Exeter Times, 1903-6-11, Page 8STEWART'S
A. few leaders for June. Values that don't come your way
every day. Come in and see what we are doing.
The last call On Wall Papers. A
'regular .money saver; 25 patterns of
good gilt and glimmer decorated pap-
ers, regular values 18c to 25e, big clos•
ing out bargains, only, per roll, 18c.
12ec for 8 1/2.•. 35 pieces of good
'heavy prints, all goad new. patterns,
fast colors, a sure big bargain, clear-
ing price Stee
9c, new Plaid Giughams, very suit-
able for girls dresses, pink and blue
effects, they're very pretty, our clear-
ing price ouly
50e Union Carpet for 42sc. A very
pretty and new design in choice Union
Carpet, perfect ti•y cent. rattling bargain
only 42=c.
Ladies who wear small shoes can
get a big big bargain from us We
have a lot of 23, 3 and 3; Oxfords and
Toe Slippers, regular values $L25 to
$1,75, %1 e are clearing them at 75c
the pair.
$L00 each.. Ladies' very nifty white
!Shirt Waists, trimmed with tucking
I and insertion, the swellest dollar
waist in the trade, See them.
$1.25 for ;r very .fancy white lawn
Shirt Waist, trimmed with tucking,
)ace insertion and new medallions,.
i $L50 each for our finest white lawn
Shirt Waists trimmed with fold
tucks, insertion and large Medallions,
Ithey're beauties.,
$4.85 each for Ladies' Swagger Rag -
lain Rain Coats, new herring bone
I effects in grey and bronze shads. •
Every lady wants a Raglan Rain
Coat. Do yon ?
97 Piece Dinner'Set
$4.95 for a full 97 piece Dinner Set,
Good hard Semi porceleau, only four
sets left to sell at $1.95.
'4 re want all the Butter and Eggs we can get. Bring
your produce to us, we will use you well.
Ladies' and Children's Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats all
clearing at very low prices.
A Slier is not Much
But it will start a Savings Account with us, 'Start one, it
will he useful some day.
13I IM61-1ES in t1uron Gountl! at Exeter, Graditon, Zurich
and Glinton.
We offer exceptional inducements to farmers wanting to
borrow money to buy cattle, etc.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
F. E. KA R N
Manager, Exeter Branch.
For marriage Licenses,
Weeding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles ate
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Miss O'Neil, ofLondon, spent Mon-
day in town.
Miss Pearl Levitt left this week for
Grand Bend.
Mr. 3. E. Tom P. S. L was in town
this week.
Miss Neelans of Seaforth is the gues t
of Miss Gertie Kemp.
G, Bissett has engaged with G.
Crawley, liverymen.
Mr. 'Wm. Ching, of Hay, left last
week for Edmonton, Alberta.
Miss Seldon of London spent a few
days with friends in the village,
Mr. E. A. Follick spent a couple of
days of last week at Grand Bend.
Rev. Thos. Philps spent Tuesday the
guest of Mr. and Mrs, R. T. Johns.
Mr. C. Lindenfield and H. Evan s
spent Tuesday evening in Dashwood
Mr. Frank Trick, of Clinton, spen t
Sunday and Monday with Geo, Sam -
Rev. Mr, Ball, of Wheatley, was a
guest of his sister, Mrs. Cudmore on
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod are
visiting friends in Seaforth and Eg-
Miss Norma Bobier who has bean
on a visit to Chatham, Detroit and
other parts in Michigan is expected
home this (Thursday) evening.
Miss Kathleen Morton after a two
weeks visit here left Saturday for
Mrs, Richard Seldon and daughter
Maria, of Ingersol is visiting at Mrs.
Geo. Samwell.
Rev. Mr. Brown, of Toronto, spent a
few days this week calling on a few
friends here.
Miss F. Ball, of Wheatly spent the
past week the guest of her cousin Miss
Cora Prior.
Seyeral Farmers report fall wheat
headed out and the prcspects for a fine
crop are good.
Mr, Wm. Trick, of Lake Charles,
Louisania,is the guest of Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Samwell.
Mr, Moses Gardiner left on Wednes-
kay for Reinbeck, Iowa., where he will
spend a short time.
