HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-7-2, Page 5Aching
1(30 the fingers, toe, "tinne, azici. r
!parts of the body, :111.1 joint:4 Lila AI.,
befiained and swollen hy'rlicuirtutitite --
that aeld eossfiltiort of the blood withal
affeets the mimics elso.
Sufferers area,/ te move, eopeehtle.
after sitting or leiee long, and thee
condition is eonalisouly -wove' is wet
•"I suffered dreadenTy Senn rhesiniatism
but neve Nem corn ant key cored by eloters
Sarsaperliet, fer wslia I tan deeply grata
fel." enes nereeteize :tenet, lecseott, Ont.
"T heti au act eye arip'whiefi lett tr:
watt a ol Itelpiom en) fie tt,st.ttitg (1.03,4 rhea
ornate:in. 1.‘egar, tierete need's Sarsape
rIlla and tete it:ea:eine lean catterely cured
sne. liave aa besitatiou in sayiest ft saved
lzky Ilre," M. St. eleDoxems Tremon, On.
UDC Ott y a., ilia
i'S. 6'7"PrO
Rettauvos e'ltisse of rheumatisne—no
outwerd applieetion en. Take it.
.HUR.. %1
,A11 the flows of interest to
Times Itenders Happening
in thee. Counties,
Mr. James S.neil, of Clinton, has
been appointed Distriet Supreine Pre-
sidefUt. of .tasie HArien aciedeBruete dist-
receeo elie Sons of. Engeani,
(Thurediar of lase week a seven
year-old. daughter' ot Mr. George Men-
Ltell,.or Clinton, was thrown but of Zie
exaearno.ek, and alighting on her shoul
Aar, broke the elavival or shouldee
Mrs. (Dr.) Gifford, prior to ,her (lees
pareure Agile ,Olbetien, wag made the
nepietat oe A {marble clock and archino-
,bread and butter. set, by the members -
olf the )Ladies' Aid, of th•e. Ontario
Etreet: Methodist tchuech.
A pretty marriage cereneonny was
soleMizere on the 16th ult., at Godes'.
Sells the contrecting panties being
Maud, 'A. Teweetien youngites.t d,aughtler
oe Mrs. JOselpat Terwsley, Colborae
eawnship, and Hugh Rose, only sou of
'Alex. Rose, West Wawanoish.
Mr. Wm .A.11an, a farmer aged 45
stare, who lived three miles 'smell of
Seaforth, was accidentally killed on
Mheiraday last, while he and little
spa were eakrefyin,g 'a (log for 'the wale
pumifrom an adjoining field. to the
house, Mr. Anna). slinped and 'fell, the
log s iking him on the neck and. kill -
dote alnenst instantly.
3Are.kerharnten took a businees tr3.0
to Teroako this week.
Mr. S. Fulton visited his niece, Men.
'Annestroseg, lent wenk.
Mr. Melville Martin was home from
'Torrent° (for
Mr -Yemen of Woodielock visiteel
Miss-riarap, On the holiday. •
Mies Barnes and Elliot t, ,milliners
have left on their vacation.
Mies Vera Hawkseleasy has returned
home from London, for the holiday.
glee Alise;s Bella and Flo, Slime, of
Detroit are visiting friends and re -
latices in and around fown.
IVIesers: Toms • .Tenkell 'end( Berry.
eissat, ofs London, spent the holtiday
at their reSpective homes here. )
New Potatoes.—We were ehown
esome very.fine sverdmens of new pota
eoesithis week from. the,egarden, of
Jralee ,The potatoes weee,
sampled and were. of good 'preportion
and very palatable.
{eVord \vas received. here an Tuesday
by Mrs:. Frank Wood. of the death {of
her {cousin, n Zetta, (Della)
Cracker, of. London, in the 26th year
ilef bee as. Miss Cracker is well •
eeseown by many in Exeter, and was a
Kea:nett )visitoir at the horaseeof M.
and Mrs. Wood for some svieeke
about a year a go.
