HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-6-11, Page 4COBBLED= i -.1B.X :aT,LD T 1 M 11 S, 3 U N !1 11th. 11)04 3, I ens Bank (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1+155) Head Otttee, ale')treat, Oapital (all paid up) - e2,500,00 leeserveh`aud - .- eit.250,00 38 Branches in 011tar,+lo, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia tuid Manitoba. EXETER BRANCH Open Er,'ezy Lawful Day front 10 a. tri. to 3 p. nm„ except, Satin, (lays, 10 a. zxt. tea p. m. Partnere Sale Notes cashed or col- lected, ,11'orms supplied on application. Drafts on all points in theominion. Great Britain and United States bought and scald at lowest rates of err •hange. SAVINGS DEr Afii,TMENT. Deposits of 51.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st. Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed. Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest {sates and on znost favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. ciCii.ON ec CARLING, N. D. HURDON, --».. $OLICITOHS. MANAGER ado 11;trier is 'alendar far June, Bu.'iDAIL.,,..... 7 MONDAY 1 8 TUESDAY 2 9 WEDNESDAY. , . . 3 10 TsmnsnAY. , 4 11 FRIDAY 5 12 SATURDAY .0 la 1903 14 15 •10 1'7 15 19 20 21 28 22 29 2e 30 25 20 27 THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH 1903 THE WEEK IN P tRL'IAlIENT. Parliament Ibis week devotedsever- al sittings to the consideration of Hon A. G. I3lair's 'railway commission bill. Important amendments were offered. by the. Opposition in the tntere;e .s cif eeo.untry distric•l.s. The Militia. estimates were. advanc- ed. 'Sir. Frederick Borden dropped his • proposed bill to amend the Milit is Act. Hon. Sydney Fisher opposedo„ d < mend» lents to the Fruit: Marks Act, which were .intended to benefit fruit grow, - ears. The Customs estimates were taken up and it was again shower that Ger- Man firms have made a general prae- ;tsoe of shipping goods to Cainada,;un- der the British preference, and a large revenue has been lost to the country in this way. The Treeci sofa concessions were given another airing, and the govern- ment: declined to allow the opposition to discuss the terms under which a. teanemession to inve^'stigeto the deal :will be. nA Pointed. it was openly charged that persons in high places ;were paid handsomely for putting through the job. A number of government bills were pressed. The Marine and Fisheries estimates were considered. In this department • as in all others, supplies are bought .withioutttender frotm the few favored •friends of the government. The most exclusive luxuries are p'rovided for government steamers. The employees on these boats are fed with foreign delicacies which the man who pays the taxes could not for a moment af- ford. Thousands of dollars are wast- ed in this way and the every day workman has to pay the price. CRAMPS LIKE BURGLARS come just whentheare not expected and are least welcy ome. One minute erre for cramps is what you want. Nerviline simply acts instantaneously, Its anodyne power is unique -for its composition expresses the highest mod ical progress of the age. Nerviline is a true comfort in the family. for in all derangements of the stomach and bowels it is -an absolute specific. P ecific. I'iv e times greater medicinal value than value than any ether preparation soli is Nerviline. Your druggist sells it o;r caeget it. ROMANTIC CAREER OF 1.0Ri1 • STRATIICO'\ A. • The life of the Scotch boy -now Bar on Strathcona and Mount Royal - • would reed. more like romance •if it •. wore not co -studded with imprubali;i es. People like their romances to be possible; it is •only• from reality that lack "I have used your Hair Vigor for five years and am greatly pleased with it. It certainly re- stores the original color to gray hair. It keeps my hale soft." -Mrs. }tele nKilkenny, New Portland, Me. Ayer's HairVigor has been restoring color to e gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for peeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. 