HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-04-23, Page 11,•
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Poet Rienzi Crusz was at the Bayfield Public Library on April 18 to read some of his work
to the Bayfield residents. Mr. Crusz, who came to Canada from, Sri Lanka in 1965, has had
four books published and is in the process of writing his fifth. (Anne Narejko photo)
Enterprising Seniors meet
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVILLE - Worship Service was
held in Holmesville United Church with Rev.
Bechtel officiating. The Sunday school
children went to their classes after Rev.
Bechtel spoke to them. The service was well
Enterprising Seniors
The Enterprising Seniors met in the com-
munity centre with Bert McCreath in the
chair. Roll call was taken by Charlotte
Minutes were read from the last meeting
and Frank Yeo gave the treasurers report.
Blanche Deeves gave the card report and
read a thank you from Lil Tenant. A discus-
sion was held on capital punishment. Mary
Sterling gave a reading and Bert McCreath
giving a recitation. Everyone enjoyed euchre
and shuffleboard followed by a social time en-
joyed over lunch.
The next meeting will be May 1 at 8 p.m.
Flea market was a success
By Maureen Dunsmore
VANASTRA - The Vanastra and District
Lioness raised approximately $200. for the
ball park during the flea market on April 19.
This money will go towards the y:?.qp' job of,
Public Schooi News
Kindergarten registration will be held on
April 29 at the public school. Parents will be
receiving a letter by mail telling them of their
• ,, appointment times.
On April 18 the students of Grades 5 and 6
travelled to Seaforth Public School to see a
play called How I Wonder •What You Are.
A reminder that the Vanastra Public School
choir will be taking part in music night at
Central Huron Secondary School at 7:30 p.m.
A bus will be available to take the students
to the school. Parents are welcome at the
Christian Church News
The Teen Club finished their year with a
.aightefboidingkorrAprin&Thebelp of San-
' dylandlolut M'aaskampand Marg and, Jack'
Kites was a great help to the .group:
, Come Alive Clubs will finish April 29.
Watch this colutnn for more information on
Vacation Bible School.
Vanastra Lions
At the Lions dinner meeting on April 16 the
club was visited by Officer Wayne McFadden
who gave a short talk on the Video Cassette
Recorder camera. The club donated $150. to
the Clinton Police Force towards the pur-
• chase of the camera. •
Culbert baby baptized
about 80 families on the charge, so it is a part-
time. position. She will also be working on a
project on rural Ministry.
There was a big crowd for the final Orange
Lodge euchre party of the season at the
township complex on April 18, with 19 tables
in play. High prizes were won by Ruby
Webster and Bob Taylor, Gladys Peck and
Bill Jenkins were low prize winners. Draw
prizes were won by Margaret Elliott, Betty
Felker, Lloyd Huffman, Bruce McClinchey,
Ida Godkin and Marjorie Caldwell.
By Mary Chessell
' ' VARNA - Baby Danielle Vianne, daughter
• of Douglas and Vianne Culbert, received the
'Sacrament of Baptism at Varna United
• '' Church on April 20. Bill and Sharon Creighton
• are her sponsors. There were many ,guests
• present for the baptism, also the Goshen
Members of the Communicants Class.
Rev. Wilena Brown has accepted a call to
the Millbank - Hampstead charge, subject to
;• Presbytery approval. Millbank is north of
Stratford and west of Waterloo. There are
Fairboard directors attend school
-r, , •
CLINTON - The lady director of the Spr-
ing Fairboard held their monthly meeting
• on April 15 in the town hall.
A few of the ladies attended the judging
. school which was held in Mitchell this year
on April 1 and 2. The ladies were quite pleas-
• :'..ed• With the school and felt it was of great
benefit to them as they learned many
Area students
:complete exams
LONDON - Area students of Paul Steven-
, On, Clinton, recently completed their music
exams inaccordance with the requirements
of , the Canadian Music Teachers' Guild,
London. Results are as follows:
Accordion - Grade 1 - Lorraine Rutledge
and Richard Bergsma, first class honOrs.