Mr. F. W. Gladiman returned home
from Peterhorough, on . Wednesday,
leaving bee,n called there owing to the
ElerioUS illness of his motheee It as
only.' a short tem:: SinCe he 'received
the /message tee, his father's', illness,
rand now with both:palnto sick it as
a cause of dean anxiefer.
Night Blooming Cerus.—On Tueeslay
eve -ming thei Zen:ma-se. aarsosea.ge, the
.ihrerne of Dr. and 1VIrs. Hannon, was
thrown open, and hundreds of or cite
teens metaled themselvers of the) privie
lege afforded them of witnessing 'a
night: blooming certrs; which had
gleaned its beautiful petals to
the• Ieght of the worlde Mrs,.
• Rename takes special pride in rearing '
these- rare and beautiful spenimens of
florieulture, and is amply 'repaid by
.theebeau.tiful flowers and Of 'the deli-
cious' perfteme: inaparied: Thee charm-
ing hostas informed us that 'she had
otten had three flowere in bloom tee i
• One plant • at once, and bad neseet had
•ao small a specie:Ian as tilde one, hav-
ing at 'one time -had floWer,s •measur-
ing 88 inches in ciretimference
• e-00.0.0,00—,
Mre, 3; Miller • and '11Iiss
spent Wedneeday in London;
Fon serer,— A, good second-hand
buggy cheep, Apply to J. 1:1, HYDM-
eneN, '
Dr. and Mrs, Logie of Paris; were
guests of.Mrs, and Miss .Bon-
thron last week,
Mrs. J. Miller spent the forepart of
this week with Mrs. 3, Hawkins at
Miss Amy Johns, a student in music
at Alma Ladies College, St. Thomas,
arrived borne on Thursday evening
last to epeed Ler holidays.
Miss Robiyn who has so acceptably
fitted. the position as soloist in Dam ha
Oentre church choir, London, has re.
signed and on Monday last was pre-
sented by the choir and friends with a
beautiful French clock. '
•Mr. G. A, K. Macleod is adding to
the appearance a his resideoce by the
addition of a boantiful roomy poith
also giving the exterior decidely
ferent eppearance having changed the
color from store grey to white,
Mr, and s, E, !Diemen who have
been enjoying a honeymoon trip
through different parts of ()aerie
arrived home on Tuesday evening and
were tendered a reception thehome
oi the groom's parents, Mr. and Ma%
• James Dignan, svilere they will in
future restde.
Two SUSPECTS— A white Man and a
negro have been arrested and 'held on
suspicion at Wiuglattni for the Murder
of Glory Whalen, at teollingwood. In
size, age, weight, and general appear -
atm they correspoud to the gene al
description of the suspects in the eia-
cular fie:iris the Attorney General's
Department dated 22nd. of, June: '
. NEW TEACHER. —Mr, Lewis O.Flem-
ing, a junior high Eel1C01 teacher, ab
• Goderich, bas peen engaged. to take
•the position on the teaching state of
the public school ns principal, succea-*
ear to tar. H. N. Anderson, who re-
cently resigned. It is Mr. Flemings
intention to move his family here at
an early date if a euitable tesidence
can be proem ed.
AN INVENTOR — COLid Um: Parker
of ther G. T. R. Windsor aceommoda-
tion, who is aell known here having
been a former popttler conductor on
the L. H. & B., has gone to Saratoga,
where he nil{ attend a convention of
the Master Oar Builders of America
this week. Mr, Parker has patented
a device to prevent the steam pipes
in passenger cars from fieezing, and
he will exhibit it at the convention,
The device is said to be one of the best
yet brought. to the attention •of the
railway eompaniee, and it is under-
stood that a number of the roads, in-
cluding the Gland. Trunk. ere about
to adopt it,
A SHAMEFUL ACT.—Mr. Jas. Snell
who prides himself on his fine garden
and early vegetables was surprised on
viewing his gardeu on Moudey morn-
ing to find that some fiends bad en-
tered iu sometime e the early dawn
and helped themselves to some eigh-
teen bills of potatoes, which were
ready for use, and a quantity of (m-
ime. Air. Snell hasenueoyertra axes of
his new potatoes on Suaday, but that
was to be ids last fax some• time as
the whole patch of early ones wexe
stolen. Such crimes as these should
be traced out •and the guilty ones
brought to justice. There is a stiors„0.
