Exeter Times, 1903-6-25, Page 5Alt Stuffed Up • ..That'fi the condition ei many enterers • igen Catarrh, especially in the merning, eereat'diffieultyls experienced in clear- •ing the head and throat, , No wonder catarrh causes headache. emaairs the taeto, Knell and hearing, pollutes the breath, elelingen'the itch app and affects the etite. To eure cetarthe treatment Inuit be voaetitutional-elterative end antic. "X was W for ever mouths with eatarrb **1**1the bead. aieti anent. • lied a tad cough end raised blood. 1 bad become dia. stouraged gime my laieband bought a bottle C Hood's Sarateagna and peraeaded me to try it. 1 adviat alt to take It. Xt b izes ored and built me up." Mos. Iluoir Re- . teepee Wet Leecorele N. S. Hood's Sarsaparilla 4119xp.,;tii.,v41-it 'soothes and strength- ens nil:woes raem.brane and huilde tip the Ivhole syetem, '1ffs X witi barley, 381,135 ares; flax, 64,639 aex•ee Avon imae:r erope la 1 ellflnelteleeltt, ganaga enres ; tate, 1,00le21.2. aereg; barley, 356,562 acres; flax, 46,550 aeres inereaea lit 1903, eitt, 10 partente; oats 10 ,per 'cent.; barley\ 6 per Cent.; flax, 38 • pea teeeet, The oondiflon of growing !crap ever. tha WhOle ountriy Is excellent, While in smaller area of Noreh-Laastern part ef lefaaitoba rain waleht be benefielal, yet itt lo.rge whe- at 'belt ot the weet and southplenty of vela has fallen, and witeat, especially, oould not look more aroanising. FOR SEA-SICENESS, NA.USEA Sea-siekness, nausea, and, maladies of this ;type yield qutekly to the.. al - 'most magieal power of Nerviline, and if you euffer ,pnriodically from any of these troubles, just. keep Nervillne at hand. A eetv drops In sweetened eva, or will igive almost instant relief- an in the pour,se of half an Lour the az ts tomaletede •Your money back you do not lend le zo. 1111110g1Dth 17( pfppi uuLvLiti LIUJJ IIagyard's' YePlloetrytill reducesara ing, allays inflaranaation, takes. .,pain and 'cures outs, burns, bruis 0 sprains, stiff joints, etc., more eafec ally than ally other remedy. Mee Wpa. 13ennn e'gton, neat; qn.. • ginehev er at t, St. Mareloaaric light • station has resigned. Ile has received; a position as engineer for the -Mooney Bisculteand Candy Co., Ltd., in Strate e ford., ,Their gentle !action and good effect on the Isystemh renfly make tbegaa aerfeot little pill. They, please ,those e evno use ahem. 'Career's Little Livea Pills m,ay In termed "Perfeation. , lere,d S. Sham fonm.e•rey tft ket 'clerk at the town. station-, St. • Marys, •has accepted it, aosetion • wth i t the Boston Terminal Come(an.y. Bosa e ten, in the =eventing office in con- nection with their ticket department. When working in the Horseshoe Qu,arry, St. Marys, Kr; Writ , of - Stratfqrd, found a fossil in the shape n oi afish whieh reepeablea the black bass, about eight inehes long. This le s the fired unbroken spechnen which ' haa been secured and no doubt would be valued very ggla by geologisee. All the iews .of Interest t Tinar 'Readers Happening • in these Counties, Huron Tkc torture of toothathe is quick ly relieved by Low's Toothaiche Gum •Price 10c. Refuse ElObStitUtOS, 0. Cantolon at:Clinton, is said to b a very bee.vy, loser by the faleare eo H. Peterson &Co., apple; exporeers Oiff Tordnto. Mr. John lVfills, ofene,ar Harlook les three horses a few, days ego. • Th ;veterinary: seoukd einIg surmisg as eel the cause of their death. )10 ' glim general o!pinion among West- • tarn railway men is that the Wester • Paeseaeger Association, with ale , bureaus is ou tb,eeveage of collapse • Its doWnfell isUkely to be. ace,opepa• n • led by o. evedeeprend rate; war, 'I purchased aottle a Dr, Lw'a Woem Syrup for my litten girl' 2-1. 2 years old, and gave her the medicine. •no result wee ehe passed fifteen , round worms in five daya."