HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-02-12, Page 10. Page 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986
ayfiQld Bagle
Marina to undergo expansion
The planning committee will recommend
council grant a extension to a draft subdivi-
sion proposal for Rae Fraser for one year.
The draft subdivision proposal, originally
prepared in 1978, would allow Mr. Fraser to
proceed with a subdivision on his property
on Deviation Road, north of the village. The
grant extension has been given every year
since 1978, but there has yet to be any con-
struction on the lots.
The committee also recommended a
meeting be set up with Mr. Fraser so he can
outline his plans for the property and if he
intends to pursue subdivision construction
in 1987.
By Man Rivett
BAYFIELD - Boaters in need of dockage
space for the upcoming season received
some good news as council here gave ap-
proval to proceed with a modest expansion
to the village -owned harbor during the
meeting on February 3.
Harbor committee chairman Jim Quick
had requested the expansion at the January
20 meeting, stating the marina could easily
hold three more docks or six berths. He said
the village could also use the revenue
created by the expansion.
At the February 3 meeting, Mr. Quick.
made a formal presentation to council on
the matter. After investigation, he said the
village could install three docks to the east
of the last dock where one boat was
previously allowed to dock sideways. This
would create room for three new customers.
The expansion would still maintain a space
of over 25 feet for casual fishermen to tie up
west of the bridge.
He went on to say the expansion would not
infringe on the required 75 feet channel
width at the river set down by the Ministry
of Oceans and Fisheries. The expansion
would not involve additional costs • to the
village as all equipment and piles are cur-
rently on hand.
Long Hill Road
Council received a letter frpm the Ausable
Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA )
stating it has ranked the, Long Hill Road re -
stabilization project third out of seven
priority capital works projects for 1986.
At t e ABCA's executive meeting in
Janua, the authority agreed to take on the
Long ill Road as a project in 1986. The pro-
ject will receive consideration in the
ABCA's upcoming budget:..
Reeve Dave Johnston also instructed
Road Superintendent Rick Penhale to begin
monitoring the slippage of the road after the
village's engineering firm of Golder and
Associates requested monitoring be resum-
Council Briefs
Council received two grant requests from
the Blyth Festival and the Tuckersmith Day
Care Centre. They will be referred to the
finance committee for consideration.
A letter was received by council from the
Bayfield Garden Club outlining their plans
for flower planting in the village for this
year. They also thanked council for the use
of the council chambers for their annual
meeting in January.
An Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement
(ONIP) Grant of $225,000 was applied for by
council. If the grant is approved, the village
would receive a 50 per cent subsidy of
$122,500 to be used for upgrading of such
items as street lights and sewers.
A bylaw appointing the members of the
LACAC committee for this year was passed.
The members this year are: Charles Rogers
( chairman ), Reeve Dave Johnston, Coun-
cillor Helen Owen, Councillor LLoyd Huff-
man, Pat Muratori, Gale Gundy, Alex Shev-
chuk, Arlene Kok, Gwen Pemberton, Peg
Willock, James Carr and Clerk Pat
Joe Gibson, the weed inspector for Huron
County, was also appointed to the be weed
inspector for Bayfield until 1988.
Elders elected at St. Andrew's United
By Doris Hunter
BAYFIELD - St. Andrew's United Church
held their Induction of Elders service on
February 9. Elders are elected to this posi-
tion by the congregation and is a recognition
of their devotion and ability to serve the
Those honored were Esther Wright,
Doreen MacKenzie, who will act as Clerk of
Session, John Chapman, Keith Charlton,
Ted Dunn, Phyllis Campbell, John Siert-
sema and Don Keillor.
There will be a congregational meeting on
February 16 at the close of service, to select
a Pastoral Relations Committee. Their
responsibility will be to act on the selection
of a new minister as Mr. Murray received a
call to a church in the Windsor area.
The U.C.W. winners dinner will be held
February 19 at 6 p.m. instead of the
February 12 because it would have con-
flicted with Heritage Day.
William Heard died this weekend and
sympathy is extended to his family, Russel
Heard, his brother and Nina Heard his
Evelyn Johnston, better known to her
ffriends as Betty also passed away. She was
a member of one of the pioneer families and
belonged to Trinity Anglican Church. She
had many friends in the village, who regret-
ted her move to London some years ago.
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Bayfielders knew Ross Middleton whose
funeral was held on February 9 at the
church built by his forefathers, St. James.
Middleton. Everyone admired his fortitude
in facing a cruel disease and villagers
hearts go out to Mabel and their children.
February is certainly taking its toll in the
village, on the sick list are Margaret Scot-
chmer, in Goderich hospital, Ernest McGee
and Ken Brandon are at St. Joseph's Lon-
don, while David Scott is, limping around
with a broken leg.
Happily Pat Reder reports there is a good
Turn to page 11 •
During the summer, tourist and residents can be found wondering around Bayfield with
cameras and a good stock of film, capturing the beautiful scenery. However, the cold
Huron County winters scare the majority of photographers away but the landscape is
just as pretty during the winter months. ( Anne Narejko photo )
Rogers rink takes game
BAYFIELD - Bob Rogers and team took
four points in the seventh end over George
Telford and rink, winning the game 7-4 in
curling playoffs. Bob has 16'j4 points, plac-
ing in the top three, with one more night of
Alice Brandon and team curled an ex-
cellent game against Joe KnenP and rink,
and won the game 9-2 with 163/4 points.