Mr. E. Dickson, of Parkhill spent a
few days of last week the guest of his
aunt, Mrs. 0. Gidley.
Mr. Wm. Trick from Lake Charles,
Louisana,has been spending s few days
with Geo. Samwell.
Mr. J. Wanless, of Buffalo spent a
few days of the week in town the
guest of Miss L. Hardy,
The James street Sunday school will
hold their annual picnic at Grand
Bend in the month of July,
Miss Elizabeth Hill of England
arrived here last week and will reside
with her brother, Mr. George Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cobbledick are
visiting friends in -Clarke; Mrs. Cob-
bledick intends remaining some time.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin attended the
wedding of Miss Mellville and Mr,Mta-
rison at Russeldale on Thursday last.
Mrs. E. A. Follick has been wend-
ing the past two weeks at Grand Bend
and is improving in health every day.
Miss Hattie Pollack and Miss Edna
attended the wedding at Whalen of
Mr. E. Hein and Miss Taylor on Wed-
Dr. and Mrs, Silk, of London, spent
the forepart of this week at the home
of Mrs. Silk's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R.
Mr. Edgar Westcott, of Exeter, and
Mr. Ed. Clarke, of Winchelsea, left last
week for the west where they expect
to locate.
J. T. Of\ftM3
Market Store
Keeps on hand a Fresh Supply of Groceries, Dry
Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c., making a speci-
alty of Staple G-oods and Every Day necessities,
Our Prices are very Low
01Ir ooU ars Good QIkllitu
TEA.—Extra value in 25c Tea, green and black.,
Give lis a Call
,.��1 P9 ROSS
Farm Produce taken at Highest Prices,
B ETE t `i Es, t,UNE nth, loo
Revs. R. Millyard and De. Hannon l
are home frons Winghanr where they
bad been in attendance at the London
Ilfr, Melville Howey who has been
spending a vacation at his home here
has been for some days confined to his
bed through illness.
Miss Cora Fowell and Mrs. Fowell,
who have been visiting friends in.
Woodstock for the past month return
ed house last Wednesd•,v
A very pleasant reception was ten-
dered Rev, R, J. M. Perkins at the
rectory and his newly wedded bride
on Thursday evening last.
Misses Mabel and Alma Brooks and
Messrs W. Mellville and Norman Hern
attended the Morrison—Melville nup-
tials at Fullerton on Wednesday last.
Mr. John Hawkins recently sold a
fine team of geldings to Mr. David
Dunford,.Ilcnsall. for which he receiv-
ed the sutu of $440. It pays to breed
good ll.o'rses,
Mr, Thomas a student of Victoria
university occupied the pulpit in
James street church no Sunday last.
His discourses were much enjoyed by
those present.
Misses Bethaina and Maggie Gard -
heel: of Rembeck, Iowa•; are visi ting
Miss Gardiner, Huron street. They
expect to remain in this neighborhood
for a couple of months.
eUUII1U Prem
Before purchasing do not fail to
call and inbpect our fine collection of
Crystal and Fancy China.
Base Ball Supplies away down in
Fishing Feckle, Rods,Reels,Hooks
etc„ very cheap.
Provide yourself with one of our Ham-
mocks fox comfort during the summer
Giianiton's Bazaar
Levetts Old Stand.
Mr. E. 3. Spackman, Grand Patri-
arch of the Grand Encampment
I.O.O.F., paid an official visit to sev-
eral of the encampments m the east-
ern section this week.
Master Willie Bissett had the honor
of launching one of Mr. John South-
cott's new boats on Thursday last and
enjoying a pleasant row on the beauti-
ful waters of Lake Huron.
Rev. 3, W. Ten Eyck, of Hamilton,
who spent a couple of weeks here with
friends Ieft on Saturday last for Lon-
don and on Sunday occupied one of
the pulpits of that city,
Rev. Jas,ESnell, of Dawn Mills spent
a few days of this week with his fath-
er, Mr. Jas. Snell. Mr. Snell will re-
move from Dawn Mills to Bayfield for
the coming Conterence year.
Rev. George Jackson a former pas-
tor of James street church, who has
been in charge of the Centennial
church, London will remove this year
to Stratford in charge of Waterloo
street church.
