HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-12-18, Page 43er, pecetgkger 18,. 1905
How fresh
re Fres
By Sonja Helm=
Would you please explain -how for two reasons:
`fresh" turkeys are sometimes One, if you didn't rinse them,
held for a month in the your muffins would turn out to
supermarket? th o be an atrocious blue, through
preservatives are used on them and through.
when they have a date of some Two, not draining ig would
three four weeks away? How add too much water weight to
safe are they? Wouldn't a the batter, which contains
leavening. With too much water
frozen turkey be safer? B. weight, the muffins won't rise.
Flanagan, Greenwich, Conn. Iff, however, you would like
Donald Houston, administrator to surprise your family with flat
of the Food Safety and blue muffins, just dump the
Inspection Service of the U.S, berries in as is.
Department off Agriculture, FOAM ON CHICKEN SOUP
states that he is not aware of any Whenever I make chicken soup,
turkey processing firms that
establish sell -by dates of more an ugly foam accumulates on
than 10 to 12 days beyond the the surface'of the liquid. What
processing off a fresh turkey. causes this. Should it be
The sell -by dates on whole removed?
birds takes place at the Part of the protein in the
supermarket level. If your store chicken tissue and bone marrow
is actually holding unfrozen that can be dissolved by water
turkeys for such a long period of causes this foam. Stephen
time, you should voice a Pretanik, director of science and
complaint to the management. technology at the National leder because NutraSweet
Department of Agriculture Broiler Council, tells us that the makes me dizzy. But Sonja, •
warm nee (120E -130F). Margarine
regulations do not permit. foam is certainly not harmful;does not need to melt.
your reply preservatives to be added to nor need it be removed from the help diabetics like myself,doesn'tis reader Gradually add liquids to dry
fresh meat and poultry. If there soup. because whenyou sa the ingredients and beat 2 minutes at
is a basting solution that comes Most people remove it, marketplace abounds with medium speed of electric mixer,
with the turkey, the ingredients however, because this healthful and nutritious scraping bowl occasionally.
must be stated on the label. tannish -gray material is unsightly Add 3 eggs and '/2 cup flour,
non industrial liquids,' you are h flour to make a thick
the unne, as everybody knows.
In Harold McGee's book,
"On Food and Cooking," the
author states that until 1980 it
was thought that an odorous
substance called methyl
mercaptan was excreted after
eating asparagus by particular
people who inherited the genes
for this anomaly. They were
called -'stinkers."
Now it appears that anyone
who eats asparagus excretes this
odorous substance, but not
everyone can smell it. Doesn't
she like broccoli?
Heartha Whitlow, St.
Joseph, Mich.: "Perhaps 1 can In large bowl, thoroughly mix
reply to Marion McCracken of 1'h cups flour with sugar, salt
McKee City,. N.J., who and undissolved yeast. Combine
requested information about soda milk, '/2 cup water and
which does not contain margarine in saucepan and heat
NutraSweet. 1 agree with your over low heat until liquids are
4'/2 to 51/z cups all-purpose
'/2 cup sugar
/ teaspoon salt
2 packages dry yeast
'/2 cup milk
' cup margarine
'/2 cup water
3 eggs, at room
'/2 cup chopped
'/2 cup seedless raisins
2 tablespoons pine nuts
I tablespoon anise seeds
/ egg
I tablespoon water
Turkeys in vacuum-packed and unappetizing, causing the
bags last a little longer than soup to look dirty. If you leave
those wrappings that allow it in, most of the foam will
exposure to air. Never choose a ev tually find its way to the
turkey whose wrapping is sidef the pot, where it turns
ripped. Federally inspected into a sticky, brownish film.
turkeys must be frozen within 72 Removing the foam in its active
hours and can keep for a year in state reduces scrubbing time
a solidly frozen state: later.
• As an added precaution, don't
select a turkey that is stacked ODOROUS CONSEQUENCES
above the refrigeration line in OF EATING ASPARAGUS
the case. The only vegetable my 4 -year
old daughter will eat is
asparagus, so I make them for incidence of cancer among
her often even though they are diabetics is no higher than that
of the general population, yet as
so expensive. This is
embarrassing to ask, but could a group, diabetics have probably
When 1 bake Duncan Hines
Blueberry Muffins why is it
talking about fruit juices, which or enoug
have carbohydrates in them, plus batter. Beat at high speed 2
calories. minutes, scraping bowl
"But I have found the
answer! There is one delicious
drink remaining which is still
sweetened with saccharine. It's
Canada Dry's Sugar -Free Tonic
Water, and it's excellent.
"Incidentally, about the fear
.of cancer and saccharine: ,
According to the American
Diabetes Association, the
necessary to rinse the there be something about this consumed alot more
able u
vegetable than the gen p lation." el
blueberries before 1 add them t® g. that would make her
the batter? Edna Stoats, New urine smell so bad?
Brunswick, Texas In 1702 a Frenchman, Dr.
Suzette Michels, consumer Louis Lemery, wrote,
representative with Procter & "Asparagus eaten to excess
Gamble, manufacturers'of sharpen the humours and heat a
Duncan Hines products, called little; and therefore persons of a .
to say that the berries, which are bilious constitution ought to use
packed in their own juice, must them moderately. They cause a •
absolutely be rinsed and drained filthy and disagreeable smell in •
Distributed with The Goderich Signal -Star, Clinton
News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Ex-
positor, Exeter Times -Advocate, St. Marys Journal -
Argus, Parkhill Gazette and Strathroy Age -Dispatch,
Wednesday, December 18,
Published by J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd.;
424 Main St., Exeteri,
Exeter Office
424 Main St.,
London Office
470 Dundas St., London, Ont.,
Suite 02 -
Editor and Advertising Manager - Jim Beckett
Business Manager - Dick Jongkijtd
Production Manager - Harry DeVrles
Sales Representatives - Gordon Stafford and Leslie Readings
occasionally. Stir in citron,
raisins, pine nuts and anise
Add enough additional flour
to make a soft dough. Turn out
onto a lightly floured board and
knead until smooth and elastic (8
to 10 minutes).
Place dough in a greased
bowl, turning to grease top.
Cover dough and let rise in
warm, draft -free place until
doubled in bulk (about 1 hour).
Punch dough down, cover and
let rise again until almost double
(about 30 minutes).
Punch dough down and turn
out onto a lightly floured board.
Divide in half and form each
half into round balls. Place on
opposite corners of a greased
baking sheet. Cut a cross °/z inch
deep in top of each ball and let
rise, covered, in a warrn,
draft -free place, until doubled
(about 1 hour).
Beat 1 egg with 1 tablespoon
water and use to brush tops of
loaves. Bake at 350F fpr 35 to
45 minutes, or until loaves
sound hollow when bottom is
thumped. Remove from baking
sheet and cool on wire racks.
Yield: 2 loaves.
Spices, especially those
associated with the holidays, are
important in this Polish Babka.
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