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Clinton News-Record, 1986-04-23, Page 10
Page 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1986 Baytield Bugle The Bayfield Garden Club recently sponsored a poster contest which involved students at Huron Centennial School near Brucefield. Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority representative John Schwindt presented the prizes to Sharon Ann Francis (centre), se- cond first were Grade 2 and ace; and r3 inners Mara Burtonin the Grade 7 anand Michelle Burton. (Alan Rivett photo) Bayfield churches prepare for Spring By Doris Hunter BAYFIELD - The official board of St. An- drew's Church will meet on April 28 at 8 p.m. All group leaders, session members, commit- tee chairpersons, secretaries and treasurers are members ofthis board and they are especially urged to attend. The Trinity's April Board meeting was held on April 15. A change in time of service will be in effect from the first Sunday in May, moving to 11:15 from 10:45 hour presently in use. They are trading the time with St. James Middleton. Early risers may still attend com- munion services at 8 a.m. but of course you ANNUAL MEETING BAYFIELD CEMETERY CO. Tuesday, April 29 8 P.M. Bayfield Municipal Bldg. miss out on the sermons Mr. Bell has gained a reputation for. On April 17 Evensong will be held at 5 p.m., followed by a potluck supper at the Rectory for those whose names are listed alphabetically from Fitz to I and P.Q.R. Trinity is also planning the first annual an- tiques fair which will take place the second weekend in August. They are looking for quality dealers to take space in the event. Doris Hunter and Charles Machan are co - convening the event. Something new and love- ly for Bayfled. Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 Cou11 to go ahead with beach clears -up By Alan Rivett BAYFIELD - Council here said work could begin shortly to clean up the main beach pending an agreement with the ex- ecutive committee of the Pioneer Park Association, the current owners of the beach property. Councillor Jim Quick, at the council meeting on April 21, said he and councillors Cliff Freeman and Lloyd Huffman recently met with the association's president Dr. Jack Tillman to discuss the situation at the beach. Dr. Tillman explained to the councillors that the executive committee of the Pioneer Park Association would be involved in deeding the property to the village - a pro- cess which could take time, said Councillor Quick. In the interim, council was assured they can do with the property "as they see fit." Council expressed concern over the deterioration of the beach at the last meeting on April 7 due to the high water levels which is also doing heavy damage to the south pier. Council agreed to set up a meeting with the Pioneer Park Association to determine who would augment a clean-up program for the beach prior to the beginn- ing of the surnmer tourist season. "As far as the Pioneer Park Association is concerned, we can treat the beach as village property. As long as we're not building hot dog stands, I think we've got carte - blanche," said Councillor Quick. As soon as the agreement is reached with the executive, clean-up work will commence on the beach, said Reeve Dave Johnston. The matter will also be subject to planning meeting of council to discuss the method of cleaning up the beach. In other business, Mark Stevens, representing Brigadier Morgan Smith of Bayfield, attended the council meeting to ask council's permission to use Collena Street as an access to Mr. Smith's property for the purpose of erosion control work. Collena Street would be used as a drop-off point for a small bulldozer and a 40 ton crane which would be used to move concrete caissons to the beach area. He said the work would take one day. He also assured council the construction company would also offer to repair the road or embankment if any damage occurred. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the Village of Bayfield for approval to expropriate land being Parts 3, 4 and 5 shown on Plan 22R-1515 deposited in the County of Huron Land Registry Office for the purpose of the reconstruction of Bridge Hill Road and erosion control at the water's edge of the said Parts 3 and 5. NOTICE'IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval in- ropriate the land described as follows: 1l Parts 3, 4 and 5 as shown on Plan 22R-1515 deposited in the Land Registry Office of the County of Huron. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objec- tives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority_in writing. (a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or when he is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication notice; (b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The approving authority is The Village of Bayfield Bayfield, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD Reeve David Johnston NOTES 1. The Expropriation Act provides that, (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry of- ficer appointed by the Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give everyparty to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to ex- ceed $200.00 and the approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "Owner" and "Registered Owner" are defined in the Act as follows: "owner includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled to.a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mental- ly incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; "registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper land registry or sheriff's office and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll, 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the Inquiry officer are. parties to the inquiry. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBEILIOIED ON. THE 9TH DAY OF' APRIL 1986 Before considering the request, council asked Mr. Stevens td contact the village's engineer, Burns Ros4 and Associates from Goderich to prepare a.report at his expense. The report should contain the engineer's recgmmendation as to the work to be done. Council requested that Mr. Steven also file a letter of intent to repair any damages which might occur to village property to the satisfaction of the road superintendent. Col- lena Street would also be closed for the day to eliminate the possiblity of any liability claim against the village. "We don't see a problem with doing what you want to do as long as the cost for any damages aren't picked up by the taxpayers but by the construct pn company, said Reeve Johnston. Mr. Stevens said he will have . the necessary documents in place for council at their next meeting on May 5. Community Centre Meeting Jim Quick, chairman of the community centre and arena management, said the committee decided at their meeting on April 14 not to go ahead with plans for air condi- tioning in the arena this year. Budget restraints were cited as the reason for drop- ping the project this Year. He also reported the ice plant --has been shut down for the year and is currently be- ing service by the Diamond Refrigeration Company. The committee is also in the process of advertising in daily newpapers in Toronto and London, offering the arena for rent to urban clients over the summer months. Ac- cording to Mr. Quick, the facility could generate more revenue by renting it to en- treprenuers or groups from the cities for trade shows or flea markets. Council Briefs Council passed a request from Mr. and Mrs. Mclllwain at the Bayfield Garage to double the capacity of their propane tank at the garage. A letter was received from George Kruse of Bayfield asking to tie in with the village's drainage. Reeve Johnston said the village requires an agreement with Mr. Kruse before approval can be given by council. Council passed a resolution from the Bayfield Fire Chief to allow the setting off of fireworks during the Canada Day celebrations. Bayfield has been turned down on its ap- plication for an Ontario Neighborhood Im- provement Grant this year by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The village was also denied a request for four summer student under the Experience '86 program run by Ministry of Municipal Affair's employment development branch. Council was also advised by the CANCOM cable company that they are seeking cable rights for Bayfield with the Canadian Radio and Television Commission. No other details were released. Clerk Pat Graham told council the company is also seekin similar cable rights in the Villages of Zuric and Hensall. "If they can bring in cable, so much the better," said Reeve Johnston. Councillor Quick reported he recently at- tended his first executive meeting of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) as a delegate from Bayfield. At the meeting, the procedure for ranking special projects was explained which stemmed from the misunderstandings on the ranking of the Long Hill Road project by former delegate Lloyd Huffman. Councillor Quick explained the Long Hill Road project was first on the ABCA's list of projects before it was sent to final approval to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) in Toronto. However, the MNR viewed the project differently and it was ranked behind erosion control projects at the Nairn Cemetery and-Lucan. "Our project didn't make the cut. But, what we couldn't understand is why the AB - CA didn't rate it as a number one priority. Because of all the people living on this road, it should have been at the top of the list," said Councillor Quick. In respect to the Long Hill Road project, Reeve Johnston said the details for the fun- ding of the project will be released to the public in approximately two weeks time. Road Superintendent Rick Penhale advis- ed council that the Long Hill Road will be• closed to traffic on May 3 as a crane will be liftingboats into the water. He also said he will be away from May 4 to 7 to attend road school in Guelph. Councillor Cliff Freeman reported that at least three-quarters of the streetlights in the village are out. The road superintendent was requested by council to make repairs on the lights. Bayfield resident dies suddenly By Doris Hunter retiring as a director of the Ontario Heritage BAYFIELD - The village was shocked and Foundation after serving on the board for six grieved to hear of the sudden death of years. Jeanette Huffman, wife of councillor Lloyd Bayfield is proud to be the second com- Huffman. Sympathy of villagers goes out to munity to bare a Heritage Designated Area her family. under the Ontario ileritage Act. New The Lioness are'ttr veiling, again. On April,, t• members and visitorst are Lmost welcome to 24 they will ge bail' visitation'to'theGrand. ,. attend. Just come along; the membership fee Bend Lioness and on April 27 a group is go- ing to Atwood. Meanwhile, back at home, plans for a fashion show on July 23, and their annual Penny Sale, also to be held that week, are well underway. Gifts for the penny sale are the residents' way of saying thank you to the club, which does so many nice things for the town. 85th Birthday Many happy returns to Mrs. John Graham senior, on the occasion of her 85th birthday. Mrs. Graham is a real Bayfielder, having liv- ed here as a young woman when her husband was Rector of Trinity Church. A talented musician and teacher, hers has been a life of service to others. fourteen of her family members gathered at the home of Mike and Nancy Clarke, one of her grand- daughters to wish her joy. Both her son Pat and daughter Monica Duf- field were there with