Exeter Times, 1903-6-18, Page 8«+,,. , .... ,'inn •',7rif,+�d5r Good Mugs for Endu 3 g of June 17c, the yard For new black Grenadine Muslin; with eneill white Spot, very pretty. 15e. the yard For new Black Muslin, withfancy embroidered stripe. Swell for dresses, 20c. the yard For yery pretty new designs in open stripe Black Muslins, 25c. the yard For our best Black Grenadine Mueliu, fancy `stripe. These are up to -date in every way, 80. the yard For new white lace stripe 111uslns, splendid values, 123c. the ya"d For a lovely range of new White Median ,very pretty for Waists or dresses,. 15e. the yard For new White Muslins, the latest new embroidery effect 85c. the yard For a lovely new Black Wool Voile. Just as pretty as can be. 5c.and For a very special black and white Snow Flake Dress ;goods correct for suits or odd skirts,. iG C RSR STORE J STE WAFRT A Dollar is not Much But it will start a Savings Account with us. `Start one, it will be useful some day. BRRNGtIES in Huron Gountu at Exeter, Graditon, WltriGl] and Glinton. - We offer exceptional inducements to farmers wanting ito borrow money to buy cattle, etc. The Sovereign Bank of Canada GLADMAN & STANBURY, F. E. KARN Solicitors, Manager Exeter Branch. For Marriage Licenses9 Wedding Rings, Westetees, Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles Etc CALL ON R HICk5 Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisenaente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, JUNE 18Ter,1903. Locals Mrs. Hatter is visiting friends in London. Mr. R. H. Sweet was in Seaforth on Tuesday of this week.' Mrs. O'Neil, of Liman, is visiting her son Mr. B. S. O'Neil. Mr. John Hawkshaw spent Satur- day and Sunday in London. J. G, Stanbury was at the County Town on legal business Saturday. Mrs. Will J. Clark, of London, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Peart,Huron st. A large number of our citixens at- tended the circus in London on Mon- day. Miss Ruth Rollins, of Detroit, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Pearl Rollins. Mr. W. J. Heaman spent this week with the 33rd regiment in Camp at London. Mrs.D . Dauncy spent Sunda an Monday with friendin Wyoining and Sarnia. Mrs, Russell, of Lindsay, is aguest of her daughter, Mrs. R.J. M. Perkins at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs. I. Johns and child, of Tuckersmith, visited their cousin, J.G. Stanbury on Friday. Miss Stella Gregory is home from Normal School, Hamilton havingeome pleted her course. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins is in London this week at a meeting of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron. Rev. Mr. McDonagh will occupy the pulpit at James street church -at both services on Sunday next, June 21st. Mrs. 'Will T. White and Miss Greta, of Ottawa, and Mrs. W. Collins, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs.John White. Miss Fyfe, nurse, of Chicago, who is a member of the White Cross Associa- tion is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. J. Gurney. Mrs. Osborne • Miss Osborne and son,of Listowel were visitors with Mr. and Mrs Richard GidIey the first part of the week. Mrs. J. Spackman and Mrs. and Miss Fowell went to Grand Bend on Wed- nesday where they will occupy a cot- tage for a few weeks. Mr. E. W. Gladman was called to Peterborough last week owing to the serious illness of his father. He re- turned home again on Saturday. Mrs. (Dr.) Will Browning and son, Caledonia, Minn. and her mother, Mrs. Gould arrived here on Fri- day and will visit with friends for some time, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY . . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Table is All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature s on each box. 25c. Prize lists for Torouto Exhibition , to be held from August 27th to Sep- tember 12th, are now • ready, and can be had on addressing J. 0,. Orr, Man - ager, Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, Ont. The Weekly Math with a premium picture, will be sent to any address from now until January next for 50c. The Weekly Mail and the EXETER TIMES until January first 1901 for 75 cents. Mies Ella Rollins who has spent the past few weeks here a>;ad at Seaforth amo»g friends, left for her home in Detroit oft Saturday. Miss Pearl Rollins accompanied her returning home on Monday. The Excursion on. Saturday last to Sarnia and Detroit was not as well patronized as it otherwise might have been owing to the very disagreeable weathenit being too cold to autrcipate much comfort in a boat trip. Mr, T. H. Rollick, who fol 17 years has been a xneiebee et the teaching staff of the St. Maeyrr Oollegiate Itstr- tate has resriguecl, his position, his, res- iggnatton to take erect at the end of the present term, The Independent Order of Torres- ters will assemble at their hall on Sun- day morning next and march to the Main street Methodist church where a sermon will be delivered by the pas- tor, Rev, R, Millyard. Members are requested to meet at