HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-6-25, Page 8111
Es U 25t 00%
elm Good 'Things for the
Ending of %Tune
TI"0, the yard
n w black Grenadine Muslin
very pretty.
with small white spot, a , y p eG
15e. the yP,t'd'
For may Black Muslin, with fancy
embroidered, stripe." Swell for dresses,
200.. the yard
For yery pretty new designs in
open stripe Black Muslims,
25c. the yard
For our best Black - Grenadine
Muslin, fancy stripe. These are up
to -date in every way.
Seo. the yard
For nevi white lace etripe altuslins,,
splendid values,
did va ile
122c. the yard
For a lovely range cif new White
Muslim, very pretty for Waists or
15c. the yard
For new White Muslins, the latest
new embroidery effect
85o. the yard
For a lovely new Black Wool
Voile, Justus pretty as can be.
65e. the and
For a very special black and white Snow Flake.Dress ;goods
correct for suits or odd skirts.
A Dollar is not Much
But it will start a Savings Account with us, ;Start one, it
will beusefulsome day.
Bif1NGfES tat -turn Goantlu at Exeter, Groditon, .Zurich
anti Clinton,
Powell, returned. to Toronto ea Toes -
We offer exceptional,inducements to farmers wanting gto
borrow money to buy cattle, etc .
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Solicitors. Manager Exeter Branch.
For Marriage Licenses,
Watches. Clocks
Spectetcles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be. left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Only five more days in June.
• Mr. A. Q. Bobier was in London on
June is .passing haye you secured
a bride yet
Mr. Wm. Petty, of Hensall, was in
town on Monday.
Mrs. J. Sweet left on Wednesday
for St. Catharines.
J. G. Stanbury was in London on
legal business Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Levitt of Grand. Bend
were in town on Wednesday.
Mrs. Thos. Handford and children
are yititing friends in Brussels.
Miss Cora Prier' left Mond ay on an
extended visit with friends in Toronto.
Mr. Chas, Verity,of Brantford spent
a few days of this week with friends
in town.
Rev. R. Millyard is busy packing his
-goods and expects to leave Exeter 'on
Tuesday next. -
Miss Marie Sanders is spending a
few weeks in -London the guest -of
Mrs. J. 0. Inwood.
Mrs.:R. R. Rogers, and children of
Watford, is visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. E.Christie,
Take Laxative Broom Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the ,money if it
fails to cure. E, W. Grove's signature
s on each box, 25c.
Mrs. White, • of Ottawa, and Mrs..
Collins of Toronto who visited friends
here last week, left on Sarue b y for
Kincardine where they w.11 spend a
short time with friezzita
Prof, Lloyd Sones, of St, Thomas,
organist and choir roaster of Trivitt
Memorial Church, Exeter, been
Senses church
a d to ave
St Ja e s ah
n e
g g
Lucian, a thorough course,,
Rey. Dr: Dewart, a prominent
divine of the ' Methodist church and
for many years editor of the Christian
Guardian, died very suddenly in To-
ronto on Wednesday last.
Mr. F. G. Mitchell, Mechanical, Bol-
ler Inspector, of London, with his fam-
ily pased through here in their automo-
bile on Sunday last enroute for Sea -
forth returning on Monday.
Mr. Will Dignan, of Comber attend-
ed the wedding of his brother, Mr.
Ed. Dignan on Tuesday.
Mrs. Harry Silk of London visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Hicks
the forepart of this week.
Mr. H. L. Huston, of the Molson's
Bank staff, is on duty at Clinton in
the branch of the same bank there,
Miss Erwin, who has been visiting
friends in town, returned to her home
in Wingham on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, of Snow. -
flake, Man. were guests
Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Randford last week,
After all there is one advantage in.
being King of ServIa, He isn't likely
to be bothered much by life insurance
Rev. M. Godwin, the newsy appoint-
ed pastor to the Main street Metho-
dist church is expected here on
Thursday next.
Mrs. G. Davis of Rainy River, arriv-
ed here on Thursday last to visit her
father, Mr. John Willis, near Hansall,
who continues very 111.
