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Exeter Times, 1903-6-18, Page 5
et the Nost Out of Your Food YOU don't and ean't if your stomach Weak. A weak etonaach does not di- gest all that is ordinerily taken into It gets tired easily, and what, it fails to digest is vsested. Airiong the signs of a 'weak stomach Are uneasiness alter eating, fits of ner! vous headache, and dieagreeable beloh- Jug. "I have lane troubled with despepala tor years, and trled every remedy 1 beard of, but never et)! anythirg that gave me relief nntll 1 iot.k linowe flarimparillit, 1 cannot praise odivine t4.•;o highly for the good it hits ,leue too. 1 blways take it in the sprint"; alit' ft:11 it tva Aroiagi tiOt be without lt," W. A; Onte nee = G.' nrs7 Strengthette and tome; the 2tomach and the *hole digeetive syetem. -THE ATLAS L0.4.11 CRASH, AND ITS WARNING The sinister significance of theAllas "Loan .failure is now revealed. The' manager, Mr. 1Vallane, states that he kas lost everything, and that many of• his relatives are in tLo same pose - tion, This being the, ease there is little hope that investors and deposh ore in general will come out; any jaehter. The temporary liquidator is the National Trust Company, until a permanent liqueelator is appointer:Us yet no official, statement it• given to the public beyond the signed note giv- en out by Mr, Wallace, regarding hie personal sitatateen. , Reviewing tbe position of tbe AtItta Loan and Saving e Company, the Mem tary Times 'quoting a !message from St. Thomas that "the e,ompany has the lselk of the savings of the people of this !city and district, owing- to its payment of a high rate of interest,' ateene rfos : • "This policy of paying more for de- posits than 'the .current market rate is- not lone LO be eommended. As. a rule, it means that the eoncern or the man who pays the excessive rate has aome epeoulative object in vie:, and it causes the experienced business erten to think that there is much san- ity about the proverb, or the Duke of Wellington's dictum, that high in.. tempt means bad seourity. , But in addition to this there is a matter which deserves to be brouglat" to note s It is not wise( for a com- pany whirch takes the deposits of the eleopte to invest them in speculative securities. 'Ana it would eopean, from the fact of the company's closing its 4,00rs the gay t atter A. E Amen* & -Co. dosed theirs, that this is what -ems the Atlas 'has been doing. A. glance at the Ontario Blue Book of lean tiara. - the Ontario Blue. Book of loan cox- panies for recent years may help us to understand the ease. • A few yeara ago this company was •doing- a modest business in borrowing from fermers ainl. others on deposit or debenture Jae 3 34 to 4 1-4 par cent • and tending on mortgage or other 'se- curity at 5 1-2 to 6.1 per cent. Ibhae at the tclose of 113•08, may $748.860 loan., od on mortgages, and held as its own property, stocles. bonds and debentur- es to the amount of •$13.073. Its liabilities to the public were $599,848 And ,W its own shareholders $153.08 for caottal paid in, of which St53,448 :was in the shape of a reserve fund. At that 'time, business was done in a valet, coraterveteive way. Hon. Beebe eard Itareourt was president, and. the direetors were nine in number, '.',NeW light seems to have come to e managsr Anil -thy afterwards, how. °vex, for in 1900 and 1901 themethods of ,business were greatly !changed. !At the !close of the latter year the com- pany had ineneested, Itts borrowings from 0.99,000 (to $1,00.725, .araltits re serve fund •from $56000 to $78,000 in 11900, amt $268.718 reserve and, con- tingent in 1901, without 'saving used any more of its shareholders' money than in e$08. How as this: riesersp fund accumulated? .1slot by the, ordin- ary leMcling mortgo.ge at a Ipirota, of one ,a,n:d a ;half or two onie !nags. over the borrowing rate °or, t ainly, for two per gent. on a million of borrow etd 'money for twelve monthia would only yield, $2000, and six Ver cense on shareholders' money for the. same per Rod wouldrieteld 5'1.6.000, motet -bang in all • 08,000.. Whereas for the small sum •of $78,900 in 1.900 the ire- , verve fund auddeolor goes un tof$ 268, 118ea gain of $100,718 inethe iwelve mon tbs. •' • "Again the elotraebar o.f tbc ase vets underwent; a thange as well. 