Exeter Times, 1903-7-2, Page 4The Asons anoo1QtQf Act et nerliament1855) Road Ontee, 'MO ince]. Oapital (all paid ue) 82,600,00 lieeervennd S2,259,00 IhAnonee in Ontalle, Quebec, Alberta, Deitiels Columbia ead niantieba. EXETER BRANOld Pen Every Lawful Day from 10 a, so. • to 3 p. on; excent Sattudayeei a, In. to 1 p, ni • Farmers Sale Notashed or col - looted. Forms supplied on application. Dafte en all points, in the Dozninion, Bi.itain and United States bought exicl test et lowest rates of els •Intnese. SAVINGS L.14,A 11,T1IEN'r, e- ases DepOsits of $1,00ii.nd upwnsaderr'Peiv- ed., Interest componsided half yearly, and added to ntnai Jtme 801h •and DeetienSete alien Lit posits Receipts also •issual and Light:at current rate of int erekt .Advanees melte to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. • Agentt Exeter for Dominion Go Ve raiment. ego:is:SON GattLING, I. D.SIVISDON, 4,02.1CITOUS. LAN AGE it he Csnck SuNDA Mossinine WHDRESDAN . 4 11 18 25 FRIDAY' 5 12 19 26 13 20 27 - xele Owl; Ctr4 for Junco, 1903 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 20 . 0 16 23 :30 8 10 . 17 24 • SHURSDAY, JULY 2.'sn T903. TUE WEEK IN PARDIAMENT. --e— The sensation of the week: in Parin anent was an admission by Mr.Scliell tb"te sLilb'eirar • •ineraleter for G1p. ngarlye that he had pplied goods to the•goes, eminent for use at tlae Glatsgew ex -- position. The anatten was referrecllito the ,00mmittee on Elections and Priv- pages, and, Mr. Schell's seat, if prenSe dent is followed, will be declared vs 'cant. Hon. Blair's railwuy cements- si,ou hill, with. amendments suggested by the oppoSition to guard the -rights of the municipalities. was adsanced. Hon.- ReSymonel .Pregotntainels esti- mates were discussed, and it was shown that In his capacity its a min - iter he sold the government steamer S`Bayfieliti" to par.tn friends for. 3, 200, shortly after' his denartment had spent ‘over ts3,00.0.he repairing the, It:vessel. Oth.er instances in whicti the same ininietter Islas given away public, ,pre - party for a mere song, were also hrbught itp light, DRS-SA:1317.UL SPINAL PASNS., Weak back, pains in the side, tura- her their vietinats'in'_tnoniands. Only yory powerful arni penetrattrig re - median will reacli these distressiag nompSaints. Nerviline is es surq to pure them as anything in the world can be sure. Ona drop .equals in pin subduing power to five, drops of .alny Ober. Potteet, penetrating, persist- ent in etetion, tin:sateen-mess thequaliti, est of Nervinne. \D ruggtssts every- -int:lege seal it. . • ORCRARD CULTIVATSON --- Then is a ilanger that on aeSsount of the nest weather, orchards will -not receive •their usual cuttivation, which is urgently needed to destroy •weeds, aerate the soil and. converse soil mois- ;tura for future uss. If the ground—is not stirred it bakes, cracks open and enaporation goes on rapidly. By stir- ring the soil through frequent cutti- ivation, thus keeping a loose, mulcar on- the sarface, capillarity is broken up and moisture retahaed. As soon as it is possible thereSore, 'to get on ;the ground after a rain, the cultiva— tor should be started in the, orchard And kep1 going as steadily- as floe eked wehtther will petrel:Lite CALIFORNIA. AND RET URNS 8 6 2.50 The Chiehgo, Union Pacific and aceetaseVeisteren Line will issue, sulv 1st to 10thninedusive, round trip trick ets from Chicago to San Francisco and Los Angeles atStha re te ;of St.T12.50 .0orresponding low rates from otter point e. Eeturn iiinit, August alts t , 1,733.8. For folder and