Clinton News-Record, 1985-12-11, Page 45BY Dr. Judith Kuriansky booksi,antgiffigt 800,41W jab. name on Ibe treehouse lease 100.
Pist 27 and have been lac** .frow can I Opp #01ng.ilreubkiff And airan in sex women now
six yews to a sweet, wonde,fid by tfigx faata#010. Want to 100 more tgAptinelilit$.
We havegoit4 set, 41 1 You TatZatt, rite Jane. That's evey, this ,ellan0
giut thOkitig about an die aoessimawomen have a conflict. You urant10,-war t1e:,
old boyfriend and other avid the MAO ing over and Pins in the family
pPine .'
anonymous men who wouki be the woman "giving in," but feat you're not only
rougher and tougher. t imagine Submitting to a demanding lover away the man's Shorts but alai
the type who would sweep me is also a popular sexual fantasy.i what's inside them
off my feet. My husband gives But now you, like many women Your husband is no less of a
in to me a lot. 1 keep our of the 1980s, want to have your man if he's not alway the boss,
or if you also work and
occ ionally make decisions
( ut sex or anything else).
Continued from page (3 minute are clues that a pregnant It's also OK for you to like
THYROID TUMORS: woman may be hyperthyroid. being in charge. You're just nor
USUALLY HARMLESS Because their reproductive used to it. When you grew up,
Statistics indicate that five to cycles are out of balance, your father was probably clearly
10 percent of North Americans women with hyperthyroid the boss or else your mother
will develop a thyroid nodule or conditions may have difficulty pretend he was. But obviously
lump large enough to be getting pregnant. Those who are you got some messages that
discovered in a routine exam by able to maintain a pregnancy women could show some
a doctor. Most of these are may have premature or dominance. As long as you are
harmless fluid-filled cysts. But underweight babies. not totally dominating your
any unusual gmwth should be Since most drugs readily pass . husband and he is not being a
examined and monitored by a through the placenta and may wimp, enjoy expressing your
physician, particularly if you harm the fetus, pregnant or strength iad having a balance of
notice any hoarseness, difficulty lactating women cannot undergo power in your marriage.
in swallowing or swelling in the same thyroid tests and URGE TO CONFESS
nearby lymph glands. treatments as nonpregnant PAST AFFAIR
The doctor should first take a women. I had an affair a long time ago
blood test to determine the blood They can have thyroid blood and since then I decided I'd
levels of thyroid hormones and tests, but should not ingest never do it again because I love
the possible presence of radioactive iodine which can my husband too much. But why
anti -thyroid antibodies. If you damage the baby's thyroid. — if things are better for -as
have a benign nodule, your test Since mild hyperthyroidism now than ever before — would
will likely reflect high or low won't harm the mother or baby, 1 be so obsessed with telling
thyroid hormone and anti -thyroid most obstetricians simply him?
antibodies in your blood. monitor a mild imbalance. It's because things are better
Cancerous tumors show If the thyroid is markedly that you want to clear the slate.
normal levels of hormones and overactive, the physician may After all, what could bring two
no thyroid antibodies in blood prescribe propylthiouracil (PTU) people closer than telling
tests, but such test results do not or methimazole (Tapazole), secrets?
mean cancer; they dc, however, Since these may affect the baby, Prepare for your confession to
require further testing. the dosages kept to a backfire. Instead of being
The doctor may also order an minimum. If the drug therapy charmed by your moment of
ultrasound test to get a sound . cannot contain the truth and reassured by your
• wave picture of your thyroid. hyperthyroidism and surgery renewed pledge of devotion,
However, the ultrasound test becomes necessary, the your husband, like many men,
cannot determine if the tumor is operation should be delayed until may feel (understandably)
benign or cancerous, and a the third trimester to reduce the . cuckolded, angry and distrustful
biopsy may be needed. risk of miscarriage.
If the tumor is cancerous, it is RESOURCES
likely that the physician will Your Thyroid: A Home
recommend removal of the Reference, by Lawrence C. ,1
nodule, plus hormone Wood, M.D., F.A.C.P., David
replacement therapy. Thyroid S. Cooper, M.D., F.A.C.P.,
cancer is one of the easiest to and Chester E, .Ridgway, M.D.,
treat, and cure rates are F.A.C.P. 1982. $13.95 from
excellent. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2
Park St., Boston, Mass. 02108.
HYPERTHYROIDISM AND A comprehensive guide for '
PREGNANCY thyroid sufferers.
Thyroid problems during The American Thyroid
pregnancy are difficult to detect Association, Mayo Clinic, 200
because the hormonal changes of First St. S.W., Rochester, Minn
pregnancy may mimic an 55905.
overacrive thyroid. However, The Thyroid Foundation of
weight loss and a rapid heart Canada, Box 1643, Kingston,
rate of more than 120 beats per Ontario 'K7L 5C8. •
Problem Gland
in the future.
You can relieve your pressure
to tell, and test his reaction, by
talking with him about your
situation as a hypothetical one
Weigh your motives for
telling about the affair against
the possible consequences and
find alternative ways to achieve
your goals. If it's forgiveness
you seek, see a clergyperson or
other counselor. If you want
kudos for your faithfulness, tell
him, "You're the only man.1
When your mind wanders to
the impulse to purge your past,
start talking right away about
what's good between you now.•
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