A. E. Ames & Co. have issued a
statement giving their present liabilit-
ies at 87.500 000, reduced from $10,140-
000 on May 30. The Atlas Loan Com-
pany of St. Thomas has closed its
M. H. Peterson & Co., apple export-
ers of Toronto. have assigned to E. R.
C. Clarkson, The firm was for years
one of the largest Exporters of apples
from Canada, The liabilities are
$ 75,000.
FRUIT PROSPECTS. — The fruit has
set on the trees but the crop of winter
apples will be decidedly light. All
summer fruits are heavy and the show
for cherries, strawberries and all gar-
den fruit is unprecedentedly large.
Mr. Jas. Creech arrived in town last
week and has taken a position as tai-
lor with Mr. W. Johns. Mr. Creech
was recently married to an Ameriean
lady. They have taken up their resi-
dence in Mr. Creech's former home on
Mill street.
The entrance examinations this year
commence on the 24th of June ; junior
matriculation, district certificates and
commercial diploma, Part II, June 29 ;
junior leaving Part II, senior leaving
honor matriculation and commercial
specialists' examinations, July 2nd.
Rey. Mr. Kennedy. of London, who
was taken very seriously ill at Wing -
ham during his visit to that place is
still suffering from a very severe at-
tack of appendicitis. Dr. Wishart of
London again went to Wingh'am this
week try to preform an operation in
hopes of relief.
Among the lists published in the
Dominion blue boots for 1002 dealing
with the unclaimed balances of five
years and over in the chartered banks
of Canwda there appears the name of
O'Bryne & Do, Exeter, with an un-
claimed balance in the Molsons Bank
of $7.10. dated Exeter Sept, 16, 1878.
Mr. Will Levitt who underwent an
operation for appendicitis on Thurs-
day last has been steadily improving
and his many friends hope for his
speedy recovery to his usual health.
The operation was successfully per-
formed by Dr. Wishart of London,
assisted by Drs. Rollins and Lipid -
man of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard left
Wednesday for Toronto from thence
by boat to Montreal, where they will
take the steamer Ontario which sails
on the 13th for England. They will be
accompanied by Mrs. Pickard's sister,
Mrs. Braune and her husband of New
York who will spend a year in Ger-
The annual nieetingof the Synod
of the Diocesse of uron will take
place on Tuesday, June 16th, in Lon-
don and will be opened with divine
service in the cathedral at 10.30 a. m.
when the Holy Communion will be
administered. The sermon will be
preached by Rev. David Williams,
M. A., rector of St. James' church
Mr, and Mrs. Kay, (nee Miss Annie
Stewart) of Pueblo, Col., accompanied
by their little son spent Tuesday with
Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Stewart leaving on
Wednesday for Toronto and other
Eastern points where they wilt visit
This week we are offering Special Value in Muslins..
See our Fancy Stripe Muslins in
black, navy and linen, Newest, thing
for summer dresses, only 25c a yd.
Fancy Stripe Muslins in blue and
pink, we are going to clear them out
at 15c a yard.
Curtain Net Apligno Border, new-
est thing for sash awl door Curtains.
only 30c yard.
Scarce goods, black and white,Polka
dot and Stripe Mastitis, they are to be
head at Snell & Rowe's for 20e yard.
We have somo nice White Muslins,
fancy stripe, nice for childrens dresses
ar waiste,'selling at 10c.
A very pretty line of Art Muslins,
goods you expect to pay 10c for you
can buy them this week for 5c.
We mention one special line of Lace Curtains 1$1.50 a pair.
s&Uliaa MK Mr dna Bolts.
Ladies' Silk Collars trimmed with
lace and insertion in black and white,
blue and white, very dainty, 50c.
See our display of Silk Belts in black
and white from 25c to $1,00.
Patent Leather Belts 15c to 25c,
Very pretty Wash Collar, white, edged with green, red, bine
and linen, Medallion and Button Trimming, only 25c
A few Ladles' ready-to-wear Skirts going at a price
Black, Colored and Fancy Wool Ask to see our special line of cream
Dress Goods, all clearing at a price. ! cashmere, only 32 1-2c, yard.
Finest range of Valencinnes Laces and Insertions in town
from 2c to 7c per yard.