other olarlioul- niA write B. If. Ilennel,t, 2 nacistaKing St., Torento. "1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, end al. though I am past elghty years of ago, yet I have not a gray hair in my *.ead." • Geo. Yellott, Tovon, Md. arvonnexcosvo..efesed.a.......rera We mean all that rich &Irk color your hair used to have. If s gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair :Vigor always re- tores,color to gray. hair. ti Sothetim.es it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it ,stops falling of the hair, too. Salle e bottle. All ilneetten, If your drtiggist cannot sopply you, send as 0710 dollar and WO win express you bottle. Be sive 1104 five the natio of your nearest express &Leo. Addreso, J. C. A.I.S11 CO., Dowell, Haas. A GREAT INCT,EASILNG menset'S of main and women alit eleettil heart and St011i in 0115 &Uri Lord to overeomea 'dot a vigor in the body. To relpialeo inertja by, vig- or, to intake good, red blood thlet4.w11,1 build up the system, t o have strong nes:vies, yea must tat rt*ira Melo et assimilate more. Row can' it be done? By using Fen -ovine. It In. vigoraeirs, strengthens, possestenie snag ical health gtving pour. •Get Ve.r. rezone 1 etlday and i make . yoursethf strong, and well. All rellanin drags, gists and 'medicine meal sell Fence). zone. 4,-IVdIZNIN:(1- TO. FRUIT oatow.uns -- The Fruit Division of tire Dominion D en zneSt. nee nt' o f AgriSeed tor e, 0 tah wa, issues the following >waren:nee so; fruit growens. It in to be teared that the wet weather at •present prat-10.1ms will lead a good many orehadists to neglect spraying,. Last year the sum, mar and autumn were wet 'and many growers of fruit failedsto gine their orchards ,ore than two or three spray ir,Sen. Ale Mr., McISS"innon points out, the cool moist weather as peculiaily favorable to the, development of fun- gous grciwths, and it ;is only by seise. ing ,cveres opportunity andspraying wtheinevier a`Any or Vino of drytweoe- ther comes 'along that sound clean fruit can be secured. s Wet weather should. be an inse.ntireeo greater dine genes in spraying, rather :than an ex ruse for not spraying. Eternal. vigi- lanee is tba • Eiricti of safety in fruit growing, and it behaves everyone who desires a fall crop of first olass fruit to spray early and oftnine THE NOSE, is a common .eymptom of worines in children. Motb.ers who suspect -their child tits t roubled wit h 'worms should admiVeter Dr. L3W'5 Pleasant Worm 'Syritep.. In is sistple. eats,: one olftecs Wale Pries e5 ce,•nitee . PEAR LEAF BLISTER MITE. The Fruit, Division, Ottawa, sends the following information with refere ence to tins insesit to Mr. R. Bray, Walker ion, • Ont . `EhI. pear lear shown at the Fermate' Institusea meet lugs at Te....swat er, are infected with the Pear 1.....)af .131isibr Initet, This in sect is .. sometimes quite, p re valneet, and althtaugh. it spreads •slowly frtem tees: to tree, is, likel to Ao moell blartnn Mr- Diettsliter, Dominion En-, tonolng•ist, treats on this inflect tL his rentort for 1895s ring& 160., Rene - commends as the mosteartantical .,rem- edy the use et -.the ke.ronene pmulsion just as the Sent ,euile ans, tea:ening., Dr. Flialteheir grvos essee •noinetteing deseription:—Reddish spots appear on tha. leaves, somewhat irregular in shape, o: bout oneseinjetli of an inch in diameter, and' f requmtly confluent Thoile appe17..ir on the, ,,iyoung pe anis, . leaves early inspring, and as the summer .progresses they turn! -to corky, blister-like gum wit h a halo in the centre through