lodge room at 10 p• DI, W. ',Talbot, who sold out his bazaar busincer here has purchased a stock in Searorth and moved his bousee hold effects from here last Friday. We wish Mr. Talbot success in his undertaking and would bespeak for him the patronage of the people of Seaforth. T UG TFUIL, ' ;"- .. ,t,.; *4,4'ih. .,""a,. cc,. v .7ax.... ii :.r=Z•<,4ip: PERSY : .1\1 ILL NOT OVERLOOK the exceptionally low piices WW at °which we are offering g En lish and Canadian Tweeds ads. and Scotch Worsted Suiting;. It is a good oppor- tunity to get ar ordered Suit at :readl reduced prices. Th.e y.g y l reason is, we want to make room for our Fall Goods, and. are closing our spring stock at the following reduced prices, � p g g p English Tweed Suits achePantings $4.50 and $5,00, for $3.75 were $18 now......".,. ODD salt. and $4. - English. Tweed Suits 14 Pantings $5,50 and $6.50 for 5.50 were $17, now....... and $4.50. $ Oanadian Tweed Suits in Fancy Scotch Worsted were $10, now.......$18, .. «�.+� Suits were 18 19 for �V , $ ,$ , Shell Suits for. o . $7 5 Also Salt's Belwarp Serge; and .Coatings,. guaranteed Sun roof and Sea p proof. Call and look over our stock before ordering. i$. Tt doesnot cost you anYthg to have a loop at them. They are all iea. If You. need a suit it will pay you to call. M.erchat Tudor, Main St, Exeter. FRUIT JARS We have just received a, shipment of Fruit Jars (Imperial) in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons, and as you will be canning strawberries and other fruits you may need cans and rubbers, or maybe you will need a. new Preserving Kettle We have them in all• sizes, also all kinds of granitewear at reduced prices. Lovelu Wedding Prosonts tor rrottu June Brides. June is the month of wedding, You may want a present for a friend, if so, ethan inspect cannot do better our stock. We have them at all prices. See our North Window for Combs and Brushes. Gliarltou's Bzdr Levetts Old Stand. NULL Fs ROWE ccstmeaxgnalcsusasoluawavlowucwaffinamw This week we aro offering Special Vague in Muslins. See ours Fancy Stripe Meslins ]n Scarce goods, black and white. Polka bleak, navy and Linen, Newest thin, dot and Stripe Muslin;, they are to be for stammer dresses, only 25c a yd. had. at Snell & Rowe'; for 20c yard. Fancy Stripe Muslin; in blue and We have some nice White Muslins, pink, we are going to clear them out fancy stripe, nice for cluldrens dresses at Lae a yard, orwaist°, selling at 10c. Curtain Net ,d.:pligne Border, now- A very pretty line of Art Muslins, est thing for sash anti door Curtains, goods you expect to pay 10c for you only 80e yard, can buy them this week for 50, 'e mention one special line of Lace Ctzrt<ains $1.50 a pair. StulisliN661( War a - Llai BM& Ladiee' Silk Collars trimmed with See our display of Silk Belts in black Ilace and insertion in black and white, and white from 25c to $100, blue and white,very dainty, 50e. Patent Leather Belts 150 to 25c Very pretty Wash Collar, white, edged with, green, red, bine and linen, Medallion and Button Trimming, only 25c A few Ladies' ready-to-wear Skirts going at a price Black, Colored and Fancy WoolAsk to see ouspecial line of cream Dress Goods, all clearing at a price. ( r cashmere, only 321.2c. yard. ' Finestrange of Valencinnes Laces and Insertions in town from 2c to 7o per yard. Summer Corsets, Ladies' Dip Hip Corset, the newest thing, The biggest bargain in Exeter, 50c per pair. Wool Rugs very lane quality, beautiful colorings. Regular price $3.25, for $2,85. The Brussel. Post says: -"It is once more reported that the appointment of Registrar and Crown Attorney in the Co. of Huron will shortly be made and the names of el. Y. McLean, See - forth, and Chas. Seager, of Goderich, are mentioned as the probable ap- pointees. The W, M. S. held their quarterly tea at the home of Mrs. Robert Kers- $ ake. It was one of the largest gath- erings the Auxiliary ever had on such an occasion. Both Mr, and Mrs, Kers- lake proved by their kindness and hospitality that the Society was yery welcome to meet at their home. The regular meeting of the South Huron Woman's Institute will be held in:the library of the Town hall on Friday the 19th at3 p. m. all mem- bers are requested to be present as very important business must come before , this meeting. MRs. (Dn.) SwEET, Secretary -Treasurer. The case of Bellback vs Ross came up at the County Court at Goderich on Tuesday last and upon applieatlon of the solicitor for the defendant it was struck off the list and the plaintiff will be in for the costs. L. E. Delaney, Goderich, appeared for the plaintiff, and J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, for the defendant. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco- Bobs' Currency and Fair Play chew, ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1904. -THE EMPIRE To- BACCO Co. LIMITED. At high noon to -day iii St. Luke's church, Toronto, the, marriage will be celebrated of Miss May, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gregory, to Mr. William Orison Miller, of roronto. The bridal couple arrive in town this evening for a short visit with the bride's parents. She will receive with her mother to -morrow (Friday) after- noon and evening. FOR O VERSIST Y IMAM AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REnw»r. Mc Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for'' over sixty years by millions o2 mothers for then children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paid Dares wind colic. and is the best remedy for 1')iarrhosa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold;, by druggists in every part of the world. 25" cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable; Be sure and take Mrs Winelow's Soothing r no other kind. Syrup and natio An exchange says.- Not a hundred miles from Smith's Falls the girls of a progressive village are credited with haying started a new game which they usually play Sunday evening. The girls take one side of the road and re- present The young present C r y y g men line up on the other side and represent the heathen. Then the heathen, em- brace Chrfstanity. It is reported to be very popular. Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon,Ocu- list and specialist of diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday, July 1 ; Wednesday, August 5 ; Wed- nesday, September. 2 ; Wednesday, September 30 ; Wednesday, Novem- ber 4 ; Wednesday, December 2 1903. Spectacles and eyeglasses properly fitted. Next visit will be Wednesday,. July lst. The death is announced of Mr, Alex- ander Dickson, of Arkona which oe curred on May 31st at the age of 57 years: Deceased was a resident of London f rr many years and in 1860 went to A.rkona where he has since that time owned and operated a large woollen mill. 13e was married four times, his wife who now survives was Miss Jennie Pickard, of Exeter. Tey this marriage there is one daughter,, Miss Dorothy Dickson. The Connor Bros. of Woodstock, who run a machine shop in that place have opened a branch machine shop in Lang's old building, station road, Exeter. They have but in new and up•to=date machinery and are peepar- Fancy Eve are sole agents for Queen best wearing, Quality Shoe, best fitting soe on the market,. nal woLadies' Lace and Button` Dongola Shoes, sizes 3, 4, and 5, only °few ' pelt left at 85 cents. ed to handle all classes of repair work such as agricultural implements and mill work. Mr. Walter Connor is. looking after the shop here and ex- pects to be ready for work the latter peat of this week. If you need any repairs call and see him. The • public may send newspapers abroad much more cheeply now than was formerly the case, so there is no excuse for not remembering one's friends, on the ground of high post- age. The Postmaster is informed that the following additional British Col- onies have consented to receive Can- adian newspapers at the same rates of postage and under the same regu- lations as if such matter were addres- sed to any post office in Canada, namely ; British Honduras, Ceylon, Gambia, Sarawak, Transvaal, and Zanzibar. Thorea.s Lipton's two racing yachts, conveyed by the steamers Erin and Cruiser, arrived at New York Sunday. Their arrival was first anode known by wireless telegraphy long before they were in sight of Sandy Hook This voyage was rather uneventf the two yachts became separated o the way to Azores, but stayed - Company after that. They had roug weather Friday hut no damage w done. Shamrock III is rigged with sloop rig and top mast. Every ves in the harbor saluted the Irish ya as they were:towedin. A statistical year book of Caned for the year 1902 has been issued. Several new features are introduced, and as far as possible, the information contained in the book has been brought dowu to the end of December 1902. In the case of the trade statis- tics the information is brought down to the end of December 1902. Indeed in the case of trade statistics the in- formation is brought down to the end of February 1903, The Minister of Agriculture has provided for an in- crease of 1,220 in the number printed this year, as compared with 1901. MOULDERS WANTED.-Accustor:ned to ger eral work, and who want to learn stove plate. Apply giving ex- perience, xperience, references, etc. -The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto, EGGS FOR HATCHING. - For sale, pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs, non -set- ters, per sitting 50c., also good, early seed potatoes, thoroughly tested"nur- sery stock, 5c. per pound. S. POWs Exeter. e. ` e.wei Soox L -The willing workers';• of the Triyitt Memorial church intend giving a lawn social on the Rectory grounds on Friday the 26th of Jane. Music will be provided by the Orches- tra,ice cream and refreshments will be served. Admission 10c. s' WANTED. - Mouldeies'-Ii al ers. Young men who have had experience, ence , and want, to attain greater experience over a larger range of work, princi- pally stove, plate.