HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-04-02, Page 5• t.. .`overs have an experience of a lifetime . s Wall page 1 Att'alia,l!tew Zealand and our represen- ttatives from Canada made up the Fifth Asia Pacific Rover Scout'Moot held in Ric- carton Park, Christchurch, New Zealand. The sleeping accommodations for the participants were in a grandstand. Because it was the end of summer, the temperatures allowed sleeping in sleeping bags. The motto of the moot was "Have A Go." According to Brian, everyone was en- couraged to try something new, ex- perience something different and that is exactly what the entire Canadian group did. "The kids were super," said Mrs. Bechtel. "They mingled with everyone. They didn't stay in one group." .� The group of eight were in for a surprise when they arrived at the moot, finding they were the Canadian representatives. "We thought we were only representing Clinton, but we found out we were representing all off Canada," -said Mrs. Bechtel, who explained that she and her husband sat at the head table during the closing ceremonies and Rev. Bechtel presented a flag on behalf of Canada. The moot allowed the Rovers to partake in several activities and the Clinton Rovers brought back three trophies. The first was a shooting trophy for the top town competition. To win this, the group took part in an activity similar to an obstacle course. The second award was won by Dave and Shawn and three Australians. . "You needed five people to entire the° tug-of-war contest and an Australian team only had three people. Dave and I volunteered to help," explained Shawn. Because the three Australians live at op- posite ends of the country, they decided to let the Canadians take the trophy home. "Tug-of-war is an Australian sport so the boys were surprised when they won," said Mrs. Bechtel. "The others were bigger but Shawn and Dave were pulling so hard I was hoping they wouldn't hurt their backs." • Mrs. Bechtel said Shawn received some rope burns but other than that, they came through with flying colors. "I can't remember cheering that much before," she laughed. The final award the group brought home was a plaque which all overseas groups received for participating. Some of the other activities enjoyed by the group were jet boating, ice skating, pistol shooting and horse back riding. Margie participated in the Miss Moot Contest and did very well and Brian par- ticipated in the Iron Rover Competition. For the Iron Rover Competition, par- ticipants had to kayak 1.75 km, run 6 km, and cycle 6 km. He finished in a time of 63 minutes and one second. The top time was approximately 50 minutes. For the Bechtels it was an experience of a,life time. "We Slidn't know what to expect, we'd never been to one before," said Mrs. Bechtel. Do It Again When asked if they, would participate in The First Clinton Rovers were greeted at the Clinton Town Hall when they returned from their Australian and New Zealand trip. The group left on March 7 and returned home on March 30. The weary travellers were surprised to find 53 people' had turned out to welcome them home. The travellers are: (back, left), Margie Wise, Greg, Carter and Brian Phillips. (Front, left), Elain Bechtel, Shawn Semple, Dave Moffat and Rev. Jim Bechtel. Absent from the picture is Vickie Cantelon. ( Aline Narejko photo) another moot, Greg said, "It was an ex- perience and I'd do it again." Shawn felt it was great because he had the chance to meet and make friends from the other side of the world and Brian said it was rewarding just talking to people he had never meet before for three or four hours at a time. As for Dave, "It was excellent...cultural- ly enhancing." The overall trip provided the eight par- ticipants with a chance to meet new people as well as experience a different lifestyle. One of the elements that amazed the group was the food. "They eat beats with just about everything," said Dave. Brian also. explained that milk isn't milk as we know it, but comes in banana, strawberry and Okie Pokie flavors as well. (They said no one had the courage to find out what okie pokie really was. ) Welcome Home Because it was Easter Sunday when the group landed in Toronto, Vickie had to dropped off in Oakville so she 'could get readyfor, school apd.missed out on the reception at the . Clinton .Town Hall. However, the remaining seven travellers received a warm welcome home by friends, family, council members, and Mayor John Balfour. • "We really. appreciate