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Exeter Times, 1903-6-18, Page 4
'i X t The Moisons Bank tlueetpoxtstesi ley tet of Paillemeat ntaa ."testi Wee, ale eteeel. t3atplta1 tall pale, up) - $2.509,00 38Breaclaes et Ontario, aecbee, Alberta, rzttelt Columbia. bia. anti Mutate/la.. EXETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day front 10 a. in, to u p, xh14 except Saturdays, 10 a. rn. to 1 p. xxl. Fareueve Sale Note's ;cashed or col- leated,. FruFermseupplied on application. Draftta on all points In the Dentin.on, Great ilrita in and United. States bought and cola et lowest rates of ex ae tinge: SAVINGS Olti+.ARTMENT. Deposits of 51.00+tttta upwards receiv- ed. lots'reet ctwmpoundtel half yearly, sand added to principal .ane 30th anti.. December ;Mt. lichee;its .Receipts also issued ani 181,ct torten; rate o. intereet allowed. A.dvitltces snake to farmers, stock ...dealers lnnu busine=,s men at lowest rates and on nest favorable terms, agents at Exeter for Dominion Goverx:l:ttent. ONSON & CARLING, N. D. 3 UIt»ON, sOLICITIAS. mikKAtittzt r d tint its,`,felt°? tnt s leridar. • for June, 1903 Scheme r • 7 1.4 21 28 Moral .Y 1 8 15 22 20 TVEsDA # l •itV'anaosn:t e .... 3 10 17 2 TEUASD Z ....... 4 11 33 tl i'IZi7eiel' 5 12 10 2/ f A.TVItzt v 0 18 20 27 eflURSDAY, JL'*NE 18%111003 aria: SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA. (This morning sees a further exten- • sien of the Sovereign Bank of Canada thio eeetion. • The old and well kuown private thanking fir?:ns 'of Mtacartthur tee Coe, of Hansell, and Snell .&, Co. of Dash- wood lavl m been absorbed b y this ctnteIV:1 hg enifitntion. • We understand that Mr. 'Joseph *Snell,' Mr. ;J;ohn hlatcttarth'ur, and. Mr. Arnold, hire accepted managerial. ;positions in the ban);, which Bank is to be eo7>igratla1ated upon obitaiuing. the services ?of such schrewd •anti pop- - ;akar e e alre'n1:en. •Branches of the Sovereign Bank are to be ; opened to -day at Hensel. and a asliwwpod, and tinge in conjuncjtion with ,the branches already opened in this district will afford the public 'every fa'cili.ty for the transaction of their banking business. GENERAL NEWS ADDITIONAL LOCALS Several weddings are on the tapis for this month Master Frank Sheers has accepted to position with Snell it Rowe. Miss Addle Morlock spent a few drays of this week in London. The public school closes for the sum - Mer holidays on the 26t11 of June. Mr. ..leg. Elliott of Toronto, spent •a° few days this week with relati7 es xh town. Felt SALE— A good second hood buggy cheep, Apply tont i1 HYND” ItfA.N. air. and Mae. R,Hoskins of K.irkton, spent Monday with Mrs. Wks.;Treble, Huron street, Mrs. Horn, Exeter North, leaves next week for Manitoba where she will visit her sous, Miss S. Erwin, former teacher lathe public School, is visiting in town the guest of Mrs. W. O. Huston. Persons who dress up scare crows with their best rain coats, can hardly blame people if they are stolen. Inspector R. H. Fulton of Montreal, has been here for .a few days on busi- ness in connection with the Sovereign B1tnt:, Miss Hanson of Montreal who spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Gidley, is this week the guest of Mrs. Dickson, Parkhill. Mr, A. Q. Bobier, accompanied by her two sons, Morris and Clarence, have returned home after a pleasant visit with friends iu Iowa, Ur. J. T. Oairns`Ieft on Wednesday for the Territories. :He will look around in the west with a view to settling there. Mr, J, A. Beatson, of the Sovereign Bank. Toronto; arrived in Exeter Wednesday morning, where be will be employed in the future. FOUND—On Thames Road, a watch. Owner cafe have same by calling at Wood & Fuke's butcher shop, proving came and paying expenses. WOOL—WOOL--120000 lbs, wool wan- ted at the Exeter wooileo mills either washed or unwashed. Highest cash price paid.