Clinton News-Record, 1985-12-23, Page 54Ever wonder what happens to that left TOTE (the shoe -shaped rubber that amen pull over dress $11,9g§ to keep .thein dry ashiny ? Where does It l How does it inevitably disappear frown th, restaurant cloak room, or f`tom► yourfront ha closet? Yo�t 'u tknow that you're going to lose your left E again this winter,and you jst know that the Tote Villain is,notg$ow to strike until there's slush up to -your ankles. Then you'll have to run out GE POINSE Each issue of The Insider's Report, we put one or two new products into the stores on a limited basis to test their potential. Last. Christmas, we test -marketed Extra Large Poinsettias and we couldn't keepthem in stock; This year WVE ,ORDERED OVER 10,000 PgRA-tARGE PLANTS. So when you go house calling this holiday, don't take along an ordinary 0- plant—take along an EXTRA -LARGE POINSETTIA. Your reputation rides on it!!! Only $14.99 at L, LS, NF, Z, SI... NOTICE: Most products in this issue will be instore on Monday, Nov. 18 however, some may not arrive for a week or two. Aviiitability of some products may be limited by supplies available or by lead time required to replenish stocks. Your store manager is your best source of information concerning the approximate arrival date of specific_ products. Be warned some items are in limited supply. When they're gone, they're gone! Please shop early to avoiddisappointment. Sony no rainchecks on Insider's Report items. Price comparisons are based on regular supermarket prices and surveys of specialty stores in the Metropolitan Toronto area. Unless otherwise stated, prices are effective Monday, November 18 to Tuesday, December 31, 1985. Stores reserve the right to limit quantities. Insider's Report Insert: Saturday, November 16, 1985 - Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, Kingston Whig Standard, Belleville Ontario lntelligencer, Stratford Beacon -Herald, Northern Life, St. Thomas Time -Journal, Sault Ste. Marie Star, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, Peterboro Examine ti Ottawa Citizen, Pembroke Observer, North Bay Nugget, Barrie Examiner, Lindsay Post, London Free Press, Brockville Recorder & Times, Orillia Packet & Times, Welland Port Colborne Tribune, Chatham Daily News, K -W Record, Guelph Mercury, Windsor Star, Woodstock Sentinel Review. Monday November 18, 1985 - Wellington Advertiser. Tuesday, November 19, 1985 • Guelph Pennysaver, Wasaga Beach Times. Wednesday, November 20, 1985 - Grimsby Independent, Leamington Post & Sun Parlour Shopping News, Alliston Herald Ancaster News, Beaverton Express, Becton Schomberg Record Sentinel, Blenheim News Tribune, Bolton Enterprise, Borden Citizen, Brantford Pennysaver Caledon Citizen, Caledon Shopping News, Caledonia Grand River Sachem, Cambridge Reporter, Cambridge Times, Cannington Gleaner, Chesley Enterprise, Clinton News Record Crossroads, Elmira Independent, Elmvale Lance, Erin Advocate, Essex'Free Press, Fergus Elora News Express, Goderich Sinal Star, Ingersoll Times, Kincardine Independent, Kinfardine News, Kingsville Reporter, Lambton Sarnia Shopping News, Leamington Post, Luck now Sentinel Mt. Communicator Nanticoke Times, New HamburgIndependent, North Essex News, North Kent Leader, Orangeville Banner, Orangeville Citizen, Oxford Shopping News, Paisley Advocate, Petrolia Advertiser Topic, Port Elgin Beacon Times, Port Perry. Star, Ridgetown,Dominion, Sarnia Gazette, Seaforth Huron Expositor, Shelburne Free Press Stayner Sun, Stouffville Sun, Strathroy Age Dispatch,Sunderland Sun, Tara Leader, Teeswater News, Tekawennake Reportor, The dvertiser, Tilbury Times Uxbridge Times Journal; Wallaceburg Courier Press, Wallaceburg News, Waterloo Chronicle. to a nearby shoe storepay £till rich for a new pair of TOTES. AV .1�y THE H kSSLE AND THE RUINED S OES—BUY YOUR TOTES N AT UP TO 1/2 PIICEIII THAT' RIGHT WE'IRE ��.. OF S' 11 ►TEa::(SMALLx, IRGE)7R ' `HBU 1r JUST $13 TW. , LS, Z, SI. . ' P .disk a OE CVVE OFt THE 100 BEST IGNED PRODUCTS IN THE WORLD" Abatier knives were included in an exhibir' alled THE 100 BEST DESIGNED PRODU l CREATED BY MAN, assembled by the wo renowned Victoria and Albert Museum tri London, England. This exhibition inspired us to ask the 100 -year-old abatler family in Lyons, France, to make a a special 'stmas package for us—a wooden box containing four "full -tang" Sabatier steak knives. "Full -tang" means that t e blade of each knife runs through the handle, giving strength and balance to each finely crafted stainless steel knife. You will be as impressed by the quality �of__these knives as you will be by our price. THESE FOUR FABULOUS STEAK KNIVES 1.1)1 �- OWN WOODEN GIFT PRESENTATION BOX A: t N Y $29.9911! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED!! Available: L, LS, Z. 1/2 PICE So that you can afford to stock up on batteries for the holiday, we're having a 1/2 PRICE EVEREADY SALE! UNTIL JAN. 1, EVEREADY ENERGIZER BA1"1 FRIES ARE ONLY $1.99!! Unbelievable, but true—our twin -packs of Eveready AA, C and D batteries, as well as solo packs of 9V batteries, are each only $1.99!!! Compare to the up to $4.29 charged in many Ontario supers and drug stores!! Available: L, LS, Z, SI. 16 GEORG I E GI RL, IN HER GREATEST PST ' ROLE ASRUD9LPIt THE RED NOSED BULLDOG Code: L - Loblaws LS - Loblaws Superstores NF - No Frills Z Zehrs SI • Selected Independents