HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1986-01-08, Page 18CLINTON - The Christmas party held
December 16 in the town hall for the Co-
operative Nursery School students, was• a
huge suceess. _.Tire children. • thoroughly en-
joyed visits from Michael Parks, a magi-
cian and Mr. and Mrs. Claus.
During the past term the school has pur-
chased a new sand table, dress -up cupboard
and block box for the children's use.
The neat executibe meeting Will b, , held
January 22 at 7:30 p.m. at 39a Matilda St:
and the next general meeting will be held
March 5 at 7:15 p.m. in the Wesley -Willis
Church basement. There will be a guest
speaker who will address issues important
to parents of pre-school children. All
parents sending their children to the
'n1 Feer tibol'alr �expeeteji'to;0tt�hC 'a •0
Upcoming topics to be covered include a
January Beach Week and Care Bears in
Minirnum wage increased by 50 cents
OTTAWA - Labour Minister Bill
McKnight has announced an increase of 50
cents an hour in the federal minimum wage,
raising it to $4 per hour effective in May
McKnight also announced that there
would no longer be a corresponding federal
youth minimum wage as the $4 per hour
minimum would be applicable to all
employees regardless of age. Formerly, the
Visitors highltght Christmas in Varna
By Mary Chbessell
VARNA - On the Wednesday before
.Christmas, Rev. Wilma Brown entertained
the area people who live alone at a buffet
luncheon at her home. Although the weather
was blustery, 12 people attended the occa-
sion. Some of them were in their late 80s or
older. Elsie McKinley recalled when Belle
Reid was married here.
Bill and Shirley Elliott and their children
Robert and Shannon of West Bay in
Manitoulin Island spent Christmas week
with his mother, Margaret Elliott, and
Shirley's parents, John and Mary Mc-
Les and Jacqueline Hohner and family of
Welland were home for Christmas with
Harold and Gladys Peck, and in Exeter with
Les' family.
June and Bob Webster and girls hosted a
family gathering of the Tinneys on
December 22. On Christmas Day, June's
father was admitted to hospital in Exeter
with heart trouble. He is now making a good
recovery in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mervyn and Margaret Hayter were guests
of Gerald and Lois McFalls of Exeter on
Christmas Day. On Boxin Day they hosted
the Glenn family gatheri g. Present were
Margaret's mother, Gera d and; Ardys of
Hensall and their son Ra dall of Windsor,
Bruce and Jessie and sons ark and Scott of
Toronto, and Glenn and Lois and family.
Varna was in the area that was out of
power on Boxing Day. A few turkeys were
quickly moved to the ovens of relatives
whose power comes from Vanastra or
Zurich. Everyone was grateful for their
wood stoves in the recreation room where
they finished cooking breakfast and started
the turkey for the holiday dinner.
A Birthday Party for Jesus was held in
Varna Church on Dec'mber 23. The children
enjoyed making cards for their parents
while the adults sang carols. Miss Brown leave. Mildred and Krista McAsh played
told, the old familiar story of the Old piano duets during the prelude to the ser -
Shoemaker, then, everyone enjoyed vice. Holy Communion will be observed on
delicious birthday Bakes served by the January 12.
children. Helen Taylor and Margaret Mc- On January 9, the UCW meeting will be
Clymont made the cakes and beverages. held at Margaret Hat'ter's home.- Carol
This is always a lovely party, but the at- Simons
ltsp speak
on thee Indianked among par-
tendance this year was disappointing.
Special music by the choir added to .the number of years ago.
celebration of Christmas at Varna church.
.u1ie and Nancy Webster also contributed People News
with organ and piano duets. Bill McAsh and Bill and Mary Chessell are happy to an -
his grandson Darryn lit the Advent candle. nounce the birth of another grandson, David
Rev. Wilena Brown gave a meditation on Edward William Kreuter, born to their
The Old, Old Story. daughter Marion and her husband Steve of
On January 1, Rev. Gordon Pickell of Stratford. As I write this, I am with them
Goderich led the 'services in Varna and and can report° that David is a dear wee
Goshen while Rew frown is on a study fellow, and good as gold.
Clubsprepare for meetings
By Helen Owen building 2 p.m. on January 13. It is hoped
BAYFIELD - • The ladies of Trinity that there will be a good attendance so that
Anglican Church will be holding their first the club can go ahead with its plans for 1986.
meeting of the New Year on January' 9 at 2 So far the club has made considerable pro -
p.m. at the home of Lilian Beakhust. Make a press since its inception, due to the en -
special effort to attend, and of course, new thusi tsiice cuppurt iof thetf l ee meeting membership. Doris
embers will be welcomed.
Bayfield Garden Club • Hunter invites all present to adjourn t o her
The Garden Club will be holding their an home for refreshments - a practice which is
nual general meeting in the municipal becoming a tradition.
