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Clinton News-Record, 1985-12-18, Page 33
. .; GR 1 1 .46 kg "The Ideal Gift" 8" Pot Poinsettia & Tropical ONO Combination MIN ' * ' * — . Produce U.S.A. Extra Fancy Large Size * Sun Brand Japanese ' Produce U.S.A. Large PEARS or RED * , SEEDLESS ORANGES * Mandarine Oranges DELICIOUS APPLES * * .7' W! , , ,,. •; • ),(f. t f4 ,, •, t;.•,, * * *a, *** . box 1,74 kg 2.18 kg %L lb.** ** 'LrT•-e•••0 X** glllOi0g, Egt.(--. * „. rw, : ..... a., ....' , ° . . '''. i''' ,•—• ' *." . nc . "" •.' , .:. r...: i,,, , i ,. - ,„ Li Afk. , Wo reservelna right to limn quantities to normal homily iequIrements * * •. * EzsfE * Hart's Food Market, Walkerton Roth's Bright Cheese “ause, Bright * ,t E.- z=.. * Angus Village Supermarket, Angus Dutton Food Market, Dutton Scott's Food Market, eaisley * , NJ CO * , Bluewater K Food Market, Corunna Fedy's Food Market, IVIildmay J & F Food Market, Straffordville Scrimgeour's Food Market, Blyth * * Blenheim K Food Market, Blenheim Fierderlein Food Market,'New Dundee K Tilbury Food Market, Tilbury • Shepley Food Market, Port Lambton * 1-'44.1 * Booker's Food Market, New Hamburg Forest Food Market, Forest Kelterborn's Food Market, Milverton Solway's Food Market, Hensall * * Buck's Food Market, Norwich Forest Hill Village Market, Kitchener Krupp's Food Market, Kincardine Steinacker's Food Market, Tara * * Byron Food Market, Guelph • Glencoe Food Market. Glencoe Kuenzig Food Market, Clinton St. Mary's Food Market, St. Mary's * 0 * Coulter's Food ,Market, Southampton Grocery Land, Letitia Heights Plaza, Barrie . Lori -Jo, 581 Downie Street, Stratford The Village Market, St. George * 51'6 * * Coulter's Food Market, Wiarton Glen's Food tVlarket, Meaford Leask's Food Market. Chesley. The Village Market, Burford, * alemann's Food Market. Wellesley Lyons Food Market, Seaforth Wjddis Foods, Point Edward * c.>— Courtland AveAye.iFood Market, Kitchener i -....E *. Hank's Food Market, Hanover Matheson's Food Market, Embro Wingham Food Market. Wingham * fr•e— Don's Food Market, Tavistock Harmer's Food Markel, Drumbo Merlin Food Market, Merlin * l' Dorchester Food Market, Dorchester HartYoung 's Food Market. Teeswater Oldford's Foodmarket, Ridgeway * 1-1 's Food Market. Grand Valley Dresden Food Market, Dresden Produce U.S.A. Fresh CRANBERRIES 12 oz. pkg. Ontario Grown #1 Fresh CRISP CARROTS Ontario Grown #1 WAXED RUTABAGAS ..40,••••••••=4, Produce U.S.A. Canada.#1 CAULIFLOWER q 42. kg Produce U.S.A. Canada #1 Fresh Crisp CELERY STALKS "Great With Cheese Dip" Each uJ “5. Produce U.S.A. Canada #1 Fresh CRISP BROCCOLI 2 lb. bag each