Exeter Times, 1903-7-2, Page 1TRIRTIETR YEAR -NO 26
11 (.11ION &- MI1) ktibita GAZ14 I
++ ++++++++++47++++++
aa,y last svith 1.1134 hedike'r, 'fat Zurich,
drove throu.gli Hen.sall, on Tuesday, eently. Bev. It. W. Iaosrates loft Monday
se 0, J. setheriartd, Newsy same°, Ocevoran
4. ear, oomenseioner, Fire Ineurance Agent. and
'Wainer or Nfarriago Liceusee. docrurient:i
+ Carefully drawn at reasonable 1,•ate. money
Hensati -
frienas. Mr -Thomason is a 'sten ) of
Mr, _A. J. Thompson, of ' Belton. Ile n, red I to li, Sne--.
(a%.11:11(1101141,t1i.o.j.bieeFifiL14,,,m;:0402:11/sU‘stLiiee8is:s,!meiris,:hsiyvni Mr. G e wens?, o -f --Usbora entship
friends in .eatending to them hearty "Xatliatille'txl:je`VW13%er, j're bas erectea
to loan on lea" estate et low ro,tes of imeeeta, 1•
°moat a:lona/tome° neusan coneeratulatione or, till. happy 'critP4 oevy fanea ba front 'of hie 10.1i. '
If yott want the best results use
-The SQ 1101U Bank has placed in- tr-tcti7t,t3elbahEWriknda4y,a°tOlvNviefterrlejellattif.Z.
to position a .new gilt edge sign. Titarries Road
Miss S`ophia and Maey Ellen Broven
'Our ,baral played a,t the strawberry n.---- are vielting under the parental root
festival in Centralia, on Weilneeda,y. ---Miss Nellie Ifilerington, of Guelph, -Mr. ilatrenne 'Enter jr., ispiona. Sue- 0
and Mrs. Clegg, of Winghem, visited under the 'parental roof, re-
Jow \ Zk So
NdtiOildi Stdr Brdild 66111611tS 1
F. O. m°D0 t
_are, onnell ho lino -Mr. and M're• WM. Earl, of What- morning last oh o. Niaree, wediksnyitcon
horse last; week; t 0,1)r. 0111:31- haVa Tree.11, Visiting their slaughter. .
• non.
Mrs. j. ,Thonernon, recently. -Mrs. A. Naralker, of Loudon, is see.. •
Mrs Urquhart, of Toronto has been ' -21)110. material for the re-rouilding iting leer parents, Dlr. and 'Mae, aim a>
Walls Floors, Troughs etc built with these Cements t trig placed on the preinieee tend wor •
'1* Viiiitt* her 05".11.S. faiir- • and re -pairing of the inanse is nOW be 1)yer. •
/ , k James Nichols, of Galt, is vis -
4. -fMtae•Maaa 0, Ba.rtrowti< liondon, will soon( began, . etIner. grandnroiabor, arra, flenre
last for ever. .
+ Ls visng ate a.tr. G. 0 Petty's for a
feta (Trays.
'eta a., -St, Paul'e aborah intend holding;
4* their k annual picnic sometime next
a der
We have Binder Twine now in scock r f Ge°'rge Cas°' cd the ajw*Ict
Come in and get what you need and be ready when
eviacik ,a113
eacy or you, + Road, shipped. a car load of cattle to
allointroalnOn •Tixesdey.
-AA lieu], of Pletasure seekers, from,
Seaforth, ("rove throagh here- on their
way to the bend, or Friday last.
sealf.r. Leaner ScSott had /been trams-,
ferrea from the, Sovere,agn Bank, ea;
elinton, to the Hensel" branch.
Floesie Foss,"Winfaliam, fre
l•-• harvesting time comes.
• w Scythes and Snaths, Turnip Hoes. •
We have a Quantity of Turnip Seed.
+ Eavetroughing-and Builders Supplies always on hand. . *.'
+ +
4., .--... +
ea +
ek ii.
oite 1
+ +
++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1.We Can
ate t lung, You
in loth
Is always to be found at
tailoring establishment.
..,_.4 you havent a good tailor
are looking for one, try
One trial ;will convince
that our stock of Spring
and Summer goods is
unequalled. See for
8 OS.
flaat-T011, Csa10t bett, er-4_ -
'satisfaction for the same.
mon.ey than we will give you.