which :large, num- hers of elongated mites issue and ate tack the fresh parts of the leaf." . This inept attacks Only pear Ica,ves aril is rnportstl as having ben disco- vered in nearly all peeragnowing dis- tricts. PANIEUL SCALD:. rs. T. W a is n.a.ma ker, rankfo rd , Ont., ,says :"I scalded my hands very badly, then took cold in it. It swelled and was ivory .painful, but half a bat- tle of Ragyard's Tellolfw Oil cured it Compkiltelty." That half of. the St. Clair tunnel. whiclais in the State lot Michigan has been alksessecl tor the present year by, She Beard of State Tax CoMmitnion-* ers for *1,800,000, anddhe tax tor 1003 that has been levied upon this assess- ment is $31.040.2 3 The tax on the halt! or the tunnel whieb lies its On- tario is $753. The railway fare -sever the. Grand .Trung, railway on the Mieittigna side: of the rrivsr is 2 cents ger Mike; ; on the Ontiselo side it is 3 Ceni4S paV tni13. The. Grand Trunk Railway company received no public aid( for ilint. portion of i the tunnel svhich is in the United States; while for building that part which is in Canada we gave it a dournien ef .5375,i; 000. Maccliarmid, of West Elgin, In- terrogated the I. Ontario Goveenment this week as to whether Mr. A. E. - Ames still retains his potion as chair. 11).a.n of the Temiskaming and :North Ontario Railway Commission. Theme ply intiroo.ted, that Mr, Ames offered his resign.a lion, but that Premier ,Rose was anxious that his services should be ,continueel. It is well known that Mr. Am.es 'weetereatly desired, on ac- count of what evas considered his plan Rude of money and power, to be chairman of the Commission, but one can scarcely 'believe that the Govern- ment in its worship of corporate in- fluences and those who are /indirectly attached to the prorainent, should des sire to retain a Taan who has. made ducks and drakes of the, money a many in an effort to obtain an additi- onal exuberance of wealth for himeelf ti.doeceinot appear to the ordinary mine that sympathy for the on?, -who as at the, wheel when AO many 'Wore sbiewreek'ed should still retain his commission as pilot of any Govern - !tient are; r.—Iforout a Sal urday 'N ight UNNECESSAAIS TO SUFFER FRAM ASTHMA, — Tills dri s trths i ug eoftxsplail nt. •oan be perfectly cured hy, inlialing Catarrito- zone, a ,:ta lee:table anliernie if: t ha LON. 1 nye 1 ho nsame which pup the .dia- saw. C't ta r rhos an is inhaled at the mouth from a convenient pocket in- haler, ane after pei•maating tbe min- ute air pits. i Sehalel nit:mill through 1 hc riti,i. rit.i. It stops the cough, makes bleed hing regular, and erred it 3 i.PP, 1.110 .Set,Itine so thorou gh - ly from the. ,sy,er et.o. (hot it neweir Ter turns. cOOn't surfer from Asthma, use Co tar rh o zone, it will epeedily cure 1 you. Large outfit, 1L00. Small site,. . i 1 , lni yenta. nerseggage or ev meal: from Poison St Cole Kings(on, Ont. 'A fiberal Offer, --,The Times and Family Herald and Star, Montreal, Lor the balanee of 1903 for 05e. and to all. , who subsoribe before July 15 we will include the Iwo picture% "Purity and Alone".' The fano pietures alone are worth the serice. Thi.3".M-,0,- ,special offer te inereasneelineaUbserip. tion raplayenenee— S1 -$ad aoeident whiot might have terminated fatally, happened in Ryan' bush on the ;Varga road,..bn. Wedneel- day °gelling, Mr. joseoh Archeir WILS drawing logs for Mr. Mustard, and evSie in She net a lociallintn whisin the accident took okaoe, lie got one - heg (innate tretcle and wets standinig astride espalier plaeing tire