41.00 a bottle, M1 entnisfs. If your druggist cannot supple. you, send ns one dollar acct lira trill exrpreso yeti a bottle, nomad and give the name of your nearest express ethos:. Address J. O. Akits Co., Lowell, Mass, 11 will be endured the touches of extra• eagxaneo tveicll turn standard fiction into fairy, eel to. .Young Donald Smit dreaming tzlr a. Scotch village of um stirring adven tures ot a fur -.trading uncle in • {.ho„ wilds et North America, and after.• wards berg ening fur -•trader , himselei first as. a *leek of the Hudson •l3ay Company in the bletaleest cozener ore its vast territory, "pitiless Labrador." then clizilbing, after years of hard- ship and fidelity, to be a Ogee fait - tor of the company and residentGov- ernor in America, and finally, in his old ago, Governor or the home,,com- pany in Loudon,' .11igit Comnrisioner for Canada, and a beer of the realm -that is romance. -Froin the series 'Captains of Industry," in the • Juno C os'znopoil t TIIE WORLD NEEDS NERVE.. • .Needs it in business, in the study, in the household. irritability, weak- ness, leek of strength -the blue heeli- ing-why they just tell you that y,ou luck -wane. elemell use Ferrozonei. M;y l - What an appiLite • 'you'll get Iiow quickly the color will return to your cheeks, how . buoyant you will feel!. Work). of course You'll work; for you will enjoy it., That is if you will use Ferrozone. It gives nerve strength, muscular endurance, and in- vigorates the brain splendidly. TOO MANY DOCTORS., --r-i-rrr-; Reeently at the convention at stew Orleans of the& American Medical As- sociation, in the p'rioseuce of 4,000 ;or 5,000 physicians, Dr. Billings drew at- tention to the remarkably rapid over. crowding of the medical .profession in the 'United States. In all probability the overcrowding; it us 'great in Can.. add. Ho aid that while the, annual needs of the United States call for about 2,500 additions to the proles sign, the colleges are granting year- ly from 10,000 to 12,500 .• h(ysicialns. Thus from 7,000 to 10,000 young; men aro annually entering a profession with slim prospects before them of a remunerative .career, The situation in the United States will surely oper- ate to check the tendency- of Cana=- dians educated to a professional careler removing to the overcrowded republic Canadian young men anyway should show more originauitty and inde pen- in the choice .of their caree,rs., The development of our natural resources offers opportunities for :much ;more profitable careers in engineering, en electrical study, in laboratory work and in equipment as scientific experts and leaders in manufacturing, • than the rutted and heavily -worn road to the old-fashioned profession. -Herald, Stratford. 'WHY CATARRHOZONE CURES CATARBell. _ et goes to every .affected part and kills the germs that keep up the dis- eased conditions. Catarrhozone never irritates, but stimulates the mucous lining of the nese, throat and lungs to normal action, and keeps the nasal passages free from offensive discharg es. Catarrhozone contains no danger- ous drugs or opitut'es, and is delight- fully pleasant and simple to use. Ca- tarrhozone is au absolut ely certain cure for any fozim • of Catarrh and for a .dollar at druggists, small size 26c. ley mail from Poltson at Co;, Kingston, Ont - A PR):.:"tB;YTERIAIN SUMMER SCHOOL. Considerable interest has bean edi,t- ited by the announcement of a .Sum- mer School of Sunday School and Mis- sionary Methods, to be held in Knox College, Toronto, July 0th to the 10th It will be under general charge of Professor Ballant0-ne, and • aznongse the well-known teachers and speakers to take part 'are: Principal Cavan (New Testam•erit Study); Ree. J. A. T:ar•nbull, L. L. B. (Old Tcatament) ; Prof. Murray, Dalhousie 't niversity, Halifax, anti Dr. 'Tracy, Toronto liin- versity(lreda;gogical Principles and Practice) ; Prof. Beattie, Louisvile, K n t uck - o y,(, 'M' si us ovary lIetiiat]s) ; Ray Drs. 11. P. McKay and E. D. McLaren ,Mission Secretaries; Rocs. Dr. Wp r - den, Dr. Johnston, London, J. A. i1I•,c- Donald, the. Globe. The cost is nom- inal, SL for registration. 