Mr, and Mrs. Tnomas Gregory leave
on Friday morning for a few weeks'
visit to Gibsonburg with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Luther T. Gill.
Miss Stanbury, who has been spend-
ing several weeks here with her bro-
ther, Mr, J. G. Stanbury, left on Mon-
day for her home in Bayfield.
Mrs. P. F. Hamlin, of `Kincardine,
who spent a few days of last week
with her sister, Mrs.S. Powell, return-
ed to her home on Monday.
Owing to the holiday next week the
lst of July, we would request our cor-
respondents to send the news a little
earlier in the week than usual.
Mr, T, H. McCallum and Miss Elsie
McCallum leave on Friday fora two
weeks trip up through the Highlands
of Ontario in the Muskoka district.
Strawberries -were very plentiful
in town on Saturday. One load
brought in from Arkona, was disposed
of in quick haste at 36 boxes for $1.00.
Mr. H. Powell who was called home
from Toronto owing to the very seri-
ous illness of his mother, Mr. S.
ILL NOT OVERLOOK the exceptionally low plices
p � p
• at
which we are offering Englishand Canadian
Tweeds and Scotch Worsted Suitings. It .is a good ' oppor-
g ,
to get an ordered Suit at greatly reduced prices. The
reason is, we want to make room • for our Fall Goods, and
are closing our spring stock at the loll `n
P g owl g reduced. prices,,.
English Tweed Suits Pantings s 4.50 and 5.00 for 3.75
were t; $ $ , $
$18 now. and $4.
English : T ✓need Suits Pantings $5.50 and $6,50 for $5,50.
were $17,
now.. .... and
Canadian `TweedShite en Fancy Scotch Worsted 'doti
were16 nqw.,,...
snits, were $18, $19,for
Shell Suitsfor
$7.50. Also Salt's Belwarp Serges and Coatings,
g g' ,
guaranteed - ,and
Sun roof Sea roof.
and look _
o�rer our stock before ordering. It does not cost
you anything to have alook at them. They are all new. If you
need a suit it willY?y
aY. you to call.
Merchat Tailor,
Main St, Exeter,
Vis week we offer a few snapsin Musl ns, Obamblays,
` Zephyrs, h radios'Waists, aists, Meu s Dross Shirts,
Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Tapestry Table
Covers, Ladies Ready To Wear Skirts, etc,
Black Fancy Muslim, very `pretty'
Fancy stripe' Muslim in blue and
stripe, colors guaranteed, scarce goods white, regular price 15c, reduced to
15c, 25c and 35c a yawl. 120 'a yard,
.A b: ra g of ''Z kite Fane Muslin A few pieces Fancy Muslins left.
g nye �' y P
a to clear a • 8. aa bigbargain,
very pretty open stripe, all clearing t t e t �c yard, g
big ieduced price Oe, 12 e, 15c. r don't fail to see them.
2 only pieces Chambray, pink and. linen, plain colors, guaranteed fast dye
regular price 15c a void, reduced to inc.,
1 only piece of Fancy Zephyr, pink and white and one only piece linen
and white stripe, fast colors, pretty for summer waists, was 12ae, you can buy
it this week for 90 a yard.
We have just received a shipment of
Fruth Jars (Imperial) in Pints, Quarts
and Half Gallons, and as you will be.,
canning strawberries and other fruits
you may need cans .and rubbers, or
maybe you will need a new
Preserving Kettle
We have them in all sizes, also all
kinds of granitewear at reduced prices.
Louel11' Wedding Presents tor
Prate June Brides. •.
June is the month of wedding. You
may want a present for a friend, if so,
you cannot do better than inspect our
stock. We have them at all prices.
See our North Window for Combs
and Brushes.
Gliarltoll's Bazaar
Levetts Old Stand.
Ladies' White .Waists, trimmed Ladle's White Shirt Waist trimmed
with insertion and tucking•, very with fine insertion and medallions, its
o'n fo
1 0
25 t ,1 .
a.'beautyregular 1 i.
u $
raft. andr Lm at 9;ic. l a r $ ,
p n oba , 1 g g 8'
y big �.