-1V1r. ()barrette. who has been('
' the States for a number of years is
St Joseqh • 'alias Alice, Petty, milliner in one' of celebrate his 0:3' birthday. Their dau-
-Mr, ana Mrs. Robert aleDonald,of
have been visiting their „e'en, Mr. John --Mr, George 1) 1t4 of Port Huron,
R. McDonald,- of Tuekersinitin the renewed ecquaiatenees in he village, oa
pa* few dialyer, M3. atePoneld, nein 'on Monday. +.
thotarh in his eath year els still hale --john. Earans, of Exeter, has' Cara-
and hearty, and is smarter than many rneneed work at the foundation of ate
men ihardlie laelf his years,, having, C.. Kuhn's new, house. ,
during 'more than four score yeers --Cur brans band is inaking rapid 1.
nevba• known a days illness. progrese, and it will not be long beroro •
they will appear on. the strreet.
John Procter and, fgaraily, ef 41,
Zurich, ,spetrit, Sunday in 1,hial Villsgp, I ,.„40
tbe guest of Mr, Samuel Brawn. 7/s'
-Mr. Tohn'Hatieh lett Monday liaat *
ail ban"rt
eatamt. be lead ,,i), the "nese in ill fitt7ng or woe -out barnees.
Our I -1a ensas riee loner. comfortable kind noide. and is strove
and e ty ish te opea once. A. horse is comfortable in stint
bainesa mid gi s eatietactory service,
Ali Work Guarariteect.
Prigigi4- illakelyy.- i.A. very pece-
-83 spending a Lew days the guest of Mrs. "tide ‘,011 alas,- Ilegh Pringate in the fewsmoatbs at hie forre•er home.
asnadixin,- ' Wile nelatinriised at the for Blenheim, where he will spend a ****4404araaana,****aanaaeire409+41.41 444.441404-04.04•00****44*****
131fandly• of this place,* Presence aa about forty invited guests, --Entrance Examinations- ere held ,
zrusfirciand 13e11, teacher, is home relatives of ilie nontracting parties, In 0113: 11)11:Rio seboo17 on Weduersd,ona
epentaing , the SnInnaer vacation. with` dill Welatensday /rimming, jurie 211,11,1 Thursaa,y and, , Friday of last week, !
homefor their holiaays, visiting with tees Talbot road, near Tiasonbura( 'annual Children's day or the Li'vangeI- ing her ,dangltiar, Mee. 3'. Miners.
he. parente, Mr. and Mrte, Javs.13e11, when her ,daughter, Aanes was united -Quits a inuraber from•haire vents f
s -The Misses ateEwen, teeehers,eare in, marriage to Mr. Wm. 131akeler, of( Sunday- in Dastrwood, attending trhe, ` ________
: in Preeter',s millinery, :le /Or eh 3.e.
adatteaesn•dianett at Central i a
who Were hero at,tencling the wedding bride aoted as maid ef ,honor. The from London. She is still poorly, but i Andrew.
th,eir parents -Mr. and. Mrs. MeRsven. There was no bridesmaid, Bliss Alice iteal eitlarah, t % :,
-tear, ,a,dedi Mrs, 'ant:laps, of London, Wateion, of ' Tilson.bura. neiee of a•he ars. John Dyer bas returned. 'lame isunday the gtu.st ot Mr, and Mrs. S.
LT:3:r.r.s:CW: 11\lei-ti.e„t'Y'r a:, o'22.1313rly;f111,sesivleisinit tru-r.:eIrli's:41.1'07L'ill:::2°Irrd•2:1:Tfil:r1t4.re hi) oAlein-
__Mrs. Ande,rson, ) who Las boon in
the. bed-sMe or -her els-
e ales. Kfuoppe sister, Bliss Nettie' oeremany was performed under ail we hope, she will soonoregain he/oiler- I Mr. and Mrs. R. T. 3ohne andfamily
arch of avo43rcns,n1 ro.ee, ie irina health. e ;
Eaton. ,,
Joe Exeter, spent Sunday with Mre
__The Misses Norris, who have 'been .bride being, •attired in an elegantly -Mrand, alr*s. Ma -tag -may Marin* Johns' garants,„ '
visiting their couein, Mrs, A. Mur- tailor-made gown of champagne; lad- returned home on Monday night last --mr„ and: Mrs. laybies, at Laincroe,
seek, for ,e, few days, left for "their% les eloth with while silk bodice, nad after an. extended trip through Mich- cifrh that -guests of 31s. attar:11ra. J.