-Mn. le, Rag, le'llneanagla Out. *afeesere: Staddaelnand Tier, Classical mend Mathematioal aVlageter„ reppecie- inely, of the Cliniten Calleane tute, have been appointe•d Departrae,n Ica' examiners, and will pat in three peeks at the, work, in Toronto; •-Gov: Bliss, of Miohigan has signed 'the bill fathered by senator Burns evhileh pr °vides for the punishment 'by: 41,000 fine, ore.10 years' imprison- • Anent of any hunter. who carelessly hoot§ a' human being while, in pur- suit of ga!nae. , Rev. Willson Aitehesen, son of Mr. Wm. Aitgheaop, of Harpurbay, who has just grad:ad:led f.rone •Knox Doe - lege, •Toronto has received anunarai- Mous call to the congregation of Rocky Sanwa aid Dornocla in the bounty of Grey. • E. P. Gar,row, eldest son of Judge 4Garrow, who has been for some years a member of the staff of the geritisli `American A esuranee Company in Tor- onto, his been appointeaainspe.ctor of • the teaMpang' for eiganetohat and aLlee North West Territories. !The Seaforth Company have, got to work at the reeereeltion of Atheir elerago-r. The r,e•ment founae.- one tion and bins are now being built: Alex. Mitchell, of Varna, recently a very handsome driving colt, three years old and unbroken( fore :$150. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam▪ uel Barton, of Seaforth, celebrated their golden wed- ding at their residence, on Monday life/1day last. All the members of their family and a fewefriefids were present.. �be. worthy couple aae•hoth hale and hearty, and hid fair to ode- •• brate tbeir diamond wedding. -The monument .ereated, in Clinton. reenetery to the memory of ehe late Joseph W. Chidley by the Canadian • Order of the Woodmen of the World was formally unyelIed last Sunday -afternoon in the presence ref seve.nty imembers of the erder and between two and th,pee hundred epeetators. the residence ea Mr. W. D. ;Bright, Seaforth, on June I7th, when Florence .ALberia, Dobie, sister of Mrs. Bright, was united in marriage to Mr. Ken- ' meth Campbell, postmastex at Bran- don, Manitoba. The cere'm•ony was perforMed at noon by Rev. I. B. Wall • wen, assisted -by Rev. P. H. Larkin. p• it. The following resolution has -bean adopted by the Seaforth branch of the Womens' Cbr, , is Lion Temperance if !Union :-" Where asl mos t etaingent , laws have been enacted forbidding the sale of cigarettes to minors; whereas, the age halL law being very difficult • of enforeement,, because it is almost epepossible to attain conviction, be it • esolved by.the aVomaies' Christian • e raa e r a nee `nion, of- Seafor tea th t • .we do all in our power to obtain, In- eitead ofethe agelimit law, a law pro- hibiting' the manufacture and sale of cigarettes in Ontario'-. : • The North Weetelen Grain Deialeass' Assoeiation have issued tbe followilag, ballatin, of Anne 2elent-aEseirtiatera area un.der erop inIVLanitoba and • XortheWest .Territroriee, 100e, evheat fee123,063 acres ; oats, 1,101,333 aores ;, •''''''"'"`"2"!egeneggeiteneeeeneneeneggegaseee- Constipation Does your head ache? Pain • back of your eyes? Baci. taste in your mouth It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure cons ti. headache, dyspepsia. 230, Ati druggists. Want your moostsofts or icard a beautiful earvni or nee elects? Thor% ttso ,BUCKINGIIAM'S DYE1471.1%rs *reamers, Oen. p.Kitt. 0, to., twists., 114r. ,Major W.• C. lAczeripleas peen, gaz- gland Liieutenseeeteglaollonel the,2,teth Regiment,. to take .effaca frnm 80th„ 1903. ,Thb, Lieut.efelol. h'as' ways bean e. argpminent figura inten, 28th Regiment and his promotion is a well deserved one. His work con- nection with the 2811 Regiment band dearerves special! mentionL The iprospeetus of the; St. Malrys Portland. Cement Co. ban been is- gued. The president is Mr. J. J. Cirabbe, of Toronto, formereg puba. liis,hens of the St. Baal/era .A,agusrvitoo- pres., 3. J. Maine Ot Toronto, • Supt. Polson Iron works ; 2nd vicranyees., Thos. eeryee, Toronto, see‘gereafa. Ambrose Itent, of 'A:nabroseeKent &I entanufacturing jeweeters, Tor- onto. Several of the direetoes are also Toronto man. The authorized capital is ;$100,000, shares "$41.00 each. The company proposes to erect an 800 barrel per day factory. S.UMMEli 'COUGHS, - Are often hardest to shake oef, and frequently lead to consumption. Bt ter have /them cured promptly by Dr. W/oodes Norway Pine Syrup the best ADDITIONAL LOCA.LS •••••••,.... Mr. R. Seldon, of Ingersoll, spen Sunday with friends in town. Miss Lottie Berry of Ingersoll, who has been visiting her sister Mee. field° n, retui necl home last week. Miss lg. Elam who bas spent tie; past season as milliner at King, has returned home for the holidays. • Woinelefil LesrunTE -- A special meeting of the Wonean'sn Institate will be held in