chain uu- der it when • Ilis log *left the trucks rolled down theist cep skide and caught Mr. Arches:Ss left It3g bet we e.n t he it WO logs, sisiashingit badly. Ile was all alone at the time, and tris the blood wets pouring rapiily from th:‘ wound he realized ( that help must soon (be ernecured.B ,talied to his horees, whitell Jeanieto him, and by a great effort lee antanagea to get astride on ot them and directed them to the road Nvlicau Hatnry Peck was witido call, and quitekly came to his ' essistanoe, The injureci man was at ranee put into a 'buggy, brought in haste to 'the vil- lage, and taken to his boardinghouse, where lie etill lip- and is likelyto; re - mein for some time to tome. The doctors are doing , their utmost for Mr. Archer, but at best he will be laid off work for several weeks. Ile is an energetic and industrious young man and in \this affair displayed great nerve and tendurannes A couple ' of years ago he had an arm broken. PROMOTION EXAMINATION .0,11••••••••Xlia/.., Promotions from roicem 2 to Reams, —Martha.. Carling, lingers. Rasta Moneur, Edward Westeett, Leu'ise Car' ties& Alvin Brimtne,11, Hazel Brtrwn--- tag, Wallace Fiber, recorannendeftt From D. !class to 0.sclass, Room it— IiaroIci Cairns, Fred Trevethick, Irene " Calve Elliott, Mary Mureass, May Wood, Arabella Iletnry. .Rcteto mmeinatecl.— ern 1 e fIenden c Mary night, Edna Piow. Promotion from, Sr. trd to •jr.4th.-- Names in order of merit.—Ethel ?es - per, Sophia \\Sorry, Maude, So.hets,Lile tiaia Amos, 4. Douglas Stewart, 11a ,Tohnston, May Rowe, Note Hereon, Maggie Carling, Blanehe Sheeree lee Melilla, Edna Trenettihick, Minnie Oman, with honors. Norraan Rodgert, 13ea.trice Howey, Edgar Smith, Dickey Gidlesa Willieismith, Mary Bret*, Minnie Amy, Elmore Lang. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd.— De Lemma Mil. Inard. Little Itodgert, Gladys sett, cqual. Lois l3irney•, with honors. Jratesien Matnsone Amine 1Ia11, 314oney Heywood. .Anna. Dow, Viola W d Isla, Ellie en, Farimeir„ egita14 rgocs. ner, Katie. Collins„lenney Minton, Clifford Meknoy, equal, Ruth Rocha- er, Merry David,sen, equal. Lela. Gould, Roland Brintnoll, Olive Wilms, •Snell, Alma MellaersioneOeven Atkinson, Willie Bradt, Venetta Lang. Ildotor Heywood, Charlie \\relish, Al- bert Lang, Mabel Taylor, Williet ,Arm strongetost trial.—M. E. Gill, IL H, Walrond, Ilettedeters. Promoted from Rooni 6 o Rooms and, braes, K. Stenv:arteeDi Peckard, L. Jones, G, Achason. 11. Giardiner, E, 13rock, equal. V. Sweet, A.. iDisselt, E. Iteit71 main, & niesearci, W. Binney, Istenn, E. Wood, C. Picileell,, issesseeld k with h,oevire.. Johns, L. Rowe, R. Quance, M. Davie, B. Beyle, 11. Ca-right:4e, 1 Mayeells.—II, E. Pringle., Tegehle,r. Boone 74 to Room 3.-ellariryi honors. 'Young .0reeech, Peianl Jobne, Bellia McKay, Nelliie Mi- ckel', Paul Phippera, Hayryy Fuke, Elymore Rainless. Truman Etilott, Lorne Baskerville, Gorden Taylor. Promotionn from Room 8 to Tto.ons 6, according to snerie,—Ida. Wash, E. Shaddock, Minnie Jewell, May Jewell, Willie Ford, Luna Blasdell„ Ctancenee Heyeveod, . ,Blanche Atkinson, Elnen Howey, Latimer Grilles, Olive Derring Lulu Snell, Gerald. Ilurclon. DIED. Itlynn.—In. McGillivray, on Monday) june, 2teele, 1903, Mr. Robert.)flyUn, ilged 29. years.• Gazegailen.--fla s:Creeli,ton4 en Juiiy 1903, Verde. infant danglator of.Mr' .and airs. Wm. GTO:nips, aged 4 months and 26 day. Luker:.—Adt 'Croail Waldo , en Su t. urday, Mane .eqt.h.i. 1 ag.3, Mar g ark Alt -tine , *detest, da aghter of Mr. and BIrst Melba rdeleukeir, of Oentr)11 ia. anson.