'Those from out ot town whether latfes or gentle- men, will be accomodated in Knox Col lege, $5 being the entire cost of board and lodging for the ten days.. Rooms in the college will be assigned in the order of application. An early appli- cation to Rev. R. M. lf•imiiton, Sec- retary, Weston, Ont., is advised as names are coming in rapidly. THE IBEStT 11!!EDICINE. Mrs. 9.1)na G•.oquin, Cape B.aIa, 'N. B., says; "I had an atta,gk of Liver Trouple and Indigestion and decided to try Laxa Liver Pills. They had a better and more lasting effect than any remedy I ever took." "The torture of toothache is quick- ly reiieved by Low's Toothache Gum. Price 10e. Refuse substitutes, BARRED THE RAJAII. The local authorities of Western Australia have refused to permit the Sultan of :rebore, a wealthy Indian protenate to land there. Their refusal is tdebnieatly based upon the ordin-+- once directed against Asiatie labor, The Sultan of Johore, who was on •a pleasure tour, instantly cabled to the 1ml 1 rial reovcrnment and :to King Edward, protesting against the insult but they were rpowerless. JUNE WEDDINGS A pretty home wedding was cele -i• braised. on Wednrrs'lay, May F7i h, a ihs rssid ne: of Thomtt,i Cousins, Iiullett township, his eldest daughter, Miss Lizzie. being united in marriage to George Brownlee. of Tuoke'rsmfth, Ir. Gorier! Cr, ;rirrrrI. yuan teal .•on of. Mr, C lrerlr <, C nr,,ie•n'1, erns trniteri in marriage te els e leetlier il:igfer•e brook, r11.,; le i el :Tr, Toler Nesters. brtaok, ]Hurry, -leeestnesslay even - int; lost.. Tim eerentoee wee perfo•m- et by They. Thee. Attenuant -et • A pleasant event t r tn' g,icr•d at Cho at the home 'of frtrrtea IlleGezry,4vIcs- Gillivray, en Tuesday evening, 1ttay 2(t1, wilco Lis ciaw:atter Italy(;lr,.wa* united in marriage to Alex. A eese:tu son oe Neil Macau, town line, weer.. The happy couple left the following day for Wasllliugtou Territory, whore they will make their home. re- sidencek of Mr. andoMrs.teo G. T. Smith, Stratford, on .{Monday, May 25th tir'h n' their daughter, Maud Bucket, was united in marrilitge to (Mr. John E. Workman, til sunipi:uotxs wedding dinner was partaken of after the core oniony, after which the happy oouple left for Detroit, where alley will take up their residence let 2,37 McCraw avenue. The home or Mr. and Mrs. D. Mee Laren Victoria -at., Gudericll, wast he scene of a very Happy event on Tues- day, of last week, when the nuptials ot Florence E., their eldest daughter, and NobleStniitib,'.nf Smit% Bros., were duly celebrated. The house was totstbSully adorned with •myrit);e, palms, snow•bftlls and peonies, and at. high noon, Rev, Jaines Hamilton tied tis ruatri;tnonual knot. • On Wednesday, at 1 o'clock was con- summated the wedding of Miss Ida I,, third daitgheer of John Welsh, 'ot Stratford, to J. Biggins, of Toroonto, The home of the bridle's father was beautifully decorated, ber favorite flowers, pansies, being conspicuous. The Rev. E. N. Baker, e astor of ache Central Methodist church, pexfor;nved hte ceremony, in the presence of some eerily guest,s, Mr. and a\trs. Diggjns will reside in Toronto. STRATTON'S INTERCESSIONAL. "Ca'n't you forget some of {:het things." -Tho request which Mr. Ham mond, Globe reporter, swears that IIon. lir. Stratton made to him after the Gamey disolousres to the house. Scribe of our mad'ern days; not old, Think of our far flung battle lino Beneath whose tricks and quirks we hold Dominion over scrip and pine. In order to bap 'keep us ye,t, Can't you forget? Can't you forget? The tumult and the shouting crieru Which people raise in' town and mart, Iu calling fur our sacrifice Gives me cold chills right to the heart, In order to help keep us yet,. Can't you forget? Can't you forget? Our old time lead has melt away, On every hand there's smell of fire. Lo ! all our rep. of yesterday, Its one with Nineveh and Tyre. In order to help keep us yet, Can't you forget? Can't you forget? If much that happened should ge•t loose And your tongue tell them all the f acts, 1 ask you now where'd