Bill Mcllwain and team defeated Marg
Makins and rink 7-4. Bill has 163/4 points.
Total points will decide the playoff win-
ners on Monday.
Norma Gosse won the mystery draw two
weeks in a row.
Slate of officers elected at church
By Helen Owen
BAYFIELD - The annual general meeting
was part of the proceedings when the ladies
of Trinity Anglican Church met op February
6 at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. George
Youmatoff. The slate of officers for 1986
were approved as follows: president, Lillian
Beakhust; treasurer, Greta Du Boulay;
secretary, Helen Owen; cards, flowers and
hasti-notes, Ev Earl; education, Kay Reid.
The installation ceremony was conducted
by Rev. Aubrey Bell.
Plans were madejfeie1986 and a newsletter
will be issued shortly: The implementation
of the plans to raise funds for work in the
Mission fields is the prime objective of this
group, and the president stressed the need
for new members to come £orwand. All the
ladies of the Trinity Congregation are
`Anglican Church Women' but practical sup-
port in the group activities is needed and
new members will be welcomed.
The meeting concluded with refreshments
served by hostess, Flo Youm toff. The next
meeting will be at 2 p.m. on March 6 at Clan
Gregor Apartments.
Heritage Day Celebration
Don't forget February 12 is the day when
Bayfield will be celebrating heritage with a
sleigh from the arena between 7 and 9 p.m.
Other attractions include skating from 7 - 8
p.m. hot chocolate and doughnuts, music
performed by Rose Taman and Steve
Argyle and an opportunity to contribte to a
special heritage mural.
Take' part' in this piece of Bayfield's
Library Board
The Huron County Executive Committee
has recommended that the Library Board
should be dissolved, effective. January ,
1987. The reason given is because of 'ac-
countability', and the proposal is that the
board would then become a committee of
This step may well be sound policy on the
part of Huron County Council, but the fact
remains thait the library users have not been
given any indication as to how this new ar-
rangement will affect the facilities which
they -enjoy.
The public library is a focal point in the
community, not only as a source of reading
material, visual aids, etc., but it also pro-
vides for the initiation of young children into
the wonderful world of books, a source of in-
formation for students and a place where,
from time to time, young and old can enjoy
specially book orientated programs. '
It is sincerely hoped that the proposed
alteration would not in any way curtail these
facilities, and for the consumer it would be
reassuring if Huron County Council would
define ways in which they feel the change in
the administration would not only solve
their problem of 'frustration', but also con-
tinue and maybe enhance library services.
One-sided game produces two hat -tricks
By Helen Owen
BAYFIELD - The early game on
February 4 was definitely a one-sided affair
with the Brewers hammering the Puckers
by an 8 - 2 score. Leading the way for the
Brewers were Mike Telford and Murray
Connolly, each with hat -tricks, as Conrad
`Concord' Kaptein and Rob Boyes had the
singles. Marvin Merner and John Graham
replied for the Puckers.
Game two saw the first of what may be
many upsets, as the Warriors handed the
Knighthawks their fourth defeat of the
season by an 11- 9 score. Bob Rodgers, Glen
Zerk and Mark Kirk paced the Warriors
with two each, as Marty Beker, Jeff Merner,
John Blanchard, Dave Clarke and Ken
Merner all had singles.
Leading the Hawks was Paul McKee with
three, as Tim West, Steve Telford, Gerald
Riley, Mike Clarke, Fred Schilbe and Terry
Heard tallied the singles.
On February 7 both games were lop -sided
affairs. In the first the Blades handed it to
the Warriors, 9 - 3. Mone Kelly, Don Heard
and Brad Holmes each collected two for the
Blades as Travis Postill, Jim Fleming and
Ron Burt had the singles. For the Warriors
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it was Bob Orr with a pair and Bob Rodgers
picked up the single.
Game two saw the Varna team hammer
the Puckers 13 - 2. The scoring talents of
Lorne Taylor paced the Racers with four,
while Scott Consett, Ron Keys, Wayne
Cantelon and Dan Taylor each had a pair.
Dale Stephenson picked up a single. Ed
Fogarty and John Graham scored the
Puckers two goals.
On February 14, the Puckers will play the
Warriors and the Blades will take on the
Knighthawks, while February 18 games see
the hawks play the Brewers and the War-
riors play Varna.
Minor Hockey
Due to bad weather on February 1, the
game against Zurich was cancelled and was
played on February 8 in Bayfield. The
Bayfield Optimist team had not played since
January 22 and when they hit the ice there
was no stopping them.
Jacob Cayer opened the scoring for
Bayfield on a set up from line mate Mark
Webster. In the third it was the persistent
play of Matthew Turner playing off as he
hammered home Bayfield's second goal
assisted by Jodi Fisher. Bayfield's next
game will be at -home on February 15 at
10:30 a.m. Come on out and cheer the home
town kids on.
IOOF card party winners
BRUCEFIELD - The IOOF card party
was held on February.7 with Grace McClin-
chey winning the ladies' high, Barbara
Thom won the ladies' lone hands and Joan
Caldwell.won the ladies' low.
w tuning tor the men were: high, Warren
Whitmore, lone hands, Walter Pepper, low,
Frank Thom. Draw prize winners were Cliff
Henderson and Wallace Jackson.
The next party will be held on February
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