—Muer az Cu, WANTED — Girls, highest wages, steady also boys and young men. Apply at I!i t Conencee s NEw Beset:iT FAerowS:. London Ont, Mr, George Heaman who has been somewhat indisposed from the effects of an accident of which mention was made some two weeks ago, is able to (Falk up town. ;t Mr, Patrick Curtin of Mooresville, is at present at Edmonton, where he has taken up 600 acres of land and to which place he will move his family next fall. Mr. 0 intends devoting his time to ranching. FREE To TUE LA.DIEs.—Every lady in Exeter and vicinity is invited to 0. Lutz's Drug Store to receive a sample free of Rexall Dyes. These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or mixed gcods in one bath. Rexall Dyes are the latest and most improyed Dye in the World. For sale by C. Luau, Druggist, Exeter. Mrs. Sarah Guest, wwidoww o o er .Guest, of Ct. Marys, Ont. died at De- J troit, on Saturdel y, aged 72. "The torture of toothache is quick- ly; relieved by Low's Toothache Gum. Price 1twe. Refuse substitutes, The loss at the iIcMahon and Grna ger fire in London, :on Tliursdey last is now estimated at 9t100,000, and thn insurer i'ct. v860,000 Five cremations have taken place in the Montreal Crematorium, the only one in Canada= during its 'first year, ,eoleich has just cipsed. All disorders caused by a billions state of the system can be cured by „using Carter's Little Liver Piltls. No pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. rTy them. ,Geo. Elder, a ,farm laborer living at Glencoe, was loading logs with, some other men, when a heavy piece of timber slipped and fell on hisleg, breaking the bone. • jCabt, H. It Betty, folimerly of abet Ll',rventy-firet Essex Regiment ;who leas been stationed at Halifax, has Ibsen appointed on the staff of the Canadian School of Musketry. Miss 3, O'Brien has announced her intention of, resigning the prinoipalse chip of the Granton public school at midsummer. She has been engaged as teacher in a school in London. The !Elgin Loan. Savings Company, of St. {Thomas, have suspended pay- ment. Its doorswere closed on Mon- day ]last, and thp, manaeger, Mr. Goo. Rowley, who has been speetulaating heavily . ion Stocks, has left the city without •explan'ation. It was an , old institution of its kind, and, despttethe misfortune that had overtaken its ri- val, the; deltas Loan Conrpaiily,1t,eves jaw, derreleped. FOB SALE—House, stable and four lets corner of Victoria and Andrew streets (near Main st. Meth. church) house contains 8 rooms good. cellar and well and the stable is first class (new) and up to date, also a lot on' east side of Andrew street, The whole will be sold in bulk or separate to suit purchaser. Apply on the premises to Metz. 3 -As. WinLis, Exeter. There will be some eighty fewer ex- aminers at the annual departmental examinations this year andabout 4000 fewer candidates. The decrease is due to the cutting out this year of the Part 1 examination. - According to the amendments to the old regulations if the regulations recently proposed by the department for doing away with other departmental examinations become law there will in a year or so be a further cutting down in the num- ber of candidates, HUR T 1 TeT, kl N COUNTY .COUN'CILt In the xtfternoiu the council met. in 1 trt',eeu t• lorrii and Ease Wawu(uoa•lt tee. '.1':utaith•;i^, ,1'itv,'. 