Grade 2 - Cheri Kryzanowski, first classi
• honors.
Spanish Guitar - Grade 1- Adam Durand,
• Michael Campbell, Tom Eaton, Shelly Lan -
sink, and,Steve parwiek, first class honors.
• Grade 2 Carrie Lynn Baker, Tim Elliott,
toilette Siertsema, Brad Ribey, Jim
Crawford, Sherri and Jeff Oesch, First
Class Honors; Darryl Finnigan and Melvin ;
Bergsma, honors.
• „Grade 3- Sherri and Darryl Lavis, First
• Class llenore; Chris Smith, •Dwight'
Caldwell, Donnie Dale and Shane Taylor,
• Grade Terry • Strickland; Darren
StevenSok .11tad Schroeder, Tiin Nolan,
Dawn tftkorell and •Susan .Goverdock, first
class honors.
• rade 5 David Snarling, first class
Grade 7 4lialVti Leder, first class boners. •
Mention, goes to Sherri Oesch' •
and Susan' GoVaillock who attained 'the' •
highest** of 91'60' their exam
Thoughts of spring open, meeting
By Susan Raonan
HENsALL - A meeting of the Henson
United Church Women's Unit II was held
April 4. t wa chaired by Helyn Drysdale
who opened with thoughts of spring.
Florence Slade chose. Faith as the tropic
for the devotional. Ten cents for each bed in
the house was collected for the Units, sp.ecial
project. .
To continue the study on Canadian In-
dians, the film The Way of Longhouse was
shown. Discussion led by Mona Alderdice
A request was made by the fashion show
commmittee for any type of wedding
clothing such as bridal gowns, bridesmaid
dresses or guest's clothing for use in the
June fashion show.
The bale will be packed May 5.
Helyn Drysdale expressed thanks to all
who had taken part in the meeting.
A short game of Trivial Pursuit followed
and lunch was served by Mona Alderdice
and Deanna Brock.
Nursery School
Hensall Co-op Nursery School will be
holding an Open House and registration on
April 29. It will be held at the nursery school
from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 - 3:30.
pm. Parents and children are welcome. For
more information call Kim Gettner at
• Happy Pushers
A good number attended the shuffling on.
.April 17. The group is now known as the Hen -
sail Happy Pushers. Dorothy Britnell was
appointed president and. Eileen Rennie was
named secretary -treasurer. This weeks
results were: high score ladies; Mary
aspects of judging the sections of the local
With the fair fat approaching on June 6
and 7 this year, things seem to be in order
thus far. The ladies still require some help
for the food booth this year and if anyone is
able to help, they are asked to contact Linda
Wheeler at 482-7924.
Buchanan with 356; Pearl McKnight with 293
and Elsie Carlisle with 271. High score men;
Ernie Chipcbase with 4614 Dave Kyle with
375 and John Consitt with 302.
Northered News
Bill Chipchase and boys visited with bis
parents Olga and Ernie Chipchase on April
Fourteen of the residents enjoyed another
pot -luck dinner on April 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Dickert and M. and
Mrs. Sandy Mawan and family of Clifford
visited with Ida Dickert and her family on
April 20;
Gwen Dalton, Karen Dalton and Tyler of
Seaforth and Virginia Elg of Atwood en-
joyed a visit with the McKnights on April 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rae of London were
guests of the Chipchases on April 18.
The tenants of Northcrest are sorry to
hear of Irene Davis again being in hospital
and wish her a speedy recovery.
President Visits
District Deputy President Leona Connelly
made her official visit to Amber Rebekah
Lodge on April .16. All, met at Carmel
Presbyterian Church for a banquet.
Following the banquet, everyone met at
the Lodge hall for the meeting. Noble Grand
Sister- Lois Jones welcomed all those pre-
sent. Vice Grand Sister Bonnie Upshall
reported for the visiting committee.
It was learned Sister Edith Bell is still at
Stratford Hospital.
