HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-04-23, Page 4(THE BLYTH STANDARD)
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The Wews•Record incorporated In 1924
thetfuron Wews-Record, founded in 1001,
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J. HOWARD AITKEN - Publisher
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We should know more
about municipal politics
It's worth it
After six months of next to no exercise a
person should be stiff, sore and feel general-
ly battered once they partake in an hour of
exercise, right?
Well, I thought so too, but I was pleasantly
surprised to find that this was not the case -
at least not right away.
After one cancellation, my slo-pitch team
finally got out on the diamond and into the
muddy field where we had the chance to
tune-up our more than rusty skills. The
following day I expected to limp into the of-
fice, hire one assitant to help me lift my pen
and another to help meliftthe out camera.f bed,
But none of this happened. g
and walkeddown the stairs just fine. In fact,
I had forgotten about having a practice until
a co-worker asked me if I was stiff.
It must have been the power of suggestion
that caused it, but by noon, my legs were
Each month decisions are made that affect the residents of this com-
munity. The decisions may not seem earth -shattering, but nevertheless,
they -are made on your behalf and affect each and every person. For this
reason, among others, people should have a working knowledge of
politics at the municipal level.
This week, April 21 to April 26, is local government week. Unfortunately,
Clinton Town Council did not receive notice of the designation until late
last week, and therefore did not have the opportunity to arrange events.
At council's April 21 meeting, Mayor John Balfour did ask each coun-
cillor to try and make themselves available for the public.
The town office is a busy spot, however, local government week or not,
it is open to the public and appointments can be made to talk with those on
council or staff.
It is your vote that put council in office and it is your tax dollars that
help run the town. This means it is your right to know what business is be-
ing conducted and the channels that roust be taken.
By gaining insight into the municipal system, taxpayers as well as
council could benefit.
Councillors have " a great res E,o ibility to their community and
therefore a great deal of their tim -I, taken up attending meetings, con-
sulting with residents and working out the details.
There is a lot more to the job than meets the eye and getting to know the
system can help the public better understand the politician.
Everyone is urged to take advantage of local government week and get
to know their representatives and the municipal system better. - by Anne
sore, my right arm was weak and 1 decided
mlace to
bey Licttle diir d I know that my houses the most Comfortabls leaning
plans for the weekend would become vir-
tually impossible.
I should have put on my sneakers and
headed out for a jog around town the night
after my practice. That would have helped
the stiffness, or so I've read, but I didn't. So
my muscles ached even more the second
I thought about applying one of those
"aching muscle relief" ointments advertis-
ed but once I thought about the walk to the
store or lifting my body into a car seemed
worse than what I was suffering.
Actually, the walk to the store would have
been the best thing for me.
At the beginning of each season, be it
broomball, baseball or golf, I end up in pain.
And each year I ask myself "why do I db it."
Well, I'm finding it difficult to rationalize
it now, but at the end of the season I'll pro -
bably say that it was worth lt.
The challenge of trying to hit the ball over
the fielders' heads, of outrunning the ball
when I'm on base or diving for the one that
is hit just out of reach, is exciting.
Last year we won only one game, so we
found all of the above very challenging. But
this is a new season, there will be new
challenges, and new pains, but I wouldn't
miss it.
Another month or so and my aches and
pains will have disappeared and I'lltbe able
to make it around the bases - as long as I ca
take them one at a time.
Klompen Feest
Our News -Record staff is now working full
steam on the Klompen Feest 'special edition.
If anyone has any old photos they would like
used in the booklet, we would be happy to
put them in.
All photos will be returned to their
Merchants urged to get .into
the spirit of Kiornpen Feest
Dear Editor:
Planning for Clinton's Sixth Annual
Klompen Feest is approaching the final
stages. All committees have been working
hard to make this year's Feest better than
ever. Additional decorations are to be
erected on Highway 8 from the lights east
and west. Some excellent ideas are being
formulated to decorate the community
centre where most of the activities take
The giant parade, considered the best in
the area, will again be the highlight of the
weekend. The entertainment programs for
Friday' and Saturday, (May 16 and 17), have
some new and exciting additions. Commit-
tee chairpersons and their respective com-
mittees have given their time and talent to
put together a weekend that we hope and
trust will be enjoyed by all: They have done
the work and planning but I now ask the
business community to help make their ef-
forts worthwhile.