suspicion resting on some parties and
sheuld a similar offence be perpetuate
ed. justice 'will be meted eta.
utive of the Dominion Exhibitioe,
Toronto, to be held front August 27th
to Sept. 12th, have made a decided bit
in -securing the Jubilee presents of the
late Queen Victoria for exhibition.
The King himself has graciously- di-
rected that they shall be so exhibited.
It is hastily necessary to say that they
aro of immense value and are of nue
and wonderful Variety. There are up-
wards of 600 of thern-613 to be exact—
and they come front all parts of the
world and from all sorts and condi-
thms of people. Every colony, every
state and province of. every
country nearly in the. World is repree
sented, including Syria Mid Sarum,.
As it is ehe intention of the Dominion
Exhibition executive to liav.e the full
list printed,,in pamphlet form; palate-
ulaes of this wonderful collection of
presents, richer and mere multitudin-
eons by far than those, of the Queen
of Sheba, will he easily obtainable.
of Air, J. T. Westcott • op the three
chargee of forgery, assault and theft
preferred by one Ohae, Dykes, of
.Elensall, teok place at Goderich before
Police Magistrate Seeger on Monday.
The charges arose out of the surest of
Dykes in January last by NVestcott on
the charge of burglarly supposed to
have been committed at . Hensel'.
Weeteott went to Thedford and ar-
rested Dykes and it is the warrant
tuted on this occasion which it is now
charged n altered by inserting the
name of Luca, Rykert, who was with
the antes Dykes. It was • also, charged
that. the Ooristable hied 'sled and
seas deed Miss leykert, without author-
ty. The Grown was represented liy
Air. E. N. Lewis, acting Crown Atton
ney, the private prosecutor as 'rep-
resented by Mr. Ohne, Garrow: • of
Goderich and Mr. J. "0. Stenbury, ef
Exeter, defended the accused. The'
cases lasted till 9 o'clock in the even',
egand many witnesses Were exa-mirsT
ed, • l3olh • Dykes and Miss Rykert
swore they SAW the mule .elrucy Ry-
sorittee on the warrent bat the.
defence called the megietrate Who •
proved that the warrant was theddere-
Meet one be had issued and there was
no alteration% on it. Ib was eyen sub-
jected to a critical examination under
a megnifying geese and no erasurh
could he oiserved. The story of the
t 11 e8S roe the ensiles was badly
shaken under t eras examination, In
,l,L.missing Wcotcotr, the Police
Messestreste ecnred the prosecutor se-
verely chareeteriziag (lie charges ae
groundless nod tri warranted. The
eharges wore of a very eerious natore
arid Mr. Westeott is to be eongrattila.
ted on the honorable acqoit nil he re-
Viur Tongue
• If it's coated, your stomach
Is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys-
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25a. MI druggists,
IS a
,atr owarafteho or board a boautdel
rich black t Then tole
NoPAIVI'S DYF 'et the
e....,000 R P. Q NAP404 H.
Chiloren (Cory for
Tile by -hew granting e25.000 tee Lite
Wiarton beet flugareeepepanylas been
earried big majority,
igaverninent hill to prohibit the
manufacture, importation of adullter-
feted ;blether pr substitteles for: butter
was passed euramittee of the whole
,The worst kine of split ting beteele
miles eau be relieved ;ins five minaten
by lefilbaresee Sterlan,g lieadnehes Pow,.
dere. They don't denrese tbe heart,
Prioe 10e and 25 esents.
0 It is tauthoritively etated that the
orediters of the 0, W. `Anderson eerie..
