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Clinton News-Record, 1986-04-16, Page 17
DAY, APRIL 16, 196 Page 17 CLINTON NEWS-#t�O�?RDa WEDNESDAY, 12. Real estate for sale Beyfleld - 3 bedroom bungalow, carport, laundry room, close to Main St. Phone 585- 2535. 12. Real estate for sale G.K. REALTY & INSURANCE INC 14 Isaac St. CLINTON 482-97470r 482-3721 III Counter 482-3687 - Hal Hartley 482-3693 if: (Siboutt Custom Nut Uos nth. Specializing in Quality HOMES - RENOVATIONS CABINETS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 4 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y1 PAUL GIBSON TERRY McCLINCHEY 524-6013 529=3147 We are pleased to offer for sale this compact, well maintained 3 bedroom home; forced air gas heat, paved drive, centrally located and priced right. C011 13111. G.K. Realty and Insurance Inc. Is represented by Hal Harley and Bill Counter. They were successful In selling a high percentage of their listings last year. If you anticipate selling your property and wish mature, experienced guidance why not call Hal or BIlI at 482-9747 or 482-3721. MEMBER OF HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 ':'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Herder!' ..,�,.. CALL US • TO WELCOME YOU HOME NEW LISTING Hillcrest Restaurant & Gas Bar, Lon- desboro, large lot with room for poten- tial motel or cabins, 30 seating capacity or more, list of equipment included. NEW LISTING • 50' x 22' Pyramid Modular Home. Approx. 1380 square feet with add-on deck. To be moved off present location. Priced to sell at $20,000. NEW LISTING • 1977, 31 ft. Shamrock Trailer with add-on. Situated on 80' x 148' lot in Wlldwood Trailer Park, Bayfield. Priced to sell at $26,500. NEW LISTING - Lakefront cottage, 2 bedroom, kitchen and living room com- bined size, 221/2 x 22, walk -In closet, steel shed, new septic tanklbed in 1984. On .37 acre. Priced to sell at $52,500. NEW LISTING - Building lot, 1.75 acre, part lot 11, Concession 9, Township of Hullett. Dug well, septic tank on proper- , ty. Priced to sell at $15,900. For more information on cottages, homes or lots... CONTACT Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565.2513 a 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY • Male Siamese Cat, Two or three year old. Blue or Chocolate point. Phone 529-7382.--16,17nx omiggialllilibibm... \xIiLLEms, REAL ESTATE INC. SUNCOAST MALL 524.2667 GODECHHECK THESE CLINTON HOMES! 224 Townsend St. $38,000. 4 bedroom family home. 206 Albert St. $44,900. 4 bedroom on extra wide lot with garage and workshop. 33 George St. $59,000. Delightful cheery family home. Good location with attached double era 't e. 128 Fredrick . $38;000. Large lot, m with garage. An excellent valu . 212 James St. $64,900. Large 12 room house must be seen. Skylight & cathedral ceiling, highlight the property. Vanastra 47 Victoria Blvd. $32,000. 3 bedroom fully insulated, with sundeck and tool shed. Brucefield Excellent 4 bedroom frame,$31,000. FrlendJy S.nrlc., Q © 5 Professionalism end 1111111111111111 num v, l" uuMb My! as ` . ON ILL 482-3307 Via. aft : R R' ' N LES WILLEMS, 524-7762 524-8451 4 f?b DON'T FORGET - Auctions Unlimited 1st Seaforth Consignment Auction at the Seaforth Arena W EDNESDAY, APRIL23 AT 7 P.M. Consignments include: washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher, dining and bedroom suites, color T.V., household appliances, flat to the wall cupboard, 6" wood jointer, 14" band saw, 12" table saw, small glass and china, oriental rugs, plus 100's of other items too numerous to mention. If you have items that you want to turn into cash call us now for details, pick up available. Art Larivee, Auctioneer "AUCTIONS UNLIMITED SEAFORTH Days 527-1847 Evenings 527-1633 Estate or on location sales our specialty 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Corriveau Rentals, Zurich, 236-4954, 8 a.m. weekdays and after 5 p.m., anytime Saturday.-32tfar FOR RENT approximately 70 acres, partially drained. Soybeans in 1985. Phone after 6:00 p.m. John Buchanan 524-7157.-15tfnx, 1 17. Apartments for rent 1 TWO, ONE BEDROOM apartments in Bayfield, heat and utilities included in rent, available May 1. Phone 565-2650.-15,1.6ar TWO BEDROOM apartment, central location Clin- ton, references. Phone 482-9210.-16ar r18. Houses for rent THREE bedroom house for rent in Clinton. Phone 482-7389.-14tf $$$$$$$$$$$$$ WANTED FOR CASH .Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Laving Room Suites, Old Country Furni- ture including cupboards, old tables, chairs, glass, china, jewellry, press back chairs, gramophones, old telephones, round oak tables, almost tinything that is antique or collectable. DAYS 527-1847 Art or Cindy Larivee THE MAYFAYRE SHOPPE Seaforth EVENINGS 527-1633 19. Rooms for rent MOTEL UNITS AVAILABLE by the week for the summer. Phone Sugar Bush Inn 565-2450.-16,19er 21. Cottages for rent TWO BEDROOM cottage wanted in Goderich- Bayfield area for one or two weeks in August. Apply to Drawer No.95 c/o Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6.-16-18nx 23. Commercial property for rent 29. Tenders A: COUNTY OF HURON STORAGE BUILDING Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon on Tuesday, Aprll 29, 1986, for the construction of a pole type, steel clad storage building. Plans and specifications are available from the office of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.G. HANLY CLERK -TREASURER & ADMINISTRATOR COURTHOUSE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. N7A 1M2 TEL.: 524.8394 26. Help wanted STORE OR OFFICE SPACE for rent, Main St., Bayfield, available immediately, 224 sq. ft. space, heat and utilities included in- rent 565.2650.-15,16er 24. Wanted to rent A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" License. For pre- screening interview and job placement informs than, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London . 1-800-265-1260.-41tfar WANTED - Three bedroom house to rent for May 31st. Resonable rent. Phone 482-5493.-16,17 SUN STAR Poultry Services, full or part-time employment available, night work catching chickens, travelling involved, transportation pro- vided, need fit and hard-working people. Chance for advancement to foreman available. Coll 482-5523, ask for Clinton.-5tfar HELP WANTED on' 'dd1ry,farm. Must have ex- perience. Phone 523-9241.1.15,16 PART-TIME working mother seeks •mature non- smoking person for babysitting. Phone 482.9306.-15tfnx 25. Wanted STUDENT to work on dairy, hog and cash crop farm from May to August. Apply in writing to Drawer No. 5 c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton, NOM 1L0.-15,16 CHILD CARE worker to work part time with adolescent boys in small residence near Auburn. Applicants please send resume to Saratoga Residence, R.R. 3 Auburn, NOM 1E0.-16,17 WANTi3D - looking for three or four bedroom 'country home, outskirts of Clinton (within 3 miles) private deal. 'Peke negotiable. Please send all 'particulars with phoria number's to Drawer No.4 c/o Clinton News -Record, Box 39, Clinton NOM 1L0-1522 - - YOUNG PERSON to manage "Food Spot" for Blyth Festival summer season, June through September. Salary negotiable. Contact Brenda Doner 523.4345,-16,17ar FOR SALE BY TENDER The Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF HAY One (1) 1968 Ford 800 (Gas) single axle water tanker. The complete unit Is to be sold on an (As IS BASIS"). The vehicle may be viewed at the Township roads depart- ment shop. Tenders for the above will be received by the clerk on or before 12:00 noon local time, on MONDAY, MAY 8, 1986. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Joan M. Ducharme; CLERK -TREASURER GDAMR requires occasional and weekend con- tract workers for community living in Clinton and Goderich: Please send resumes and 3 references to Helen Watson, Executive Director, GDAMR, Box 527, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4C7. Closing date April 25, 1986.-16,17 HURON COUNTY LIBRARY requires a part time library clerk to work eighteen hours per week at the Goderich Branch Library. Apply in writing to Mr. Wm. Partridge, Chief Librarian, Huron Coun- ty Public Library, 66 Waterloo Street S., Goderich, N7A 4A4. Closing date April 25, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. -16 I BUY USED PIANOS, When tolling give make, height and general' description. Call' Collect 742.1432 Kit hen'er.•,-.-4tfar CASH PAID For antiques, "Co triplet e ore or partial estates, dlnftlg, bedroom, liviftgraon Stilts , old leweliery�,' clocks: furrtttitre, eta:. 527'•16'47 or 52 16$3::Seafotik/„ 'itf'ur °.. u. ...N PART TIME sitter required, my home, one five month old girl, start June 1st. References please. Phone 482-5056.