HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-06-04, Page 15'PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING1 Complete clipping & bath, nail trimming, etc. Reasonable rates. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 482-5629 AY,, 4,1EI -Fage 15 • FARM FOR SALE Huron" . ourttY• E'/2 Lot 35. Conc ssion 19, Eaa, Wawanosh Township, 5 km. west of Wingham, 100 acres approx. 72 workable,. Stone house, bank barn and shed. Asking 579.000. Contact: Stephen Wright FARM CREDIT CORPORATION Box 155 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephone No. (519) 524-8381. Refer to File No. 409111-581. FOR SALE A nice 3 bedroom home in Kinburn, almost 3/4 acre comer lot, p:'uminum sided, main floor laundry, several out buildings. Taxes less than $300.00. Priced ',in the $30s. Maurice ,Gardiner Real Estate. Contact Ken Thompson, Office 524-2966, Home 524-7514. COUNTRY HOME 559,900 GREAT TWO STOREY three bedroom brick home. Situated on a beautiful 31/4 acre treed lot. Just east of Seaforth. This love- ly home features three nice siz- ed bedrooms, huge bathroom, family room, living room, separate dining room, and coun- try kitchen. If you're in the market for a country home at an affordable price, then call now for a closer look. ROYAL, LEPAAGE:.- Realtor, Ron Cottrell Exeter 235-1222 Residence 235-2473 Announcement 13. Mobile homes 12'x68' BENPIX mobile home for sale, with 8'x24' addition. Phone 482.3150.-20tf 16. Articles foT rent MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH S24-2966 A. CALL US -TO WELCOME YOU HOME OPEN HOUSES Lakefront Cottages SATURDAY JUNE 7 1-3 P.M. COVENTRY HEIGHTS - Situated on Hwy. '21, between Bayfield and Goderich • aAEFRONT WIIrpt '' fD l0�'''fi f tagt- ge, 62 acre combination living room, dining room, patio `door onto deck, 4 pc. bath, built-in china cabinet, wet bar plus eat -in bar, fireplace. Priced to sell at 3 - 5 pm SATURDAY, JUNE 7 PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Farm ties stacked. Corriveau Rentals, Zurich, 236-4954, 8 a.m. weekdays and after 5 p.m., anytime Saturday.-32tfar CENTURY 21- ALL POINTS REALTY INC. is pleased to annouce Bill McGregor has joined the firm as a sales representative In the southwest Huron area. Bill has successfully completed the Century 21 Training Program and is ready to help you with your real estate needs. r P Call Bill at 482-7539 SUNSET LANE - 3 miles North of ,Bayfield on Hwy. 21, lakefront cottage, kitchen, dining room/living room com- bined, 2 bedroom; large walk-in closet, wood sided with deck. Priced to sell at $52,500. OPEN HOUSE 1 - 3 pm SUNDAY, JUNE 8 vzi ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 134 a e YFIEID RD AT BLAKE ST. PH. S24-21111 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. .........._ give yourself a lift in one of our fine Cars $2495 vans ■ trucks INCLUDING prices stadia FREE 100 KM *weekly & weekend ON CARS ONLY rates available •20' van truck available oil ie 12' van truck available 524.8411 TRICKLANIT.' 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 26. Help wanted WANTED - fui.l time babysitter for 2 children, my home 4 miles south of Auburn or in Clinton, to start September. Phone 526-7598.-23,24x TUDENT REQUIRED to cut lawn as required for the summer. Phone 482-5341.-22x ----- MAINTENANCE PERSON. A busy poultry process- ing company requires a general maintenance person for shift work. Applicant must be a self starter, with welding experience. Good starting wages 4nd benefits. Send resume to Drawer 10, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 1L0.--22 SMALL ACREAGE, mostly workable in Goderich Twp. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, dose to downtown with income from a 3 bedroom apartment and garage to pay the mortgage. Asking $58,900.00. 25,000.00 1 floor 3 bedroom home, large lot, close to downtown. NiCELY LAID OUT brick home with french doors, cherry bannister, stained glass win- dow, large lot, close to schools, under $50,000.00 3 BEDROOM 11/2 storey home, cosy kitchen, dining room, large lot, small shed, $30,000.00 SCHOOL AREA 3 bedroom 11/2 storey home, garage, fenced yard, low 20s. 4 BEDROOM HOME close to downtown with self contained apartment. $32,000.00 2 STOREY, 4 BEDROOM - home, dining room, 2 baths, garage, paved. drive. 146 VICTORIroom, 1 floor home, carport, nice I . 