'At the close of 1898 the main assets con- 4sisted of '(a) mortgoges on §748,868, and (b) stocke, bonds and de, de,pentures owned, $13e.673, the total Assets being $;950,e97., By the'close of the year 1901 the item (a) had decrees ed she f$343,4'02 lent on mortgages, Tivthile the itetra (b) NVOIS: swelied to "stocks, bonds and bebeinturee $.9110,- 41.9," besides •eome $139,000 British Government Censols and War Loans. "Plainly, then, 'with much increased teseources in 'theshape of borrowed money, it had deliberatelylessened its mortgage -lending business and gene • to buying, selling and holding stocks end betide instead. How elseecould. snow euhe n profit in so 'short a time? "et increa,sed ,t(he zate,s paid, for de- posits too, frrarn 3,4 per eerie. in '1900 see-razerzmonttnengsmtaxammsnrii A Bad reatll •A bad breathmean a bad stomach, a had digestion,, a • bad liver. Ayer's Pills are fiver pills. • They cure cori- stipation, biliousness, dys.' • pepsia, sick headache. • 25.. All dreeeiste. newt vett rnoueteree or beard leauttiftd brown or rich black? Ilion uso BUCKINONAM'S DYE wfV1Iteerei 00 Orto. 0.bqua4wra, on P. HAM. at 00.) Otef4MA, to 4.7 !per tient. Ln r 1.001, '3itelalahUr Joan Votelparliee and ell the banks bad for years been naying only 3 3.2,e -end reported its rates of Interest roared on mortgagea and other securities tse "from 3 to 7 per teent." In the letter Ylear. The mop ore et 1PO2 sf etat so emperor is still MOM atrikingt. It showa s t oohs lbonds and debeot urea owed. to bet:ween 700 aed 800 thous- and dollars • and "a reserve fund" of V202e-000, wiles net a word of exelan ation as to how it was aneumulated-. a curious statenaent IMPlying some curious fhooreekepoing. "Prom what we Ware this weekebe company was paying this year 5, and some )cases 0 per cent for deposits taken frora railway firemen and bralresmen, See It was not using this money in mortgage loans for on {them the rate it rueivle;d. nos onl,y 6.1 ti te cent. as Ian average. Was it then dponlaling with them in suet). stook,s as it ;was shown last weelc wrecked A. E. Ames & Co., of which firm the company's present president, Mr. A. Wallace, is a 'partner?' T.fp take de- posits from poor people, whether at netters or on time, and to operate with that moneyin seeculative shares SylicliOUtOi,9 in Bastion or New 7.hrk are •tossing up or pulling down day by day, is an unsafe sort of busi- ness for any oorapany, bovvever "'clever" the linenwho manage the deals, and thene ou.glat to be soimo means of stooping snob worft. 14 LI Heyday while the market is going up, but it may be Blue Monday when the onereeet tumbles downs •Orate 'Catinot •but feel regret at the downfall of a man like 'the manager of this lis,om- pony, A thoroughly ee,OnIt and mil - meaning man by all Recounts, who from the hum -drum but useful lend happy life of a country manager, is auedenly made +partner. in a firm prid big itself upon skill in speiculaties elperntions. He makes money daz- zlingly fast -first year perhaps $100,- 000, second year much more And this week he 'makes the hurailiatinnee con- fousion that be has lost $337,000 of money that be thought h3 hieasellE was worth, as well as many thousand more belonging t irelaltlivies tenni friends. What a curse etock specula Lion is, to be sure. The disaster that eomes when .booras burst aloweys in- volves numbers of innecent "motels round the 'candle," so to speak." • THE BEST MEDICINE. Mrs. Alma Gh,quin, Cape Bele., N. B., says: "I had an attank of Liver Trouple and Indigestion and decided to try Laxa Liver Pills. They had a better and more lasting effete!: than any remedy I ever took." R. T. OP T. DISTRICT MEEFINIG The District Council of Huron Roy- al Templars ,of Temperance held its semi-annual meeting, in Goderiel on Thursday, june 11411, comroencing at 11.00 a. ira. All the councils of the district were not represented, but still a very ;good representation. was present at the time of opening and ohherts (catme afl,u,r dinner. A lengthy, discussion took place as to the ;advisability of placing an in- dependent (strictly temperance') can-, didato in the field, for the next 0101 - tion. Many suggestions on this mat • ter were given which will no doubt be used • to allytantage at our nelit