—n1 Vectorla Horeplietle Lon- • ,aon, June 24t1t, 1 003, Alice Maude Fanison, , youngest daighter or Mr. Samuel fans° n. Exeter, aged 18 Tears, 1 month and 24 days. At 'Maniere, OntatfesSO Jline 27th, 1'003, Orr.. Minnie Wells, of Los Angeles, Oal.,-aged 63 years. Funeral at Exeter burying grounds on Monday, 29111 ult. mud Mrs. Wm. Greenlee, aged 4 mos, icleftwaer,..letiactang.tmensex... ,rnateactsts.a.p....nnexciastaang, 13. 4,1414tIOS s n.tn. make your bar,. .tioro u.1 tort, .14 a gwva and AA relrebf aging, LE1 t51 Yail CUti 0.05..-Mta5m Tr.45 1.1a At8 )(me et It et,, ordinar4 Vrp makes a poor tooking her. sees 111re new. Moto Of pare, heavy bodied oil, es. pecieny prepared to with, istand the weather. IS•old everywhere iSi earts-ail slack Nat by leritillet OS MAIL Too swot. "It does not always pay to be too mat," siaid a' lawyer. "At 01E, beard, Ing house a new waitress was employ, - and a, young chap asked her nhat I be eheedsi call ber. "VaU Me Pearl,' ohe Said " `Are yen - rent peleer o asicfge•e—"--- -meta,' answered the glrl. I guess I am the pearl that was cast before Swine.'" SI JULY 2rLci 1.1)(4), T frartlaT PARKS OF COLO Wanted o Var. iVery Lunch indebted cuStoraer enters a bUteher's elm, remarking, "I'll take leg of mutton, and X want to pay for "All right," replies the butcher, hend- ing forth the meat, which eustoneer ales and starts to go. "Look here," :cries the butcher, "I thought YOU WM reu wanted to pay for it?" "So 1 do," was the reply, "but ean't."—London Telegraph. insintere;steat Jontexonhir. The majority of men recognize noth- ing in human affairs as good unless it ".1.e1ds some return, and. they love those friendS most—as they do their cattle— from whom they hope to obtain the theSt profit. Thus they lack that 1ell, bat end most natural form of friendship Which is sought for its own sake only, leer do they know from experience how beautiruI aud how lofty such friend- ship is, nappy Day. 4Nhat are yb,u writing?" asked the freshman. "Test dropping a line to my governor, wishing him many happy returns of the day," replied the sophomore. "Why, is this his birthday?" "No; pay day Ere sent a died, this moreing." • A Txrflo 'twee, 'One of the most curious races 1 ever saw," writes a correspondent of the London Tatler, "was on Mr. Carl Ha- genbeek'e lawn. at Hamburg. Some seven children mounted on the baCks At large turtles or tortoises raced across the lawn. To give impetus to their queer steeds most of them armed them- selves with cabbages, which they tied to the .end of sticks, ever and anon dangling them as tempting morsels in front of the turtles. It was a strange race awl occupied some time. Every new and then a turtle would grasp a piece of cabbage and then quietly eat It before resuming its journey.S. Viewer's ,eik -the stage. lit) actor who is haibued with thie su- perstitions 'of his profession will give Yellow roses to a friend, nor Will he elecept them hiniseIf, as he fancies the dowers are harbingers of misfortune, jealousy and loss of friendship. Some managers svill allow no natural flower a 1 !whatever to be used by teay of "prop- • arties" upon the stage, but that is car- rying the matter further than is usual- ly considered eesential, uneeninfortnido Position. Finnicus—I evonders(why it is that those who attain; the pinnacle of sue - cess never seem to be happy. Cynnicus—Because the pinnacle of success is like the top of a particularly tall lightning, rod with a particularly pharp point, and those Who succeed in perching temporarily upon it usually find that they are targets for all the world's lightning.