Jonathon Gerits (left), Brandon Roorda (centre) and Teresa Buruma root for their race
cars during an afternoon filled with fun and games at the Clinton and District Christian
School on December 27. ( Alan Rivett photo)
Minister introduces legislation to ban extra -billing
TORONTO - Health Minister Murray
Elston introduced legislation that will com-
pletely ban extra -billing for physicians' ser-
vices, dentistry services performed in
hospitals, and all insured optometry ser-
" vices in Ontario. The Health Care Ac-
cessibility Act will also regulate the
amounts that physicians can charge for ser -
We have all the equipment
you need to make your own
beer and wine.
We rent out bottle
corkers and sappers.
vices insured under the Ontario Health In- cian of choice," Mr. Elston said.
surance Act. "I therefore find it intolerable that today,
Under the legislation, physicians may in some urban centres of this province,
continue to opt in or opt out of OHIP. Those women still have difficulty finding an
who opt out and bill their patients directly obstetrician who does not extra -bill. I
will not be permitted to charge more than believe that it is inexcusable that today,
OHIP rates. Their patients will, in turn, be almost 20 years after insured health care
reimbursed by OHIP. Those who opt in will services became law in this province, pa -
bill the plan directly, as is now the normal tients scheduled for surgery must discuss
practice for most Ontario physicians. with their anesthetist the fee for services to
Mr. Elston said that equal access to health
be rendered."
care was his primary concern in developing
the newiegislation. "We claim that we have
a system where no economic, social, ethnic
or age group will be deterred from receiving
needed health care or from visiting a physi-
Under the proposed legislation, physi-
cians who charge fees higher than OHIP
rates could be liable for fines of up to
Mr. Elston said the government has spent
considerable time and effort in reviewing
the extra -billing issue, how it is practised in
Ontario, and its impact on the health care
Mr. Elston said the nine public informa-
tion forums, held in October and.November,
confirmed, what he personally found in his
travels throughout the province, that the
majority of people in Ontario support the
government's intention to ban extra -billing.
Mr. Elston met personally with a largo.
number of health care consumer and pr
vider groups and sought out, their views on
how to proceed. The issues and concerns
raised at the meetings and public forums
were taken into account in drafting the pro-
posed Health Care Accessibility Act.
Holiday visitors to the news
• .• •
Spending the Christmas holidays away
from home were Dorothy and Noel Flagg of
Clinton. They visited with their sister Rene
Chittley in Dunnville and celebrated their
45th wedding anniversary.
The couple was married in Dunnville on
December 28, 1940 in the. Baptist Church
mango and attended by Rene .and Bus Chit -
Evelyn Hudie, of Clinton, spent the
Christmas season with her family John,
Vicky, Thomas and Jason Hudie in Sarnia.
The entire family spent Christmas Day with
friends Mr. and Mrs. Larry Vanderburg and
Krista and other family in Sarnia.
Mrs. Huddy returned New Year's Eve and
spent' New Year's day with members of the
Robert Glen family at the home of Betty.
Dave and Blain Kelly in Clinton.
Jane Bell has resumed her studies at the
University of Toronto after having spent the
holiday season with her family in Hullett
Nursery school children enjoy party
Incorporated 1833
IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1984
AND IN THE MATTER OF appeals by Vincent Young, Sally Walker, Donald Crich, Alvin
Lobb and others, in respect of Zoning By -Law 6-1984 of the Corporation of the Town-
ship of Goderlch.
THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 3rd day of February,
1986 at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon at the Council Chambers.
Township Offices, Holmesville Village for the hearing of all parties Interested in sup-
porting or opposing these appeals.
If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed
in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings.
In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing a
copy of the decision may request a copy from the presiding Board Member or. In
writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available.
DATED at Toronto this 23rd day of December, 1945.
This Ontario Municipal Board Hearing was scheduled to hear objections which were
received subsequent to the passing of By-law No. 6 of 1984, for the Township of
The purpose of this By-law is to regulate the use of lands and the character, location
and use of buildings and structures and to prohibit certain bulldingt and structures In
various defined areas of the Township of Goderich. The Zoning By-law implements the
Township of Goderich Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to
ensure that the policies of the Secondary Alan aro realized.