Clinton.Klompen Feest is attracting many
people from this area and other parts of On-
tario. Visitors have often remarked how
great it is to see business people enter the
"Spirit of Klompen Feest" by decorating
their store windows, wearing traditional
Dutch costumes etc. If you have not par-
ticipated in this way in the past I urge you to
give it your consideration this year. You
must - plan early to get the necessary
mate;ial to decorate and have some type of
costume put together. It is often too late if
you wait until the week of Klompen Feests.
A simple costume is all that is necessary.
If you need any help regarding costumes
or decorations contact FredacSnieder at the
Dutch Store (482-7302)., Mrs. Bottema
(482-9176) or call Mary's Sewing Centre
(482-7036). A man's costume could consist of
a "Kiekje" (loose fitting shirt) and a Dutch
style cap. The "Kiekkje" can be seen at
Mary's Sewing Centre'and may be ordered
until April 25 at a cost of $20.
Yours truly,
C. Denomme
Clinton Klompen Feest.
Disabled athletes
Dear Editor:
The eleventh annual Eastern Ontario
Regional Games for the Physically Disabled
will be held in Arnprior this year on June 13,
14 and 15. - -.
Sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of
Tourism and Recreation and the Eastern
Ontario Regional Council for the games for
the physically disabled, the games include
competition in sports ranging from track
and field, swimming and weightlifting to
For many men and women who are
physically disabled our regional games pro-
vide an introduction to competitive sports.
For others the games are a stepping stone
to international competition. Last year
several athletes in your area participated in
the games and enjoyed themselves im-
mensely. We trust the majority of those men
and women will be returning and would like
to take this opportunity to invite others to
join them.
If you are interested in sports and meeting
people or know someone who is, won't you
consider joining us in Arnnrior this June.
Carefree kids
by Anne Narejko
Jack RiddQII, MPP
One year of power top priority.
Members of the Ontario Liberal govern-
ment can be proud of the achievements over
The Speech from the Throne will begin the the past nine months and of the way in which
next session of provincial parliament on the Liberal government has delivered on the
Apr. 22. When Lieutenant Governor Lincoln promises made during the last election.
- Alexander reads the Throne Speech, it will
mark almost a year since the arrival of a
invited to games Liberal government at Queen's Park.
Premier David Peterson has indicated the
Athletes compete in four disciplines speech from the throne will be beyond a sim-
within the games. The Ontario Amputee ple listing of things to do for the coming
Sports Association provides comptition for year. As Peterson has said, "We intend to
athletes with partial or complete loss of one take a look at the major challenges that this
or more limbs. The Ontario Blind Sports province is facing over the next decade and
Association organizes competition for those beyond and to discuss how we can start deal -
who have less than 10 per cent useful vision. ing with them."
The Ontario Cerebral Palsy Sports Associa- In its first year, the Ontario Liberal
tion provides competition for people with government has addressed some of the pro -
various degrees of cerebral palsy and the blems that built up over the past 10 years.
Ontario Wheelchair Sports Association pro- Excellence funds are helping colleges and
vides sports competition for disabled universities correct the damage caused by a
athletes in wheelchairs. All comptitions are decade of underfunding. Meaningful Job
enhanced by subclassifications based on the creation for young people has been addresS-
degree of handicap putting equal against ed through programs siich as "Futures".
equal in that sense. The province has been successful in secur-
Registration forms are now available for
interested athletes. However membership
in one of the four sports governing bodies
listed above is mandatory. For information
on how to contact any one of above organiza-
tions, those interested are invited to contact
their local newspaper for further details.
Thank you
Jerry Jordan,
While more remains to be done, the
presence of a more open and accessible
government is ensuring greater oppoe-
tunities for all Ontario citizens to par-
ticipate in the workings of their legislature.