We have just received another lot of Men's Fine Dress Shirts, some very
special value, Don't fail to see them.
15 yards for $1.00, of good heavy Flannelette, 31 inches wide, big range of
patterns to choose from. A big bargain.
Miss. A. Dorrington and Miss H.
Walrond intend spending their vaca-
tion with relatives in England. They
sail from Montreal on July 4th on the
Perisian, one of the Allen Line steam-.
Revs. Martin and Milyard will ex•
change pulpits on Sunday morning
next and in the evening Mr. Milyard
will preach his final sermon in con-
nection with his present pastorate in
In writing from Osnabrook, N. D.
to ask that his address be changed to
Langdon, N. D., Mr. John Balsden
says he likes to get home news an each
week anxiously looks for the EXETER
The Weekly Mail, with a premium
picture, will be sent to any address
from now until
January next for 50c.
The Weekly Mail and the EXETER
Times until January first 1904 for
75 cents.
Rev. R. Hobbs was, prior to his de-
parture from Wingham, presented
with a gold -headed cane and Mrs.
Hobbs an upholster chair by the
members of the congregation of the
Methodist church.
The annual farmer's excursion to
the Model Farm, Guelph, on Saturday
last was well patronized from this
section and the day was -well spent
and enjoyed at the model farm. Over
2000 were served with dinner.
Mr. Geo, T. McKay of Kippen, has
secured the contract for the cement
work of thebutments for the steel
bridge, which is to be erected on the
Sauble Line, near Exeter. The con-
tract price is $5 per cubic yard.
Miss Kate Gundy, a former resident.
of Exeter, prior to leaving Strathroy
for Wingham, was presented with a
silk umbrella, mounted with pearl and
silver, by the members of the Mission
Mission Band and her S. S. class,
Miss Amy Johns who is a student of
Alma College, St. Thomas will take
part as a soloist at the concert on lst
of July evening inthe Centralia Meth-
odist church. The Misses Lilia and
Ida Johns.will also render inetrument-
aI duetts.
Rev, Wm. McDonagh, a former
Methodistastor here,occupied the
pulpit in James street church n Sun-
day last at both services. Mr. Mc-
Donagh has lost none of his old time
vigor and was greeted with large con-
gregations at both services.:
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos are the same size and
priceas formerly.
tothe Consumer C
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—Tux EMPIRE To
Mr. Frank Willis who recently dis-
posed of his photo studio in . Forest,
accomeaniedby his wife is spending re
few days with his mother here, He
expects to leave on Thursday for,:
Manitoba and the Northwbst on;
prospecting tour with a view of Tot-
ing there. Mr. Will Willis goes .ith
hini bent on the same errand. el
Rev. George Jackson who is well
known in Exeter,was an Monday
evening presented with a, purse of $4;
by the members of the Epworth
League of the Central Methodist
church, London, in appreciation of
the work of their departing pastor.,
who moves next week to Stratford. -
Winslow'Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty' yearrs ee millionsimo ers for their
children while t t , with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all.
Pain cures wind colic. and. is the best r m
Mr i)iarrhasa.
Itis pleasant to the taste. $
by druggists in every part of the world.
cents a bottle. Its value is inoaloulable, o
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soo ing
Syrup and ask for no other kind. ' .
Rev. James Henderson, D. D., '.of..
Toronto, associate secretary of mini
sions of the Methodist church,, who
'was attending the Manitoba teonfeia
encs, was seriously hurt at Menito
by a kick from a horse. He was-ou
driving when - " the hoes got
his control, and in jumpin aroma thee
Hot Weather Wants
IS NOW IIERE and we are prepared for it
with a full range of cool goods for comfort during the
warm season. If in need of anything in summer goods calls
and see our nice display a� few of whichwe draw your spec
la1 attention
IciN pair aT La66 Gl[rtail s to Guar at a Pr1G6
1 only pair regular price $1.50•reduced to $L15 .