—Town and Country. .. The Monet ci an Expert. "This, ladies and gentlemen, is the celebrated trick mule, Dot," said the clown as the a.ninial Was Idd into. the ring. "After many years of effort I am able to say I can make him do any- thing he wants to." The Auctioneer. Said a conscientious auctioneer: "La- dies and gentlemen, there is .no sham about these carpets. They arcgenulne tapestry carpets. 1 bongbt thein from old Tapestry himself." Easy In Com bi r tier!. • "Dey tells me," said Unlit` "(nit contentment is better •:; 1"..1 but 1 'spielous dat •1 c.• tiel.1 I could hab bof of 'ens inn • s. .- 11144, higne, tone_ ne Succeeded. A. man arrested for murder bribed an Irishman on the jury with E2O0 to hang out for a verdict of manslaugh- ter. The jury -were out a long time and filially came in with a. verdict of manslaughter. The man rushed up to the Irisb juror and `said: "I'm oblige0 to you, my friend. Did you have a bard time?" • ' "Yes," said the Irishman; "an awful tithe. The other eleven wanted to ac- quit yer."—London Answers.. Last Dueiing Clergymen. "When didclergymen cease to fight duels?" is a startling inquiry in Notes and Queries. It will be news to many of us that they were ever fond of that exhilarating pastime. But, tie a !nat- ter of fact, the Rev. Mr. Allan fought'', a duel with Lloyd Delany., Esq., sett killed him in Hyde patIc in 1782„ Ste' 'wee coin -feted of manslaughter and tined 1 shilling plus six mouthS in New gate. . RIs Uirtsal.l)relierenee, "What ,kind of neat have you thiS morning, Larry?" asked the board of trade opera tor. • "Well, sir," said the butcher, "rye got SOnle ape bear steak and some beet thet's just bulin"--: "XInnplit GM me some iambi° Quite Another Thing, "Ho was unable to meet his bills, 1 tincierstand?" "Well, that's where you're wrong. 1 'He couldn't dodge them," j Oanstileate one kee if . glories. • ThoY:Pontzal ds forests ,and plains the: e -Y vatercid by aretiel4S 1,1)4 0.11.* ODS, and Oorttain villages' and ram houises they hams springs end lazes where hods and ottheee platee tar en-- • tertainment are found for tltoee,eeek,. ing 'health and rpreatiou. T oenable people to rowels these ta- vatted localities without unneoessary expenditure a time ort.anone,y, the ETNION'tiPADIFIC haeleat in riq'ent, very low rates anal 'splendid train ser-, vice from Missouri River :to :Denver. Ileectommodations are provided tfor all classes of passengers on Dame trains>, the equipment inoludinerrree reelining oir cars, dining ears, baffet; amokieg Pare, .drawingeroore, steppers, clay tooaehee, ete. Full informa.tion cheerfully furnish - ad on applieation to II. F. Carter, T. P. A. 14 Janes Ilailding, Toronto, Canada. If, B. Choete, G. A., 126 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. ONE-WAY RATES To. many points in the states o!fOal- ifornia, 0 regon 'and Washington,' EVERY DAT' • The Union Pao/fie levillesell One- way Colonial Tickets at the following rates from Missouri River terminaals $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points, $20,00 tO Ogden and Salt Lake cap 20.00 to Butte, Anacaikcla. and 'Hel- ena, 525.00 to Spokane and Wenatchee,' Wash. $25.00 to Everette, Fairhaven and NOyt'l Whatcom via Huntington. and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma: 'and Se- attle. , $25.00 to Ashlancl,Roseburgg, Eug- one, Albany and Salem, via Rortland. 