HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-06-18, Page 7J Mangy Londesboro residents By Dora Shobbrook LOND.ESBORO - A large number of peo- ple attended the bridal shower given for Janette Johnston by the village on June41. It was held in the church. Corsages were pinned on Miss Johnston, her mother Dorothy and the groom's mother, Mrs. O'Neill. The committee for the shower were Brea - da Radford, Helen Lee and Edna Reid. They were assisted by Denise Hulley and Joanne Wilts, vyho helped serve a lunch of cake and ice cream. An address was read by Rose Mason, and many lovely gifts were presented by Kara Lee Potter, Paula Allen, Denise Hulley and Joanne Wilts. Miss Johnston thanked all for the gifts, and gave special thanks to the committee and to everybody for coming. She invited all the guests to her wedding reception which will be held in the Lucknow Complex on June 27. This is a late, but most sincere note. Alice Davidson would like to thank all the can- vassers who helped with the cancer drive in April, and all who gave so generously. • The total that Mrs. Holmes received was $1,457.75. Sincere thanks are forwarded to Darlene McClinchey, Donna Flynn, Florence Cart- wright, Jane Hoggart, Dorene Radford, Harriet Shillinglaw, Jean Fox and Joe Hunking who so willingly gave up their time for a worthy cause. United Church Greeting members at the United Church on June 15 were Rev. Snihur and Jack Snell, while the ushers were Shannon Duizer, Denise Gross, Melanie Knox and Joanne Wilts. Rev. Snihur gave the announcements that June 22 will be promotion and award Sun- day, and will be hosted by the Sunday School. Vacation Bible School will be from July 6 to July 11, and there will be a pancake breakfast on June 29. The children sang a song and a story was read with junior teacher Margaret Wright. The anthem was sung by the men's choir, with director Marsha Szusz and organist Lisa Duizer. After church Harvey McDowell took pic- tures for the photo directory. WI Agricultural Meeting The• WI agricultural meeting was held on •June 11 in the hall. Mary Stewart took the collection, and 0' Canada was sung with Genevieve Allen at the piano. • Following a welcome from president Marg Anderson, the roll: call was answered by the 16 members on dairy products they used that day. ° The minutes of the last meeting and a treasurer's report were read by Alice Buchanan. The program was a piano instrumental by Jennifer Szusz and step dancing by Kerri Szusz. Lois Elliott commented on the Clinton Fair and moved to doanate.$5 for the most prints in the large quilt section. The district annual report was given by Helen Lawson. A tweedsmuir workshop will be held on August 5. Each WI will give one quilt block to the Earlin Lee museum. The Blyth WI. will host next year's district annual. Beryl Reid introduced Huron County's Dairy Princess, Liz Stewart. She conducted a quiz on dairy products, and told about milk and its need in the daily diet. She also hand- ed out milk recipes. She was thanked by Doreen Carter. Hazel Reid presented Alice Buchanan with a gift for her 40th wedding anniversary, and showed the table cloth she received for her and her husband Les' 50th wedding anniversary. Helen Lawson passed around a question- naire from the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario, and each member is to answer the questions and return the form to Helen. There was some discussion on the piano and Marg Anderson and Alice Buchanan will see about getting another one. Lunch was served by Elma Jewitt and An- nie Vincent. Personals Clair Vincent returned home on June 14 after having surgery on June 6 in St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Congratulations to David and Karen Arm- strong on the birth of their daughter, Cara Gladys Lynn, on June 10 in Clinton Public Hospital. She will be a sister to Matthew and Darren. Father's Day visitors with Bob and Vi Burns were their children Pat and Ed Pitkin, and their boys David and Christopher. They are from Aurora. Betty and Jerry Smith from Coburg, and Bob's brother Jim from British Columbia, also visited. Congratulatons to Jack and Helen Lee on their first granddaughter, Magen Elizabeth, born to Mr. and Mrs. David Lee of Blyth. She was born in Kithchener Hospital on Over 80's birthday party will be hosted by UCW By Mrs. L. Stonehouse BELGRAVE - The afternoon unit of the Belgrave United Church Women held their monthly meeting June 10 in the church school room. The leader, Sara Anderson, welcomed the 10 members. The group will host the over 80s birthday party August 12 at 2 p.m. in the church school roonpL,, ,,.,. ,„ , . .tl 11 i's:, Jim I under eondueted the worship. Mrs. Glenn Coultes accompanied the songs•on the piano. The scripture was read. Mrs. Hunter played a tape of an address which had been given by Rev. Kathy South at Westminster weekend. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor was in charge of the bible study. For the program, Mss. Glenn CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1986.