Deanna/1N at Oakville. will rete‘IveN
from. gii-e to 3 ,par t out., Tale eirsizei
liabilitiee were (close upon $170,000,
No one knows better than those
who have need Clarter'e•Litnle Liven
whit rella7. they have given when tee
{cent fax dyspepsia, dizzinces, polio in
the nide, constipation and disordered
Tile Grand Trunk Pecifie Bill was
diecuesed in emit Mee of the, house an
several 'clauses were held over fax con.
Idderaltion. When the. bill comes up
fax its third reading a number of
hmend.ments will be moved.
lion. T. E. Bernier promieed. the op-
position that he would not refiner the
• otentraet with' the StandardeChnen.leal
Cennizaaey, 1,auestord, which haa been
supplying wood alc.ohot at exceseive
prices. • This is a great vietory for
the oppossitign. '
Ifoareenatei- LI a leemenon troubee
Merino., the ituramer menthe with
• those lieving• weak throatorlunetr. 11
those having weal throat or lungs.
It con begieadieyssurediand the thread;
and lunge strengthened by Dr. leroode
Norwaee Rine Syrup, Priee: 25e.,
Cheques to satisfy claims on the Me-
thodist superannaation, Widow's end.
0,reelianes Fund for the paste month
are being filed for dietribution. There
are 266 trainistere, 215 widows, and 50
arph Ins to perti.ipete, ane ths engrn!
gate autonnt to be distributed will be
cletese upon 350,4)00.
The court at Torento has sustained
an agreement between the widow of
the late W. Brock, a brother or the
Messrs. Brock, ofsTuokersmith, killed
in tete W:ainsiteeid lavneek, and: the
Grated Teunk) Reieway, by- whech;
8,00 goes to his son, • Walter Brock,
and ,e'3,700,ta the widow, $5,500 in {Ws,
•,Mr. Jjelen R. Smith, Lake S'ineans,
N. 33., says eelesomf my; ONVA personal
ox-picrie.n.ce with theen.I tea.
tify to the good effects of Laxa-Liver
Pills fax sick Headache and Constipa-
• Hon. Sydney Fisher, when tenement:
ed with the fact that; the British war
departmenit was purchasing -tattle .in
the United States and passing Canada
by, admitted his ignora.nee of this re-
greterable condition of affaine., Thies
ganexinnient hed. Made. little effort Ito
assert the tannery's rights for °onset.
eralion in the naattee.
'Why don't you try, Carter's Little
Liver Pills? They are a positivoeure,
Lor s"ek haadacha, ani all the ill3 pro.
duce& by disordered' liver, Only ono
pill a ideee.
Wert. neserree,eaariteeietor or tee Ran.
•kin hotel, Chatham, renor tea...to:Abe
police :that te1,000 had been Storen
from • his safe Saturday night,. Ina
sues:dated , a 'porter eweao 'was hire d
lent Wedrzasdey, and disappeared at
the ocime .time the, memo) end.. Mr.
Peck thinks .that he went to bed lind •
lab , safe opese. Wheat be) went
down in the morning it was open and
the Lel,000 gone.
Baekaclie is almost immediatele-ree
lieved by 'weariegg one of !Cartetr's
Smart, Weed and, Belli edonna
ache. Plea ters. Try one and be free
from pain. Price 25 Genes.,
The date for, the opening of tlie
summer siehnol in Louden, for) teethe
ers has been changed front. the 2ncl to
ebb. 61Jh of July- Ad,migeitonewiel not
be .granted beyond, the available; ate-
ciemineoda(tion, iTeac,blerie intendinre to
enter should apply to Mr. T. Dearness
M. A.,, fax the forma be appliefiteon
and learn whether they are in time,
In,struction is free. The subjects are:
nature -Study, dra wiag, manual; train
Ind and house -hold science. The lee: -
tures and practical work will be gi
vete in the London Normal SChool.