ho,me, this week. . Junes, on. sanday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whitesidee
Rev. C., Baker, the junior nal aster
left here Tuesday morning forDrant-
1D0.4 arrived on the circ-tait •to take
carrying a beautiful baguet of bridal
roses. Rev. R. A. Cranston, tied the
knot,. ..and, the tt adding march Was
played...by Miss E. Sehlater, of Sea -
forth. The beautiful wedding: gifts re
ceived 'vere in evidence of the popu-
larity of the young 'couple. After the
ceremony and congratulations, the
bridal party- sat down to a beatiftul
inan and Illuams.
-Miss Brown, who has been etigaga
eta •as 'initialler svith..Mr. C. Zs:ids-etas
the past season, returned to her home,
in Tioxiden, On Theuladay.
--aatr. Levi .Closkey paid our vil-
la,ge a flying visit on 'Sunday last.
His many friends were pleased •te See
repast after which, they were driven _i1.. fl-........ Henry Eilibea, .-Nr. . P.., who
hes smiling, face once more.
R. Ilunter, on Sundae- . medical study are now finished. As a
where the groom has a fine farxxte returned home last Saturday.
to their elaW home near Tilsonburg, Toroaarto, for the past tiro auonths, ton, were guests of her mother Mrs.
to Seafortinavhere they yook the 'train has be en„ e.ttenliag tho L2.gi.'s.latua e at -Mr. and. Mrs. Irodaleen* of Gran-- 5,ytillItealriirsne:nhttri:b.ilvelivahn:ssh400bn:7031,tenshvins::thrysaeee.utdteitcseole:e:enrieduinetdi
Brimaxornbe. over Sunday.
The beat wishee of a 11 est of f.riends u. III, saevo4aBirfoisx;,3 mofoSnLlatioaa.rtsysznhoeuvreczrat .1.,01:a!g..ult:ietleouviacerlre,r,tketacetn. doner4u)m)t.bob:ere:01,::::eirt,,liti:
foal ow them.
Deeshwaad otery 1:11:t .- aSt Wege., for 'Mrs. ()tensile sunshine, et Friday evening lass,
Hat zinan. sr. and Mee 0 Kuhn. LatIl.ijilli3e-liclellrlat?arl-laaingdeee'feolrfll' -71110301132afrecTIllianibrance.ta'raae rta.nidd'
ford. Whose( they intend Spe,ritiso lo.
dhartae, of his nIes...k: e ;
fewtaalyis with Mrs. Georgenaliners,
Mrs. Whilealdies sister, t -Mrs. B. Spicer and. 31iss Rowelifle,
Mr. • WM.. Harburn, /proprietor of of Oregon, spent the past week with
relatives at Woralstaek.
the IdensaIl Greten-house, has the,lin.
-arr. and Mrs. E. Speakman, of
est lot of straarbarries 'we brave seen
Exete,r, were guests of Mr. aria Mrs.
ter, Dr.. Minnie Wells, ) waese) danali
oeaurred at the *sanitarium. thatatanns
on Saturday, returned home oneafon
day. 1 -
-artiste Ether Faalrater, dataghtar of
.Mr. John Reaper. of Exedere who as
a plipil, lit Loretto Abbey, Toronto,
,sang a solo, "0 -Salu.taris''with aver
"0 Salutaris," in St. Peterie church,
on Sunday' moaning.
-II. B. Hutton, M. D., eon. of the
Rev. 33. L. Hutton, returned from To
rento, last Tworlay. His five y-aes of
lin a !long time, and as a 'consequen.ce
halve beepe in great aemand.: t
-Dr. and airs. Logie, of Paris, ea.
companied,by Mrs. Collins and sistee,
Mites Kate Banthron, of Exeter ;were
in ale.. village tho first 'part of the
week 'renewing acrquaintances.