the Public Library on 'Vriday„ June 20111 at 3 p. rn. A. fall attendance is requested of all the menabers as important business is to be transacted. -AN UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS,--ffir. E A. Follicle wishes to announce to th citizens of Exeter, and surroundin country that for refreshing cool drinks he is now prepared. to serve the bee having recently added to his alread well equipped ice-cream parlors a nee soda water fouutain from which flow cool sodas ot eltifereut flavorings, tb purest and best. An electric fan hay nag recently been added you can si and. enjoy its breezes while you par take of a dish of our delicious ice cream, all flavors. Cupid has been a work and as a result the nuptials of f nnenber are announced to take plac this leafy month of June, To hay our wedding cake and confectionery pato-date we have just received from w York the newest cake orratunents i the tnost unique designs. • UNE WHDDING. - VetY Pretty J ne wedding took place on Wedees- da,y evening June 21th at the home of • died.Mrs. Wm. Westcott 3rd. con- cession Ueborne, when bis second daughter Miss Edith was married to Mr. Edward Shapton prominent young farmer of Stephen township. Tbe bride, who entered the parlor on the arm of herfather to the strains of Mendeleshon's wedding march, playeel by Mr. Gowns, was beautifully gowned in white organdie, The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Hannon of James street church, in the presence of mewards of forty •guests, friends and relatives of the conbracting parties .after which ail repaired to the diniug room where a sumptuous repast was served. The evening was spent in music, spciel games and pleasant chat. The happy couple haVe the beat wishes of a host of friends for their future prosperity and ba,ppiness and the elegant display of useful and costly presents show the high esteem in which the young couple are held. DIGNAN-HowARD-A pretty home wedding was that which took piece on Tuesday afternoon when Mies Miss Helena A. eldest daughter of Mrs. Wm. Howard became the bride of Mr. Edwin H. Dignan youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dignan, The R" v Oth, 1903. 'FOR $A.LE BRICK ' True and Unfailing Help for Suf. siDEF04 WITH A.CrtE OE 14ANI) EXETeal-We afro. for age on egaeoneole fering. Women feleown as"Tbe Hooper Hentesteade situete terros,that very desizable xesidentinlpropert C I On J.,t4 WO. $0, eoutb. ot Buren fareet, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodieue brick (levelling, also the necessary outeomes. The house is m good re. pair and has 9 rooms. The IA contain's ab anre of laud and is excellently adapted for gardeo RYOul,.% Ina or fruit erowinii. nate le a plentiful sup- liru Efite.',5141rel;h13WE'fla''AFFIYaIsAp- Do you Want a Buggy imiiii, 4.or.,tporo.A.p.rfe.t0111.,00rmi. Rew P. 0,, Penne,' U. The World's Medicine tor the Cure of Feraa,le Troubles. A large sleaxe of the evila Madame feria gs which ;women are liableet. result from ispeleia.1 female wig -times' es and diseases. Prom tbie girl en ering womanhood eo the woman wh neves at aim Grand Climacteric hange of life," there are troublee lments and irregillaritleis-ioo ofte erne in eilsence-geweich undeetenTne e and 'strength to the beeptertarta fa - D, male. organs. 'The ezpoeienee of yeara ea of medical testimony and letters from - tens of elbouseinels of cured women; o point to Paine' e Celery Corapouna as ✓ woman's friend and life giver. Jansie lef. Ross, Quoyon, P. Q., sage : - n rifIfords nue, macheplaasurei tot testify to the gre‘t good Paine's Cel- ery 'Conapound has done for inee Was 'corapletely run down rundown in )aealtth and a 'elate= to fenzalfeeweakn nes, and 'after itsiag three bottles of Painees (Celery Compound I pea/ cora- ple/tele • cured; It is the liege blood Auzfrifticer. Iflekeage of, and I reapen--: mend it to all who are troubled. as 1 race. t lee health and result in disea.se. - :Where such conditions exist, Heaven help the poor sufferer to fully realize their perils and dangers! •It (well known that ordenary. e teem:towed !too 'alien fella to e build up ;the delicate nervous eestetai of women, and pre rieceesery tone ge. bride who was given away -by her uncle, Mr. Wm. Howard, was attired in a gown of white Organdie with white satin ribbon trimmings and were a beautiful pearl creeceal„ the gift of the groom • also carrying a &hewer boquet of white roses, While Mies Mary Westaway was 'bridesmaid and wore a dainty gown of white or- gandie and carried a boquet of pink roses.. Mr. 