2. Coulrcll suet en 3 tecloelc. illembers alt kpresent except Mr. Pattexsota. A leiter from Janne:, Mills, presi dent of the Out era/ Agrieultural i,"'ol lege, state:. tl 1. ata eothxtity student would be ettiiuitirtt free as fon•anilrl;}- A :tnelllarial asking for tt grantee - ward tete Laura tetetortl Iinonutlseat reds sent to executieve. committee:. :e. letter from. et. Carus;tA etscretary of St. 7,11arys' Col leg iatt' lu,titute, re county grant to the seitool on account of =county lentils who are attending the St, .Marys' ecltool, lea; sent to the edtueetion c:oninlittee. The applieation of Arthur C'autelon to be appointed inspector :it Been miller bridge was r:terr d to the read and `bridese ronlniit,tee. ion ' : ter. Et1 elle n The returns illi quest flit lt. of good toads from the various muuio tpaltties were :.tit to the good roads Gie 11i21nt41 et'. A petition from live ratepayers of Ilowlck with reference to a cleatlte in boundtriee of seetiou 4 and 7. Was se the veto:extant. con mie:'et coinmiltee to rerise alae equalized as. Tlie matter was left to the exeoutioe �cometattce to 'report next Deeeember. emollient. c .ewers. 'I•lieles and L'uuant moved • '.l'bursday, dune 4 that this (council, backed by at large, Counell resunned at 10 o'clock• rural eanistit-ue»ey, would tome logo A request tor a rent to.the Huron the Provincial and Dominion Govern• regiment for Lt. Vol. calves, was mints the graft necessity for legis- latttinn .eon. pnietMe railww'tax corporate sent :to the ex.eeutive aoUuuht1tlea. cons -to afford a 'cheaper and more sat, As C. 3aeksotx and 51. Askww•itlt were isaftaetory mode at draivago a,orons heard, explaining particulars of *LW their lands., Making it compulsory secidenc ret Manchester bridge- eonstruet proper battle guards, and The leounty'property committee re- press for equlit'able taxateton an 'rail - ported. tliay had visited the jail and way axle other. corporations, and that found three inxnalee there; the jail a cepy of this resolution be forwward- was in good order but tdtw�4v rweome ed to the repreeentediwces gf'ttis noun mended chaugiug• the system of beat- ty in tlaarii,;uueuii. Garriled. int; to the .hot water system. Thye re gloved by Mr. Fexwauaon, st. entl,ed commended that two screen doors he by =Str, tL 1ellartt, .tIia•t ..tile aottucil purchased for ;rase on the jailers re- build Um bridge kuown as, Wesiti%ield sideuee.. They also 'visited the court- bridge, on the boundary between least house and loured everything well kept and ;Nest a'4V:aweenosh, ixr 1.490 .; Carr and clean. They .reeonnnended that a rind. new 20 -ft, flag be purebased as the old Resuming etas X Qt;1oola .t.be report of one is worn out, and that thewalls the finance eomluitteun was taken up and selling of the court roam },e paint and adopted. Tflne accounts for ere- e,t and the woodwork varnished and pairs to :the treasurer's office and Dr, that the engineer be instructed to ask aheev's account were sent back to the for tenders and superintend the work council for their ooxtsidera'tio n. he .Air. x3.usley eras asked to .thee before comnnittee Stet ortet,1. i,he, total equaliz- A A 7 1. ' S C 1. council t- specifications C 1 2 ti t . o niorrorw. „ .ctf Ions colt :.f 11t twount ! � ca us!".., xn y. 3,.,... and probable .cast of the work. Tho ee01x200, and to raise thee amount re• quired for all pui noses, adz., 843,068.31 a raise of 11-8 mils would be requir- ed. The adapting: of the auditors' re- port tleaa4s regomulea tied. 