semi-annual meeting. A few such men who have become noted for their zeal in the work in years past, would if elected hold the balance of powvri and their influence would tell for good in the House and for our Pro -,7 vince. The order has sustained losses dur- ing the past year, but one new coun- cil has (been organized at Dungannon with n 'members.hip of Ewen W -nine; and we are encouraged to believe that that the 10,000 mark set for Ontario for 1 903 will be realized before the dose of the nelar. The secretary was instructed to for ward to the raenibers of South„West ancl lEast Huron an expatssuison odV our appreciation of the stand they Look in the vete taken on the bill for the !prohibition of the sale and im portation of cigarettes. A :mammoth union picnic was ar- ranged for to be held at Bayfield on July 1st, for all Templars and their friends of Huron Distriett, &Mae of the offioers • of the Grand Council of Ontario will be eripected to give ad - drupes. This plan was adopted fby some of 'our eastern dietnices lest summer and was productive of groat good to nur order. Every effort will be put !forth to make this a success. • Much .credit is due the leaks of Godertch ;Council for the, way in which the repretsentatives ;were entertained, a.ncl grateful thanks is offered those who so kindly opened. their homes to the visibin,g 'members. • Invitations were reeederrie by the • Council 2XPI:3 Banner and Seel° rife, for •their 'next meeting, in jamas:eye e1904. A ballot was taken, which re -- suited. .in favor ' of Seaforth, that place being 4 mat eentral.--Erama Perinale, District Secretary, R. T. of YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK • "The Yellowstone Park 'is some- thing obsoletely unique in this world, as far las I know. Vowherei else in any eivilize.d country is there to be found stroll a tract of veritable wonderland, made accessible to all vis itors, where (at the same time not on- 'ly the 'scenery of the wilderness, but the wild (creatures of the Park, are1 scrupelously preserved'- President Roosevelt., ' This delightful goit is More easily reached via the Union Pacific than by any oher line. The stage ride frotn Monida, by he splendid Concord Coaches of the IVIonicla & Yellowstone Stego Co., is through scenery hardly lintlerior to else malt itscht, • • • The popular route to Tellowatene Park is now via the tTnion-Pacifie. Very low rates duritig June, •July, end naigteet. ittformatioe oheerfully furnish- ed on applioation to IT. lie Carter, T. P. A. 14 Janes Beildin,q,, Toronto, Canada, 5'.13, Choate, G. A., 106 Woodward Aire., Detroit, :fie. SUMMER '00,ITGAS, Are •ofteahardest in shake off, and I T4 frequently lead' Le eonsum,ption. Bee. 1 ter have !them eured 'promptly byDr. I Wood's Norway Pine Syrovt tlAbost remedy for beating the lunge and cur Mg all kinds of ooughs and °olds.. . I.EYEAL VaSOATiON. Summer hotels are scateered throe wit the Rockies for the convenience .4 those who meter reereatiou withaat thelabor ineident to clamping. Wliere- ever there is a mountain in Colorado or Utah, there is also an ",nieresting canon, and the aearcher for a spot in whilch to summer, finds no diffieulty in,siuttng Ins taste. • To enable, persons to reaoh Colora- do without unnecessary expenditure ot time or tnoney, the Union Paelfic has put in effeet very low rates and siphon did train service from Missoarl River to 'Denver. , :Aeticiommodations are provided far all classes of passengers. 'GENERAL NEWS. • s se Ministers, Lawyers, :Teachers, and others whose occupation gives butlit- tle exercise, should use Carter $ Liver 1Vll for torpid liver and bil- tiousness. One is a dose. Try theme ;One -Shalt of •the Methodists of Gore street iChurcii, Hanalleen, are leaviag the cherch in large numbers OS 0 protest :against else Ste,tioning COTO^. Mi Lt. (3.m's i appoint meat • of Rev, Do Wakefield, an aged man to tees se, . pit of that ehureli. .Dyspepsia in its wort forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Oantex'a Li1tIst Liver Pills. ,They not only relieve pc see t distress but streug then the eto- ch and digestive appara ens. 