'BrueaDignan, of London, rother of the groom peeformed th e uties of groomsman. The ppy knot was tied by the Rev. . Millyard under an arch of •ever- reens and roses behind which was anked ferns and white daisies. Mrs. latebford played Lhe wedding margin fter congratulations and a dainty epast had. been partaken of the happy ouple -left on the evening train for ainilten and other points. The very many handsome and costly gifts re- , ceived from friends at a distance and others testify to the high esteem in which the young people are beld.- Mr. ,Dignitu and his fair bride will start in We with the best tvishes of many friends for their future happiness aud. success. On tbeer -return from their wedding trip -they will take up their residence with the groom's parents on Gidley street. • remedy for healing the lungs and cur b ing all kinds of coughs and colds. /R • A 11 GENERAL NEWS Regina:, N. W. T., bas passed from. a status of a town into the more exl alted standing of a. city. Tho monthly report of the Provini cial Board of Health shotvs a total death list of 2,100. , There are many forms of nervous debility in Men that yield to the use of Carter's ;Iron Pills. Those who are •troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, etc., should try them. IDeraggena,ents of the lieer, with oonstienettion, injures • the complexion; induces Peemples, eallow. skin. Bee Move the !cause by using Carter's Li tle Liver • Pills. One a db-se.yy them. No fewer than 300 Canadians have registered at the High Commissioner's office since the first•of dune. About 250 applications have nlready been made for ttekeits for the Dominion lectg •denner.• W. 11. Buchan/ea, proleibition candi- datc, has retired from the field in North 'Winnipeg on account of a sat- isfactory pledge being given by the labor candidate. He May accept a no- mination elsewberre. The Illpworth League of London and St. Thomas have arranged for • , summer school, for the etude. of *the Bible and missions, to epon at Port anley', on Tuesday, June!2aed, and continue until 26th. ' &teem's .4 T. G urd„ Vein Lo We ty, H. J. Dawson, and J. T. Kitten/easter of 13etrole,a, and F. W. Efittlerniester, of Sarnia,„ have been ineorporated as the Canada West Oil ComPany, with capital of $1250004 The charter cov- ers an extensiaebusiness from ranch.. ing to oil events. It is said tb,at the following will prevent hair 'falling 'wee abd oure dandruff :-Bug 10c worth or quinine and 5e worth of permanganate ape. rash. *Mix ,ancl, put thern in a quart bottle. Acid one, pintg of soft water. Ske hawell before using e,a,ele ene ane . . then pour enough of he 'Mixture into a basin of water to make Winered. Soak the scalp with it thoretilgialee owe every day and,rub dry With a towel, The hair will soon stop nail- ing and the dandruff will disappear. ' • The St. Thomas ‘joureilel of &bare engegeglag san-I"The Latest devel- °emelt in regard to the, Elgin Loan matter was disoovered this 'meaning; when Mr, Mitchell Hepburn, of Yar- mouth, one of Elgin's wealthiest far - mere, came to town te inquire into his supposed deposit in the come/tiny. Throe months ago he made a special deposit of $i7,000 with, Mattiger Geo. Rowley, to bear 4 .1e2 or tent inter. est. There is no trace of it whatever in the books of the et:impeller." a THE REST 34/SDIGINE. ,Mrs. Mena Gaguin, Cane Bald, N. B., sage: "I had an attar* of Liner Trouple and Indigestion and decided to ,try Laxa LiVet Pills. They had a better and more lasting eafeet than any remedy I ;um/ took." Susi:lee Armour, of the Canadian Supreme Court, one 01 tele Alaskan Bou'aelary Commission is dying at the residence of his son, in London, Eng., of stomach trouble. 0'9 • n gee' 'gee egairafteeene. ee• rignaige is on every box of ti s go aremo=Quinine ,...)mody that entree a cola/ in or,o Exeter, June 10th 1903. Wheat pur bushel•••••., .63 to 71 oats; new .. 1eg29 Bexley-- .. Butter.....Turkeys ..,. . • • • ,:. ...... 8 to 8 . Geese• ....... 