•St- be Tits the
COMPfiel:4141. kaleMe Exeter
—Two D4 y On:
JuLY 1 7/th and 18th
Call early r,r1 'a will yont,self of hie
yr:enable eet N' 1 P. P. ibis k rare op -
portal -01,y te, have yorw es properly
tested tree if Ole rge. No guess work,
but a scientific certa;uty.
cases #1ccuratery fitted. , 'All work
Oneranteed. •
full line of Aetifieial Reese adtlet1 to
(stir etneke
01000,-.0z,000. •-•044.444.40.0104%0:4,-,4410P0.0:0-44.2:1044.,•PQW.P.4
We like best to ca1I
a food because it stands so em-
phatically for perfect nutrition.
ee And yet in the matter of restor-
ing appetite, of giving new
4; strength to the tissues, especially
to the nerves, its action is that
of a medicine.
Servi for troe aomple
SC.OTT nowNit cs'emeta
e 'resew mtasi.00; an d'eugaista.Ontario.
EMA1O115 81111'
2.rid 1903.
USCH WW1 rrilVell Lion et" Abo
/Domestic nedennis,
• Abortion, Is tbe premature birth of
tele foetus due to the nature of the
food given to the mother and to
other influences. It varies in ime
penance aceording to the stage of
pregnancy. If it occurs in, the early
stages it May cause ree aliparent lpi
convenience to the animal, but later
on it inay cause IeVer and a =Sl4-
m's:1)1e uneasiness:, and a yellowish
red discharge froiu tile vagina. It is
liable to bo brought on from injun,
lee. of 'various kinds, by bad food
and by excessive exposure to cold.
It often results from debility. There
are enZO-otic for= of abortion cauS-
el by bacteria developing in the foe-
tal membrane, causing it to break
down. n is difficult to determine
how the bacteria get there; they are
supposed to be iateoduced by the
'There are several forms of blood
disease that will cause abortion. The
most common cause is feeding- preg-
nant animals food lacking the ele-
ment of nutrition, especially hay,
straw and cornstalks affected with
ergotrust or smut. The ergot,
rust or smut will not, necessarily
cause abortion if the animal is fed
with good,nutritious food1 have
fed huge quantities of these sub-
stances to cows for six weeks with
good food with no had results. It
Is the poor quality of the fodder
that causes the mischief, {Pregnant
animals require to be fed on food
that contains large quantities of
phosphate of lime to develop a
healthy foetus, as the young Areature
requires a large amount of that sub-
stance in early life to make bones
and nerves. •
Bones contain from 51 te 56 per
cent. phosphate of limn, and the
other tissues of the body somewhat
less, so that it will be seen that
there is a groat drain on the system
of the mother fax phosphate or
lime. It is found that the bones
and other tissues of the body of the
mother are deecient in this sub-.
dance during pregnancy. To prevent.
abortion from this cause feed clover
hay, bran, flaxseed meal and oats,
as these are rich- in phosphate of
lime. Also see that the cows and
bulls are ' clean and healthy before
they are used, so that the introduc-
tion of bacteria may be prevented.
If ail animal should abort, have it
removed at once,. and also all the
portions of the foetal membrane. The
straw where the animal has been
kept sh.ould be collected And burued,
and the places disinfected, as the
!smell or eight seems to have a bad
effect on th.e other cows. We have
no needicenes that will prevent abor-
tion, aled there are no medicines that
will Cause it, unless given in deem
to..enclanger the life of the animal.—
D. McIntosh, University ot mix*.
11)* Atsgres4iv0 Elbow.
The angle at 'which woman carries
her elbow in abOrtive enorts to lift
her trailing, elinging skirts trans-
forms it into a human. puncher. 'With
• calm uncomoia,:a.,,ses, and no, often
callous indifference, maid and mat-
ron punch theie way to their goal,
be it •et the bargain counter of the
depar (Mental, f;tc re or the crowded
shopping streets.