1 oply pair regular price $1.05 reduced to $1.25
1 only pair regular price $2,50 reduced to $1.15
Tapestry Curtains all new goods clearing at big reductions. call and see them,
Ladies' black and grey. ready co Ladies' Black Underskirt made of
wear Skirts made of pure wool, Home- good Satana, two frills regular price
spun, .up-to-date,. regular price .$3.25. $1.00. This week you buy it for
reduced to $2.90 85o.
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose fast dye 10c. pr. :or 3 pr. for 25c.
Highest Price paid for all farm produce.
best wearing, S11611
best fitting shoe on the market.
We are sole
Quality Sh
Ladies' 'Lace and
Button Dongola,
Shoes, sizes 3, 4,
and 5, only.afew
pair left at 85 cents.
Dr, Ovens, of London, Surgeon, our solicitor's hands for collection,
ear, J when costs will be added.
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear, 1
nose and throat, will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday,
July 1 ; Wednesday, August 5 ,Wed-
nesday, September 2 ; Wednesday,
September 30 ; Wednesday, Novem-
ber 4 ; Wednesday, December 2 1903.
Spectacles and eyeglasses properly.
fitted. Next visit will be Wednesday,
July lst,
The feeling is more hopeful among
the depositors of the Elgin Loan Co.
of St. Thomas, and one lawyer offers
to pay cash,for all Elgin Loan deposits
with small discount. It is not likely
that many will sell their deposits, as
an impression prevails that there must.
be some good and sufficient reason for
anyone haying enough confidence to
undertake such a risk.
Immigration returns from. Winni-
inni-peg show that about 21,000 people
found their way into Manitoba and
the Northwest
d rin
the month of
Maya No small crowd. The C. P. R. .
land scales for the same month total-'
led 187,409 acres for which $618,350
was paid. What the Great West may
yet become would be diffieult to fore-
-cast but the prospects are certainly
rosy now.,
There will be no celebration in Ex-
eter on the 1st of July but the holiday
will .be generally observed. There
will be an ample chance for our citi-
zens to enjoy - a pleasant outing by
attending the strawberry festivals
held both at Elimville and Centralia
also a grand concert in Centralia in
the evening and an ice-cream social
onthe lawn of Mr. Frank Down at
The Toronto Exhibition authorities
have abolished horse racing and haye
substituted an open air horse show
pure and simple. There will be trials
of speed, hut only for judging purposes
Points will be allowed for neatness of
costume on the part of the driver. All
the classes in the Exhibition horse by the minutes of the Council Board,.
show are open to the world.-Applica- in a, nether. column that a liberal grant
Confer .prize lists and other iaforme of $100 has been made by our Town
tion should be addressed to Dr. J, O. Fathers for the starting and susten-
Orr, Manager Industrial Exhibition,
Toronto. •
LAWN SoCIAL.—The willing workers
of the Trivitt Memorial church intend
giving a lawn social on the . Rectory
grounds on Friday the 23th of June,
Music will be provided by the Orches-
tra, ice cream and refreshments will
be served, Admission IOc.
and Family Herald and Star, Montre-
al, for the balance of 1903 for 65c. and
to all who subscribe before July I5
we will include the two pictures,
,'Purity ann Alone". The two pictures
alone are worth the price. This is a
special offer to increase our subscrip-
tion rapidly. -
Fon SALE. —1 top buggy; 1 Portland
cutter,nearly new ; 2 heavy one horse
waggons, one a Chatham ..wagon - and
a rack for same 1 set .heavy: one:,
horse sleighs ; two sets single harness,
one nearly new, lubber mounted;
set heavysinale. harness ; 1cultivator;ators1 plow ; hrrow ; 1 traw cutter.
Private sale. Apply to MRs. JAS.
Fon SALE—House, stable and four
lots corner of Victoria and Andrew
streets (near Main st. Meth, church)
house contains 8 rooms good cellar and
well and the stable is first class (new)
and up to date, also a lot on east
side of Andrew street, The whole
will be sold in bulk or separate to suit
purchaser. Apply on the premises. to
MRS. JAs. WILLIS, Exeter.