'Tho road :aid .bridge committee re- commeended .the adopting of the tc n- gint'ier's revert, They xeframme;udett that the proper width of road and evade be made to each side` oftJno Stanley bridge, and that a fence be erected to- protect teams on the ap- proach to the bridge. They advised that John Barker's teudlar for the boncrete work at Settlerd bridgor foo proteet the Mara; tat $.5.40 per cubic yard be accepted. They advised iiia action in #Mr, Dantelon's application as inspector for the concrete work at county bridges. In committee tho re - tart was emended by tbei appoints. of Joseph Neagel at .11.75 a day as inape.tor of ;concrete work at Ben;- mitler and i.Iaitlaud bridges. Four Ray -laws ware pcttsseitelao. S to raise by assessment within the, county the sum of 83,068.31; No. 3, to equa- lize the reepeetive assessments of the di€ferent muniei•palities ; No. 4, to inp- point arbitrators in the matter of school sections Nos. 4 !and 7 in the No. ' of IIowv 1;•' 5,toborrow township xc x w a J? money for county' purposes to meet current expenditures till taxes are paid. • . - Moved by Messrs. Gunn and Moo Lean that. council adjourn, to meet again on 'rho first Tuesday in Decent, - bar. . sent , I astunewartmentais 0,ftt{jp61 lfettaftw t 7•17; rtufinuu nt n unman a �enm THE ;tin IW pqt. JIII ngmlII .m)IIU ijn,,,iril.litoo 40 11 fr.egeetibleTtnparatio simliat fig th ooda ting theStoiEtwtebs wean GNATURS Pronit3 igtslionPilenf .Ytt�SSM ipIiESt, 11 t,3in%nelth pptI or d%. D�„ QI"pllitl.` ii �F MOT O OTFIr. THE Eo, R. t.� ., _ , ae art was adopted. Jailer Griffin ranc'rte i thre...nnmat- p p d• - es in are jai], tv:.l for v.r Franey and one for insanity. 11e als,o requested trva screen doors for elle house. Sent ' t°+count F• ,1^rt�p.rty commit. tee. Wednesday, June 3. Council resunnei at 10 o'eloek. The au:titors' repert was scat to the fiilenee. eolllnllit tee.. The county auditors reported that they forma the. treasurer's statemente submitted at th' JaAuary meeting, correel. The cash x.e.ilrts for the year 100`2 w er> 539,045,6tt the d'sburse- nnenhs w ..fir tie17,004.85, leaving a bale auto vi e1.sie0.14, of shell 1,330,4t was deposited in ohertered t utks and S5U in the -treasurer's hamate. Th: re- eeip-ts ;from 3 aanuary. 1st, i 903, to Febrilery aillh,, i`iti13, the date of the audit, including balance at end. of :he year were t;"4,',1,03ti.3t', and the ex:_eu ditures fir the same period iverae.e70. 41043t ; balsa:te. ;on head. 1T,020.73. The sureties riven by the treasurer were anor€gages and bongs eggreg t- ing S 35,623. The balanee of Legisla- tive public acbcat grants in the hands of township .Area.sa ars at the eln;l of a .*field. 04c; tfollows: 1 hf fele weresus I ,e _ lftaPri,c.S-« i tStanley, 0; 46c; E. We.ww• u.)sh, ti655. The estimated t.erenditures and re- ceipts of the coungr for 1003 are as tspiy: of Logan, in Perth county, bud followr9 Melanie -1p .township 1n Burrell eounta, • EXPENDITURES and rerome vended that a resolution Administration of jushict.. �_ =ttii3 b, pzissed by the eounell out l‘irizing Jr ,' 1 the McHallop iceuncil to proceed -and Dail e tCourttul , . ..'100 have the survey made according to Division Cour( airy fund.,. 1118 the statute. They recommended that �tw N. Mordie; Reese of McIaillop, was hoard in reference to the boundary - line be.tw e.en Mekillop and Logan townships, and the matter was refer- red to the special committee, Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Miller moved that 515 .be granted to the ',Union Penmers' Instigate held at Clifford send a::akelet, eknt . to g rcinl com- mittee. A. deputation from. the township of Colborne waited :on the council relal. tire to .gutting down the hill en the Csoderich township side LA the Holmes wrillc bridge. The question was refer•• red to ,the executive committee. The equalization •ron1nnitte recom- mended the adoption of the schedule of 1902 .for the year 1900. .ai•atlons were •made to reduce the equalized value of Goderieb township a1 per acre, end to reduce that of Tucker- smitbf. Pet pereitcre. Both nnotions ww re hist 'and vire re tri WAS adopt- ed. Messrs. Young, Beck and grant, ad- dresed the teouneii in the matter of the grant to the 38rd regiment. The special committee reported that they badco atao front Aub a . mmunxc, n rey White, deputy•commissitener of Crown, lands for the province.relating to n drain matter between the town - c .. ,~thee � ,Sehpwolr uianat emepe Grants Muni'ipal Government Stationery and printin miscellaneous ......... Lunatics and. chanties 4,000 stakes he solaced at the ;corners of it No IY� a a r? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once."— Mts. G A. McVay, Alexandria, 0. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. 51.00 a kettle. Ail dreexlats. If your druggist cannot supply you,, send ns one do�i and we win express you a 'bottle. Iso sure and giro the name f your nearestepreg oftlee, Adrss, J. 0. AYER CO., Lowell, 'Vass. she county memorial re. the lieuten- 21'2 0 ant -Governor in council to have in- 3,:2ti3 4,31:10 ssrntctians given to have the line .lo cod•Bated from the north limit of canoes-. d0 gen 1' , '_1eR'itlgp, to the township of • Grey boundary and t? t prrmanen` Ilidustraal ;lienee ' concession -roads The, recommexide€. County property d f00 ., that Mr. Sell, St. Thomas, a Prorin- b bridges 0,15:1, vial civil engineer, be. appoinuted to 6,500 carry out this work. , and that coon i53,ORd 17 ty clerk, Lane write to ascertain his charge ,per (hay, and communidatetthe infozrmation to 3. 0. Morrison`, •DIc- 1iillop towrnrehip clerk. Tim report: was adopted, Mr. Fer.guson moved, seees nded by Mr. :Young, ,that Messrs. Ci nteion, Bowman, Hicks, Lockhart and the Warden' be sn building cot` mit tee an the proposed building addition 10 the house of refuge. Carried. ,r• riday, :tans 5. ee The good treads commitc,,,. reported Cauur:I rasuiued a:c 9• a m that in slew of the number of uni:av- The second report of the catnty pro arable expressions received from perty .committee, stating that (the pro - municipalities in the county to the • bable cost of painting the 'walls and terms .of the grant they thought it varnishing. the (rood work of • the �w ,t'c4zaa'� .dP 1'ud3' Tfa .,claaJi 24P0atrarv+ A ectEemarcty° forConstipa tint, Sour 5famaell,Diari;l ea Worms ,Convulslons, every+ nese endLOss O1e9 R 2'acSitni1e Signature of PIER EBY ILE OF X�t.t1W 'YORK. size bottles only. It::. t alloy mono to sell - plea or promise that it - ill answer every pare- d c -A -8 -T -0 -R -I -A.• Roads and ri ges Debentures RECEIPTS. Surplus Pram 1902 ,,. .....$ ..motnt IG,e,gistr5 office .. 1,600 Interest *200 Licenses 1,::011_ .510,013 ;=6 The report nI John Ansley, county commissioner, was referred to road and bridge ;committee. AN ExCITING EXPERIENCE.—On Fri- day evening last the members of the Ladies' Aid .of the Main street Methodist church on their return after a pleasant afternoon spent at the home of Mr. and Miss Reddy, near Bethesda, had a very narrow escape from serious injury. A team of horses belonging to Bissett's livery while coming down the :London road took fright at some object near Mr. Thos. Barton's and as the driver was not just ready to control them they made a': dash throwing hire out of the wag- gon. They then tore along and when at tbe top of the hill, the bus, a cover- ed one, with the ladies in numberi g about 20 was just approaching the bridge when some of tbe occup:tnts saw the maddened team approac'Ittlg and gave the alarm. Mr. McCallum and Mr. Millyard, who were also in the rig, got on the road and endeavor- ed to ward off a collision by the shaking of rugs in front of the ranee. way, while inside the bus,terror reign- ed among the ladies but their driver Mr: H. Huston averted any, d:n<gfr as far as possible by driving up altnn..t onto the sidewalk otherwise there