the reception at town hall. It was nice that so many people came out on an Easter Sunday," said Mrs. Bechtel. Overwhelming Trip The trip was overwhelming for the en- tire group and picking one highlight was a difficult task. Shawn felt the moot was the best part of the trip because of all the new people, he met. Dave enjoyed learning about the lifestyle and Brian was taken with the beautiful country side and friendliness of the people. Greg looked at the experience in a dif- ferent way. "I enjoyed the entire trip, but the best part was getting home. Their country is beautiful, but looking at our country from the plane showed that we have a beautiful country too." Fund Raising To date, $21,000 has been raised by the Rovers, their parents and their leaders., However, it was the generosity of many local service clubs and organizations that made the trip possible„ ; Mrs. Bechtel said.tl'e moot participantt were amazed that eight people from a town of only 3,100 could raise so much money. She feels that the amazement is not only a tribute to the Rovers, but to the people who supported the Rovers'Arip. p.IDITTON NEWS4CORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL, s --Pa AN.N,l..1.L.NCEMENT• R®1. BURNSIDE .44 ASSOCIATES (STRATFORD) consulting Municipal Engineers and Planners will be relocating its office to 330 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD, ONTAIZ10 NSA 3H8 Telephone 271-5111 commencing April 1st, 1986 NOTICE ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING 1'he Clinton Public Hospital will be holding its Annual Corporation Meeting on June 9, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. (2000 hours) at the Auburn Community Centre, Auburn, Ontario. The meeting is open to all Cor- poration members and guests. The meeting will be preceded by a dinner with a guest speaker, Rev. Father Joseph Nelligan, at 6:30 p.m. (1830 hours). Admission to the dinner is by ticket only at 37.50 person, available from any Board member or from the hospital. Business to be transacted: (A) Reading the; (1) minutes of previous meeting (ii) report of the Board including financial statement (iii) report of the unfinished business from any previous meeting of the Corporation (iv) report of the Chief Executive Officer (v) report of the Auditor (vi) report of the Medical Advisory Committee (vii) report of the Auxiliary (0) New business (C) Election of Governors, and (D) The appointment of auditors to hold office until the next Annual Meeting Anyone wishing to represent their name for governor for election must do so as per Section 3 of the Corporation's Administrative By-laws which reads: "Subject to Section 4 and all other provisions of these By-laws, nominations for election as Governor at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation may be made, only by; (A) the nominating Committee of the Board, or (B) members of the Corporation provided that each nomination by members; (1) is in writing and signed by at least two members in good standing; and (11) Is accompanied by a written declaration: signed by the nominee that he will serve as a Governor in accor4anco these By-laws if elected; and! •(111) .1s submitted to 'andreceived WNW Sokretary sit 'least' thirty (30) days before the date of the Annual Meeting." D.C. Steyn Secretary to the Board We've been here three years, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and friends for making this -possible. IN APPRECIATION we are offering this SPECIAL MENU this weekend, from Thursday, April 3 to Sunday, April 6. Ham Steak 4.75 Ground Beef Steak 4.75 Baby Beef Liter 4.75 Breaded 4.75 Pork Cutlet........ .- Pork Sausages 4.15 Fish and Chios 4.75 All the above include potatoes, soup or juice, coffee or tea, and dessert. HOT SANDWICHES AND DELUXES Hot Roast Beef Sandwich 3.95 Hot Turkey 3.95 Sandwich Idestern Omelette 3.75 Corn Beef 75 on Rye Deluxe... .. �.. +. Hamburger Deluxe 3.75 All the above include potatoes, SWAPO" juice; NOW o'rteei add dessert. 63 ALBERT ST. CLINTON 482.76 7 Master Card and Visa Welcome LIOENSED UNDER L.L.D. :. 0 eft Monday -Saturday? am- phi Sundays-and.Holidays 8 am -8 pr NEWS TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT ANNE NAREJICO - EDITOR Howard Aitken, publisher of the Clinton News -Record is pleas- ed to onnornco .the appolntnent of Anne Narejko os Editor. Anne opt Previously sports editor at the News -Record aired hos been with Si n 7I -Star Oublishing for, 2V years. Clinton News -Record