-;LEr. john S. Wren, prdnelpal or
the Dundee nubile ecaool accompanied
by Mrs. Wren, ere spetedang theatem-
A football team es -as organized neeneing itolidaT evith frienls and to all who subscribe before july 15
Friday •night, het' with ala Vier we'n '•'-; iesi f ate 111 Thom, ton wei will includ,e, the •two ieture
mer months with their re.lativen, ana tee nome of ."'S ,r a lite buys 9.re ,; .t DeiPt; ."Purity and Alone" `ride 'an? Ipicturet4
A ver -eileenee vrt 'cr k e-
1 friends' lat. iserzake end eleinaten••- ' • - • - * • d • ' 171'1 s.,"d • on need. o (venni, a thalionte Irina 011y I • •-• liona "7")1
der, .on aho ,ev.irene
s ; I
1 ° neighboring te,alra., at qr. 3. rrroutS. L'enwarden's. epecial offer to inereest cane' subaciap-
oyd. et; Pert venal 11. re •Vil-d....4.341` 41' NS • I Dolce. • Tniels 3.
a4r.I3luett, principal of our public, _inse..„ eessenr, t-ooir Rev. ilionn Hon rapidly. • •
- • _
visiting, hie brother, Ben, here. •
VV. W tur-ned from Montreal last week, •neal
Mr. N. M. Cantin and family Fe --
will. likely .remain at tS.•Zosepli, for
the Sunaraer.
- Merck -dial -re Tailor,
We have a nice clean stook of fresh
Groceries, which we are selling at
ye ry low prices. Sae our Ready
Made Clothing. Ask for our Floor
011 Cloths and Carpets, We quote &
few prices.
10 lbs Oortioaeal for 25c.
10 Iles Oatmeal for 25c.
8 lbs of Tapioca for 256. Careenway
13 bars Electric Soap 2e
4 lbs first-class Carreras for 25c
First-class Coal 01118e.
Also Linseed, Machine and. Cylinder
011 always on hand.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson spent Sun-
day With Pelimville friends. .
-Dr. Ohat. Lang, who has for :the
past y -ear been pureuing advan:ce "stud
lee in special subjeets in ftha b.ospitals
of Great; Britain and the continexater
has returned home. He sucessfulay
passed the necessary examinations to
entitle hira. to receive the 'degree,of NT
R. CL S., Eng.; le R. 0. P., London.
Floor 011 Glottis .
2 yards wide, good material at 50a a
yard. One yard wide at 25c,
We have a number of different designs
in Carpets ranging in price from 17c
-up to 90c.
Ready -Made Suits at very low prices
L Mc agg rt
Ohildren Cry for
Mr. Reuben Wilson, of Port Huron,
is viiiting relatives here.
--Mr. .04 EL 'W1,1eaena's barn -raising
.came off all 0. K. on Saturdaees
',Rev. J., E. Holattas, of Graakton, is.
to address the Orangemen on. Snnday,
Tilly 12th'. " )
AfAcii Paul alCalntoth, of
Port Huron, are visiting Selbourne
English, at present.
G rana Be n d
-William E. -Struthers, M. D. R.C.
S., ,was rciarriedsinsWeet Preabyriaia
ethlurehe CI:mentos on Janie 30141 to
Miss Jennie Bennette daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Irving Brown, of Toronto4
Mr. Struthers has just returned from
Drtgland having pretv,ieusl)y a•een are,
sident of Goderiseh, and a nehool tren-
cher at this rases. •
Chili:Igen Cry for
-s-TH E --
,CAPFTAL (all paid up)
REST ......... ,.,.... ..
Cleineral efenager
the largo stores in London, and Miss ghlber, Melinda had invited their netts/
31.11lie Petty, evho ha,s. been 'attending
the, Forest City Business College, Len-
ore home for their summer holidays.
-Rev. 3141r. Ayers, of Landon, con.
ducted scirviera• in • the Methadisa
church, on Sabbath morning and even
tig'crlist. The! Rev. David Weans son
of Mr. Geo. Wren, who Wag- formerls
statiened at Rutherford, will anpply
the pulpit during 31,441e'lliecld's absense.
-Ma- . Jane: Sutherland enjoys the
dietingtion of being the finstaixi Ilene
salt to enjoy a mess of near, potatoes.
The pobafeces were a good Size efor
this time of the year. Mr. Suther--
land enjoys gardening, and is (general
ay among the first: with, •earily
-Woranesday being is t of Main CD oe
minion Day, all the places ;of business
in our -villdeigs were /closed., scene
spend: the day at the Bend while
others took in the ,strawnerry ±rti.
val 'at .Ceostaaaia, andr eloine took •arA-
vantage of the theap rates to Offer&
ent points in Ontario. •
A Liberal Offers -The Times and
Family Herald and Star,: Montreal,
for the balance of 1903 for 35o and
to all who subscribe before -July 15
we. will include the two pictures;
"Purity and Alone". The two 'pictures
alone are worth, •the Trice. This is a
spacial offer to incunase o subsoils),
tion rapidly.