Summer Corsets, Ladies' Dip Hip Corset, the newest thing,
' rrhe biggest bargain in Exeter, 500 per pair.
Fancy Wool Rugs very fine quality, beautiful colorings.
Regular price $3.25, for $2.85.
We are sole
agents for Queen
Quality Shoe,
best wearing,
best fitting shoe on the market.
Ladies' Lace and
Button Dongola
Shoes, sizes 3, 4,
and 5, only a, few
pair left at 85 cents.
friends returning to Exeter some
time in August for a more extended e
visit. Mr.Kay is Professor of Penman,
ship and Stenography and holds ,;a
position in one of the Colleges in Pile-
James Horton. son of William Hoe,,,
ton of Usborne, who recently gradu-
ated from the School of Science, To-
ronto, has since received from the
registrar of that instition a notifi-
cation to the effect that he has been
nominated as second fellow in chem-
istry. Mr. Horton has, however, a
very good position as chemist with
the Pittsburg Reduction Works, at
Niagara Falls. New York. Mr. Nor-
ton's many friends will have pleasure
in congratulating him on his success
in his chosen profession.
Mr. George Beaman received a seri-
ous injury while at work at Parkhill
last Thursday which has resulted in
laying him up for a time at least. He
was engaged in building and was in
the act of breaking some stones when
a sharp piece of steel off the hammer
flew with such force that it entered
his right limb a short distance below
the abdomen. Mr. Heaman immedi-
ately left for his home here and ex-
perienced extreme agony on the jour-
ney. He has since been laid up and
with rest and quiet it is hoped no
serious results may follow,
WineteD.—A. Q. Bobier wants 100
`hands, men women and children, to
work in sugar beet fields. Parties
wishing employment apply at his
office next Saturday, June 13th. Tui
commence work Monday,
NOTICE—All persons who are owing
the late Jas. Willis, lumber merchant,
Exeter, are requested to call and set-
tle same on or before first of July af-
ter that date they will be placed in
our solicitor's hands for: collection,
when costs will be added.+
We have net advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco -
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To-
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething. with perf,iet success
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take M;s Wiuslow's, Soothing
yrao and ask for no other kind.
iraisExeter and vicinity is invited to C.
eLutz's Drug Store to receive a sample -
The executive of the Methodist free of Rexall Dyes. These Dyes will
Missionary Society has decided to send dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or mixed
Rev. A. C. Farrell, of Penhold, Alba.,7lgoods in one bath. Rexall Dyes are
to China. He will he supported by ,the latest and most improved Dye in
the Carman District Epworth League.
Rev. C. Armstrong, of Ottawa, will
go to Japan, supported by the Young
People's Forward movement, of Galt, ' afternoon last as Mr. Bert Reddy, of
ivtilton and Woodstock districts. Rev. Bethesda, was in the act of unharness -
John McDougall, D.D. saperintendant ing a horse which he had taken into
of Indian Mission Schools of North- , the stall the horse became fractious
west, will go to China, supported by , and iu knocking around crushed the
the Forward Movement of Wiarton, , young man up against the wall eaus-
Mount Forest and Walkerton districts. ing a bad bre:vk of his right arm near
Rev. A. C. Huffman, of Haley, Ont., • the wrist. The two small bones were
will go to China. supported by Ep- broken.
worth League, of Colingwood, -Font SALE -House, stable and. four
The Louden Free Press of. Monday lots corner of Victoria and Andrew
contains ,the following which has ref -
(near Main' st. Meth. chinch)
erance to two young people who have house contains 8 rooms good cellar and
many friends in this place who will es- well and the stable is first class (new)
and up to date, also a lot on east
tend best wishes: A,place
quiet but pretty', side of Andrew street, The whole
wedding took ,place at St. George's I will be sold in bulk or separate to suit
church on Wednesday last, when Miss purchaser. Apply on the premises to
Francis M. Rowcliffe and Mr. Mark
Mitchell were united in marriage. The
Alas, JAS. WILLIS, Exeter.
ceremony was performed by the Rey, I QUIOT MATCH, —A challenge quoit
G. B, Sage, rector, in the presence of , match Wok place here on Friday even -
only the immediate relatives. The ing last between E, Treble and G.