-.Tone can deny that the tusavotcl-
able atus.oyanrcs of crdwdod thor-
oughfares to which people in 'large
cities are inurSd are suflicient tax
upon patience and equanimity, and
why 'will .women trebly increase these
ey tha adoption of an inelegant
whim in the carriage of their- arms?
Becense women have become infat-
uated with axi inconvenient and slov-
enly mode of dress is no reaSbn that
they should yoke it to another which
enhances its evil; but the crowning
'ipiquity and absurdity of the streets
cleaning gown is the enctoaching el-
bow which madame thrusts or digs
into every passerby, as • she awk-
wardly clutches the clinging folds of
her skirt in a vain effort to lift it
from the cliseas& breeding filth of the
For one originator of anything
there are a thousand Imitators. Hu-
manity is like a flock of sheep and
springs with the same eagerness to
follow its leader.
If you must wear trailing skirts ab
times and seasons when they are out
of place, make them as little an of -
'fence as possible and lift them grace-
fully'. A little practice before a full-
length mirtor will enable any wo-
maxi to learn the art of gathering
the folds of her skirt in one hand
and lifting :them so that, with the
arm extended by her side they will
be raised entirely from ' the payee
ment. Irt this posetion the arm not
merely accomplishes the purpose of
proteating ' the skirt from the dir,
but, being. comparatierdif Asef: aerie nee
constrained, the tension of the, whole
body is relieved, and it is possible to
walk .with some degree of ease and
grace; even when handicapped by the
necessity of caring fax a trailing
Ethel—A sixteen page letter fr6./1
George! Why, what on earth does he
Alabel—He says he loves me.
Organ grinders,in Vienna are not al-
lowed to piny in the morning or even -
hag— only between raiddes and Sunset.
Manta That Wear Ovoncertto,
Plants' have developed almost as many
dodges for perpetuating their existence
as animals, only wo don't so easily rec..
egolze them Did it over strike you
that every seed, bulb or tuber is not
naereiy a reservoir of material for the
plant that is to grow out ot it, lant also
maSs of fuel for supplying heat nec-
essary to the sprouting seedlet? More
than this. if you look at tile early
spring buds and flowers, yoa will notice
that those which are likely to be ex-
posed to frost, such as catkins or wil-
low and hazel, are well protected by a
thiek coverink of soft material, a rese
tiler plant oVereeat.
Et:feet ot Ofeiisreeerra exi 014104Mtra,
• It takes It very large dose of chit:i-
n:40ml to ansesthetize the ChineMan,
a° passes wider its Milueuce more
alowly and rarely.shows the excitement
often characteristic of the initial etage
anfestliesia. Still more rarely does
he suffer from sickness on his return to
consciousness. This ,greater apathy of
nature helps to recovery froin severe
accidents eat]. operationa—London Ilos
Not 2ilee.
"'What a nico, big boy you ante
Tommy," said. the pleasant voiced
"I'm big ell right," said Tommy,
"but I ain't nice,"
"Don't you want to be called nice?
That's very strange- My Georgie is
never happier than when people al -
hide to him as a nice boy."
• "An' I can lick hisie with one hand
tied behina me," said terrible TosIn
• A Second London.
The chief desire of the municipality
oV Bare, in Chile, is to leave their
ifILOWS nes aseeseggnsce, LeneeeA..
teL44, tThig-TeWryed:Strkaer BratialeideoZ514717,09narbl;
Ignown ,05,1*Booper Homestead" einutted
on Lot No. 80, south of Huron Street, Ai:toter,
Tam Is erected. upoe the land, a emnforteble
and iserinnodioue meek an° the
eeeessare onzhonsee. The house is In good re -
pan: and hes 9 Toms. Tile lot oontains an acre
of 14114 Seals excellently atlepted for gertien
'mg or fruit growing. There is a plentiful Anm-
PIY Of hard and. soft water, The property is Ise
o1.7.4.avtroteeop, !Ion jetdtostroh,oe kerbizaerteralrea, foburairettleogrxewarg: Do you wan a tigtipti
or to A. E. atooese, Rew P. 0„ Peurne V- —cotpirti
We have the fittest stock in town*
11 the latest styles, in the novae
colors, •
--• Our prices are low. as Can he fowl 7
Aeon for the Weseeest a...seinen:ea Cox, for first-class material and workman
eerie, of Toronto; peso for the PRatavIx FIRS, ship
NerTRANes Comsraikry, of London, England ; '
S, vietorta ..:,00rstty
office AL.!' xtialgaaeta Ormanalou Lahore,
tory, Exeter.
