00. Rustic splendor enhances this cedar sided custom 4 bedroom bungalow and good barn situated on 16 acres. CaII us for full particulars. Les 524- 8451 or Gord 482.3307. Well maintained 4 bedroom home on large lot that could be divided into 4 lots! Call Gord 482-3307. Immaculate Frame, aluminum sided split entrance home built in 1977. Eat -in kitchen with lots more space for comfort. Call Gord 482-3307. WE ARE MOVING ON JUNE 30 TO 3 NORTH STREET & THE SQUARE 12)Clei how MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE GORDON HILL 482-3307 BRUCE RYAN 524-7762 Friendly Service, Professionalism and Integrity! NOMA FARRISH 529.7152 LES WILLEMS 524.8451 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREE524 2966 GODERICH CALL US • TO WELCOME 0 H•ME 5R -r.,vu. OPEN HOUSES Saturday, June 21, 1986 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. . Main St., Hwy. 21, Bayfield, 11/2 storey aluminum sided, 3 bedrooms, large,kit- chen with wood burning stove and patio doors onto patio, wrought iron railing and planter, TV room, excellent condition. Priced at $72,000.00. Sunday, June 22, 1986 2:00 - 4:00 • •m NEW LISTING: Louisa St., Bayfleldt white sided, 3 bedroom bungalow, combination living room / dining room; • carport with storage Mom, utility robin, 1 block from Mai'd St, Prlosd at 549,500.00. For more information on these or other properties. • . contagt ` Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDlNgA REAL ES1ATT L11i, HWY. 21 S, 'VFiE'LD 565-2513