6 to 9 • Chickens per tb ....1.',... '. .,:... 5 to 6 Duoke • • •• " ' .... 7 70 7 Wool.. 14 to 144 ried Apples.. .. - 3 to 2 Pork live Weight ...... • .- .. $4,60 itD $4.90 •.t. to3S • , . 70 to 76 10 15 '• to f2 M3/%700406911TaMIEERATIC/CMCV031 Vr SCOTT'S EMULSION weal make a hump back straight, neither will it make AhOrt log !mg, hut it reads soft hone and heals diseased bone and is among the taw genuine means of recovery In rickets arid bone consumption. Sorel for free sample, SCOTT fe DOWNS, Chenitutp, Toronto, Ontario. soo. and $1.00; all druggists. • Adventures of Three women, Three wom.en started out to be loved. The first woman chose a million" The second woman chose a poet. •' The Weed woman said, 'T11 wait." The first woman, having found a suitable millionaire, eat ker cap for him. But the inilliouaire was wily and not to be won so easily. "It le evident to me," he said, '`from this girlre anniety that she is extremely desirous of marrying me. She has set out with this idea in b-er head, and this every fact irritates me into an obstinacy that 1 shouldn't have under other circumstances be- cause she is certainly very beauti- ful." Se he hung oft until the woman gave it iff) as a bad job. The second woman several times thought she heel found a poet, but in each instance was deceived, for he turned out to be nothing but either an advertisement Amer or a writer foe the magazines', who could easily, make enough to support her. Pin.al- ly, however, she found the real thing, but the poet, who was a real poet, would have none of her. "My poetry," he said, "i,s too aac- red to be infringed upon. It is not at alh zou see, like the copyright law. Iii my most enraptured mo- ments you would bore me to death; No, no!" So the second woman went off in despair •end sought the first woman, and they wept together until anima. ity prompted them to seek the third woman, whom they found, much to their surprise, ,happily married to a. inillionaire who had just publithed volume of real poetry. "Why, how happens it," exclaimed the first and second WOMan, `ghat you are married and WO axe not?" - "Easy enough," said the third. wo- man, a, condeatein&ing sroile. '47ou couldn't wait, you knew, and I . , • Tho ratrinrob. Must Go. There are 33 fine buffaloes in the Dominion herd at Banff National Park. All are in splendid condition. • There are 14 full-grown bulls • and one old patriarch is 80. years of will ale was the first animal t� be am - ed by Lord Strathcona at Silver Isleigbts, where all the animals now in confinement • in the West, came from. This animal is of historic im- portance. Very soon he will be shot, and then he will be mounted. He had been a inighty fighter, and had retained the leadership (if the herd througlicait many year, until two years ago, when he met his Waterloo. Old as he was, his bee manse bulk and strength enabled him to kill one antagoeist, and to near- ly dispose of another. Had it not been that he broke his horn on a rock, the issue would probably have' been different. The bull whic.11 now rules the herd is one ineported from Silver Heights, and which defeated all the other bulls, one by one. A herd of such dimensions as this is a sight which, since the time when the buffalo roe/nod in countless herds over the prairies, liaS rarely, greeted the eves of a white man. The enterprise of the officials who have had the buffalo in charge, for their etforts to preserve this tangible link of those days before the Great West bit the taming hind of the white settler 'upon its mane, is to be commended by ll who feel an inter. est in the life which occupied our gloat solitudes before history for us began. • EY ammooMionsti ' ,SEVERE HEADA.CHES. "For some „ time 1 eves tr'oubled with very feevere heaelthehes. I tried Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders and, got inune,diate relief." -Mrs. N Burke, Lindsay, Out. all MI WHY Dominion Day Return tickets will be issued at Single First ClasR Fare between all stations in Canada also to Buffalo,. Supension Bridge, N. Y., Detroit, Pt. Huron, Mich„ Etc. Good going JUNE 301h and JULY id,t Valid returning from destination on or before JULY 2nd, 1903. Excursions 10 Callan NOM 11081 Good going July 4tb, valid for re- turn until September 8th, *--t• Aare to Spend the Summer e The famous Muskoka Lakes, Lake of. Bays, Lake Nipiesing, Kawartha Lakes, and the Magnetewan River are •reached only hy the Grand Trunk Railway Syszene. Excellent hotel ac- gernmodetion, healthy climate,fisbing, etc. Descriptive literature and all in- foemation from 3.3. KNIGHT, Ticket Agent, Exeter. 