Exeter, Juno 1tt.h 1003, Barriqers, Solicitors, Notaries Cienv ancers
Wheat Car bw•bet
Oats new
Turkeys ...
Chickens por ..
63 to 71 Conuninaioners, Solicitors lox' tkAlo)son4
.27 to 28 Beek, Etc:.
Molloy to Loan at lowest rates of ineereat,
rr, 39
70 to • 78
to 18
.• .... to 12 R. °Amato:4n. A. L. Er. niexcSolv
. • • - •
..• to 8
•. 0 to 8
• II
DO e,
to 14 • p ,
Pork live welild V.J.0 to 84.00
Dried•Xp•plcii:.. ------9 to 3
• (Successor to Elliott & Glad:linen)
Barrister, Solicitor, Bohr), Pala,
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Farm and village
prOperties at Lowest rates of interest
Dominion Day —
Return tickets will be issued at
Single First Clasa Pare
'between all stations in Canada, also
to Buffalo, Supension Bridge, N. Y.,
Detroit, Pt. Huron, Mich„ Etc.
Good going SUNE 80th ana JULY 1st,
Valid returning from destination on
or before JULY 2nd, 1903.
•••••••emr. Maze%
Excursins I enill NOM west
Good going July 4th, valid for re-
turn until September 8th,
wiwe to Spend 1116 Summer
The famous Muskoka Lakes, Lake
of Bays, Lake Nipissiug„ Kawartha
Lakes, and the Magnetewan River are
reached only by the Grand Trunk
'hallway Sysr,ein. Excellent hotel ac-
oeMlnedatien, healthy elimate,fisIsing,
etc. Descriptive literatine and all in-
formation from
Ticket Agent, Exeter.
• District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Fine Flours, Family.
Tine Flours, Pure Manitoba arici
Oats, Ltzsseed Meal and 0l1e0alre.
100 pounds Oil Cake, $L40.
Binder Tw
• Order your Bidder Twine from us.
We sell cheaper than the other fellow
Pure Manilla, 650 feet, 118c
Some. foe - lle
A hove prices good to June 15th, only.
Nice line of Groceries. We sell Vim
at 8c box. Nice thing fax summer.
5 lbs Olean Currants 25c.
8 lb Box of Biscuits 20c.
Drop brit a Minute
Spnn Prices
Lumber, Oeal and Wke
Ali kinds of Hemlock or Pine, either in
the tough or dressed as you wish.
A few of my Spring Prices.
•Coal at bins... — . . . . —
Ooiled Spring Wire per evit $2.80
Dry Hesdlock Barn Boards at
• .. $15,50 per M,
Dry Hemlock Jointiug and Scant-
ling at — ....•. $15.50 per M.
No, 1 13, C. Singles at 80e per bunch
Cheaper grade .08e per bunch
1 inch Hemlock ....$14.60 per M.
1 inch Pine ...... per M.
Ib will no you to write or call and
see me before you buy.
A. J. Clatworthy's
Lumber Yard, Grantone
Money to Lean.
°mon — (Formerly Elliott and telednsane
• D. S. D. D. S.,.Honor Graduate
of Toronto IJtuversity, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
'w bad after effents. Office in Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
We have unlimited private funds fee Invest
ment upon farm or village property at lowes
rates of interest.
We have 4 large anamant of peva* funds to
Joan on farm and villagepropertios atlowrates
of interest.