1'/2 STOREY, 3 bedroom home, dining room, treed lot, under $30,000.00 96 ACRES, 70 workable, river frontage, Col- borne Twp. asking $63,000.00 25 ACRES, 22 WORKABLE, barn for calves & roosters, 11/2 miles from Clinton. GLASGOW INN - Restaurant, seats 600,• asking $49,00.00. BUSH - 12'A ACRES•in McKillop BA'YFIELD - 1 floor brick home with open concept, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, plus. 21/2 ACRES on the river in Clinton LOTS s on Couper Street VERY SCENIC 1 ACRE. new listing, orchard, mobile home, drilled well, near Bayfield. BRICK 2 STOREY HOME, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 3 car garage, close to schools, good lot. ,WALTON 2 storey brick home, large lot, barn. $25,000.00. HARPUI$HEY -5'm brick bungalow, Targe lot. O" MOBILE.HOMEin good condition with ap- pliances, added room & tool shed, HARPURHEY. Il idromh, 1'/a storey aluminum side me. SEAFORTH.168 is `o' tot site 66 x 132,. affordable home COUNTRY NOME and shop on 1,8 acres, qutet.Stehle spot near Varna. torraGE C $ THE MAITLAND - 2 bedrooms, 2/4 acre lot in the bush, $17,900.00, 1,1100* 2 bedroom home, resided and ofhtir repairs made, large lot. Harold Workman 04455 Oiill' y0toon�stra LAKEFRONT COTTAGE • 4 bedroom, combination dininglliving room, 4 pc. & 2 pc. bath, steel shed, electric heat, year round access. Priced to sell at $58,000. Stanley Sideroad 1, 1'/4 miles South of Bayfield on Hwy. 21. OPEN HOUSE 3-5'pm SUNDAY, JUNE fS , 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Ducharme Estates in Bayfield. Available June 15,. 1986. Phone 236-4230.-18tf Small, 1'/2 bedroom house on main Hwy. close to Clinton. Newly decorated and very comfortable, ideally suitable for senior citizen(s), reasonable rent. Available June 1, references: Apply to Drawer No. 9, c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton. NOM 1L0.-23,24 THREE bedroom farm house for rent, 4 miles west of Clinton. Phone 482-7016 or 262-2314 between 5p.m. - 9 p.m. -23x FULL TIMI: help for farrow to finish farm. Phone 345-2337,-22-24 PARI-MUTUEL STAFF for CLINTON RACEWAY 12:30 - 4:30 Sundays JUNE 8th - SEPT. 14th CaII: 482-3815 THREE BEDROOM house, $350.00 per month plus utilities, Hwy 8 east of Clinton. Available July 1st. References required. 482-5039.-22tf 20. Room & board Room and Board required in town for young woman. Please call 482-9556.-23 I1. Service directory ARE YOU serious about controlling your weight with effective, balanced nutrition, guaranteed results or money refunded? Do you desire on in- creased income? You could become o distributor. Cali London 432-4636. If 1 am not available to speak with you leave name, number and convenient time to return call. -21.24 -Help Wanted - PART -TIME RESTAURANT WORK in Clinton. Suitable for student or mature individual. Apply in writing to: DRAWER NO. 9 c/o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 1L0" 21. Cottages for rent WANTED - cottage to rent. Family of 4, on or near the launch and beach in Bayfield, July 20 to 26. Call 1-519-352-4237 or write: R. Lernout, R.R. 6, Dresden, NOP` 1 M0.-23 23. Commercial property for rent 28. Business opportunity 1 '} 700-SCt. F1- office space avail`* a or rent, formerly Seaforth Vet Clinic. July 1 occupancy. 482.3070.-23 SUNSET LANE • 3 miles North. of Bayfield on Hwy. 21, lakefront cottage, kitchenlliving room combined, 2 - bedroom, new deck 12' x 14, bay window. } felchfg lake, Completely refurelslled In- Q- side and out, furnishings Included. Lot 50' x 350'. Priced to sill , at $46,500. FOr more information on cottages, .homes or Lots... CONTACT Dianne, Alexander . MAURICE GAE0. ..; REAL ESTATE LTC. 1 " HWY.21 BAYPIELD 58E1613 24. Wanted to rent WANTED house in the country to rent, September, October, November and December. Call collect 416-832-2761 Doug Gilmore ext. 261.-17-24 KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.-22ffar WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Odd-, fellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Gord Taylor 482-9447 or Roy Elliott 482-7909 evenings.-20tfar CONCRETE WORK - Expert chimney and roofing repairs. Specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone Brussels 887.9024.-43eow LIVE MUSIC for all occasions. "Main Street West" would like -to perterm at your dance or reception. Live music is the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson Warr 524-2144, Arlene Darn- brough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m.