3. D. McDONALD, Dietrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. .X.M41.E1111:0.91, 414.1.¢44111•044E041Matimeellal.......14111.6•14 111'9 F an Groc Fine Flours, Family. Pine Flours, Pure Manitoba and Grebe m. Oats, Linseed Meal and Oil Cake. 100 pounds Oil Cake, $1,40. _Binder Twine Order your Binder Twine from Us. We self cheaper than the other fellow . Pure Manilla, 050 feet, (13e Some for - - 11c Above prices good to June 15th, only. Greceries Nice line of Groceries. 'We sell Vim at 80 box. Nice thing for summer. 5 lbs Clean Currants 25c. 3 lb Box of _Biscuits 20c. Drop bt-1 a riliraute W. TREVETHICK SCIED,TI VICI — Oig — . SPECIALIST Loathe ire At Lowest INSURANCE, ERNEST ELLIOT, Ageri tor the WREITIcrae Atosrliis.NCY4 COM" ?ANY, at Toreeto ; aloe for r:tet Rlacaviz rnOr RECOOANOIS COMPAWY, 00 Lelideri, Englaixa 4.L MANCE IN017,11Ableut. COMPANY, of Er' ene MEDICAL 1 10...1f1;OWNINtl M. D. 31. 0. t.p .1., n, Greet/an. victoria 21 i'vorsity office ;Ina rejlcz,ee, Vow u le n Labor. tory, Exeter, DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, tiO1r7eyan0ers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the afolsons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-HAIN STREET, EXETER, s. R. ogetraera. a. A. H, DTOSSon R, W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladinen) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mlle, Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and Village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER FRED ELLIOTT BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,' ETC, Money to Loan. OFFICE - (Formerly Elliott and Gladmany) MAIN STREET, EXETER. DENTAL fi ICINSMAN, L. D. s. AND DR A.R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. Segtonor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth exta•aotect without pain or bad after effeets. Office in Fan - Bon's block. Wet side of Main treet,'Exeter. WONKY TO LOAN We have nniimited priaate funds for invest ment upon farm or village property at lowes rates of interest. DICKSON Ss CARLING Exeter. rIONEY. TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at lowrates •of interest. GLAD1MAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, D.A. AMERSON, (0.D. S. L D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office, Bridge work, crowns, al.' luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner poSsible. A. perfectlY harmless anaesthetic -used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling • Bros store Exeter. Ont. T.ARIBNIPUM (21795) The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard Trotting Stallion. Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir- ing extreme speed, and high steppirg action for road and carriage purposes. TARENTUM has now produced three colts showing better. than 2,10 speed, one going miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $25,- 000 in stakes down the Grand Circuit. Harry D. commences the Grand' Circuit at Detroit in the $5000 Chamber and Commerce stakes and also in the 2.14. $2000 stakes, and then goes down the Grand Circuit through other large stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Oan- ada that has produced a colt pnenomenally fast enough to face the Grand Circuit that won second money in his second start in a race at Memphis in a field of eleven starters, all speedy ones. Dorthy Wilton laving got a mark at Lexington, Kentucky, the previous week in 2.091. In this race Orin B. by arey- stone , the sire of Tarentum. won lst money. Harry D, by Tarentum won 2nd money.Maj or Hal, 3rd money. Doherty Wilton Ith money, time 2.091 and 2.101 - ROUTE Monday.- Simon IVIcKenzie's Tuckersmith, for noon; Blake,. night. Tuesday.