-A (quiet . wedding took niateensit
the, brevet of.. Mr. •ancl !Mrs. Fulton
on Tuesday evening last, whend their
dang,later, .Nettie, was united inoinar.
rime LS `Mr. Harry Cxxlbert:4 otigag'-
rnobedvillen The- Rev; • Mr Dougherty
performed the ceremon:y in theeprne-
ence o±. -the immediate friends and re,
latives of the tontraoting parties. Mr.
and Mrs. Culbert will take up their
rens' work at Granton, Sunaay even- -Miss Smith, the teacher in the juie
. . o. ar , e,aneJuly
est: friends and neighbors, about 40, to 4th, -Ica. England, the former to visit
assemble dt h•alf past eight 'O'clock.: ins panoass. who: are, us an innot..,,,s,.
akeray -------------.3,not knowAngt wlia.t
was going to talrie plare, -theist giving
their daughte-r a grand opportunity;
decorated the • house and made final
preparations for the occasion, which
was done 111 an ahleuand satistacanern 1.13.0 kreaThy, friepdo of Mre!Chriet.;
loalaanier for which she deserves groat Oil Cavalier, N. were pleased
credit as all the . preparations were to eee him , again atter an absericelioit
managed by her. After alio guests 11 years. Ile is accompanied by his
daughter, Maud.. They 'arrive•cl. here
,Monday night. laste
-Mee pupils of tbe ,entrance, elaes
Spent a pleads ant ,evening 'Satur-i-
day last, at the home of their teacher,
Mr. •Claucle tranett. They presented
him with a beautiful parlor lamp and
hie two sane,. after whioli.j..the Bev it. re kindly worded address, as -a .slig,let,
token of the hiagli .eeteepai ha isheldby
C. IVLorlock ,gave an excellent; addrean them. .
It so happened that the nareretswere and, else *alit=
-.Mr. Sol. Sal:mbar:a- and family
and the Misses Florence and' Edith
Pinkbeliner clT Seto wa ng, g, en,
who have b•;eu vi..iLing r lativel he -et
left for their home on Monday last
had taken ,possession of the house, the)
parents arrived' home, and they' were
greatly- surprised, yet Mr. Winkenwe,
der greeted every guest withiat heare
ty eveleeme. Their daughter, Melinda
lea-ving purchased; a comfortableeasa
chair as a birthday gift., Mr. Wink--
enwedier was i placed in the their he
la German and English. to -Which Mr.
Monduya, ;July ails the lin;
aarinkenweder 'made ft suitable replfr Morrie .Ehnes will give !its uelebrated
' gave exPrestione of good. wish- lecture on Africa, in Zion Evang'elical
es that he ) for ,neany years to ehureh at 8 o'clock. TIM musical part
of the nrograimme wi11 be. 3.1:b by
Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm, and the' male
quartette. A rare treat uis in store
for alt who attend. Admission 10c.
A Liberal Offer. --The Times and
Family Herald and Star, Montreal,
for the balance of 1903 for 05e. and
to all who eubscribe before, July 15
we will int:hate. the two pictures,
"Purity and Alone". The, twp toleturele
alone are worth theprice. This is It
special offer to increase o ur subscrip-
tion rapidly. •
--There died an 'Monday, June. 29th
come enjoy the use. of •the chair., In-
Ar`umenttal masile and home ainuaek
mods were indulged in, and a sump -
(mous repast Was given in strawhetre
ries and ice-cream, which was 'hearth.
1,y enjoyed by all.