'Mrs. E. D. Illyobt, oE Torontoes ing in e rather serious •condition, suf. faring from lecacjalw. ',Atgettia from a barley aigrette, a part of the trimming on ,Ler hat, found its way into her 'mouth and. throat. It lodge at the !root of her tongue, and. lock - The Trustee Board. of the First Me- thodist ohurch, of London, havel ex-- preSied, their !disOproviai of the re- cent action of the 'Quarterly I3oard, re-ministeral supply at a recent meeting in extending an invitation to Rev. J. W. Graham, of Montreal, 11 the pastorateof the church beginn- ing with the year 19051 and havnask- ed for a reconsideration of the mat- ter. A large deputation of stockmen re- presenting (tale Cattle, S;hiet30, SWIM -3 and Horse breeders Association met at the Parliament .13uildings, Tuesday to nrxtange for a deputation to Otta- wa, to wait on. the Government with a view to scouring a grant to enable Canadian stook -men to make a good showing at ;the St. Louis fair. tario is pledged lo a grant. The pre - cadent for a Dominion grant was set at the Van- Amerieen. • Ila.gyard's Yellow oil reduces swell - Mg, allays .inflammation, takes out pain and cures cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, stiff joints, eto., more effect ally than aby other remedy. An international conferenee of Can - adieu and United Slates Farmers' In- stitutes will be held at the Perlin: - Buildings, in T,orontoson June 2,24, 25 and. '26. About 100 Amertzan. and 25 Canadian institutes will be repres- ented: Premier Ross will deliver the address /of weld/eine, and Major J.. G. Lee, of Louisiana, the reply. The On - staff of institute lecturers figure on the programme. The delegates svill be taken by the Government to the Guelph College 'and Paten on 'Thurs..- day, June 25th. "I purchased a bottle of Dr, tow'e Woxm Syrup for my Little. girl 2 1.2 years old, and gave her the medicine.. The resultwas she. passed fifteen round worms in five clays." -Mrs. B. Eilmanagh, Ont. SPEAKER'S SORE ITHROA.T. (Public speakers and singers tinow how useless and sickening are cough mixtureg, sprays, lozengers, Sce., tfor irritable or Sore throat, and state that the fronst satisfactory remedy is Catabhrozone, the advantage of Nelda is (that it acts quickly, end it convenient to USC in publio places. Catarrhozone relieves conga/440n, al- lays inflammation., and is a protee-t- Lion rto the 'membrane: As a is'.ifa guard tagainst eold,s and Ca.tarrh it has no equal. Rev. Mr. MoKa.y, God- , ea.;ys "Catarrhozohe, is an. elie- cellent remedy for throat irritatioe arising from throat irritation." Phy sicians, ministers and singers recom- mend !Catarrhozone, druggists sell it for $1. &nail size."25ct from Poison & Co., Intng,ston, Ont. .Chilaren Cry for CASTORUL - Exeter, June 10th 19037 -- W)ieat or boast ...... Oats new Barley. Teas...... Butter.. ... EgLIS Turkeys ... Geese Chickens per It Ducks.— ooi. Dried .'d.ppIe,s.. Pork live weight 68 to 71 to 29 — 10t38 .70 to 76 • ... to lo to 12 ...... 8 to 3 6 to 8 •d to 6 ....7 to 7 to 14,4 - 3 to 3 $1.60 to $4.60 ' [ Mother's E ii WORD IN MOTNeR,S SARI WHEW NURSING AN INFANT', AND nV THE MONTHS TWAT coma GaFORs 'THAT tlivIa, SCOVD'S EMULSION sUppl.lErS THIS EXVRA ariveivGrm AND ertsurtisiimiritrr S AIRCESSARY Pori THE HEALTH 02# BOTH MOTHER AND , Send for feet sample, Oht/Lia, SCOTT & IlOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, sot, and aeoo; all druggists.Cin (aria, '.18 "0 Was The Medicine That S- v d My Life., This is the dosing sentence of •a thankful and grateful letter of testi- many written by Mrs. Prod. ei. Wet- more, of *Windsor, Ont. She suffered from kidney disease and heart trouble which resisted the best ireadone.ni ef her physicians.• When Q.11 seemed dark and.,g,loonay for the suffering woman, Paine's' Celery Compound was brought Le her attention Mrs. Wet. more used the conapound with faith; and WAS 'happily oared,' Mho, Wet, - mare writes ,as follows - 'A year sago I was in suet' a low condition of health that ny life was despaired or. Medical treatment fail- ed. to 'do me tveyigood,tted my fele.nda were greatly alarmed. Tile (looters said I was s offering from kidney dis ease and • heart trouble, and. might drop off atany time. My aunt prca cured it bottle of Paine's Celery Com - Pound •for nie and I !mica. it. After ger, and bad impes of getting well .1,gain. Six :bottles of Daine's Celery made me a mew wcima.n. I am now taking the second beide, I felt strop - strong and well, good appetite, splen did digestifon and sierip like a child. Paine's Celery Compound was the me (Velem that saved my life." Adventures of Three Women. Three women • started out to be loved. The east woman chase a mfllion- aire. The second woman chose a poet. The third woman said, "I'll wait." The Bast wonatin, having found a suitable millionaire, let her cap for him.. Dist the 'millionaire was wily and not to be won so easily. • "It is evident to me," he said, 4`froni this girl's maxlety that she is extremely desirous of marrying me. She has sot out with this idea in her head, and this very fact irritates me • into an obstinacy that I shouldn't have under' other circumstances, be- cause she is certainly very beauti- ful." Se ho hung off until the ermine gave it up as a bad job. The second woman several times thought she had found a poet, but in each instance was deceived, for he turned out to 15e nothing but either an advertisement rhymer or a writer for the magazines, who could easily reales enough to support her. Final- ly, however, size found the real thing, but the poet, who was a real poet, would have none of her. "Ary poetry," he said, "ie too sac- -red to be infringed upon. It is not at all, you • see, like the copyright Jaw. In nay most enraptured mo- ments you would bore me to deaths No, no!" So the second woman went off in despair and sought the first woman, and they wept together until curios- ity prompted them to seek the third woman, whom they found, much to etheir surprise, .happily married to a millionaire who had. just published a volume of real poetry. "Why, how happens it," exclaimed the first and second women, "that you are married and. we are not?" ".'Easy enough," said the third wo- man, with a condescending smile, 'You couldn't wait, you know, and could.' ••••••••••••••• The Patrioneh Must Go. There are 33 fine buffaloes in the Dominion herd at Banff National Park. All are in splendid condition. There are 14 full-grown bulls aen, one old patriarch is 30 years of aglf He was the first, animal to be own- ed by Lord Strathcona at Silver Heigbts, where all the animals now ID confinement in the West, came from. This animal is of historic im- portance. Very soon he will be shot, and. then he will be mounted. He had been a mighty fighter, and had retained the leadership of the herd throughout many years, until two years ago, when he met his Waterloo. Old as he was, his im. mense bulk and strength enabled him to kill one antagonist, and to near- ly dispose of another. Had it not beert that he broke his horn on a rock, the issue would probably have been different. The bull which now rules the herd is one imported from Silver Heights, and which defeated all the other bulls, one by one. A herd. of such dimensions as this is a sight wbich, since the time when the buffalo roamed in countless herds over the prairies, has rarely greeted the eyes of a white man. The enterprise of the officials who have had the buffalo in charge, for their efforts to preserve this tangible link of those days before the Great West felt the taming hancl of the white settler upon its mane, is to be commended by all who feel an inter. est in the life which occupied our great solitudes before history for us began. if r" IR N - ESSUSEtS•AZOMIS Iron -Ox Tablets seem to "attain an immediate popu- "larity. X have sold easily, "in the few months I have "had them, at least double as "many -boxes as I ever did of "any other Patent Medicine "in the same length of title. "Nearly every box sold seems "to be the means of selling "a nothe — S. E. HICK, Druggist, Goderich, Ott A Superior Blood RetnedY An Invaluable Tonic SO Tablets 25c ".1 • SEVERE H.EADA.CHES. "Par some time I was tr. alibied with :very severe heedeches.. I tried elilburn's Sterling Headache Poeirders and got immediate retie f." --Mrs. i Burke, Lindsay, Out. GRND TRUNK NEM xcursions to the Gaudin lortlinst At following return fares. roesc'elaarth Winnipeg \ BY11/41oeTitIsi Ite: t ii na w 1- Si30 Elgin ...iff.r.stitenvaenview s.88 EL (eV 1 .t Moosomin 1 SWIvaaslik aRiclanr i Calgary ) wu Wawanesa, SPtraedthneceonra, 1 $40 Good going Jnne 4th, June 184h, re- turning within 00 days from date of issue. Good going July 4th, valid to retain until Sept. 8th, 1003. nONEY.TO