would have been a serious collisions if both teams had been on the 1 'ridge. Mr. Wrn. Russel] who was approach- ing from the south had merely t ittae to back downon the mill rod Red by doing so the coast was clear fin` the still frightened team, Tbey s':ill ion till they were captured near 17.4 on with no serious mishap save a broken neckyoke of the harness. It is needless to say there were several - ,n•,f trimd yet thankful la ies i .t a v, t t'atte ,,. ,t ,!:.7. had been avl'xt• cd. unwise to proceed _ further in the matter at the present time, as the necessary two-thirds majority from the rural municipalities had not been received, only ten out of the sixteen townships being favorable to the sebeme. As several Amendments were proposed at the present session of the Legislature, one of them being the ex- tending of ;the, time for county councils to take the matter up, they recom- mended that the matter be left in abeyance till some future time. The report was ad'opaed. Tho house of refuge committee re- ported ,they were paying By. i3artiiff 52.25 per .cwt. for bread. and A. Couch So. per lb. for ;beef, front quarter.1J. W. Irwin supplied the groceries. Tbey had visited the house on the 1st of April .and were satisfied with the meaxtagement. They had asked for a few repairs to be ;made particularly in the basement floor. They again visit- ed the Tarim June 2nd and found it looking exceedingly, neat and the house clean as usual. The house had been overcrowded all year and an ad- dition was recommended of sufficient size to :aocommoc ate prasent and fu- ture .requirementrs. It was re'eom •- mended that a building committee be appointed to prepare plans and speci- fieatious and report at the- December meeting. The relpprt was? adopteikl.. A 'representative from Stanley towns ship waited bn the council with refer- enee to the improvement of the .ap- proaches to the Stanley bridge. The road and bridge committee were in- str'ucled to report. TOUR t'NERV,,1 S Ann WE4i . You s Jeep badly, appetite variable. Youeat but gain no strength. , Morn ino tiredness makes you wish it were night. Vlthen night cones refreshing sleep is hard to obtain. You're run Clown, your blood is thin and watery, your nerves have grown weak, the thought: of effort we:arics-you. • You need Ferrwsono; it makes blood --red strong blood. An appetite)? You'll eat everything and digest: it 100 Strength? :1`lnat s what plenty of food gives. Ferrozoxm gives -Tope, vigor. ✓ im, tendurrutrae. Use Fe-Mee/ale nand oet strong. Sold by all druggists. court room would be about .200, was received and adopted. The education conxmittee reeoxmen ded no action in the matter of ethe claims of the St. Marys' Institute.. In the matter of the petitionof the fire ratepayers of iloniek, they advised_ that G: Woods. Goderich. Thomas' Hays, Seaforth, Reabt. Betelt,s,nan, Westfield, the County Judge and In- apeletor Pobb be a board of arbitra- tion in itbe proposed change of baon- dary between section •1 and 7, llowick, The report was amended by the substi- ttution of the nay'na of .leas. Turnbull Jamestown, for that of Geo. Woods and was tpssed as amended. The report of the eael• ntive ennemit tee recommended that the claim pre- sented Ito A. .T. Jaekkon, Auburn, for damage to horse and buggy at Man- chester bridge and also for dector's services in attendance on firs. Jack- son be paid. They recommended that Lieu -Col. Tareoe's -request for a grant ,of 8600 to Supp, Cement the volunteer's pay while at `tinimp be granted, the grant not to exceed in any case 25e. per day per man. The papers in -regard to the cutting down of the hill near I3clmrsvi:le bridge were referred back to the committee of the •evhole. They