.APPRECIATION. The Trustees of the
Main street Methodist church at their
last meeting ,prior to the departure of
their pastor, Rev. R. Millyard, !adopt-
ed unanimously a resolution of great-
ful thanks to Mr. Millyard for. the able
and kindly manner in which he per-
formed his duties as pastor of the
church for the past four years, The
kindly wishes of the board follow him
to his new field of labor.
NBw BRASS BAND.- It will be seen
A full line of silk Taffeta, faiste Cot-
ton in plain and fancy from 15 to 50c.
All sizes in Women's Misses and
'Children's Lisle thread at 250, Cotton
fast colors 10 to 250,
Mac Waists
We have had a big season in those
a few choice enes left which we will
sell cheap.
The last Sunday in June; 28th, is
the 200th anniversary of the birth of
John Wesley, and the occasion will be
t hr
fittingly celebrated through out the
world by the great religious body of
which he was the founder, The cele-
bration proper of the bi-centenary
will begin with the first Sunday in
October, and a special Thanksgiving
Fund offering will be made on the
last Sunday in October, The execut-
ive committee having the matter in
hand expects the celebration to be an
event in the history' of the church.
FOR SIZE A good second-hand
buggy cheep, Apply to J. H,, Hve n
ante of a :band for the town, At one
time Exeter could boast of an .up-to-
date band, -and the summer -evenings
were epiivened ,by open air concerts,
which were much, enjoyed. The band
was allowed to dis-organize and
'dwindle out of existence, Its reorg-
anization and the . grant as above
stated. will be a , move in the right
..direction; and we trust that ere long
we may again hear our band dicours
ing sweet music as of yore.
of the Independent Order of Forces-
ters of this place accompanied by
members of the neighboring lodges
. attended service in the Main street
Meehodist church on Sunday morning
last. There was an exceedingly good
MAN, • turn out, upwards of 110 members
Woof.—Wool-12000 lbs. wool wan,::. being in attendance. Rev. R. Millyard
ted at the Exeter woollen mills either founded his remark from Luke 10,37
washed or unwashed. Highest cash ;ego thou and do likewise" pointing
price paid.—Mu'IR 3s Co, out the lessons to be derived. thereby,
WearTan — Girls, highest wages��-; whereman has a duty to perform to
steady employment, also boys and: his fellow being and admonishing his
young men. Apply at McConermies hearers to be ever watchful to pro-
Nxw BISCUIT FACTORY. London Ont, Mote the spirit of the •"Good Samar;.
MOULDERS.: WANTED.—Accustomed;tan". and "true brotherhood" in every
to gereral work, and who want to ,v -walk. and department of lite always
learn stove plate, :. Apply giving ex -_•_working forand endeavoring to up-.
perience; references, etc.—The Gurney lift tlie,fallen and. help the needy. The
Foundry Co, Limited, T.oronto, serjnon throughout was listened to
EGGS von HATCHING. —. For sale, ' with rapt attention by those present.
pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs, non -set-. MILLAR—GREGORY---A wedding was
tees, per sitting 50c., also good early; celebrated an,,June 18tie at St. Luke's.
seed potatoes, thoroughly tested nur .r Ohurch, Toronto, when Miss Mary A.
sery stock, 5c. per pound. S. PowEr't' Gregory was united in marriage. to
Exeter. William 0, Miller. Rey, Dr. Langtry
WANTED. Moulders Improvers.. of St. Luke's Church. performed the
''YOung mere who have had experience.,- ceremony. The bride wore a travel-
and want to attain greater experience ling gown of green cloth, with Persian
over alar 'larger range of work,. rincii-
g gp
pally stove plate...—The Gurney Fouts„
dry Co., Limited, Toronto.
T. P. SMITH CossING— If you have
defective eyesight don't fail' to consult,t
with T, P. Smith, the Noted Eye
of Elora whowill be ath't.