In charting the overall direction for On-
tario for the next decade, the Liberal
government will explore ways to build a
world-class competitive economy in this
province. As Ontario moves into the post-
industrial age, there will have to be a
greater emphasis on small and medium-
sized businesses. The continued growth of
Ontario's economy will depend, to a large
extent, on the ability of these sectors to
adapt and take advantage of rapid
technological change.
Education will be a major tool in retrofit-
ting our economy to meet the challenges of
the future. As Peterson said at a recent
ing more foreign investment and the needs meeting of the Automotive Parts Manufac-
of regionaleconomies have received turers Association, "Ontario must move
greater attention. The $100 million Northern boldly to ensure its position as a world-class
Ontario Development Fund is ' but one leader in innovation, technology and the
example. new knowledge industries and to attain new
Tough but fair measures' to deal with standards of excellence in education, train -
polluters and to protect our environment ing and re-training. It's time now we started
conomy ensurwithine the caexistence healthy environment of a healtht enerattion.'inking of the next decade and the next
Workers across the province will benefit g At the seine time, it is necessary to
from stronger workplace, health and safety recognize the changing demographics in On -
regulations as well aS first contract
About nothing and everything .' leHealth c
tarso. 'chis change is represented by the
are problems of the past few large number of seniors in the province.
years are being addressed. through legisla-
Dear Editor: • And everyone is afraid to say they don't ex- tion to ban eg addresse and to provide
You can't open a newspaper or listen to a ist for fear of offending the Emperor. So tion to
ban drugsatfair pand
radio these days without constantly hearing when the Emperor parades down the street, Initiatives by the Liberal government will
about this fight between the provincial it takes the clear eye of a child to point out helpseniors in Ontario maintain their in-
government and the doctors of Ontario. that he's wearing nothing at all. What's that dependence, ensure he continued viability
of the farming sure e provide im-
What's it all about?orI should like to tett yott, story
st clothesedonnothing,
exist' because
nd yeet the o hed s to childcare.
because it's important.
It's about nothing. And yet, it's about about everything - it's about the vanity and As well, the Liberal government has acted
to assure more housing for Ontario, to in
everything.u'that's why it's very important. thstupidity of tonic ns. It's it's
bra brain -
qt� w
Do you remembtr the story of the aa politicians,.. p trdueaeiqui g, t nr privacy legislations,
Emperor's New Clothes? It's a childbbd washingt' andh the ge needy ofr the gbin and formation provide right to p iv for
s h d deceitful c esti rs a�fio pre" And it's about the for clear and
tory, about the eC o e Ore, Turn tb e 5 •
end to provide the Emperor with magn1fi lag in the province, and for the first time in
cent new clothes, which don't rily wrist nearly, a decade, we have given agricirlttice
Already, the Liberal government has moved
to deal in the present with this problem of
the future.
In the next session of the legislature, t10
Minister Responsible for Senior Citizens' A
fairs, Ron Van Horne, will release his report
in the form of a White Paper responding to
the, needs of seniors across Ontario. As well,
the Liberal government recognizes there
must be more emphasis on community-
based health care as one method of -ensuring
the continued properity of people in Ontario.
The continued growth of Ontario's
economy and the continued prosperity of all
citizens in the province will be the focus and
the challenge of the next speech from the
throne. As Peterson has said, "We must
have in this province the ability to compete
world-wide with the world leaders and that
is what we intend to do. That is, why these
issues are so vital to us."
I am pleased to confirm that my col-
league, Jim Bradley, Minister of the En-
vironment has approved a' grant allocation
of $245,000 in the Ministry's 1986/87 fiscal
year for Hay Township's water works pro-
ject. This allocation is based` on an
estimated eligible gross cost of $1,037,000
'paa yable in subsequentyears'000 ith the balance
I am also pleased to advise tnat the 11
Seaforth Districtligh School Handbas been
given a grant in the amount of $4,614 by my
colleague Lily Munro, Ministry of Citizen-
ship and Culture, for the purchase of new
uniforms. I congratulate the band, and trust
' they will wear their new uniforms proudly.