Barris' ters Solicitors, Main St. Exeter,
13.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L.D.S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Peso Post -graduate of
Chicago School of Prostly.itic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, .crowns, al-
luminam, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest mariner • possible. 4 perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling Brea store
Exeter, Ont.
The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard
Trotting Stalhon.
Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir-
ing extreme speed, and high stepping action
fax road and carriage purposes.
TARENTUM has now produced three colts
showing better than 2.10 speed, one going
miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $28,-
000 in stakes down the C4rand Circuit. Harry
D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit
in the $5000 Chanaber and Commerce stakes
and also in the 2.14 $2000 stakes, and then goes
down the Grand Circuit through. other large
stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Can-
ada that has produced a colt pnenomenally
fast enough to face the Grand Circuit that
WOO second money in his second start in a race
at Memphis in a field. of eleven starters, all
speedy ones. Dorthy_ Wilton having get a
mark at Lexington. Kentucky, the previous
week in 2.091. In this race Orin B. by Grey-
stone, the sire of Tarentum. .won ist money.
Harry D, by Tarentum -won 2nd money, Mao or
Hal, 3rd money. Doherty 'Wilton 4th money,
time 2.091 and 2.101.
Monday.— Simon McKenzie's Tuckersmith,
for noon ; Blake,night. Tuesday.— Zurich
noon ; Crediton, night, Wednesday.—Exeter,
noon ; Farquhar, night. Thursday.—By way
of Staffa to Dublin. noon ; home, night. Fri-
day.—At his own stable, Egmondville. Satur-
day.—At his own stable, Egmondvilie,
Farmers common mares, $15.00 to insure.
Well bred and standard bred mares $20,00 by
The season and $25.00 to insure. Stud fees due
January let, 1091. Fax tabulated pedigree see
large posters, or address.
A. CHARLESWORTIT, Bgmondville, Ont.
At Lowest
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position then ever to sell Lime-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all 13u1Iding
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained
in bothyards is heavier than we wish
to carry, So We pUrpoSe to make a
material reduction in the price of
SIsiti les until we get our stock re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the surrounding, country fax their
patronage in the past, and solicit a
continuance of thew custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
Two Doors South Towr Hall.
' We have jest put in stock several
new Pianos in the latest designs and'
of the Best Makes at; feopalau Prices,
Vi.le will esteem it a pleasure to show
them to you. Organs always in stook..
A. good speend leased Bell Organ in -
good order, fur sale cheap.
The loyo16,
Is with us and those Cushion Frarnefe
are just.what you want, We have
them at moderate prices.
mewl g-
In all the leading Makes always • in
stock and at, prices that cannot be
beaten anywhere, also repairs for
Call and see us. We are always
busy but will be glad to give you any
information about our :roods you may
ar in.
J\finWes L°eratshki,nbgreteZ7aCndafneaeddelar nof
Stock Ton ic.
the eveepstake fat cattle at Provincial
Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says :
Dear Sir: -
1 have fed your Stock Tonic to
cattle and like it very much. It mak-
es them thrive well and put on flesh
more rapidly. I think it is the best
Tonic I have fed to horses. We: are
also feeding it to our hens this winter
anl they are laying better than they
have done for a long time, It pays
to feed it. Yours truly,
Greenbank P, 0., Feby, 23, 1003,
Dear Sir: -
1 had a mare stocked in both
legs, WoBTHINGTort's STOCK' Poop
took it down completely and put her
in good condition. It has done my
cows good, Think it is a good thing
and can recommend it.
B. Cfaufamerre., "Dairyman."
Clinton, Jany, 17th, 1903.
Purify your animate' blood beforo
turning them on the grass. They will
surprise you in the fall.
$21000.1b. box, 200 feeds, 50e. ; 50 lb. sack
Worthirtuton Drug Go.,
Fax Sale and Guaranteed by:
Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son,
Hensall; E. Sthmidt, Lucas).
'An Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
°I Cure."
Why not cure that cough of
yours now Do not let it
go on and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as—
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some of
our remedies.
1)±(1-ig. ...H$tOrp