bride was prettily attirred in white, I Walker, earl C. Stewart and J. New -
wearing a wreath of orange blossoms Combe. The contest was watched by
and carrying a boquat of white carna- a large crowd and a great deal of in -
tions. She was accompanied by two ; terest manifested. The game was very
bridesmaids, Miss Annie Brimacombe closely contested and resulted in a vie -
of London, and Miss Ida Mitchell, of tory for the two last named gentlemen
Exeter,who were also attired in white. • by six shots. The score was as follows:
The bride was given away by her ' Treble 26, Walker 29, Total 55 ; Stew -
father, Mr. Philip Rowcliffe. The art 32, Newcombe 29, total 61. A re -
ceremony over, the happy couple re- tura match Bill be played Friday
turned to the home of the bride,where evening next.
supper was served and a pleasant PLENTIFUL SHOWERS. —The general
evening spent. The bride and groom abundance of the rain showers th's
havethe beat wishes of their many y week has brought gladness to the
friends for a long and prosperous Iife. whole of western Ontario. The effect
The presents were numerous and use- I of the draught seemed to be becoming
'>,i11.g World. For sale by C. LuTz,
Di'eagist, Exeter.
BROKE HIS ARM. — On Satit day
more serious. The strawberry crop
Fon SALE— A good second-hand hi.h threatened to become puny
buggy cheep, Apply to J. H, HYND- I 1 If -ripe and scarce now promises well
IVAN, and growers say that the rain saved
FOUND—On Thames Road, a watch, the crop. Some of the more important
Owner can have sande by calling at I from crops
phot e weatherlg audionow
Wood & Fuke's butcher shop, proving dry
same and paying expenses. I are survived by the refreshing rain,
WooL—Wool.-12000 lbs. wool wan- ; FLORAL DAY — Last Sunday was
ted at the Exeter woollee mills either floral Sinalay in the 'Lain street Meth.
washed or unwashed. Highest cash church and services was held on San -
price paid.—Muir & Co,
WANT1eD — Girls, highest wages,
steady employment, also boys .and
daisies ferns were tastefully
young men. Apply at McConiizrolc's of
uand the choir loft while here
NEW I31scurr FACTORY, London Ont, p
day morning last under the auspices
of the Sabbath school, The decora-
tions were beautifully arranged, banks
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
s on each box. 25c.
to ger eral work, and who want to
learn stove plate. Apply giving ex-
perience, references, etc.—The Gurney
Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto.
and there were numerous house plants
foliage arld paltnq. The choir render-
ed special music for the occasion. A
particularly pleasing feature of the
service was the singing by the infant
class as web as qtiattettes and chorus-
es by ether members of the school.
Me. Ii. Huston conducted the services.
The lacrosse team went to Seaforth
on Tuesday and played a gains with
the Seaforth team. Score 86 in favor
EGGS FOR HATCDING. --- For sale, of the home team.
pure bred Stiff Leghorn eggs, non -set- Me. Harry Huston of the Moleons
tees, per sitting 50ce also good early Bank stair leaves this (Thursday)
seed potatoes, thoroughly tested nue- morning for Clinton where be will act
sort' stock, Sc. per pound. `3, E OWJiLL , as 0, substitute for one of the em -
1 ployes of the branch in that place.
Hot Weather Goods
Surnmer is here and you will want
somethiug nice and cool. We have it
here in the newest white and colored
Dress Fabrics.
White Fancy Vesting
The newest thing for summer
Waists and Dresses, in plain, figured
and striped. a nice satin finish on
them. They are big sellers. Come
early and get the newest at 20c,25c,35c
White Organdie and Dimities, all
height new stock. Large range to
select from. They will make a nice
cool dress for the summer. Come and
see the beautiful range,12,15,18, 20,25c.
Indian Linen and Victoria Lawns,
Nice finished goods, 1 yards wide,
extra good quality, something to give
good wear. We have e big stock to
select from, 10, 121-2, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30c.
Japan Silks in all shades, good wash
silk. They make up a beautiful sum-
mer Dress, 25c and 50c.
Louisine Silk, just the thing for.odd
Waists. Only a few shades of $1 for
American Foulards, beautiful finish,
just like silk, and cheaper than print.