recemmtead that the request for a 'grant of 815 to the Farmers' Institute in Clifford village be granted. the same suns being gran Led by Wellington county. The report passed in committee re- commending a grant of e500 to. assist be cut dowel Hol.mesville hill. In council a motion was made to the ef- fect that no grant be made, but was lost. Jr. Miller moved, =seconded b,y Mr, Bowman, that in the event of an ap- peal from .the equalization committee the matter be referred to the county Judge, and if required, that this matter be left in the hands of the Warden's xsatnmii,tee. Moved by Mr. 73owman, seconiledby Mr. Miller, that we very much regret the. •absence ,of .0..an tt.e.r.hon, county's oouneiliors, at this session through an aeeident, and we hope and trust be may soon • be metered to his .usual e.nd'st'rciw.t,h. W:w Would oak that his name be retained on the pay sheet for this meeting and that the club be inestrn:crtel t n forward a copy of this rdsoltutlion ten Mr, Pa tterson,� -'C n r- etied. • On motion of Masers. Durnin ;arid Gunn the motion passed in June, 1902 to grant 5000 fnr a he ourposia of open. i.ng up the road in Colborne was re. etc dad. - aar._'itiiller. ,nlovca, seelended1 bby,l4fr. l3lorwtsnatn, tth?a•t the comma •g{dattrtte, t.- 000, to assist in iirlproving -- he road be ateloczat.we. • Rein asset ►toat, t .•i' b1.111 ae client M. tr..4 lracaa,s treetos K whit Eoceka t ar• r,+ s neat Oil ti to. ars d r is thoe - ked ike kart,. �• -r e.: toh mad pit ,#' �}' li ataa a,, Stitcherable, Stitcer 4 do ` y. ,4 1r o cottghece. ` t \ • tree to chafe eel rot 'i3 " hir ' not..nycekhci„ qct r , r look;, lits. �i A.F.ut x•+ ! Weare etvlh" a,ion bythr p4. use ofLutehe Ratners 011 l ` Sold ffv At List*. Wade by littperiel 011 ONE -WA :' ea. ATES To many points in the states Of Cal- ifornia, Oregon and Washington. .EVERY DAY The Union Pacific evil/ sefl One - Colonial Tickets at the following rates from Missouri Hirer termisuals *255.03 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. `, $20.00 tie Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda andel ,,t625400 to Everette, FairhavenNew. Whateom vitt HuntingtonU25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se - '$.25.00 to Ashlandeltoseburgg,Eug•- ene, Albany and Salem, via. Portland.Tickets on sale daily to June 15tIr,1 903:From Ohica,go to St. Louis proper- tionately lowirates are effect by- lines eonxteeting -with the Union. Pael-:fie to ail above apoints.For full information call ion or ageBuilding, Toronto, Canada. F, B. hetroit, Mich. and and z FE Weekly Mail and Empire mailed to any addrese in Canada, Great Britain or United States until January 1et,100€, for CENT to an. eters wvrnper. yin *r+^ ,x.•1`4= •+. ?' ,..,'•,-':?�e>.S: LL:: t-t.'Fae• .:".. ...,m: �•.s: ••`':r�i�.•,x`+,�"',?�'. " ... Farm Imple ids of allx,r� ttInds We are agents for the celebrated axwei8 Binders, . mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills. Binder Twine in season. Buggies, IVeggotts Cutters, W e are agents for til McLaughlin Cutters and Buggies and for the - Chatham Wagons. A Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers... ISSETT & JOHNS One Doer South of the Central Hotel, Portland Gement ',UTE HAVE rust received a yuan- TV!ir My of the best grade of Port- yand cement can be had at'either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. W©^L WANTED 5000 lbs. of wool wanted for which the highest Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- . houses. JOS COBBLED== eCillMQe5<-•'nete0186S150f, 6608e117t OUR MOTiO "H��IGHCrvaa:GRADE WORK ORLY' CEN( AL r STRATFORD, ONT. BCur graduates readily secure good Ze positions because our high grade train- S • ins; prservicfies, Businesseparedthemmtoenvendor want $ret:-classrst-class it .rid -workers and have no time to waste up- ct e on the other kind. Commence a course t5 enow and be ready for a position in the w- e fall. Write for handsome catalogue. G W. J. ELLIOTT, e. t Principal .. - CRIEDFINON R Her ills ALL THE USEFUL The offer includes choice of preinluln• Gr • +I} n(j 1} (j� Branches are taught in the F. 0. Be Vi ' 1i 1iU tl�p�ift� COLLEGE. Our students are not pictures entitled-- i ntitlFd— "The iii wrs Fa•ewcll." and guaranteed nice jobs, 'but after $- " On the Edge ,:f the Herd:' r course in this College it will bee DON — 1 V piu No Trouble for 'Them to Hold "'"�=` t Any Position. WEEKLY irr wr ',l tl, a}::� ESii+rsz. y' :,We aid them, if possible to obtain Tin Et h earetyt4't'1,, e 3G+vejie€lt s&.- employment, bat we first equip them during the etnnieee IVOnibs will un-, questioaataly tee tl a, x:les.seyrr we klyR , to maintain the high reputation this:, publicatin : , i',.tIl . c•ter-a €�°asezdian! tissf ct on in flour since re- school bas acquired. homes. It at. t .• eet htlfltaiL'$'.1. great = r ititi311 S t.r reading mat- i modelling oui, I'l'l in • J. 3 � '�`' er number of ter than any t:tirt t Canadian weekly. Principal, Ali the new r ta:,il.zieti its it 14 care Lr ems- sem x� :a .rear:., fully sleeted r:,ee t thesstc reef titres a D 01 =f r. t ia� ll a: w e of the recd r. 50 YEAR ' The General ' c' c. .r `• tem :'I centaln the s, - - EXPERIENCE fuilea as-coator, : s' eti''frrforlrr:,tivn of Ilse, �'` �a¢3 li tine event.,trtn.i.iriagin all ;,art of tbe world. t.i l:o Particular a: ten: i•,:a e given to sable and: provineist se. s. The t t;ri••rlr ural atcti»n will b: reole:e with i eee nfa=•tu::.tiv., [••r ,:t, $„nt+zrt] r:dvt,.,c,+raen» of i 1.G)rldtora. Huron incl Bruce. asrleultuml •••,?•nen. Centributom to this t section will b; Tomcrimen' in thi4 itnpottautj Goxt:ts 24oa u— I'avt;engai'. industry. ( London, depart........ 8.15 A. M. 4 top As. The Magazine Lo: if<::t wit ria' be a mire of = Centralia ............. 3,1 660 informatlt,n upon antt,I,ec,ta w • lob arc at pre- Exeter 110/....g114 !.5 .8.0 sent at• meting public al ten tion Ilfany of the Heiman 0.S& 8,15 article.: will Co brightens:4 by illustrations. TZippen 0, 8.25 c , n73r t we, e t • z •r:acefl d Altogether ..! h s.h re , se The e , .58 e p g•,33 1 ww'•i , • st C.fntan aekty Mall an. 1•.n: fir ate a library r in b I 1 p Y � 10.8 FJ 55 themselves. dna all for she 'eurn of One Dollar ; 'Wiog/tato arrive 11.10 8,00 a SCetr, , Gorr° Bourn— t'a11Pottger - La 1 f , K lx ham, depart t? s,. st, 8,15 P. Ise Clln eft 7.4i 4,25 Weekly Mali .ami Empire to .Ian. 1, 1901-50e! chord 4,gg The Exeter Time.4 to 3:.nne.t y 1. 1804 oeo }Jag zr call 4:97 ¢ ..1.,;,. .�a2 Bothpavcrs.cntto ten`, .is t ai foe 150 until Rx8t6.' 8.34 • VA .1.511307 1,1.001, j Catifralia 8.4g 5'25, Send nr.ter t., office of this paper. l • London,arrive.....,9.37 -- 0.12 • TRADE MARKS ..,. , DESIGNS d ' COPYFIIGHTS &C. a Anyone sending 0 1' ol,l and dee whether may quiettTY ascaetrllr am opinion free tv�iothar an - Invention is mot ebb, patentable. Communion - Lions strictly P,rrrhlontiai, Handbook on Patents - sent tree. (31ow•t n one', for sepuring atonts. n t� kat is tai-<tn. through bIunn 3G co. re caVE' *aim ztotise, w*EthIntt charge, in the d 1 f c Jirittricati. A}randsornel9Illustratece weekly. Largest cera culatton of any neientitleeurnal: Terms, `65 a .year ; tour months, N. SoId by all newasdealers. #�i t & CD 36l8roadway, NewYork Branch Office..25 r St.. y,r,t ab:'e ton, l).0. To Cute a Cold n OneDay- Teke i. La thre Bromo Quinine T ,etslea�� o •_ seven million boxes sold. it1 pastfl 2 months. This r sA z''�� Ifs