bo the. use, Except to closer bring the axe? In. order to help 'keep us yet,. Can't you forget.? Can't you forget? Oh! hold I palmy in us yourtrust, n Think of the Cap. that noble pard Remember that we're apt to bust, And do not work. your mem'ry hard. In order to help keep us yet, Can't you forget? Can't you forget? • Brant;ford Courier. W. C. T, U. NOTES Our anion meeting now every alter- nate Wednesday. The •noxt regular meeting will be on the 1711i of 'June. Let all the members en:iaa••v r Lobe present. Each erdreati,anal pro;raen that is carried out will repay those who make the effort to ,como. At our last meeting a pommunication was read from the Zurich Union ask - our W. C. N. U. to picnic at theBend with them on the 10th. ANTI• NARCOT (C DEI' .RTMENT. The little roll of rice pt per and to- bacco, sold as cigarettes, are called by some "Ileart Wreakers" -Thepr might also be termed "Brain and Soul wreck ers," for there is not an origan of'r.he body, a faculty of the brain, or are emotion of of the soul that they do not destroy or pervert. It was .i 19 -year-old citizen of Hamilton, Ge.o. A. Pearson, who lest year sent a thrill of horror over Our Provi'nee.by his cold; -blooded murder of an innocent girl. The 'murderer confessed the crime for which ha paid the death penalty, laying the blame upon the cigarette first and then the A little befor in wkisl.ey bottle. & he � same 'city, another boy -degenerate kill ed his mother, and, about a year earn. era Toronto cigarette smoker about 14 years of age, shot his father The editor of Zeal, published in Chi. cage, made a collection of the doings of the cigarette, as recorded in (hp press during 30 days. He culled from thirty -erne newspa'pe,rs, fifty d.isastre ous happenings due to the "paper pipe" Hero is a summary of them:- Two young men were seriously burned through sleeping .with cigarettes in their mouths -a common custom with victims of the habit. Eight serious illnesses, among them paralysis, heart: failure and blindness, ind thirteen deaths were credibed by attending physicians to cigarette poisoning. Twelve crimes (among thein four murders) Were laid at the door of this deadly pest, not by philanthropists or extremists. but: police court records. SOMMOomMeMew Et Undo4 that makes your [try o horses• Five cigarette smokers gave up the struggle to reform and tried with site cess, in three eases to commit suicide, elbv)an °tghere wte'us insane: If the cigarette can do tilts much harm in thirty days, defeat rouse. it accomplish to a year? ']]y all moans Int it be prohibited. MADE MONEY sCOI11t D TUN COUNTRY y xN A But WITII k tL.Sltl BOTTOM Odessa, June 8.--A. lad of 15, named Terkel, who eves nem bac juet tended a tour of Illumine, made under extgzla- ordinary circumstances. His greatest ambition had been to visit foreign countries, but be had no moner. ,ft oeaurred to him !Co take a Margot box with a double bottom. ,A,fter six montes' work he contrived one that could be opened and shut by soorot spri legs. When the box was done ho found n travelling .companion who was willing for a small sum to take oharge of the box and forward it to destinations as directed. Terkel packed himself in the box, and at a convenientgpiace on the way loft it. Ile then marched to the f railway office, proved that his box was ninety-three pounds lighter than it was when shipped and demanded dam- ages. This soheme was worked from place to place, tho railroad and steams boat companies in most eases • being only too glad to settle quietly. Terkel left Odessa with e9 kopeks (about 12 cents) and returned with2,- 000 roubles (about $1,000). just as he w'as about to leave his box for the last time the railway police observed his movements and Terkel was arrest ed. The whole story came out .at gthw• trial, but the judge, taking a meroi. ful view of his adventures, punished him with only three months'imprison- mont. II,URON COUNTY COUNCIL, The county council .met at three o'clock on Tuesday; all the members being present except Mr. PaLtergon, who is sufferingf-rem, an