-16tfnx LOCAL FURNITURE moving, appliances extra - no pianos. Reasonable rates. CaII 482-9505.-18tfar CUSTOM BA'CKHOEING, Drain Repair, erosion control, cellar drains, loser. CaII Frank Postill 482-9101.-21 tfar. "AVON -100 YEARS" •Centennial opportunity ap- pointment fee only 510. until July 3rd. •Former representatives free (within 13 campaigns) •SELL AVON AND EARN UP TO SO% PART-TIME AND FULL- TIME •Excellent opportunity Phone Sharon Stephenson 887-6305 Out of town call collect TEACHER'S family of three wants small home in or near Clinton, one year lease required. 482-5398.-23 25. Wanted to buy I BUY USED PIANOS: When calling give make, height and general description. Call collect 742-1432 Kitchener.-4tfar 26. Help wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For pre- screening interview and job placement informa- tion, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London . 1-800.265-1260.-41tfar SUN STAR Poultry Services, full or part-time employment available, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation pro- vided, need fit and hard-working people. Chance for advancement to foreman available. Call 482-5523, ask for Clinton.-5tfar-• SURVIVAL THROUGH FRIENDSHIP House of Huron County requires occasional relief staff, human service experience required, knowledge of family violence issues an asset. Apply in writing to: Laura Mullin, c/o Survival Through Friendship House, 134 McDonald St., Goderich, Ont. N7A 3N5 -23 WANTED: FOLL-TIME COOK & KITCHEN ASSISTANT at Bayfield Village Inn. • Experience Desired. PHONE 565-2443 ask for John or Mark WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS four modern rotary rigs Phone Seeforth NEIL: 527.1137 BURL: 527.06211 JIM: 527-0775 9.. Tenders TENDERS Township of Stanley Tenders will be received for standing hay et Part Lot 16, Conc., BRN Township of Stanley and Part Lot 11 and 12 Conc., HRS Township of Goderich. Tenders must be submitted on tender forms available et the Clerk's Office, Township of Stanley, R.R. 1, Varna. On- tario, by June 16, 1986. Highest or any tender not necessari- ly accepted. Mel Graham Clerk Treasurer Township of Stanley JOHN KASSIES CFBA F MEMBER GENERAL CONTRACTING •Farm and Residential Buildings • Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit 8. Fascia PHONE 482-3063 C.L. JEFFERSON DAILY RECORDS ,. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING YEAR END -STATEMENT PREPARATION 482-3054 30. Employment wanted JACBOLMUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specializing in: *CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 0,„, " *RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS *KITCHENS •ALUMINUM SIDING ° PHONE 482-9506 Evs,ifsNos Will do general HOUSE CLEANING. Call 482-5553 at 5:00 p,m.-23,24. 31. Service directory 1 PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all makes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887-9062.-27tf MASONRY, STONE and Carpentry work: Specializing in brick pointing' and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482.5305.--3tfar GEORGE SNIEDER NOME IMPROVEMENTS SPECIALIZING IN ROOFING - SIDING DOORS & WINDOWS KITCHENS ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS - Phone Evenings - 48Z-3632 CLINTON, ONT. 34. Personal HOLIDAY PARTNERS - Club for singlet profes- sional people age. 40-60 seeking travel compa- nions. Write Box 8087, London N6G 260 include phone number. -23-26 Does someone you love have a drinking pro- blem? There is help for you. CaII Al -Anon 524-6001 or write P.O. Box 101, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0.-23 31. Service directory DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Open Weekends by Appointment Huron County Board of Education requires a bus driver at Grey Central Public~ *School, Ethal, Ontario. The suc. cessful applicant must hold a Class 0 drivers hcense Interested applicants should send a letter of applicationi stating experiei1ce do the Undersigned prior. to lune 12, 1986. , Mr, Gino GJfiartn'andrea, • a •. Personal ReIatlnnsf- Administrator Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ont. NOM i'LO A. Clerk hairlman. R.O. Allen ir-Ctor GODERICH 58 West Street Neustadt (519) 665-7818 G oderich (519)524.6688 N o Charge 1.800-26S-7555 itegs. H. GERR/rs eConstruction Ltd.‘ SH.ET. METAL SERVICE Available in• Galvanized or colours. DOORS, ' WINDOWS TRIMS, FAN FLOODS, ETC., ETC.