Wednesday letstwJaely 1st, the
nual strawberry festival of Centralia
cincuite Meithedist church was Iheldson
Ilreepsreineage lawn,
Mr. Robert F133 -lm. 0111 of Mr, and airs
Mile day being fine the 'attenaanee
, Flynn, lot 7, nontai. boundary,
wets 10343 the plegiaure, senate:re irom
inshis athli year. _these -
tor deper tenet& of Oenticalia Publiei
_in.: aa, ,nitliicRixefje:I. :C. Bakerz,,loa tt000.11e0 ai iree.e..eeroyixi ea -
at London, her Ii0111e. By faithfulfs-
Publie school has resigned. She pur te
improved in health, and able, to go to
relatives at `Wroxeter, and is greatly
a awn months' trip with frionde and
with friends in Chicago and Denver.
tZieiSuTlielntiLselifSlrinl-na°•cereanrk'inflallr. aEnxeet.xetienader' Id Mi
isit5 11'3seis to
g.ttn'.4 the
•Nctrrn14 School'
r-alr. Ed. Powell has retorned from
:uuertailnYd. SSulni'da3yvniseltbooladgtteur:r:c'weY 33aiskiNd'
as Site took an actine• interest in lam..
nem to her school duties she has won
the respect and confidence of the con
work asgain. :,
-Rev. Mr. McDonald, who has lab -
and, pluckingiltheir eldest dauetter;:
wall2k, ishe hand of deatkr entering an
ored on this *(ircuit for the past. year, 'Margaret Aliniranat the early age of
is visiting his parents near ) Forest
20 years. The deceased was d bright,
prrior to taking his new appoinement
on, the Fullerton cireuite young woman, and was thet sunshine
.„--The 2001112311 team eleyed the, re- of til° Uome- 'About a Velar AID she
tu.l. anseach with the team at Sun-- took the measles from. ilia 'effeets a,
sh,ine laart ritlay, and the. game see, svhich she never recovered, taberolosis
SAistilinvgan Saturday night ,f,une 27thi,
in which terminated. in, ter
suited in a tie, neither teaan searing;
The bays aro proud ot, their sue- '
cess, not withstandina three of their lishe Israel a :Valletta etifterer, eta al s.
liways eabibiting her trust and tonfi-
best players svere ellitable 11:1 b,e. iir:an i
(tirtjture-21ivued'a13Tt. ultaleighlerrarils"A fan 3.4317;
.Tha tuni.ct,01,6„.ary,,,..,..:vicee cm ennerayil I
!earl although by her reanoval the
wore largely . at tendel and' the eui.::::-. , ',
wo...s crowded at all inaree scree:Pee, i home le Sad Merl desolate, yet those'
Re.V. J. .Is. Iloames, of Granton, hoilrig leave mourn do so with, the aallorious
the speaker of the day 2nteroet ;hope ot a .resurrec.tion in the, -"Homo
ad his hearers with two practice' ser- 1 beyond." The sympathy of ant cone -
mons, and a very fine address to alio imunity was evidenced by Chet Large
ach olars of the school in the after- ',procession. vsho joined with the fume
noon.Tho colleetions for the day an1- ! fly to the Exeter burial ground, whore
ounte.d. i 0 over 820.00. :interment nook place on MonaVie last.
ik 5 at) L,o ittitS
the eureounaing country and . the j am,. had been aning fee ,e0ene Lime, •,7ZZ
towina of Exeter, Lunn ,Crediton, but, only took his bed, about j-
113 Egmondville, with the
best wishe,s of a host: of friends.- London and various othee lyeek,e ago. Ite was. of a bright and
les ,nen_ [cheerful dispeelaton, and had Many
gni:1111S evere entiertained, byt
Zu ch t,
Taosa,ymetethy of the earn-
rtralia -people in th°ir wa't,hospita
1 1 manity is extancljed to Irii&;berale- d
sayle. s VP' I perents and relatives in this their sad
-nyirs..Win. Finkbeiner, of Milvere 1 :The 31. risen b i n. I la rni:lied .very ex.. I be reale m,ent, The remains weire in -
ton, is visiting her pareets, Mr. ai:id • i .
eellant musie which ,added nsaterially tter•rAl inl Ebenezer 'cemetery. on Wed.
-fefirs..Chris. Oswald, ,of the Bron- to the enjoyment 0.. the day A. lenge ne'sdar alte'rla°" kust"
tiSy programme of eports, teonsieting galeal ehu,rch, of title plane, will eln-
Mrs. D: S. Faust. -The Sunday Scheel of Zion E0an-
son line, is spending a tow .3,,,nh,st in oC football, races, etc, were carried i brate their anituaI Children'e Day, In
different parte of Michigan.