'Tiokets on sale daily to June 1.5th, 1903 From rehicago to .St. Louis propor- tionately lowrrates are in effect by lines connecting with the Union Paci- fic to all above points. For full inforenation call ion or 'ad- dress H. F. Carter, T..P. A., 14, Janes Building, Toronto, Canada. Fl B. Che oate, G. eon 126 Wtodward Ave., De- troit, Mich. '1%00TII..A.PITE) CURED. Dr. , Low's Toothache Gum cures toothache pnromptly and does not blister the gums lips or cheeks. Price 10c. iFiVItha • r! r "Iron -Ox Tablets seem to "attain an immediate Dopu- "larity. I have sold easily, 'in the few montli:; have "hia. them, at leriet cloteble as "many boxes as `1 evr.did of "any other Patent Medicine "in the same length of time. "Nearly every box sold seems "to be the means of selling "another." -8. E. HICK, Druggist, Goderich, Ont. snaseengernalarnes net A Superior Blood Remedy An invaluable Tonic 50 Tablets 25c Weekly ?Jail and Empire mailed to any address in Canada, Great • January lst, 1904, for BrItain ot: United Stales until • I ‘• s ••ins•- ., I. f .. •I ,,,, .. .....0.11140111111,1111.11,11,11,111,11111111111,111111111111111111 0. V,..•., 'Ps 14 / -1111.610111m Mitt to 1 i 1 ktit 1,1_,AtiliMEIffir , —,---------=-- • t .... ....... ... TffillinirarVIMIITTM.4114116-7171Z A71Ti'll'n egetablePreppialio s slynilatitig iltroodand ula- pat theS tolaachs andBowe of .....—........, E,, ' 1 , • 'e 1, 1 ' ......._1. PrOlrio/e0igestiongiverrui- ItessattoiResi.Oclataitts neither Qpiton,ivlorpliiiie tor Niteral„ Noi N.= c oTzd. *1. 1.a...01ZGal.......... ..aaje a' 01:712ri'VeMairalal.? Anip.gin Sa4- ..,114retalex. I AtAerta`Sardr- . .elrardaTaVe 1 ..avernn,it , Wi Colana&Jap i 1 1 iiiisiNesz- Gessfred.RcPe. MWC.02a, flaw: ) .....,„-..... maidisolima•••• Apereect Remedy for Constipa- don, Sous S topa.acii,Piarttipga, Worms ,Convulstons sfeverigi;"- nesp and Lo s s or *REP. .TacSimile Siiip-atiire of . 47.42/14.7 ITEW YO RIC. 1 VCAVT COPICCIF WRA SYMP.. 1,5 . • THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE: IS ON THE APPE OF EVERY BOTT.I.LE Or OteSorla is put up In one -also bottles only, It est sold in bulk. Doe't allow anyone to oral. goa anything oleo on tho plots or promise that it I� "jest as good,' and "will answer every pure yoxit.4 Bea that you get 0-.14.-S-T.O.B-I-A. Ms he- - • sheik sigesters ,_fe,?,,eq,"_, leen evoli wrapper,. „14211t are agents for the celebrated— Maxwell Binders, tiOVEMS9 Rakes, lay Leedom, Etc. Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows aRc1 Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in season. auggien, Weaggotss s auct : Cutters, We are agents for the McLanghlin Cutters and Buggies:and forAhe- Chatham Wagons. A Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers. One Door South of the Central Hotel. Portland Cement ""':- HR MOTTO "HIGH:GRADE WORK MY" GENTRALv WE HAVE 1:ust received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port- end cement • can be had at either Centralia. or . Exeter Storehouses. .• WW1. WANTET) 5000 lbs. of wool -wanted for which the highest 'Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- . .honses. JOS. GOBBLEDICK 02111312111-S•12•80166111.160.61, Lfrilch(: STRATFORD, ONT. is cur graduates readily secure good.• Positions because our 4igh grade train- S „..0 hag prepared them to render first.olaes 0 services. Business mon want first-olase os workers and haye no thee to waste up- cv a on the other kind. Commence a zoursoft §now and be ready for a position in the 49 fall. Write for handsome catalogue. • • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal set' 0214(94.10001188/21 2 CIRBDITOIN ENT fga.sincem... The offer includes choice of plat:Diu/is ) OriStiflU and Gliovoing , Branches are taught in the F. 0, B. COLLEGE. Our students are not picture.; entitled ---e--- , • guaranteed nice jobs, but after ate Tohne tIShleisEle(lis8se Fon; pt.y.h.tei I 1 1,71 era,c)11.1, 1 " Donc Protuntill course in this Oollege it will be- i.e.