their families to join in the celebration. F,ive of her great grand- children were among the guests. May your days be long in the land Connie. Guest Speaker The Bayfield Historical Society will meet on April 28, at 8 p.m. in the municipal building. Members and friends will be in- terested to hear the speaker, Betty Cardno, sometime Mayor of Seaforth and just now is $2 and it is a worthwhile organization. Barbara Lawson and Doris Reddoch serv- ed delicious refreshments at the Garden Club's April meeting. Mr. John Schwendt, the speaker of the evening presented certificates and a gift to the winners in the contest arrang- ed by Huron Centennial principal John Siert- senia for paintings or arrangements ofHor- ticultural interest, at the Brucefield school - Tracy Geminhardt was first and Sharon Ann Francis, second for the Grades 7 and 8, with Mara Burton first and Michelle Vanstone se- cond in the junior grades. Mr. Schwendt, who is with the conservation services, of the Ausable Bayfield Authority, proved to be a most interesting and authoritative speaker. His topic of trees was of special interest to the garden club„ as the planting and maintenance of the village trees is one of the first projects initiated by the members. An amusing cartoon with a very potent message on the pollution of the waterways, was shown first and then a talk on the work of the agency was held. The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Ser- vices is responsible for managing our non- renewable resources, efforts to control flooding etc. The planting of 12,000 trees a year is an ex- ample, 50,000 white pine have been planted. This program is an effort to prevent erosion. He suggested, that when planting a tree, it is better to trim the roots to fit the hole prepared, work peat moss into the soil rather than using it as a mulch and grass should be eliminated aroatid ,yqung trees. It is a good idea to stake newly.planted. trees' ort the westside, from which prevailing winds do the most damage. Rev. George Youmatoff thanked Mr. Schyvendt for his excellent presentation. The next meeting of the club will be the spring auction of plants, a fun way to obtain unusual roots for your garden. New members are welcome. People News The United Church, and indeed all the village, is concerned for the health of two of its members. Jean Clarke is still in Clinton Public Hospital and Jack McKenzie is at University Hospital in London. Lilian Beakhust will be home with a wheel chair and crutches, having taken a fall on the steps of Camborne House, resulting in a badly broken ankle. Jack Smith is in the Goderich hospital. More cheerfully, most of the villages winter absentees have returned in time for spring planting. They are the Cliffts from Montreal, their second home; the Hoveys after six weeks travel in the southern states and the Gammages from Florida, where they receiv- ed news of the arrival of another grandson in Vancouver, who bears the distinguished name of Hunter MacLean Gammage. He should at least become Prime Minister! Bap.tism held at Hensall United Church Lists. June 15 everyone is invited to renew their marriage vows; invitations are being sent out to all those who were married in the church, or by the minister of the church over the 100 years, and on June 17 the bridal clothing over the 100 years will be shown through a fashion show. June 29 will be Senior Citizens Sunday with Rev. Dr. Alex Filshie, a former resident of Hensall and one of the young men who went out as a Can- didate for the Ministry from the congrega- tion. The congregation will be assisting the committee in the events planned. Some of the ladies of the United Church at- tended the London Conference United Church Women's meeting held in Stratford this past week, and 'reported an excellent meeting with outstanding speakers. HENSALL - Evelyn Elder greeted the congregation and Darrol Preszcator, Stephen McGregor, Rod Parker and Steven Geestenkorn were ushers at the Hensall United Church April 20. During the service Krista Judith Taylor, daughter of Marvin and Cindy Taylor was received through baptism. The junior choir led in the Ministry of Music and sang two anthems. Belva Fuss accompanied them at the piano. The flowers at the front of the church were placed in memory of Gary Gray by his wife Marlen and family and father and mother- in-law Campbell and Grace Eyre. April 27 will be Dedication Sunday with a number of memorials being dedicated as well as gifts in honor of dedicated members. Mr. McDonald conducted the service at the Bluewater Rest Home on April 19 with an excellent attendance. Chuck Mallette assisted in the service by leading the music at the organ. The Centennial Committee of the United Church met on April 16 to make final plans for the upcoming centennial event at the church. On May 11 a tree will be planted by the children of the congregation as they celebrate the 100th anniversary. This will be Christian Family Sunday and following the tree planting service the children will parade to the school ground where they will release balloons with an invitation to the centennial celebrations. On June 4 will be the Old Fashioned Garden Party and Varie- ty Show featuring Earl and Martha Heywood as well as a number of local ar- LAKEFRONT CONTRACTING InsuredSERVICES Fully 15 Years Experience • ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS • ROOFING, DECKS • CUPBOARD REFACING • KITCHEN ISLANDS • COMMERCIAL COUNTERS "PAINTING & AIRLESS SPRAYING • CHIMNEY *FAMILY ROOMS • NEW CONSTRUCTION (V II(I' INTEOI00._$ EXTERIOR,IMPHOVEMENIS For Fro© Estimates Call CLIN'FON 482-5487 —We Guarantee our Workmanship GRAND REND 238-8994 HEY! • BAYFIELD We Deliver to YOU WITH SAME DAY SERVICE! FLOWERS FOREVER AYY 166 THE SQUARE, Gt)DERICH PHONE 52418761 Evenin'sand Sunda s Ohone 524.72$3