The sisters of Morning Star Lodge,
Brussels presented the travelling gavel to
Noble Grand Sister Lois Jones.
• Invitations were received from Huronic
Lodge, Clinton and Pride of Huron Lodge,
Exeter to attend their dessert enehres. Jso
a donation was received from Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Smith in memory of Donna's mailer
Sister Inez McEwen.
District Deputy President Leona Connelly
gave an inspiring message stressing the 'Im-
portance of the values of friendship, love
and truth in the life of a Rebekah.
Happy. Birthday was sung for Sisters
Ruby Bell and Sharon Love.
Fund-raising Success
A successful fund-raising event was held
on April 19 for the Hensell Ventures Scouts,
Cubs and Beavers. It began at 9 a.m. with a
yard sale put on by the ventures followed at
10 a.m. by a bottle drive and at 11 a,m. by a
bake sale. Many thanks to all of those who
donated articles for sale or baked goodies.
The money will go towards supporting
Scouting in the community.
Welcome Extended
A welcome, to Ann MacMillan from the
Toronto area who is the new owner/operator
at the,Hensall Laundromat.
Also greetings are offered to Jim and Deb
Cummings who have recently moved to the
former Middleton home on Oxford Street.
From the looks of the for sale and sold
signs popping up on lawns all over the
village there, should be many more new
citizens to introduce in the near future.
Science Fair
Eight Grade 7-8 pupils represented Hen-
sall Public School at the regional science air
held April 18 and 19 at Central Huron Secon-
dary School in Clinton. Although none of
their exhibits were chosen as winners they
are all to be congratulated for their efforts.
Tremeers move to the Kippen area
By Margaret Hoggarth
KIPPEN - The community extends a warm
welcome to David and Christine Tremeer and
their daughter Vicki and sons Bill and Jef-
frey. They are residing on the farm of Alan
and Wilson Tremeer.
WI News
The East Women's Institute held their an-
nual meeting on April 16 at the home of Ver -
da Sinclair in Seaforth. President Grace
Drummond read Who's Holier than Thou.
Secret Pals were revealed and fees paid. Ver -
da Sinclair gave a reading and roll call was
answered by A way to constructively occupy
young people. Reports for the year end were
given by president Grace Drummond,
secretary Helen MacLean, treasurer Mona
Alderdice and the convenors or co -convenors
of the standing committees: agriculture and
Canadian industries by Phyllis Parsons;
citizenship and world affairs by Margaret
Hoggarth; education and cultural activities
by Evelyn Workman; family and consumer
affairs by Frances Kinsman; resolutions by
Mona Alderdice, curator by Frances
Kinsman; and public relations by Rena
•Margaret Hama h co ducted, e electio
',ofoficef th1188tYcar? cane v
upon Phyllis Parson a for, the report of the
nominating corrunittee, and the officers are
as follows: past president - Ruby Triebner;
president - Grace Drummond; first vice-
president - Margaret Hoggarth; second vice-
president - Mona Alderdice; secretary - Helen
MacLean; treasurer - Mona Alderdice;
Public relations - Margaret Hoggarth; branch
directors - Frances Kinsman, Charlotte
McDowell, Phyllis Parsons; district director
- Rena Caldwell; alternate district director
- Ruby Triebner; resolutions - Mona Alder -
dice; sunshine - Grace Eyre; assistant sun-
shine - Evelyn Workman; educational and
cultural affairs - Evelyn Workman, Helen
MacLean; family and consumer affairs -
Rena Caldwell, Charlotte McDowell;
agriculture and canadian industry - Grace
Eyre, Phyllis Parsons; citizenship and world
affairs - Margaret Hoggarth, Thea Wisch;
curator - Frances Kinsman; pianist - Mary
Broadfoot; assistant pianist - Verda Sinclair;
auditors - Phyllis Parsons, Frances Kinsman;
group leaders: north - Agnes Eyre, centre -
Margaret Hoggarth, south - Thea Wisch.