-16 RELIABLE PERSON to mow lawn in Princess St. West, Clinton. Phone 482-9865-16 Mlnlstiy of Housing HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY TENDER REFERENCE P40. d P.T. (H.C.) 86-03 For Janitorial Services and Snow Removal at 85 West St., Goderich (011-3) and 250 Picton St., Goderich (OH -2) TENDERS WILL be received for the above un- til 11:00 a.m. local time, WEDNESDAY. MAY 14, 1986 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontorio N7A 1 M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. COUNTY OF HURON RENTAL VEHICLES WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 9, 1986, for three vehicles for the Huron County Health Unit. Particulars and specifications will be provided on request. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. B.G. Hanly SECRETARY -TREASURER HURON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH COURTHOUSE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. N7A 1M2 TEL.: 524-8394. - WANTED IN BAYFIELD Empty bottle dealer. For particulars contact: Mr. S.J. Mangle BREWER'S RETAIL GRAND BEND 238-2356 Full and Part -Time Position now open for YEAR-ROUND RESTAURANT IN BAYFIELD we have openings for •COOKS •WAITERS/WAITRESSES •BARTENDERS Phone for an appointment 565-2166 AiawattOOMISSMOilillP 28. Business opportunity SMALL FAMILY SIZE restaurant for lease, in Baytietd• area, Pho'nes 5652450.-1619 ARTICLES FOR SALE BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of in -stock inventory Widths 30.120', Heights 10.22 ft. All priced for im- mediate sole. Buy now, take spring delivery. Gulf Steel 1.416.828.6262.-0.16 , CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last New Technology eliminates Rusty... Smelly... Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. C.S.A. ap- proved. Proven in over 1.2,000,installations, Only 49 cents/day to own and operate. Ask about our FREE 6 -MONTH TRIAL OFFER. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water... It's your Right! Coll now 1.800.268-2656 (24 hrs.) or 1-(416)624.4344. AZTEC. -0.16 TEMPERED GLASS. 28" x 76" $30 per sheet. Sid Tatham, Woodworks (519) 537-2660.-0-16 NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned apple, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedings. Guaranteed 'delivery, reasonable prices. Free Catalogue, two weeks only. Golden Bough Tree Farm Marlbank, Ontario KOK 210.0-15,16 Best prices for all your needs In NEW WOOD 8 METAL working machines such as table saws, drill presses, grinders, band saws, hand tools, lathes, milling machines, power tools etc. Contact BUSY BEE MACHINE TOOLS for a Free catalogue. Over 10 years In service. 18 Basaltic Rd., Concord, Ont. L4K 1G6 (416) 738.1292.-0.16 NORITAKE CHINA Shop -at-home service. Start or add to your set with terrific discounts on all recent pat- terns. Specify your pattern name and number. For price list, shape, reference guide, and shipping details, send today a STAMPED Self-addressed Business envelope 10 Just Noritake, 158 Wanless Ave., Toronto, Ont. M4N 1W2.-0-16 HELP WANTED Train for a JOB with a Future... with Tri County Truck Driver Training. Job, search assistance available, Kit- chener 720 King E., (519) 743.5011. Brantford 300 Col- borne E., (519) 756.0223.-0.16 SWIMMING POOLS factory outlet clearing 1985 inven• tory of above ground pools. Complete package sold for $2,495, clearing at $1,495. Supply is limited. Call now (519) 653.0176.-0.16 PHARMACIST REQUIRED for community practice in Muskoka, year-round playground. 11/2 hours from Toronto. Excellent atmosphere and salary. Muskoka Drug,Mart, Box 2200, Bracebridge, (705) 64$•4615.. POB 1 CO. -0.16 STEEL BUILDING relocation sole - We are clearing out old stock - Save thousands. We won't be undersold. Phone Pioneer Sales Department collect for informa- tion. (416) 678.1585.-0.14.16 „, STEEL BUILDINGS. Miracle Span Winter Clearance. Ex- ample x 40 53,742, 40 x 58 55,555, 46 x 76 58,918. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with doors. Call tollfree 1.800.387.4910.-0.16 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TAXI BUSINESS Car's radio dispatched: Hardware Business only plus lease on premises: Commercial retail building with apartment: Selection of income properties: Cardinal Real Estate 8 General Insurance Broker Ltd., Box 419, Port Elgin, Ont, NOH 2C0 (519) 832-2510. (519) 797.2554.-0.16 VACATION PROPERTY LOG HOME BUILDERS Wanted - Professional builders required for company dedicated to quality croftsman• ship and innovative designs, in log and timber. All in- quiries In strictest confidence. Handcrafted Log & Timber Structures by Timothy J. Bullock Co. Ltd. (705) 466-2121 or 466-2505 evenings. -0-16' OVERSEAS POSITIONS. Hundreds of top paying post• tions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services, Dept. ON, Box 460, Mount Royal, Quebec, Canada H3P 3C7.