—Page 7 , attend shower at church June 11. She will be a sister for Christopher, Jason and Ryan. Clara Riley spent June 8 to June 11 on a bus trip to Lake George, New York. Jeff Shaddick of Kitchener, and Ins sons Danny and Stephen, spent Father's Day weekend with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Allen Shaddick. Twelve Happy Gang members were guests of the senior citizens' month at Huronview on June 10. Former Londesboro reseiden_t Laura Saunderson greeted the guests. They were entertained by the Fog Horns of Goderich, and spent the evening visiting residents. They were also served a hot dinner. There were 12 Londesboro residents who went by bus to Toronto to see the Blue Jays beat Detroit 9-6. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd of Harriston visited on June 14 with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEwing. Dora Shobbrook spent two days with the Millsons in Woodstock. On June 13 she at- tended the graduation of King's College, Universiy of Western Ontario in London where her granddaughter Sheryl received her B.S.W. B.A. of social work. Father's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stackhouse on June 14 were Sherri and Kevin Pfaff, Dean, Shane and Jennie Mae of Huron Park. On June 15 they were Fred and Laurie Ranter, Jennifer and Cara of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander attended the Third Biennial Conference on the Fate of the Earth, which was held at the University of Ottawa from June 4 to June 8. More than 800 people attended this conference, which was designed to develop the links between such issues as environmental pollution, world hunger and threat of nuclear war, and consider various strategies for dealing with them. Burns UCW Fourteen members of the Burns UCW met at the Steak House Restaurant in Seaforth on June 4. There was no regular June meeting. A 50th wedding anniversary card was signed for. Hazel and Leslie Reid. A plant was presented to Hazel from the UCW. Hazel thanked everyone for the gift. Following the dinner, members were taken on a guided tour of Maplewood Manor in Seaforth. Awards assembly held HULLETT TWP. - On June 12 Hullett Cen- tral School had a talent time and award assemby. Some of the awards that were presented were Junior Band to Grade 6 pupils, cross country and audio visual. Some of the pupils that performed were Jennifer Szusz who played the piano and step danced, Steven Youngblut who played the piano, Cheri Krysanowski who played the accordian, Leisa Thompson who played the piano, April and Anita Gross who played a piano duet and Kel- 1y Bosman and Cheri Taylor who did a step - dancing duet. BEST INTEREST Coultes told the story of the Inuit fight for sur- vival against southern values for Mandate. Olive Bolt made a miniature model of a Sweat Lodge (Sauna) to tell the story of Bobby Woods, a status Indian, on native spirituality. Mrs. Anderson closed the meeting with a poem and prayer. People Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Siiney and family have recently purchased the,Walsh hame'ja,, Bel rave.' , The Belgrave Library will be open on June 20 instead of June 21. This change will be for this week only. Last week Mrs. Kenneth: Wheeler accom- panied the Lucknow Grade 8 students as a chaperone on their annual excursion to Ottawa. Couple mark 5Oth Stewart and Ada Ball of Auburn celebrated their golden wedding anniver- sary last Friday evening at Robindale's in Goderich. Guests M the event were Stewart's sister, Sadie Jackson, his two brothers, Hugh and Melbourne and their wives, Ada's sister, Velma Bilyea, Stewart and Ada's sons, David and John and John's children, Nancy and Stephen Ball. Also pre- sent were Harry and Alice Ball of Clinton, who were substituting for Stewart's sister, Jessie and her husband, Lenard Card who were not feeling up 'to making the long trip from Florida. After the dinner at Robindale's, the wed- ding party retired to Stewart's and Ada's home on the Maitland block where Ada sur- prised everyone by appearing in her original wedding gown, a feat few women can do after 50 years. Stewart and Ada appreciate their many friends who sent cards of congratulations especially "Quilters", the Walkerburn Club and UCW •of Knox United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Loran Peter of Bervil were Kindedgarten Visitors last week there were kindergarten students visiting who will start school next year. Some of these people were Kyle Anderson, Christopher Carter, Craig Harrison, Hannah Huizinga, Brent Medd, Darryl Postma, Katie Snell, James Taylor, Kevin Trewartha, Erin Irving, David Haggitt, Courtney Rutledge, Kurt Bauerman, Nathan Cook, Tan de Jong, Christopher Dunbar, Christine Lapp, Corine Leonhardt, Steven Oliver, Pamela Schneider, William Thompson, Andrea Vanderdool and Aaron Shuttleworth. 10' Guaranteed Investment Certificates *Subler_t to change Geiser-Kneale 411 Insurance Brokers Inc. Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 482-9747 Grand Bend 236.8484 Goderich 524-2118 Jennifer Szusz kicked up her heels as part of her step dancing routine, when she took part in a talent show, held at Hullett Central Public School on June 12. (liavid Emslie photo) ATTENTION BROILER PRODUCERS! - Quota increases now depend on your available floor space - Call today about your building requirements AGROTEC CONSTRUCTION LTD. R.R. #4 Komoka, Ontario Dave Kloosterman, P,Eng. (519) 666-0453 FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTES "Poultry Buildings Our Specialty" aireenseummessessesswi- CLINTON ENGINE SERVICE (Adjacent tti Clinton Auto Parts) CLINTON:- 482.5322 ----CLIP 'N SAVE ----- PORT 110 - SPECIOL - AT MAZDA WE DON'TSHOUTDEALS WE MAKE DEALS. 1/t)OALL 16FF " Front and 18" Rear... TIRES In stock with this adi Christine Bush, Liirlylillian and Tammy Shuttleworth sang a 'companied by Mrs. Barry Miuian as pianist. The minister chose for his sermon, The Cost of Communion. The offering was Children's Day really started a day early when Pastor Carne of Huron Chapel Mis- sionary Church took 30 children and some of their parents on a hike last Saturday. The extensive bush of the Department of Natural Resources Reforestration Area, complete with pond and gravel pits, provid- ed a wonderful setting for pathfinding, games, the observation of the wonders of nature, including a turtle laying eggs and larvae in the process of hatching and the cooking of wieners over a camp -fire. In- trepid adults who went along were, Viola, Raithby, Gail Dobie, Shirley • Luna, Dianne Baan, Lorraine Carne and Wayne Young. Following the service, •children and adults congregated at the pastor's 'garden to see what he had promised the children would be there for them. They discovered neat rows of lollipops. A number of the children asked 4110 Sunday visitors with Beth Lansing. where seed for such a crop could be bought. Mrs. Tom Jardin assisted ata retirement and ' arewell tea for Audrey Tiffin at aduA lt Birthday irt da u ash was the at heme the ofHthe Wingham United Church last Saturday. p g n Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Plunkett attended the Chapel last Friday. The program, planned graduation exercises at the Ontario Police by' Pastor Jim Carne, was designed to College at Aylmer on Friday, June 6 when celebrate the birthdays of all present. their aon, 'Robert graduated. He has a posi- Viola. Raithby won the • prizefor tion' with the York Regional Police at Rich- estimating the combined ages of the group. •mond nil Congratulations, Robbie. Birthday party fare of hotdogs, ice cream Mr.'abd Mrs. G. During of Wingham and and a birthday cake made by Heather Mc - Erika. During of Waterloo and Donald Jar Cowan, was served. din of Kitchener were recent visitors with Both units of Auburn UCW' met in Knox Elva Strafghan and Mr. and Mrs. Tom United Church on Wednesday;evening, with Jardin: Violet Durnn opening the meeting and Visitors oil Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mildred Lawlor reading froth Chapter 3 of Lawlor Were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLarty of Ecclesiastes. This was followed by the sing- Goderich •and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Foran of ing of "God who toucheth earth with beau - Blyth ty" with Marjorie McDougall' as pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Darold Baechler •and Mr. Karen Webster showed a filmstrip on In - and Mrs, Ron Foran of Blyth attended the dian art expression. Now native baptism of their grandson and great grand- presbyteries have been set up, so the native son at Egmondville United Church on Sun- voice can be heard. day. Be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Two of the elders in the filmstrip were Holmes. • studied in ,more detail. Hazel Craig told of 4110 The minister Gary. T. Shuttleworth con- Gladys Taylor from Curve Lake near Peter - chided the Sunday morning Service at Knox borough. Pauline Glenn told of another United Church in Auburn with Rev. Pickell elder, Dr. Jessie Saulteaux. 13 of Goderich assisting for Holy Communion. `Tarn to page Native church discusseL.. a from page 6 pus for a few weeks and has now moved to her son's home, Michael Gulutzen. Jilt and Helen Duncan, and son Corey of Russell Manitoba, are visiting with their parents, Allan' and Aliee Searle and Ross and y Duncan in Brussels, WI Notes ;The Agrio turewafd Canadian Industries • , eetittg of the'Winton Woiten's Institute is seheduie"d ° for June • 18 of the hall. Guest SPECIAL -ton all.... Helmets •Goggles •Spark Plugs and • lnstock Accessories TFR., PD1., LIC., TAXES 626 DX COUPE: new multi -port electronic fuel injection, textured velour upholstery, power steering, AM/FM ETR stereo with 40 -watt amplifier, extraordinary handling and road poise, Euro -style halogen headlamps. 6261 ,X SEDAN: full logic auto -reverse cassette deck, dual electronic black door mirrors, power antenna, power sliding steel sunroof, fold -down rear seat centre armrest, headlamp washers. $16,250. 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No. 4 FloYAL HOMES LIMITED TOLL OiEE 1 800.265.3040 Come up and tour our Fully Landscaped and Professionally Decorated Model Homes *PLANT' '