A lovly clinging fibre for Sommer
Dresses. We have them in all the
light and dark colors. A snap for ouly
12 1-2c a yard.
A. few spocials we are put-
ting on our bargain. counter.
They are big sellers.
CORSETS. --A big lot of odd Core
sets that were $1.00, for only 400.
MUSLINS—A. lot of real nice pat-
terns to select from in good quality
while they last 5c yard, ,
FLANNELETTES—A. special lin
of 10e Flannelettes of different pat
terns for only 5c ayard.
DRESS GOODS -10 pieces of beatn-
tifnl 50c Dress Goods now selling for
only 20c yard.
To clear out Cheap.
75c Curtitiins for.... ....50
$1.00 Curtains for ......75e
1.50 Curtains for.. .. ��
2.25 Curtains for .. . 1.5t�
3.00 Curtains for .. .. 2,5E
A. beautiful range of Men's and Boys' Straw' and Summer
Hats. The Newest Shapes;
Furniture an
V dert4krn
We Carry Qood Lines in Furniture
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block.
,o.v.... as+ :....
Furnituro! Furniture!
;1:+".f'.ti'.AnY. ,::if. ,-•�,,.,�v�s,. ,..e.iv*`t.L'a,S;,3.�:,,... n'..:,ax+�.x_.arM, r,..:i?r.4ec:v �•�,.*w:.. e:,rrc-,e ....":'k,. r} .. •CuS,-.•
AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un-
dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce
to the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the
largest and best stock of Furniture in the county.
A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest maniapossible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and
get our prices before placing orders elsewhere,
We do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing ore
the Shortest Notice at, Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with
every purchase.
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduate of Embalming College; Toronto,
Rev. David Ramsay who spent the
past week here returned to his home
in Ottawa on Wednesday.
THE ATLAS LOAN.— A statement on
file at Osgoode Hall gives the liabili-
ties c r an of
ties of the At .ts Loan C � n St.
Thomas, which Chancellor Boyd yes-
terday ordered to be wound up. The
Company has on deposit $255,000 in
savings accounts, and is indebted to
bond -holders iu the further sum of
8232,000. The statement gives the
total amount of liabilities, not includ-
ing the paid up capital, as being $0S7,-
000, but no account is given of what
the other, $200,000 consists of. The
Atlas Loan & Savings Company was
incorporated in 1886, and carried on
business until it closed its doors last
week. An assignmeut to the Nation-
al Trust Oampany was made on .lune
4th, The total capital stock of the
concern is 82,000,000, in 20,000 shares
of $100 each. Ten thousand shares
were subscribed and $300,000 paid up
on thein,
SERIOUSLY Hutxr — .An accident
happined on Monday last which might
have cuirninated with more serious
results. Messrs. Walker Kerslake and
Edwin Gardiner while engaged in
building a silo at Mr. Thos. Ratclitre's
on the Thames Road had called in the
assistance of Mr. Ratcliffe, Geo. Cor-
nish and Alpert Spencer in the raising
of a large frame and as these men
were all on the scaffold which was
some 40 feet from the ground one of
the ledgers gave way and the planks
restingon these ledgers were only tied
at one end the whole scaffold gave
way precipating the men to the ground
In the fall Mr. Gardiner had his foot
broken with other minor injuries
while Mr. Cornish and Mr. Ratcliffe
escaped with some severe bruises and
a good shaking up. In the case of Me.
Spencer his injuries were more serious
Dr. Browning haying been called
found that he had received a fracture
of the base of the skull and also break-
ing his shoulder blade. He was ren-
dered unconscious and remained in a
semi-conscious state for some hours.
At time of writing it is expected that
he will now gat along nicely and pull
through, Mr. Kerslake aecaped un -
EPRofler Mill
For Pure Manitoba
Famiiv Flour (stat)
Pastry (Princess)
Wheatlet (Breakfastfoodt
A. good supply of Mill Feed.
and Chop always
on hand.
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
and be convinced that it .
is all right.
Roller and Plate Choppers in use
to suit customers.
-tfi RV EY E l.Oc3
We have nob advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco,
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play 'chew-
ing tobaccos are the sante Bizet andl
price to the Consumer as 40eXinerly,
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January lst 1004' --Tien E1AME TOO