accident,{ 1n addressing the council Warden Kerr e3;pg'essed the hope that Mr, Patter- son would soon recover from his acei- dent. Re also mentioned having aa - tended the good roads loonvegation Ottawa, last winter, and said he wa=. highly pleased with the ele)vglted ideta the people there had of this district. The Warden spoke briefly of the busi ness that would 'come before the coun- cil the mostimportant matter being the reception of the reports from the various municipalities in the county on the question of the good roads a.p.. propriation, the reoomendation of the House of Refuge committee with, rel. Terence to the proposed improvements and the annual equalization of the atssessment. Mr. Kerr also spoke . elf the new county council act before the Legislature by which county councils would be made to (consist of the reev- es of municipalities within the county and expressed himself as in favor of the proposed act. On Wednesday morning the good roads committee re.. ported recommending noaction at pre- sent, as there are a good many muni- cipalities oppposed to the scheme Thirteen municipalities repo><ted in fa vor of the scheme, nine against and one. doubtful. After the good roads bill passes its final reading and its terms are finally settled the county may consider the matter, but in the meantime the matter is left over ,The house of refuge egmmittee re- commended a large addition at the rear of the building making six addi- tional rooms and provision for closets etc. The basement of the addition would provide cover for coal and other supplies. The report passed the council, and tenders for the work are to be received before the next session of the counril. when the contracts will be let. UBITUARy Matthew Hazelwood, a pioneer bf Mullett township, passed from life on Monday, of last w'e,ek, in his eighty- fourth year. Paralysis was the,cause ofd death. h. ' .Phe deceased was a native of Yorkshire, England, and came ..to Cana do in 1851. 1'Vc record this week the death :of a well known citizen in the person of Richard Brigham, of Clinton, aged 78 years and°months, who was stricken with paralysis last Friday and passed awe on N Ionda . Y Mr. Brigham 1 ha ,m wa g s an Englisbman by birth, coming from Yorkshire, where he was born in 1825 He came toelfuron county in 187,6. The !death Crook peace at lot 18, con. 10, Downie, on Tuesday last. rf efrs. john Muir, for sixty years an es- teemed resident of that district. The deceased lady was in her 80(11 lyuar. Her maicllen name was Annie Barry. she was born near Marva, of Scot- tish per;e'ntage. Her husband predee ceased her about throe years ago. The funeral of Miss McDonald, Who died at Clinton, on Sunday, took place Tuesday afternoon from the residence of her nephew, Daniel Graham, Gad- erielt. llay. J•. Hamilton conducted the service. Margaret McDonald was born in Scotland, sixtyenine years ago and name to Canada about the year 1851. Miss McDonald suffered an an- cidcnt in getting up •fno!m a chair" sines then she has been in the 'home at Clinton. One et the . oldests residents of Huron county hes passed away at Rogervilic, in idle . person of Martha McMahon, relict of. the late Matthew Rogers, from whom the acillage, took its name. She had Teaoiled the great age of ninety years and nine months, 'Phe deceased was a native of Scot: - coming to Canada with her husband; about. sixty years ago. After a feev years' residence in London township, they moved to the locality which has since l)tian known as BBoger•ville,.: Mr. Rogers died about seven years ago. GENERAL NEWS ('away School Board has resolved to prosecute all those who employ child- ren under 14 years Of ager Wlbat is known as the •A/miertisa "trade" dollar is being circulated t]'roughout Canada. It is worth about 60c. The Canadian Pacific, Railway Com - panty now hoe a fleet of nineteen steamers on the,Pa'cific Coast, seven of them are deep sett vossois, tllo rest being the coast and river truffle. In addition the company has several fine lake 'steamers ellurning Kootenay wat ors. Rev. W. W. Shepherd, 'than :,tell known Pninei:pal of the Institute ,tut Muncey, While 'driving 'around the farm, last week was thrown forcibly from the rig unto 'his shoulder and and right side, sustaining such severe injuries that lie eueou'nx od on titin--+ day. ,Air. 