LOAN Mere to Spend the SummerWe have unlimited private funds for invest met upon farm or village property at Imes rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. OR' SAL1 ..1( K. Rh IDENCE WITII AN ACRIS OVI.AND IN I iii lerele-We oreer for Aide On reesouable tones, eiet very desirable residential Ponierts known ati"The Hooper Foinestetel" Nit uatea 1 necessary outhoupos. lese bailee ia in ened re. f on trot No! BO, eoutli of 'ninon ;street, Exeter. There is erected lapin the land, a ecrefortable awl catuniodlons brielt dwell/iv, also the pair end hal V rooms. Tho lot contains ae acre( Le epee flJul au? terms onoVar PL,";1**Fl"Fl3 !IP' ' 1)0 you Vir Inger fruit growing. Vivre is a, pleutteul sup- I ele of hard and soft water, elasi property le up of land 504 is excellently adeptecl for garden • Aopl.y,tpotio.4.0.tirrycel.r.stouor.oNotERC,Annot..sxy. opb.a.x61,tspteolnarsi+oix,eiyes r ,4 1 • We have the luest 4,io INSURANCE. RNBST gea for the VirstsrxitN ASSA.T1tANOCI COM' ?ANY, of Toronto; also for the Paola= Enos tas'estANCn COMPANY, et inedon, England; Az metres INSVIIANOto ComPANV, of Ere tad e -sesoneete MEDICAL W .J.1;401\ "%ITN(' M. te 0,1 . 5,. (4rsloats office. r rei00 or v ot.,n1A Labora- tory, Exeter. • DICKSON & CARLINQ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, convoyanrers, Commissioners, solicitors for theinalsons Ete. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :--X(A.IN STREF,T, EXETER. s . R. ()AIMING, n. A. • a. ar. DrOWSON F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to ElliotIAGladman) Balli5ter, gelittqu Mar Public Conveyancer, Eth, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of intereet OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER FREI) ELLIOTT BARRISTER, solacaort, ETC, Money to Loan. OFFICE — (Formerly Elliott and Gladman,) MAIN SIBERT, EXETER. . DENTAL Ter KINPMAN, L. D. S.'AND ess- DR. A.R. RINS1VIAN, L. D. S.D. D S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extract.eri without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - sons block. West side of lIDIn treet.' Exeter* • The famous Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Lake Nipissing, Kawartha Lakes, and the Magnetewan River are reached only by the Grand Trunk Railway Syszem. Excellent hotel ac- commodation, healthy climate,fishing, etc. Descriptive literature and all in- formation from J. J. KNIGHT, Ticket Agent, Exeter. J. D. MoDONALD, DistrictPassenger Agent, Toronto. Fine Flours, Parally. line Flours, Pure Manitoba and Grabens. Oats, Linseed Meal and Oil Cake. 100 pounds Oil Cake, $1.40. Binder Twine Order your Binder Twine from us. 'We sell cheaper than the other fellow Pure Manilla, 050 feet, 013e Some for - - lic Above prices good to June 15th, only. Greceries Nice line of Groceries. We sell Vim at Se box. Nice thing for summer. 5 Ms Olean Currants 25c. 3 lb Box of Biscuits 20c.. Drop 11-1 a Mitaute W. TREVETHICK --ON— Lumber, Coal and Wire All kinds of Hemlock or Pine, either in the rough or dressed as you wish. 1.41611...74..4 A few of my Spring Prices. Coal at bins............ ..$0.00 Coiled Spring Wire per cveb $2.80 Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at ..... • . ... $15.50 per M. Dry Hemlock Jointing and Scant- ling et , $15.50 per M. No. 1 B. C. Si:singles at 80c per bunch Cheaper grade • ,08e per hutch srEcIAL 1 inch Hemlock .....85itzti.g0 Per M. incla Pine. ..... ...$112.t0 per AL It will peyyou to write or call and see me before yOu buy. A. J. Ciatworthy's Lumber Yard, (irantone ritONEY TO LOAN. We have a large anaount of private funds to loan an farm and village properties at lowrates of interest, OLADMAN & gTANBURT Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, DA. ANDERSON, (D- S. L t. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post•graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfect/I, harmless anaesthetic -used for painless extrac- tion. Wilco one door south of Carling ,Bro's store Exeter. Ont. ErNrrum. (21795) The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard Trotting Stallion. Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir- t ing extreme speed, and high stepping action for road and carriage purposes TARENTUM has now produced three colts showing hotter than 2.10 speed, one going miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $25,- 000 M stakes down the Grand Circuit, Harry D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit In the $5000 Chamber and Commerce stakes and also in the 2.1.4 $2000 stakes, and then goes down the Grand Circuit through other large stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Can- ada that has produced a colt pnertornenallyr fast enough to face the Grand. Circuit that won second money in his second start in a race at IVIemphis in a field of eleven starters, all speedy ones. Dorthv Wilton having got a mark at Lexington. Kentucky, the previous week in 2.091. In this race Orin B. by Grey- stone , the sire of Tarentum. won ist wimpy. Harry D, by Tarentum won 2nd. money, May or Hal, 3r5 money-. Doherty 'Wilton ith money, time 2.091 and 1101. R0UTE Monday.— Siraon McKenzie's Tuckorsmith, for noon; Blake,night. Tuesday.—Zurich noon; Crediton, night, Vi7ednesday.—Exoter, noon ; Farquhar, night. Thursday. -13y way of Staffs. to Dublin.mion horae, night. Fri- day.—At his own stable, Egmondville. Satur- day.—At his own stable, Egmondvilie. TERMS . Farmer's common mares, $15.00 to insure. Well bred and standard bred mares $20,00 by rho season and $25.00 to insure. Stud fees due January lst, 1901. For tabulated pedigree see large posters, or address. A. ORA1ILESWORT1T, Egmondville, Ont. At L west Prices Having botight out the entire stook of the late James Willis, we are in a better 'position tlsan ever to sell Lum- ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building Material at lowest prices. The com- bined stock of Shingles as contained ID both yards is heavier than we wish to carry, so we purpose to make a rneterial reduction in the price of Shingles until we get our stock re- duced, Take advantage of the reduc- tion. 11 the •latest styles, iv colors. Our prires lre low as can be foun for ii rat-I.:leas tee t ee int 'iv k men ship, BEFORE IWO' BUY ORLI, flt.41D Two Doors South 'IMP Bali, mamcc-4znpv.ott-7.9).-xmlitaccozywawmpL'ar,i+oe'rmsmxrpup:powf We have just put in stock several new Pinnos in the latest designe and of the Best Makes at Popular Paces. We will esteem it a pleasure to show' them to you. Outteans always in stoclre A. good second hend •Dell Organ in good order, for gale cheap, The :©i Ea -a Is with us and those Cusinou Fraruea are just what you *ant, We have them at moderate prices. Sewing 1111.6.ohlues In all the leading Makes always in stock and at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere, also repairs for same. Call and see us. We are always busy but will be glad to give you any information about our goods you may desire. GLZSMOaraitia tine WHAT OTHERS SAY Of Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. James Leask, breeder and feeder of the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says.: Dear Sir: - 1 have fed yourStock Tonic to cattle and like it very much. It mak- es them thrive well and put on flesh naore rapidly. I think it is the best Tonic I have fed to horses. We; are also feeding it to our hens this winter ,and they are laying better than they have done for a long time, It pays to feed its Yours truly, Iamts LEASK, Greenbank P, 0., Feby. 23, 1903. Dear Sir: - 1 had a, mare stocked in both legs, WORTHINGTON'S STOCK FOOD took it down completely and put her ID good condition. It has done my cows good, Think it is it good thing and can recommend it. B. thattateRnee "Dairyman." Clinton, Jany, 17th, 1903. Purify your animals' blood before turning them on the grass. They will surprise you in the fall, 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50e. ; 50 lb. sack $2.00. Vie WorthinfltonDrua Go. GUELPH, ONT, For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son, Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound ot Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse. A bottle of one of our own Cough Biledicines will cure you. We carry a large as- sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some of remedies. We thank the people of Exeter and our the surroending country for their patronage in the past, and Solicit a continuance of their custom. • Our Motto is mailer profits and quicker returns. ROS 86 TAYLOR =MR) ONT. 4.k C43 0 Wirk g 0 Di‘tig ,tore