-Tbe Gurney Foun- dry Co., Limited, Toronto. NOTICEe-All persons who are owing the late Jas. Willis, lumber merchant, Exeter,requested to call are q and d n set- tle same on or before first of July af- ter that date they will be placed in our solicitor's hands for collection, when costs will be added. A LIBERAL OFFER. - The TE.IES and Family rrerald and Star, Montre- al, for the balance of 1903 for 05c. and to all who subscribe before July15 we will include the two pictures, ,'Purity ann Alone". The two pictures alone are worth the price. This is a special offer to increase our subscrip- tion rapidly. Fon, SALE. -1 top buggy; 1 Portland cutter,nearly new ; 2 heavy one horse waggons, one a Chatham wagon and a rack for same; 1 set heavy one horse sleighs ; two sets single harness, one nearly new, rubber mounted ; 1 set heavy single harness ; 1 cultivator; 1 plow ; 1 harrow ; 1 straw cutter. Private sale. Apply .to Mas. WIr Lis. SooiAL.--On Friday .evening next the ladies of Main street Methodist church will give an entertainment in the basement, of the church and a cot' - dial invitation is extended to mem- bers of the congregation and others to be present and spend a pleasant even ing. Light refreshments will be ser- ved and a program rendered, There will be no admission fee but a free-will offering is asked for. Proceeds to be applied to the Parsonage fund. CONVENTION. - A, convention for Christian Endeavor and Sabbath school workers of Huron county, will be held in the Presbyterian church, Blyth, on Thursday and Friday of this week. Thursday will be devoted to` Sunday school topics, An address will also be given by J. A. Jackson, B. A., of Toronto,general Sunday school secretary, On Friday, the EndeavorCarryn will meet and discuss subjects of prim- ary importance their branchchurh work. pecial addresses wilAND MAKE PRICESEASY be given by Rev. D. N. Camus, of Sarnia, and Rev. E. H. Sewers, of Brucefield. It is expected that there will be a large attendance of delegates fr.m all parts of the county. CA»LING Hot Weather Wants r UMMER IS NOW HERE and we are preparedfor it with a full range of cool goods for comfort during the warm season. If in need of anything in summer goods call and see our nice display a few of which we draw 3 -our spec- ial attention 0101 V i eCot- tonfull line of silk Taffeta, G st' t ton in plain and fancy fro&n 15 to 60c. Rom All sizes in Women's Misses and Children's Liele thread at 25e, Cotton fast colors 10 to 25o. Wilit6 ' ai. is We have bead a big season in those a few choice ones left which we will sell cheap. GOFSCtS In white and dove. The new sum- mer corset made of Percale, straighb front and bias cut only 50c. Golored Silirt ai t A lot of odd waists your choice for 50c - fa G � 1� Only a few pieces left, come and gab the newest in a white waist or dress before they are all gone. Remnant Sale If you want a snap come and see our Remnant Counter. You will find Remnants of all kinds which we will clear" out at less than half price, We are making a clean , sweep of all the remnants in the store and every one is a :,bar- gain. . Frnittfte a d n ertaki AN UP-TO-DATE, BUSINESS. -Mr, . Follicle wishes to announce to the itizens of Exeter, and surrounding country that for refreshing cool drinks he is now prepared to serve the best having recently added to his already well equipped ice-cream parlors anew soda water fountain from which flows cool sodas of different flavorings, the purest and best. An electric fau hav- ing recently been added you can sit and enjoy its breezes while you par- take of a dish - of our delicious ice- cream, all flavors. Cupid has been' at work and as a result the nuptials of a number are announced to take place this leafy month of June, To hay your wedding cake and oonfectione up-to-date we have just received f' . m w York the newest cake ornan eats. in t ' •.st unique designs: AGAIN HOi. c D. -We have pleas- ure in publishing the following clip- . ping from the St. Catharines Daily 1Journal, which has reference to a former Exeter boy, and .son of Mrs. Sweet, Huron street: "The many 'friends of Ald. Sweet, one of the lead- ing druggists of our city, will be pleased to know that he has again been elected by acclamation as the member for this district, comprising Lincoln, Wentworth and Welland counties, on the Pharmacutical Coun• cif of this Province. At the last election in 1901, after a very strong contest with a Hamilton man;, Mr. Sweet won by a large majority and now being returned by acclamation fully demonstrates the confidence the druggists of this district have in hint to regulate their future and as being alive to the best interests of the dru trade. The Journal joins Mr. Sweet's many friends in this city and vicinity 'n congratulating him on being honor - d in this manner." The Teams joins with Mr. Sweet's friends in this local- ity in congratulations. W. O. T. U• 1VoTEs.