'Shepherd titres over sixty years of age, and ever since early man hood had been in the ministry. Tho Canadian Freight Association is directing attention to the necessity of fully marking all package freight in accordance with this amended rule "Rath package or piece of less than carload freight must be plainly mark- ed with the information aeteedary to carry it to destination and insure pro- per deli very, even if separated frons the waybill, old marks must be re- moved or effruoed. %Freight consigned to a fpla'ce of wllioh there• are two or more of the same name must not be forwarded unless the name of the county and Province be given. ONE-WAY. RATES To ,many points in the states,* Cal- ifornia, Oregon and Washington, EVERY DAY' The Union Pacific :will 'sell One- way Colonial Tickets at the following rates froh Missouri River torminaals 525,00:=to San Francisco, Los Angeles andxiiany other California points. $20.00 tO Ogden and Salt Lake .City,. X20,00 to Butte, Anaconda and:flel- ena. $25.00 to Bs oka,ne and Wenatchee, Wash. 42500 to Everette, Fairhaven and Neer{ Whatcom via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma"and Se- attle. $25.00 t'o Ashland,Roseburgg,Eug- ene, Albany and Salem, via Bortland. •Tic] ets on,salo daily .Id June 15th•, 1903: From elhica,go to ;St: Louis propor- tionately lowrrates are (n effect by lines connecting with the {Union Paci- fic to all above points. For full information call io'n or ad- dress H. F. Carter, T. P. A., 14, Janes Building, Toronto, Canada. FJ.B. Cha oate, G..Aj 126 W'bodtvard Ave,. De - ',emit Mich. 'G111110 TRUNK Excisions to the 6a1adiaa Northwest At following return fares., Winnipeg Mooseiaw Arcola Regina Binsearth Yorkton Elgin - Tstevan Pr. Albert Grand view Macleod Miniota ; Calgary Moosomin Swan River Waskada Red Deer Wawanesa Strathcona } $30 1 $35 } $40 Goocl going June 4th, June 18th; re- turning within 00. days from date of issue. Good going July 4th, valid to return until Sept. Sth, 1003. Where to Spend the Summer The famous Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Lake Nipissing,.Kawartha Lakes, and the Magnetewan River are reached only by the Grand Trunk Railway Sys:em. Excellent hotel ac- commodation, healthy climate,fishing, ete. Descriptive literature and all in. formation from J. J. KNIGHT, Ticket Agent, Exeter. J. D. MODONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Weekly Mall and Empire mailed to any address in Canada, Great Britain or United States until January 1st, 1004, for The offer includes choice of premium p'ctures entitled "The Miner's l+atewell," and "On the Edge of the Herd." THE WEEKLY Id AIL AND EMPISE during the summer months will un- questionably be the greatest weekly publication a hie h enters Oaaedian homes. It at present containsa great- er number or columns of reading mat- ter than any i,ther Canadian weekly. Alt the news 1 nblished in it is care• fully selected in meet the varied tastes of the rand, r,. The General News Seetton wit' contain the fullest and most complete information of the events transpiring in all parts of the world. Particular attention will to given to cable and provincial nous: Tho Agricultural Section wia bo reply a With information fur he general advancement of atricultural science. Contributors to this met ion will be sten eminent, in this important in lustre. '4'he Magazine Section will els) be a rhino of t information upon suli;o,ts wi,ich aro at pre- sent at. meting public attention Many of the attie'o; will be brightened by illustrations. Altogether the 21 pages, which own pr;sc Tho Weekly Mail and Jihtipire, aio a library in themselves. and all for the sunt of Ono Dollar a year. SPECAAL, Weekly Mall and Empire 10 Jan. 1,1904-60c The Exeter Times to January 1, 1001 50c Both papers sent to any address for 75c until January 1, 1904. Send order to office of this paper. What is Castoria . is for Inf*Yitltts and Children. Castoria is a harmless 'substitltto for Castor Oil, .Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverish ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria, relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stoiluach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. Castoria, "Castoria is au excellent medicine fo. children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.' DA. G. C. OSGoOD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. " Castoria Is se well adapted to childregi that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." 11. A. Altcinia, M. D. Brooklyn, N: I' - THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. NEIN YORK CITY•.., �y, • �ilyC �,,} i<.. •. .:ui 3:',•-�'a? '"'Z .• . t M.• 7-�,,'Sr-'.,J '7�....A� Far We are agents for the celebrated Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Bakes, flay Loaders, Etc,. Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and. Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in season, 1-iggies9 : Waggo nm s and o Cutters.. We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Buggies -and for the Chatham Wagons. A Full Line -of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers.. BISSEITT L JOHNS One Doer South of the Central Hotel. Portland Cement - WE --- WE HAVE'fust received a quan- tity of the best grade of Port - and cement can be bad at either Centralia or Exeter Storehouses. WW1. WANTEn 5000 lbs. of wool wanted for which the highest Market prices will be paid in cash at Centralia and Exeter store- houses. JOS. fib$®®fied3 • .'•3®t i€0300c 008/0@Is®03t OUR MOTTO "NIGN:GRROE PORK ONLY" GENIAL STRATFORD, ONT. 1 ur graduates readily secure good positionsbecause our high grade train- m ing prepared them to render first-class eservices. Business men want first-class • e workers and have no time to waste up- • ® ou the other kind. Commence a .:ourso • now and be ready fora position in the • • fall. Write for handsome catalogue. •• 0 0 ® W. J. ELLIOTT, 41 Principal 4110,841.600841113.0004:100011)60$080 CCR3DITON RoIIir Gristiiog and Chopping Done Promptilll Weare;iviag e xcellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Dry Soft Wood Wanted H era Eh�� Hi;• London, Huron and Bruce. GOLNG.NORTH- Passenger. London depart 8.15 a, m. 4.40e M• Centralia ......... 5,1 6 60 Exeter 9.3C 8.0 Hensall ' 8.44 8.15 Brucefield 9.58 133 Clinton arrive 10.15 i 10 8 00 GOING SOUTH- Passenger - Winghanr, depart 6,63 A, m. 8.15 1'. M Oilmen 7.47 4.25 Brucefield 8.05 4.49 ippen .16 4.67 onsall .22 5.02 Exeter .35 5.10 Centralia 8.46 5.25 London ,arrive9.37 6.12 ALL THE USEFUL Branches are taught in the F. 0. B. COLLEGE. Our students ars not guaranfeed nice jobs, but after as, course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to H.olal Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain employment, but we first equip them to maintain the high reputation this: school has acquired. r WE , Principals. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE A TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a skotch and ddserlption play' quickly ascortalr our opinion free whether an' invention is prol ably patentable: Communion- • tions strictly act 4dentiat. llandbook on Patents• ,out frog. Old.ot ngenoy for securingatenta. Patents tat en through Murat do Co. receive, special notice, without onorge, in the Scientific tricano A -handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr - ciliation ot any solenttlle lonrnal. Terms,. 53 a. Year ; four months, $1. Sold by alt newadealcrs. & CO 361Broadway, New Park Branch Wilco. 625 5' fit. Wast`noton, 7). C. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative promo Quinine .. gets. on every; Seven Million boxes sold inA ° ♦st 2 months, hi '* . d i' L 7 2t�i1,.,' �+ box. 2s5c. p ..., 'This signature, . Cures Grip in Two Days. tie.. •." .. 'tee ete.tereentettente.te. - t=om