- Zurich noon; Crediton, night, Wednesday. -Exeter, noon ; Farquhar, night. Thursday. -By way of Staffa to Dublin. noon • home, night. Fri- day. -At his own stable,kffmondville. Satur- day. -At his own stable, gmondville, TERMS Farmer's common mares, ki15.co to insure. Well bred and statidard bred mares $20,00 by the season and $25.00 to insure. Stud fees due January 1s1, 1904. For tabulated pedigree see large posters, or address. A. CHATiLESWORTIL Egmondville, Ont. SMITH ' All kinds of Herielock.or Pipe, either in • the rough or dressed es.you wish; .Wh he t' the • • .Commercial. nolm. ExefOr .—two Days Only-- ' FRIbAY . AND SATUHDA** JuLY 17th and 18th • . Cali early awl' avail yourself of hs valuable eerviee, n this is a rere op- pertunity to have emir eyes properly tested free of charge. No gutse wore', Ime a scientific, certainty. DifticUt cases accurately fitted. All work Guar an teed. .A. full line of Artifleial Ryes aide I to otir st ()ere Children Cry tor CASTO A few of My SpringPricee. . Coal at bins • . . .. -$0.00 Coiled Spring Wire'pet cwt $2,80 Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at $15.50 per M. Daylderolock Jointing and Scant- ling at .. „ $15.50 per M. No. 1 B. C. Shingles -at t'80e per bunch Cheaper grade .08c per bunch It, will pay you to weite or call and see me before you buy. SPECIAL 1 inch Hemlock ...$14.SO par IV, 1. inch Pine.... , 12.SO per 1V1, A. J. Ciatworthy's Lunit' her Yard, Granton. • Prices • gaVing. bought out the entire. stock df the late ;lames Willis, we are in a better position than ever to sell turn - bee, Shingles, Lath and all Building Material 'at lowest prices, The Coro- bined stock of Shingles as contained in both yards is 'heavier than we wish to carry, so we purpose to make a material reduction in the price of Shingles -until we get our stock eee- &Iced. Take advantage of the reduc- tion. We thank the people of Eneeter and the • surrounding conntry for their patronage in the past, and solicit a contitmance of their tustom. Our motto is smaller profits and quicker returns. R SS TAYLOR EXEElt, ONT. We have the fineek stock in town ehe latest styles, in tbo newse colore. Our prima are low ae, can he towel for first-class material and workman ship. IIE13'0ItE YOU BUY I) see 11../6. Two Leears South 'Iona/ Hall. .4.nasTilaatcgratta4III......01,1411114........14.1Nyarlynit11,4461441.1•14.61.044f 41141,14.4164... 8 , We have juet put iu stock .severaY new Pianos in the latest designs and of the Best elakee at. Pepular Peices. We will esteem it a pleasure to show them to yoa. Organs always instock. A good secnnd hand Bell Organ he good order, for „sale cheap. Th Jioyc1� Seas 2,2, Is with us and those Cashion Frames are just what you want, We have them at moderate prices. Se mg hi es In all the leading Makes always be stock and al prices that eannot be beaten anyvvlaere, also repairs for same. Call and see us. We are -always busy but will be glad. to give you any information about our goods you may desire. - S. artin. WiltiT OTHERS -SAT/ • of Worthington's Canadian Stock Ton ic. James Leask, breeder and feeder of the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincia/ Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says Dear Sir: - have fed your Stock Tonic to, cattle and like it very much. It mak- es them thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly. 1 think it is the best TO7aie I have fed to horses. We; are also feeding it to our hens this winter and they are laying better than they have done for a long time, It pays to feed it. Yours truly, JAMES LEAs, Greenbank P, 0., Feby, 23, 1903. Dear Sir: - 1 bad a mare stocked in both legs, WORTHINGTON'S STOCK Foote took it down completely and put her in good, condition. It has done my cows good, Think it is a good thing and can recommend. it. B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman." Clinton, jany, 171h, 1903. Purify your animals' blood before turning them on the grass. They will Surprise you in the fall. 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c. ; 50 lb. sack $2.00. The Wortiiinuton DI'llEj Go., GUELPH, ONT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son,. Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound ot Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse. A bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as— sortment of Cough Medicines' Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get s tne our remedies. .Dictig 14tore