Specialist, the
Oommercial House, Exeter, on July
17th and 18th, See "ad" in another,
NOTICE Alleesons who are owin
the late Jas. 'VPillal, !amber merehan ,
rig one of the ism a -VExeter, fire requested to call and set,
revere kick in the horseseg , tie same ott or before first of �'uly af-
iter that date they will .be placed in
trimmings, and a becoming hat of
green and white, Mrs. Gregory of
13rantiord, sister -to -law of the bride,
played the Bridal Procession from
`"Lohengrin," Immediately after the
ceremony the happy .couple left the
city on the 1 p. m, train for Exeter' to
s endafpdays with the bride's par-
ents. She received many handsome
wedding gifts among them a case of
solid silver s oons from
the firm With
whom she had been employed a com•
plate case of carving sets from the em -
a1 s• a set of sables from the room
nd a check from her father.g The
greom'a gift to the' ushers, Mr. Herb
In white and dove. The new sums
mer corset made of Percale," straight
front and bias cut only 50c.
6o10r6u hir a l
A lot of odd waists your choice for .
FdrIGU V6Stilla
Only a few pieces left, come and gets
the newest in a white waist or dress
before they are all gone.
If you want a snap come and'see. our Remnant Counter,
You will find 'Remnants of all kinds which we will clear
out at less than half price. We are making .':a clean sweep
of alr`the remnants in the store and every one is a bares
gain, •
Furniture an
We Carry Qood Lines in Furniture
-Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block.
Furnituro! Furnituro!,
411115,- VIERIES&.
AVING PURCHASED' .the Furniture and Un-
dertaking business of R. N. Rowe,' we announcf
to the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the
largest and best stock of Furniture -in the county.
A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin
possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock an&
get .our prices before placing orders elsewhere,
We do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing ole.
the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction. :guaranteed. with
every purchase.
Undertakers and Funeral Directory
J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto..
Barnett and Mr. Lois Bo werman were
pearl crescent cravat pin and gold
cuff 'lake. Mr.and 'Mrs, Miller .will,
live in Toronto, where the bride will ,m d ee
receive in her home et . "Chateau
Grange," John street on July 2nd and
3rd. • Mr. and Mrs. Millar spent a
short honeymoon in Exeter and Clin-
ton. The many friends of the bride
here wish for the happy couple .many.
years M happy wedded bliss.
W. 0. T. U. NoT.as.—Our Temp er-
ance Union is Just commencing to he
thoroughly interested in the work. A
growing desire ismanifested to be of
some real us® in our town toward
moral reform. On Wednesday the
17th at our regularmeeting airs. E. J.
Spackman, our president, gave an in-
teresting and instructive bible reading
the subject was "Women of the Bible"
after which communicationswere
read from active workers in different
parts of Ontario. Regtets were ex-
pressed that our license holders vio-
late the law in keeping the bar room
blinds closed. It is very desirable
also that our council pass a by-law to
prohibit spitting on our public.
The time for our next regular meeting
being the 1st of July it has been ar-
ranged to meet on the 15th of July.
All the members will kindly take not-
ice. The only real kingsare those
who rale themselves. Thenation has
no better friend than the another who
teaches her child to pray. The Em-
peror Menelik, of Abyssinia. has is
sued an edit prohibiting the importa-
tion of alcholic drinks into his empire.
French wine and German beer `page,
their wayto his court.
he says, found
He has watched their effects and has
come to the conclusion, that if he does
not put a step to the drinking toot is
going mill his empire, will soon fall
a'victim will soon fall a prey to other
nations. In the preamble to his edict
he says that drunkenness is pernicious
enfeebles a race and destroys thebody
and mind. He desires that his people
remain strong, healthy and indepen-
dant and es a means to that end pro-
hibits alcholic drinks ba every part of
his dominions. —`Mae. E. ELLIOTT,
Press -Sear
Roller Mill
For Pure Manitoba
Family Flour (Stab
Pas(Princess} t
heatlettry (�reakfastfoo'd)
A. good supply of. Mill Feet`
andChop hop al y
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
and be convinced that it
is all right.
Roller and Plate Choppers In use.
to suit customers.
fifiRVEY B
h price of
We have not advanced the p
�. W
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco,
13olis, Currency an '/Fair Play cheat-
xng tobaccos a the �t� a 'sonic size and
. e v.erl ,
price to the Cam us m r y
, We have also ezteaded, the time fee
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st IDOL—Teta EMvIRE Tole
Arno Co. Li Inns).