Hilda Payne gave her report of the district
board meeting. Mona Alderdice conducted
the program during which Thea Wisch gave
a summary of her winter trip to Cuba.
Margaret Hoggarth gave an account of her
trip to England, and especially the city of
York, and Helen MacLean reported a holiday
on Grand Cayman Island.
M1dted9ha1mersreadafl article ,nR,It is
a poem.
Courtesy remarks were given by Helen
MacLean. The meeting closed with the Royal
Anthem. Lunch was served the hostess Ver -
da Sinclair, the co -hostess Evelyn Workman
and the committee - Dorothy Bell and Thea
4-H News
The fifth meeting of the Kippen Courteous
Companions was held on April 8 at the
Vanastra Curling Club. The home activity
was discussed and the roll call answered.
Members then started the meeting which was
on your image, and what to wear and when,
being a good sport, and dealing with dif-
ficulties. While reading over a paragraph
about being a good sport, members put on an
impromptu skit about the topic. This proved
to be a lot of fun. Afterwards they had a
snack, and the meeting was adjourned.
Paulette Predhomme
United Church News
Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit of
St. Andrews on April 20. Barbara Cooper was
the organist, and the ministry of music was
presented by the choir singing. For the
children's story, Rev. Keays explained how
binoculars are used to bring thing closer, so
we must use the bible to bring Jesus closer.
Rev. Keays mentioned in his sermon that
the Gospel of Mark was the first of the gospels
to be written and that Mark wrote his gospel
as.a practical guide andsupportfor his fellow
christians during a time of persecution.
Al, Margaret, Paul and Janet Hoggarth
spent Sunday in Aurora with Greg Hoggarth
and toured St. Andrews College, where Greg
has been teaching since January.
Visitors welcomed from Nova Scotia
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON - Sunday School was well at-
tended in St. James' Middleton Anglican
Church on April 20 with Rev. Bell officiating.
Lois Wise read the lessims.
Leanne Wammer received the Sunday
School collection. Rev. Bell welcomed Len
Mills and his wife Donna and children from
Greenwood Nova Scotia. Bill Steenstra and
Edward Deeves took the collection.
Get well wishes are extended to Jack Smith
who is now home from the hospital.
As a thank you for work done, Hilda and
Aubrey Bell invite all the men who worked on
Middletons' Parish Hall to a dessert party at
the Rectory on May 4 at 7:30 p.m. Please
bring your wives to share in the celebration.
Starting on May 4 at Middleton Church at
9:45 a.m. there will be apple recipes. As an
aide to the devoted group putting on the Ap-
ple Blossom Festival, could each lady in both
congregations contribute her single most
favourite apple recipe?
A little recipe booklet is to be put together.
On April 27, an Evensong will be held at 5
p.m. followed at the Rectory by a pot -luck at
6 p.m.
Don't forget the Children's Festival. Please
keep May 24 open for the Kids Annual at the
Cathedral. •
Congratulations to Vicki and Paul Mid-
dleton on the arrival of their baby girl Stacey
at Clinton Public Hospital.
• Bicycle Safety
and Rodeo Day
. .
• Imoatstrokies;' -
:Rh* losting -•
infoclii Rodeo
yatiou. oicoro •
tiodai utonas.
• leitlaoive .
• ' •.",
'Have « S�foafldH�ppy Summar'
Captain Len Mills, Donna, Len Jr. and
Shallyn of F.B. "Greewood Nova Scotia are
visitors with the Deeves.
Apple Blossom Festival
The first apple blossom Festival is coming
to St. James' Middleton Anglican Church and
area farms. Come on out and enjoy the dav
riding on hay wagons through the orchards,
tea in the church hall, apple dunking and fish
pond for the children. •
There will also be the offical opening of the
new hall and kitchen.
Steel Walls, Pilings, Groynes
Sunday to Thursday 9 am - 6 pm
Friday and Saturday 9 am - 9 pm
Tasty -Nu Bakery Products
now every Friday & Saturday .