-. . No Trouble for Them to, Hold' • I, Ar Position. • • . • ,,, 1 We aid them, if possible to obtain' THE WEERLY NAIL ANI) ' ipmrisE , WOiViiitr e xeollont sa- ens- ployment, but, wErfirst equip them, o e. . • to maintain the high. reputation this' questionably be the greatest. weekly; le a e• . . imbliiettlim which en lt rt-, Casadian-1 visTamon in flour since re- school has acquired. ALL THE U EFUL during the t.rrinn.er months, will un-!. ' 1 on i t.s. 1 t at p ill- e 1 .1 Ton th ins a gtsql.L- , Pr riumier ol eteliimest•i reeding mat' 1 inodellino• our nail] . . ter /bon any t.thtr On.naditin syceitly; , ' h . All the newe 1 -.1)1,1e -heti itt• it is care -1 folly i-elucted is, nwet. the varied tastes of the rettclerea The General. aenvelSoce.toe waleontain the; fence% nod lno. I; complw o information of rho avant,- 1 ronspiring in all ports of the world. I Part itilqitr attention win lo giVeo to ambler:rid proVinetal netts. • • re. The A gri au I to ral Soo ion vti.l he reple ' e NV ii h i . • . . I . Dry Foft Wood Wanted ;if orn m Mon r lie n or,t. ialefeeeeneet pe London, Huron egrteumerai• aeit•no,.. to th.s spot ittif will be men etninent.itt itnpoi•tant Goma Nonni-, • itylu &law• London, depart...,..... The Magitte, .5..aq ion IVP1 tilso be a mine of • Centralia . ...... i±onnalico, Ilion stibieits wb lett • aro at To•e-, Exeter sent (alt./noting / Ladle. attention Many Of tho • 11,;t14.1.0.4 Wiil benrechtened by illustrations..Kippen ' Altogether tha 21 pages; which comprise 'T1)et Brueelield ... . .. Wc.eitI ilaIl nd Empire, roe a 'Wintry in 1 Clinton the IDS& V es, and till for the etun of Otto I)ollar 1 Wingham arrive a year. • GOVIO SOITTer- • SPEC el A L,•; Winghatei, depart Cliate•I Weekly gall and Empire to J.t•t, 1, 1001-80o ; Erneafteid Th o Ruler 'rim, H ts Sines/ y 1. 100E, -.Mc :"` ' • • • .... " • Both 'tamers sent to any addr,•5 for 7,5a • until illxotor San a my 1, 115 t. 1 Centralia Send order to office of this on,pet.. • London ,arrive -Santelitae. ... A 555 and Bruce, • • -Passenger. 8.15 A, Ai, 1.40e. et. 9,1 550 9.35 ' 6.0 " 9.14 . 6.15 9.50 6.26 9.58 6.33 10.16 6.56 11.10 8.00 Iftsasenger ti.14 A, sr. 3.16 P. 3st 737 1.25 545 4.19 .4$ 1.07 50 8.15 6.10 8.40 5.25 0.37 8.12 twer,M4 J. ifif• WESTERVELT, Psincipah t.S 1:4113,1 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE • C TO :VAR )gi E.: HI MGT WAS :8:S O. . • Ariyone sending a sketch and closer Iption may epdekly aseertalr our oeinien free wnether as invention is /trot ably pilot:44140. Communion. f mons kat ell, or tlidontlat. Ihaulbook on Patents • • sent free. OldoAt akeney ior securing patents. • Patents tat en through Munn Fe Co. receive- ' speeial notice, without eitarito, in the cientific Jrrnrk bandOmely Illustrated meekly. Ion'actst eir. ciliation of any selentldo Journal. !Verna, 553 year; tour months, M. Sold hyall newedeaters, 'MN &Co 361 erosclway, New york Branch ohm Cre i st..."weeeeeetee. krt2AMS.M449MMI;YWXYTAta,TATZsr,r-q-vtir,r4PA'aatattOUVICIthIPA'nan.10,?14 .0e.1 Cur a Col In n Take LaliatIVe Br01110 tfinbrie Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This sign tare, m‘e. Cure s Grip in Two Dayk‘ on eve . box. 25c. • 11 11 ?l• i