-0.16 LIFE AGENTS/Brokers, Exceptional opportunity. First Class companies and product lines. On-going product seminars. Computerized support. Top commissions and bonus, comprehensive benefit package. In adds• tion, we offer 1st class supporit-in all areas of the Life industry. Call Dave Prince (416) 773.1635 (Toronto). -0.16 So simple EXTRA INCOME. Great for office employees, nurses, teachers, etc. Sell to co-workers, part or lull•time. New concept in direct selling. Wholesale prices, top quality hosiery, 37 colours no investment. The Stocking Shoppe (519) 323-1460 or (519) 323-1462.-0.16 PERSONAL NEW PRESTIGE ACQUAINTANCE SERVICE is an in• troduction bureau for unattached adults seeking lasting relationships. Successful, reliable, selective. Coll toll free 1.800.263.9163.--0-16 PAIN CONTROL without pills with electric impulse (T.E.N.S.) machine (as seen on T.V.'s Marketplace program). Moneyback • guaranteed satisfaction. Dealer inquiries invited. Toll free call 1.800.663.4350.-0.16 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air•conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, LegalMedical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide, West Toronto. 1-800.268-1121.-0.16 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction. Next class Aug. 9 • 16th, For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. (519) 469.3936. (519) 537.2115. P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, On• tarso, N0J 1M0,-0-16 , EVINRUDE POWERED 6 -passenger Houseboats. Cruise Spring Session begins May 15. Learn INCOME TAX the Trent system in luxury. Stereo, hot water, shower, preparation. Write U 8 R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina propane BBQ. Fully equipped, Call King's Marina Hwy. Winnipeg MB, R3T 286, for basic, advanced Fenelon Falls (705) 887.3321.-0.15.17 course brochures. No obligation. -0.16 MOORE LAKE INN, Haliburton Highlands. Relax fora NEW BOOKLET listing money making jobs you may week or a weekend. Country Inn charm and hospltali- never hove thought. of. Send 59.95 name and address ty. Fine dining, licensed restaurant and bor, fishing, to: Victor Publishing. Box 520, Palmerston, Ont. NOG boat rentals, golf and tennis nearby. Visci/M.C.. RR 1, 2P0,-0.16 Norland, Ont KOM 2L0. Coll collect Toronto (416) MISCELLANEOUS 622.6514 or (705) 454.1753.-0.16 BONNIE VIEW INN. Modern rooms, deluxe suites, lux" FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or ury cottages with fireplaces, hot tub, sauna, boating, are not using all the tax breaks available, Phone us golf nearby, children's activities, A peaceful oasis in a today! 1985 tax return in your home. FARM BUSINESS busy world. Call 1705) 457=2350, RR 2, Holiburton, Ont. CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St, E„ London, NSV 2Z9. KOM 150.-0 16: Coll toll-free 1.800.265.1002. In business year round - Limited space available on inclusive, ESCORTED -I TOURS to EXPO '86, Voncouver. Only June 28th and ThOnt® tIt September 1 ® y way 21h departures still available. Coll Clore I YOUR g® Burt Travel 1.800.268.3090.-0.16 1. ad In 2.5 million houses POLLED HEREFORD BULL Sole Saturday,, ay 3rd, 1:00 In Canada for p.m. of the FARM. 50 yearling bulls and'O few select I two year olds. High herd health standards. No bulls I sold prior to sale, R.O.P. Performance tested. Onon• 11 doge Farms, RR 2, St. George, Ontario NOE 1NO (519) I 448.1992 or (5'19)448.1/49:-0.13,16 .....^ LIVESTOCK 1 FARM SERVICES I FARMED$ EJxperiencing heeleela) difficulties, There may be aifs of Salving your prnbi.Oms that you are I •wAd by PiIC• Your Blanks* liiifisrlfled riot aware of Oar further infafthotlott tnntdef Syi•Mor I CCfliha one f f Out MOW Clfied ads Findntfdi ConiuNonti (519) 44941109.-0.16 $659." or In 1,241,807 homes In•Ontarlo for $195.00 I visors** your nearest weekly newspaper WANTilbTOBUY I offlcafordetalls, Luckltow 5282822 ALiDt5t3t4 1wo•tOl act (416) 6 tit iiss wooled, a eCIITII011 482.3443 W'a[kertdn 8814800 up fe l;lilt�, Cnil rdflett 6B8.14�0. Please call even Se ftlrfh f;2?•61246 Mitchell 348.8431 alt t iso �• Goderich 524.2814 KlnCerdine 396.2963 8.. paying if. you ihlhix yoy hiwo one. --0.16 owe too ; ,i;,, ms -ie (rrr rrtrtrtliii weer aifrr clew via Dart_ s