Oblectlons were received from:
1. Mr. Jack Pounder & Florabay Inc.
2. Mrs. Vincent Young
3. Salty Walker
4. Donald Crich
5. Frank & Mary Strath
6. Levis Contracting Ltd.
(per John Levis)
7. J.L. Hamill
District Manager
Ministry of Natural Resources
8. Mr. Peter Oohm
Ontario Hydro
9. Mr. R.P. Kaufman
10. Mr. & Mrs. Warren
Mr. Mallough
11. Mr. R.K. Wurtole
12. Mr. G.B. Clancy
13. Mr. Alvin Lobb
14. Mr. Murrary Ragin
15. Mr. Norman Pfekel1
Barrister & Solicitor
16. Mlnlstry of Natural Resources
17. Bill Trick
18. Mr. Ed Harrison
Huron County Health Unit
19. Mr. Alfred Costello
Mr. Wm. Millar
Mr. 8111 Book
Mr. Hens Being*
Ms. Marie Hinwood
Mr. Gregory Hood
Mr. Wm. Fry
20. Mr. Devil! Pye
21. Mr. mem Iftenineway
22. Ms, Olive Little
Mrs. Esther Ross
James Klope
Mr. Gerry Ginn
Mr. Harry Montgomery
Mr. Adralnul VenDlepen
Mr. M.R. Brown
Mr. K.W. Chufer
Mr. Norman Plckell
Barrister & Solicitor
Goderlch Investments Limited
Innlsfrae Park Ratepayers' Assoc.
Robert Gamslln
Robert Macintyre.
John D. Purvis
David Modntyre.
Hans Binder
Wayne Jones & Phyliss Jones
Nelson Miller
Duncan Gillis
Lawrence Crich
Phyllss Crich .
Donald Crleh Sr.
Donald CrlcliJr.
Donald Crinch Jr.
JuiltoBettver '
Fred deans and Ablate Owens
staph E. Lucas
Paul,Crlch and Catherine Crich
Kenneth Crich
Pout ithhthecht and Hildegard* Ehlebacht
Wlnlaen Crleh
3I.. Oitieral Manager
• KII.'i1Ytir'attia
E(t. Ailr. John L Cox
The Ontaticellllereo'eipili tlle3errit'ttiai aiiitl ' d lhli ayIctw In remnant. to shame nopeali.
tethers of &plenaii Ira a nisi kotiif4 for ilh t ton it tri/ Clerk'* OQke.
minimum.wage for persons under 17 years
of age was $3.25 per hour.
Ill announcing the increase, McKnight
said: "The federal minimum wage was last
revised in May of 1981 and this increase not
only reflects the government's commitment
to an equitable minimum wage but also br-
ings the federal minimum wage more in
harmony with the rates in other jurisdic-
Kimberley Hayward Lahr, Germany
Edward John Stewart Toronto
Krista Kuntz R.R. 2 Bayfield
Lisa Flynn Goderich
Willens Ramaker cltnton
Kayley Mills Cnnton
Charlene Townsend R.R. 4 Seoforth
Amber McDougall Londesboro
Kelly Cudmore canton
Robbie Young Auburn
Sandra Lobb R.R. 2 Clinton
Make a Kaleidoscope
Kaleidoscopes have been around since
1619 - thousands of kids have played with
them - and they're not all that hard to make.
To make a kaleidoscope you need:
• scissors
• tape
• glue
• tin foil
• wax paper
• plastic foodwrap
• cereal box
• colored tissue paper
• er
• pepenccil
• 22 identical small hand mirrors
Lie the two mirrors face down and tape them
together -- leave a small gap between each mir-
ror. Cover piece of cardboard the same size as
the rnirror "with lin, foil. Tape the mirrors and
the Cardboard together to makes, triangular box.
Cover one end of the box with plastic � Wrap
end tips s dir . 1f til the box with tiny bits of
the-, add shiny foil if you want. Com
portthe , e d with do film and
a the Mtrrcr triangle and inches Icfg.av
the It sn J, in the eardbott and tape CO mike. s
Jan. 6
Jan. 8
Jan. 9
Jan. 10
Jan. 11
Jan. 12
Jan. 12 -
Jan. 14
cylinder. Cut and put a circle of cardboard to fit
one end of the cylinder, make a hole in the
ire, and tape down. Cover the other end with w
paper. Cover the whole Kaleidoscope with plastic
faodwrs , then with regular paper, and hold it to
the light. Voila! •
The increase to $4 is an increase of 14.3
per cent. Rates in the provinces and ter-
ritories range. from $3.65 per hour to $4.50
per hour.
There are an estimated 600,000 employees
under federal jurisdiction in various in-
dustries such as banking, shipping, air
transport, broadcasting, railways, grain
elevators and pipelines, etc.
Feeders Ltd.
Silo Unloaders
Conveyors -Feeders
R.R. 5
N7A 3Y2
The Township of Goderich proposes to
pass a By -Lew authorizing the closing of
First Street, Plan No. 275 for the County
of Huron. which street is In the Hamlet
of Hol"mesvilie.
Objections` to the passing of such By -
Law should be forwarded to the udder-
slgned on or before January 29.10116:
For further information contact Reeve,
G.H. Stirling, R.R. 2 Bayfield (Phoria
482-7931) ' ":` ,i
R.E. Thompson
::tet L.
wilt City
School of
Waterloo, Ont.
• Barbering
va :t •Ear Piercing
55 Erb St. East
�.. Monday to Frldsy
zee ,",;,4, 8:30 gill to 4:30 inn