. ,paor aea,,vr, of zolx.rood, out during the afternooy n, Sundarext. In. the forenoon an ap
_cur -
A sumptuous repast was served Ineonriale se, mon. will be. preanhed by
Drone Coe is . visitirg his father and' ceentsinting of strasoherries anallertann,) /the pastor, Rev. G. D. ,Themni, 13.
brother, at the lIth •coneession. with am abundance of other good ;The aff.terneon prOgramme, will cone -
slat of adrir•cisetes by tale ladw. j. .0,
Mot:look, of Dashwood, and 'W. ;J• ara.
ger of Zurich,. Retitations and eing-
ince lby t the Sunday Seine' eeboltire,
and. in i be evening the Rev. Morris W
lahn.ee, of Delaware, Ohio, late; Male-
..,"Mrts. Alfred Moritz, (nee 1VlissKib-
ler) is visiting her aunt, 'Mrs. Fritz,
$61000+000, neul other friend e town at $2 700,000 700)009 "j±even Maiseist Minnie and Martha
Jr. IIMBDZN, Moller, of atilveston, are visiting re -
Superintendent of Branches nattecei and( friends, ' and arteind
Interest at mog favoralale current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accdtmts and Deposit Receipts.
v'tetters of Credit issu.ed available in China, Japan and
,other foreign ,countries.
Manager 111514.
k I rle tart
things to eat.
In the evening the Ladies' ;Aid ,ne
the ChUrCh c
gave a oncert, which 13.'110
enjoyed, and a very pliant
t. I cgr filithura rendered, Vnstimitie n r,-11
denies were given by the. Misses Lille
3P11:11S, of Exeter, and theieo- sio,nary itt Afreea will give a Mission -
lots rendered/by Mies Atinnijailiires, eff, eery address The host of friends of
Alps, ,Col!lage, bnought torlth ratan. Mr. Wince Won 11.1 his previous
iteci applause and emotes: Misfsistaa visit to this place, will be pleased to
Goughlin alga aliea Kate Elaioan ease learn that he has beewseeurea for
this oecasion. No one should fail do
hear him. The singing in the evening
will be given by the juniors and. the
gave some very tine instrument.al set-
4Weeleesday, Sane 214th, a vary entioes, and the vocal ; eelections fol
etty wedding toole p,loce at the home Miels,. Cottightin were rendered la
Mr. Robert . Ineareiher, Kirletori, gooa style and Te3ci0i:V6(1, duo .repplianse;
Ine hie daughter, Eliza (Lydia) was T ameeadirigs given by Miss Morgan;
arriea to Mr. Thome Thomp,son, of Lucan, were given in her usual gdod
,giantw, Miehigan, formerly of town. st,314, , 0(4114112c nedededes. defense berere the Sizactitt-t
:1:3t'ta Pligattea! was briaeantaid* The entertainment thrroughout 113.0
d dVfx, 13art Mbptranson,beat oaten afternoon awl. evening wao one lat the,
e marriage Was pariovniad tha rnast: ineeessful in the history of the
(tr., S. Anson, "The briklak wa aharah, hath financially and soeially.
artily gowned in White and oarried gveeiaidnientien 1111g131 be matie th,‘ "%men reby wee side, we pee eer cagieen
boactnet Of itawdlns. Arany '.,ttotioi. 'Rattail band which. andercd caz.; Want 0110 waa $.ehe trio(' ror caste:la.
alartneble onciloolla wilaea te *IOU araltont th)rb Ault aittcr. Plv broct,JO S:ie clung to Crirstot5a,
alS &rani* ouple Trona tiAair Itoolt. vvhifil$1.t bad gavc Mora Criatcriaw
or Cl:sts. 11Skrorior,
50C, $ 3.7 5,0ild St&
l'uic Paris Green,
Screen Doors 900 to 2 . 2 5, SerCell
WinCiMIS 150 to 35c A 11 sizes
in stock.
s !Pk:b./lite& on tfccount of 118 1Wifotql011. 131 Quiiity,
Length Even?8,3. and,Strength. . hae a large
quwatity Od ha,nd, and be FoleaSed‘ to
• quote •prices.
°wets ft 0111 . feeyabtael'•;'.500,-75.0„ rtnd•-
• Bro•t(
c*..1.sSi18105:.4.NIIa. ke
NOne Better.
Scythe Stone 50, 100 iid 15c
Grass Hooks 20o, tlric & 60c
Snathes, no and soc,
We still have a Full Stock of' Bail)
Plain Wires.
eaman s
P. S. -Boy wanted to learn t1
yrtng and
ardware bnsiness