-"A little girl whose older brother's lack of compas- sion ompas- sion for smallcreatures distressed her offered this prayer at bedtime me . '0 Lord, don't let the little birds get into Robbie's cage in the garden. Please don't let them 1 Oh, I know they won't l they can't 1 Au,en' ". "What makes you 90 certain, my child, said her mother ?" "Why 'caus 1 went out in the garden and smashed the trap." We pray for souls threatened by the traps,of Satan,.but that is not enough, the traps will have to be mov- ed. Let our churches cease to pray for those while they by their vote and lax influence do not do that which they have in their power to do. It takes one boy out of every five boys to feed the liquor tr.Lffic. Whose boy is it going to he ? ;lust as likely as not yours, christian roan and wornen it is truly time that our churches should awake out of sleep. In Mani- toba 22 candidates pledged to prohi- bition are now in the field for the Manitoba legislature, Uutil the peo- ple of Ontario place prohibition men in power, Mr. Roes nor any other leader can carry into effect prohibi- tory laws. -sins, EI,'LIOTT, Press Sec. SOUTit Hu noN FARMERS' INSTITUTE -The annual meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Institute was held in Miller's hall, Hensel], on Tuesday June fhb.' The president, Mr. D. Mc- Linke c Innis, of Exeter, presided, The direc- tors report for the past year• showed that two regular and six supplement- ary Institute meetings had been held during the year. The attendance at these meetings was not so large as in some :former years,' the falling of be - W. C. • raduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. T Furniture FOR ALL Opera Hquse Block. iture! ur .. iture! -AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un- dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce o the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the largest and best stock of Furniture in the county. -. A visit to our store ,will convince that we are selling at the closest margins possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and get our prices before placing orders elsewhere, We do alt kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing on the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction ,guaranteed with every purchase. - Undertakers and Funeral Director6 Hawn "i ; J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduate of Embalming College, Torontoe ing accounted for by the unusually stormy and inclement weather pre- vailing when the 'meetings were held It was also reported that Womans Institutes had been formed at Han- sen, Exeter and Bayfield. The mem- bership for -the year was 182. The financial statement showed that the year had been commenced with a bal- ance in the treasury of $163.88 and the receipts amounted to $323.47, while the expenditure for the year amounted to $179.80, thus leaving a balance in the treasury at the close of the finan- cial year of $309.11. This is a good nest egg with which to commence the operations of the new year. The fol- lowing l - ]owing were elected directors for the ensueng year: Exeter, D. McInnis, H. Smith and W, Carling ; Stepben. William Lewis, S. Brokeushire and W. S. Sanders Hay, E. Geis. B. S. Phillips and R McMordie ; Stanley, John Ketcben, W. Cooper, Thos. Fra- ser, . John McNaughton and R. Snow- den : Tuckersmith, J. B. Henderson, R. B. McLean and George Black Seaforth. M. Y. McLean; Ushorne, John Allison, Richard Hunter and Robert Gardiner ; Hensall, John Eider and W. 3. Miller. Jobn MCNevin, Tuckerstnith, and Wm. Monteith, Usborne, were elected auditors. Mr, Richard Del bridge, of Ushorne, who had been a director for a great many years and who was a est useful and indefatigable worker in the interests of the Institute,was, by an unanimous. vote, made an hononary life member, It was also decided to grant thirty dollars, to he divided equally between the three Women's Institutes to aid them in their work, The directors were recommended to held their regu- lar Institute meetings at Brucefield and Exeter, as usual, and supplemen- tary meetings at Seaforth, Farquhar,. Crediton. Grand Bend, Hensel' and Varna.-- At a meeting of the new board of directors subsequently held, Mr. Thomas Fraser, Stanley, was appointed president ; Mr. D. McInnis, Exeter, vice-president, and Mr, S. Smillie, Hensel.wasreappointed sec- retarytreasureer. Mt Institute meet- ingrs recommended by the annual meeting will be arranged for at a meeting of thed abettors i ectors to be held later on, GO TO THE RolYer Mili For Pure Manitoba Family F6ur (Stab Pastry (Princess) Wheatlet (Breakfastfood) A , good supply of Mill Fee and.Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial. and be convinced that it is all right, Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. flfi V Y Bl MILLER'S e have not advanced the price of . W our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco:, Bobs, Currency, and Fair Play chew ing tobaccos are the sine size • and rice to the Consumer as forrn'erly.. peke have also extended th a times for the redemption of Snows gs to p >sr January 1st 1904. -'-Tann E en To> ACt'O Co. LIMITED*